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Self-concept refers to how we perceive our own talents, attributes, and

behavior. I consider myself to be a person that is eager to do new and
difficult jobs. My abilities range from musical abilities to being
unorthodox in my problem-solving approach, however some of them are
somewhat redundant.[ CITATION Che211 \l 1033 ]
My ideal self would be productive and would not be caught short in
areas that require undivided attention, and I would be fearless in the face
of what lies ahead. I believe that having a positive self-image is very
important when facing life; I have learned to embrace who I am in order
to improve myself. I excel in assignments that need unique solutions,
and I am also strong at empathizing with others. In society, I find it
simple to engage, socialize, and make friends. I find it more compelling
to operate as a leader and like to collaborate with a group of people.
Not only have I grown in self-esteem throughout the years, but I've also
become more aware of the responsibilities that I now bear as a
productive and functional member of society. Other people's perceptions
of my actions and attitudes serve as a check on my own performance.
Cherry, K., 2021. The Psychological Exploration of "Who Am I?". [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed September 2021].
How to be safe on the internet?
The internet is a helpful and adaptable tool that many people use all around the
world. While there are numerous benefits to utilizing it, it is critical that we
recognize the challenges and dangers that come with using such a broad medium.
Unwanted access to personal tools and information is one of the most common
hazards people encounter when using the internet; this may be avoided by having a
strong password and two-factor authentication.
We use a router to connect to the internet. Because the router is the primary
gateway via which a user can access the internet, it is critical to safeguard it with a
unique username and password.
Although the majority of the devices and programs we use are safeguarded by
manufacturers, they might become vulnerable to hackers and flaws overtime.
Keeping them up to date is the best way to combat this. [ CITATION Reb21 \l 1033 ]
Encryption and firewalls are excellent tools for preventing unauthorized access to
data. A VPN (virtual private network) provides an additional layer of security.
Crucial data loss is also a prevalent problem; data is stolen through methods such
as ransomware, therefore backing up important data is essential.
All of these solutions, when combined, can provide a secure environment for
everyday internet needs.

Edwards, R., 2021. Safewise. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10, September 2021].

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