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• Introduction to REST
• What is OData
• Why OData - OData advantages
• SOAP Vs REST (OData)

NetWeaver Gateway
• Gateway Architecture overview
• Central Hub Deployment
• Embedded Scenario
• Technical Components Involved
• OData formats JSON and XML
• What is URI, URL, URN

OData Service Development

• EDM data types
• Service Builder
• Entity
• Entity Types
• Entity Sets
• Properties

Runtime Artifacts:
• Model Provider Class Base
• Model Provider Class Extension
• Data Provider Class Base
• Data Provider Class Extension (Actual Custom Logic Implementation)
• Service Name
• Alias Concept
• Why Alias

CRUD Operations:
• Read
• Create
• Update
• Delete
• Modify (Patch & Merge)
• Difference Between Patch & Merge

• Associations and navigations (Different Techniques)

• Navigation Properties
• Associations (Referential Constraints, Principal Entity, Dependent Entity)
• Cardinality
• Deep Insert
• Status codes,
• Common Messages and Common Errors
• Function Import
• Stream Method (Media Download / Upload)

URI Notations
• Rules to Create any kind of URIs
• Passing multiple keys to Query String
• Query formation rule using “?” and “$” -
• Filtering
• READ one field or property of the Entity Type (/Field1)
• Selecting specific fields displaying in Json Format
• Filtering and Projecting ($filter and $select)
• Combining two Query operations
• Sorting ($order by)
• Client-Side Paging ($top, $skip, and $inlinecount)
• Counting ($count)
• In lining ($expand)
• Formatting ($format)
• Batch Processing
• Boundary Value

Important and frequently Used T-Codes


Important Class Method:

Cleaning up the metadata cache using the Class Method:-

Different Ways of generating the OData Service

• SADL (Service Adaptation Description Language)
• ABAP Based (DPC Extension based)
• Odata Based
o Data references
o Debugging OData ABAP Services
o @odata.publish: true

OData Performance

How to delete service

CSRF - Cross Site Request Forgery

X-CSRF Token

Concurrency Control
Entity Tag (E-Tag)

Course Price: 5497

Duration:15+ Hours

Class Start Date: 6th September 2021

Time: 8am to 9am on weekdays only

Instamojo Payment Link to enroll into the course:

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