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Cyanide poisoning associated with the feeding of apricot kernels to dairy


Article  in  The Veterinary record · May 2008

DOI: 10.1136/vr.162.15.488 · Source: PubMed


16 386

9 authors, including:

Jacqueline Kupper Ulla Gorber

University of Zurich Boehringer Ingelheim


Sven Meyer Hanspeter Naegeli

Gross und Nutztierpraxis Uri AG University of Zurich


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Short Communications

Cyanide poisoning
associated with the
feeding of apricot
kernels to dairy cattle
J. Kupper, M. Schuman, R. Wennig,
U. Gorber, A. Mittelholzer, R. Artho,
S. Meyer, H. Kupferschmidt, H. Naegeli
THERE are over 1000 cyanogenic plant species worldwide,
but only a fraction of these contain sufficient amounts of gly-
coside compounds, for example, amygdalin, to release lethal FIG 1: Representative
doses of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (Galey 1996, Smith 1996, sample of soft apricot
Casteel 1999, Pickrell and Oehme 2003). After disruption of hulls and some residual
the plant integrity by mechanical grinding or chewing, natu- seeds fed to dairy cows
rally occurring enzymes generate HCN by hydrolysis of glyco-
sides (Poulton and Li 1994). Ruminants are more susceptible
than monogastric animals to cyanide poisoning due to the phase liquid chromatography (Hwang and others 2002), dis-
additional presence of microbial enzymes in the rumen that closed another 300 (36) mg/kg of HCN equivalents. Because
hydrolyse the glycosides. Also, the higher pH in the rumen the sample had been stored and shipped at room temperature
compared with the stomach of monogastric species increases in containers that were not tightly closed, it is likely that the
the rate of conversion, thus releasing even more HCN (Smith original material contained even higher HCN levels and that
1996, Casteel 1999, Radostits and others 1999, Pickrell and much of this toxic gas had been lost from the specimen before
Oehme 2003). The free CN- forms tight complexes with oxi- analysis. The 2 kg or more of toxic feed ingested by each
dised iron (Fe3+) in cytochrome complexes, leading to inhi- affected cow translates to at least 820 mg of HCN equivalents,
bition of mitochondrial electron transport, and death due approaching the reported lethal dose of 2 mg/kg bodyweight
to deprivation of aerobic energy supplies (Kerns and others (Radostits and others 1999).
2002, Pickrell and Oehme 2003). The characteristic clinical signs, in conjunction with the
A possible risk factor for cyanide poisoning is associated consumption of appropriate plant material, are comparable
with the feeding of unusual by-products of the food industry. to intoxication due to cyanogenic glycosides. As noted pre- Veterinary Record (2008)
This short communication describes how a mixture of hulls viously (Cran 1985, Roder 2001, Suter 2002), confirmatory 162, 488-489
and seeds (Fig 1), removed from the inner part of the wood- HCN detection is a difficult and tedious procedure. Although
like pit of apricot fruits, was the source of a unique case of toxic levels of HCN were detected in the present case, the J. Kupper, DVM,
HCN toxicity in dairy cattle. A farmer obtained large quanti- volatility and rapid breakdown of HCN, combined with H. Naegeli, DVM,
ties of soft hulls, separated from apricot kernels used for the the time it normally takes for the samples to be received Institute of Veterinary
production of a traditional gingerbread cake, from a local and analysed, may invariably lead to false-negative results. Pharmacology and
bakery in the area of Appenzell, Switzerland. Unfortunately, Therefore, in the search for an alternative approach, the Toxicology,
the farmer did not notice the typical smell of bitter almonds authors took advantage of a more stable metabolite that can U. Gorber, DVM,
but, initially, all 12 cows demonstrated a strong aversion to easily be monitored. The majority of HCN (80 per cent) is Department of
the unusual feed consisting of soft apricot hulls. Eventually, detoxified by the enzyme rhodanese in the liver, producing Farm Animals,
the feed was made more palatable by the addition of silage a thiocyanate metabolite that is excreted mainly through University of Zurich,
such that, on average, each cow ingested approximately 2 kg the kidneys with a half-life of up to three days in human Winterthurerstrasse
of the toxic material. beings (Gurnsey and others 1977, Erdman 2004). In the 260, CH-8057 Zurich,
The following morning, five of the 12 cows showed acute present study, the serum thiocyanate level was determined Switzerland
tympany, of these, two suffered from nystagmus, profuse sali- in blood samples obtained from three surviving cows 24 M. Schuman, PhD,
vation, tremor, opisthotonos and dyspnea. These two cows hours after the initial deaths. The procedure (Lundquist and R. Wennig, PhD,
died within the next 30 minutes and, at the time of death, others 1979) involved an ion exchange clean-up to remove National Health
showed petechial haemorrhages in the sclera and blood drip- interfering matrix components. After elution with sodium Laboratory, Toxicology
ping from the anus. The three other cows suffered from ataxia perchlorate, the thiocyanate concentration was determined Division, University
and became recumbent. The mucosae were light red and the by a quantitative colorimetric reaction in the presence of of Luxembourg,
venous blood was of a distinctive cherry-red colour, reflect- sodium hypochlorite and barbituric acid, yielding a deriva- Luxembourg
ing the inability to use oxygen for aerobic metabolism (Kerns tive with peak absorption at a wavelength of 580 nm. The A. Mittelholzer, DVM,
and others 2002, Erdman 2004). These surviving animals thiocyanate concentrations in the cows (145, 209 and 211 R. Artho, DVM,
remained anorexic for another 24 hours. Their milk produc- µmol/l) exceeded the reference range determined for human S. Meyer, DVM,
tion was reduced, but they recovered without treatment. In blood (15 to 70 µmol/l) and reached the same high concen- Veterinary Practice,
view of the transfer of cyanide across the mammary gland trations as those found in severe cases of cyanide poisonings Appenzell, Switzerland
(Soto-Blanco and Górniak 2003), it was recommended that in human beings (Singh and others 1989). A healthy cow H. Kupferschmidt, MD,
the residual milk obtained from overtly sick animals should in the neighbourhood had a serum thiocyanate level of 52 Swiss Toxicological
be discarded. µmol/l, suggesting a similar normal range in cattle to that Information Centre,
For quantitative cyanide detection, HCN was converted in humans. This view was supported when, one month later, Zurich, Switzerland
into cyanogen chloride by reaction with chloramine (Odoul the thiocyanate serum concentration of the three cows was
and others 1994). The subsequent analysis by gas chroma- measured again and the values were 50 54, and 60 µmol/l. Dr Kupper is also at Swiss
tography-mass spectrometry revealed that the apricot hulls It was concluded that the conversion of HCN to thiocyanate Toxicological Information
contained a mean (sd) HCN level of 110 (23) mg/kg. The provides a potentially useful diagnostic marker to confirm Centre, Zurich,
amygdalin content of the sample, determined by reverse- suspected exposures to cyanide or cyanogenic glycosides in Switzerland

The Veterinary Record, April 12, 2008

Short Communications

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A commonly recommended treatment for cyanide poi- HWANG, E. Y., LEE, J. H., LEE, Y. M. & HONG, S. P. (2002) Reverse-phase HPLC
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The Veterinary Record, April 12, 2008

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