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SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Monday, 8th Tuesday, 9th Wednesday, 10th Thursday, 11th Friday, 12th Poster Session I 17.

sday, 9th Wednesday, 10th Thursday, 11th Friday, 12th Poster Session I 17. R. Bugini, L. Folli and E. Roffia: Marble slab
fragments from Desenzano Roman villas.
37. P. Lapuente, J.A. Cuchí, H. Royo, M. Prei-
te-Martinez and C. Garcés: Roman sarcopha-
55. P. Pensabene, I. Rébé and I. Rodà: The
marmora from the forum of Ruscino (Château
gus known today as the tomb of King Ramiro II Roussillon, France).
8.30 h Registration Session: Provenance Identification I: marble Chairman: P. Lapuente Session: Quarries and Geology: Quarrying Session: Pigments and Paintings on Marble, The numbers indicate a provisional order. 18. A. Calia,M.T. Gianotta, G. Quarta, M. Sileo of Aragon. Archaeometry study
Chairman: E. Galán Techniques, Organization, New Quarries, Authenticity testing Some changes could be made. The final and A. Antonazzo: The submerged stone boc- 56. V. Perdikatsis, Ch. Apostolaki and St.
9.30 h Opening and Welcoming addresses. Stone Carving and Dressing, Quarry Risks Chairman: V. Gaggadis-Robin order will be announced before the ope- ks of Santa Sabina (Brindisi, Southern Italy): A 38. P. Lapuente, H. Royo, M. Preite-Marti- Markoulaki: Mineralogical petrographical
9.00 h Identification of stone blocks used for
Prof. Francesc Grau, rector of the URV, Prof. Y. and Preservation ning of the poster session contribution to the study of the provenance and nez and Ph. Blanc: Fragmentary white marble study of tesserae from Roman mosaics from
9.00 h On the Ephesian origin of the Greco the building of Thysdrus and Thapsus amphi-
Maniatis, president of ASMOSIA, Prof. Isabel trade in Antiquity. pieces from the theatre of Caesaraugusta: ar- Kissamos (Crete).
Scritto marble. D. Attanasio, M. Bruno, A. B. theatres. A. Younès, M. El Gaied and W. Gallala Chairman: R. Sablayrolles 9.00 h The marble technique, polychromy,
Rodà, president of the IX ASMOSIA Organizing 1. R. Albiach, E. García-Prósper and A. Galle- chaeometric results.
Yavuz, J. J. Jr. Herrmann, R. Tykot and A. van and sculptural style of the “Karg-Bebenburg
Committee and director of the ICAC. 9.20 h Non-destructive elemental finger- go.: The marble repertoire of the Roman villa of 19. F. Cavari, F. Droghini, M. Giamello, L. Laz- 57. D. Pivko: Building stone sources for
den Hoek 9.00 h New work on quarrying in the Terri- youth”. M. B. Abbe, G. E. Borromeo and S. Pike
printing of obsidian and other lithic mate- Cornelius (Valencia, Spain). zarini and C. Mascione: White marble artefacts 39. L. Lazzarini and M. Mariottini: A first study Carnuntum Roman town and surrounding
10.30 h Coffee Break tory of Eretria. B. Russell and S. Fachard
9.20 h Provenance investigation of marble rials using the portable X-ray fluorescence 9.20 h Pigment vs the texture and colour of from Populonia and the marble of Campiglia of the lumachellas used in Roman Antiquity. settlements in upper Pannonia (Austria,
2. A. Àlvarez and J. Beltrán: Study of the ma- Marittima (Grosseto, Italy). Hungary, Slovakia).
sculptures from Butrint, Albania. V. Gagga- spectrometer. R. H. Tykot 9.20 h Ancient marble and alabaster quarries stone to what extent was stone part of the po-
Session: Applications to Specific Archaeolo- terials from the “aula” and baptistery of the Bar- 40. L. Lazzarini, C. Beltrame and S. Medaglia:
dis-Robin, K. Polikreti and Y. Maniatis near Hierapolis in Phrygia (Turkey): new data lychrome appearance of Hellenistic sculptu-
gical Questions – Use of Marble celona Episcopal Group. 20. M. Cipriani, L. Lazzarini and S. Cancelliere: First results of the study and archaeometric 58. W. Prochaska and S.M. Grillo: The marble
Session: Advances in Provenance Techni- from archaeological surveys. G. Scardozzi re?. Cl. Blume
Chairman: Y. Maniatis 9.40 h “Sanctuary of the Great Gods” – Samo- The white marbles of Roman Paestum, an ar- analyses of the marble cargo of the Secca Di quarries of the metropolis of Ephesos and some
ques, Methodologies and Databases 3. A. Àlvarez and A. Pitarch: The local ma- chaeometric study. Capo Bianco (Crotone, Italy). examples of the use for marbles in Ephesian
thrace, an extended marble provenance stu- 9.40 h Unknown marble quarries of wes- 9.40 h Ancient polychrome and gilded sculp-
Chairman: L. Lazzarini terials used in the Roman break of Martorell architecture and sculpturing.
11.00 h Marble salvaging in Antiquity. S. J. Barker. dy. Y. Maniatis, D. Tambakopoulos, B. D. Wes- tern Asia minor. M. Bruno, H. Elçi, A. B. Ya- ture: new evidences, new interpretations, (Barcelona, Spain). 21. M. Claramonte, C. Santisteban, J. Benedito 41. E.-E. Leka: Unfinished Kouros in the Myti-
coat and D. Matsas vuz and D. Attanasio new meanings. Ph. Jockey
11.20 h Huge column costs: some examples. 9.40 h Tracing the origin of marbles by inclusion and J.M. Melchor: Ornamental materials found lene archaeological museum and the supply of 59. O. Reyes, C. Pérez, E. Illaurregui, A. Àl-
10.00 h A provenance study of marbles from fluid chemistry. W. Prochaska and D. Attanasio 4. A. Àlvarez, A. Gutiérrez, A. Domènech, I. at Sagunto’s moorish quarter square. statuary marble in Lesbos in the Archaic period. varez, A. Gutiérrez and I. Rodà: Marmoreal
P. Barresi 10.00 h The marble industry at Aphrodisias: Special Theme Session: Symbolism of Sto- Moreno and T. Carreras: Study and characteri-
the Roman town of Thamusida (Mauretania new quarries discovered on the Aphrodisias representation of Las Pizarras: a Roman site
11.40 h The import of coloured stone and 10.00 h Missmarble: measurement and in- nes: local and Imported Materials. zation of the tesserae from the Roman mosaic 22. D. Dessandier, F. Antonelli, L. Lazzarini, 42. I. López: Stone from local quarries emplo- (Coca, Segovia).
Tingitana, Morocco). F. Origlia, J. Spangen- regional survey. L. E. Long and C. Stearns
white marble for the interior wall and floor formation system of samples of marble for of Las Tres Gràcies (Barcelona, Spain). M. Varti-Matarangas, L. Leroux, M. Hamia- yed in Republican-era sculptures in southern
berg, I. Turbanti Memmi and E. Papi 10.00 h Use and symbolism of Pentelic mar-
decoration of public and domestic buildings archaeometric, art historian and restoration 10.20 h The white marble of Kos, its quarry ne, C. Riache and C. Khalfallah: Atlas of Hispania: reliefs in Vrso and Estepa and explo- 60. P. Rodríguez Oliva: Stone in Roman Malaca.
10.40 h Greek statuary of the Museo Ar- ble in Domitian’s Rome. I. Bald Romano, S. 5. A. Àlvarez, A. Gutiérrez, A. Domènech, I. ornamental and building stones of Djemila itation of nearby quarries.
at Sagalassos, Turkey. M. Corremans, P. De- use. J. Zöldföldi, B. Székely and P. Hegedüs and archaeometric characterisation. L. Laz-
chaeologico Nazionale of Venice: archaeolo- Pike, E. Gazda and R. Paris Moreno and T. Carreras: Study and characteri- ancient site (Algeria). 61. M. Salán: The marmor of Espejón and its
gryse and M. Waelkens zarini and C. G. Malacrino
10.20 h Contribution to the knowledge of zation of the tesserae from the Roman mosaic 43. I. Mañas and O. Rodríguez: The opus use in Roman Hispania.
gical and archeometric studies. L. Lazzarini, 10.20 h Solar symbolism and silicified
12.00 h Use of marble and other stones in Portuguese marbles through multivaria- 10.40 h The quarries of Silsila- Main source of El Romeral (Albesa, La Noguera, Spain). 23. E. Dobruna-Salihu: Sculpture of the foreign sectile of the old curia of Ilipa (Alcalá del Río,
M. Sediari, E. Soccal sandstone consumption in dynastic Egypt:
Sirmium. B. Djuric, A. Maver, J. Davidovic, I. te analysis of qualitative and quantitative of ancient Egyptian sandstone architecture. marble in the central part of Dardania (present Seville). Considerations on the use of stone in 62. D. Segal: The usage of marble and other
11.00 h Coffee Break perspectives on the origins of its symbolic 6. A. Àlvarez, J.M. Macias, J.J. Menchon, A. day Kosova) during Antiquity. public architecture from Roman Betica. imported stones on sites of Hippos-Sussita and
Riznar, H. W. Müller and D. Jovanovic properties of the most common varieties. V. D. Klemm and R. Klemm
value. E. Bloxam Muñoz, A. Pitarch and I. Teixell: The marmor the Bath at Hamat Gader (Gadara Terms).
Lamberto, P. Sá Caetano and J. Saraiva
12.20 h The Roman cavae romanae quarry– 11.00 h Coffee Break use in the imperial cultual centre of Tarraco (His- 24. J.A. Domingo, R. Arola and N. Gasull: The 44. Y. Maniatis, D. Tambakopoulos and M.
Chairman: S. Pike 10.40 h Phrygian for Phrygians: semiotics of pania Citerior Province).
the properties and use of the stone for the am- 10.40 h Distinguishing Slovenia’s Pohorje marbles of Jaume I: a group coming from the Sturgeon: Provenance investigation of two mar- 63. B. Soler, J.M. Noguera, R. Arana and J.A.
marbles from other Mediterranean marble “exotic” local marble. B. Burrell and H. Parker provincial forum of Tarraco. ble sculptures from ancient Stymphalos. Antolinos: Evidence of the use of the marmor
phitheatre in Pula (Croatia). V. Girardi Jurki Chairman: S. Keay
12.00 h Sculptural materials from Villa 7. D. Attanasio, M. Brili, M. Bruno, L. Ungaro Saetabitanum in the Villa dei Quintili in Rome
quarries. S. Jarc, Y. Maniatis, E. Dotsika, D. 11.00 h Coffee Break
12.40 h On the explotation of marble from Adriana: preliminary archaeometric results. and M. Vitti: Rome: white marbles in the fora of 25. B. Eglington and D. Attanasio: Sr, Pb and 45. L.M. Martínez-Torres, L. Eguíluz, M. Loza
Tambakopoulos and N. Zupancic
Cap de Garde, Algeria. J. J. Jr. Herrmann, D. P. León, P. Lapuente, T. Nogales, M. Preite-Mar- 11.40 h Interpreting the Unfinished Obe- Caesar, Augustus and Trajan. Nd isotope characterisation of classical marbles and J. Niso: Almándoz marble (Navarra) in Ro- 64. A. St’astná, R. Prikryl and A. Cerníková:
Attanasio, R. H. Tykot and A. van den Hoek tinez and H. Royo 11.00 h Coffee Break lisk quarry, Aswan, Egypt: a new approach to Chairman: T. Nogales man thermae of Arcaya (Álava, North Spain). Petrographic image analysis used in combina-
quarrying techniques. T. Heldal 8. D. Attanasio, M. Bruno and A.B. Yavuz: 26. E.A. Friedland and R.H. Tykot: Quarry ori- tion with C and O isotopic and cathodoluminis-
13.00 h The Acropolis marble project: stable 12.20 h Investigations on the white mar- The Aphrodisias marble quarries at Göktepe gins of the marble sculptures from the Roman 46. A. Maver, I. Riznar and H.W. Müller: cence data for fingerprinting Czech marbles.
Session: Transport and Trade of Stones 11.40 h The funerary poem of Origenes from
isotope analysis of marbles from the Parthe- bles of architectural elements in Salento 12.00 h Cavae romanae, some examples of (Mugla, Turkey). theatre in Philadelphia/Amman, Jordan. Roman capitals from Sirmium (Sremska Mi-
Chairman: P. Pensabene Egypt: material issues and symbolism. P. A. Butz
non and Propylaea. S. Pike (Southern Italy). L. Del Pietro sculptural formation. K. Dzin trovica, Serbia). 65. T. Stoyanov D. and Stoyanova: Stonecu-
12.00 h Iconography of Hellenistic stonework. 9. W. Aylward, D. Carlson, D. Laroche, J.C. 27. K.Galor: Provenance study of a marble frag- tting workshops at the Getic Capital Helis (NE
11.40 h Transportation methods in the ancient 12.20 h Grey limestones quarries of Byllis Moretti and S. Pike: The temple of Apollo at
13.20 h Recutting Roman portraits: problems Session: Provenance Identification II: other stones granite quarries at Aswan, upper Egypt. A. Kelany F. A. Cooper ment with Menorah. 47. Z. Miletić and M. Glavic̆ić: Stone produc- Bulgaria) – Tools and techniques.
in interpretation and the new technology in fin- (Albania). T. Kozelj and M. Wurch-Kozelj Claros and the shipwreck at Crimson Cape: tions of the quarries on the Island Brac (Brattia
Chairman: M. A. García del Cura
ding possible solution. J. Pollini and W. Storage 12.20 h Imported marble and local stone in preliminary analysis of isotopic data. 28. V. García-Entero and S. Vidal: Marmora insula) in the Roman province Dalmatia. 66. D. Taelman, F. Vermeulen, S. Deprez, M.
12.00 h The elusive navis lapidaria and 12.40 h The quarries at Luni in the I century
12.40 h Antique natural stones used in histo- marble as dangerous cargo. J. C. Fant Roman and Byzantine Palestine: archaeolo- from the Roman site of Carranque (Toledo). De Dapper, P. De Paepe, P. Vandenabeele:
13.40 h Pentelic marble in theatrical archi- A.D: final considerations on some aspects of gical and isotopic aspects of centre and peri- 10. B. Bajnóczi, B. Székely and J. Zöldföldi: 48. A. Miras, M.A. Vázquez, E. Galán, C. Apos- Stone economy of Roman Ammaia (Portugal).
rical buildings and monuments on the histo-
tecture: examples from the theatre of Marce- production, diffusion and costs. P. Pensabene Extended data base of fractal analysis (Fa), 29. M. Genera: Data for the study and iden- tolaki and T. Marcopoulos: Suitability criteria in
rical peninsula of Istanbul (Turkey). O. S. Angi 12.20 h Locatio-conductio and the marble phery. M. Fischer
llus. M. De Nuccio shipwrecks. J. C. Fant quantitative fabric analysis (Qfa) and catho- tification of the origin of epigraphic supports: the selection of the Marble for restoration. The 67. F. Van Keuren, D. Attanasio, J. Herrmann.
13.00 h The Almadén de la Plata quarries: new 12.40 h The colours of Death. Symbolism of doluminiscence (CL) properties of south-east Some specific examples from Roman times. Jr., N. Herz, P. Gromet and D. Abramitis:
13.00 h Lithofacies study of the building case of the Alhambra Palace (Granada, Spain).

data from the latest interventions. J. Beltrán For- european and anatolian white marbles. Isotopic, EPR and petrographic analyses of 20
Pause stones of Volubilis monuments (Morocco) 12.40h Shipwrecks and the Roman economy: Roman cinerary urns in coloured stone. S. Perna
tes, O. Rodríguez, P. López and E. Ontiveros 30. M.T. Gianotta, A. Calia and G. Quarta: The 49. R. Neunteufel and J.Zöldföldi: Authentica- Roman sarcophagi at the Museo Nazionale Ro-
and their provenance. D. Dessandier and M. the view from stone cargoes. B. Russell
Chairman: Ph. Jockey Varti-Matarangas 13.00 h General Discussion IX ASMOSIA. Mee- 11. J. Beltrán, M.L. Loza and J. Espinosa: A Roman capitals re-used in the Saint-John se- tion of marble sculptures by provenance studies mano, Rome.
13.20 h The red travertine of Mula (Murcia, study of the use in Roman times and a petrogra- pulchre church in Brindisi (southern Italy): iden-
13.00h “Historic Quarries” - first results of a ting candidatures new X ASMOSIA Conference new data base for south east Asian marbles.
Spain). Management and administration phic characterisation of the limestone from the tification and provenance of marble. 68. J. Zöldföldi: Database of white marble from
16.00 h Marble polychromies in the walls’ 13.20 h Medieval greenschist quarries near project within the EU Culture Programme. M.
of quarries in the Roman era. J. M. Noguera 14.00 h Rovira i Virgili’s University Honor western region of the “Surco Intrabético” in the 50. E. Pecchioni, A. Bartelletti, E. Cantisani, A. the Indian subcontinente: a review.
and floors’ decorations of Hadrian’s villa in Bergen, Western Norway. O. Jansen and T. Heldal Unterwurzacher, C. Uhlir, K. Schaller and V. Höck
Celdrán, B. Soler Huertas, J. A. Antolinos Marín Wine. Rectorate hall present-day province of Malaga (Spain). 31. M. Gomez: About the provenance of the Amorfini, F. Fratini and E. Pandeli: First evidence
Tivoli: last discoveries and verifications. E. 13.20 h Presentation of the exposition: and R. Arana Castillo “Serpentina verde rana filamentosa”. 69. J. Zöldföldi and M. Fischer: Provenance analy-
Pause of the use of a serpentine in the floor of a “Villa
tarragona. 8 - 13th june 2009

Lazzeri, G. E. Cinque Marbres, Hommes et Dieux. Vestiges anti- 12. J. Bermejo: Catalog and preliminary analy- sis of the marble from Elusa in Byzantine Palestine.
rustica” near Luni.
13.40 h Roman quarries in the northeast sis of marble and marble materials of the hispa- 32. M. Gomez: The white marble from Valle
16.20 h The search for the prehistoric mar- ques des Pyrénées centrales (Musée Saint-
16.00 h Poster Session I of Hispania (modern Catalonia, Spain). A. no-Roman city of Arucci / Turobriga (Aroche, Varaita (Piedmont, Italy). 51. P. Pensabene and M. Preite: Characteri- 70. J. Zöldföldi and R. Neunteufel: Provenance
ble sources in the Cyclades. Y. Maniatis and D. Raymond,Toulouse). R. Sablayrolles
Gutiérrez García-Moreno
Tambakopoulos 19.00 Books presentation, A. Gutiérrez, Ro- Saturday, 13th Huelva. Spain).
33. A. Gutiérrez and J. López Vilar: Roman
zation and provenance of re¬used architec-
tural marbles in the churches of S. Clemen-
of the Bodhisattva marble head from Peshawar.

man Quarries in the Northeast of Catalonia. Pause 13. Ph. Blanc, Ph. Bromblet, L. Long and L. marbles at the Tarraco of the Antoninans: the 71. J. Zöldföldi and B. Székely: Carbon, oxygen
Pause te, S. Pietro in Vincoli, S. Stefano Rotondo,
16.40 h The import of prefabricated architectu- ICAC, Tarragona 2009; A. Àlvarez, V. García- 08.45 h Visit to the quarries of Broccatello or Leroux: Provenance study of the white marble of assemblage of Sant Pau and Santa Tecla Hos- S. Maria in Domnica. and strontium isotopic systematics of white mar-
ral marble items to Moesia inferior. Provenance Entero, I. Rodà and A. Gutiérrez, El marmor 16.00 h ASMOSIA general meeting “Jaspi de la Cinta”, the Cathedral and other
16.00h Poster Session II a head of C.J. Caesar found in the Rhone river pital (Tarragona, Spain). bles used in the Antiquity.
determination and technical aspects. N. Toma de Tarraco / Tarraco Marmor: Explotació, monuments of Tortosa. Official welcome by at Arles (France). 52. P. Pensabene and I. Rodà: The stan-
utilització i comercialització de la pedra 18.00 h Presentation and visit to El Mèdol quarry 34. J. J. Herrmann Jr.: Christian sarcophagi of 72. J. Zöldföldi, K.T. Biró, A. Ruggeri, H. Taub-
17.00 h The architectonic marbles of Ro- 19.30 h Book presentation: T. Nogales, J. the Major of the City dard production of shafts of granite from
de Santa Tecla en època romana / The qua- Beltrán (eds.). MARMORA HISPANA: Explo- 14. D. Brodhag, J. Chamay, D. Decrouez, reused marble in the Vatican. Troas: examples from the Hispanic and Afri- ald and O. Sosztarics: Investigation of Roman
man theatre of Augusta Bagiennorum (Pied-
rrying, use and trade of Santa Tecla stone tación y uso de los materiales pétreos en la A. Ebert, E. Gnos, H. Haas, P.A. Proz and K. can provinces. marbles from Savaria.
mont–Italy). M. Gomez and E. Rulli Ramseyer: The source area of marbles used in 35. M. Inglés, M.R. Manote, M. Ortí, J. Pey, E.
in Roman Times. ICAC, Tarragona, 2009; A. Hispania Romana. (Colección Hispania An-
Àlvarez, P. Lapuente, A. Pitarch and H. Royo. Roman artefacts. Playà, L. Rosell and J. Yeguas: Geochemical 53. P. Pensabene, F. Antonelli, S. Cancelliere 73. J. Zöldföldi, T. Schäfer and B.Székely: Pro-
17.20 h On the production and the diffusion of tigua, Serie arqueológica 2) L’Erma di Brets-
methods in alabaster provenance: an applica- venance analysis of the three splendid marble
column shafts in grey cipolin marble from the Marbles and Stones of Hispania. Exhibition
catalogue. ICAC, Tarragona, 2009.
chneider, Roma, 2009. Sunday, 14th 15. S. Brodhag, A. Ebert, E. Gnos, D. Decrouez tion example.
and L. Lazzarini: Archaeometric analyses of
sculptures and architectural elements of white heads of Pantelleria (Italy).
caves of Cap de Garde in Algeria. P. Pensabene
21.00 h ASMOSIA Dinner, with ceremony of and K. Ramseyer : Influence of second phases marbles from Villa Adriana (Tivoli, Italy).
20.00 h Opening Exhibition: “Tarraco, pe- 10.00 h Guided visit to Tarragona (optional) on microfabric of marbles from Naxos. 36. B. Kidd and D. Attanasio: Determining
18.00 h Inaugural Lecture: Stones are alive. the best poster award.
dra a pedra”. Museu Nacional Arqueològic white marble provenance of Greek and Roman 54. P. Pensabene, R. Mar and R. Cebrián: Funds
J. Wagensberg
de Tarragona (MNAT). Pl. del Rei, 5. 16. V. Brunet-Gaston and Chr. Gaston: The de- sculptures in the Museum of Art and Archaeo- for public architecture and costs of the stone ma-
19.15 h Official Welcome at the Main Hall of Ta- corative stoneworks in the east of Roman Gaul: logy, University of Missouri. terials: the case of the forum at Segobriga.
rragona by the Major of the City recent data of the archaeological operations.
Poster Session II 20. M. Devolder: Access to Ashlar as a symbolic
resource in Neopalatial Crete (1700- 1450 a.C.n.).
40. A. Luque, G. Cultrone, E. Ruiz-Agudo, E.
Sebastián and S. Siegesmund: Effect of termal
59. P. Spathis: Deterioration problems and
preliminary observations on the conservation of
expansion in marble deterioration. the building materials of excavations of Navarino
1. X. Aguelo, A. Àlvarez and X. Nieto: Quarries 21. M. A. Domagoj Perkic: Quarries, produc- and Diikitrio, Thessaloniki.
used for building the Roman habour of Empúries. tions sites of Roman sarcophagi and stone urns 41. A. Magagnini: “Pesi di basalto dal territo-
in the southern border part of the province of rio romano” or something else? Three stone 60. P. Storemyr: A grinding stone quarry in the
2. K. G. Akoglu, E.N. Caner-Saltik and T. To- Pannonia superior. artefacts from the Castellani Collection in the Egyptian Sahara.

pal.: Investigation on sandstone deterioration for Capitoline Museums, Rome.
developing consolidation methods. 22. I. Donelli: Ancient stone quarries on 61. A. Travé and J.D. Martín-Martín: Polishing
the Eastern Adriatic coast emphasising Brac 42. G. Meléndez, F. Colucci and J. Rama- problems in a ornamental limestone.
3. A. Àlvarez, I. Rodà, M. Riera, A. Gutiérrez stone quarries. jo: Geoheritage evaluation of ancient quarry
and A. Domènech: Provenance of some Roman landscapes: the case of historical quarries in 62. R. H. Tykot, J. Herrmann Jr. and A. Van
marbles from El Pla de Ses Figueres (Cabrera, 23. M. El Gaied, A. Younès and W. Gallala: The Aragon (Spain). Den Hoek: Survey and analysis of marble qua-
Balearic Islands, Spain). stone of Sidi Ghedamsy island quarries (Monastir, rry sources in Algeria.
Tunisia): from extraction to its use in building. 43. C. Miró and E. Revilla: The Roman quarry
4. T. J. Anderson and J.M. Fernández-Soler: A of Montjuïc (Barcelona). 63. M. Unterwurzacher, C. Uhlir, K. Schaller
preliminary sketch of a lava rotary quern quarry 24. A. Fernández-Díaz and V. García-Entero: and A. Zarka: Saxa Luquuntur: a comprensive
in Cabo de Gata, Almería, Spain. The imitation of Marmora in Roman wall pain- 44. N. Molist and P. Otiña: The republican interdisciplinary information system for antique
tings in Hispania. Roman and medieval quarry of Sant Miquel quarries and monuments.
5. J. A. Antolinos, R. Arana, J.M. Noguera d’Olèrdola (Olèrdola, Barcelona)
and B. Soler: The sandstone quarries of Car- 25. D. Fiorino, C. Garbarino, C. Giannattasio 64. M. C. Üstünkaya, E.N. Caner-Saltik and
thago Noua: petrological characteristics and and S.M.Grillo: On site and laboratory investiga- 45. M. I. Mota, M.A. Buergo, A. de Pizzo and A.G. Gözen: Detection of biological activity in
mining techniques. tion on the 16th-17th century Masonries: the R. Fort: Provenance of construction stone from calcareous stone by FDA analyses.
western Sardinian coast defensive towers. Roman monuments in Merida, Spain.
6. R. Arana, J.A. Antolinos, B. Soler, J.M. 65. A. Van Den Hoek and J. Herrmann Jr.:
Noguera: Quarrying, use and scope of Cabezo 26. M. A. García del Cura, D. Benavente, J. 46. M. Mrozek-Wysocka and P. Zambrzycki: Alabastro a Pecorella, aïn Tekbalet and Bou
Gordo and Rambla de Trujillo marbles (Murcia, Martínez-Martínez and N. Cueto : Petrographic The characterization and state of conservation Hanifia, Algeria.
Spain) in the Roman era. features and physical properties of certain tra- of building materials used in Greco-Roman ti- Dipòsit legal: T-274-2009
vertine building stones. mes in northern Egypt: the case of Marina el 66. C. Weiss, R. Sobott and I. Gerlach: Ul-
7. I. Arce: Late Antique and Ummayad Quarries

With the scientific support of the International Association of Greek and

Alamein archaeological site. trasonic and petrophysical investigations of
from the Neat East. 27. M. García-Vallés, M. Aulinas, J.B. López monolithic limestone pillars at the Almaqah
and A. Moya: Petrographic study of the tubular 47. M. Ortí and M. Inglès: The recovery of Ro- temple in Sirwah/Yemen
8. J. Beltrán, O. Rodríguez, P. López and E. cist with carved steles of Reguers de Seró (Ar- man quarries as a symbol of artistic and techno-
Ontiveros: Analysis of products from quarries tesa de Segre, Lleida, Catalonia). logical modernity. The case of Catalonia in the 67. D. Wielgosz: Provenance of marble statuary

Tarragona, University Rovira i Virgili Chancellorship Building

Los Castillejos and Covachos (Almaden de la modern age (XVI-XVIII Centuries). from Laodicea on the Sea (Latakia in Syria).
Plata, Sevilla). A comparative study. 28. M. Genera and A. Àlvarez: Ebro final lithic

Fax (+34) 977 22 44 01

Tel. (+34) 977 24 91 33
materials exploitation: extraction works, appli- 48. A. Palmentieri: The imago clipeata of “Lu- 68. A. B. Yavuz, M. Bruno and D. Attanasio:
9. A. Blanc and Ph. Blanc: Ancient uses of the A new source of Bigio Antico marbles: the an-
cations and chronology. cio Sitrio Modesto”. As an example of imitatio

Tarragona (Spain)
Breche des Romains in Gaul. cient quarries of Iznik (Turkey).

Pl. Rovellat, s/n.

urbis in Campania (Italy).
29. A. Guinea, E. Playà, Ll. Rivero and M. Himi:
10. M. Bruno: Quarry blocks in marmor Iassen- Prospecting alabaster quarries with electric imaging. 49. I. Peña and P. Otiña: The Roman quarry of 69. G. Zachos and E. Leka: The ancient quarry
se from the Balik Pazari at Iasos (Turkey). Palma de Mallorca (Spain) of Pagani in Lesbos Islands.
30. M. I. Gutiérrez: The use of local stone in
11. M. Bruno and M. Vitti: New cipollino Colonia Patricia Corduba. 50. M. E. Peroschi and Fl. Cambieri: Small
marble quarries south of Karystos at Cape

(Rectorat) C/ Escorxador, s/n

quarries of the desert.
Mandhili (Evia). 31. A. Gutiérrez and J. Andreu: The Roman
With the colaboration of:

With the sponsorship of:

Latin Epigraphy (AIEGL)

quarries of the town and territory of Los Bañales 51. J. L. Prada, M. Badia, A. Àlvarez, O.

Arqueomètrics (ICAC)
12. R. Bugini and L. Folli: Ancient coloured (Uncastillo, Zaragoza, Spain). Oms, R. Estrada and M.E. Arribas: Decay and
marbles and their surrogates in the Milan Ca- conservation strategies of rocks containing di-

Unitat d’Estudis
thedral (late sixtheenth Century). 32. A. Gutiérrez, J.A. Remolà and F. Tarrats: nosaur footprints: the case of several sites in

Organized by:
Marbles from the Roman Villa of Els Munts (Al- the NE Spain.
13. M. Buzov: The ancient quarries in Croatia tafulla, Tarragona, Spain ) and their role in the

(the technology of extracting stone). decorative program. Preliminary approximation. 52. I. Prieto: Mason’s marks on the orien-
talizing building from Pozo Moro (Albacete,
14. E. Caner-Özler and E.N. Caner-Saltik: Decay 33. T. Heldal: Quarry Scapes done: results Spain) and their relation with the southern
of historic limestone and its conservation treat- and perspectives for the future. palaoehispanic writings.
ments with nanodispersive Ca (OH)2 solutions.
34. N. Ioannidou: Symbolism and historic 53. I. Rébé: The soapstone pots “pietra ollare”
15. E. N. Caner-Saltik, T. Topal, V. Toprak, aspects: lithic materials used at the Byzantine in Roussillon: statement of discoveries
A. Türkmenoglu, A. Tavukcuoglu, K.G. Ako- church (12 oc) of Taxiarch Michel of Mesaria in

The marbles are too well known to make it necessary for me to

glu, E. Caner-Özlez and T. Yasar: Develo-

enumerate their several colours and varieties; and, indeed, so

numerous are they, that it would be no easy task to do so. For
the island of Andros (Greece). 54. R. Ribaldi and D. Gorostidi: Local stone in

mVltitVdine. qVoto

what place is there, in fact, that has not a marble of its own?
enVmerare in tanta
pment of management strategies for four the monumental center of Tusculum (Latium,

MarmorVm genera

non sVVm marmor

ancient quarries in Turkey. 35. K. Kouzeli and Z.K. Antoniou: “Poroi” in Italy): constructive use and epigraphical evi-

cViqVe enim loco

ancient constructions in Athens: nature, pro- dence.
16. M. Chichikova and D. Stoyanova: On the perties and state of preservation.

in tanta notitia
instruments of the stonecutters, the architects 55. I. Riznar, B. Djurić, A. Maver, G. Rutar, J.

et colores non
and the painters of the royal tomb with Caryatids 36. T. Kozelj and M. Wurch-Kozelj: The use Davidović, H.W. Müller and D. Jovanović: Dar-

attinet dicere
at the Cetic capital Helis. of the saw during Roman and proto byzantine dagani quarry: main regional limestone source

Pliny the Elder (Naturalis Historia, 36, 11)

nec facile est
period in Thassos. for Roman Sirmium.
17. N. Cueto, D. Benavente, J. Martínez-Mar-
tínez and M.A. García del Cura: Influence of 37. P. Lapuente, H. Royo, Ph. Blanc and M. Prei- 56. A. Rodríguez Colmenero and M.C. Ca-
mesofabric on water transport properties of te-Martinez: Fine grained marble quarries in the rreño Gascón: Granite as the base, almost

continental limestones. French Pyrenees: overview of petrography, catho- exclusively, for documents and monuments in
doluminescence and C and O isotope analysis. the Roman Gallaecia.
18. M. De Nuccio: The use of travertine cove-
red with stucco in the Temple of Apollo Sosiano 38. P. Lapuente, H. Royo, J. Mandado, P. Gal- 57. P. Sá Caetano, V. Lamberto and P.
in the Circus Flaminius in Rome ve and F. De A. Escudero: Local gypsum and Hasse Verdial: Ecclesiastical geology in
alabaster used in Caesaraugusta (Hispania). the city of Lisbon.
19. M. Delli Santi: Ancient marbles in Floren-
ce in XVI century: the Gaddi and Niccolini 39. L. Lazzarini, D. Visona, M. Giamello and 58. B. Soler and R. Arana: The painted marbles
nobel chapels. I. Villa: Archaeometric characterisation of some of Cartagena’s Roman theatre (Murcia, Spain)
calcareous alabasters used in Antiquity.
Rojo Torcal Variety

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