Back To School

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Welcome Back

Full attendance back in school by KAYLAMASTERMAN
Staff Writer

tudents and staff at Roberson are feeling the effects of the al- charted territory these past years. Mrs.Mcminn says “I think our
tered school atmosphere in response to COVID restrictions. administrators need an extra gold star for their leadership these
These past one and a half years have been far from three pandemic years.”
normal. From Zooms to Google classroom assignments, covid Many students and staff are just happy they get to be back in
has struck school systems everywhere. Students and Staff have school and get a sense of normalcy. “So far, this school year has
gone through phases of fully-virtual school, a-day b-day, and now, been pretty normal, other than the pandemic, but I don’t think
100% attendance back in school. I would wish anything different,” Patel says. Senior Eli Halperin
English teacher Mrs.McMinn says, “I felt much more prepared Pierce says “although I was nervous to go back full-time at first, I
this year than last year because I am looking at am happy now that I’ve been back at school.”
this year as merging the best of both worlds”. “I AM LOOKING After this long process of a very strange one and
Many people feel as if the transition to back to a half years, we are the closest we have been to
school has been well-needed. Freshman Elijah AT THIS YEAR AS normalcy. Latin teacher Mr.Semper says, “I am
Warren says, “I have been excited to return ever elated that students have returned to my class-
since school went virtual”. MERGING THE room, and that we are learning Latin in person,
For others, the transition has been quite a shock
compared to the 2020-2021 school year. Junior
BEST OF BOTH and I am proud of their enthusiasm and ef-
Dhruvi Patel says,“I definitely think I wasn’t WORLDS” For many students at TC Roberson, this is their
prepared to return to school full-time, It is dif- first full close to normal year of highschool.
ferent seeing so many more people at school and Halperin Pierce says, “Because of COVID, 75%
it’s kind of hard adjusting to the normal school of students in highschool right now have never
schedule.” Alongside Patel, sophomore Sarah Al- CHRISTINA MCMINN had a full year of normal highschool”. Although
lison shares how she feels as if the transition has school life isn’t quite like it was back in 2019, it is
been on the tougher side. “It’s been very difficult for me to focus the closest it’s been in almost two years.
because of the struggle between sports and school,” says Allison.
Alongside students being affected greatly by the strange covid
atmosphere, staff especially have had to navigate through un-

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