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FROM 29th March TO May 2021

STUDENT ID: 039-933

Mobile Phone Number: 0754095959



I TANGOMBE ATAHIRE TRESOR declare that the information that is contained in this
industrial training report was written and compiled by me with all the details its containing and
no one should try to claim for it.
Signature……………………… Date………………………

This industrial training report has been submitted for examination with the approval of the
following supervisors.

Company supervisor

Signature …………………………………… Date ………………………………


Tel: +256-777840016


University supervisor

Signature …………………………………… Date ………………………………


I am very thankful to the almighty God for providing to me the gift of wisdom and energy in the
preparation of this report.
I would like to acknowledge the contribution of personalities who have made the completion of
this internship possible each in their capacity. I am very grateful to my parents and ENG Ahabwe
Rodgers and Mr. Tumuhimbise Lucky of Supercom Technologies Limited who provided
constant guidance throughout all stages of internship and encouraged me on every time of the
I thank the entire team of Supercom technologies for being so hospitable and resourceful,
especially my group members during the different discussions about different ideas.
I also acknowledge the co-operation of fellow internees whom we were doing this internship
together they have been so important and supportive to me during the course of my industrial
internship training at Supercom.

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................................viii
LIST OF ACHRONOMS/ ABREVIATIONS...............................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background to the internship............................................................................................1
1.1.1 Objectives of the internship................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Specific Training Objectives..............................................................................................2
1.2 Benefits of the Internship.......................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Benefits to the Student....................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Benefits to the Employers...............................................................................................3
1.2.3 Benefits to the Faculty, University, college and community..........................................4
1.3 Background of the company..................................................................................................5
1.4 Aims of its department:.........................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................9
2.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................9
2.1 Hardware identification and software installation.................................................................9
2.1 Hardware identification.........................................................................................................9
2.1.1 system case.....................................................................................................................9
2.1.2. Mother board...................................................................................................................10
2.1.3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)........................................................................................11
2.2. Software installation...........................................................................................................13
2.2.1. Operating system.........................................................................................................13
2.3. Making a flash bootable device..........................................................................................14
2.3.1. Using command prompt..............................................................................................14
2.3.2. using Rufus..................................................................................................................15

2.3.3. using power iso............................................................................................................15
2.3.4. How to install an OS from a flash...................................................................................16
2.4. Trouble shooting.................................................................................................................17
2.4.1. How to check and update drivers on the operating system.............................................17
2.4.2. How to increase the computers virtual memory..............................................................17
2.2.3. How to remove temporary files on a storage device.......................................................17
2.4.4. How to change the computers name................................................................................17
2.5. Networking.........................................................................................................................17
2.5.1. Components of a network............................................................................................18
2.5.2. Ad-Hoc networking;....................................................................................................19
2.5.3. IP Sub netting..............................................................................................................22
2.5.3. Configuring a network.................................................................................................24
2.6. Cable termination................................................................................................................28
2.7. Website designing...............................................................................................................29
2.7.1. Requirements to design websites.;...............................................................................29
2.7.2. Wamp server................................................................................................................30
2.7.3. creating a project on a website using word press........................................................30
2.7.4. creating a database using wamp server........................................................................31
2.7.5. correction of errors for execution time........................................................................31
2.7.6. creation and editing of pages.......................................................................................31
2.8. Uploading of themes...........................................................................................................32
2.8.1. Frontier theme..............................................................................................................32
2.8.2 Enigma theme...............................................................................................................33
2.8.3 Consulting theme..........................................................................................................33
2.9. Uploading plugins...............................................................................................................34
2.10. Website export and import of database............................................................................35
2.10.1. website database export.............................................................................................35
2.10.2. website database import.............................................................................................36
3.11 Requesting and reserving a domain...................................................................................36
2.11. Software development......................................................................................................37
2.11.1. Database.....................................................................................................................37
2.11.2. Database normalization.............................................................................................38

2.12. Creation of Database.........................................................................................................39
2.13. Creation of queries............................................................................................................41
2.14 Designing Web Application..............................................................................................45
AT SUPERCOM...........................................................................................................................51
3.0 introduction..........................................................................................................................51
3.1 Personal challenges..............................................................................................................51
3.2 Organizational challenges....................................................................................................52
TRAINING EXERCISE AT SUPERCOM TECHNOLOGIES LTD...........................................53
4.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................53
4.1 In Conclusions;....................................................................................................................53
4.2 Experiences Attained;..........................................................................................................54
4.2.1 Skills Gained.................................................................................................................54
4.2.2 Interpersonal skills........................................................................................................54
4.2.3 Team working skills.....................................................................................................54
4.2.4 Communication skills...................................................................................................54
CHAPTER FIVE: RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................55
5.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................55

Figure 1: parts of the motherboard................................................................................................11
Figure 2 Showing landgrid array proccesser.................................................................................12
Figure 3:pin grid array CPU..........................................................................................................12
Figure 4:checking system info using control panel.......................................................................13
Figure 5:how to check windows version using cmd......................................................................14
Figure 6: making a flash bootable using command prompt..........................................................15
Figure 7 Showing GPT disk format...............................................................................................16
Figure 8:components of a network................................................................................................19
Figure 9: running the command prompt as an administrator.........................................................20
Figure 10: setting hosted network..................................................................................................20
Figure 11:starting hostednetwork..................................................................................................20
Figure 12: open the control panel..................................................................................................21
Figure 13: turn on network discovery............................................................................................22
Figure 14:steps to configure a network.........................................................................................24
Figure 15:securing the network.....................................................................................................25
Figure 16: steps of telneting a device............................................................................................26
Figure 17:steps of encrypting a device using SHH.......................................................................27
Figure 18: creating a VLAN..........................................................................................................28
Figure 19: classes of cable termination.........................................................................................29
Figure 20: localhost homepage......................................................................................................31
Figure 21: view of myphpadmin....................................................................................................31
Figure 22: WordPress frontier theme............................................................................................32
Figure 23: WordPress enigma theme.............................................................................................33
Figure 24: WordPress with visual composer.................................................................................34
Figure 25: inserting slides using revolution slider plugin.............................................................35
Figure 26: login phpmyadmin.......................................................................................................35
Figure 27: exporting database........................................................................................................36
Figure 28: importing the database.................................................................................................36
Figure 29: database creation using mysql console........................................................................39
Figure 30:database creation using visual paradigm.......................................................................40
Figure 31 Showing school system landing page............................................................................46
Figure 32 Login and account creation forms.................................................................................47
Figure 33 showing adminstrative tools..........................................................................................49
Figure 34 Showing administrator landing page after successful login..........................................50
Figure 35 Showing me and my group member presenting our system.........................................58

Table 1:class A of network bits.....................................................................................................23
Table 2: class c of network bits.....................................................................................................23
Table 3: standards of cable termination.........................................................................................28
Table 4: requirements of software dev't.........................................................................................38

CMOS…………………………Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.

MBR……………………………Master Boot Record.

MBC……………………………Master Boot Code.
O.S……………………………Operating System.
IDE……………………………Integrated Drive Record.
SATA…………………………Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.
UEFI…………………….……Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.
IP……………………………… Internet Protocol
WLAN…………………….…...Wireless Local Area Network

AGP……………………………Accelerated Graphics Port.

CPU……………………………Central Processing Unit.

RTC……………………………Real Time Clock.

RJ………………………………Registered Jerk.

SB………………………………Standard B.

SA………………………………Standard A.

Config t………………………...Configure Terminal.

VLAN…………………….……Virtual Local Area Network.

CMS…………………….…......Content Management System

HTML…………………………Hypertext Markup Language.

LAN…………………………...Local Area Network

This report contains four chapters and these chapters includes in the following information;

CHAPTER ONE: The following chapter has the introduction like about the nature of internship,
where and the period of internship, name and physical location of the company, services
provided by the company tasks involved while in the industry and the management and
organization structure showing departments and the flow of responsibilities.

CHAPTER TWO: The following chapter has literature review that explains the different
hardware and software tools that I used or interacted with during the training like hardware
components like the motherboard, power supply among others and the software like cisco packet
tracer, word press, wampserver, VMware workstation.

CHAPTER THREE: The following chapter has the different detailed activities that I carried out
during the training period right from day one like ideation, hardware component identification
and its function, database creation and normalization, computer and printer repair, trouble
shooting, networking like ad hoc networking and Sub netting among others.

CHAPTER FOUR: The following chapter has challenges that I encountered during the training
period at Supercom and these ranged from personal to organizational challenges.

CHAPTER FIVE: The following chapter has conclusion about the training environment,
financing and duration, activities support from the industry, the university and the activities.


1.1 Background to the internship.

Internship is a form of experimental learning that integrates knowledge and theory learnt in the
classroom with practical application and skill development in a professional setting. Internships
give students opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in
professional fields they are considering for career paths and give employers the opportunity to
guide and evaluate talent.
It could also refer to a period of work experience offered by an employer to give students
and graduates exposure to the working environment, often within a specific industry,
which relates to their field of study. Defined by NACE.
This is a detailed report of the Internship Program that took place between 29th March and
May 2021 at Supercom Technologies Ltd office in Kabalagala, Nsambya. The intention of the
Internship program is to enable the students to employ the knowledge given by their lecturers in
class theoretically into practical terms. The Internship gives the students an opportunity to apply
that knowledge in the field and in return they prepare a detailed report of the experience attained
in the field which is graded as a part of their three years Bachelor Degree course.
1.1.1 Objectives of the internship.
The intended Objectives of the Internship program as per the University arrangements are;

 The sole purpose of the training is to impact practical skills to students especially the
first-year students before they interact with the field and outside world and to meet the
required job-related competences of their future employers. It also serves as a link
between the University and the various sectors who consume the products and services of
the University
 To allow students to apply evaluate, test and integrate academic knowledge and
theoretical concepts in a work place setting.
 To provide Awareness of one’s own learning process.
 To provide a Reflective practice for life-long learning.
 To provide students with experience in the disciplined and discriminatory use of evidence
in making decisions and solving problems in a work setting.

 To encourage students to take a greater responsibility for their education and life and
develop self-reliance, personal style, values and beliefs in a manner consistent with
becoming a responsible and productive individual.
 To reduce students to gain access to knowledge and equipment not available on the
University environment.
 To improve and expand students’ knowledge about themselves and their abilities, goals,
and career interests in a work environment setting.
 To reduce students’ intellectual and geographic parochialism.

1.1.2 Specific Training Objectives.

 To expose students to various engineering equipment.
 To enable students experience what they will find in the field.
 To enable the students, apply their theoretical knowledge acquired during the lecture time
into practical skills.
 To expose students to various engineering problems and their solutions.
 To enable students of different backgrounds and characters to understand each other in
different working relations.
 To enhance team work in students

1.2 Benefits of the Internship.

1.2.1 Benefits to the Student.
 Students often gain new perspectives because students are able to see the application and
relevance of what they are learning. It provides the student a golden chance for better
understanding of the theory through its actual application in practice.
 Provides useful contacts that may lead to future employment.
 Increases the potential for a higher salary and greater advancement upon graduation as a
result of previous experience.
 Helps you develop a more positive attitude towards coursework as a result of seeing its
usefulness on the job which often leads to better grades.
 Increases development of decision making and analytical skills through experience in
actual work environments.

 The coordination of work and study tends to increase student motivation and, in some
cases, may result in improved academic performance.
 Students have opportunities to sample their chosen career fields early in their studies.
 For many students, the internship experience contributes to a greater sense of
responsibility for their own efforts and greater dependence on their own judgment.
 Students gain a head start in their career fields and sometimes secure full-time
employment with their internship site upon graduation.
 As a result of participation, students may earn money to support their college expenses.
 Students gain real-world experience often learning about latest technology and equipment
used in the workplace.
 Students learn job seeking and job holding skills and as a result, gain maturity,
professionalism, and confidence.

1.2.2 Benefits to the Employers.

 Finding future employees. Internship programs provide a source of well-trained qualify
students who are available for career employment upon graduation. An internship
program is a recruiting tool. Implementing an internship program means you have an
ongoing pipeline of future fulltime employees.
 For many, the process of recruiting and hiring is a drain on company resources. One
solution Appeal to tomorrow’s staff members when they are looking for internships and
all you have to do is choose the best bunch when it comes time to hire. More over college
campuses are viral societies. This means of your organization impresses one class of
intern’s word will quickly spread. Soon you will find the most sought-after student talent
is interested in working with you.
 Test-drive the talent. It’s a human resources reality: A new employee makes a solid
impression in the interview but then just doesn’t gel with your current team or your
company’s way of doing things. Because of this, hiring someone as an intern is the most
effective way to evaluate their potential as a fulltime employee. When you try out
candidates via a semester internship you make fewer mistakes when it comes staffing you
avoid the pitfall of training a new hire, only to find out they are not fit for your
organization or that the entry-level employee doesn’t like the field. Starting an internship

program lets you benefit from added manpower while more accurately assessing
 Increased productivity. Speaking of additional manpower setting up an internship
program allows you to take advantage of short-term support. The extra sets of hands help
your employees be more productive prevent them from becoming overburdened by side
projects as well as free them up to accomplish more creative tasks or those where higher-
level strategic thinking or expertise is required.
 Increased employee retention rate. Employers who hire internship students indicate that
these students usually provide better employee performance evidenced by higher
performance ratings and lower absenteeism and tardiness/lateness thus they are legible to
be retained for work.
 Enhance perspective. It’s not just the extra sets of hands that make interns advantageous
especially in an organization of only 12 to 15 employees, new people bring with them
new novel perspective, fresh ideas and specialized strengths and skill sets. These augment
the ability of the professional work force.
 Take advantage of low-cost labor. Interns are an in-expensive resource. Their salaries are
significantly low if any than staff employees and you aren’t obligated to pay un-
employment or a severance package should you not hire them on fulltime. Moreover,
while their wage requirements are modest, they are among the most highly motivated of
the work force.
 Find free of charge. allows you to post your employer profile completely
free of charge. This means you get extensive exposure to the top collages and candidates
without putting a dent in your recruiting budget.
 Give back to the community. As a small business, you likely relay on community
 Creating an internship program is an excellent way to give back. Hiring interns not only
helps students in your community get started, it enhances the local workforce as a whole.

1.2.3 Benefits to the Faculty, University, college and community.

 Internship experiences result in the improved placement of students in the career position
upon graduation.

 The employment community can provide training on technical and highly specialized
equipment, thus enabling the educational institution to expend its funds on other needs.
 Internship positions can provide a source of financial aid for students who might not
qualify for other financial aid programs (e.g. international students)

Involvement in internship programs provides opportunities for enhanced relationships

with the community.
 Student’s retention often improves because of increased relevance of the education.
 The faculty benefit by having students in their classes who have had practical experience
in their fields.
 Internship programs can help colleges and universities attract corporate support.

1.3 Background of the company.

SUPERCOM TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is a privately held company founded 2012 and
incorporated 2014 in Uganda, consisting of a creative and multi-talented team comprised of web
designers, web developers, graphic designers, marketers, engineers and programmers. We
provide a wide range of services including web design, development & hosting, Research,
Embedded System and mobile application development, digital marketing, Professional Global
courses and other consultancy services. SUPERCOM TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED offers
customer-oriented services and delivers creative and effective results that are return on
investment centric. 

Our Vision: To be the Most Innovative IT Company in Uganda by 2025

Our Mission: To Empower businesses and the Community with Suitable and affordable digital
technologies that simply meet and reach their needs.

Our Slogan: Home of Digital Solutions.

Our Core Values:

 Creativity
 Simplicity
 Perfection
 Righteousness
 Commitment

Location and Address: Our office is located at Tirupati Mazima Mall, Suite 88 Ggaba Road,

Contact us on: Phone: +256 (0) 701 330532, Fax: +256 (0) 77 840016, Hotline: +256 (0) 777 84-
00-16. Visit our website : or E-mail:

 Online Journal System

 Online Society Management System
 E-commerce Software-online store management System
 Supercom Business Directory
 Courier Service System
 Event System
 Advertising System
 Network Infrastructure Design and Implementation.
 Information Technology Enable Service Product.
 Computer Equipment and Software.


 After Sale training and support

 Network and ISP Specialized Software Installation and Configuration Service.
 IT Outsourcing.
 Information Systems
 Customized E-commerce site development.
 IT Software Training and Placement Assistance
 Consultancy.
 Website Designing and Hosting


 Government and Private Organization (B2B)
 Consumer (B2C)

Company Structure:

1.4 Aims of its department:
 Development of information systems.
 Management of IT hardware, software and infrastructure.
 Provision of user support and IT training service.
 Promote information sharing with in Supercom.
 Improve technological infrastructure following technological trend.




This chapter consists of activities done during the industrial internship training and its details
both practical and also involve the activities that I got involved in myself during the
period day after day of the week from December 14th2020 to January to 2021.

2.1 Hardware identification and software installation.

2.1 Hardware identification.
These are tangible/physical parts of the computer. we identified different parts of the computer
such as system case, CPU, muse, keyboard and others. we also went into their details by
identifying their uses examples and components.
2.1.1 system case.
This encloses the components of the computer. It provides mechanical support and protection for
internal elements such as the motherboard, disk drives, and power supplies, and controls and
directs the flow of cooling air over internal also provides space for the connection
of peripheral devices to the internal pars at different ports.
Cooling system.
This is used to cool down the central processing unit and its components. It consists of the
cooling fan, cooling fins and heat sink. It also cools down the north bridge.
Power supply.
This converts electricity from alternating current into direct current. For the case of laptop, it’s
the adapter that does this. It consists of parts like fuse, circuit breaker, fuse and others.
It also supplies power to computer components.
It protects the computer from being burnt by power by stepping down the electricity when it is
high (this is done by the transformer).
Storage devices.
These are used in the storing of data and consist of the hard disk where the
operating system is installed. It consists of parts like actuator arm, header(eye) and magnetic
part. It also consists of jumper pins that switches the functionality of the components.
It is connected to the mother board using a SATA or PATA cable depending on the generation of
the computer.
2.1.2. Mother board.
Is an electronic circuit board where all components of the computer are connected?
It consists of two types; advanced technology and advanced technology extended.
Examples of boards; bread board, strip board and printed circuit board.
It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a
system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides connectors for
other peripherals.
Components of the mother board and their uses.
1. RAM slots. It is where the RAM chips are inserted. RAM is a high performance is
used in the display of graphics on the monitor once the computer is switched on. It stores data
2. Capacitors. These store charges for a short period of time. They help the computer
components that take some time to shut down like the led lights.
3. Led light. Lights on the mother board to show whether its powered.
4. Inductors. it manages power within a magnetic way.
5. PCI (peripheral component interconnect). It connects the external devices to the system
unit like extension slots, printers, scanners and others.
6. IDE ports. it connects the hard disk to the mother board.
7. Power connector. It connects the mother board to the power supply. It consists of 24 pin
and 20 pin power connectors.
8. Transistor. It controls the flow of power on the mother board.
9. CMOS. it haters the settings of the computer.
10. CMOS battery. It keeps time updated.
11. CMOS socket. It holds the CMOS battery.
12. BIOS chip. it is a program that helps to start a computer. It initiates computer drivers and
decides how the computer starts. It gives you the architecture of the computer like dell,
Toshiba, acer, apple and others.
13. POST. It selects the bootable device either MBR that allows BIOS to go inside it to MBC
where MBC records the links saved on the hard disk and saved options or GPT
depending on the version of BOIS. it also finds operating system. If the O.S is there, it
goes to the boot loader and select one of its choice automatically once the O.S are two or
more. If there is one O.S it boots directly. If the O.S is not found it displays no O.S
14. Buzzer. It gives error beeps incase of any error or some missing device for example
missing RAM.
15. VGA ports. It connects the computer to a projector.
16. USB. It connects PNP port.

17. Audio jack sockets. These are used to connect output sound devices like microphone,
headsets and others.
18. PS2. It connects the analog devices.

19. Computer chip sets. These are chips that manages/controls all computer components.
like the north that handles communication between high performance devices such as
RAM, CPU and graphics and south bridge that handles communication between low
performance devices such as VGA, SATA, IDE, PCI, USB. It also controls input and
output devices.

Figure 1: parts of the motherboard.

2.1.3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Also known as the microprocessor or the processor, is the computer's brain. It is responsible for
fetching, decoding, and executing program instructions as well as performing mathematical and
logical calculations. They in two type i.e. pin grid array and land grid array processor.

Figure 2 Showing landgrid array proccesser

Figure 3:pin grid array CPU

2.2. Software installation.
2.2.1. Operating system.
This is a program that enables the user to use the computer.
Types of operating system.
 Full installation. Deletes everything one the computer.
 New installation. Shrinks the computer hard disk into different partitions.
 Upgrade installation. This allows upgrade of the O.S version, Like from windows 7 to
 Dual installation. This involves installation of two O.S on one computer and running
them at the same time.
 Downgrade installation. This allows in lowering the version of an O.S. like from
windows 10 to 7.

How to check the version of O.S.

Using this pc icon.
 Step1: double click on this P.C.
 Step2: double click on properties.

Figure 4:checking system info using control panel.

Using the command prompt.
 Step1: Run the command prompt.
 Step2: Type system info and press enter key.

Figure 5:how to check windows version using cmd

2.3. Making a flash bootable device.

This is creating a second partition to the flash which is primary helps to install an O.S
on it and use it to boot a given computer. This is done through different ways like using power
iso, command prompt and Rufus.
2.3.1. Using command prompt.
This is used when one is going to install windows O.S on a flash disk in the following steps.
1. Run the command prompt as an administrator.
2. Type disk part.
3. Type select disk or list disk.
4. Type select disk 3 which is in most cases the external storage device.

5. Type create partition primary. (if it shows not enough, type clean and the retype the
6. Select partition 1.
7. Format file system(fs).
8. Type active.
9. Type exit.

Figure 6: making a flash bootable using command prompt

2.3.2. using Rufus.

This also used when one wants to install windows.
 Step1: Open this pc.
 Step2: Click on local disk c
 Step3: Select windows o select an operating system.
 Step4: Drive properties.
 Step5: Select flash.

2.3.3. using power iso.

This is used while installing Linux O.S
1. Run it as an administrator.\
2. Click on tools.
3. Click create bootable USB drive.
4. select iso image.

5. Select Linux.
6. Click open.
7. Click on the dropdown to select a flash.
8. Click ok.
9. Click start.
How to check the disk format whether it is MBR or UFI.
The following are the steps taken;
1. Open this pc.
2. Right click on local disk.
3. Click on properties.
4. Right click on the volume.
5. Click on properties.
6. Click on hardware.
7. Select the volume.
8. Select populate.
9. Click on change settings.
10. Click on volumes and populate to show the type of the disk.

Figure 7 Showing GPT disk format

2.3.4. How to install an OS from a flash.

1. Connect a bootable device to the computer.
2. For the desktop click f1, 2 and press enter key.

3. Click next, repair the computer if it is necessary to convert from MBR to GPT.
4. Click install setup.
5. Enter the license key if you have it, if no say I don’t have.
6. Click custom installation and select a partition and click next.

2.4. Trouble shooting.

This is the form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes on
machine or a system. It is also the identification of trouble in the management flow of a system
caused by a given failure of a hardware.

2.4.1. How to check and update drivers on the operating system.

 Step1: Press windows button x.
 Step2: Click on device manager.
 Step3: Go to disk device manager e.g audio speakers, sound video, game controllers,
cameras and others.
 Step4: Double click on the selected device.
 Step5: Click on the driver and click update.

2.4.2. How to increase the computers virtual memory.

 Step1: Right click on this pc icon.
 Step2: Click on computer properties.
 Step3: Click on change settings.
 Step4: Click on advanced, click on settings under visual effects.
 Step5: Click on advanced and hen change.
 Step6: Click on remove automatic manage paging file.
 Step7: Click on custom and set the initial and maximum size.
 Step8: Click set and ok.

2.2.3. How to remove temporary files on a storage device.

 Press windows button R.
 Type %temp% and press enter key.
 Highlight the selected files (shift + A).
 Press shift delete in order to delete permanently.

2.4.4. How to change the computers name.

 Step1: Click on the command prompt.
 Step2: Type hostname. Go to the computer properties.
 Step3: Click on change settings. Click on change.
 Step4: Type the name of your choice ending with pc.
 Step5: Click ok, continue and restart the computer.

2.5. Networking.
This is the interconnection of computer components in order to sharing resources. There are
many types of networking which includes LAN (local area network), WAN (wide area network)
and others.
2.5.1. Components of a network.
A network has 3 components namely devices, services and media.

i. Devices:
Examples of devices include the following;
 Internetworking devices. These are devices that connect one network to another
network e.g routers (wireless and non-wireless). A router is a device that controls
the incoming and outgoing packets on a network. It consists of manageable and
non-manageable types. It also consists of 4 LANs.
 Intermediary devices. These are devices that connects end devices to the network.
like switches, hubs, wireless access point and network accessories.
 End devices. These are the devices that the users of the network connect with. For
examples include computers, mobile phones, etc.
ii. Medias. These are wireless and wired devices like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and network cables
of different types like cross over, roll over and straight through.
iii. Services. Include internet service provider (ISP) and internetwork operating system
(IOS). This is the OS of network device.

Figure 8:components of a network.

2.5.2. Ad-Hoc networking;

Ad-hoc is a communication mode (setting) that allows computers to directly communicate to
each other without a router. This involves network sharing like the sharing of internet, files and
folders from one computer to another on a local hosted network and this involves in a lot of
processes like network sharing, wireless local area network, allowing, SSID, key and starting the
hosted network. This is shown in the following steps.

Step1: Run the command prompt as an administrator.

Step2: type netsh wlan show drivers and press enter key in order to see the available drivers
whether the computer supports the service

Figure 9: running the command prompt as an administrator

Step3: type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=annociet(name of your network)
key=12345678(a password of your choice)

Figure 10: setting hosted network

step4: type netsh wlan start hosted network.

Figure 11:starting hostednetwork

Step5: once it shows the hosted network is started, go to other computers and turn on their Wi-Fi
in order to connect it to your started network.
Step6: go to the control panel, click on network and internet.

Figure 12: open the control panel
step7: open network and sharing center.

Step8: click on change advanced sharing center then turn on network discovery and turn on file
and printer sharing and save changes.

Figure 13: turn on network discovery

Step9: Then go to the other computer and allow its network file sharing.
Step 10: get a folder you want to share and allow its access then use the other computer to watch
a video or share the file.

2.5.3. IP Sub netting.

It is a process of dividing a large network into different subnets. Sub netting helps determine the
number of subnetworks that can be in a given subnet.
IP is a unique number that identifies a device on a network.
MAC is the physical name of a device on a network.
Subnet mask is the IP address that identifies a network.
Broadcast IP is the last IP address of the network, e.g
Default gateway is the IP address of the device that is connecting a device on a network.
Network classes are classified into class A, B, and C.
i. Class A. This class can be identified by using the first digit of the address which lies between 0
and 127. The first octet binary bit is 01. Represented as N.H.H.H which means a class A address

has one octet network address and 3 octet bit host addresses. This in decimal is represented as with a default /8.

Table 1:class A of network bits

Number of Subnet mask No. of No. of No. of host No. of users.

network borrowed networks bits.
bits. bits
8 0 1 24 16777214
9 1 2 23 8388606
10 2 4 22 4194302

ii. Class B. This class can be identified by using the first digit of the address that lies
between 128 and 191. The first octet bit is 10. Represented as N.N.H.H which implies
that a class B address has two network octet bits and two host octet bits and in binary is
represented as with a default /16
iii. Class C. This class can be identified by using the first digit of the address that lies
between 192 and 223. The first octet bit is 110. Represented as N.N.N.H which implies
that a class C address has three network octet bits and one host octet bits also
represented in decimal as with a default /24.

Table 2: class c of network bits

Number of Subnet mask. No. of No. of No. of No. of

network borrowed networks. host bits users.
bits. bits
24 0 1 8 256
25 1 2 7 126
26 2 4 6 62
27 3 8 5 30
28 4 16 4 14
29 5 32 3 6
30 6 64 2 2

2.5.3. Configuring a network.

To configure a network, the following steps have to be taken;

i. Design your network topology in cisco packet tracer.

ii. Then assign IP Addresses on all the devices on the network.
iii. If it is a LAN topology, then a router is not required since all devices are connected on
the same network. For a WAN, a router, an inter network device, will be required to
allow communication among the devices on all networks.
iv. This configuration can be shown using the following steps clearly shown in the

Figure 14:steps to configure a network

The following network configurations were carried out.

24 Console:
In the console of the device, to configure the user privileged mode, follow the following
commands in steps;
 Step1: type in Enable the device, switch.
 Step 2: type in Configure the terminal.
 Step 3: Type in line console 0.
 Step 4: type in Then enter the password.
 Step 5: type in After entering the password, then login and end.
 To secure the user execution mode, follow the following steps;
 Step 1: type in Enable the device.
 Step 2: type in Configure the terminal.
 Step 3: type in Type enable secret and then put a password.
 Step 4: type in Then end.

Figure 15:securing the network Telnet:
1. To telnet a device, follow the following commands in steps;
2. Step 1: type in Enable the device.
3. Step 2: type in Configure the terminal.
4. Step 3: type in Declare an interface.
5. Step 4: type in Assign it an IP address.

6. Step 5: type in Then ensure it is powered on by saying no shutdown.
7. Step 6: type in Then type line VTY and assign the number of devices you would like to
telnet i.e. 0 5
8. Step 7: type in Type transport input telnet.
9. Step 8: type in Assign the device a password and then login and end.

Figure 16: steps of telneting a device. SSH:
The following commands were used to perform a SSH following the steps below;
 Step 1: type in Enable the device.
 Step 2: type in Configure the terminal.

 Step 3: type in Type line VTY 0 5.
 Step 4: type in Type transport input SSH.
 Step 5: type in Type login local.
 Step 6: type in Assign a password.
 Step7:typeinend.

Figure 17:steps of encrypting a device using SHH

27 Vlan.
This was done using the commands below as shown in steps;

 Step 1: type in Enable the device.

 Step 2: type in Configure the device.
 Step 3: Declare a VLAN port of the device.
 Step 4: type in Assign it a name.
 Step 5: type in Then declare the interface of that device.
 Step 6: type in Access the switch port mode and then give it the VLAN port declared
 Step 7: type in Then end.

Figure 18: creating a VLAN

2.6. Cable termination.

This is the process of connecting rj45 to the copper wires. The small coper wires are arranged in
different standards like a, b and c. standard is the arrangement of copper wires in order to be
fixed in an rj45.
Table 3: standards of cable termination

Standard A Standard B
White green White orange
Green Orange
White orange White green
Blue Blue

White blue White blue
Orange Green
White brown White brown
Brown Brown

Figure 19: classes of cable termination

These standards are used to make different types of network cables.
1. Straight through. This is used to connect different devices. It is made using standard A on
both ends. All will light on testing in their order.
2. Crossover. This is used to connect same devices. It is made using standard A on one end
and B on the other end. It lights 1-3,2-6,3-1,6,2and others in their order.
3. Roll over. This is used to transmit data in one is made using one of the
standards but upside down on the other side.

2.7. Website designing.

Website is a collection of web pages or related information into one browser.
Website design is a process of designing and developing a website.
Categories of websites are static and dynamic websites.
2.7.1. Requirements to design websites.;
Static website.
 Languages like html, css, JavaScript, jsp, and others.
 Databases.
 Server.
 User.
 Software.
Dynamic website
 Languages like html, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and others.
 Databases like SQL.
 Computer.
 User
 Server like Wamp server for windows O.S and Xamp server for linux O.S.
 Techniques like CMS, jumura, drupo and word press. For us we used word press to
design websites.
 Software like notepad, sublime text, notepad ++, dream weaver and netbins.

2.7.2. Wamp server.

This refers to a software application that is used in the creation of databases on a local host. We
installed wamp server on our computers under local disk c. We used wamp server in the creation
of databases for our projects done in website designing using phpmyadmin that is found under
tools of wamp server when run in the browser. We also used wampserver in the database
creation, selection, insertion and practice database normalization under the MySQL console.

2.7.3. creating a project on a website using word press.

 Copy word press.
 Double click on wamp that is installed on local disk c.
 Click on www.
 Paste it under www.
 Right click on it and extract it to make it un zipped file.

 Open the extracted word press to confirm whether it has a lot of files inside it.
 Rename the extracted word press the name of your own project.
 Go to the internet explorer and type in local host.
 Click on the project formed and run it.

Figure 20: localhost homepage.

2.7.4. creating a database using wamp server.

 Step1: Click on the wamp server.
 Step2: Click on php myadmin.
 Step3: It will bring a dialogue, enter the username as root don’t enter any password and
click on let’s go.
 Step4: Click on databases, type in the name of the database ending with (_db).
 Step5: Click on create.

Figure 21: view of myphpadmin

2.7.5. correction of errors for execution time.

 Step1: Click on the wamp sever.
 Step2: Hover on php then php.ini.
 Step3: Press ctrl+f, type in maximum time.
 Step4: Click on find until you find execution time and change it e. g from 30s to 120s.
 Step5: Restart all services under wamp server.
N.B. You can also correct other errors by typing in the name of the error and follow the same

2.7.6. creation and editing of pages.
 Step1: Hover on pages under the dashboard, click on add new.
 Step2: Type in the name of the page and click on publish until you finish page creation.
 Step3: If you want to edit, click on edit page and then click on update after you are done

2.8. Uploading of themes.

We uploaded different theme into our projects. And these include;
2.8.1. Frontier theme.
This theme was uploaded either using HTTP or FTP. After uploading the theme, it was activated
and then we customized it by going to appearances then frontier options. The theme was
uploaded using the following steps;

i. In your website admin panel, go to appearances and select themes.

ii. A window pops up and then click add new which prompts you to upload your theme.
iii. Then browse where your theme zipped folder is and click install.
iv. After it has been installed, click activate and this activates the theme.

Alternatively, you can use FTP to activate the theme;

i. Extract the zipped folder of the theme and paste it in your project under themes.
ii. Then go to your admin panel and activate the theme.

This theme makes use of the wow slider to input slides in the site pages.

Figure 22: WordPress frontier theme

2.8.2 Enigma theme.

Using HTTP or FTP, we uploaded and activated the theme and we customized it to suite our
needs. With this theme, we installed plugins like contact form and the wonder slider.

v. In your website admin panel, go to appearances and select themes.

vi. A window pops up and then click add new which prompts you to upload your theme.
vii. Then browse where your theme zipped folder is and click install.
viii. After it has been installed, click activate and this activates the theme.

To customize this theme, go under appearances, customize and then all the necessary
modifications. Alternatively, we can use plugins like the wow slider to give slides to pages and
the contact form used by clients to contact us.

Figure 23: WordPress enigma theme

2.8.3 Consulting theme.

The following steps were used to install this theme;

 Step1: Extract the zipped folder of the theme in the www folder of WAMP.
 Step2: After extracting, copy the consulting purchased folder and paste it in the project.
 Step3: The theme is then activated in the admin panel of the site.

2.9. Uploading plugins.

The following plugins can be used with the consulting theme;
i. The visual composer plugin:
Below are the steps to use this plugin;
 Step1: The page to have slides will be edited using visual composer plugin. This
was done by going to pages, edit the page.
 Step2: p Then click edit with the back-end editor button and then create a new
element which is a row.
 Step3: All the slider short codes will be pasted in the elements created.

Figure 24: WordPress with visual composer
ii. Revolution slider.
This plugin is used as follows;
 After creating the element in visual composer, go to revolution slider and add a
new slide.
 Enter the slide name and alias which will give you a short code that is put in the
elements on the home page.
 Then add an image that will be viewed in the slider.

Figure 25: inserting slides using revolution slider plugin

2.10. Website export and import of database.

2.10.1. website database export.
 Step1: Click on wamp sever icon.
 Step2: Click on phpMyAdmin and login with empty password and username as null.

Figure 26: login phpmyadmin

 Step 3: Click on databases and then click on export in the top bar.
 Step4: Select customize.
 Step5: Deselect test database there is there by default.

Figure 27: exporting database

 Step6: Click let’s go. And save the file.

 Step7: Go to the downloads and look for the exported database.

2.10.2. website database import.

 Step1: Click on wamp sever.
 Step2: Click on phpMyAdmin.
 Step3: Click on import file.
 Step4: Click on browse, go to downloads or the external disk and select the file that you
want to import.

Figure 28: importing the database

 Step5: Click open.

 Step6 Scroll down and click on let’s go.
N.B. We were also taught how to access a website on google chrome using a phone by
configuring both the phone and the computer after connecting them on internet to attain the IP

3.11 Requesting and reserving a domain.

Domains can be divided into two major types;

i. Local top level domain or the local domain. These are domains within your home
country. For example,,,, .co etc. local domains have an advantage
of showing the people who visit your site the location of your company.
ii. Top level domain or international domain. This is a domain on an international level for
example .com, .biz, .org, .info, .net etc.

To reserve a domain, we follow the following steps;

i. Go to the domain control panel of the service provider.

ii. Then select the products and then click on domain registration.
iii. Check availability of the domain. If the domain is not reserved, then click add domain.
iv. Enter the customer details such as email of the user.
v. Place an order for the domain. If you have money on your account, the money will be
deducted and the domain reserved.
vi. After reserving it, create a new account in the web host manager.
vii. Type the domain in the domain information.
viii. Then create the username, password and the package of choice. By clicking on create,
then the control panel is created.

2.11. Software development.

2.11.1. Database.

A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from
a computer system. Database is also a storage location which store the input data. In database
creation, there are draft requirements like database, tables/entity, attributes and values. we also
looked at the how the sketch of someone developing an app or software should look like as

Table 4: requirements of software dev't.

Backend Logic/ scripting End user

 Database like SQL.  JSP  HTML
 PHP  Python
 Java
 And others.

2.11.2. Database normalization

Database normalization is the process of structuring a relational database in accordance with a

series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity.
Normalization entails organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a database to
ensure that their dependencies are properly enforced by database integrity constraints. It is
accomplished by applying some formal rules either by a process of synthesis (creating a new
database design) or decomposition (improving an existing database design).

Techniques of database normalization.

1. 1st normal form.

 It is Scattered.
 It has repeated data/ redundancy.
 It has a primary key
 It deals with rows.

2. 2nd normal form.

 It involves elimination of repeated data.
 It has a primary key.
 It has a foreign key.
 It deals with columns.
 Database optimization.

3. 3rd normal form.
 It involves of 1st NF and 2nd NF.
 Transitivity
 It involves elimination of repeated data.
 It has a primary key and a foreign key.

2.12. Creation of Database.

Here we used different ways of database creation like using mysql console, visual paradigm.
a. Using mysql console.
 Click on the wamp server.
 Hover on mysql, and the click on mysql console.
 Type create database e.g supercomdb;
 Type use supercomdb;
 Type create table university (uid int(2) uname varchar(50);
 Type describe university in order to display the table created.
 Continue typing in different tables of your own choice of the project.

Figure 29: database creation using mysql console

b. using visual paradigm.

We also used visual paradigm in creation of database. We installed visual paradigm on our
computers and created database using it.

Figure 30:database creation using visual paradigm

 Data definition – Creation, modification and removal of definitions that define the
organization of the data.
 Update – Insertion, modification, and deletion of the actual data.
 Retrieval – Providing information in a form directly usable or for further processing by
other applications. The retrieved data may be made available in a form basically the same
as it is stored in the database or in a new form obtained by altering or combining existing
data from the database.
 Administration – Registering and monitoring users, enforcing data security, monitoring
performance, maintaining data integrity, dealing with concurrency control, and
recovering information that has been corrupted by some event such as an unexpected
system failure.

A database has keys namely;

i. Primary keys. A table with a primary key can be created as below;

CREATE TABLE persons (person_Id int(11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT, primary
ii. Foreign keys. To create a table with a foreign key, follow the syntax below;
i. CREATE TABLE marks (marks_id int(2) PRIMARY KEY, tests int(20) NOT NULL,
exam int(20) NOT NULL, person_id int(2), FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES
2.13. Creation of queries.
Queries of a database. These include;

i. Creation. This is used to create a database and tables.

 To create a database, use the syntax create database databasename;
After creating a database, we need to see if the database has been created, the
syntax is show databases;
After seeing that the database exists, you need to use the database by using the
syntax use database name;
 To create a table, use create table tablename(column1, column2……columnz);
After creating a table, you can optionally describe it to see its structure. The
syntax to use is describe tablename;
ii. Inserting: It can be used using the following the following syntax; It is possible to write
the INSERT INTO statement in two forms;
 INSERT INTO tablename (column1,…., columnz) VALUES (v1, ….., vz);
 INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (value1, value2……..valuen);
iii. Selection: Use a select Statement to retrieve data and the where clause to define search
conditions. The syntax used is;
 SELECT * FROM tablename;
 SELECT column1, …, columnz FROM tablename WHERE columnname
iv. Update: The update statement allows you to update data in your SQL database. The
syntax is as below;
UPDATE tablename SET column1=value1,column2=value2,...WHERE somecolumn =

v. DELETE: The delete statement is used to delete records in a table. The where clause
specifies which record should be deleted. if you omit the where clause, all records will be
deleted! The SQL delete Syntax is as follows;
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE columnname=value;
vi. Alter. The alter table statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing
table. SQL ALTER TABLE Syntax
 To add a column in a table, use the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD columnname datatype (size);
 The AFTER keyword statement is used to add a column after a given column
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD COLUMN columnname datatype(size) AFTER
 The FIRST keyword is used to add a column at the beginning of the table SQL
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD COLUMN columnname datatype(size) FIRST;
 The CHANGE keyword is used to change a column from one place to another

SQL first keyword syntax

ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE columname columnname datatype(size)

AFTER columnname;

 The modify keyword can also be used to change a column from one place to
another and also change the datatype. SQL MODIFY KEYWORD Syntax
ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY columnname datatype(size) AFTER
ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY COLUMN columnname newdatatype (new
 To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax (notice that some database
systems don't allow deleting a column):
ALTER TABLE tablename DROP COLUMN columnname;
 To rename a table in a database, use the following syntax
RENAME TABLE databasename.oldtablename TO databasename.newtablename ;

RENAME TABLE oldtablename TO newtablename ;

We used these queries to databases as shown in the codes below.

mysql> create table student(sid int(2),sname varchar(50),phone

varchar(25),uid int(2),cid int(2),yid int(2));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> desc student;

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| sid | int(2) | YES | | NULL | |
| sname | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| phone | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | |
| uid | int(2) | YES | | NULL | |
| cid | int(2) | YES | | NULL | |
| yid | int(2) | YES | | NULL | |
mysql> insert into course values('1','BIT');
mysql> select * from course;
| cid | cname |
| 1 | BIT |

mysql>insert into student values('1','Odeke
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from student;

| sid | sname | phone | uid | cid | yid |
| 1 | Odeke Moses | 07590694244 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into student values('2','Tangombe

mysql> select * from student;
| sid | sname | phone | uid | cid | yid |
| 1 | Tangombe Tresor | 0754095959 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
| 2 | Tangombe Lucky | 0787293050 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ame from student,university,course,year
where(student.uid=university.uid and student.cid=course.cid and
| sname | phone | uname | cname | yname |
| Tangombe Tresor | 0754095959 | CUU | BCE | 2021 |
| Mariam | 07590694244 | CUU | BCE | 2021 |
2 rows in set (0.13 sec)

mysql> select student.sname AS StudentName, AS

PhoneNumber,university.uname AS University,course.cname AS
Course,year.yname AS Year from student,university,course,year
where(student.uid=university.uid and student.cid=course.cid and
| StudentName | PhoneNumber | University | Course | Year |
| Tangombe Tresor | 0754095959 | CUU | BCE | 2021 |
| Tangombe Lucky | 0787293050 | CUU | BCE | 2021 |

2.14 Designing Web Application

Me and my group we designed a Web Application called School System which is managing and
connecting the students to a variety of universities where a student can select the university from
the registered ones.
The system will help university ouncers to advertise universities worldwide and students will be
able to go through the university services like the courses they offer and where they are located
and the academic years already covered and ahead.
Students will be able to create an account that has their full information that a required for the
university admins to either approve them or reject their applications.
The system has only two user types now;
1. Admin.
2. Students

Whereby every user type has got its functions as listed and illustrated below.

1. Admin.

 Create account
 Login
 View status like new students and new applications.
 Add locations
 Add university

2. Student
 Create account
 Login
 Visit universities
 Apply to the universes
 Follow up on the application

2.15 System Graphical user interfaces;

Figure 31 Showing school system landing page

This is the landing page of my school system where all both students and administrators
land after using the system domain.
The images bellow also shows the different security measures for an administrator before
he or she logs in.

Figure 32 Login and account creation forms

Figure 33 showing adminstrative tools

The above image shows the update form that an administrator uses to update the

Figure 34 Showing administrator landing page after successful login

Lastly, the admin can click on admin in top right Conner and then logout to unset all the
sessions and return to login where he or she can click on back on login page to go back to
the portal or landing page.


3.0 introduction

This chapter highlights the challenges which includes personal, company that I encountered or
hindered me from understanding very well some of the concepts of particular activities that were
done on particular days during the training period and these ranged from the first day up to the
last day of the training as shown below;

3.1 Personal challenges

Getting a placement for internship
I found it difficult to get a place for internship training since most organizations or companies are
reluctant to offer vacancies to trainees for security reasons or privacy of the organization
information and lack of adequate skills by the trainees to perform the different duties.

Limited space for all interns

At the Company, the offices had limited space and furniture for all the trainees. Interns had to
find some other place for their activities since we used the same room with the interns of
engineering Like outside the training room during the practice time of our projects most
especially in the evening time and this could make life difficult because we had limited tables
due to social distancing as a health measure to covid19.

after given session we would be assigned different work like working on different projects which
needed a lot of time, so in this case I would even end up curing some work to my place of
residence in order to complete it in time.

Understanding teamwork.

While working as a team in creation of projects, there was miscommunication and

misinterpretation of some specific details and also different ideas of the team members which
affected and delayed task completion.

3.2 Organizational challenges

Limited number of computers
There were few computers that could not be used by most of us since some of us had no laptops
and the activities we carried were more of practical and this prompted us not to finish and do
some tasks.

Provision of meals
Supercom technologies limited do not provide meals to interns. People go out of the organization
premises for lunch and some delay to return to company which affects the performance of the
company since the number of hours’ employees are required to be at work are reduced.

4.0 Introduction

This chapter, highlights the conclusions about the training process on the activities all done in
details, training environment and experience gained during the training among others.

4.1 In Conclusions;
The training period at Supercom Technologies was good because I managed to gain skills and
learnt what I had not expected and I also gained a lot of experience right from practical work to
ways of communicating with others.

I was able to learn how to repair both computer system hardware and software and that for the
laptop like installing of windows using a bootable flash disk though I faced some challenges like
backing up of all the information that was on my flash when making it bootable among others
and also differentiating the different components of hardware found in the system unit and I also
learnt the concept of ideation, innovation and co-creation like we came up with an idea of E-safe.

I also managed to understand how to create an ad hoc network for sharing resources like files
and folders and the components of networking like devices, media and services. I also learnt how
to access another computer remotely. I also managed to learn the different types of networks and
also on how to configure a switch and router among others,

I managed to learn website development without writing any single codes through the use of
word press with customizing of themes like enigma, frontier; consulting and plugins like woo
commerce, visual composer among others.

I also managed to learn more about website development using different themes that are fully
paid up like consulting which comes with most of the plugins like woo commerce, bookings,
visual composer among others and we also reviewed the concept paper of our previous ideas
developed during the course of internship and also report documenting for both internship and
Supercom weekly.

I managed to learn how reserve, register and hosting a domain using the service provider of my
own choice and this was Supercom. I also learnt database creation, selection, insertion and
practice approach on normalization of the database.

I also managed to learn on how to develop a web application where I was working as full stark
developer whereby I learnt how to develop database using sql language, graphical use interfaces
using HTML and CSS and connect it with database using scripting languages like php.

As I ended up designing a fully functioning system as explained in chapter two above.

4.2 Experiences Attained;

4.2.1 Skills Gained
A skill is proficiency gained in carrying out specific tasks or acquired technical knowledge in
doing work.

4.2.2 Interpersonal skills. This was obtained through interacting and establishing a good
relationship with staff in different departments and fellow interns at Supercom. I learnt to work
in teams, being polite, greeting others.
4.2.3 Team working skills
This was gained through performing tasks assigned in groups with fellow trainees who enabled
me to acquire ideas from other group members and also appreciate the importance of working in
teams to increase efficiency.

4.2.4 Communication skills

I gained communication skills through interacting with employees at different levels of the
organization and interacting with fellow trainees. I learnt to always address people with respect,
being polite and always be thankful and greet people before asking for anything. I also gained
confidence especially during the presentations of our projects in our groups.



The following below are my ways forward to foster the activities of the industry, the university
and the training in order to ensure long term and sustained continuity of the industry and
activities and they are basically to my fellow internees, to the company and to the university and
these are as shown below;

(a) To the University;

 I recommend that the university should be able to Strengthen and create
connections with both local and international organizations in order to get
students internship places and ensure that they are posted in areas that match with
their theoretical knowledge gained from the University.
 I recommend that the university should be able to intensify supervision of students
at all levels of education in order to ensure that students transfer the theory
acquired to practical.
 I recommend that the university should be able to teach or take through first time
students who go for internship about report documenting of any kind so that they
don’t face challenges when making reports like internship reports, company
weekly reports among others.
 I recommend that the university should be able to provide transport allowance fee
to those students who always have their internship from far so that students can
reach at their respective places of internship to avoid missing of some contents
this because some students lack transport fee which makes them to miss or delay
at their internship places.

(b) To the Company;

 I recommend that the company should be able to communicate at the start of the
internship that people are expected to make the monthly company reports so that
we people are not unconvinced at the last week of the month that they are
supposed to make reports.
 I recommend that the company should be able provide free internet during the
internship period because it makes it hard when given a task like to do a given
project in case you want to download something when you don’t have internet
because images are needed.
 I recommend that the company should provide lunch to the trainees so ha a lot of
time is not wasted because of going outside to look for lunch especially for those
who can accommodate.
(c) To the students;
 I recommend that fellow students whom we always have internship with should
keep time this is because it widens on our coverage through discouraging the need
for the supervisor from going back where he/she started from to repeat for late
 I also recommend that fellow students who go for internship should also always
have a laptop so that to help him/her during internship this is because internship is
full of practical.
 I also recommend that Students should continue with the spirit showcased during
the internship period which helps prepare them for their careers in the future and
also helps them keep practicing their theoretical knowledge obtained in class.
 I also recommend that Students should continue with internship or even volunteer
in organizations since it helps them develop an understanding of the work ethics,
employment responsibilities and demands.

1. Supercom Technologies ltd. (

Appendix 1: Showing me and my internship company supervisor showing the certificate I was
awarded after the completion of my internship program at Supercom Technologies ltd.

Figure 35 Showing me and my group member presenting our system.


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