Writing A Short Summary: (Lê o Sumário Do Livro Intitulado "If I Stay" e Completa A Tabela Abaixo.)

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Writing a short summary

A. Read a summary of a book called “If I Stay” and fill in the table below.
(Lê o sumário do livro intitulado “If I Stay” e completa a tabela abaixo.)

This book is called “If I Stay” and the main character is

a teenager called Mia. The plot is about Mia’s life. Her
family has a car accident and they all die except for
Mia. Mia is in a comma and has to decide between life
and death. Her boyfriend and grandfather ask her to
stay. It’s a great, but sad book.

Title Main character

3. The main character is a _____________

1. The book is called __________________.
called _____________________________.

Plot Your message/opinion

2. The plot is about ___________________ 4. It’s a _____________________and/but

___________________________________. ______________________________book.

B. Now fill in a table about a book you read and write a summary.
(Agora completa a tabela sobre um livro que leste e escreve um sumário.)

Title Main character

The main character is a _____________

The book is called __________________.
called _____________________________.

Plot Your message/opinion

The plot is about ___________________ It’s a _____________________and/but

___________________________________. ______________________________book.

This book is called _________________ and the main

character is a ___________ called _______________
______________________. The plot is about ______
In the story _______________________ and ______
It’s a _______________ but _______________ book.

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