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Throughout the whole course, I have learned a number of things that will assist me in
the future as I progress through this subject, and it as well as help me improve the way I think
about Change and Organizational Development. Before I learned this subject, I tend to think
that this subject is all about making change to every company without knowing the functions
and neediness of each change that need to be made.

The takeaway from this subject, as I could recall, there is a phrase called Socially
Construction Approach which refers to an assumption that a company made based on a
system. If the assumption turns out positive, so the change will be positive. But if the
assumption turns out negative, so the change will be negative, and it is not good for the
company. Organizational Development (OD) consultant are hired as experts in the process of
consulting. Both client and model consultant need to participate in order to go through the

The skills acquired for this project is creative and critical thinking skills. This is
because the lecturer will start the class with a case study that related to that topic being
discussed. So everyday before I attend the class, I would read the case study and understand
what the main problems in the case study is. So that I would be ready whenever my lecturer
asked about the case study. Besides, I need to come out with my own idea in order to
interpret my idea for this case study which means, I need to use my own words. This is quiet
challenging for me as I need to think creatively about making my own words but at the same
time, I can improve my creative and critical thinking skills. I do will use this skill in the
future in fact, I already apply this skill in my other assignment projects.

The benefit that I acquired from this project is I can learn on how to paraphrase
sentences into my own words. As I mentioned before, I did not have the confidence to create
my own words but after completing this assignment, I am able to create my own words.

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