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A Mobile IP based WLAN Security Management Framework

with Reconfigurable Hardware Acceleration

Soumya Maity P. Bera S. K. Ghosh

Indian Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur Kharagpur Kharagpur
India 721302 India 721302 India 721302

ABSTRACT The security management in wireless networks (WLAN) is

The increasing use of wireless technologies in enterprise net- becoming increasingly difficult due to its dynamic topology
works drives the network administrators to concern with characteristics. Mobile users remotely access the internal
various security issues. Implementing the security policies in network (network resources) from various network zones;
wireless network is still an open challenge. The conventional hence may violate the organizational security policies. Typ-
security policy management frameworks used in wired LAN ically, organizational security policy defines set of rules to
do not suit in wireless domain due to the dynamic topology provide authorized object accesses in the network. More-
and mobility of the hosts. The enforcement of organiza- over, this policy may change dynamically depending on var-
tional security policies in wireless networks requires appro- ious control states. Thus, there is a need of a strong security
priate access control models as well as correct distribution policy management system with appropriate access control
of access control rules to the network access points. In such models. The key idea of policy based security management
dynamic environments, role-based access control (RBAC) lies in partitioning the network topology into different policy
mechanisms can be deployed with time and location con- zones and enforcing the security policies in the policy zones
straints. In this paper, we propose a wireless LAN secu- through a set of functional elements. It requires distribution
rity policy management framework supported by a spatio- of the system functionality (or functional rules) into various
temporal RBAC (STRBAC) model and a SAT based verifi- elements. In addition, for representing the dynamic nature
cation procedure. The concept of mobile IP has been used of security policies, the system requires appropriate access
to ensure a fixed layer 3 address of a mobile host. Every host control models (such as role-based access control (RBAC),
needs to register their unique MAC address to a Central Au- spatio-temporal RBAC). The dynamic topology character-
thentication and Role Server (CARS). A home agent takes istics of wireless networks (wireless nodes may not bind to
care of routing a packet to the local host which is currently a specific IP address) makes the use of mobile IP relevant.
located in a foreign network. Each policy zone consists of The mobile IP [13] is always specific to a host and does not
an Wireless Policy Zone Controller (WPZCon) that coordi- change from location to location. The background and stan-
nates with a dedicated Local Role Server (LRS) to extract dards for policy based security management can be found in
the low level access configurations corresponding to the zone RFC 3198 [4]. Role based access control (RBAC) mech-
access routers. The system can be mapped to a reconfig- anisms are already being used for controlled access man-
urable hardware like FPGA or CPLD to exploit the hard- agement. In RBAC, permissions are attached to roles and
ware parallelism and acceleration in computing. We also users must be assigned to these roles to get the permissions
propose a formal spatio-temporal RBAC (STRBAC) model for accessing the resources. Recently, temporal RBAC (TR-
to represent the global security policies formally and a SAT BAC) and spatio-temporal RBAC (STRBAC) models are
based verification framework to verify the access configura- also evolved for location and time dependent access control.
tions. The framework uses a Boolean logic based decision In STRBAC model, users associated to a role can access
procedure instead of general table based matching. network objects, if they satisfy certain location and time
constraints. For example, in an academic network, Students
Keywords are not allowed to access internet from their residential halls
Wireless Network Security, Security Policy, STRBAC model during class time (say, 08:00-18:00 in weekdays). However,
they are always allowed to access internet from the academic
The IETF Policy working group developed a framework for
network policy based admission control [4]. It consists of
a central policy server that interprets the policies, makes
policy decisions and communicates them to various policy
enforcement points. The research outcome of IST-POSITIF
project [1] is policy-based security framework in local area
networks. J Burns et al. propose a framework [3] for au-
tomatic management of network security policies based on
central policy engine. A recent work [2] has been proposed management system to overcome the challenges in dynamic
by Lapiotis et al. on policy based security management in volatile wireless environments. The enforcement of correct
wireless LAN. But, they do not describe the type of secu- policies and Access Control Lists over the distributed net-
rity policies enforced and also do not describe the formal work and verifying the completeness is the novel approach
validation of the policies. towards the policy based network management paradigm.
The framework consists of the following modules:
Role based access control (RBAC) models [5] [6] are used for
addressing the access requirements of commercial organiza-
tions. Ray and Toahchoodee [7] propose a Spatio-Temporal • Basic Architecture
Role-Based Access Control Model incorporating both time • Formal Modeling of Security Policy
and location information. We introduce the notion of wire-
less policy zone to represent location in our model. The role • Verification
permissions to access network objects are modeled through
policy rules containing both policy zone(location) and tem- 2.1 Basic Architecture
poral constraints. The application of spatio-temporal RBAC The proposed Wireless policy management system shown in
model in wireless network security is in its infancy. Laborde Figure 1 stems from the notion of wireless policy zones. One
et al. [9] presents a colored Petri Net based tool which allows or more wireless Access Points (AP), a Wireless Policy Zone
to describe graphically given network topology, the security Controller (WPZCon) and a Local Role Server (LRS) sepa-
mechanism and the goals required. To the best of our knowl- rated from other zones by a zone router together comprises
edge, the only work which uses spatio-temporal RBAC in a Wireless Policy Zone. The authentication of the users
wireless network is by Tomur and Erten [8]. However, this and the access points are managed by a special authentica-
work does not describe the modeling of STRBAC policies tion server (AS) called Central Authentication & Role Server
using existing ACL standards. In this paper, we propose a (CARS) which can be a RADIUS or an AAA server [11].
wireless security policy management framework supported It also assigns appropriate roles to the authenticated users
by a spatio-temporal RBAC model and a SAT based verifi- based on user credentials and policy zone (location) infor-
cation. The novelty of the work lies in mation. CARS is attached to Role Servers. Role servers
assigns a role to a host on basis of its hardware address.
• The use of mobile IP to model the wireless nodes in- Each host is assigned with a IP address from a pull of IP
creases the performance of the system and gives better addresses mapped with that Role. A home agent takes the
results compared to MAC based models as referred in responsibility to forward a packet to a host using the concept
[11] and [14]. A comparison between the performances of Mobile IP [13].
of these paradigms has been analyzed with experimen-
tal results. • Home Agent is a designated router in the home net-
• Computation of low level access configurations has been work of the mobile node, maintains a mobility binding
accelerated by the use of reconfigurable hardware (in table where each entry is identified by the tuple <α ,τ
each policy zone controller) at deploy time. So mod- , 1̃ >. Here, α is permanent home address, τ is tem-
ification or addition of rules might converge in slower porary care-of address and 1̃ is association lifetime.
rate resulting faster forwarding of network packets. • Foreign Agent are specialized routers on the foreign
• A SAT based framework has been presented to verify network where the mobile node is currently visiting.
the low level access configuration with respect to the The foreign agent maintains a visitor list which con-
organizational policy. tains information about the mobile nodes currently
visiting that network. Each entry in the visitor list
is identified by the tuple <α, ψ, $, 1̃>, where ψ is
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, address of home agent and $ is MAC address of the
the architecture and operational flow of the proposed secu- mobile node. Foreign agent provides the new τ to a
rity management framework has been explained. Then, the host.
formalization of the system entities and STRBAC model has
been described subsection 2.2. Next subsection describes the • Central Authentication & Role Server (CARS) which
SAT based verification procedure for analyzing the access authenticates the users (or nodes) and access points
configurations with respect to the security policy. Section (AP) and also assigns appropriate roles to the users
3 describes the enhancement of system performance using based on user credentials.
hardware acceleration. The analysis of the framework with • Local Role Servers (LRS) corresponding to the respec-
a case study has been presented in section 4. This section tive policy zones are populated with the user-role in-
also shows the experimental results. Finally, conclusion has formation from the CARS.
been drawn in section 5.
• The Global Policy Server formally models the global
2. THE PROPOSED WLAN SECURITY MAN- security policy, GP; determines the high level policy
configurations for various policy zones.
The design of the framework for Mobile IP based Wireless • The distributed Wireless Policy Zone Controllers (WPZ-
Security Policy Management is a solution to the aforemen- Cons) determine the low level access configurations co-
tioned consideration on requirement of scalable and efficient ordinating with the local role servers and validates the
Figure 1: Proposed Mobile IP based WLAN Security Policy Management Framework

access configurations with high level policy configura-


Each time a new node enters in the range of an AP, CARS

authenticates it and communicates the information to LRS
while associating the node in the corresponding zone. When
a node leaves the range of an AP, it can sense the node us-
ing the baecon packet and requests the CARS to remove
the local information regarding the node. The LRS is re- Figure 2: Operational Flow of the proposed frame-
sponsible for maintaining the AP and user-role informa- work
tion in a policy zone. The Global Policy Server (GPS) for-
malizes the global security policy (GP) through a spatio-
temporal RBAC model. The details of the STRBAC model
has been described in section 2.2.2. It also determines and
validates high level policy configurations for various policy
zones. GPS holds the pull of IP addresses for a particular
role. It is represented by a function, f (role) which returns
a valid IP address block. The DHCP server is assumed to
be configured in that way. For manual IP settings, the au-
thentication will fail if f (role) and IP does not match. Each
WPZCon coordinates with the local role server to derive low
level access configuration for the policy zone. Finally, the
implementation access rules corresponding to the low level
access configurations are implemented in various zone access
points. The operational flow of the system is shown in Fig.2.
In our framework, the distributed policy zone architecture
makes the task of policy enforcement and validation eas-
ier and efficient. We also propose a formal spatio-temporal
RBAC model for representing the security policies described
in the next subsection.

2.2 Formal Model of the System

Typically, the spatio-temporal RBAC model incorporates
the location and time information to the basic RBAC en-
tities through various relations. The basic RBAC entities
are users, roles, objects, permissions and operations. The
modeling of host mobility and STRBAC entities has been
described in the following subsections.
2.2.1 Mobility Modeling earlier work [14].
Each host, x has a home network where it belongs to. H(x), x ∈
theN/W addressof homenetwork is the Home agent of x 2.2.3 Modeling of Global Policy
which contains the tuple < α, τ, 1̃, ψ, $ > for each x. The The global policy of an organization can be modeled through
foreign agent, F (x), X ∈ anynetwork holds the information a set of policy rules. A policy rule represents the network ob-
of tthe same tuple. After x, x ↔ α, being registered to F (x), ject accessibility permissions (“permit” or “deny”) of a role
Home agent gets the information about CO(x), CO(x) = from a policy zone to the network objects during certain
f (F (x)) ∈ address space of the network F(x) belongs to. The time interval.
function f defined on a foreign agent returns an IP address.
In practise, f always polls its identity in link layer by broad- Definition 1: [Policy Rule] A Policy Rule P Ri < rj , Zl , Objk , T, p >
cast message. x reads the data and send necessary data to defines that the role rj is assigned the permission p (“per-
be registered. F on the other hand registers CO(x) with the mit”/“deny”) to access the object objk from the policy zone
H(x). H(x) maps the address of x with CO(x) and forwards P Zonl during the time interval T .
packets to CO(x) which are destined to x Each policy rule must satisfy the following predicates: (1)
T ⊆ RoleAssignT ime(rj ), i.e., time interval T must be con-
tained in RoleAssignT ime(rj );
2.2.2 STRBAC Modelling
(2) Zl ⊆ RoleAssignZone(rj ), i.e., source zone Zl contained
In our model, the network location is represented in terms
in RoleAssignZone(rj ). The global policy is represented as
of policy zones. The policy zones physically represent dif-
ordered set of policy rules {P R1 , ..., P RN }.
ferent sections or units in an organizational network. In the
previous section it is ensured that each host will be assigned High Level Policy Configuration: To enforce the organi-
a static IP on the basis of their Role. So, there is a onto zational security policy in the wireless LAN, the rules in the
mapping from the set of Roles to the set of zones. For ex- global policy model GP must be properly distributed to vari-
ample, in a typical Academic network, the policy zones can ous policy zone controllers (WPZCon). Thus, high level pol-
be Academic sections, Hostels or Administration etc. icy configuration is represented as a distribution of zonal rule
sets < GPZ1 , GPZ2 , ..., GPZN >, where GPZi represents the
The time must be modelled with appropriate granularity to zonal rule set for the policy zone Zi . This distribution must
provide temporal object access. The granularity of time may satisfy the property: (GPZ1 ∧ GPZ2 ∧ ... ∧ GPZN ) ⇒ GP .
depend on the organizational access control requirements. A policy rule P Ri is included in the zonal rule set GPZk
To represent time in our model, we use the notion of time corresponding to the policy zone Zk , iff the policy zone of
instant and time interval. The interval can be continuous P Ri is contained by the policy zone Zk .
and non-continuous. Example of a continuous interval is Low Level Access Configuration: Each WPZCon de-
09:30-17:00 on 04th May. Example of a non-continuous time termines the low level configuration based on the local user-
interval is 10:00-18:00 on Monday to Friday in the month of role and high level policy configuration. A WPZCon co-
May. A time instant ti in the interval T is indicated as ordinates with the local role server (LRS) for getting pop-
ti ∈ T . ulated with the local policy states. The low level access
configuration LPZk represents a collection of implementa-
A network object is represented as a network service and tion rules {IR1 , IR2 , ..., IRN } corresponding to the zonal
associated network policy zone where, services refer to any rule set GPZk of policy zone Zk .
network applications conforming to TCP/IP protocol. For
Definition 2: [Implementation Rule] An Implementa-
example, some of the known network services are ssh, telnet,
tion rule IRx < ui , rj , Servk , Zs , Zd , T, p, netl > defines
http etc. The service policy zone is the destination location
that an user ui associated to the role rj is assigned the
associated to the service. For example, ssh service access
permission p to access the network service Servk from the
to a policy zone Zd can be represented by a network object
source zone Zs to destination zone Zd during time interval
Obji < ssh, Zd >.
T ; where, netl represents the access router or the network
interface to which the rule is physically mapped.
Roles represent group of users. For example, typical roles
for an academic institution may be faculty, student, admin-
istrator, guest etc. In our model, the assignment of roles The validation of the low level access configuration is en-
to the users is location and time dependent. For exam- sured by the property: ∀(LPZi , GPZi ), LPZi ⇒ GPZi . It
ple, an user can be assigned the role of faculty in acad- states that each low level implementation rule set or access
emic policy zone at any time. Thus, valid users must satisfy configuration, LPZi must conform to the corresponding high
the spatial and temporal constraints before role assignment. level policy rule set GPZi .
RoleAssignZone(ri ) represents the policy zone(s) where the
role ri can be assigned. RoleAssignT ime(rj ) represents the 2.3 Verification
time interval when the role rj can be assigned. The security of the proposed STRBAC model can be en-
sured by the following necessary and sufficient properties:
The predicate U serRoleAssign(ui , rj , T, Zk ) states that the Property1: U serRoleAssign(ui , rj , T, Zk ) ⇒ ((U serP Zone(ui , T ) =
user ui is assigned to role rj during the time interval T and Zk )∧(Zk ⊆ RoleAssignZone(rj ))∧(T ⊆ RoleAssignT ime(rj ))
policy zone Zk . This predicate must satisfy the property:
U serRoleAssign(ui , rj , T, Zk ) ⇒ (U serP Zone(ui , T ) = Zk )∧
Property2: (GPZ1 ∧ GPZ2 ∧ ... ∧ GPZN ) ⇒ GP .
(Zk ⊆ RoleAssignZone(rj )) ∧ (T ⊆ RoleAssignT ime(rj )).
The formalization of policy zones, time, network objects, Property3: ∀(LPZi , GPZi ), LPZi ⇒ GPZi .
roles and other STRBAC entities has been addressed in our We have used SAT based decision procedure to verify the
In this section, we describe the reduction of the policy en-
forcement rules with the help of an example. Consider the
IP address of the mobile host under test is with
role “employee”. Suppose the current security policy for the
“employee” role is to block “ssh” service access to the host After distribution of the policy rules, the zone
router of checks the packet. The rule written in
zone router:
zone employee[]
zone director[]
service ssh 22
RuleX: Deny ssh employee director
RuleY: Permit ssh director employee

The boolean reduction of the above rules are described as

employee ↔ ˜I0 ∧ ˜I1 ∧ ˜I2 ∧ ˜I3 ∧ I4 ∧ ˜I5 ∧ I6 ∧ ˜I7

∧˜I8 ∧ ˜ ∧ I9 ∧ ˜I10 ∧ ˜I11 ∧ I12 ∧ I13 ∧ I14 ∧ ˜I15

director ↔ ˜I0 ∧ ˜I1 ∧ ˜I2 ∧ ˜I3 ∧ I4 ∧ ˜I5 ∧ I6 ∧ ˜I7 ∧

Figure 3: Hardware Design Flow
˜I8 ∧ ˜I9 ∧ ˜I10 ∧ ˜I11 ∧ I12 ∧ I13 ∧ ˜I14 ∧ ˜I15 ∧
security properties of the system. It reduces the conjunc-
tion (∧) of the security properties into a boolean formula ˜I16 ∧ ˜I17 ∧ ˜I18 ∧ ˜I19 ∧ ˜I20 ∧ ˜I21 ∧ ˜I22 ∧ I23 ∧
and checks its satisfiability (SAT). The verification proce-
dure uses efficient zChaff SAT solver [10] as a verification ˜I24 ∧ ˜I25 ∧ I26 ∧ ˜I27 I ∧ I28 ∧ I29 ∧ ˜I30 ∧ I31
tool. The SAT result indicates the correctness of the imple-
mentation corresponding to the security policy. ssh ↔ ˜I0 ∧ ˜I1 ∧ ˜I2 ∧ I3 ∧ ˜I4 ∧ I5 ∧ I6 ∧ ˜I7

3. RECONFIGURABLE HARDWARE ACCEL- RuleX ↔ ˜ssh ∨ ˜employee ∨ ˜director

From the formal model of the proposed framework the Boolean RulwX ⇔ ssh ∧ director ∧ employee
expressions can be obtained. The max terms represent the
RuleX and RuleY will be embedded un hardware for fast
permit rules. So we can formulate any Boolean function for
checking. So as a result, the whole framework ensures no
the AP or zone routers to decide the check the permit or
SSH packet from employee will be allowed to go to directors
deny condition rule for a particular packet. As an example
machine. But Director can SSH to his employee’s machines.
say, a packet has a source IP Is and destination IP Id .
f (Isi ) = S, i ∈ 0, 1, 2, 3...31, where S is a Boolean variable
represents a true if the host exists. Similarly, f (Idi ) = D. 4.1 Experimental Results
If the global policy says, Any packet should be dropped from The proposed framework has been simulated in Unix envi-
Is to Id , R(D, S) = F alse, where R is boolean function that ronment. Lapiotis et al. [2] have proposed another frame-
checks the permission. work which worked on link layer policy configurations. We
So, this rule is a minterm in the decision making logic. have used the IP layer security policy enforcement and bet-
The comparative study between this approach and conven- ter performance is achieved. The Table4.1 shows the com-
tional software based approach is given in ??. parative studies between the two paradigm. Moreover the
Figure 3 explains the actual hardware design flow of the subnetting is possible in IP layer which helps is achieving
system. 74 input ports (32 bit for Source IP, 32 destination drastically better performance in average or best cases ans
IP, 8 bit for service) are required. A HDL module is gen- same in worst case.
erated in deploy time and holds the boolean logic for the
permission rules. FPGA, CPLS or PROM based decision For the reconfigurable hardware simulation we have used
acceleration can be achieved. Though each time a new host Xilinx ISE 9.02 and the targeted architecture was Virtex 2
registers with CARS, the boolean logic has to be modified Pro FPGA chip (v2p-fg256-7). Total 97 I/O were used. 1
according to the role and permission assigned to the host. Input IOB and 1 output IOB were used and the maximum
We have simulated the model on Virtex2P board. Total combinational path delay is 3.802 ns.
REAL time to Xst completion was 1.00 secs and Total CPU
time to Xst completion was 0.94 secs. Whereas the policy The proposed framework is feasible. The performance analy-
checking time for each packet can be reduced to 3.802 ns sis shows that convergence time of modification of rules is
(maximum delay on the critical path). compromised to achieve faster permission checking time.


Table 1: Performance Analysis of MAC based and IP based modelling of the Policy Framework
Zones Rules MAC Address Based Model IP Address based Model
User Time System Time SAT execution time User Time System Time SAT execution time
1 2 0.705 0.092 0.018 0.641 0.076 0.019
4 10 1.066 0.148 0.020 0.759 0.088 0.019
4 100 1.107 0.152 0.031 0.763 0.088 0.022
4 1000 1.125 0.159 0.060 0.765 0.092 0.058
16 10 1.680 0.172 0.023 0.910 0.112 0.023
16 100 1.720 0.186 0.031 0.921 0.115 0.028
16 1000 1.753 0.201 0.067 0.929 0.122 0.063
32 10 2.115 0.271 0.024 0.998 0.137 0.024
32 100 1.139 0.280 0.033 1.102 0.138 0.030
32 1000 1.1151 0.291 0.067 1.109 0.143 0.063

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