Authors & Abstract Guideline V-ASMIUA 2020

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1. RULES FOR AUTHORS .................................................................................................... 2
a. Prior Publication of Material ................................................................................... 2
b. Objectivity .................................................................................................................. 2
c. Abstract Topics .......................................................................................................... 2
d. Registration and Expenses........................................................................................ 2
e. Failure to Present ...................................................................................................... 2
f. Abstract Acceptance ................................................................................................. 3
g. Abstract Revisions ..................................................................................................... 3
2. PREPARATION FOR ABSTRACTS ................................................................................ 3
a. Language .................................................................................................................... 3
b. Size .............................................................................................................................. 3
c. Title ............................................................................................................................. 4
d. Authors ....................................................................................................................... 4
e. Affiliation ................................................................................................................... 4
f. Body of the Abstract ................................................................................................. 4
g. Proofreading .............................................................................................................. 5
h. Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... 5
i. Human Experimentation .......................................................................................... 5
j. Abstract Data ............................................................................................................. 5
k. Presentation ............................................................................................................... 6
l. Submission Deadline ................................................................................................. 6
m. Notification ............................................................................................................. 6
3. V-ASMIUA 2020 E-POSTER FORMAT & GUIDELINE .............................................. 8


a. Prior Publication of Material

The V-ASMIUA 2020 Scientific Meeting Acts as a forum for presenting novel research
findings. The work covered by the abstract must not have been published (manuscript or
abstract) before December 20th, 2020. If the work has been presented at another meeting, the
author must disclose when and where it was presented (during submission process), so that the
abstract review Committee can make its decision based on all available details.

b. Objectivity

V-ASMIUA 2020 is committed to offering participants an open forum for scientific discussion,
wherein all scientists and clinicians are invited to contribute actively. To preserve this valuable
environment, the V-ASMIUA urges all presenters to avoid statements, symbols or other
displays that are subjective and unscientific in nature.

c. Abstract Topics

Topics to choose consists of:

• Urology Oncology, • Andrology Urology,

• Endourology, • Female and Functional Neuro-
• Paediatric Urology, Urology, or
• Reconstructive Urology, • Kidney Transplantation

d. Registration and Expenses

All participants whose abstract is accepted must be registered for V-ASMIUA 2020.
Presenting authors who have not paid their registration fees will be excluded from the program
as well as from the V-ASMIUA 2020 proceeding book. No exceptions will be granted. All
expenses such as registration associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract
are the responsibility of the presenter.

e. Failure to Present

Should the author (or a designated co-author) of an accepted abstract fail to present the work
as scheduled, subsequent abstracts submitted by the individual will be flagged to the scientific
committee as coming from a prior “no-show presenter”, and will be judged accordingly. This
could result in the non-acceptance of future submissions at ASMIUA meetings.

f. Abstract Acceptance

Each abstract will be blinded and scored by two reviewers. Abstracts will be accepted based
on scientific merit. Selected abstracts for main congress subsequently are classified into the
oral presentation and moderated poster sessions by the Scientific Committee judgement for
the best interest of the program.

We encourage the participants to submit e-poster versions of submitted abstracts which will
be published and exhibited on Scientific Hall in digital e-poster during V-ASMIUA 2020 main
congress (December 18th – 20th, 2020).

Please note that there will be no live presentations of accepted abstracts during the V-
ASMIUA 2020 Scientific Session. All accepted abstracts for the congress will be presented
with a pre-recorded presentation.

g. Abstract Revisions

Abstracts cannot be revised or resubmitted after the submission.


a. Language

Abstracts must be written and presented in English. Careful typing, grammatical structure
and proofreading are essential. The accepted abstracts will be published as submitted. Errors,
misspellings, incorrect hyphenation, and deviations from the use of correct English will be
glaringly apparent in the published abstract. Once the abstract is submitted, changes,
corrections or rewording will not be possible.

Presenters are requested to devote the necessary attention to language to avoid deviations from
the use of good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts which
are presented in poor English or to request an immediate revision.

b. Size

The submission program will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not
allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements.

The size of the abstract is limited to 500 words. The figures and/or images submitted are
limited to 2 (two) for each abstract. The abstract should be uploaded in both PDF and Ms.
Word format.

c. Title

The title should clearly define the topic. Do not identify your institution in the title. There is no
maximum length for the title. However, the characters in the title are included in your total
character count. The first letter of any sentence in the title will automatically begin with a
capital letter. Do type the abstract title in small letters, except for abbreviations. Do not type
the entire title in capital letters.

d. Authors

Type full family name and first name of all authors, only omitting any titles, degrees and
institutional affiliations. It is advisable to check the correct spelling of the family name and
initials of each author. Please check that for authors from the same institution, the name of the
institution is written in the same way to avoid the creation of extra affiliations, which are in
fact identical.

e. Affiliation

Type the name of the institution, Department, City and Country in English. If co-authors are
from the same institution, the program will automatically copy all information into the next
boxes, so you do not have to type all information again. If co-authors are not from the same
institution you can edit any box as you wish. Please make sure that the institution, department,
and city are written in English.

f. Body of the Abstract

The abstracts, with an exception of case reports articles, should be made in a structured format,
consisting of:

• Introduction & objectives

• Materials & methods
• Results
• Conclusion

State the objective of the study, describe the material and methods, summarize the results
presenting adequate details to support the conclusions reached (it is not acceptable to state:

“The results will be discussed”). Use numbers for numbers and only very well-known
abbreviations e.g., ml, kg, MRI. If you must use other abbreviations, you must explain it the
first time it appears. You can use the special keys to insert tables, pictures or specific characters.

g. Proofreading

Verify that your abstract is correct and read the proof carefully. It will be automatically shown
after you have inserted all the data. Keep a printout for your own records.

h. Acknowledgements

Do not include references, credits or grant support.

i. Human Experimentation

Any human experimentation conducted as part of the submitted abstract(s) must follow the
protocol approved by the institutional or local committee on ethics in the human investigation;
or, if no such committee exists, the investigation should have been conducted following the
principles of the World Medical Association’s Helsinki Declaration. The Scientific Committee
may enquire supplementary data regarding ethical aspects when evaluating the abstract(s).

j. Abstract Data

Abstracts that describe investigations of compounds that involve inadequate numbers of study
subjects, or abstracts that lack quantitative data will not be accepted. Authors should not “split”
data to create several abstracts from one. If splitting is judged to have occurred, priority scores
of related abstracts will be reduced.

Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution
(and/or individuals) describing the same study population will be disqualified. Statements such
as “results will be discussed” will automatically disqualify the abstract.

Reviewers require specific data on which to base their evaluation.

Bear in mind that your abstract will be judge according to the following criteria:

• Is the design of the study valid?

• Are the methods appropriate?

• What is the significance of the results?

k. Presentation

The abstract will be selected in oral presentation and moderated poster sessions by the
Scientific Committee of V-ASMIUA 2020.

All accepted abstracts for the congress will be presented with a pre-recorded presentation
with the following details:

• Oral presentation video: maximum of 10 minutes

• Moderated poster video: maximum of 5 minutes

Maximum of 5 presentations are scheduled for oral presentation session while 10

presentations are scheduled for moderated poster sessions.

Format your oral presentation using PowerPoint and add audio talk voiceover timed to each
slide that will advance automatically. If you do not have access to PowerPoint, here are some
suggestions for free alternatives: Loom or Zoom.

The total maximum time of your talk must not exceed time regulation. The Scientific
Committee of V-ASMIUA 2020 has the right to cut the video should it not meet the criteria
stated above.

The link for uploading the pre-recorded presentation video will be further informed via email
of the selected participant's abstract.

l. Submission Deadline

The abstract must be submitted electronically ONLY to

before November 25th, 2020, 23:59:59 WIB (GMT +7), while e-poster submission deadline
is scheduled is December 13th, 23:59:59 WIB (GMT +7). E-poster submission is optional. To
avoid that your abstract can not be submitted due to technical difficulties, computer problems
or other reasons, you are advised to submit your abstract on time. There is no possibility for
late-breaking abstract submission.

m. Notification

You will receive a notification by email for selected abstracts of oral presentation and
moderated poster presentation.
Important Dates

• Open Abstract Submission : November 12th, 2020

• Submission Deadline : November 25th, 2020
• Announcement via Email for Abstract Selection : December 8th, 2020
• E-Poster Submission : December 13th, 2020
• Pre-recorded Video Submission : December 17th, 2020
• Oral / Poster Moderated Presentation at V-ASMIUA 2020 : December 19th, 2020
• Winner Announcement : December 20th, 2020


The prize will be awarded by:

• IAUI - Award for Best Oral Presentation

• IAUI - Award for Best Moderated Poster Presentation

For assistance and/or clarifications, please email


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