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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise

Personal Directory

Product specifications contained in this document are subject to change

without notice. Products and services described in this document may not be
offered in every country. For the most current information, please contact
your Alcatel representative or your Alcatel equipment provider.

Copyright (c) 2006 Alcatel. All rights reserved for all countries. This
document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express
written permission of Alcatel.

Alcatel® and the Alcatel logo are registered trademarks of Alcatel. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The CE mark indicates that this product conforms to the following Council
- 89/336/CEE (concerning electro-magnetic compatibility)
- 73/23/CEE (concerning electrical safety)
- 1999/5/CE (R&TTE)


Chapter 1

 Overview .................................................................................................... 1.1

Chapter 2
Basic description

 Basic Description ................................................................................... 2.1

Chapter 3
Configuration procedure

 Managing Analog Sets ......................................................................... 3.1

 Rights ........................................................................................................... 3.1
 Declaring Prefixes ....................................................................................... 3.1
 Configuring Directory Keys ................................................................ 3.1
 On 4035 Sets and Sets without Soft Keys ................................................. 3.1
 On Sets with Soft Keys ............................................................................... 3.2
 Assigning a Programmable Key to a Phone Number ............... 3.2


Chapter 4

 On Analog and 4004 Sets .................................................................... 4.1

 On Reflexes Sets .................................................................................... 4.1
 On Alcatel 8 and 9 Series Sets .......................................................... 4.2




1.1 Overview
The directory is personal to users. It is created for a specific set in management. For most
types of set, users may configure personal directory keys on their set (see the user guides for
the different sets).


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Chapter 1 !"" #


   !"" #


2.1 Basic Description

The number and type of keys available for the personal directory vary depending on set type:
- Alcatel 4028/4029/4038/4039/4068 sets: up to 72 user programmable keys can be used for
personal directory entries.
- Alcatel 4018 IP Touch, 4019 and MIPT sets: 12 entries.
Access by pressing the directory key on 4008 and 4018 IP Touch and 4019 sets.
- Reflexes 4035 set: any dynamic keys available and the programmable keys on the set or
- Reflexes 4020 set: the key, associated with the twelve (0 to 9, * and #) numeric
keypad keys set and the programmable keys on the extension.
- Reflexes 4010 set: the key, associated with the twelve (0 to 9, * and #) numeric
keypad keys set, programmable keys.
- Reflexes 4004 set: the key, associated with the twelve (0 to 9, * and #) numeric
keypad keys set, programmable keys.
- Analog sets: the numeric keypad (0 to 9, * and # keys). Two prefixes respectively allow the
personal directory to be programmed and used.

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   %  2-1
Chapter 2 '

2-2     $% &  '



3.1 Managing Analog Sets

The rights listed below (and prefixes for programming and use of the directory) only apply to
analog sets.

3.1.1 Rights
The rights to program and use this feature are configured in the set's phone features classes
of service.
1. Select Classes of Service > Phone Features COS
Directory Number Enter the directory number of the set.
Set Features
Personal directory Programming Set to 1, this attribute allows analog set users to
program their personal directory.
Personal Directory Use Set to 1, this attribute allows analog set users to
use a personal directory.

2. Review/modify the following attributes:

3. Confirm your entries

3.1.2 Declaring Prefixes

1. Select Translator > Prefix Plan
2. Review/modify the following attributes:
Number Enter prefix number.
Prefix Meaning Set Features
Set Features Select Personal directory Programming to
create the directory programming prefix.
Set Features Select Personal Directory Use to create the
directory use prefix.

3. Confirm your entries

3.2 Configuring Directory Keys

3.2.1 On 4035 Sets and Sets without Soft Keys

Note: This configuration applies to sets without soft keys only: Alcatel 4018 IP Touch, 4019 and all
Reflexes sets.

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  % 3-1
Chapter 3 ( ) *

These directory keys correspond to the numeric keypad keys ( 0 to 9, * and #).
On 4035 sets, this configuration applies to the soft keys below the display.
1. Select: Users > Directory Keys
2. Review/modify the following attributes:
Directory Number Enter the directory number of the set.
Key No. Enter the number of the key to be configured (0 to
9, * and #).
Call Directory No. Enter the number to be dialed automatically when
the key is pressed. This number may be internal,
external (preceded by a trunk seize prefix), or a
speed dialing number.
Key Name Enter a name (14 characters maximum) to identify
the key on sets with a display.

3. Confirm your entries

3.2.2 On Sets with Soft Keys

Note: This configuration applies to 4035 sets and 8 and 9 Reflexes sets, with the exception of Alcatel
4018 IP Touch, and 4019 sets.
1. Select Users > Progr.Keys
2. Review/modify the following attributes:
Directory Number Enter the directory number of the set.
Key No. Enter the number of the key to be configured.
Function Directory

3. Confirm your entries

3.3 Assigning a Programmable Key to a Phone Number

1. Select Users > Progr.Keys
2. Review/modify the following attributes:
Directory Number Enter the directory number of the set.
Key No. Enter the number of the key to be configured.
Function Select: Programmable
Content Enter the desired phone number, this may be an
internal, external (preceded by a trunk seize prefix)
or a speed dialing number.
Locked Select: Yes if the user is not allowed to modify the
content of this key.

3. Confirm your entries

3-2     $% &  ( ) *



4.1 On Analog and 4004 Sets

- To program a directory key:
a. Dial the programming prefix
b. Press the desired key (0 to 9, * or #)
c. Enter the number to be programmed (preceded by the trunk seize prefix)
- To use the directory:
a. Enter the directory use prefix
b. Press the key (0 to 9, * or #) corresponding to the number to be dialed

4.2 On Reflexes Sets

The manner in which directory and programmable keys on a set are configured varies
depending on the type of set (see the set user guide).
It may be conditional on set password being given if the “Directory key secret code” item is set
to “Yes” in the Phone Features Classes of Service (Set rights).
Figures 1 and 2 show standard use of the directory. Figure 3 shows the case where a
programmable key is directly assigned to a phone number.

Figure 4.1: 4004, 4010 and 4020 Sets

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Chapter 4 !%

Figure 4.2: 4035 Set Soft Keys

Figure 4.3: 4035 Set Programmable Keys

4.3 On Alcatel 8 and 9 Series Sets

For Alcatel 4018 IP Touch and 4019 sets, see: module Alcatel 8 and 9 Series Sets (Common
Features) - Configuration procedure § Programming Keys on Alcatel 4018/4019 .
For all other 8 and 9 series sets, see: module Alcatel 8 and 9 Series Sets (Common Features)
- Configuration procedure § Programming Keys on Alcatel 4028/4029/4038/4039/4068 Sets .

4-2 )    $% &  !%


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