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EEE 151 Quiz 7 Solutions

Consider the ODE below, where r(t) is a sinusoidal function with frequency ω.
ÿ(t) + 2ζωn ẏ(t) + ωn 2 y(t) = ωn 2 r(t)
Assume ζ > 0, ωn > 0, and G(s) is the s-domain transfer function defining the system.

1. Determine the equations representing the magnitude |G(jω)| and phase response ̸ G(jω) of the system
in terms of u = ωωn .

G(s) =
s2 + 2ζωn2 + ωn2
G(jω) =
ωn2 − ω2
+ j2ζωωn
Factoring out ωn and substituting u = ωn ,

G(jω) =
1 − u2 + j2ζu
|G(jω)| = p
(1 − u2 )2 + 4ζ 2 u2
Normalizing the function, to solve for the phase response,
̸ G(jω) = tan−1
1 − u2

NOTE: Although the expression for the magnitude response has a ”shortcut” when the
transfer function is in this form, recall from basic math that:
1 p B
̸= A2 + B 2 ̸ tan−1
A + jB A
Take for example,
2 + j3
the phasor of this expression will not be
p 3
22 + 32 ̸ tan−1
Since the real part of this complex number is 13 and its imaginary part is −3
13 .
Note that the magnitude expression is still also a simplification of taking the square root of the sum of
squares of the real part and imaginary part of the complex number as C + jD – normalized equivalent.
Understand why the expression is as such before using it.
2. If ω = ωn , what is the magnitude response of the system?
From the derived expression above, we substitute, u = 1
1 1
|G(jω)| = p =
4ζ 2 2ζ

3. Show that ζ = √12 when the bandwidth is ωn .

by definition, the bandwidth of a system is measured where the magnitude response is -3dB.
Approximately at the corner frequency.
1 1
|G(jω)| = √ =
2 2ζ
when the corner frequency is approximately ωn .
Solving for zeta will return √12

NOTE: The last question is very practical and has proper flow with respect to previous
questions. There is no need to plug in values to the expression for the bandwidth of a
second order system.
Quizzes are expected to be answered while upholding the student declaration.
In order to answer the question by plugging in values into the formula, you would have had
to derive the formula (which is fine but impractical given your time constraints), memorized
the formula (which is not good practice because it encourages mechanical processing instead
of understanding the concept), or copied out the formula from an external source (which is
not allowed).
Make sure you understand and analyze the questions, knowing that problems given for
these types of time-limited evaluation will never require you to spend so much time with
the arithmetic.

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