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Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark
the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.


1 The house owner wants to let out his house
Quiet location, just behind Ampang Parade with A. to a family of 3
B. for at least 2 years
easy access, sets in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
C to a business person
 Large living room fully furnished with 2
sofas and LCD tv.
 3 bedrooms; 1 large with air-conditioner unit
and 2 small bedrooms with ceiling fan
 2 bathrooms with hot shower
 3 minutes walking distance to nearby
business commercial centre
 Perfect for a small family
 RM 1600/ monthly
 Tenure: 2 years minimum
Mr. Mohd Munshi: 016-43030400

When does Christy tell Lisa that she could
From: 2.
start the music lesson?
Subject: Enquiry
A. Next Monday

Dear Lisa, B. Next week

C. Next term
Many thanks for your enquiry. We have noted your
requests to start the music lessons next week.
However, we unfortunately do not have any space
until next term. I attach an application form for you
and ask you to complete it by next Monday.


HOTS Mathematics Competition – registration
Which statement is true about the HOTS
now open! 3.
Mathematics Competition?
Calling all lower secondary school students from
The final four teams will compete
Form 1 until Form 3 students! against each other.

It is an individual event involving

The HOTS Mathematics Competition is a fantastic various challenging activities.
chance to show your mathematical skills. The team with the highest score will
C. represent Malaysia in International
Mathematics Challenge in Singapore.
The four teams which make it to the final stage will
compete in activities that will challenge them to
solve problems. The champions will get the chance
to represent Malaysia in the prestigious
International Mathematics Challenge in Finland!
The second-placed team will go on a short study
tour in Singapore.


4. Which of the following statements is true?
Anyone visiting the park can use the
A. voucher.

The tickets can only be purchased

 Get a RM 30 reduction on ticket prices with this using the voucher code.
voucher. The discount is available to locals
 Tickets available at the ticket office or online. buying more than a dozen of tickets.


 Minimum purchase of 13 tickets
 Available to Malaysians only
 Offer ends on 31st January 2022


To: Form 5 Berlian students
Which of these statements is true about the
Mr. Arul has called the office to say he is delayed
Mr. Arul will unfortunately be unable to
because of heavy traffic along Jalan Tun Razak. A.
teach class Form 5 Berlian today.
He left a message to request the students to
Students from class Form 5 Berlian
continue working on yesterday’s project until he B. should get on with some unfinished
arrives. work for part of the lesson.

Students who are late for Mr. Arul’s

lesson must report to the office first.

Along, did you call the plumber?

6. Which of the following statements is true?

Yes, mum. I called him this morning. They are going to hire other plumber
to solve the problem quickly.

The mother is upset because Along is

Could you please call him again? There is B.
wasting a lot of water.
still water dripping from the main pipe. Too
much water is being wasted. This is not right The regular plumber does not pick up
and God knows how much this damage is their phone calls.
going to cost us.

Maybe our regular plumber is not

available right now. What if we call the
maintenance office, instead? Maybe they
can suggest other plumber to fix this

That’s a great idea! Why haven’t I thought

of that!

Start Start your career with us!
Train to become a fashion designer 7. Which of the following statements is true?

Candidates who are interested to

A. work in the fashion capitals of the
ChaCha House of Fashion is a fast-growing world should apply for this post.
international brand in the fashion industry. Our
There will be more ChaCha House of
branches are in the fashion capitals of the world B.
Fashion outlets in Malaysia soon.
and we are expanding our business to Kuala
C. Fresh graduates can apply for the job.

 Degree in Fashion Design and Fabric
 Able to work long hours
 No experience is required.
Working with ChaCha House of Fashion will give
you many opportunities to explore your own talent
and become an in-demand fashion designer.

Send your CV to:

Closing date: 2 February

8. Which of the following statement is true?

SEREMBAN: A series of school break-ins and The thieves were apprehended by the
thefts came to an end when two students were
caught in the act last night. The boys were caught in the act while
trying to run away.
Two fifteen-year-old boys were caught by the
security guard, while they were trying to climb over The two students were responsible for
C. a series of house break-ins in
the school fence with some stolen goods. The boys Seremban.
had two laptops and some cash with them. The
lock of the staffroom was broken and the place was

Part 2
Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the correct
letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

If you are a teenager, chances are you cannot wait to get rid of acne. If you are an adult, you cannot (0)
believe it is back! Fortunately, there are better treatments now to handle this (9)__________ in an effective

The major determining (10) __________ in who gets pimples is genes. It means you may have inherited a
skin characteristic that (11) __________ you more likely to develop acne. Acne typically appears on your
face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders because these areas of skin have the most oil glands. The
sebum or oil flows (12) __________the glands to the skin surface. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands.
When hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, it causes acne. Certain things may trigger
or worsen acne problem (13) __________ hormonal imbalance and the use of cosmetics, especially heavy,
oily (14) __________.

But fret not! No matter what is causing your acne, there are steps you can take to (15) __________ it.
Firstly, do not poke, pinch or pick on your acne. You risk spreading the bacteria onto other areas of your
face and causing (16) __________ acne to pop up. Instead, you may use some over the counter or
prescribed medication to help lessen the breakout. Next, go easy on your face. Do not use wash cloth or try
to rub your acne away. Acne has nothing to do with (17) __________. Over-washing may only irritate the
sensitive skin on your face. Simply use a (18) __________ soap on your face with warm water. If, however,
self-care remedies don't clear your acne you may want to seek medical treatment.

0. A. think B. believe C. imagine D. understand

9. A. mess B. pest C. problem D. challenge
10. A. fact B. factor C. issue D. decision
11. A. makes B. turns C. forces D. drives
12. A. in B. by C. from D. under
13. A. due to B. such as C. despite of D. as well as
14. A. brands B. mixtures C. skincare D. products
15. A. heal B. prevent C. stop D. treat
16. A. added B. extra C. more D. much
17. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. cleanliness
18. A. mild B. soft C. sweet D. delicate
Part 3
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

I vividly remember the day when Mr. Brandon walked into rural village could improve so quickly. Nevertheless, I
my school. Everyone at my school looked at him in awe. was not discouraged by Mr Jones' indifference. On the
We had never seen a white man in our lives except on contrary, I was even more motivated to prove that I could
television. However, the bespectacled Mr Brandon, a learn English. I spent hours in the library reading English
Clark Kent lookalike, quickly became the heartthrob of language books trying to understand the meaning of the
the women at my school due to his Superman-like good words. I noticed my English was Improving gradually, and
looks. Mr Brandon was one of many young English even Mr Brandon who was my English teacher then,
teachers from the United Kingdom who were sent to rural noticed my improvement, though he made no move to
schools in Malaysia to teach English. He was very help me.
popular among the kampung folk. Mr Brandon finished his term of service in my
Unlike the others, I was drawn to Mr Brandon school and left. However, I continued my efforts to
because of his British accent. I had never heard that master the English language. A few months later, my
accent before, especially since I had never been father's employer gave him an old television set, the first
interested in the English language until I met Mr television set we had ever had in the house. It proved a
Brandon. The way he spoke impressed me so much that blessing, as it played an integral role in improving my
I made up my mind to practise hard and learn English. I pronunciation. I would watch the television shows that
knew it was going to be a great challenge, since I lived in featured characters with the same English accent as Mr
rural Malaysia where nobody spoke English socially. Brandon all the time.
Most people in this part of the country were illiterate and Sometimes, I walked to isolated places in the
did not understand the importance of sending their village to practise speaking out loud in English. I thought
children to school, let alone the value of learning nobody could hear me practising, but one day a woman
English. However, I was determined not to let anything in our village told my mother that I was behaving oddly.
stop me. Luckily, my parents understood what I was actually doing
The next weekend, I travelled to the small town so they never stopped me.
near my village and borrowed a dictionary and some Eventually, they were proud of me when the SPM
grammar books from the village library. The books were results were announced, as I not only gained a distinction
old, dusty and had a musky smell, and looked practically in English Language but also did well enough in all the
untouched, with no folds or creases in sight. The librarian other subjects to earn a scholarship to further my
also gave me some old English newspapers. I returned studies. By then I could read, write and speak English
home with my haul and immediately started reading the well. However, Mr Brandon's accent still eluded me, no
newspapers and taking notes. I spent the entire night matter how I tried.
under kerosene lights reading the newspapers and listing So I decided to further my studies in the field
every new word I read. I wanted to impress Mr Brandon! of English Language at a noted university in the United
At school the next day, I showed Mr Brandon what I had Kingdom. I still don't speak with a British accent, but now
learnt. Mr Jones encouraged me to learn more. However, I know I don't need to. If I meet Mr Brandon one day, he
his words did not have the enthusiasm I expected. will see that a kampung boy from a rural village in
Perhaps he didn't actually think that l, a mere boy from a Malaysia can speak English as well as he can

19 In paragraph 1, why does the writer use the phrase looked at him in awe?
A. He was very popular with all the villagers.

B. He looked like somebody who was on television.
C. He looked different from anyone the villagers had ever seen.
D. He was an English teacher Who came from the United Kingdom.

20. In paragraph 2, why did the writer feel that learning English was going to be a challenge?
A. It is because most of the villagers were illiterate.
B. It is because he had never heard the British accent before.
C. It is because most people in the village did not want to speak English.
D. It is because there were no resources and support for learning English.

21. In paragraph 3, how did the writer describe the books?

A. The books looked new.
B. The books had folds and creases.
C. The books were cheap and out-dated.
D. The books looked like they were unused.

22. In paragraph 4, what was the proof that the writer was working hard to improve his English?
A. He spent a lot of time reading English books and newspapers.
B. He wanted to know the meaning of the English words.
C. He practised speaking English like Mr Brandon.
D. He wanted to impress his English teacher.

23. What was the effect of Mr Brandon's indifference towards the writer?
A. He was discouraged and wanted to give up.
B. He felt helpless as his progress was too slow.
C. He was determined to learn and practise on his own.
D. He felt he needed to please Mr Brandon as much as he could.

24. Why was the television set a blessing to the writer?

A. The family did not have to pay for it.
B. It provided lots of family entertainment.
C. It had helped him to improve his pronunciation.
D. The writer could watch more local television programmes.

25. How does the writer feel about himself in the last paragraph?
A. Hopeful about his future
B. Confident about his abilities
C. Relieved that he could study in university
D. Proud that he is better than his old teacher

26. What is the purpose of the writer writing this article?

A. To look back on his struggles as a kampung boy.
B. To recall his relationship with his English teacher.
C. To show that poor people can become successful too.
D. To share his journey on how he mastered the English language

Part 4

Questions 27 to 32

You are going to read an article about a student who went for a leadership camp for the first time. Six
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each
gap (27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

How Social Media Affects Teens

Teens these days are glued to their phones if they are not busy with their schoolwork. Most of the
time they will be on social media platforms. Is this good for them?

27 They asked 14 — 24-year-olds in the UK to understand how social media platforms

impacted their health and well-being. It was discovered that social media platforms such as Instagram,
Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook all have at one point or another made them feel depressed, anxious, have
poor body image and lonely.

Before the existence of social media platforms, teens would occupy their time by chatting on the
phone, or hanging out at the mall with friends. These face-to-face social interactions actually helped teens
to experiment and try out new skills with their friends. 28

When teens communicate mostly through a screen, they will not be able to learn about body
language, facial expressions and vocal reactions. 29 This might lead them to having problems
making and keeping friends.

Another problem that modern teens face is cyberbullying. It is easier for teens to be cruel to others
on social media platforms because they cannot see how it makes the other person feel. A majority of teens
would never be cruel to their peers in real life. Teens too want to be accepted by their peers. Therefore,
many of them care about their image.

They post cool or pretty photos of themselves so that they can get as many likes as possible. 30
Furthermore, when teens scroll through their feeds and see how great everyone seems, it only adds to the
pressure of looking good. This may lead them to feeling inadequate.

31 If they are waiting for a response from their online friend and it does not come, they know
their friend is ignoring them or is no longer interested in being friends. This may end up making them feel
In the past, if a teen no longer wanted to be friends with someone, they would tell them face-to-face.
Nowadays the friend might just disappear from their screen, and the teen would be wondering what he or
she had done. 32 This too will affect one's self-esteem. Teens should limit their use of social media

platforms. They should try to have friends in real life, instead. It will teach them how to communicate
A Since it is so easy to be connected these days. E Most teens like to know where their friends
teens know when they're being ignored. are all the time.

B Recently, a survey was conducted by the F Therefore. when they do have to

Royal Society for Public Health. communicate with someone face to face,
they may have trouble getting their
message across.

C He or she might imagine the worst about G Teens like to post their pictures on social
themselves. media platforms.

D Modern teens. however, learn communication skills H If a teen does not get many likes or
while looking at a screen, instead of with other comments, this can lead to them feeling
people. depressed.

Part 5
Questions 33 to 40.
We interviewed six teenagers about what money management means to them. Read the texts below and
answer the questions that follow.

A - MIZAN, 16 years old

Learning how to manage money should start from a young age. Children should learn to save coins and
smaller notes first in money boxes and later in personal bank accounts. I believe that when we start
saving money from a young age, it becomes a habit that helps us manage money better as adults.

B - SUI LING, 14 years old

When I was younger, I helped my grandmother sell dumplings. I realised then that no one will end up
hungry if they work hard and know how to save money. I learnt how to manage my money from my
grandmother. We would count our earnings, put aside some money to buy new ingredients and then
divide the rest between spending money and savings.
C - PADMA, 17 years old

I never had to worry about money before the economic downturn. After that, my parents could no
longer afford to buy me a new car for my eighteenth birthday. However, they had practised good
money management when I was a child and had an education savings account for me. I can still afford
to continue my studies.
D - NURUL, 13 years old

My teacher taught us about money management. She told us that we should divide our pocket money
into three categories. We should have different money jars and label them for daily expenses, savings
for emergencies and savings for certain goals like buying a smartphone. I really want to try her savings

E - AMIR, 15 years old

I want to buy games online but my parents told me that it is a waste of money. They are not keen to
even let me spend my own saving on online games. But to me, we should not be saving up everything.
We should be able to enjoy ourselves too. After all, you only live once. Well, I aim to do well in my
studies, get a good job and earn enough to own my own credit card. I can buy anything online then.

F - DIANA, 17 years old

Now that I am in my final year of secondary school, I am starting to worry about financial matters. I think
that our education system doesn't prepare us sufficiently for life after school. I have no clue how to do
things like pay taxes, invest my money in unit trusts or shares, buy life insurance or pay for a medical
card. I think students need a proper course on money management to make us more financially
responsible adults.

Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A - F) describes the following experiences of community service?
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Statements Paragraph

33 I am not prepared to make good financial decisions.

34 I am interested in a new money management technique.

35 I learned how to manage money through hands-on experience.

36 I am thankful that my parents are forward-thinking in money matters

Questions 37 to 40

Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from the
passage for each answer.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

What We Know About Money Management

 Those who save money at a (37) __________________age are more likely to manage their money
better as an adult.
 Do not use up all the money your parents give you; (38) __________________it according to
different purposes including one for savings alone.
 Owning a credit card is a good idea if you know how to manage your money in a (39)

 Try not to (40) __________________money on unnecessary things. Instead, learn to set savings
goals so that you can afford to buy the things that you want by yourself instead of getting your
parents to pay for them.


Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

Cik Khadijah Binti Yaakob Puan Norhazawani Binti Mohd Rawi Puan Wan Nura Binti Wan Hussin
Head of English Panel Form 5 Coordinator Head of Language Department


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