Jack Gillen - Jack Gillen Predicts

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$19103ad NITND WOVE O86L YE L “IOA Grand Trine Me aed. Master Astrologer Penetrates the Future of the United States plus 70 other Countries and tells the Time of Danger in the Devil's Triangle ' Acknowledgement Contents I wish to extend’my deep appreciation to the people of Grand Trine Publications, Inc,, for ABOUT THE AUTHOR «vss se ix their efforts in geiting this book into print, CHAPTER | The Making of a Prediction»... 1 My special thanks go to Col. Walter P. Blum, Virginia Cunningnam, Sue Blum, Tom Blum, Carol Blum, Jack R. Pyle and Taylor Reese, CHAPTER I An Astrological Look at the for their constant cooperation and solid Bermuda Triangle... 2... 27 support, The individual and combined efforts of these fine peosle, their wealth of ideas and CHAPTER IL Predictions for the Year 1975... AI enthusiasm, were source of inspitation to ime. [extend to them my heart-felt gratitude. JACK GILLEN Orlando, Florida CHAPTER V 1977—A Year of Promise... . . 69 CHAPTER IV 1976 — A Year of Protest 21 8 | CHAPTER VI 1978 — An Agricultural Year... 81 CHAPTER VII 1979 — A Year of Political Changes oe 93 CHAPTER VIII 1980— A Year of Drastic Changes 2... 2. 107 CHAPTER IX Selected Countries Through 1980. . 119 CHAPTER X A Glimpse oj the Eighties...» . . 211 About the Author There will be no attempt in this section of the book to give biographical data on Jack Gillen, or to give a recitation of his years of study, This is 1 book of PREDICTIONS, and the important thing is: DO HIS PREDICTIONS HAVE VALIDITY? Here are the facts: Jack Gillen began making predictions based on astro- logical cycles and aspects back in the fall of 1965. His trst six predictions were made fer the year 1966. He was 100 percent accurate. All six predictions, made months before the events actually happened, were published in newspapers and were broadcast over the air. In that first year Jack correctly predicted the outcome of the Kentucky Derby, The Preak- ness and The Belmont (horse racing’s Triple Crown), and he predicted the election of a Negro ~ an event that would hardly be newsworthy today, for we have many outstanding black political leaders at all levels of government, but it was a real change back in 1966. In that first series of predictions Jack told of an earthquake in Turkey. Almost a year later, and at the exact lime he said it would happen — in August of 1966 — an earthquake hit Turkey, killing over 2500 people ‘There were seven predictions made in the fall of 1966 for the year 1967, and again his accuracy was 100 percent. Jack predicted all three legs of horse racing's Tripie Crown, and he also predicted the fire aboard the Apollo spaceeraft that occurred on January 27, 1967. These events received wide media coverage, and are notable for that reason. x Jack Gillen Predicts In September of 1967 Jack made his predictions for 1968. There were eight of them. Once again, the accuracy factor was 100 percent and the media coverage of his predictions was growing. The outstanding prediction for 1968 was that our nation would experience assassinations following the eclipse of the Moon on April 13, and that this petiod would last until June 13, Do you need to be reminded of this unhappy period when both Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert Kennedy were killed by assassins? When Jack was questioned about this prediction, after the deaths of these two respected leaders, he said, “I did not fully realize the extreme importance of this prediction at the time I made it. The aspects were for riots and assassinations of people in high places. I reported these aspects for April 13 thru June 13, but did not name the great leaders whose fate was so unfortunately sealed during that period of time.” In the fall of 1968 Jack made eight more predictions for the coming year, and he published them in booklet form addition to the booklet — now secoming a collector's item ~ these eight predictions were given wide newspaper and radio coverage, and Jack's predictions were becoming well known by the man-on-thestreet and not just by “astrology buffs.” In that year, 1968, he predicted, among other things, the death of President Eisenhower, the beginning of a stock market skid that would take it to a seven-year low in 1970, and that Miami would achieve the dubious honor of having the highest crime rate in the nation, These predictions, and the other five for 1969, were completely accurate. Needless to say, the accuracy factor of Jack's predictions, and the fact that they were made well in advance of the event, caused a demand for advance notice of them from many sources, and because of this demand, he increased the number of predictions in 1970, (In 1971 he began making predictions for each year month by month.) Jock Gillen Predicts xi His notable 1970 predictions included the stock market Jow in May — a seven-year low predicted for the first time in the fall of 1968 ~ a year and seven or eight months before the low occurred. He predicted, too, the death of General DeGaulle and the earthquake in Peru that killed over 50,000 persons. More than a year in advance, he predicted still another tragedy, the tidal wave that hit East Pakistan on November 13, 1970, with a toss of over 300,000 lives. There were ten major predictions made for 1970, and they were 100 percent accurate. From 1971 on Jack made a great many predictions — not just a few for each year, and he was accurate on the vast majority of them. Statistically, his accuracy factor is 96.5 percent, but that, alone, doesn’t tell the story, for his prediction of the death or overthrow of Fidel Castro to have occurred in February of 1972 oF um July 29, 1972 was an error. Fidel did nof die and was not overthrown. This was an error, and it reduced Jack’s record of accuracy, but it was an error easily understood. When this prediction failed, Jack got out his charts to see how he couk! have made such an error. Not for one minute did he doubt Astrology; he doubted Jack Gillen, He knew there had been a human error. He rechecked thie charts, all the computations, all the aspects, and it still looked the same to him: The country aspected was Cuba and there should have been the loss or overthrow of the leader of that country He could find no error in computation. As he sat there deep in thought, it came to him,". . . the loss or overthrow of the ‘leader’ of that country . . .” and to many, many Cubans, Fidel is not the leader, but orly a revolutionary, an interloper, a dictator. To many Cubans, both in Cuba and in exile, Batista was the real leader of the country. On July 29, 1972 Batista was stricken with a heart attack, and he xii Jack Gillen Predicts succumbed to this fatal seizure eght days later, on August 6, 1972. From the early '70s Jack's predictions were carried segularly in many newspapers, including, to name only a few, the Miami Daily News (Miami, Florida), the National Enquirer (Lantana, Florida), and the Orlando Sentinel Star (Orlando, Florida). Why did these papers print the predic- tions of this young Astrolog:r? Simple. One word ~ ‘Accuracy. Jack made literally hundreds of predictions for the early seventies. [t would serve no useful purpose to list all of them here, but here are a few that deserve to be remembered He predicted the serious financial trouble, the bank- ruptey, actually, of the world’s most honored automaker, Rolls-Royce. This happened, a: predicted, in February of 1971, They are now back in production, but in February of 1971 they were bankrupt, and (1e assembly of ail motor cars had stopped. ‘Also, in 1971 Jack predicted that we would receive news of the deaths of three astronauts, This prediction really worried him, and on one of his many radio appearances, the “Gene Bums Show” on WKIS in Orlando, he publicly asked for “preventative measures.” He frankly told the listening audience that he didn’t know if the astronauts were ‘American or Russian, but he wanted to save lives, whoever they were. You remember the news story, of course. The astronauts were Russian, and it involved three of them, all losing their lives in an as yet unexplained mishap His warning of prison breaks and riots for September of 1971 was completely passed over, and now we can all remember, only too well, Attica, Could it have been prevented? It is hard to say, but when the aspects are there for trouble, wouldn't 2 little prevention be worth a try? Jack Gillen Predicts xii Nikita S. Khrushchev died at the age of 77 on September 11, 1971. Jack made this prediction one year earlier, when he made public all his predictions for 1971 in August of 1970. In this vein, the prediction that J. Edgar Hoover would dic on May 2 or July 2, 1972 was accurate. He passed away ‘you will recall, on May 2. , On February 24, 1972, Jack appeared on the “Tom Sawyer Show,” an audience-participation show, and predic: ted that, while the prograi was on their, (the program was of several hours’ duration) an earthquake would occur in California, He further predicted that another “quake” would hit there on the same date in 1973. 1: wasn’t a guess or a grandstand play; the aspects were there and they would be there again one year later, to the day Near the end of the show a news story came in on the teletype stating that an earthquake had indced hit Califo ‘Are you surprised? Well, check the records, and also check February 24, 1973, for just as Jack saic, another earthquake hit one year later. Now, the interpretation of Astrology, like the practice of medicine, is an art, not a science. There are many, many variables to take into consideration. There are over 17,000 of these variables, or combinations, if you will Is it any wonder that one of them, sometimes an important one, can be overlooked? When this happens it is the Astrologer who has erred, not Astrology. Let us cite an example. Jack predicted an earthquake for Japan in May of 1972. An earthquake did occur in that area of the earth, hitting seven points on the Richter Scale, but it hit China, not Japan. An error? You bet, and a serious one But Jack never avoids hs errors; he leam from them. If you ask him about them he smiles and says, “The Astrologer may not be perfect, but Astrology is.” And in a more serious vein xv - Jack Gillen Predicts the continues. “I do not believe that Astrology is wrong ~ the influence of the plmets on each other and on the earth is always constant and is uof wrong ~ but the Astrologer, being human, can be. He can miscatculete; he can misinterpret; he can even misunderstand, but the forces of the planets, the forces of nature, are there and tey are as constant as the Su, the Moon and the tides, The error was mine. More than a year in advance of the election, Jack predicted the re-election of Richard Nixon, He also predicted the United States’ pullout of Viet Nam. ‘On December 5, 1972, Jack appeared on the “J. Kent Hackleman Show” on KTRH, Houston, Texas. On that show hho predicted the December 8 crash of a United Airlines jet bound for Midway Airport in Chicago. The tragedy occurred in a densely populated neighborhood, killing 43 passengers and 2 residents of the area On that same radio program Jack also predicted the wreck of the Easter Tri-Star that crashed in the Everglades as it made its approach to Miami Intemational Airport on December 29, killing 100 people. As he spoke on the air that night — 24 days before the cresh ~ he said the accident woul occur near 11 pam, and he asked for Might cancella- fions. if necessary, to prevent this disaster. However, his warning was ignored. In the fall of 1972 Jack predicted that Secretariat would win the Triple Crown — the first Triple Crown winner in 48 years. This came as no surprise, ef course, to the followers of his predictions, for Jack had accurately predicted the winners of exch leg of the Triple Crown every year since 1966. That he should do so again for the races in 1973 was no real shocker. To be perfectly fair about it, Jack missed in 1974. He correctly named the winner of both the Preakness and The Belmont, but he was wrong in predicting Agitate would take the Kentucky Derby. Jack Gillen Predicts a jyi4% more than a. year in avance, predicted anal volunteer army, and also the election forthe City of Loe Angele on Me HE BGK mayor Once again, in July of 1973, Jack found an aspect assasination Ths time the oevutrence vas bath notable and shocking, for it involved a member of a foreign dclegation who was shot to death at his hom: in Chevy Chase Maryland, He was Abn, Is tary Attache. Later, in a Voice of Palestine broadeast {rom Cairo, it was asserted that he had been executed in reprisal for the June 28 death of an Arab militant in Paris. Back in the late summer and carly fall of 1973 no one gave a thought to recession. Inflation was the problem — Prices wete rising rapidly, and wages were galloping after them at a dizzying speed. But Jack's prediction was for a recession in 1974, for he was aware of several astrological factors, notable among them that 1974 was a year ruled by Saturn and that it coincided with the Saturn setuin in the United States chart You will recall that the first part of the year was as inflationary as the year before, that jobs were plentiful, that demands from all sectors of the economy were out of hounds = and then came the last half of the year. It started with housing and the construction trades, end then the auto plants, and gradually a large part of all manufacturing, Then followed the worst economic news in many years — the oil embargo by the O.P.E.C. nations Recession — and in some areas it could be called a depression — was a fact of life in late 1974 and continuing into 1975, But it seemed a foolish prediction when it was made back in the free-spending, free-living summer of "73. One of the biggest newsmakers for 1974 was Jack’s Prediction of an airplane disaster near Paris, France, durin the period from Match 2 to 4, This prediction was made, as . Jack Gillen Predicts has been his custom, in the fall of 1973, but this one ~ not elaborated on when it was originally made — stayed on Jack's mind, hounding him, until he finally got out his work charts to study them again. Not that air crashes are ever anything to pass over lightly, but this one, on second consideration, was definitely not routine, The more he studied the aspects, the more he realized this one might be the biggest air disaster in history He had been invited to appear on the “Craig Worthing Show’ on radio station WINZ, Miami, Florida, on January 30, 1974, and he decided to use the opportunity to publicize the impending disaster, with the hope that it might be averted. Jack appeared on many other radio shows before the fateful day arrived, and on every occasion he told of the aspects for this major air disaster, but no action was taken to avert the tragedy that was to occur. On March 3, 1974, a Turkish airliner, with 345 people on board, crashed in the forest of Ermenoville, 26 milks northeast of Paris. Like many predictions he had made, this one ~ a warning of the worst air disaster in our history — went unheeded, little noticed, until after the fact, These lives could have been saved by rescheduling or cancelling a few flights crossing that gcorraphical area during that particular time period. Many of his predictions have received remarkable cover- age after the event, His interest is not ~ and never has been ~ in racking up a high percentage for the accuracy of his forecasts. His purpose was, and still is, to use Astrology to help human beings, his fellow man, live a better life, just as Astrology, in its most primitive form, helps the farmer as he sows and seaps by the signs as given in the Farmer's Almanac. These are a few of Jack’s predictions out of the hundreds that were made over the past eight or nine years. His accuracy of 96.5 percent is phenomenal. Is it any wonder that the publishers of this book convinced Jack that he Jack Gillen Predicts xv should make the enormous effort and spend the time to do the research, make the computations and make the judg- ‘ments that would permit him to write a book such as this? JACK GILLEN PREDICTS is not meant to be a blueprint for the future, for the author cannot be expected to encapsulate all the events, all the (rends for all the years from now through the year 1980, not in this one volume. It would bbe well, however, to read this book very carefully, see the direction we are going, the stresses that are ahead for each of us and for our children. Think of it as a road map to tomorrow — the highways and the larger cities are there, perhaps, but the little villages, the sights, sounds and smells of the country may, perforce, be omi'ted There is a tremendous need for the boon that Astrology can be to mankind, and if this book can help kick open the door to let in the sunlight of reason, then Jack will have accomplished his purpose ‘As you read the book you will feel that quality of the man. He is a professional Astrologer who wears the Jabel proudly, for while he will always be a student — as every competent artist is — he is also a teacher, in the broadest sense of the word. He is a militent in the vanguard of Astrology, fighting for the acceptance and the everyday use of this subject as a clue to the understanding of mankind and man to his inner self. Astrology, he believes, is the real key to man’s adjustment to both his inner and outer worlds ~ to his mental and physical health, Read the book through once for pure enjoyment, but then go back over it again and again digging out the simple, unadomed statements of things to come. Can the road map to tomorrow help you find the way? CHAPTER I The Making of a Prediction Everything and everybody on carth is affected by cycles — the simplest of these being, of course, day and night or summer, winter, fall and spring. Or, we might think of the tides, a slightly more complex but still a repeatable known cycle This, in its barest form, is Astrology. For our purposes we will conside- both the luminaries (Sun and Moon) as planets in our solar system, and in each of the cycles mentioned above the movement of the earth around the Sun, or the Moon’s orbit around the carth, creates, an effect on the earth — a visible and predictable cycle. ‘Astrology, during the Piscean Age, from which we are now only slowly emerging, acquired a bad name. It fell into the category of witchcraft, fortune-telling and chicanery. It is not, and has never been, related in any way to. the supernatural. If anything, it is super natural. It is a study of the planets in the earth's solar system, of their movements, and of the effect of those movements on our carth and on uurselves, Think of it this way: The word “Astrology” means ‘star study” — a study of the eight planets and our Moon revolving around the Sun. ‘The accredited and respected 20th Century science of Astronomy began as Astrology, but somewhere in the minds 2 Jack Gillen Predicts ‘of the men of the Piscean Age the pursuit of neat little facts, the movement of the planets, the nature of them, their size density and their atmosphere, all became more important than their effect on our own planet earth, and the result was a cleavage: there were two “star study” groups, one called Astrology and one called Astronomy, Without belaboring the point here, the Piscean Age was excellent for Astronomy, and it has flourished and is highly respected. The coming Age of Aquarius will revive the interest in and greatly increase our knowledge of Astrology, the other “star study," whose interest is in the effect. Predictions are based on cycles — on recurring arrange~ ‘ments of the planets in our solar system and the effect of those planets in that particular arrangement on our earth and ‘on ourselves, for we are creatures of the earth, affected by its cold and warmth, its humidity or aridity, the barometric pressure. The list is endiess, but the results on us are certain Astrology has been studied for over fifty centuries, perhaps even fonger, When you think that the birth of Christ was less than twenty centuries ago, you wonder at the amount we could learn from the peoples who lived on earth in those previous thirty centuries No, they were not ignorant savages. That is clear from the monuments they left behind, such as the one at Stonehenge, ‘or the Pyramids — each an architectural wonder, an architec tural enigma, and each certainly a scientifically accurate astrological observatory Ignorant savages in those thirty centuries before the birth of Christ? No. The ignorance seems to be more in the twenty centuries after the birth of Christ, from the advent of the Age of Pisces, for our recorded history shows more than a little savagery and more than a little ignorance. ‘One day — and perhaps soon — Astrology will be given the attention it should have for the good of mankind, and The Making of ¢ Prediction 3 ‘one day ~ perhaps soon ~ more effort will be made to find the secrets of the ancients. We have star charts th: n feliably dated at around 4200 B.C., the work of Egyptian astrologers; we have a surviving fragment from the reign of Sargon of Agade (2870 B.C.) that shows that predictions were made from the positions of the Sun, the Moon and the five known planets of that day; we know that Stonehenge was used to plot cycles and make predictions, and though we know little of mankind during that period of history, we do have evidence that they were interested in the 19-year cycle and the Sé-year cycle. ‘As you can see, making predictions based on planetary positions and planetary aspects to each other and to the earth ~ based on cycles — is not new. The study of cycles (not necessarily in connection with Astrology) is one being given considerable attention now in the scientific community. All astrologers are delighted with this tum of events, for they welcome all efforts, no matter how oblique, to open the minds of men to “star study” and the effects of the planets that surround us in our solar system. Each of the planets, as well as the Sun and Moon of our solar system, has a cycle. That is, it will come back to the exact position it now occupies as you read this, or the exact place it occupied at the time of your birth, in a very definite cyclical way. The Sun, for example, makes this return in from 19 to 20 years, and it is generslly referred to as the “J9-year cycle.” It is, as you will recall, one of the cycles given considerable attention by the peoples of the Stone- henge era The effects of the Sun’s retum cycle may be many, but ‘one is pretty apparent: Droughts are seen in the years of the Sun’s return. The year 1933 is a prime example. There were severe droughts in many areas of the world that lasted until 1936. Let us bring it up twenty more years. In 1953 droughts 4 Jack Gillen Predicts started again, and they plagued many parts of the world until 1956, We are presently in another drought period, 1973 to 1976, It is not difficult to remember the droughts just experienced by farmers both in 1973 and 1974, and if we wished to make a prediction, based on the Sun cycle, we would state that such droughts are likely to continue through the year 1975 and into 1976. Not very good news for a world where food is already in short supply and expensive. If we made better use of Asirology, or of the cycle studies some of our scientists are conducting, we would plan for this shortage by stockpiling food supplies in the wet years, by planting all available acreage, thereby assuring a ‘more adequate supply during the years of drought, ‘The Sun rules over the area of the United States and Russia, It rules over power, ambition, the whiteskinned peoples of the world, and it represents health, principle, general prosperity and position. It rules over government and it gives power over others. It is the sign of authority, energy, fire, glory, gold, hope, pride and persistence. ‘A Sun return can bring bad or good. What significance the return cycle has depends on the aspects made to other planets at the time, Here is @ curious result of the Sun’s retum in combination with both Jupiter and Saturn in earth signs. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected to office, and Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in the earth sign of Virgo. ‘As everyone knows, Lincoln was assassinated in 1864. ‘Twenty years later, with the coming of another Sun retum, in the year 1880, James Garfield was clected to office. and this time Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in Taurus. an earth sign, Garfield was assassinated on September 19, 1881 Twenty years later, in 1900, William McKinley was elected to office on a Sun retum cycle, with Jupiter and The Moking ofa Prediction 5 Satum conjunet, this time in Capricorn, another earth sign’ William McKinley was assassinated on September 14, 1901 Twenty years later, 1920, Warren G. Harding was elected to office on the Sun return cycle, and this time Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in the earth sign Virgo, Harding died in office in 1923, Twenty years later, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to his third term, and at that time Jupiter and Satum were conjunct in Taurus, again an earth sign. President Roosevelt died while still in office, in 1945, during his unprecedented fourth term. ‘The next Sun cycle return of twenty years was in 1960, the year John F. Kennedy was elected, and Jupiter and Satum were conjunct in the earth sign Capricorn. President Kennedy was assassinated on Novernber 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. ‘As you can see, any prediction cbout the death or assassination of John P. Kennedy, white fill in office, would not have been out of the ordinary. In 1980 we will have still another Sun cycle return, with Jupiter and Satur conjunct in Virgo. Would you care to make your first prediction? The retum cycle of the Moon is every four years. The Moon represents change, home, the environment. It rules over China and all the yellow-skinned or Oriental peoples of the world. It rules liquids, the mother, emotions, family, laundry, seafood, dairy products, and it brings change — changes in the weather, restlessness in people. During the change cycle of the Moon on its return every four years there is a change in one of these areas ruled by the Moon. Venus has a return cycle of every eight years. It rules over the area of Mexico and South America, the Latin peoples of the world, Venus represents pleasure, good food, good wine, and physical attraction. Is it any wonder the Latins are noted Jack Gillen Predicts 6 for love of fine food, good music, good wine and the opposite sex? These people are influenced strongly by Venus (the planet of love) in their daily lives. ‘Venus also rules over the affections, all things that are beautiful, courtship, dancing, drama, entertainment, furnish- ings, exotic foods, jewelry and music. With the retum cycle of Venus, for example, there can be fa change in the entertainment field. In 1956 it was Elvis Presley who changed the whole music world with his completely different style. Fight years later, on the retum cycle of Venus, there was a group known as the Beatles. Then, eight years after the Beatles, in 1972, the music field took a new turn to country and western, to blue grass. The country artists have taken it away from the British groups, and the other sounds. The new artists on the scene, those that are making it big, have the Nashville sound. If you want to hazard another prediction, let it be that in 1980 a new superstar, a new beat, a new direction will hit the entertainment field, and with the help of the Venus retum in making your prediction, you will have a winner. Mercury rules over the Arab nations and Israel — especially Israel. Mercury's cycle is every ten years. Do a little research yourself, You will have no problem in finding the recutrence of situations occurring in young Israel on the ten-year Mercury cycle. Think of this, too: The Israelis overcame their problems, built their nation, turned desert into productive farmland, by their intelligence, their minds. And why? Because Mercury rules over the mind, the intelligence, education, advertising, bookkeeping, brothers, books, deeds, employees, the hands, knowledge, neighbors and understanding The retum cycles of Mercury will see more change in the thinking, the government and the life of the Israelis, just as there has been during the ten-year cycles in the past. Israel is The Making ofa Prediction 7 anything but content to stand pal. She has invented, modified, abandoned and resurrected all the ideas of living that mankind has known from the kibbutz (o lady soldiers, and these changes are not at an end, for the Mercury cycle will continue to make the mind conceive the change. Mars has a return cycle of every fifteen years. Mars is a negative form of energy, and it rules over India and Indians, our own American Indians. Mars is a reddish color, which makes one think of the Indian’s skin color, but you can also think of the misfortunes and catastrophes that befell India, Indians and the American Indian if you ponder Mars’ tulership, for it rules over wars, accidents, agony, abuse, anger, unexpected attacks, breakage, battles, blisters, cour. age, cuts, wounds, destructiveness, damage, fires, guns, fury, knives, pain, recklessness, torture and weapons. When you think of India with its starvation, privation, famine and pestilence, is it any wonder when you know it ie ruled by Mars? And the American Indian, driven from their land, lied to, killed and persecuted; could these people be ruled by any planet other than Mars? This 15-year Mars cycle will be active in your life, too. Think back over your past. Look to the ‘ist of things ruled by Mars, Have you, on a fifteen-year cycle, experienced Martian occurrences? I'll bet you will find you have, and if you note them carefully you will be able to predict when the next such occurrence will be most likely, when the stage will be set for it, and yet, with prudence, perhaps it car be avoided. The planet Jupiter has a return eycl: every twelve years, Jupiter rules the area of Canada, Alaska, Greenland and part of Australia. These areas and these peoples are very fortu- nate, for Jupiter, the greater benefic, has given them, and will sive them, natural resources, the extent of which has not even been scratched up to this time. It will also give them unexpected luck. Jack Gillen Predicts Jupiter is positive form of energy, giving abundance, rain, wealth, IC rules over sports. Canada will become very rich more sports-oriented in the next few years ~ especially in 1976. when, with the Jupiter return cycle, you will see a treat deal of sports in that country and from there, with reconls being broken and new standards set. ‘upiter also rules over banking, eligion, mesdeal research, endowment, finances, goodwill, the law and unexpectes success. Jupiter, generally. is 2 giver not with the Jupiter retum cycle. For example, look at the years 1937, 1949, 1961 and se were all prosperous years, ‘especially in real described in George Orwell's book “1984,” when we finally do get there, but whatever 1984 may be, you can predict Teal 1g return cycle of every 30 year, Satur, ike Mars, is a negative form ‘of energy, and it rules over the the area of Africa, and it rules black people. Satum brings delays, “ Throughout ‘our recorded history black people have hada hard time trying to make jt in hfe, being held back through jack of education and opportu They have had as appointments, sorrows and problems, for they have been the “children” of Saturn. Isn’t it good to know that we are at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Brotherhood “ ‘aten is a malefic, and it visited still another of its destructions on the black people of the earth, sickle-cell anemia, found only in black-skinned people. When you finda icted Satum in a b'ack person's chart, Jook for conversely, if the disease is suspected Yt a taker, so look for good heavily affli sickle-cell anemia; or, The Making ofa Prediction or found, look to the chart and it will show heavy Saturn afflictions. In this disease, the blood cell takes on the shape of the symbol for Saturn (4), the shape of a sickle Saturn rules over death. As of this time there is no known cure for sickle-cell anemia, but, fortunately, in recent years, considerable research is being directed to the causes and the cures. Here again, we must be grateful for the coming of the Age of Aquarius and for the coming of the Age of Brotherhood, the humanitarianism referred to by Astrologer Alan Leo when he wrote of the Aquarian Age a long time before there were any signs of its emergence ~ back in the 19th century. Saturn also rules over sickness, the bones, carbon, cold, depression, disaster, debt, farms, the earth, hats, sadness, sorrow through war and terror. Wars seem to have a definite relationship to the heavily alticted aspects of Satum and Mars, and more specifically when the 30-year cycle of Satum coincides with one of Mars 1S-year cycles, But there have been so many wars, revolu- tions, battle and massacres in the history of mankind that I have not attempted to make an exact correlation of this retum with specific wars as a part of this book. These seven planets just covered: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Satum, were the only ones used by the early astrologers. At the time of an eclipse sacrifices were made to the Sun. Sacrifices were also made of those people born “evil” (in their eyes), oF those whose charts indicated heavily afflicted aspects of Satur, In the minds of these ancients, this was not an act of cruelty but an act of mercy, for with such adverse aspects their lives would be worse if they had lived. There is so much we don’t know of the lives and times of the early astrologers, all those in the thirty or more centuries before the birth of Christ. 10 Jack Gillen Predicts Now there have been three planets discovered in our solar system in what might be considered recent times: Uranus, discovered in 1781; Neptune, 1846, and Pluto, 1930. Uranus has a retum cycle of every 84 years. It rules changes in the world, of all types, and it rules inventions. Ttis aspected through 2 twenty-one-year cycle, which generally affects the mind. Many inventions come under this transit and cycle. It does not, specifically, rule over any particular portion of the earth Neptune has a return cycle of every 164 years. The influence of this cycle is felt in forty-five-year periods. None of us will actually remember from one retuin to another. It has to do with the world’s balance and changes involving the emotions and feelings of the world in general. Pluto, of course, with its return of every 248 years, could hardly be used in making predictions based on cyclical retums. Just as with Uranus and Neptune, because of their Uistance from the earth and because of their slow movement, they serve little purpose in the making of a prediction based on evel Now, for an example of a prediction and how it is made One June 15, 1896 an earthquake and seawave hit Japan, leaving death and destruction. 22,000 people were left dead in the wake of that disaster. On that day the Sun was in 24 degrees of Gemini, Mercury was in Gemini, the Moon was in ‘Leo, Saturn was in Scorpio and Jupiter was in Leo. This same combination of planets in the heavens did not occur again until June 12, 1956, when the Sun was in 21 degrees of Gemini (well within orb of its position 60 years earlier), and once again Mercury was in Gemini, the Moon in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo Let me stress the point that these same planetary configurations had not occurred in all the 60 years from 1896 to 1956. This was the first time the combination had ‘The Making of e Prediction " occurred since it triggered the earthquake in Japan on tha fateful day of une 18,1896. ns Japan on that And what happened on June 12, 1956? The same thing, for you have the return of a cycle. Northern Afghanistan had an earthquake that left 2,000 people dead. ‘As you can sce, some earthquake predictions are fairly easy to make. To do them you go 10 the past, find the combination of planets at the time of the disaster and then plot when these same aspeets will occur again. In doing this it ‘was easy to predict an earthquake for 1956, forall the pieces were in place: the exact planetary setup, the exact combina tion of forces from our solar system affecting the earth in such a way that there were upheava's in the crust of the cath just 5 there had been in 1896, and caused by the sme orces That, of course, is only one example of this “combina- tion” effect, the direction of forces (perhaps gravitational perhaps electro-magnetic — we don't know) that cause a breakup of the earth's crust, or what we call an earthquake. Perhaps you are thinking, “Wel, this happened one time What does it prove?” But this happens again and again. Another example occurred on August 16, 1906 Valparaiso, Chile had an earthquake that left 1,500 people dead, On that date the sun was in 21 degrees of Leo, Mercury was in Leo, Satu was in Pisces and Jupiter was in Cancer. These same aspects, this same combination of planets, did not occur again until August 19, 1966, once again 60 years later. On that day, however, the Sun was in Leo, Mercury in Leo, Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer. On that day, in Fastern Turkey, an earthquake killed 2,529 people. These tragedies could have been avoided if Astrology had been accepted by the leaders of the countries where the earthquake occurred, for the time of the tragedy was clearly set by the combination, the planetary aspects; and with this lack Gillen Predicts n Jack Gil Knowledge, evacuation could have beet accomplished well before the tremors were felt - veer are if another important astrotogical eye: the 3o-ywar cycle, It bexins with a 36-year Sun eyele, followed by Ho years cach of a Saturn cycle. a Venus cycle, a Jupiter cyele. 4 Mercury eycle, a Mars eycle and a Moon cycle. And hen the Moon has completed its 36-year cycle the Sun will again begin the series, - ea vithin this 36-year cycle Uhere are what maybe referred to as “minor” cycles, each one year in Tength, following in this onder: Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Satum, Jupiter and Mars. — For example, 1729 t0 1764 ~ period of 36 years — was a Sun cyele. Within that Sun eyele we had “minor” cyctes 1729 was a Suin/Sun year; 1730 was a Sun/Venus year: 1731 s 2 ugh the one-year minor 41 Sun/Mercury year. and so on shou siycles, through Mars. and then it is repeated, beginning with the Sun, until the entire 36-year eycle of the Sun fas been completed, ‘no 1765 started the 36-year cycle of Satum, with the minor cycles occurring just as before, with 1765 being a Saturn Year 1760 4 Seur/Vonus yr; 1767 a Suum/Merey feat, and so on through the 36-year Saturn cycle. year AOL started the XG-year cycle of Veils, 1837, the cycle of Jupiter; 1873, the cycle of Mercury; 1909, the cycle of Mats, and 1945 started the cycle of the Moon, which we are now in. will start the 36-year cycle of the Sun all over again. NL tn the 3oyear Sun syle eteen 1729 and 1764 the land that was to become our nation, and the people who hacked farms from the wilderness anc! who tilled the soil and sired our forebears, lived ina golden age of opportunity. There were struggles, trials and tribulations, but the move- ment was upward, and we becime a nation before we were aware that such feelings existed within our hearts, The Making of « Prediction a With the start of the Satur 36-year cycle in 1765, and continuing through 1800, our country got its feeble start. Hopes were low, there were delays and dissention, but it takes work in a Saturn cycle, and work we did during those years, until we entered the 36-year Venus eycle, a period of ‘weakness, 1801 to 1836. And then came the 36-year Jupiter cycle, a period of expansion and growth 1873 started the 36-year cycle of Mercury, an era of business, at least the start of it, of competition, of financial panics and corruption. During those 36 years there was panic (what we might call, at best, a recession, or at worst, a depression) in 1873, 1884, 1893 and 1907. As for corrup- tion, this was the era of W. M. “Boss” Tweed, who was convicted of fraud in 1874 and subsequently sentenced to prison. It was the period when the election between Samuel J. Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes brought bitter disputes and charges af corruption, with the final decision of who won the election decided by a consressionally-appointed electoral commission that decided the contest on strictly party vote. Tilden lost, though he did receive the majority of the public vote. The cycle of Mars, from 1909 to 1945 brought war and military power. This period spawned, in our country, both World War I and World War II, not to mention the Chinese and Mexican revolutions. 1945 brought the cycle we are now in, the Moon cycle, the cycle of change, which will continue through the end of 1980. These years since 1945 are so fraught with change that documentation is simply not necessary — from the bikini and public nudity to flights to the Moon itself, Indeed, we do live in an Era of Change. Now, each year is ruled by a specific sign (the “minor” cycle mentioned earlier), and this will be explained in a later chapter as we go through some of the past predictions. As an example, however, you know that we are in a 36-year Moon 14 Jack Gillen Predicts ‘eycle and that this is the Era of Change. 1970 had a “minor” cycle of the Sun, so we had for 1970 a Moon/Sun year, and during 1970 we shouk! have seen changes occurring in those things generally ruled by the Sun, to name a few: Govern- ment, gambling, pleasures, pomp, clothing, status and theaters 1971 was a Moon/Venus year; 1972 was a Moon/Mercury year, and we saw the stock market nse during that time. In 1973 there were mumerous changes, and it was then the economy started changing, for we were ina Moon/Moon year (a double Moon aspect ~ double change). 1974 was a Moon/Saturm year, with delays and problems, especially in the economy, double-digit inflation, and short- ages of everything from fuel to toilet paper. 1975 will be 2 Moon/Supiter year; 1976 a Moon/Mars year, and so on until we have completed the 36-year Moon cycle at the end of 1980, Planetary hours also play a strong part in the making of prediction, especially when you want to pin-point a time an event will happen. A Satum hour, for example, like Satum-ruled day or a Satum-ruled year, will show the general Satumian influences: delays, discipline, denial, challenges, caution, conservatism and the serious. ‘There is planet ruling each hour of the day, beginning at sunrise, and each day of the week begins with a different planet. On a Sunday, for example, the first hour (planetary hour, not clock hour) will begin as the sun rises, and it will be a Sun hour, followed by 2 Venus hour, then Mercury, the Moon, Satur, Jupiter and finally the Mars hour. The cycle then begins again. Sunday, as mentioned above, is ruled by the Sun, Monday is ruled by the Moon, Tuesday by Mars, Wednesday by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter, Friday by Venus and Saturday by Satur. ‘The Making of a Prediction ts The planetary hour can be computed, but the Zodiac Watch* gives this information at a glance, and it was developed primarily for busy people anxious to best utilize the benefits of favorable timing without having to calculate. So you see, predictions are made by 2 planetary configuration which causes an event, and which will cause the event to reoccur when that exact configuration is found again in the heavens. Astronomy, an offshoot of Astrology that has through the years become a recognized science, has done its job well, ‘The ephemerides (charts of exact movements of the Sun, Moon and planets in our solar system) are the best the world has known — at least the best our modern world has known, ‘These ephemerides, these charts of movement in the heavens, allow us to look ahead, or backwards, when we are attempting to find configurations or combinations of planets to each other, causing a particular event. Earlier we spoke of the death and/or assassination of U.S. presidents while still in office who were elected on the 20-year Sun cycle, with Jupiter and Saturn conjunct or in close proximity to each other. We know from past events, Lincoln in 1860 through Kennedy in 1960, that this combination appears only at twenty-year intervals, but if we do our homework well, we will check each of the intervening years just to be sure when that particular lethal configuration will next occur. We will consult the Ephemeris for this information, and we will find, going over it year by year, that such a combination will not again occur until 1980, "The Zodiac Watch, developed by the author, comes with an instruction booklet, so that it might be fully ucilized by the wearer, For further information write: Saturn Time Corporation, P.O. Box $179, Orlando, Florida 32805. 16 Jack Gillen Predicts Predictions, based on cycles, would naturally start with ‘major events, but all events are cyclical. Once you have started making predictions, based on careful research, it is casy to begin applying this newly-found talent closer to hoie, to economic cycles, to the progress of your state or locality or to your own life Jupiter is a well known planet to many of the lange institutes interested in communication and weather, phenom enon, RCA notably among them, for they know that Jupiter in bad aspect causes interference in their signals. As a matter of fact, RCA employs John H. Nelson, a radio- weather forecaster, to predict the atmospheric disturbances, and he bases these predictions on the way the planets are arranged in the sky, on their combinations, each to the other; on their configuration. Who knows what Mr. Nelson is called ‘on the payroll records of RCA, but it would seem that he is, clearly, utilizing many of the elements and methods used by astrologers who do weather predicting. Solar flares, or “Sun storms” as they are sometimes called, throw off sound waves known as “infrasonic” sounds, These sounds, below the frequency that the human ear is capable of receiving, still have an effect on the human otganism, for scientists know that in the area affected by a solar flare tempers will be short, people will be easily imitated, crabby, and there will be a definite, easily noted increase in the accident rate. Those scientists who have made a study of solar flares call it the strangest and most unusual form of energy known to man. Now, each planet has its own retum cycle, which we touched upon earlier in this chapter, and it also has an aspect cycle. The Moon may be the easiest of examples to illustrate, so let us consider it. Everyone knows the Moon is on a 28-day cycle, or approximately 28 days. During these 28 days the Moon passes through all twelve signs of the zodiac The Making of Prediction ” Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricom, Aquarius, and Pisces, encompassing the fire, earth, air and water elements, comprising, of course, the fruitful, barren and watery signs. This is the 28-day aspect cycle. And then there is the Moon's four-year transit, the eycle of the Moon's natal return. Venus makes an aspect every two years, that is to say, two, four, six and eight. Mars makes an aspect every year and a half, on a series of one and a half, three, four and a half, six, seven and a half, nine and so on The 30-year cycle is particularly powerful, which makes predictions based on the 30-year cycle more probable. Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Venus will all be making an adverse aspect (square — 90 degrees) on a 30-year cycle. Let us look at this a little closer, planet by planet. The 30-year cyele is, of course, the Saturn retum. Jupiter makes a full transit, or 360 degrees, once every 12 years, so it covers fone quarter of that transit every three years, and ten such quarter turns constitute 30 years. It is therefore easy to see that Jupiter would be presenting an adverse aspect to coincide with the Saturn return. Mercury has a complete transit, a complete retum, every 10 years. At the end of three such returns (or 30 years) it, too, would be lined up with Saturn and Jupiter, giving strength to the 30-year cycle Mars, on the other hand, has a one-and-a-half year aspect cycle and a 15-year retum, so with two such returns (or 30 years) Mars has also joined Satur, Jusiter and Mercury, to form a powerful 30-year configuration. But that is not all. Venus, too — on a two-year aspect cycle — will have made 15 cycles during this 30-year Saturn return mentioned above, thus joining the four other powerful planets to make the 30-year cycle formidable indeed * There is still another system in making predictions. You may be able to predict an event from the use of planetary 8 Jack Gillen Predicts configurations, the signs and asrects, but where is the event going to happen? ‘This is where you must learn another system: how to set up the houses, If you have no knowledge of the mechanics of Astrology, then this part might confuse you, but we will take it step by step. Take a regular horoscope blank with the twelve houses already set up or draw a circle and divide it into twelve equal slices of pie,” with one line running directly North and South and another running due Zast and West (See Chart 1). ‘The first house is that pie-shaped piece to your left as you look at the chart, just below the East-West line. Number your houses one through twelve, starting with Number one. Put Aries on the first house, Taurus on the second, Gemini on the third, Cancer on the fourth, Leo on the fifth, Virgo on the sixth, Libra on the seventh, Scorpio on the eighth, Sagittarius on the ninth, Capricom on the tenth, Aquarius on the eleventh and Pisces on the twelfth. (Note: the dines dividing the slices are called cusps) Now take a look at your chart, your “circle” with 12 pic-shaped pieces, Normally, you would consider the top half of this “globe” you have drawn as the northern half, but for our purposes, reverse it. The half at the bottom is North — or to put it another way, Houses one through six are in the Northem half of your chart and Houses seven through twelve are in the Southem half. Your chart will be further divided into East and West by the vertical line running North and South. Now zero degrees of longitude (Greenwich, England) is located at the fourth house cusp, or at the fower portion of your page in the center of the bottom half of the perimeter of the circle, Put zero at the fourth house cusp, fifteen at the mid-point between the third and fourth house cusps, thirty on the third house cusp, forty-five between the second and The Making of a Prediction ” CHART 1

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