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I I ' t lt lllll lvL\ t,t\flul!


lnstitute of
c,xl Packaging
Professiohals TS IDBtr'INITI()NS I INT(


Second ldruol
ffied [.cttotry. Ctt
msE[ BoEicq lbctlls nltiods TINGISH()CK&VIBRA
[[les ald [rgulato[8, sEt[[t0n llarsxts
00tril8 0n CorudnGtE ald otiei Pacladlg



ilalth 200i




. More lhan 90o,6 of all shipping containers are corrugaled boxes. Most boxes
are specitied based on cariet minimum fi.rles.
. Carrier rules for corrugated boxes consider handling durab;lity, but do not
address olher distribution hazards like siorage or vibralion.
. More comprehensive box specificalion guides are available for use, including
ASTM D5639.
. Corrugated fiberboard can provide high stacking strenglh and rough'han'
dling resislance, but it is also prone to weakness in waler, high humidity, and
long-term storage.
. The box style to usedepends on a number ol lactors. The most common style,
FSC, will probably prove best, but consider olher styles as well before lock'
lng in on a final design.

Corrugaied fiberboard boxes are the shipping container used most often in U S .
indusfy, rcpresentinS more than 907. of all shipping containers fbr products
distributed by rail, mrck, and air cariers. More than 25 billion of lhese cofru-
Sated stluctures supplied by more than 1,500 box manufacturers
the country-are used annually by shippers of almost every commodity
Caniers permit corrugated boxes to carry up to 50 limes their own \teight,
anal shippeN oftefl count on the boxes to support stacked loads 15 feet high or
morc in warehouses, With such frequent use and the heavy demands o11 a m;n-
imum amount of materiai, the design and specincation of corugated boxes are
not only regulated by cariels, but should be ca.efully stipulated by the
buyer/user as well. whenever possible, your corrugated designs and specifica-
tions should be based on knowledge of the potential disfibution hazards, such
as stacked loads and rough handlinrg.


The components of corugated fibe$oard are flat linerboards and corugating

meilium bonded together by adhesives. The paper components are made frcm
virgin (new) or iecycled fiber and are usually manufactured by either the sulfite
or sulfate chemical process. Because paper is made fvom wood' a natural male-
rial, there is considemble \,ariability in fiberboard, as much as t87o in shength


Figure 7.1 Flutes per A9pfoximale

The Tkee Common Flutes linear,ool Heig:!:
,or Shipping Containers
i,auie 3&3 3x6;n{h

t rlute 5013 3/, in.h

c flute 42!3

characteristics from the same lot of material T& e Fibre Bor. Handbook (1) pro'
viales a general alescdption of the ftw materials and how they are fabricated into
flnished boxes.
Paper for packaging is specified by \reight: in pounds per thousand square
feet (lbs/mst), often abbreviated simply to lb and also known as basis weight'
The term ,t/ar, ftom the word for s[ength, is used to designate paper
made principally (at least 7570) from virgin iiber' Linerboards, also called lin-
ers o. facings, are typically made from kaft {iberboards, whereas corugating
mediums are ofteo compdsed of high tecycled content, up to 100%.
The stanalard linerboard weights are 26 lb (lbs/mst),33 lb,'12 Ib,69 lb, and
90 lb, with the ,{2lb representing about 507o of all use Because carrier rules
may rcquire a lordl minimum weight of facings (linerboards), facing weights
are actually averages rather than minimums The 26-Ib medium is standard in
the industry, with some lighter weights used occasionally and heavier mediums
(30 lb, 33 1b,40 lb) frequently used for stiffer board applications. Adhesives arc
genelally comstarch based, but water-resistant types are used when better
weather resistance is desired.
Rigidity of the corugated structure is provided mainly by the conugating
medium. Corrugated foms, called flutes, are available irl three common types
for shipping containe$ A,B, and C (Figurc 7.1) with thinner configurations
(E and F flutes) used mostly as a substitute for solid fib car'tons and not
employed as shipping containeN. The fluted stluctule serr'es to hold the facings
apart with suflicient rigidity lhat they can accept loads, as in warehouse stack
ing, as well as providing cushioning and flat crush resistance when force is
applied against the flute tips.
Because it js the thickest, A flute provides the best stacking strength for
boxes storeal in the top to-bottom dircction (flutes aligned vedcally). B flute is
the best of the three common flutes for flat crush rcsistance (loads applied to the
corugated sffucture in the flat, perpendicular to the i]ute tips). The in_betwe€n
C flute has avemge strength for both needs and is the flute configumtion most
frcquently specified.
Fluted corugating mediums are combined with linerboards to make tfuee
types of corugated flberboard: singlewall, doublewall, and tliplewall (see
FGure 7.2 for the composition of the first two) Singlewall boald is used for
Iighter contents wherc some structual rigidity, comprcssion strength, punctue
resistance, and cushioning are needed. Doublewail board is used for heavier
contents requiring a greater degree of structuml rigidity, compression strength,
puncture rcsistance, and cushioning. Tdplewall board is used for the heaviest
contents where maximum structual rigidity, comprcssion strength' and punc-
ture resistance are required.
Corrugated Baxes 6'l

Figwe 7.2
Singlewall and Doublewall
Board Components
(Courtesy of Walter Soroka)

Singlewall Doublewall

Historically, commonly used gmdcs ofcoDugated board havc derived from

the carier freight rule rcquirements, described later in this chaptet under
Minimum Regulations and shown later in Table 7.1. The following iinerboald
basis weiShts, combined with minimum-weight corrugated medium of 26
lbs/msf, make up these corlmon bu$t test grades:

Linetboaftl Nufibet anc! Basis Weight Produce

Two 42 psf 200 burst grade slnglewall
T\ro 69 psf 275 burst grade singlewall
Three 42 psf 350 bursi grade doublewa I

Three 90 psf 600 burst grade doublewall

Four 90 psl 1,300 punclure grade irplewa I


Although various paper products combine to make paper one of the principal
components of municipal solid waste, corrugated boxes ate not a significant
contributor. Morc than 707c of o1d corxgated boxes arc now being recycled
into either new containerboard or other products- and the trend is to even higher
levels olrccycling.
To assist in increasing recycling levels, corrugated users should be aware of
co.taminarts that may make recycling diificutt or impossible. These include
combining corrugated with other materials, such as plastic or wax, in a manner
that makes separation of rhe two materials diflicult, expensive. and perhaps
62 Chapter Seven

impossible. Capabilities of rec\,cling equipment vary widelyt what may be a

recyclable combination ofmaterials at one paper mill may not be recyclable at
another. Coraugated ulers should thoroughly investigate iny new prcposed
recycled liberboards before rppmving them in a packaging application.


The manufacture of corrugated boxes utilizes several pieces of specialjzed

equipment, beginning with the conugaior and ending with machinery for
bundling and unilizing of l'lnished boxes. In bet$,een are machines that score.
slot. perforate, diecut, pdnt, and/or make joints. For smaller boxes made ili
large qLrantities, all of these operations except colrugating are frequently {lone
on one combination piece of equipmeni called the llero. Extensi\.e detail on
box manufactu ng may be found in the Flrj.e Box H.lntlbook (1).
Thejoint that fastens the ends of box bianks together on most bor srvles is
cJJleJ.he mr"utJ.lurer'\ ornl becau\e l'e bo\ manulact-rer m"ke. Lle ioirr
and delivels boxes to the user knocked down (KD,d), rearly tbr setLrp. The
m") be made b) rapi g. gluing. or.ritchirB. Sl c.ed jornr. are u.eJ on large.
'e:r!) dur) bo\e. oeca-.e .uch jninr. are re.) .rong tr-d pro\iJe \i.r;e
mechanical bond. Gluing is the most frequently used i'astening method and is
also quite sirongi however, ihe quality of lhe bond is not re:dily \.isunlly evi
dent. Taped joints are gcnerally weaker than glued or stitched joints, but ihey
do present a flat surfacc rather than the bulge caused by the double-thickne$
overlap of the other two joint types.
Boxes may be manufactured in a number of standard stvles or configura_
tions, including slofied sty]es. telescope. folders_ slide st),le, rigid, and self-
crecting. In the USA, sryles are gi\.en descripti\,r acronyms such as RSC. which
stands for reguiar slotted container. Intemationally a Case Code numbeiis used.
sirn.lore\arple.020l rep-e.e .ring rhe RSC .i1r.. u... \De.,ir),n! a .l\ te.
select the most economical style with respect to
i,our requirements forpacking,
,lo.u-e. protecr'on. 'and. ng. .lor"ge. a,ld ran.ponalion.
The Fibre Box Hanllboot (l) depjcts and descdbes all ofthe common bo\
styles. The mosr ividely used styles are descdbed be1ow.
More than three quarters of all boxes in use are the RSC style (Figurc 7.3)
in which all flaps are the same length and the two ourer flaps meet nt the cenrer
when they are fdded.It is a highly efficienr design wirh minimum o\.erlapping
and very little manufacturing waste. Shippe^ can utilize this style for most
p-oJuc.,. rnJ all oo\ manutdcl-rer\ rre equipDed ro make the RSi^.r1 e ro.r
Some othcr commonly used stvles are the FOL (full-overlap slotted con_
tainer, also called full flap slotted container. the FTD (fu11-telescope-design-
style box), the FIHS (fu1l-tetescope haif slotted box), thc lC (interlocking
double cover box), the lPF (one pjece folder), rhe FpF (five panel folder), an;
the Bliss (tfuee-piece rigid container). These and other stvles find lheir usc
Dredic.,rer on .hdpe or c.-lenl.. merhod ,,t fllinq. \olume ol ure. flerhod ol
h"ndl,-g. r-d olher requirement..
The FOL (Figure 7.4) is used frequently for products wirh one small dimen
sion andiuo much larger ones, nnd therefore is often stored on its side lbr sta
Conugaled Baxes 63




Figure 7.3
RSC Slyle Box
(Courlesy ol Walter Soroka)

Figure 7.4
FOL Style Box

bility. The flaps, all ofthe same size and equaling the width ofthe box. pmvide
added stacking sfength because they overlap. The exffa thickness of th; o\.er-
lapping llaps also adds cushioning on end drops and overall structuml strensth.
The tTD , Frgure 7.5 r pro,;de\ compre\\io.t .rcntl n. \ driebJe heighL.;d
a fiat bottom for contents that requirc one or rnore of those attributes, The two_
piece box is made from scored and slotted blanl(s and is generally erected by
stitching or gluing of the comers.
The FTHS-style box is similar to the FID except that the blanks resemble
RSC boxes with only one ser offfaps. With its double sidcs, the F:IHS pro!ides
good compression sffength for variable-height products such as fresh liuit and

Figure 7.5
FTD Style Box

Large products iike appliances and water heaters can use the thrce-piece IC
(Figure 7.6), which has flanges on the body and covers that are folded togelher
(interlocked) and held with stmpping or tape. These boxes are often moved with
specialized lift trucks equipped with spade lifts or "basiloids," which provide
lhe fastest method ofhandling large products. The ltree-piece construction also
makes packing reftigerators and similar tall pmducts easier.
The 1PF one-piece folder (Figue 7.7) is fiequendy used with flat items like
books. The single piece of board is cut so thrt it provides a flat bottom, with
flaps forming the sides and ends aod extensrons of the side flaps meeting to
fom the top.
The FPF (Figure 7.8) features a llfth panel, which is used as the closing
flap, overlapping the first panel- The folder is especially adapted to 1on8, thin
products such as umbrcllas or cunain rods, with the standard end flaps of the
box closed in the usual manner.
The Bliss box (FiSure 7.9) is a rigid style with two identical end panels and
a body that folds to form the two side panels, an unbroken bottom, and the top.
It requirEs the user to have expensive erection equipment and is therefore lim-
ited to p^cking of high-volume products. A va.iety of styles arc available within
the Bliss family, including seveml with dividers and comer reinforcing.
The Bliss typically rcquires less board to contain a product than does an RSC
and provides considerably morc stacking strength than the RSC and other slot.
ted styles.
The wmparound style box is similar to the five-panel folder except that the
llfth panel does not fully overlap the first. It is used pdmarily for high-volume
products that are automatically packed into the automatically fomed and sealed
blank. when completed, it resembles an end-opening RSC style box.

Figure 7.5
lC Style Box

Figure 7.7
'1PF (One-piece Folder)

Figure 7.8
FPF (Five-panel Folder)

66 Chaptet Seven

Figure 7.9
Bliss Box
(Courlesy ol Waler Soroka)

An increasingly popular box is the bulk bi]l, which may be made in a vari-
ety or combination ofstyles, such as half-slotted bottom with interlocking cover,
or tube with top and bottom caps. Because their contents are generally quite
healT, bulk bils may be made of triplewall or laminated doublewnlls-some
times with up to 2 ioches of waII thickness forfluid contents in aplastic bag.The
distinction between a bulk bin and a box is not clearly defined. but it generally
has to do with the quantity and t)?e of contents. A bulk bin may contain 3000
pounds of plastic pellets or 500 pounds of paper tissues or 50 smaller contain-
ers, but it would be called a box if its conlents were a single 500-pound item lil<e
a refrigerator. Often the larger bulk bins ioclude a pallet for lift-truck hand1i1rg.


Usels and buyers of conugated boxes can check the quality ofboth the corru-
gated llberboard (also cal1ed combined board) and the finished box to ascertaftl
degree of compliance with specificadons as well as pet{ormnnce capability.
Tests are availnble that measure the most impo ant attdbutcs required lbr good
perfbrmance in the distibution envircnment. These tests indicate how well the
box may perfbrm jn containing the product, prolectinS the product fiom rough
handling and punctudng forces, and supporting stacked 1op loads in storage.

Fiberboard Testinq

The burst test is the oldest measue of corugated board, dating to the early
1900s when the railroads adapted it to their rules for minimum container certi-
Jication. Also known as the Mullen test, bu$t testing is conducted on a bench-
top test machine that applies hydraulic pressure againsl a rubber diaphragm
until it bursts through the fiberboard, which is held in a clamp with a circular
openinS through which the diaphragm pushes. Burst testing measures a com-
posite of tensile strength and stleich, and relates to the handling and shipping
durability of the box. Bu$t is expressed il pounds per square inch as measured
by TAPPI Test Method T8l0 (2). TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp and
Paper Industry) publishes many standards and other techoical information pro-
duced by its members from throughout the industry.
The puncture test was developed in the 1930s as an altemative 1() the bu$t
test for measuring handli g durability and punctue rcsistance. It is conducted
on a secuely mounled benchtop device knowo as the Beach puncture tester,
which applies energy thrcugh a comer-shaped point as it punctures through lhe
fiberboard while the botud is held ln a clamping device. Puncture tests should
be conducted only on corrugated fiberboard. not on single-thickness linerboards
puncturc melhod is most often used for heavy dou-
as the burst test can be. The
blewall and triplewall wherc the burst test cannot be used. Puncture units are
hch ounces per inch of tear as measued by TAPPI T803 (2).
The edgewise crush test (more popularly called edge crush or ECT, and
known originally as the short column) applies a force to produce failure on the
edge of a smal1 piece of corugaEd nbe$oard while it is in a small benchtop
compression machine. The ECT of Sberboad relates directly to the compres-
sion strength of the completed box, as expressed in ttre "McKee" lbrmula (R.
C. McKee was lead engineer on the Institute of Paper Chemistry rcsearch team
that developed the fomula and published its results in 1963):

Estimaled average top-to-bottom compression sffength of RSC box

=,5 87r / ' tC f' /fBox perlmefeil - Baad rlic[ne."

Udts of ECT are pounds per inch as measured by TAPPI T8l I (2), box
perimerer and board lbjcknc.s are in inche..
The flat crush test is conducted on lhe same machine as the ECT except the
compression force is applied to a i0 squarc-inch sample of fibe$oard while it is
flat-that is, force is applied against the flute tips until they crush. The tesl mea-
sules the resistance of the board to lateml ctush, such as fabrication factors of
pull roll and printing, and lateral crush facton of the distribution environmenl.
F]at-crush units are pounds per squarc inch as measued by TAPPI T825 (2).
Other combined board tests infrequently used by buyers are pin adhe-
siorl/adhesive bondhg test, bending rcsistance/flexura1 stilfness test, slide rcsrs-
tance/coefflcient of fticaion test, and water absorptioi/Cobb test. The last is
specified in hazardous materials regulations as one of the rreasures of corru
gated box pedormance.

mlsalignment measure difference
here betwoon top gap
and bottom gap

Figure 7.10
Alignment Problems
(Coufiesy ol Walter Soroka)

Box Testing

The foregoing tests nre conducted on the fiberboard componenls ofrhe box;the
following tests are measures of the completed box as a structure. To measure
the stacking strength of the completed box, the compression test is pedormed
on the box in a large floor-mounted machine that applies a lbrce through a
steadily driven platen moving al a rate of 1/2 inch per minute until the box fails.
Primary uses ofthis tesl are to compare the slacking strength or expected com-
prcssion perlornance of one box with another, and also to observe the specilic
lailure pattem/n1ode, which can disclose otherwise unobservable labrication
defects. Knowiig the compression strength of a box and then dividing by
design or saiety iactors (explained l:rter in this chapter), one can determine the
maximum stacking load the box can suppofi. Units ofcompression strength are
pounds forcc as detemhed by TAPPI T80,+ (2) or ASTM D642 (3).
You can deteminc the ability of the completed box to contain the product
during rough handling by using the ASTM Drop Test Method D5276 (2). Drops
should be made on at least one comer and sevelal edges from a predetemined
height ranging from 30 inches for light products to 12 inches fbr items in lhe
100- to 200-pound range. The actual product- a dummy load, or a bag of sand
ofthe desired weight may be used as the test 1oad. For the results to be consid-
ered acceptable, no fiber tear should occur dudng these drop tests.
Forming of the box and packing by the user, particularly with automaEd
setup and loading equipment. require that the box be fabricited within cefiain
tolerances of alignment and cutting. Warp can be minimized by using balanced
linerboards (same basis weight on both sides). Slot depth should not exceed 1/8
inch into the box panel. Misalignment (also ca1led skew, fishtail, or out-ol-
square) should not exceed a l/8 inch diflerence between flaps or gaps. mea-
sured as 5hown in Figure 7.10.
Ove ap of llaps at the rnanufacturer's joint is not acceptable. Flap gaps at
the joint should never be less than 1/16 inch nor more than 3/8 inch.
Corrugated Boxes 69

Table 7.1
Carrler Regulalions for [/in mum F berboard Requirements

Altenative B
IVaximum Max mum ,vlinimum l\,4lnimum l\,4inirnum Edge
Oulside Bursling Tesl, Combined Weight Crush Test
Box and Dimensions, Singlewa , of Facings, (Ecr)
Conients Length, Width Doublewall including (lbs. per n.
(lbs.) and Depth or Solid Center wdlh)
Added (inches) Fiberboard Facings(s)
(lbs. per sq. in.) ol Doublewall

Singlewall Corrugated Fiberboard Boxes

2A 40
35 50 150 66 26
50 60 175 75 29
65 75 2ao 84 32
80 85 250 111 40
95 g5 275 138 44
120 105 350 180 55

Doublewall Corrugated Fiberboard Boxes

80 85 200 92 42
100 95 1r0 48
'120 '105 350 '126 51
140 110 400 180 61
160 115 500 222 71
140 120 600 270 82


As discussed in Chapter 3, canie$ have issued minimum regulations or rules

for shipping containers. Coffugated boxes arc covered by Item EuIe) 222 for
LTL motor freight (zl) and by an almost identical Rule,ll for lai1(5). For boxes
lhal arc tansported at least part of the way to market by one or both of lhese
modes, the minimum requirements of the rules arc a stating point or base for
developing a corrusated box specillcation.
Boih Item 222 and Rule,11 rcgulate the maximum box size and gross weight
to be used with any parlicular grade of liberboard, where "grade" is delined as a
minimum level of either bursting strength in combination with combined weight
of facinSs, or edge crush (ECT) strengtb. These ruies also specify box construc-
lion rcquireme ts and box manufacturer's cerdfication, Table 7.1 is a condensa-
tion of the minimum grade requilements from both rules.
To use the table, nrst choose an altemativer Altemative A-burst test
(puncture iorheavy grades) with combined weight offacings (linerboards)-or
Altemative B, edge crush test. As explained earlier in this chapter, bursting and
puncture tests rclate to the handling durability and puncture rcsislance of cor-
rugated, whereas ECT relates to the stacking strength of the box. When both
attdbutes (burst and ECT) arc important for a pallicular application- both mea,
sues can be used as minimum rcquiremenls for lhe size and weight in consid-
emtion. Only one ce(iicate appears in the box manufacturer's cetification
70 Chaptet Seven

Figure 7.11
Box Manufacturer's
K""T^'.X )z^+ #R)

*Fr -r00----m EDGE CRTJSH 32

UA&:,, Ett @ (ECT)
;;---75 LBS/IN
"s*' 15- --t*,.
IEI---Z' *,
siamp on the box, however, either Altematite A (burst) or Altemative B (ECT)
(Figure 7.ll).
Small parcel carrie$ LIPS and FedEx have endoned a dilfercnt set of sross
$ei8hl limits ba\ed on .U-entrh requiremenl. tbr u\e in lheiJ curomare.l_han
dling/sorting systems (Tabie 7.2). These weight limjts are substantially lower
than those accepted for LIL trucking and rajl use.
Once minimum regulaiory rcquircments have been detennined. considela_
rion of lhe Ji\ribution ha,,:rrds. handling rnd stomge requiremenl\. cnd pack_
aging operations can be adaled to the box specification process.


The box indusfy follows two standard practices lbr dimension specificatiorl:

. Box dimensions are always inrlde measurements unless otherwise spec-

ified (but note that carrier rules specify outside dimensional limits).
Table 7.2
Box Strenglh cuidetines

Box Strengt h Gu i atet ines

I\,4aximum Size B!rsling Test Edge Crush Tesl
Weighl of Limll (lbs. per sq. in.) (ECT)
Contenis o, Box (ibs. per inch wldth)
(lbs.) (inches)
Singlewall Co rrugatec! Co ntai ners
30 75 200 32
4l 200 40
50 85 250
65 95 275 55
a0 105 350

Dou blewat I Cotru gated Containers

60 85 200 48
80 95 275 51
100 105 350 61
120 110 400 7'1
140 115 500 82
150 120 600 NA
Cotrugated Bo\e. 71

Fs i c--LD
i I
i-rt [-ir -]

ctt!d€ ffr,"l Tsh Prllel A Pin€l B Ptnel C Pin€l l) nop x Ptnel Y lllp Z

Non-Te6t u6 L+tl6 N +% L+11 w+k6 lllw + /a) D+rA ll(w +y)

Thr! B lr,4 L+% w+!f6 L+t4 Y,tw + t/\ D + t4, \4@ + t4)
215# c 1i( 1,+W6 w.r% L+% IV+lx %lw + \,4) D +gA b(n + %)
3Eo# t,+t< w+% L+6,G w +t1 tl,tw + %) D + %(w + %) 9.(6

B Tsrb L+x6 w +y I' t 1/t w+N! %(w +%t D + 1.4 ,4tw + %\

C 1% L+3/ w+% L+BA w+% 1,4(w + yS' D +14 t4$r + %)
NoD"loBt A-11 1t4 L + 146 w+% L+TA w+% %(1t + 3/6) D + r,l >4(w + %)
Tiru c-c 1% L+ w+% L+t4 w+% tllw + %) D + t.l %(w + %)

L + 9.(r w+% L +Nd W +ys t4$ +

';l D+%
350# A-C rt4 t4(w + !4)

B-C rr4 L-ts4 w+% L+$,& w+x Y2l\I + %) D + rX6 ,,t(W + %)

d00# -^.-B r14 t,+x6 w +94 L.+N w+% M(W + t4) t4w +N\
D + tX6
Ttrt 1 L +9G w +% L+t4 w+N t4\w + ,4\ D +n4 t'tw + Nl
600# A.C 1N L +X6 w +14 L+lk w+% t4t'v't + ) D+% tt$t + )
B.C ltt L+y2 w+% L+14 w+% th(w + t4\ D+% %(w + M)

(r) Ir ,ri[L ol E'r h rn odd ,1€ I!r& tr,th 6, ,s ln lDplrh! h'D ]c6!t]
(tl ll v1&L ol d i b oda ,i6 DEe Flilh $, ,16' ,, lpDryl4 ilr, i.r6ulr
Figute 7.12
Typical Scoring Allowances for RSC (Stilchedilab outside)
72 Chapter Seven

Figure 7.'13
Box Liners

. Dimensions a.e always given in the following order length, width, and
depth. The length is always the larger dimension of the open face for fill-
ing the box, the width is the smaller dimension of the opening, and the
depth is the distance perpendicular to the lengt} nnd width.

Dimension tolerances will vary depending on the size of the box, the type ot'
contents, and the method ofpacking.In general, smaller boxes can be expected
to be al116 inch, whereas large ones may be +1/8 inch.
In foming corrugated, the usual method of proyiding a precise bend is by
scodng or creasing, as at come$ and flaps. When the impression is put into the
fiberboard dudng fabrication, it uushes the corrugated in a line that, when
fomed, uses up some fiberboard to male the bend. This loss of board in the
bend area is called the scoring allowance and varies by manufacturer. T)?ically
the allowance for a light-grade C-flute singlewall box panel is about 3/16 inch
and for Bc-flute heavy-gmde doublewall, about 5/16 inch. Figure 7.12 shows a
typical box manufacturer's layout lbr an RSC with inner glue or stitch lap for
the manufactulEr's joint, along with that manufacturer's allowances. Detailed
information on scoring can be found in Reference (6) .
To obtain the inside dimensions of a box. measue between the cente$ of
the score lines and subffact the allowance shown. Or conversely, to obtain a
manufacturing scoring layout, add these allowances to an inside dimension

Corrugated Inte ors for Added Stacking Strength

There are often economic advantages to adding stacking strelgth by means

other than simply upgrading the box. One type of added reinforcement used fte
quently in the industly is comer posts: vertical L-shaped
formed posts of corugated, sometimes in combination with other materials
such as wood veneer. A typical corrugated post is made with flutes vertical and
scored such that the board folds into an L-shape, each side 3.5,4 inches long,
and built up to several thicknesses on each side. Four posts not ooly provide
much more stacking stength to the box, but also hold the product away from
the inside walls and pro\ ide cushioning lrom exlerior impacts.
Besides comer posts, there arc a wide variety of corrugated interiols, often
one-piece styles , that Iit around the contents principally to add stacking strenglh
but often to provide pmduct sepifation as well (as, for example, partitions). A.
H. Catlin (7) has published test data developed over the years on a vadeb, of
corrugated intedors that add varying degees of stacking strength to a box.
Consider as an example a liner that fits around the inside walls of a box and
is the same inside height a! the box. The liner will add between 5870 and 82%
Cortugated Baxes

Figute 7.14
H Shape (lelt) ancl Modified
H Box lnteriors

to comprcssion srength depending whcrc fie ends of the liner join. If the joint
is in the comer of the box. only 587. addiiional compression skength can be
expectcd; however, a.joint in the center of one oi the four panels will add 827.
to strsngth because the fomed liner has four comers rather than only thrce
(Figure 7.13). Remember: A go-degree corner with corrugated is its slrongest
A popular interior for multiproduct contents, such as six bottles, is the H
shape shown at the left in Figure 7.14. It adds 967. morc compression strengrh
to a box of the same grade corrugated. A modificalion of the H interior. with
shot1 legs a/zl.oi" er".r added to the ends ofthe intcdor, is shown ar the right
Figure 7.1,1. This conflguration prcduces a 1274l. increase in comprcssion
streogth. substantiallv more than the plainH shape,because the interiorhas eight
comen mther than four. Because it uses only slightly more material. the modi-
fied H is more cost elficient than the p]ain H, although more difficult to form.
Although all of Catlin's work is based on a single size box of 200 psi burst
strength, the increases in compression strength can be extrapolated to other
sizes and grades of boxes. For instance. if onc wished Io use the H-shape i11te-
rior but it did not add quite enough compression s[ength, mther rhan upgrad-
ing both the box and interior, just the nore economical interior could be
upgr,detJ b1 rhe lollou inS eranrp e cr ru :rt'on.

If EcT-ce(ilied box has 500 pounds compression strength, then an H
a 32
intedor $ill add 967o, or,+80 pounds, for a total oI980 pounds compression
stength. Suppose that lhe rcqu €d strength is I,200 pounds, or 220 pounds
morc than that available wilh 32 ECT board. To obtain all of the additional
strength from thc intedor. calculate as fbllows:

Rcqulred inieior strength =,180 ]b + 220 lb = 700 1b

700/480 =,15.87. more needed
32 ECT x 145.87. = 46.7 ECT

Therefore, a 32 ECT box with an H interior of 47 ECT should provide the

rcquircd I .200 pounds of compression strength.

For a complete analysis of corrugated box compression, with and without

added illteriors, s,ee Corrugated Shippitlg Contailer.t, a Engineeting
Apprcach hy G. G. Mabedor, (6). The book also has excellent coverage of reg-
ulations, testing. and the history oi the indusrry through its publjcation date of
1988. A later publication (8) by the same author adds more iofomation on the
sfiuctulal and perfomance aspects of cor rgated boxes,

For Olher Purposes

Chapter Ii contains a discus sion of l.arious forms of corugated fiberboard inte-

riors-such as scored pads, tubes, and partitions-used for many purposes
including positioning and maintaining clearance in the container, cushioning,
and sepamtion.


A number of featments are used to enhance the performance of corrugated

board in high-humidity conditions or when it is in contacl with liquid water.
Themoset resins can be added at the paper mill 1(] provide belter "wet-
strength" perlbrmance in tear, puncture, and conpression in very humid condi
tions. Waring of fiber'board is done at the corugated box manufacturing plant
by one of several processes; cu(ain coating for tempofi[y or sho tenn water
surlace resistance; compiete wax saturation by dipping for higher waler resis-
tance; and cascading ot' hot wax curtains, which seals the surface and most of
lhe pdper frber\ lor rhe highc\l le\el olndterpro.ection.
Special treatments are also iequently used to reduce abrasion; others are
applied lo increase coefflcient of ftiction, oi1 and grease resistance, oi surface
release and for many specialized requirements.


There are four methods ofclosing most styles ofboxes: adhesives,tape, stitches
or staples. and strapping. Some selfJocking styles require no further closurc
materials. The best way for you to check the adequacy of any closurc is to per-
form a drop test on the corner and edges of a loaded box , such as the ISTA drop
procedure. Note that this test is not required by carriers except on self-locking
styles ofboxes.
Adhesives arc generally the most economical method of closure, paticu-
1arly when used on automated closurc equipment. Dextrin cold glues are the
least expensive but rcquire a long setting time, with compression of the flaps for
at least 30 seconds, nnd at least 50% coverage of ihe llap areas. Resin cold glues
are more expensive but the setting time is less, as litde as 5 seconds with spray
application. Hot-melt adhesives arc the most expensive but requile a very short
setting time and less flap col.erage. Cold glues tend to penetrate the linerboard
and form a more riSid closure than hol melts.
Tape provides a dustproof closure- and no inner flap supporl is required.
Tampering is more easily detected, pafiicularly ifpdnted tape is used. Pressure
sensitive tapes appear to be the mosl popular oow, usually 2 inches wide and

made fiom polyester, polypropylene. or polyvinyl chloride. Gummed paper

tapes, both plain and rcinforced, are srill widely used, mostly with hand dis-
pensing equipment, whereas pressurc-sensitives are frequently applied with
mechanized or automated equipment.
Prcfornred staples, clinched by retractable anvil staplers, are often used on
cefiain styles ofboxes wherc taping orglue is difficultornot pmctical, although
low- and medium-speed apptication on RSCS is also common. Stitching is a
less frequenl method ofclosue, mostly used on design-style oi rigid boxes.
Plasfic and metal strapping is sometimes used for closure of cettain styles,
such as telescope boxes.It is generally more expensive than the other methods
and requires at least two straps in opposite directions, with seveBl required on
the length dimension of longer boxes.


Direct pdnting on the box blank is the most common method of applying
graphics to corrugated boxes- Flexography in one or two colol.s rcpresents more
than 907o of all p.indng done today on boxes, with some letteryress, silk
screening, and uhaviolet-cured inks also used.
For higher quality and detail, laminated labels are spot applied or fully
cover ali four sides ot' the box. Preprinted linerboards are also used, but these
require very precise positioning on the corrugator, an ability limited to a few
manufactuem at this time,


The materials and structurc of corrugated liberboard adapt it nicely to the

requirements ofa shipping container, but it also has some weaknesses that must
be accounted for in design. The foliowing aJe among its princip:1] physical
advantages as a container:

Its light weiSht reduces tmnspodation costs, vet it can suppo loads up
to 500 times its own weight in stacking.
The papeiboard from which iI is made has long libers which resist tear,
ing and puncture, prcviding rouSh handling durability.
The fluted sfucture has some resilience, providing cushioning to rcduce
shock and vibration

The principal physical disadvantages of corrugated fiberboard rcIaie to the

Properties of paper:

. Paperbotud consists ofcellulose fiber. which cycles with the atmosphe c

conditions sunounding it. It picks up moistue or loses it as the sur-
rounding airbecomes more humid or drier. Under prolonged erposue to
exffeme humidity, board may gain weight by 20% in moisture, and its
compressive strength diminishes as much as 607d.
76 Chapter Seven

Figure 7.15 175

Compression Slrength
(Source: W. D. codshall,
U.S Forest Products
Laboratory IVadtson, Wt)
o _^^
a 75

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Relative Humidity (%) (at 70"-80"F)

Figure 7.16
(Source: Kelllcut and Landl,
Basic Desian Dala {or lhe
Use of Fiberboard Shipping
Containers, U. S. Foresi
Products Laboralory
fi,4adison, Wl, 1951)

. As its moisture content dses, board also grows slightly-as much as 17.,
depending on the ratio of machine to cross-machine direction of the
. Board "creeps" under stacking londs, that is, it loses stacking strength
Conugated Bo^es n
Among the more applicable rcsults of these and other physical attributes, as
they apply to the box in a distribution environment, are the following consider
ations found through experience and testing:

. The corugaied structue tends to dampen (reduce) vibmtion hansmis-

sion to the contents ns frequency .ises above 50 Hz.
. Stacks of loaded boxes tend to resonate in ffansport vibGtion nt fre-
quencies in the mnge of 7 1I Hz, no matter what the contents of the

. Corrugated boxes arc about half as strong in compressio. at 857. RH as

they are at the standard test condiiion of 5070 RH (Figurc 7.15).
. Co[ugated boxes are about half as s[ong in compression after one year
in storage under load as whefl firct stacked, assuming initial stacking and
machine compression strengths are identical. Figurc 7.16 depicts this
loss, or "creep," with data generated many years ago in testing done at
constant humidity.
. The compression strength of fiberboard is greatest when it is bent to a
right angle; the corners of a box are its strongesl par1.
. Boxes support lhe greatest load when the comers of the boxes in the
upper tier are directly ovel those in the lower tier. Column stacking pro-
duces maximum stacking strength, whereas interlocking reduces total
sfength by up to 507.. h stacks, misalignment of as ]ittle as I /2 inch can
rcduce stack stength up to 307..
. Pallet overhang can reduce overall compression stength by up to 307..

No,?r In this book, compression strenglh always refels to the streogth of a con-
tainer as measured in a compression machine. whereas stacking shength refers
to the strength requiled to support the actual load in a stack.

ldentilying Design/Safety Factors

When major negative factors, such as high humidity and long-term storage, are
lumped together into one loss factor, it is called a design or safety factor. For
the compression-relnted loss items above,ASTM has developed the following
design/safety lactols for cofiugated boxes and included them in the
Pertbrmance TestiDg Standard D4169, Element C Warehouse Stacking (3).

Typical Storage Conclitions Factot

Extremely severe: frequeni high humidity,misalignmenl, 8.0
longlerm storage, overhung and inte ocked pall€is, etc.
Average:occasionalhighhumidlly,medium-iermstorage, 4-5

Best: conllolled humidity, shorliern slorage, good slack 3.0

algnment, no pallels used

Nok. These desiSn facto$ apply when tbe box and any corugated intedors
canJ the entire stack load and the product does not suppofi any of the load. See
D4169 for other design facto$ for other load-support situations.
7A Chapter Seven

For tmnspofi-vehicle stacking where the comp$siot Ioad is dynamic due to vibra,
tion (unlike static warehousing), expeience has shown that design factors should
be differcnt from those identified above. The following faclo$ are suggested:

Trucking lor longer (1,000+ miles) dislances (Rule 180) 7.O

Trucking ior 100-1,000 mites 6.0

Trucking for dislances less ihan 100 mlles 5.0
Bailfor d stances more than 1,500 miles 6-0
Barllor dislances less lhan 1.500 miles 5.0
Containerized ocean shipments '10.0

No/e. For both warehousing and fansportation, remember that these factors
apply only to situations where the box and any interior cor.ugated forms carry
the whole load, without contents suppot. Otherwise, it is necessary to do some
testing research to determine what portion ofthe load is suppofied by the box
and hou much is.uppofled b1 Lhe.onrenr..

Applying Design/Safety Factors

To apply any of these design/safety factols, either multiply them times the
knolrn stacking load to get compressiofl requirements or divide them into the
known compression strength of a box to detemine safe stacking loads on the
box. For instance, if the warehouse conditioos aie average and the calculated
load on the bottom boxes in the stack is 350 pounds, then the necessary com-
prcssion strength ofabox to support the entire load in warehousing is 4.5 x 350
= 1,575 pounds. Or if the box is known to have 1,000 pounds compression
stlenglh and shipments ofup to 2,500 miles by truckload are expected,then the
ma"\imum stacking load on the box in the trailer should not exceed the follow-
i.g to prevent crushed boxes: 1000/7.0 = I43 pounds.
To calculate the stacking load in either a warchouse or a vehicle, use the
maximum height of the stack less the outside height of the box to detemine
either the number of similar boxes that can be stacked or the cube to be filled
by miscellaneous fteight. For instance, ifa 4o-pound box is unitized l0 per tier
and foul tiers high on a pallet and three pallets high are stored, then the bottom
box must suppo ll
upper boxes plus one tenth oftwo pallets, each weighing
80 pounds:

(11 x 40 lb) + (1/10 x 2 x 80lb) = 456Ib stack load

For vehicle stacking calculations, use eilher the product density itself
for truck or milcar ioad shipments or use 10 pounds/cubic foot (pcl) for
miscellaneous lieight in LTL or small-parcel shipping. For example, if one
wishes to avoid any possibility of crushed boxes via LTL or UPS, the min-
imum box compression (BCT) cao be calculnted from design factors and
stack loads as follows:

BCT = Load density x Cubic volume above box on floor x Design llctor
Conugated Boxes 79

Using the BCT fomula, here is an example of detennining required box
strength. The parameters are as foliows:

Box:oD20" x 15" t2",ID 19.5" x 14.5" x l1",BCflure(0.265,,)

Transport mode: LIL common carrier or UPS up to 2,500 miles
Traile. inside height: 9'

Assuming the worst case, where the box rests on the bottom of the failer and
has to suppoft freight having an average density of l0 pcf for up to 2,500 miles:

BCT = 10 pcf x [(9 1' height) (1.67' x 1.25' footpdnt)] x 7.0

= l0 x [8 x 2.1] x 7= l.i76lb
Using the McKee lbrmula previously referenced, one can proceed further
to detennine what ECT grade box should be specified, using the infornation
calculated above. For instance, the 1,176 pounds of compressio. s[ength
needed to avoid crushed boxes in LTL can be provided by a box of the follow-
ing calculated ECT:

ECT = BCr .ls.8h/Box ID eerimeter x Th ]

= 1,u6 - [s.8hG8 ,. o26s]
= 1'7lblin.


The basis of a specilication for corugated shipping contdners should be care-

ful analysis of at lexst the foliowing parameters: contents, production quantity,
method of packing, types of handling and storage encountered. mode oftrans-
portation, customer requirements , graphics, and rcgul ation s. It is not good prac-
tice to assume that carier rcgulations like Rule 41 or Item 222 proyide all of
the attdbutes or a sufficient level of pedonnance to meet all the user's needs.
Regulations should be used only as a minimum basis for comparing the user's
needs with what ihe carder ru1es require.
Four impoflant parts of all box specifications arc ihe construction detailsl
flute structure (A, B, oI C), wall construction (sin8le, double, or triple), style of
box, and inside dimensiotrs. These should be determined primarily ftom knowl-
edge of the box contents and the methods of packing and handling, although
other parameters may also be involved in the selection.

Tesls for Strength Altributes

Performance required in the distribution process should be the basis for deter
mining strength attributes and associated tests. The ability of the box to retain
its contenls during rough handling, to withstand compressive forces in ware,
house stacking, and to resist puncturing forces from nearby freight arc three

main points to consid when specifying attributes, tests, and level of perfor-
mance expected. These three points may be addressed by the following tests lbr
combined board and flnished box: burst, puncture, ECT, flat crush, thickness
rcaliper,. prinring crush. d-op. and compres.ion.
Many yeam of expedence have demonstrated that certain levels of bu$t or
puncture sEength can be counted or to cary prcducls all the way to market
wilhout the box's ruptudng, tearing, or puncturing. These levels are in the car-
der rules, Item 222 and Rule 41, and werc listed in Table 7.1. Unless a user has
knowledge that a higher Ievel is required or that a lower one may suffice, Table
7.1 is the proper place to select s[ength levels for rough-handling durabi]ity
based on maximum box size and gross weight.
When stacking strength is an important factor, the box specification should
include ECT. The level of ECT required is detemined from the highest box
comprcssion s[ength needed by analyzing the distribution system to flnd the
various stack loads expected and then incorpomting a design or safety factor. as
explained earlier in this chapter under Applying Desigdsafety Factors. To
recap briefly, the requircd ECT is found by "solvirg" for it in the McKee for-
mula as follows:

ECT=BCT.[5.87r(Bo* rD p*im"t"'), (n i"k..$s)]

where Box perimeter = (2 x leng1h) + (2 x width) of an RSC and Thickness is

determined from the wall construction and caliper.

Note. Never use the Table 7.1 values ofECT for size and weight to detemine
specification needs; check the table only to be sure the calculated value of ECT
is at least as grcat as the rules require. The ECT values in the rules were estab-
lished in 1991, not from warehouse or vehicle stacking needs, but ftom ECT
levels of the then-current standa.d gmdes based on bursr and basis weight, cho
sen so that 9570 of existing industry production would be in compliance.
Although industry spokespeople declared the logic of this was that compression
requireDents could be met by almost the lowest stength boxes being made at
the time, it is my opinion that it was a ploy of the box industry to give ECT!
gmde boards an unwamnted advantage over burst-grade boards,
FlaI crush is ftequently used to indicate overly stressed or poorly aormed
flute structues, which will affect both pdnting quality and stacking strength.
Minimum flat crush values for singlewall boa.ds are as follows (multiwalls
cannot be measured):

Pouncls /squarc inch

Aflule 19

B flute 29
Ciuie 24

Two other attdbutes of combined board that relate to stackng strength arc
board thickness (caliper) and printing crush. The follo$.ing midmum heights,
or caliper, for the three common flutes, not including linerboards or facings, are
suggested for maintaining good stiffness in the board for stacking purposes:
Carrugated Boxes 81

Afllte 0.18
B flute 0.09
C flule 0.14

Doublewall and triplewall heights may be obtained by adding the above

numbers for example, BC doublewall equals 0.23 inch. To determine actual
thickness, use TAPPI Method T:111 to obiain overall board caliper; then mea-
sure the caliper of each linerboard and subtract from the overall to arrive at the
actual llute(s) thickness. No,e. Do not soak apart to get at individual facings.
Printing crush is measured by comparing caliper measuements in non-
pdnted areas with those in printed areas on the box. The following, drn m
crush defomations are suggested for singlewall boards printed with water-
based inks:

Aflule 0.008
B ftule 0.006
C t uie 0.007

Doublewalls use 75./. of the combination of flute allowances; triplewalls

use 507r. For example, the maximum defomlation of AAA-flute triplewall is
0.012 inch.
In addition to specifying burst or puncture for a minimum containment
measure of combined board, you can also specify finished box adequacy for
containment with the drop test- Utilizing ASTM Tesr Merhod D5276 (3), derer
mine adequacy of containment by dropping the test specimen (box with rcgu-
lnr contents or dummy load) in the following sequence: a bottom comer, three
edges radiating from that corner, and all six flat sides. Suggested minimum drop
heights for contents of various weights follow:

Weight ol Contents (lb) Drop Height (in.)

420 30
2140 24
41-60 18

61 100 12

101-200 6

For a successful test, no fiber tear or rupturing should be evident.

ln addition to ECT for measuring adequacy in stacking, finished box com
pression strength is frequently specified as well. ECT measures the fibe$oard
component of box s[ength, whereas the compression test prcvides an ovemll
meas[e of the total box stacking strength. The actua] compression sfeng1h
value required for a particular box depends on the maximum load it will support
in a stack, eiiher in a warehouse or a carier vehicle, and the design or safety fac-
tor employed (see Identilying Design/Safety Factom earlier in this chapter).
Afully detailed method of developing a box specilication may be found in
ASTM D5639. Standard Practice for the Selection of Conxpated Fiherhoad
a2 Chapler Seven

Materials and Box Construction Based on Pedornance Requirements (3). It

provides a guide to users who wish to develop their own specifications when
containment of prcduct, puncture resistance, and/or stacking strength are the
major areas of interest. Further infomation on attributes and tests relaring to
other areas of box perfomance may be found in References ( 1), (6), and (8).

Examples of Specilication Development

Hele are two examples of box specifications deriled from two entirely differ
ent situations.


Consider a high-volume pmduct always unilized fo. ffuckload shipments for

most of the trip to its destination, but stacked quite high in distribution ware-
houses.The most impotant strength attributes to specify are ECT, caliper, print
cush, and comprcssion strength for the high waiehousing needs; rcugh han-
dling is not an impodant issue. Paramelers of this example arc:
Box contents: weight 2' Ib. non load .uppon;ne
Box dimensions: ID 18" x 12' x 10"
Box style: RSC
cross weighl:29 1b

Unilizing: 8/tier, 5 ticrs/slip sheet

Slipsheet: Lighr$eighr .oliJ liberborrd .heel
Storagej Two loads high in normai environment for up to a year
Design factor:5.0

The box compression test (BCT) rcquiement is detemined by calculating the

weight resting on top of the bottom box and multiplying by a design factor:

BCT = Number ofboxes on top of bottom box X

Weight per box x Design factor

BCT = 9 boxes x 29 lb X 5.0 faclor= 1.305 lb

ECT is detemined from this formula (derived previously):

Box comprcssion was calculated at 1,305 pounds and the box perimeter can be
calculated as follows: L+W+L+W or 18+ I2+ I8+ 12 = 60 inches. Thc thick-
ness figure should be obtained ftom your suppliers for various flute combina-
tions, but for tltis prcblem we will use 0.160 inch for C-flute singlewall and
0.250 inch for Bc-flule doublewall. Substitute in the equation, using the sup-
plied data and assuming sing_lewall cons8rction fust because it is less expensive:
Conugaled Baxes 83

ECr = I ,305 * I5.8hG0atl0l60!l = 72 tb/in

. ll: ,i ,9,"0: per inch \alue is be)ond rhe ECr ot any (ornmercra )
Jtd,lrble \ingle\ all board so se need to u.e doubleuall
anJ crtcutare fCf a,

ECT = 1,305 lb compression * tS.s;.r@!i (o-Zs! I = ss ruin.

The 58 ECT is a readily available medium grade of

doublewall so $,e are seI
there. Minimum heighr (caliper), obtained from
a ilst provideJ pr""i"*fy -i"
this chapter, is 0.23 inch for BC flute. Maxi*o-
ously, is 0.010 inch for BC fiute. "ro.t
, utrn'ii.t"a frlJ


The box in this example is the same size as the one in

Example 1, but in this
ca.e ir i. ,r,ed for mi.cellaneou--producr\ pccling :rnd .nipping.
u irh loo\e r ll
or olher non.ioJd ,,rpponing J,nnage. lt i\ nol .r.cked
i. v".agg. 6n1, .n.1".1
p.ll.:l ol:, jtu ir i. \hipped by I TL (ornmon cu,.ie, oia .m,.r-parc.i
carrrer Iile'".UPs. The need here . tor rough-hdndling
Jurabiliry and puncrure
re.'.lance rarhcr lh"n .tac(rng .rft,neln. dd rherelore tre .pecih.arion
u ill be
en(treJ) dillerenr. A ribUre, lo con.ider re bur.t or, puncrure,
strenSth, and compression strength for vehicle
,tu"Ling in t en.urlr"i..;
for this example are as follows: ""L..
Box dlmensions: ID 18" X t2 x 10"
Box style: RSC
cross weight:50 1b maximum
Malimum stack load: Because there is no warehouse stacking,
the heaviest ioads
willteeicountered when miscelianeous freight i,
on the lloor of LIL or UpS trailers. Assume I0"""k"d;;;;;;;
pcf as the a"n.itu oi
lreiphr. and Lrailer in.ide herghr\ .t q' "r"i
Design factor: Use 7.0 for vehicle stacking in fucks
when the box supports 4ll
of the stacked load (no support from contints).

Minimum-burst strength for 50 pounds of content in singlewall

boxes accod_
llil:1,h" llf -T", *le.,rabte 7.t, is '?5 p.i. Houe,er.
lound that 200 p\i bur,l i. the minimum.trentrh one.hould
m,n1 u,.,.n",.
u,e in .m"lj-p _.
cel systems like LIPS or Federal Express (see Table ?.2).
fonr,inmenr .lrengtn ot rhe bo\ i(.pecified b) drop te.r requirement,
,^ drop. ol dead
load. l,ke sind. f,om an Ig_inch helght * irtor, fU"r
" r.* oi
\rrengrh i\.pecrfied rhe BCT lorrnulc e\ptajned
_,Compre*ion edrt,er
rn lne De.,gn.Note. \eclion ot rhi. chdpler. For
lhi\ e\.,mple requrred bor com-
presslon is calculated as follot\ sl

Required box compression = Average freight density x Cubic volume in space

above box on floor x Design fnctor = l0 pcf x (1.5' x 1.0' x 8.1') x
7.0 = 850Ib

Next, you should determine if a burst strcngth of 200 psi will provide the
requted compression stenglh of 850 pounds. Frcm Table 7.1, a 200 burst for
singlewall is rcughly equivaient to a minimum of 32 ECT. Substituting in the
McKee fonnula for a box of the size required in oul example and assuming a
C flute singlewall with a minimum thickness of 0.16 inch:

BC f-5 87' 32, r'0'.0.1o'=58,21D

This is 268 pounds shon ofthe 850 pounds ofcompression required. Using the
McKee fbrmula again, you can determine that an ECT of,17 (approximately
275 burst) is required lbr E50 pounds of compression. Therefore, to avoid
crushed boxes, you may consider specifying either a higher burst strengdl for
the box (275 psi) or adding an insefi to the 2o0-burst-grade box lbr stacking

Estimating Cost Differences belween Alternatives

In the design of co1Tugated boxes and interiors, the cost difference bet$,een sev-
er"l ir o[len irrpon"nl f"clor,
"llcmaL,\e. "n
You can obtain costs frcm suppliers, but io avoid waiting several days until
compulers calculate the precise cost, you can estimate cost differences between
designs as follows-
First, estzrblish a cost per squ e fbot lbr each grade of corugaled cor[-
monly used by measuring the area of a part already being purchased and then
dividing it into the cost for the pan. Repeat this fbr several other parls of each
grade and obtain an average cost per square foot for each gmde. Be stlre to
deduct order setup charges from costs presently paid before aking calcula
tions, or altemati\.ely, make all calculations (on both the present pmject and the
known parts) based on the same lot size.
Second, measurc rhe area of corugated fiberboard in each design.If it is an
RSC slyle box, then you would calculate ihe area as follows:

(2L + 2W + iab + scoing allowance) x (W + D + scodng allowance) / 144

= Area (in square feet)

Third, calculate the combined board colt of ench altemative by multiplying

the results ofthe second step times the costs established in the ll$t step.
Fourth, to each altemative add a manufacturing (or running) ch ge for
each pafl to account fol the fuishing operations. If the two alternatives consist
of the same number of parts of the same geneGl type, for comparison puryoses
this step can be eliminated. However- if number of parts or t)?es differ, use the
following apprcximate costs for running charSes:

Non-diecut boxes: S0.025 each

Diecut boxes and paris up to 6 sq. ft.: $0.03 each
Diecut boxes and parts larger fian 6 sq. ft.: $0.0H1.06 each
Scored sheets nnd pads: 50.015 each
Corrugaled Boxes 85


L Fibre Box A$ociarion. r999- Fibre Box Handbook.2850 Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, IL
TechricalAssociation ofthe Pulp and Paper Indust"y (TAPPI).2043. ua/io s T?tt
PO Box l05l13, Allanra, GA 30348 5 i13.
Americdn Society lor Testin! and Materlals. 2003 - ltrrrdl Baok d ASTM Stu dlttls, valuote
1J.09. 100 BarHarbo. D.i!e, W. Conshohocken. PA 19:128.
Nalional Motor Freighr Trafilc Asocianon, hc.2001. ryarional Mator Fr.iSht Cldssilcatian
104 T, hen 222 .22Ot) Mill Road, Alexardria, VA 223I 4.
Amcricar Shod Line and Regional Raikoad Association.2OO3. Unifotn Frciqht
C16sir.arDr.50 F Sreet N.W., Suile 7020, Washjnglon, DC 20001 1536
Maltcntbrr, Ceorge G. 200r . Corrugdted Shippiti Cofiainets, un EnsineetinS APPro@h.
JcLnd Publishing, Plainriew, NY 11803i also availablc through IoPP Bookstore,

7_ Catlin. Arthur H. \995. Estunatihg the ElJects af late/io on Cotrugat.d Box Stl.kins
sr.rp .Inland Conrainei Cor!.,8501 Mollcr Road, Indianapolis, Ill 46268.
E, Mallenforl, George G. l9a9. Perjom@nce aad baluutnrn a.f ShippnlE Conai1eN.lelflt
Publishing. Plalnview, NL 1 1801: also availdble through IoPP Booksiorc, Hcmdon. VA.

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