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Andrey Stamatin

Come now, you haven't given us any time to

change the set!
This entry contains potential spoilers for
Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Name Andrey Stamatin (Андрей


Nickname Stamatin the Curmudgeonly


Faction Utopians

Andrey Stamatin is an architect from the

Capital and the owner of the Broken Heart pub.
He is the elder twin brother of Peter Stamatin.


An architect by trade, but a Renaissance

“ man by nature; an impetuous and

amoral adventurer. Based on Benvenuto
Cellini. A believer in neither God nor the
devil, he likes taking everything life has

to o!er. Capable of murder. A tender
guardian and protector to his twin
brother, Peter.

— From the game's design documents

Andrey Stamatin is an intense man, and

incredibly protective of his brother. He is a
genius with a mind very few in the world
possess. He lets nothing stand in his way and
takes pleasure in breaking the known rules and




Spoken Dialogue


O!cial Art

Animation Video


Andrey Stamatin will only appear in front of

the Cathedral on Day 7 if he was not
infected at midnight.
Andrey's voiced line regarding "looking like a
hero" is intentionally written to be sexually
forward, as noted by Alexandra "alphyna"
As noted in the artbook, Andrey is based o!
of Benvenuto Cellini, an Italian sculptor of
the Late Renaissance. Cellini was known for
his goldsmith work and sculpting skills, as
well as his public afrays (brawls), murdering
his brother’s killer in an act of blood revenge,
and bisexual a!airs with both men and


1. ↑ "[...] And anyway, Stamatin the

Curmudgeonly has introduced new rules,
with another sort of liquid flowing. A fiery
one. A good one, but not one I need at the
moment…" - Haruspex Route, Day 1,
Pathologic 2
2. ↑ Georgiy Kain: Because you won't find
minds like theirs anywhere else on the
whole continent. We hunted them for much
too long. My brother Simon collected many
brilliant specimens in this town, you know. It
is an ark..
3. ↑ alphyna on Twitter
4. ↑ Translation:
1: "Andrey: You do look like a hero - from the
front. But what about the other end? Bend
over." Sorry? SORRY WHAT?
2: When I translated this phrase, I was also
take the fuck back. This was the only line
from the voice acting where I asked, is this
correct? (Which is a hint that you will be
fucked.) It was!
3: [image depicting shock and surprise]
4: Well, in the sense that it is a joke, like
"come here, I’ll fuck you myself."

Name Andrey Stamatin (Андрей


Faction Utopians

Age 29

Andrey Stamatin is an architect from the

Capital and the owner of the pub in the Earth
District. He is the elder twin brother of Peter


Appearance: Andrey has shorter hair

“ than Peter and dresses in a more

fashionable way. Otherwise he is
complete copy of his brother.
Pose: With his left hand he grabs
his opponent by the collar or by
their throat. He moves his right
hand in front of his opponent’s face
as if he is checking their

Personality: Wild, hedonistic,

energetic. Fearless, a glutton for
pleasure, fierce and jovial. Andrey
develops unique theories about the
limits of human freedom. He doubts
the veracity of any kinds of
premises and fundamental truths.
Andrey acknowledges no authority.
He fancies the usage of
superlatives. If he set his mind on
something he always carries
through it. Andrey is able to create
unusual things, but wastes his
talent lavishly. He works in chaotic
and unstable surges. „
— From original Pathologic character concepts

A wild, fierce, and hedonistic man, but also

energetic, buoyant, and jovial. Andrey
acknowledges no authority, and is inclined to
doubt any established premise and principle. As
such, he invents many peculiar doctrines on the
limits of human freedom. He seems to generally
enjoy violence and fighting, even challenging
the Haruspex to a "contest of life-taking."
However, he hates it when someone "dares
attack a woman," which is one reason for his

He is consistent in any situation. He is able to

build many unusual projects, yet di!uses his
talents by working chaotically and unstably.
Andrey concedes to Peter in terms of creative
talent, though he is far better with practical
matters than his twin. Andrey cares for his
brother above anyone else, but also maintains a
close romantic relationship with Eva Yan[2] and
is protective of the dancers who work in his pub,
and greatly admires Maria Kaina.[3][4]


Well-known architects from the Capital, both

Stamatin brothers have designed famous
buildings across the country. Andrey and his
brother were brought to the town by Nina Kaina
ten years prior to the events of the game and
have lived there since. Together, they created
the Polyhedron among other constructions.

Andrey specifically states that he has been

sentenced to death in four countries for his
"architectural works." Though he and Peter have
worked both separately and collaboratively,
Andrey says he is "usually the one to take the

Either or both Stamatins are known to have

worked on:

The Downgate
The Alley of Heroes ensemble
The Other Stairway Round
The House House
The Cold Hall
The Stairways to Heaven
The Polyhedron
It is unclear to what extent which brother was
involved with which projects, but Andrey claims
his death sentences came in response to his
creation of The Downgate, the Alley of Heroes
ensemble, The Other Stairway Round, and
House House. Both twins collaborated on Cold
Hall, and on the buildings in the town. The
stairways are Peter's work.

The first dialogue between Andrey and the

Bachelor reveals that they knew each other
when they were both students of Health
Science — which Andrey presumably left to
pursue architecture—and that they were
involved in a bar fight together, apparently on
the defending side.


Andrey has short black hair, dark eyes, and

patchy facial hair across his jaw. He wears a
white shirt under a corduroy jacket with a floral
kerchief hanging out of his left pocket. He has
several rings across his right hand. He wears
blue and white striped pants and white wing tip
shoes with a spike at the heel.

Portrait Quotes

"I am quite fond of Andrey. The twins are the two

sides of a single whole, but Andrey has the
capability to execute Peter's fantasies and designs.
He is resolute enough not only to admit the
possibility of the impossible, but also to implement
it through persistent creative work. My uncle is
quite capable of the former too, but the latter... A
personality like Andrey's deserves nothing but

- Maria Kaina's take on him.

"Without Andrey's boldness, Peter's vivid

imagination would have only existed on paper. It's
a shame that the duo is in decline right now, really.
Peter is a habitual drinker and Andrey wastes his
life on debauchery and ruthless feasts. But
dormant periods are common among creative
people; they emerge from them carrying the prey
of new discoveries in their teeth..."

- Vlad the Younger's take on him.

Bachelor Route

The Bachelor can meet with Andrey on Day 1 by

visiting his pub. They share reminiscience about
their college days together, with Andrey proudly
declaring he has since moved on and created
fantastic architectural miracles with the
assistance of his brother. The following day, the
Bachelor is asked by Eva Yan to convince the
brothers in escaping the coming epidemic with
her. Andrey agrees, but only if Peter can be
convinced. However, the plan falls through
when the Bachelor discovers the train service is

On Day 7, after discovering that Eva Yan is

missing and receiving a message via Ayan from
Andrey, the Bachelor will look for him at his pub.
However, Andrey will not be there, and instead
two of the pub's workers direct the Bachelor to
the marshes. There, Andrey will be confronting
several Worms, accusing them of kidnapping
Eva. Both he and the Bachelor come to realize
that Eva has committed suicide, throwing
herself from the Cathedral. Andrey laments that
Eva was always "his woman", free to live her life,
but stayed important to him.

On Day 10, as the Bachelor searches for Peter

Stamatin, but finds that Peter has disappeared
from his home and the place is full of army
soldiers. He learns that Peter was not arrested
and visits Andrey at his pub in order to find
Peter. Andrey will tell the Bachelor that Peter
went to look for something near a Stairway to
Heaven located in the Chine, while also
declaring that he will do whatever he can to
protect his brother from the Army and the

On Day 11, the Bachelor goes to Andrey

Stamatin's Pub to look for Andrey in order to
obtain more blueprints of the Polyhedron.
However, Andrey is not present; a distressed
dancer tells him that Andrey was arrested by the
army and is sentenced to execution. The
Bachelor attends the execution spot, and deals
with the soldiers; he will return to the pub to find
Andrey safe in his usual spot, where he is
thankful of the Bachelor's actions. He gives him
his blueprints for the Polyhedron.

The following day, as Maria Kaina begins her

ascension as Red Mistress, the Bachelor speaks
with Andrey in his pub, where he will insistently
declare that Maria will lead the Town to a better
place, having finally realized the sought Utopia.

Haruspex Route

Andrey has a limited appearance in the

Haruspex route. When meeting him as the
Haruspex for the first time on Day 2, Andrey
Stamatin and his brother will be in his pub. His
first conversation with the Haruspex will be as
friendly as Andrey can be: he threatens him in
passing, only for the Haruspex to boldly state he
could beat the life out of Andrey if he wanted to.
After a moment of shock and consideration,
Andrey will change the subject by proposing a
business opportunity: he will trade him weapons
and medicine for herbs and twyre. On that day,
he will also ask the Haruspex for 10 sprigs of
Brown Twyre in exchange for 4000 coins and
information about the location of a store that is
buying items at a premium.

On Day 12, as Andrey Stamatin is one of the

Bachelor's Bound, there is a chance that an
Executor will be stationed outside of Andrey
Stamatin's Pub with Andrey being infected
inside. If the player wishes for the Bachelor to
attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give
Andrey Stamatin a Shmowder or a Panacea to
cure him.

Changeling Route

On Day 2, while completing a request for Vlad

the Younger, the Changeling will be directed to
speak to Andrey Stamatin about the rumours
that the Haruspex is capable of brewing
medicinal tinctures. Andrey will confirm the
e"cacy of the Haruspex's tinctures, and also
propose a trade agreement with the Changeling:
if she brings him twyre, he will create medicinal
extract for her to use.

Several days later, the Changeling will be asked

by Katerina Saburova to convert the Stamatin
siblings from the 'heresy of the Utopians' to
better suit the Town's future. As Peter Stamatin
will only entertain Katerina's request if his
brother does, the Changeling visits Andrey at his
pub. During her conversation with him, he grows
increasingly hostile, furious she at all implies
that both he and his brother need some sort of
"salvation", and criticizes her belief in God. He
sends her away, demanding she never show her
face to him again.

On Day 11, the Inquisitor asks the Changeling to

deliver some documents to the Bachelor. While
looking for the Bachelor, the Changeling will
overhear that the Andrey has been arrested by
mutinous troops and the Bachelor has gone to
free him. If the Changeling goes to Andrey
Stamatin's Pub, she will find that Andrey is
indeed missing and the pub is crowded with
army soldiers. She questions a soldier to
discover that Andrey had been taken to the
cannon at the Train Station, in front of a firing
squad. When the Changeling arrives at the Train
Station, she will only find the mutinous soldiers
there and two other soldiers hidden behind
rocks. Once she heals the injured soldier and the
mutineers are dealt with, she learns that Andrey
and the Bachelor have both managed to escape
and she will find them at Stamatin's Loft
alongside Peter. The Changeling questions
Andrey about the Polyhedron and he apparently
disagrees with the Bachelor's conclusions.
Andrey says the Polyhedron is not a chimera,
and that it was made for people, it is needed by
people, and would have no meaning without

On Day 12, as Andrey Stamatin is one of the

Bachelor's Bound, there is a chance that an
Executor will be stationed outside of Andrey
Stamatin's pub with Andrey being infected
inside. If the player wishes for the Bachelor to
attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give
Andrey Stamatin a Shmowder or a Panacea to
cure him.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Andrey Stamatin/Spoken Dialogue


Andrey's in-game portrait in Andrey's in-game portrait in

the original Pathologic Pathologic Classic HD

Andrey's back in Pathologic Andrey's full model in

Classic HD Pathologic Classic HD

Andrey in Pathologic Classic

Andrey development shot for
the original Pathologic

Andrey in Pathologic Classic

Andrey in Pathologic Classic

Andrey in Pathologic Classic

Andrey in Pathologic Classic

Andrey in Pathologic Classic


O!cial Art

Andrey and Peter concept art

for the original Pathologic

Andrey concept art for the

original Pathologic


In the original English translation of the

game, his name was written as "Andrei
Andrey carries a knife which he calls a
"navaja"—a type of Spanish folding-knife.
Historically, the navaja was a knife used by
common people after a ban on longer

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