Literature Map Presentation Script: - . - . - . - . - . R E S T - . - . - . - . .

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All: Good day!

Diocynt: The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainty into

major aspects of national and global society. It made schools and
universities shut immediately. As a result, education has changed
dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby
teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.

Airvin: Most students’ routines suddenly changed, but the

children perhaps most affected by that changes are the special
education students

Melissa: According to Nelson (2020), the new strategies like

virtual learning environment gave the child’s parent another load
on their back. Parents had a hard time encouraging their children
to join virtual classes and on what they are going to do to
accommodate the child’s needs.

Mark: Since the new educational setting is set at the child’s

home, some parents also struggle to balance their work-from-home
to the school-from-home setting and became a challenge for them.
By the way I am mark Jhon Pelingon,

Airvin: I am Airvin Jay Catalino,

Melissa: I am Melissa Figuro,

Dioynt: And I am Diocynt ERrispe… We are third year Bachelor of

Special Needs Education Students from University of Southeastern
Philippines, Tagum –Unit.

Melissa: And it is our pleasure…to welcome you all, to our humble

presentation about…

Group: how online learning during pandemic challenge the parents

of children with special needs.

. . . . . . . . . . R E S T . . . . . . . . . .

Airvin:(Kolak (2021). When the Parent becomes the Teacher - Attitudes on
Distance Learning in the Time of Corona-Teaching from Parents’ Perspective.

Mark: (Yazcayir, G., & Gurgur, H. (2021). Students with Special Needs in Digital
Classrooms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey. Pedagogical Research, 6(1), em0088.

Diocynt: (Putri, Ratna & Purwanto, Agus & Asbari, Masduki & Wijayanti, Laksmi &
Pramono, Rudy & Chi Hyun, Choi. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Home
Learning: An Explorative Study of Primary Schools in Indonesia. 29. 4809-4818.)

Melissa: (Schuck, R. K., & Lambert, R. (2020). “Am I Doing Enough?” Special
Educators’ Experiences with Emergency Remote Teaching in Spring 2020. Education
Sciences, 10(11), 320. doi:10.3390/educsci10110320)bh)

Airvin: (Smith, Sean & Burdette, P. & Cheatham, Gregory & Harvey, S. (2016).
Parental role and support for online learning for students with disabilities: A
paradigm shift. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 92(2), 101-112. 29. 101-112)
Brief Summary & Closure

Diocynt: The development of children’s motivation is greatly

influenced by parents’ involvement in educational processes. The
new set-up of learning creates a demotivating effect, so it is
important to help the students with special educational needs
with their education in the new normal setting.

Airvin: The presented research shows, that online/virtual

learning is a big challenge for children. However, it is worth
emphasizing that all parents were strongly involved in their
children’s educational needs.

Melissa: Since there are lots of challenges that parents faced

during this new normal setting of education, it is important that
we find some solutions to address or help parents in teaching
their children with special needs.

Mark: And by focusing and/or studying this challenge, it is

possible that we will be able to find some ways to help parents
handle their children with special needs through their learning.

All: That would be all and have a great day!

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