Unit 2: Living Things and Their Environment

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Unit 2: Living Things and their


Prepared by:
Chapter 1 – Sense Organs
In this Chapter, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are important
parts of our body to be discussed. An organ is a part which does specific
work and does different things. Proper ways of caring our sense organs
are important.

Lesson 4: The Tongue Introduction

Sense organs are specialized organs that help to perceive the world
around us. They are an integral part of our lives and it is the only way
that enables us to perceive the environment.

Sense organs provide the required data for interpretation through

various organs and a network of nerves in response to a particular
physical phenomenon. These senses govern our association and our
interaction with the environment.

As stated before, we have five sense organs that can receive and
relay sensory information to the brain. These senses provide an
organism with information crucial for perception. The different sense
organs and the senses they provide are mentioned below:
➢ Eyes
➢ Ears
➢ Nose
➢ Tongue
➢ Skin
But the focus of this lesson is the tongue.
Parts and Function of the Tongue
The tongue is the sense organ that helps us taste all things we place
inside our mouth. It has taste buds embedded in it. The taste of the food
passes through the bumps of the tongue, the taste buds, and nerve
endings. The nerves send messages to the brain which interprets the
taste of the food.

The 5 Basic Tastes

How can we taste the foods that has a taste of
salty, bitter, sweet, and sour?

1. We can taste the sweet foods in the middle and in the tip of the
2. We can taste the salty foods in the tip and side of the tongue.
3. We can taste the sour foods in the side of the tongue.
4. We can taste the bitter foods at the back of the tongue.

Learning Materials
Teacher’s Guide

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