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Grammar bao'> 10 "1 12 3 14 15 16 Contents Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Question Words, Pronouns/Possessive Adjectives .. a maton Present Continuous, Present Simple vs Present Continuous ......- p. 16 Relative Pronouns and Adverbs p. 26 Exploring Grammer (Units 1-3) p31 Revision (Units 1-3) p. 32 Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs), Used to — Would — Be/Get used to ... : p. 33 Time Clauses — Time Words p. 38 Exploring Grammar (Units 4-5) .. pat Revision (Units 1-5) p. 42 Present Perfect ... p. 43 Present Perfect Continuous -...-.0..-- p47 Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous p. 49 Present Perfect vs Past Simple p. 52 Exploring Grammar (Units 6-9) .. p. 56 Revision (Units 1-9) Past Continuous vs Past Simple . p. 58 Past Perfect — Past Perfect Continuous ae . p. 61 Exploring Grammar (Units 10-11) «ps 64 Revision (Units 1-11) ... . p. 65 Will — Be going to — Present Continuous — Present Simple .......0.. Ps 66 Conditionals — Types 0, 1,283 vee. Pe 72 Wishes, Had better — Would rather .... p. 77 Exploring Grammar (Units 12-14) ...... p. 81 Revision (Units 1-14) om - p. 82 Modal Verbs ...... +p 83 Reported Speech .. p93 Exploring Grammar (Units 15-16) p.101 Revision (Units 1-16) .... + p.t02 7 18 19 20 a 2 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 Adjectives — Adverbs, Comparisons .... Too — Enough .. Question Tags Reflexive Pronouns : Exploring Grammar (Units 17-20) ...... Revision (Units 1-20) .. ‘Aran — One/Ones, The Definite Article ‘The’ The Passive The Causative .. Exploring Grammar (Units 21-23) Revision (Units 1-23) .. Nouns (plural/singular) . Countable/Uncountable Nouns, Some — ‘Any — No, A lot of — Much/Many — Afew/Few — Alittle/Little, Both/ Neither — All/None — Either Exploring Grammar (Units 24-25) Revision (Units 1-25) «1... Infinitivey-ing form, Participles ... Prepositions of Movement, Place & Time 2 Some/Any/No/Every body (ont thing/where Clauses of Result, Exclamations .. Exploring Grammar (Units 26-29) . Revision (Units 1-29) Phrasal Verbs Verbs/Adjectives/Nouns with Prepositions Irregular Verbs 103 p.ttz ptt p.116 p.tté p.tt9 p.120 p24 p.129 i132 133 p.134 p.136 p.t45 + pal46 + pel55 - p.t60 + pe62 p.164 - p65 ~ p.166 . p.l7t Yes, | do. Spelling: 3° person singular ‘© Most verbs take -s in the third person singular. Leut — he cuts ‘Verbs ending in -55, sh, -ch, -x or -0 take -es. 1 kiss — he kisses, | fish — he fishes, J match — he matches, | mix — he mixes, | go — he goes ‘Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y and take -ies, try ~ he tries Verbs ending in a vowel + y take -5 only. Ipay — he pays Pronunciation -s/-es in the third person singular is pronounced: ‘¢Js/in verbs ending in /f/, /k/, /p/ or ft/ sounds. he sits © Az) in verbs ending in /s!, Ill, Mi, {ds/ or /z/ sounds. he catches Jz! in verbs ending in all other sounds. he tives Time expressions used with the present simple: always, usually, etc, on Mondays/Tuesdays, etc, in the morning/aftemoon/evening, every day/week, etc, at night/the weekend, etc I don’t run, He/She/It doesn't run, We/You/They don’t run Do | runt, Does he/she/it run?, Do we/you/they run? Yes, we/you/they do. No, I'don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t. No, we/you/they don’t. Yes, he/she/it does. Use ‘We use the present simple for: © repeated actions. She goes to work by bus. habits, routines. They usually go shopping (on Saturdays. permanent states. ‘Mary lives in London. She works at a bank general truths or laws of nature. The sun rises in the east. © timetables. The plane from Moscow arrives at 6:30. sports commentaries. “He kicks the ball and passes it to...” reviews. Brad Pitt acts superbly in this film. narrations. “The prince asks her to follow him...” Fill in the third person singular form of the verbs below. finish > finishes vant. work Write the third person singular of the verbs in the correct box, as in the example. Then read the verbs aloud. ‘e want ¢ miss © know ® go © wake © see © start wish © drink © sleep ¢ speak ® travel © kick * help @ stand © live © kiss © catch © finish * chat miss Ish fy dance jal catch 90 10 wy 1 2 3 4 5 play 6 7 8 9 This is the bedroom of twin sisters, Georgia and Katie, Ask and answer questions about the twins’ habits and hobbies, as in the example. the twins watch TV in bed? Katie play football? . the twins have a tidy room... esses Kai lke reading books! > Does Georgia like dancing? > Yes, she does. .. Georgia like eating fruit? ..... the twins go to school Georgia play the piano? ... Katie like taking photographs? . 4 Read the examples. Match the tenses in bold to their uses. Make one more sentence for each use. She works as a bank clerk, a permanent state 2]_| He usually eats out on Sundays. Seen 3]_] The Earth goes round the sun. timetable f4]_| She calls her friends every day. narrations 5]_] Hens lay eggs. sports commentary 6] ] The plane to London takes off at 6:00 am. f general truth [71] Johnson crosses and passes the ball to Walcott. g lawof nature '8|_| Angelina Jolie acts superbly in Tomb Raider. hh repeated action [B11 when Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf, i routine she gets scared. Complete the exchanges with the present 6 a) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple of the verbs in brackets. simple. What does Emma do? 1 A: & Do you want (you/want) to go to the : theatre? Emma 1) > lives (live) in London. She 2) B: I'm sorry, but | on nae (love) the hustle and bustle of the city centre and the (not/ike) the theatre. | think it's boring. exciting nightife. Emma 3) (work) in one 2. As Your father... ‘f London's most famous hotels near Oxford Street. (not/know) about his surprise birthday party She 4) (start) work at 9:20 am every tonight, right? day. Each moming, she 5) ... (eatch) the Bz NO, he ....es2000 ++ (think) 8:30 am train from her house to the city centre. Emma we are taking him to a restaurant. 8 (help) guests check in and she 3 A; Sarah .. (catch) 7) uw (answer) any questions they have. ‘the bus to school every day. ‘She really 8) (love) her job because: B: Why? .. (she/live) she 9) (meet) new people every day. far from her school? Emma 10)... (finish) work at 6 pm. In the Ao Peter at evenings, she 11) _. (meet) her friends and (chat) with Kathy on the jphone ‘every day! they 12) ue. (QO) to the cinema or the B: Yes. They ... Ve ae theatre. (not/live) near each other, so it’s the only way to stay in touch. Bienen ae 5A: Where. i i, ur with your enc? ) In pairs ask and answer, as in the example. {(g0) to the park. >» A: Where does Emma live? 6 A: What time re B: She lives in London. Does she like London? etc (the train/leave)? B: At six o'clock. We need to hurry. Complete the sentences in such a way as to make the statements true. Use don’t/doesn’t where necessary. Potatoes b con't arow (grow) on trees. ee (live) in Africa. (come) from milk. + (Dott) at O°C. (fall) from clouds. « (eat) leaves. (walk) on land. - (lay) eggs. etenswne Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. wawn 1 1 Tom 1) is (be) at a soccer Seine camp in Brazil. This camp 2). chance to play with some ‘ofthe top Bazan youth players. He and his team 3) (have) ‘wo group training sessions — one in the morning and ‘one in the afternoon. They also 4) et) instructions from some of Brazil's best coaches! In the evening, they 5) _ (wateh) TV oF they 6... (play) board games, At the weekend, they 7) _. (Compete) with football teams from around the country. Tom 8). (learn) a lot of things at this training camp He » vow (ove) playing football and he (enjoy) being there so much that he (not'want) to leave! > 11 Read the fact file about Nathan, Write questions and answers, as in the example. [ Nametiin Narban Seetber 35. London reporter, The Daily ‘surfs the Net, meets Sriends, plays golf Nathan/tive/EdinBurgh? » A: Does Nathan live in Edinburgh? B: No, he doesn't. He lives in London. he/be/30 years old? he/work/ The Daily News? he/ play tennis/in free time? he/like/ wearing suits? Use the phrases to ask and answer questions about Ted, as in the example. what time/Ted/get up? (7:30) > What time does Ted get up? He gets up at 7:30. he/have breakfast/every morning? (yes) ‘what time/he catch the train to work? (8:15) he/ever/ stay late/at work? (yes) he/work/on Saturdays? (no) what/he/do/in his free time? (hang out with friends) Write five sentences, either general truths or laws of nature. Your partner guesses which of your sentences are correct. A Elephants eat meat. B: Wrong! Elephants don’t eat meat. They eat Use ‘Adverbs of frequency show us how often something happens. They answer the question How often .. frequency with the present simple. “How often does Sally walk to school?” “Always. She always walks to school.” | Aaverbs of Frequency We use adverbs of frequency: always 100% usually 75% often 50% sometimes 20% rarely/seldom 10% never O& We often use adverbs of © before the main verb. ‘Alex and Sue often Ken never goes to the cinema on his own. study in the library. after the auxiliary verbs be, have and do, and modal verbs such as can, will, must, ete. Her children are always so polite and well-behaved! Dr Smith doesn’t usually see patients on Sundays. We must always obey the laws. Note: The adverbs rarely, seldom and never have a negative meaning and they are never used with the word not. Tania rarely stays up after micnight. (NOT: Tania doesn’t-sarely stay ...) Peter is a vegetarian, he never eats meat. (NOT: ... he doesat-never eat ..) EE = siete tm oe SEES ‘Make sentences, as in the example. Use the 7 Welvisit/our cousins (*) adverbs of frequency from the key. ee) 8 Phillip/doesn’t send/emails/his friends ( sometimes e rarelyiseldom @ a4 ° 2 Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place in the sentences. 1 Ee COE ara eco i018) 1 He takes us out to dinner. (often) > Alice always gets good grades at school. S HSBEN AIST BON as tery etic anieicsde, 2. Does Sam ride his bike to school? (usually) her house (0) 3. We don’t enjoy the peace and quiet of the ‘countryside. (always) 3 Jenny/play basketball/Sundays (# # ¢) 4M Gants anata eae -4RENEE) 4 Alex/isflate/school ( a 5 1 meet my friends at an Internet café (sometimes) 6 Jim goes to the theatre. (seldom) = Bini hieyigaletoppine/setardays (2:6\5i2) 7 Our teacher doesn't give us homework. (always) 6 you/get up/8:00 am in the morning? (¢ 8 He is late for work. (sometimes) 10 ol weune Tick (/) the appropriate gap in the sentences below to show the correct position of the adverb of frequency, as in the example. Alan can & 7 score football. (never) Do they ..... gO ..... jogging in the morning? a goal when we play (always) Chris ...1. goes ..... to the supermarket on Saturday. (rarely) Does Liana ..... finish work ..... at 3 0 clock? (usually) The postman ..... doesn’t ..... come in the morning. (always) My mother ..... has .... a snack at noon. (often) Our cat ..... likes ..... to sleep on our bed. (sometimes) ‘Aunt Mary ..... Can ..... understand how to use a computer! (never) Put the words into the correct order to form sentences. practice/Jack/football/misses/never > Jack never misses football practice. youroften/films/watch/do? to/does/father/drive/my/always/work/not out/George/late/sometimes/stays breakfast/she/coffee/has/at/seldom my/forget/to/always/set/I/alarm clock rarely/six/the/ John/up/morning/at/gets/in Sundays/not wake /early/on/they/up/usually/do Write true sentences about yourself or your family, using adverbs of frequency. > J always have breakfast in the morning. at the weekend. . inthe evening. esses Of Sundays. in the summer. 6 ‘Ask your partner about his/her habits. Use adverbs of frequency. Tell the class. How often do you ...? © wash the dishes listen to music © cook dinner © watch TV © play sports © goto the cinema © see your friends ® eat chocolate © buy magazines * go shopping © use acomputer @ eat out > Mary sometimes washes the dishes. She rarely cooks dinner. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1 The Smiths always get up late at the weekend. » The Smiths never get up early at the weekend. 2 What's your father’s job? 2 What ... 3. Brian doesn’t ever forget to feed his cat. Brian always .. his cat. 4. Rose and Jack don’t travel abroad very often. Rose and Jack rarely. abroad. doz 8 Correct the mistakes. 1. Tina yest her hair every day. » Tina washes her hair every day. 2. Do you watch TV always in the evenings? 3. lan don’t know anything about the party. 4. Betty doesn’t likes fish. 5. Does she work late? Yes, she do. 6 Do they lives in Madrid? 7 Tom doesn’t sleep early usually. 8 Jim rarely is late for work. ‘We use the following question words to ask about people, | places, things, etc © People: who/whose Who delivers the post to the office? The postman does. Whose car is that? Jim's, ‘* Things: what/which ‘What is used alone or before a noun to ask about things. What books do you like? Science fiction, (What? — There are many books to choose from.) Which is used alone, or before nouns, one/ones (F of, to ask about people, animals or things. Which is normally used when there is only a Uimited choice of answers. Which T-shirt is yours, the blue one or the red one? The blue one. (Which of the two? — limited choice) * Place: where Where is he taking us for dinner? To anew restaurant by the sea. © Time: when/how long (ago\/how often/ what time When does the play start? At 8:00 pm, | think, How long are you staying? One more hour. | How often do you go surfing? Every weekend in the summer months. What time do your English lessons start? 1 Choose the correct item. 1 do we need to make a cake? ‘A Where (B) What = C_How 2s. stars in The Pirates of the Caribbean? A Who B When = C Why .. is your school from your house? ‘A Howmuch — B Howlong C How far. does Sue always carry an umbrella with her? A Which B Why © Who is that pen? A Whose B Who © What. © Quantity: how much Where is Susan? She’s in the kitchen, What is she doing? She’s making a salad, How much sugar do you put in your coffee? Not much, © Number: how many How many people are at this party? ‘About « hundred! how How is Alex getting to italy? By plane. © Reason: why Why is Helen so sad? Because she misses her friends. | Age: how old How old is your brother? Thirty-seven. © Distance: how far How far is your house from the beach? ‘About half a mil ‘At 4:00 pm. ... does Ken hang out with his friends? ‘A Whose B What = © Where do they eat out? ‘A Howoften — B_ How many © How long 8. ...... do the summer holidays begin? A. Whose B Who © When 9 How ...... times do I need to tell you? A much B many long 10 ...... does Sylvia travel abroad? ‘A How long BB Howoften C How far 7 ll ‘Write questions to which the words in bold are 6 the answers. Pierre is 1) 30 years old. He comes from 2) Paris, France, but he now lives in London, 3) because he has a very good job 10 there as 4) a computer programmer. His work is we very close to his house, so 5)he walks to the 12 office every day. Pierre likes doing many things but his favourite hobby is 6) bungee jumping. 13 He is a member of the UK Bungee Club, and Thevery second Saturday they goto Berkshireto fe 4 practise their favourite sport. Pierre also jogs 5 8) for 30 minutes before he goes to work every morning, His favourite singer is 9) Britney Spears and his birthday is on 10) 16% August. EE 4 1. How p old is Pierre? 1 2 Where .. sevens: 3 Wy. 4 ne B 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fill in: where, how old, what, who, how (ong, why, how many, when, how, whose, how much, 6 how often, what time, how far or which. w 1 > Which bag is yours? The brown one. au a 8 your dog's name?_ Rex. 3 ceessesrereseee does your dad wash his car? 5 Every Sunday. 4 seceeees phone number is this? It’s John smith’s. 5 does Helen come back from work? 12 a . isit to the station? About five minutes’ walk. 4 . lemons do we need to make lemonade? Ten are enough. eee €an | find information about lions? On the Internet. ‘is our new geography teacher? Mrs Collins. ee . fs David? He's twenty-three. sssesasseeesenes CaN We get to the museum? Take the number 23 bus. ai does it take Christina to drive to work? Almost half an hour. do you need anew TV? Because my old one doesn’t work. is your mother’s birthday? (On 20" July. milk do we need? Two bottles. Complete the sentences with the correct question wordls). A: & Where are my books? (On the table. Twice a day. do you take your dog for a walk? soeseseeseses Goes Stephen do in his free time? : He reads books. ccessneeroeee is itfrom here to the stadium? About two kilometres. sae is your grandmother? B: She’s eighty-two. do you make model aeroplanes? Br It’s easy, Follow the instructions on the box! 5 _... {5 your house from the bus stop? B: 10 minutes on foot. does Pete live? In Barcelona. Fill in the gaps with the correct question wordis). Then choose the correct answer to each question. > Where is England? A In western Europe B_Innorthem Europe © Innorth-westem Europe {the capital of England? Edinburgh London Liverpool isthe Queen of England? Queen Elizabeth Il Queen Sophia Queen Mary sso. many official. languages are there in England? A One B Two C Four . isthe currency of England? A Euros B Pounds C Dollars Fill in: what or which. colour hair has she got? sesseeee Shall we do this weekend? Let's go to the beach. senses shoes do you tke, the brown ones or the black ones? The brown ones. is your bike? The blue one. fs the capital of Egypt? Cairo. .- is your jacket? The red one, 7 Fill in: what (x2), who, how (x2), how old. Good morning, sir. 1) > How can | help you? Good morning. I’m looking for a birthday present for my son Certainly. 2) . .. are you looking for? Apair of trainers. Can you suggest a brand? OF Course. 3) srssesesssneeereses HS YOUT SON? Fifteen. ‘Well, Nike and Adidas are very popular with teens. 4) ‘sport does your son play? Football. ‘And 5) It's Fabio Cannavaro. Well, Cannavaro wears Nike. Let's look at Nike. B: OK. VG) ssesessees ..-., about these red Nike shoes? B: Yes. They look great. I'll take them. {s his favourite football player? Speaking In pairs, ask and answer questions to complete the questionnaire about your partner. DE 6 Dia j We want to keep giving you the best service we can! Help us by taking 2 moment to fil n our questionnaire. Gender: M (_] F [_] ‘Age: 10-15 (-] 1620 (] 21-25] Overs (J Occupation: . Ibuy CDs: very week [—] every month [] onceitwice a year [] | like reading music magazines because: deat — I prefer to buy music: online [—] = Ilike listening to: pop [—] rock [] jazz [_] > A: How old are you? B: I'm... ete 13 I ET I Me Personal Subject Pronouns. Singular Plural‘ We use personal subject pronouns before verbs as we subjects, instead of the name yeu! oe of a person or a noun. os bes Where's Ben? He’s outside. e it OTe This is Bill. He is five years old. David and Laura are his parents. They are teachers, ‘object Pronouns Bill has got a ball. It’s his ball. It is white. Singular Plural We use object pronouns after verbs or prepositions as objects. me us J know Sue and Kelly very well. ee as I meet them at the park every a weekend, her them it Possessive Adjectives Singular Plural * ~Possessive adjectives show: fn a 1a) that something belongs to somebody. b) the relationship between two or more Bae oe people. his i He is our grandfather. te vise © Possessive adjectives are followed by its nouns. This is my car. Possessive Pronouns Possessive pronouns show that something belongs Singular Plural to somebody. Possessive pronouns are not followed mine ours ay nals yours yours Compare: That is their bike. (possessive adjective) his ‘That bike is theirs. (possessive pronoun) hers theirs Note: There is no possessive pronoun for ‘it’. Note: its = possessive adjective it's = it is or it has We want to buy that house but its Ie’s (lt Is) very cold today. ‘bedrooms are too small. e's (It has) got four legs. 1 Complete the sentences with personal or possessive pronouns. Write S (subject pronoun), 0 (object pronoun) or P (possessive pronoun). 4. Look at Emma, doesn’t ® ste look happy today? 2. Mysister and I love it when our mum makes pancakes for 3. This isn’t my skirt. It's Ann's. This skirt is. : 4 Ican’t find my keys. | don't remember where | put ... 5 Do you see that girl over there? 4s my sister, 6 I'm baking a cake for them because .. love my cakes. é 7 I'm phoning you because need to tell you something important! “ 8 This is her car. This car is . »s 2 Fill in the correct subject or object pronoun. ‘Az Can you and Emma take Ben with you? B: Yes, of course m we can take bm him with Pus. Do you like seafood, Nathan? Bs OS, cseseoee UKE vssoeen & Ot! \: Does Sally like vegetables? B: No, doesn’t like very much. Do you see Katie and Rachel often, Claire? YES. essere SEE seeeneee almost every day Decause ...... all go to the same school. : Do you know much about Greek and Roman history? B: Actually, ......... am learning about ... ‘my history class at the moment! in Where's Tom? isn’t in his room. went out with Laura back in an hour. Do you listen to rap music? listen to ........ all the time. think .ss.enn's fantastic. Fill in the correct possessive adjective/ pronoun. 1. A: Do you know Patty? She’s > my sister. B: You have a very pretty sister! 2A; Is this book Philip's? B: Yes, ......... name is on the first page. 3. A: Why does Christina need a new phone? Br Because ......... Old one doesn’t work any more. 4 A: Where do you and your wife usually go on holiday? : To house in the countryside. : My grandparents live on the same street as you 8: Is the house with the lovely garden 4 Fill in: its or it’s. 1. I'm staying at home today as P it's cold outside. 2 Let's eat here. ..... my favourite restaurant. 3 Budapest is famous for beautiful buildings. 4 Their house has own swimming pool. 5... a mice day today! Let’s go for a walk. 6 Isn’t Nicola’s pet rabbit beautifull . fur is sowhite. Speaking Imagine you are a magazine reporter ‘interviewing a famous person. In pairs, ask and answer questions about his/her daily routine, Use the question words: what, when, haw, where, etc. » A: What time do you get up? B: / usually get up at 8:00 am. Writing Use the answers from the Speaking activity to write a short article about the famous person's daily routine. » Antonio Banderas usually gets up at 15 Form subject + to be + verb -ing Affirmative Negative Interrogative Pa Yes, | am. No, I'm not. Spelling © Most verbs add -ing to the base form of the main verb. eat — eating, work — working, sleep — sleeping Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and take -ing. take — taking, drive ~ driving © Verbs ending in a vowel and a consonant, double the consonant and add ~ing. plan — planning, shop — shopping © Verbs ending in -fe change the -fe to -y and add -ing. die — dying Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at the moment, at present, these days, tomorrow, next week, etc 16 ’'m talking, He’s/She’s/It’s talking, We’ ?'m not talking, He/She/It isn’t talking, We/You/They aren’t talking ‘Am | talking?, Is he/she/it talking?, Are we/you/they talking? Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, we/you/they are. No, he/she/it isn’t. No, we/you/they aren’t. -e/You're/They’re talking Use ‘We use the present continuous: © for actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking, or for temporary actions, that fs actions that are going on around now, but not at the actual moment of speaking. Jane is studying for her exams this week, (temporary action) Now, she is sending an email to her penfriend. (action happening : now) ‘© for fixed arrangements in the near future, They are leaving for London in an hour by train. © for changing or developing situations. More and more animals are losing their habitat due to deforestation. (© with always for actions which happen very often, usually to express annoyance, irritation or anger. Nn He is always biting his nails. (annoyance) Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. Which sentence describes: © a temporary action ® an action happening now a changing situation * a fixed arrangement © annoyance Tom > is washing (wash) his car in the drive now. ease --. (not/study) hard this month. es sesescsesses (Mum/COoK) dinner? The children... (play) football in the garden. (youwatch) TV? The Earth . hotter and hatter. You (always/read) my newspaper. Cathy (have) a party today. - (they/fly) to Athens (get) tomorrow? You . eat (always/interrupt) me when I’m talking. Look at the picture and correct the sentence: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. children /pizza /are/eating/ the? » Are the children eating pizza? seeing/tonight/I/am/friends/my not/coming/Kate/tonight/is/us/ with he/what/is/reading? Peter/studying/not/now/is are/at/now/supermarket/they/shopping/the it/getting/and/is/warmer/ warmer forgetting /you/always/the bill/are/to pay bigger/arowing /cities/are/and/bigger next Saturday/married/are/they/getting as in the example. Use the phrases below. ‘* watch TV ® chat on the phone ® eat.a sandwich © drink a cup of tea © make model planes wenn ‘rs Jones is cooking. No, she isn’t. She's chatting on the phone. Jack and John are doing their homework... Grandmother is steeping. . Mary is istening to music. Mr Jones is reading a newspaper... 18 Present Continuous Read Derek’s agenda. In pairs ask and answer questions, as in the example. Saturday 10, see dentist 0 to karate lesson 1:00pm Sipemarket 4:00 pm ley teas wth 6:00pm Heetall game 8:00pm meet Debbie for —E— 1 see/dentist/Saturday/ 10:00 am? pA: Is Derek seeing the dentist on Saturday at 10:00 am? B: No, he isn't. He’s seeing the dentist on ‘Monday at 10:00 am. go to /karate lesson/Monday/ 10:00 am? {0 to/supermarket/Saturday/1:00 pm? play tennis/ with John/Monday/-4:00 pm? watch/basketball game /Saturday/6:00 pm? meet/Debbie/for dinner/Monday/8:00 pm? ‘Answer the questions in the negative, as in the ‘example. Use your own ideas. Ave you writing a letter? > No, I'm not. I’m doing my homework. Is your friend having a party on Saturday? Is your dad reading a book now? ‘Are your parents flying to Paris tomorrow? Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the verbs: do, study, go, have, play. Come to my party ‘Tony Tony. Meet me outeide ‘Tos Date: Sunday 3rd March hema at 70 today | ee Steet Time: 8:30 Dad, From: Jane Pm at supermarket with Mum. Tony FOOTBALL SAT 4:30 .- Spanish. tothe cinema tonight. 3 Tony and his mum . the shopping now. football at 4:30. a birthday 5 Jane . party on Sunday. Look at the pictures and find the differences. ‘shave a sandwich ® work on laptop _® read magazine © talk on mobile # watch TV * sunbathe © play board game © swim in pool > In picture A Claire Is working on her laptop. In picture B she is watching TV. ‘The present simple is used: ‘The present continuous is used: © for permanent states, repeated actions © for actions happening now, at the moment of or daily routines. speaking, or for temporary actions, that is | She works as ¢ nurse. actions that are going on around now, but not {permanent state) at the actual moment of speaking, She looks after John is working hard these days. (temporary action/ action happening around the time of speaking) Right now he’s sleeping. (action happening around patients. the time of speaking) (routine) © for general truths and laws of nature. Hurricanes happen when ‘oceans get warm during ‘with always for actions which happen very summer months. often, usually to express — (general turth) r annoyance, irritation or = i = | She’s always talking | © for timetables (trains, ‘on the phone. (annoyance) | planes, etc) and programmes. The plane to London takes off at 8:00 om. (timetable) for actions that we have already arranged to do in the near future, especially when the time and place have been © for sports commentaries, decided. reviews or narrations. ‘Melanie is flying to Madrid a) Lewis dribbles the ball hour. (fixed and passes it to Davis. arrangement) (sports commentary) by Laura Hunt acts SESPBIY bu coerrtrd © for changing or developing review) situations. Polar ice caps are melting due to global warming. (changing situation) €) So, the prince tells her ... (narration) Time expressions used with the present simple: always, usually, etc, every day/week/month/year, etc, on Mondays / Tuesdays, etc, in ‘the morning /afternoon/evening, at hight/the weekend, etc Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at the moment, these days, at present, tonight, nowadays, still, etc Look at the pictures and complete the sentences 1-6. Use the verbs below. @ make ¢ play © wash ® watch © water © cycle It’s Sunday morning. Tom p is watering the plants. He usually > waters the plants every Sunday morning. 2. It’s Saturday morning. Kelly and Peter ...-.se0+ their dog. They usually their dog at weekends. 3 Ws6 o'clock in the evening and Lack see dinner. He usually ... dinner in the evenings. It's 7 o'clock in the evening. The Smiths ATW. They... Tevery evening. 5 It’s Tuesday afternoon and Philip and Tom .. tennis, They usually ..... tennis on Tuesday afternoons. 6 It’s Sunday morning. Eric He usually .. 2 Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to their description. 7A] Kangaroos don’t live in France. > present simple [21] Alex and Melanie are flying to aris next Saturday. : I] The tran to Manchester leaves at 7:00 pm. 4[_] Does Sally walk to school every day? [ET] Yaurre aivays telling ties! [61] Frank is living in Rome at the moment. (7) Her French is getting better B]_] Daniel Radcliffe plays the part of Harry Potter. .. 7 20 Se a sports commentary, review or narration repeated action fixed arrangement in the near future emporary situation timetable or programme changing or developing situation ‘expressing annoyance about a frequently repeated action fh general truth or law of nature enavan 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the present 6 A: How long .. (it/take) simple or present continuous, to get from here to Los Angeles by plane? 4 George > Lives (tive) in Brann boutee Scotland but at the coke ..- (yourgo) moment he > is staying cout tonight? (stay) in Spain, B: -+ (come) 2 Tony usually... - 8 A: We. asin = 2 (0) (play) basketball with his friends at the weekend, (on holiday next week, but this Sunday they .. oe) Bi That's nice. Where ....e.s to the cinema. (you/g0)? 3. Lesley often ... (stay) at the office until late in the evening, but today she .... (leave) early. 4° Martha usually the morning, but today it. $0 She ese (take) the traf "santero . (clean) her house on Saturdays, but this Saturday she . (isity her grandmother. 6 Derek Sede se: 5 Fill in with the present simple or present continuous. (finish) work at. (go) home, but tonight Hi, Emmat Bete ian (have) dinner with} mma: Hello, Chloe. Where 1) ® are you calling his friends. (youlcall) From? Chloe: 12) .. (be) in Rome at the moment. Emma: 3) .. yourself? Chloe: Yes, 14) Emma: When 5) home? Chloe: Next Monday and | 6) (need) you to do mea favour. Emma: What is it? Chioe: 17) .... . (your 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form {yourenjoy) of the present simple or present continuous. sess (love) it here. . (you/come) 1 Ab Are you working (you/work) this aftemoon? B: No, 1 ssseee (Go) to the cinema, . (you/want) to come? --s11: (Tommy/sleep) ? (play) jin his room. sssesseee (want) you to see - (yourdo) pick me up from the airport. anything tonight? Emma: Oh! YOU 8) ssssseecosseesesee B: Yes. . sevens (meet) (always/ask) me for favours! 19) ....... Carol for dinner at 8 o'clock. .- (get) tired of it. A ee : a | know, I'm sorry! It’s the Last time. | promise. icrorasibok) so trea All right, What time,10) . : «(your plane/arrive) in London? (leave) Rome at Bi He .. . (work) long hours. Chloe: it 11) 11 o'clock and 12) ... (ane/talk) on the phone? (land) in London at 2 ofelock. B: No, she .. (help) OK. See you on Monday then. ‘Mum in the kitchen. John ae Chloe: Thanks Emmat You're the best sister in the (Come) for dinner tonight. ears 21 6 Read the following extracts and put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. Then, sty what use of these tenses each extract shows. fee: days, it seems like our environment ris } changing (change). Air | pollution levels 2)... Glimate 8) wn more and more forests 4) (disappear) because offiras and many wild animals 5) .. (lose) their natural habitats and 6) ..... .. (become) extinct. On. 1) suman (be) a great action film! The “actors 2), _(give) a brillant performance. ‘The special effects and computer graphics 3) a | (be) spectacular. The story 4) | when two young men §) wom | buried treasure... (rise) rapialy, the (get) warmer every year, . discover) Peasy somes (08) a changa for the | Newton Lakers to tie the game. Gordon 2) ne (ave) the ball and 3). | (98s) it to Rogers, Rogers 4) (hoot) the ball and it 5) son (Sil through the basket! And there 6) nnn: (99) the whistle. | Tie out Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it asin the example. > hove 4 We usually having English lessons on Tuesdays. ® fi 22 ‘2 Most days, Kevin Ssgctsing a lift to school. Today he’s taking the bus B 3. | fly to Rome tonight. I'mleaving for the airport A B inan hour. 4 ace cooking Gnmer everynight or do ou B sometimes order a takeaway? 5 ike comes to school at 8 o'lock every day but today he is being early. B Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or present simple. al Dear Sarah, 11) & am writing (write) from the wonderful city of London! Sally and! 2). (tay) ina nice hotel near the city centre, The weather here 3) great. The sun 4) a Ghine). We 5) : {epend) most of the day sightseeing around London, Right now, we se (td at cf . (drink a in Leicester Square. | 7) delicious cappuccino and Sally 8) (eat) a sandwich. This afternoon, we 9.» 1c) shopping in Oxford Street and then t (visit) Buckingham Palace: ... (have) dinner j | | (love) it here and | (not/wand) to leave! 9 Underline the correct item. 1. Peter and Nancy are going to the cinema every ‘Monday/tonight. 2. Lisa has piano lessons on Tuesdays/now. 3 Does Lucy usually/at present wake up early at the weekend? 4. Sometimes/At the moment he is working on the computer. Betty goes to the gym tomorrow/twice a week. Helen always/at present starts work at 9 o'clock. Tracey doesn’t eat breakfast today/every morning. Helen isn’t studying in her room now/ at night. 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. Claire Henderson 1) lives (lve) in London with her mum, dad, brother and sister. Every moming, she (leave) home at 8 o'clock and she (ake) the bus to school. Her bus (come) at exactly 8:10 and vw (Stat) at 8:30. She usually (get) back home from school at 3:30 in the aftemoon and 7)... - (do) her homework. In the evenings, she 8) for an hour or two and 8) o'dock. At the weekend, she 10)... hanging outwith her fiends Tomorrow, Ciaire 11) birthday party. At the moment, she 12) (shop) for a new outfit with her mum, Her mum 13) (get) angry because Claire can't decide what to buy. Everyone 14)... (hetp) with the party, Her sister 15). é (organise) the food because she 16) (like) cooking. Her brother 17). (have) lots of CDs so he 18) (Sort out) the music, Clare 1) (want) everyone 1 1 Circle the correct item, 1 Pauls...» breakfast at the moment. A doesn't have B has © ishaving listening to jazz music? A. Does she enjoy B Does she enjoys © Is she enjoying Nancy and Stella usually... weekend. A. are going .. the dentist on Monday. hiking at the B goes C go A see B amseeing C sees [David .....e. in the library now? A study B studies —€ studying ‘My mother home from work at 5 pm every day. A get B gets C_ isgetting Is Steve ........ his doctor this morning? ‘A seeing B see C sees Beth usually .... karate lessons on Tuesdays. A has B ishaving C have Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. Do you have any plans for this Sunday? What > are you planning to do this Sunday? ‘Tommy has English lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Tommy has English lessons aweek. Heather is in a pink top and a white skirt, Heather ... a pink top and a white skirt. Philip has an appointment with the dentist on Monday. Philip the dentist ‘on Monday. Bill doesn’t ever eat fish. Bill never ...... fish, 23 24 Stative verbs Stative verbs are verbs which do not normally have continuous tenses because they describe a state rather than an action. These include: © verbs which express likes and dislikes: like, love, hate, dislike, enjoy, prefer, etc. Kate tikes pop musi. ‘© verbs of perception: believe, know, notice, remember, forget, recognise, understand, realise, seem, think, etc. I don’t understand what he's saying. verbs of senses: see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound. We often Laura is smelling the roses. They smell nice. se can or could with these verbs when we refer to what we see, hear, etc at the moment of speaking. The pie tastes delicious. Lisa must be at home. | can see her car parked outside. © some other verbs: be, contain, fit, include, matter, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, ewn, appear, want, ha Julie wants to become a lawyer. (= possess), etc. Some stative verbs have continuous tenses, but there is a difference in meaning, Study the following examples: © [think she’s French. (= believe) ’m thinking about going on holiday. (= am considering) © The soup tastes really good. (= has a really good flavour) She's tasting the soup to see if it has enough salt. (= is testing the flavour of) © Ican see the children playing in the garden. perceive with my eyes) 1m seeing Jim this afternoon. (» am meeting) © Sue looks really well! (= appears) Mandy is looking at some photos. (= Is studying) Some idioms with have include: breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc a bath/shower/swim/party, ete a(n) accident/experience/dream, ete a baby difficulty/fun/trouble, ete have © The coke smells nice. (= has a nice smell) The dog is smelling its food. (= 1s sniffing) © Annie's hair feels like silk. (= has the texture of) Tina is feeling the baby’s forehead. (= ts touching) He is arrogant. (character — permanent state) He is being arrogont. (behaviour — temporary situation) @ He has a beautiful house. (= possesses) He's having breakfast nov. (= is eating — idiom) Compare the examples: Jane has got « sports car. (= possesses) BUT Jane is having breakfast. (= fs eating) { Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1 aie (you like) pop music? B: Not really. | : prefer) rock music. 2 eee (you/know) ‘where John is? Be Hemet +. (have) a shower. 3A YOU eee (look) very tired. : .» (think) I'L have an early night tonight. 4 A What ao (you/think) of Jane? B: She .. see (Seem) to be anice girl. BAL WHO sssecee ene (this car/belong) to? Bal faeercor - (think) it’s Claire's, 6 A: How much . ae (this sweater/cost)? B: £20, and it’s beautiful. It (feel) very soft. Timea 22 (look) great. sav . (you/go) out? B: Yes, John. eevee (have) a birthday party. 3 Ae (not/understand) what you (mean). B: That's OK. I'L explain ft again. ca (you/recognise) the man inthis picture? B: He (look) tike Jack, but I’m not sure. { Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. TAL . (see) there's a very good film on at the cinema tonight. Would you like to go? B: Sorry, | can’t. |... an old friend from school tonight. (see) che Why enter (youftaste) the stew? Tose ifit . (taste) good. I think it... (need) some more spices. seserssnsee (Peter/feel) OK? He (look) really pale. (know). | ee (look) for the doctor's telephone number now. A: Why: ee (youfsmell) the meat? B: Because it... (smelt) strange. | (think) ‘thas gone off. Al svseee (think) about taking a week of to go on holiday i that’s @ good idea. You . (need) some rest, (think) jow nice! You (have) a new computer. Bs Yes, but! (have) difficulty installing this new program. A: Sam avery well-behaved boy. B: Yes, but today he (be) very naughty. (be) usually Speaking Tell the class about the activities you do at the weekend. What are you doing this weekend? | usually go shopping at the weekend. This weekend I'm going to the seaside. Writing Find two pictures and describe them. 25 26 The relative pronouns who/that, whose and which/that, and the relative adverbs where, when and why introduce relative clauses. Relative Pronouns Relative Adverbs people who/that ‘place where s which/that when whose why Relative Pronouns © We use who/that to refer to people. The girl who/that is with Tim is his sister Laura. © We use which/that to refer to animals, objects or ideas, This is the bus which/that goes to Heathrow. © We use whose with people, objects and animals in order to show possession. This is the man whose daughter is a lawyer. © We don’t use a relative pronoun with another pronoun (|, you, he, him, etc). | know someone wio is an actor. (NOT: I know someone who he is an actor.) A doctor is someone who treats sick people. Relative pronouns as subjects or objects © We cannot omit who/which/that when it is the © We can omit who/which/that when it is the subject of a relative clause, that is, when there object of @ relative clause, that fs, when there is, js not a noun or subject pronoun between the a noun or subject pronoun between the relative relative pronoun and the verb. pronoun and the verb. | Iimet a girl. She knows your sister. That's the car. Bob bought it last month. ‘ » | | met a girl who/that knows your sister That's the car (which/that) Bob bought last month. | Relative Adverbs © We use when to refer to time. When is used after nouns like time, period, moment, day and summer. It-can be replaced by that or omitted. 1991 was the year (when/that) Wendy was born. © We use where to refer to places. Where fs used after nouns like place, house, street, town and country. This is the hotel where we stay when we travel to London. © We use why to give reason. Why is used after the word reason. It can be replaced by that or omitted. That's the reason (why/that) he left early.

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