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Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures 2020-21

Data tables
Publication Date: 26 October 2021
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These tables provide aggregated statistical information on uses of the Mental Health Act ('the Act') in England for patients formally detained in hospitals and patients subject to Community
Treatment Orders (CTOs). They provide time series data and breakdowns by type of organisation (NHS and independent sector) and data relating to the legal status of people detained under the

The data sources for each measure are noted at the top of each column of data. In 2016-17, the data were sourced from the Mental Health Services Data Set for the first time (data on uses of the
Act in acute settings were collected via the MHA Acute collection in 2016-17 and 2017-18, and then from the Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) from 2019-20 onwards). Prior to this, data was
sourced from the KP90 aggregate data collection.

Data tables 8a - c provided include counts of continuous Mental Health Act episodes which ended within 2020-21 and the total length detention for these episodes. The data is presented as
counts of episodes with median, lower quartile and upper quartile lengths of detention being included alongside these.

Where counts and lengths of detention are presented by Section, this represents the most severe level of restrictiveness used in the continuous Mental Health Act episode. The order of severity
for the Mental Health Act sections is included in Appendix 1.

Due to coverage issues, counts of events and people produced from these new data sources are incomplete and should not be compared to data from the KP90 collection. The data presented
for length of detention considers data from across the Mental Health Services Dataset (MHSDS), dating back to January 2016. As such when calculating the total length of detention there are
issues in that data previous to January 2016 is not recorded and then subsequently there are issues around coverage and completeness. Please refer to the notes above each table. Users
should also consult the Background Data Quality Report for further information on these issues.

The Gender reported in this publication uses the Person Stated Gender Code. As part of the improvements to the MHSDS dataset in version 5, additional gender data items, including a Gender
Identity Code and Gender Same As Birth indicator are being added to improve the way that gender is reported in the dataset.

Further information on these changes is available at: Implementation tools and guidance: Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) v5.0 - NHS Digital
Further information on GENDER IDENTITY CODE (

Data confidentiality
MHSDS Sub-national figures between 0 and 4 are suppressed and all numbers are rounded to the nearest 5.
ECDS sub-national figures between 1 and 7 are suppressed, zeros are shown and all other numbers are rounded to the nearest 5.
National figures from both sources are unrounded and unsuppressed.

Table Title
Table 1a Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by legal status and provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21
Table 1b Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by age group and gender, 2020-21
Table 1c Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by ethnicity, 2020-21
Table 1d Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) area, 2020-21
Table 1e Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, cross-tabulated by age group, ethnicity and gender, 2020-21
Table 1f Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area, 2020-21
Table 1g Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by IMD decile, 2020-21
Table 1h Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by IMD decile and ethnicity, 2020-21
Table 2a Uses of Short Term Orders under the Mental Health Act 1983 by provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21
Table 2b Uses of Short Term Detention Orders (Place of Safety Orders: Section 136) under the Mental Health Act 1983 by age group and gender, 2020-21
Table 2c Uses of Short Term Detention Orders (Place of Safety Orders: Section 136) under the Mental Health Act 1983 by ethnicity 2020-21
Table 3a Uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) by provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21
Table 3b Uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) by age group and gender, 2020-21
Table 3c Uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) by ethnicity, 2020-21
Table 4 Uses of Sections 2 and 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983 by provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21
Table 5 People subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 on 31st March, by provider, 2015 to 2021
Table 6 People subject to repeated detention under the Mental Health Act 1983, by age group, gender and ethnicity, 2020-21
Table 7a Discharges from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, by age group and gender, 2020-21
Table 7b Discharges from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, by ethnicity, 2020-21
Length of Detention of patients discharged from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, by section, age group, gender, ethnicity and deprivation decile,
Table 8a 2020-21, excluding CTOs
Table 8b Length of Detention of patients discharged from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, by section, age group, gender, ethnicity and deprivation decile,
2020-21, including CTOs
Table 8c Number of separate episodes as part of continuous MHA spell
Appendix 1 Severity of Detention

Further Information
Author: Community and Mental Health Analysis Team, NHS Digital
Responsible Statistician: Giles Foster

Public Enquiries: 0300 303 5678

Press enquiries should be made to the Media Relations Manager on 0300 303 3888

Published by NHS Digital, part of the Government Statistical Service

Copyright © 2021 Health and Social Care Information Centre.
The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital.

You may re-use this document/publication (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0.
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Notes and Definitions

Tables 8a - c presented calculates a length of detention based on a persons contiguous Mental Health Act spell.
implemented in January 2016, it should only be expected that active Mental Health Act episodes from this date h
potentially reduce the total continuous episode in some cases. The exact impact and scale of this is unknown.

When calculating the length of detention, a persons detentions and CTOs are considered and then mapped to cr
continuous days is calculated. Where a person had an episode which ends and is followed by a new episode the

If a person has a recorded MHA Episode that is not closed, then the record will be checked to see when the refe
closed from inflating the length of detention.

The analysis presented is by the most restrictive section used in the continuous spell. For example if a person w
Section 3 as this is the most restrictive Section used. For more details on the ordering of the Mental Health Act S

Please note that the following are not included in the analysis of continuous detentions:
1) Informal detention periods
2) Episodes where the Section used was not known or not recorded
3) Conditional Discharges

Episodes with a start date of 01/01/1900 have also been removed from the analysis.
Table 1a

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by legal status and provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21

This table shows the number of detentions starting in the year, including both civil detentions under Part II and detentions via the Criminal Justice
System under Part III of the Act.

From 2016-17, data is not comparable to previous years due to the change in data source from the KP90 collection to the MHSDS. For further details
please refer to the Background Data Quality Report.

Detentions are broken down into those occurring on admission and those that followed admission to hospital. The total also includes detentions
following use of a Place of Safety order or after the revocation of a Community Treatment Order (CTO).

The count of detentions does not include uses of Sections 4, 5(2) & 5(4) or 135 & 136, which are presented in Table 2 as Uses of Short Term Orders.
A short term order may be followed by a detention under Sections 2 or 3, and these detentions are shown under the heading ‘Detentions following
admission to hospital’ and ‘Detentions following use of Place of Safety Order’.

Data for NHS Providers and Independent Sector Providers only includes data from MHSDS for 2020-21. This is due to small numbers in the ECDS
data so these have not been included in these counts to prevent disclosure of small numbers.

Further details of analytical methods can be found in the metadata file.

All Providers NHS Providers Independent Sector Providers

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Acute Acute ECDS ECDS ECDS Acute Acute ECDS

All detentions1,2 53,176 58,399 63,622 45,864 49,551 49,988 50,893 53,239 48,014 51,969 56,594 43,050 46,552 46,837 47,975 50,518 5,162 6,430 7,028 2,814 2,999 3,151 2,918 2,721

Detentions on admission to hospital3,4 34,806 37,709 40,785 25,474 27,971 30,478 32,320 35,275 30,574 32,524 35,403 24,416 26,824 29,230 31,280 34,265 4,232 5,185 5,382 1,058 1,147 1,248 1,040 1,010

All detentions under Part II of the Mental Health Act 32,781 35,444 38,873 25,224 27,690 30,114 32,011 34,863 29,116 30,883 33,912 24,216 26,590 28,916 31,012 33,886 3,665 4,561 4,961 1,008 1,100 1,198 999 977
Section 2 25,300 27,754 30,627 21,621 23,864 25,963 27,968 30,407 23,326 25,293 27,705 20,823 22,994 25,021 27,093 29,570 1,974 2,461 2,922 798 870 942 875 837
Section 3 7,481 7,690 8,246 3,603 3,826 4,151 4,043 4,456 5,790 5,590 6,207 3,393 3,596 3,895 3,919 4,316 1,691 2,100 2,039 210 230 256 124 140

All detentions under Part III of the Mental Health Act 1,847 1,930 1,696 158 203 236 221 222 1,317 1,332 1,317 110 157 189 181 191 530 598 379 48 46 47 40 31
Section 35 77 75 40 8 8 2 3 4 72 67 35 7 7 2 3 4 5 8 5 1 1 - - -
Section 36 22 15 17 - 1 3 5 7 18 12 15 - - 3 5 7 4 3 2 - 1 - - -
Section 37 (with S41 restrictions) 448 486 415 26 31 46 42 25 255 278 264 12 10 26 30 18 193 208 151 14 21 20 12 7
Section 37 (without S41 restrictions) 315 307 223 21 17 20 20 25 197 151 143 11 10 12 15 20 118 156 80 10 7 8 5 5
Section 45A 2 9 7 - - - 4 6 1 6 6 - - - 4 6 1 3 1 - - - - -
Section 47 (with S49 restrictions) 414 429 385 41 67 49 49 59 317 324 321 37 63 43 43 51 97 105 64 4 4 6 6 8
Section 47 (without S49 restrictions) 43 60 32 2 3 4 8 5 31 38 22 1 2 2 5 4 12 22 10 1 1 2 3 1
Section 48 (with S49 restrictions) 394 440 465 46 59 69 57 67 322 374 420 36 52 62 49 59 72 66 45 10 7 7 8 8
Section 48 (without S49 restrictions) 11 3 5 6 2 1 0 1 11 3 5 1 - 1 0 1 - - - 5 2 - - -
Detentions under other sections (38, 44 and 46) 121 106 107 8 15 42 33 23 93 79 86 5 13 38 27 21 28 27 21 3 2 4 6 2

Detentions under previous legislation (Fifth Schedule) and other Acts 178 335 216 17 10 100 88 190 141 309 174 15 9 97 87 188 37 26 42 2 1 3 1 2

Detentions following admission to hospital3,5,6 14,087 16,078 17,181 17,565 18,349 15,834 14,576 13,619 13,254 14,938 15,622 15,846 16,542 13,979 12,731 11,996 833 1,140 1,559 1,719 1,807 1,855 1,845 1,623
Informal to section 2 4,097 5,079 5,678 7,107 7,697 5,769 5,147 4,981 3,834 4,600 4,919 6,138 6,624 4,759 4,071 4,035 263 479 759 969 1,073 1,010 1,076 946
Informal to section 3 3,483 4,077 4,303 5,239 5,164 4,983 4,787 4,381 3,298 3,840 4,079 4,700 4,639 4,409 4,266 3,893 185 237 224 539 525 574 521 488
Section 5(2) to 2 3,707 4,015 4,121 3,008 3,135 2,736 2,488 2,335 3,457 3,751 3,776 2,884 3,013 2,583 2,344 2,234 250 264 345 124 122 153 144 101
Section 5(2) to 3 2,414 2,489 2,631 2,114 2,236 2,225 2,060 1,855 2,292 2,348 2,417 2,033 2,150 2,112 1,963 1,774 122 141 214 81 86 113 97 81
Section 5(4) to 2 54 56 51 28 30 27 26 22 49 54 47 24 30 24 25 22 5 2 4 4 - 3 1 -
Section 5(4) to 3 44 43 40 16 20 24 19 9 43 41 39 16 20 24 19 8 1 2 1 - - - - 1
Section 4 to 2 260 277 331 41 50 38 36 32 254 262 319 39 49 36 30 26 6 15 12 2 1 2 6 6
Section 4 to 3 28 42 26 12 18 32 14 5 27 42 26 12 18 32 14 5 1 - - - - - - -

Detentions following use of Place of Safety Order 2,882 3,185 4,099 2,619 2,983 3,504 3,805 4,151 2,837 3,131 4,051 2,589 2,941 3,456 3,773 4,063 45 54 48 30 42 48 32 88
Section 135 to 2 - - - 219 317 388 470 454 - - - 217 309 378 464 428 - - - 2 8 10 6 26
Section 135 to 3 - - - 55 97 99 130 111 - - - 54 91 93 127 94 - - - 1 6 6 3 17
Section 136 to 2 2,587 2,882 3,660 2,118 2,324 2,713 2,920 3,278 2,551 2,836 3,614 2,093 2,298 2,684 2,898 3,235 36 46 46 25 26 29 22 43
Section 136 to 3 295 303 439 227 245 304 285 308 286 295 437 225 243 301 284 306 9 8 2 2 2 3 1 2

Detentions following revocation of CTO 1,401 1,427 1,557 214 257 199 206 223 1,349 1,376 1,518 207 254 199 204 221 52 51 39 7 3 - 2 2

Sources: KP90 (2013-14 to 2015-16), MHSDS/MHA Acute (2016-17 to 2017-18), MHSDS/ECDS (2018-19 to 2020-21) - NHS Digital

1) For 2016-17 data, there is a discrepancy of 8 detentions between the 'All detentions' figure and the sum of the individual categories. For 2017-18 data, there is a discrepancy of 9 detentions between the 'All detentions' figure and the sum of the individual categories. For 2018-19 data, there is a discrepency of 15
detentions between the 'All detentions' figure and the sum of the individual categories. For 2019-20 data, there is a discrepancy of 9 detentions between the 'All detentions' figure and the sum of the individual categories. For 2020-21 data, there is a discrepency of 29 detentions between the 'All detentions' figure and the sum
of the individual categories. This is due to difficulties in determining the sequence of events in these cases, using the record-level MHSDS data.
2) In 2016-17, 7,091 transfers on section were recorded. Of these 5,528 were recorded by NHS providers and 1,563 were recorded by Independent Sector providers. In 2017-18, 4,747 transfers on section were recorded. Of these 3,783 were recorded by NHS providers and 964 were recorded by Independent Sector
providers. In 2018-19, 4,909 transfers on section were recorded. Of these 3,900 were recorded by NHS providers and 1,009 were recorded by Independent Sector providers. In 2019-20, 5,253 transfers on section were recorded. Of these 4,268 were recorded by NHS providers and 985 were recorded by Independent Sector
providers. In 2020-21, 4,807 transfers on section were recorded. Of these 3,736 were recorded by NHS providers and 1,071 were recorded by Independent Sector providers.
3) From 2016-17, numbers for detentions on admission and detentions following admission to hospital are affected by the quality of time recording in MHSDS. Further details are provided in the Background Data Quality Report.
4) For 2016-17 and 2017-18, this total is higher than the sum of components due to the inclusion of data from the Acute collection for 'any other formal admissions', which cannot be allocated to any of the components.
5) For 2017-18, 2019-20 and 2020-21, there is a discrepancy of one detention between the total and components due to a data quality issue.
6) Detentions recorded in ECDS have been all been included in the Detentions on Admission category only. This is because it has not been possible to conclude whether the detention occured on admission or following admission. The detentions that occured appear to have happened on the same day but further analysis
and improved data quality is required to improve reporting of detentions on admission and following admission in ECDS.
7) Data for NHS and Independent provider splits is only displayed from MHSDS for 2020-21. This is due to small numbers in the ECDS data for Independent providers.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 1b

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by age group and gender, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of detention by age group and gender, for 2020-21.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures. However,
broad comparisons between groups are valid.

Population figures are ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Crude rate per

Number of
Base Population3 100,000

All1 53,239 56,550,138 94.1

All age groups (where recorded)2 51,733 56,550,138 91.5

17 and under 1,134 12,093,288 9.4

15 and under 328 10,852,240 3.0
16 to 17 806 1,241,048 64.9

18 and over 50,599 44,456,850 113.8

18 to 34 17,531 12,305,734 142.5
35 to 49 13,188 10,853,151 121.5
50 to 64 10,298 10,833,946 95.1
65 and over 9,582 10,464,019 91.6

All genders (where recorded)2 51,663 56,550,138 91.4

Male 26,541 27,982,818 94.8
Female 25,122 28,567,320 87.9

Sources: MHSDS / MHA Acute 2020-21 - NHS Digital, ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the age and gender details were not submitted.
The totals for 'All age groups' and 'All genders' are from MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for further demographic breakdowns.
2) The total for 'All genders' is lower than for 'All' as these exclude records where these characteristics were either recorded as 'Not stated' and 'Not known'
or where they were not submitted.
3) ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created
by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference
to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 1c

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by ethnicity, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of detention by ethnicity, for 2020-21.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures. However, broad comparisons between groups are valid.

Population figures are from the 2011 Census as ONS mid-year estimates do not include updates for ethnicity.

The population figures use 2011 Census categories. The 2011 Census introduced the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories. MHSDS does not allow for data to be submitted with
these new categories and as such for the purpose of analysis the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories have not been included. The population figure for Gypsy or Irish Traveller is
included in the total population figures for the broad category of White and the population figure for Arab is included in the population figures for Any Other Ethnic Group category. The inclusion
of these groups could affect the rate for the Any other ethnic group.

Although Gypsy and Arab are identified in the population figures, since these groups are not separately identified in the MHSDS, we cannot produce separate rates for these groups. We also do
not know which categories these people would have identified as belonging to in the MHSDS. For example, an Arab person may have self-identified as Asian or Any Other Ethnic group and the
way this affects the rates shown is unknown.

The broad groupings shown below follow the 2001 Census groupings, which are still used in the NHS. However the 2011 census re-positions 'Chinese' from Any other ethnic group to
Asian/Asian British. This means that figures using 2011 Census categories will not be comparable with any using 2001 Census categories for 'Any Other Ethnic Group' and 'Asian/Asian British'.

Standardised rate
Number of Base Crude rate per
per 100,000 Confidence Interval
detentions Population3 100,000 population

All1 53,239 53,012,456 100.4 - -

All ethnicities (where recorded) 2

47,379 53,012,456 89.4 - -

White 34,496 45,281,142 76.2 74.7 0.8
White British 30,693 42,279,236 72.6 71.6 0.8
White Irish 402 517,001 77.8 66.6 7.0
Any Other White Background 3,401 2,430,010 140.0 149.0 5.9
Gypsy or Irish Traveller - 54,895 - - -

Mixed 1,717 1,192,879 143.9 222.0 13.6

White and Black Caribbean 484 415,616 116.5 172.2 19.6
White and Black African 267 161,550 165.3 268.8 46.6
White and Asian 223 332,708 67.0 101.0 17.6
Any Other Mixed Background 743 283,005 262.5 389.8 35.3

Asian or Asian British 3,620 3,763,900 96.2 104.6 3.9

Indian 929 1,395,702 66.6 69.9 4.8
Pakistani 1,068 1,112,282 96.0 112.8 7.8
Bangladeshi 518 436,514 118.7 141.4 14.9
Any Other Asian Background 1,105 819,402 134.9 147.4 10.7

Black or Black British 5,714 1,846,614 309.4 343.5 9.7

African 2,453 977,741 250.9 290.8 15.7
Caribbean 1,656 591,016 280.2 286.7 14.0
Any Other Black Background 1,605 277,857 577.6 764.4 45.5

Other Ethnic Groups 1,832 927,921 197.4 210.1 12.0

Chinese 184 379,503 48.5 59.7 10.9
Any Other Ethnic Group 1,648 327,433 503.3 502.2 28.7
Arab - 220,985 - - -

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the ethnicity was not submitted. Further breakdowns are from MHSDS only since the
ECDS collection does not allow for further demographic breakdowns.
2) The total for 'All ethnicities' is lower than for 'All' as it excludes records where any of age, gender or ethnicity was either recorded as 'Not stated' and 'Not known' or where it was not submitted.
This information was required for direct standardisation of population-based rates.
3) ONS Census 2011 - table reference: DC2101EW - Ethnic group by sex by age, QS211EW - Ethnic group (detailed)

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and
Social Care Information Centre.
Table 1d

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by Sustainability and Transformation Partnership
(STP) area, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of detention by STP area, for 2020-21.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures.

Missing data for particular providers means that comparisons between STP areas must be made with caution, as areas with low completion rates will
record low rates of detention which are not representative of the true picture. For further details of shortfalls in coverage, please refer to the Background
Data Quality Report.

Population figures are based on ONS mid-2019 population estimates for 2020 CCG mapped to STP.

Crude rate per

Number of Base
Sustainability and Transformation Partnership area 100,000
detentions Population2

All1 53,239 56,286,961 94.6

All STPs 51,759 56,286,961 92.0

QOX Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire STP 535 921,917 58.0
QHG Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes STP 910 950,874 95.7
QHL Birmingham and Solihull STP 1,200 1,180,567 101.6
QUY Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire STP 825 963,522 85.6
QU9 Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West STP 1,225 1,714,146 71.5
QUE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP 450 892,627 50.4
QYG Cheshire and Merseyside STP 2,490 2,496,557 99.7
QT6 Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Health & Social Care Partnership (STP) 430 571,802 75.2
QWU Coventry and Warwickshire STP 785 949,454 82.7
QHM Cumbria and North East STP 3,200 2,989,312 107.0
QJK Devon STP 1,030 1,200,739 85.8
QVV Dorset STP 40 773,839 5.2
QMF East London Health & Care Partnership (STP) 2,950 2,023,383 145.8
QNQ Frimley Health & Care (STP) 305 744,974 40.9
QR1 Gloucestershire STP 535 637,070 84.0
QOP Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership 3,320 2,869,256 115.7
QRL Hampshire and the Isle of Wight STP 1,385 1,824,154 75.9
QGH Herefordshire and Worcestershire STP 470 788,587 59.6
QM7 Hertfordshire and West Essex STP 1,210 1,479,787 81.8
QOQ Humber, Coast and Vale STP 1,545 1,704,336 90.7
QJ2 Joined up Care Derbyshire STP 885 1,026,426 86.2
QKS Kent and Medway STP 1,385 1,860,111 74.5
QE1 Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS 1,515 1,695,599 89.3
QK1 Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland STP 910 1,100,306 82.7
QJM Lincolnshire STP 465 761,224 61.1
QH8 Mid and South Essex STP 755 1,195,348 63.2
QMM Norfolk and Waveney Health & Care Partnership (STP) 770 1,026,193 75.0
QMJ North London Partners in Health & Care (STP) 2,330 1,510,806 154.2
QRV North West London Health & Care Partnership (STP) 2,660 2,103,719 126.4
QPM Northamptonshire STP 490 736,219 66.6
QT1 Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Health and Care STP 890 1,043,665 85.3
QKK Our Healthier South East London STP 2,515 1,819,271 138.2
QOC Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin STP 420 502,990 83.5
QSL Somerset STP 265 562,225 47.1
QWE South West London Health & Care Partnership (STP) 1,775 1,504,810 118.0
QF7 South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw STP 1,470 1,526,479 96.3
QNC Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent STP 1,000 1,135,935 88.0
QJG Suffolk and North East Essex ICS 775 984,184 78.7
QXU Surrey Heartlands Health & Care Partnership (STP) 195 1,049,170 18.6
QNX Sussex Health and Care Partnership 1,775 1,705,280 104.1
QUA The Black Country and West Birmingham STP 910 1,376,504 66.1
QWO West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health & Care Partnership (STP) 2,215 2,383,594 92.9

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the STP could not be derived. Further
breakdowns are from MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for further breakdowns and therefore STP could not be derived from this
2) ONS mid-2019 population estimates for 2020 CCG have been mapped to STP

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body
This workbyremains
soleknown as NHS property
and exclusive Digital of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit
reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 1e

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, cross-tabulated by age group, ethnicity and gender,

This table shows the number of detentions across gender, age group and ethnicity for 2020-21.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts shown are lower than the true figures. However, broad
comparisons between groups are valid.

Ethnicity Gender
White Mixed Asian Black Other Male Female

All ages and genders1 34,437 1,716 3,619 5,712 1,831 24,250 23,065

17 and under 780 63 61 84 27 309 706
15 and under 235 24 20 18 6 79 224
16 to 17 545 39 41 66 21 230 482

18 and over 33,657 1,653 3,558 5,628 1,804 23,941 22,359

18 to 34 9,960 908 1,531 2,487 871 8,773 6,984
35 to 49 8,251 453 1,225 1,719 545 6,479 5,714
50 to 64 7,435 203 542 1,129 238 4,694 4,853
65 and over 8,011 89 260 293 150 3,995 4,808

Male 17,092 907 2,070 3,169 1,012 24,250 -
Female 17,345 809 1,549 2,543 819 - 23,065

Source: MHSDS

1) Data has been excluded where any of age, gender or ethnicity was either recorded as 'Not stated' and 'Not known' or where it was not submitted. The total
for 'All ages and genders' is calculated from MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for further demographic breakdowns.
Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by
statute, also known as NHS Digital

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference
to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 1f

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area,

This table shows the numbers and rates of detention by CCG area, for 2020-21

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures.

Population figures are ONS mid-2019 population estimates for 2020.

Clinical Commissioning Group area


All CCGs



Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) ONS mid-2019 population estimates for 2020

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This workbyremains
soleknown as NHS property
and exclusive Digital of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced wh
reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Group (CCG) area,

han the true figures.

Crude rate per

Number of Base
detentions Population1

53,239 56,286,961 94.6

51,759 56,286,961 92.0

265 212,906 124.5

235 246,866 95.2
160 264,220 60.6
85 117,459 72.4
535 921,917 58.0
385 461,940 83.3
385 491,349 78.4
1,200 1,180,567 101.6
190 149,696 126.9
245 139,446 175.7
360 287,550 125.2
540 590,901 91.4
500 329,771 151.6
375 290,885 128.9
825 963,522 85.6
350 546,626 64.0
180 190,990 94.2
225 211,455 106.4
450 892,627 50.4
75 137,595 54.5
95 177,744 53.4
280 190,034 147.3
610 727,223 83.9
145 178,547 81.2
650 290,841 223.5
645 530,094 121.7
440 480,456 91.6
885 1,026,426 86.2
1,030 1,200,739 85.8
305 311,890 97.8
40 773,839 5.2
105 321,596 32.6
470 341,806 137.5
465 571,713 81.3
260 436,701 59.5
310 382,746 81.0
190 338,592 56.1
190 318,400 59.7
90 129,944 69.3
620 557,229 111.3
160 201,071 79.6
140 194,337 72.0
535 637,070 84.0
180 246,604 73.0
210 203,825 103.0
120 129,410 92.7
320 185,143 172.8
250 251,160 99.5
200 259,552 77.1
470 788,587 59.6
555 598,034 92.8
245 222,412 110.2
250 306,870 81.5
255 271,523 93.9
310 259,778 119.3
285 411,211 69.3
110 141,771 77.6
1,385 1,860,111 74.5
430 571,802 75.2
185 150,862 122.6
875 793,139 110.3
455 354,224 128.4
465 761,224 61.1
585 498,042 117.5
290 213,052 136.1
860 552,858 155.6
205 395,918 51.8
235 275,882 85.2
200 332,696 60.1
505 504,875 100.0
595 353,134 168.5
770 1,026,193 75.0
2,330 1,510,806 154.2
305 319,371 95.5
320 341,267 93.8
35 211,709 16.5
175 159,563 109.7
140 225,387 62.1
145 193,183 75.1
135 172,292 78.4
255 219,600 116.1
185 207,913 89.0
435 428,231 101.6
490 736,219 66.6
260 322,434 80.6
890 1,043,665 85.3
275 237,110 116.0
485 676,171 71.7
220 214,905 102.4
280 305,222 91.7
265 265,411 99.8
285 258,834 110.1
520 506,073 102.8
580 584,853 99.2
245 323,136 75.8
265 562,225 47.1
2,515 1,819,271 138.2
150 226,837 66.1
160 217,701 73.5
140 160,226 87.4
150 150,976 99.4
190 273,851 69.4
1,775 1,504,810 118.0
255 252,520 101.0
190 183,125 103.8
130 116,184 111.9
175 180,585 96.9
90 157,308 57.2
295 293,423 100.5
345 264,651 130.4
290 277,705 104.4
195 1,049,170 18.6
15 96,564 15.5
235 260,063 90.4
860 675,944 127.2
175 179,854 97.3
110 174,341 63.1
500 324,745 154.0
240 237,354 101.1
300 366,072 82.0
245 348,312 70.3
80 285,478 28.0
460 276,983 166.1
225 210,014 107.1
155 195,147 79.4
190 310,040 61.3
335 570,799 58.7
75 114,306 65.6
265 407,490 65.0
340 227,412 149.5
170 231,706 73.4
780 857,166 91.0
345 328,662 105.0
315 324,011 97.2
205 263,357 77.8
550 - -

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Table 1g

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by IMD decile, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of detention by IMD Decile, for 2020-21.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures.

Population figures are ONS mid-year population estimates 2017.

IMD Decile


01 Least deprived
02 Less deprived
03 Less deprived
04 Less deprived
05 Less deprived
06 More deprived
07 More deprived
08 More deprived
09 More deprived
10 Most deprived
Not stated/Not known/Invalid

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the IMD decile c
2) The sum of the IMD decile breakdown only relates to MHSDS and not ECDS and so will not equal the total for 'All' which
3) ONS mid-year population estimates 2017

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a n
This workbyremains
soleknown as NHS property
and exclusive Digital of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced
reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
han the true figures.

Crude rate per

Number of Base
detentions2 Population3

53,239 56,286,961 94.6

51,759 55,619,430 93.1

2,436 5,599,597 43.5

2,676 5,726,334 46.7
3,145 5,761,977 54.6
3,521 5,699,103 61.8
4,099 5,581,143 73.4
5,008 5,574,827 89.8
5,570 5,500,617 101.3
7,032 5,464,378 128.7
7,712 5,425,795 142.1
8,496 5,285,659 160.7
2,064 - -

des detentions where the IMD decile could not be derived.

o will not equal the total for 'All' which includes data from both

ocial Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body

n Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit
Table 1h

Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983, by IMD decile and ethnicity, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers detention by Ethnciity and IMD, for 2020-21.

Percentages are based on the row totals to allow broad comparisons between ethnic groups.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the
true figures.

01 Least 02 Less 03 Less 04 Less 05 Less

deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived

White 1,951 2,078 2,364 2,619 2,844
White British 1,815 1,939 2,130 2,411 2,545
White Irish 14 19 26 10 38
Any Other White Background 122 120 208 198 261
Gypsy or Irish Traveller - - - - -

Mixed 36 66 99 109 112

White and Black Caribbean 11 10 17 23 41
White and Black African 9 11 11 11 8
White and Asian 4 13 21 19 18
Any Other Mixed Background 12 32 50 56 45

Asian or Asian British 86 109 145 161 254

Indian 36 34 47 51 94
Pakistani 9 19 25 30 49
Bangladeshi 7 6 12 15 23
Any Other Asian Background 34 50 61 65 88

Black or Black British 67 102 157 186 392

African 35 47 63 87 167
Caribbean 15 30 41 48 122
Any Other Black Background 17 25 53 51 103

Other Ethnic Groups 49 65 78 123 142

Chinese 7 8 14 18 17
Any Other Ethnic Group 42 57 64 105 125
Arab - - - - -

Sources: MHSDS - NHS Digital

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a n
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced
Information Centre.
06 More 07 More 08 More 09 More 10 Most Not stated/Not 01 Least
deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived known/Invalid deprived

3,414 3,534 4,148 4,554 5,716 1,274 6%

3,034 3,051 3,559 3,922 5,263 1,024 6%
46 60 62 61 48 18 3%
334 423 527 571 405 232 4%
- - - - - - -

176 220 247 317 276 59 2%

44 68 68 85 99 18 2%
30 39 38 57 45 8 3%
22 17 29 36 35 9 2%
80 96 112 139 97 24 2%

302 394 594 711 751 113 2%

120 123 145 151 109 19 4%
61 86 154 233 371 31 1%
29 68 114 143 91 10 1%
92 117 181 184 180 53 3%

485 761 1,169 1,283 867 245 1%

199 305 497 533 408 112 1%
149 230 318 369 281 53 1%
137 226 354 381 178 80 1%

187 213 308 319 260 88 3%

20 19 20 28 24 9 4%
167 194 288 291 236 79 3%
- - - - - - -

ormation Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care
02 Less 03 Less 04 Less 05 Less 06 More 07 More 08 More 09 More
deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived

6% 7% 8% 8% 10% 10% 12% 13%

6% 7% 8% 8% 10% 10% 12% 13%
5% 6% 2% 9% 11% 15% 15% 15%
4% 6% 6% 8% 10% 12% 15% 17%
- - - - - - - -

4% 6% 6% 7% 10% 13% 14% 18%

2% 4% 5% 8% 9% 14% 14% 18%
4% 4% 4% 3% 11% 15% 14% 21%
6% 9% 9% 8% 10% 8% 13% 16%
4% 7% 8% 6% 11% 13% 15% 19%

3% 4% 4% 7% 8% 11% 16% 20%

4% 5% 5% 10% 13% 13% 16% 16%
2% 2% 3% 5% 6% 8% 14% 22%
1% 2% 3% 4% 6% 13% 22% 28%
5% 6% 6% 8% 8% 11% 16% 17%

2% 3% 3% 7% 8% 13% 20% 22%

2% 3% 4% 7% 8% 12% 20% 22%
2% 2% 3% 7% 9% 14% 19% 22%
2% 3% 3% 6% 9% 14% 22% 24%

4% 4% 7% 8% 10% 12% 17% 17%

4% 8% 10% 9% 11% 10% 11% 15%
3% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 17% 18%
- - - - - - - -
10 Most Not stated/Not
deprived known/Invalid

17% 4%
17% 3%
12% 4%
12% 7%
- -

16% 3%
20% 4%
17% 3%
16% 4%
13% 3%

21% 3%
12% 2%
35% 3%
18% 2%
16% 5%

15% 4%
17% 5%
17% 3%
11% 5%

14% 5%
13% 5%
14% 5%
- -
Table 2a

Uses of Short Term Orders under the Mental Health Act 1983 by provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21

This table shows the number of uses of Sections 4, 5(2), 5(4), 135 and 136 during each period.

From 2016-17, data is not comparable to previous years due to the change in data source from the KP90 collection to the MHSDS. For further details please refer to the Background Data Quality Report.

Short-term detention orders are those of no greater than 24 hours' duration, except where a doctor has approved a further 12 hour extension. Prior to December 2017, the time limit for these orders was 72 hours.

The figures for Place of Safety orders only include those where the ‘place of safety’ was a hospital. Orders made where the ‘place of safety’ was a police station are reported separately by the Home Office.

Data for NHS Providers and Independent Sector Providers only includes data from MHSDS for 2020-21. This is due to small numbers in the ECDS data so these have not been included in these counts to prevent disclosure of small numbers.

All providers NHS Providers Independent Sector Providers

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Acute Acute ECDS ECDS ECDS Acute Acute ECDS ECDS

Short Term Detention Orders 28,250 31,273 35,955 25,987 28,287 29,247 29,178 29,464 27,413 30,346 34,763 25,090 27,352 28,124 28,303 28,695 837 927 1,192 897 935 1,123 875 769

All place of safety orders 17,315 19,718 23,521 15,409 17,095 19,023 19,610 21,110 17,050 19,402 23,131 14,988 16,574 18,450 19,175 20,707 265 316 390 421 521 573 435 403
Section 135 307 315 556 359 556 709 901 909 305 315 556 353 537 677 874 841 2 0 0 6 19 32 27 68
Section 136 17,008 19,403 22,965 15,050 16,539 18,314 18,665 20,153 16,745 19,087 22,575 14,635 16,037 17,773 18,257 19,818 263 316 390 415 502 541 408 335

Uses of Section 4 326 354 405 222 263 195 177 115 315 327 394 215 258 191 176 115 11 27 11 7 5 4 1 0

All Uses of Section 5 10,609 11,201 12,029 10,356 10,929 10,029 9,391 8,235 10,048 10,617 11,238 9,887 10,520 9,483 8,952 7,869 561 584 791 469 409 546 439 366
Section 5 (2) 8,770 9,364 10,181 9,038 9,564 8,554 7,964 7,166 8,302 8,868 9,524 8,646 9,217 8,114 7,591 6,847 468 496 657 392 347 440 373 319
Section 5 (4) 1,839 1,837 1,848 1,318 1,365 1,475 1,427 1,069 1,746 1,749 1,714 1,241 1,303 1,369 1,361 1,022 93 88 134 77 62 106 66 47

Sources: KP90 (2013-14 to 2015-16), MHSDS/MHA Acute (2016-17 to 2017-18), MHSDS/ECDS (2018-19, to 2020-21) - NHS Digital
1) Data for NHS and Independent provider splits is only displayed from MHSDS for 2020-21. This is due to small numbers in the ECDS data for Independent providers.
2) Totals include data from ECDS but some of the breakdowns only include MHSDS data so the sum of the breakdowns may not match the Total figures.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 2b

Uses of Short Term Detention Orders (Place of Safety Orders: Section 136)
under the Mental Health Act 1983 by age group and gender, 2020-21

This table shows counts and rates of uses of section 136 by age group and gender, in 2020-21.

Data about uses of Section 136 are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures.

Population figures are ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Short-term detention orders are those of no greater than 24 hours' duration, except where a doctor has approved a further 12
hour extension. Prior to December 2017, the time limit for these orders was 72 hours.

This data only includes those uses where the Place of Safety was a hospital. Orders made where the Place of Safety was a
police station are reported separately by the Home Office.

Number of Place of Crude rate per

Safety Orders: Base Population3 100,000
Section 136 population

All1 20,153 56,550,138 35.6

All age groups (where recorded)2 19,149 56,550,138 33.9

17 and under 703 12,093,288 5.8

15 and under 202 10,852,240 1.9
16 to 17 501 1,241,048 40.4

18 and over 18,446 44,456,850 41.5

18 to 34 10,340 12,305,734 84.0
35 to 49 5,489 10,853,151 50.6
50 to 64 2,328 10,833,946 21.5
65 and over 289 10,464,019 2.8

All genders (where recorded)2 19,118 56,550,138 33.8

Male 10,250 27,982,818 36.6
Female 8,868 28,567,320 31.0

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes section 136 orders where the age and
gender details were not submitted.
2) The totals for 'All age groups' and 'All genders' are from MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for further
demographic breakdowns.These totals are lower than for 'All' as these also exclude records where these characteristics were
either recorded as 'Not stated' and 'Not known' or where they were not submitted.
3) ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-
departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced
where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 2c

Uses of Short Term Detention Orders (Place of Safety Orders: Section 136) under the Mental Health
Act 1983 by ethnicity 2020-21

This table shows counts and rates of uses of section 136 by ethnicity, in 2020-21.

Data about uses of Section 136 are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true

Population figures are from the 2011 Census as ONS mid-year estimates do not include updates for ethnicity.

Short-term detention orders are defined as those of no greater than 24 hours' duration, except where a doctor has approved a further 12 hour
extension. Prior to December 2017, the time limit for these orders was 72 hours.

This data only includes those uses where the Place of Safety was a hospital. Orders made where the Place of Safety was a police station are reported
separately by the Home Office.

The population figures use 2011 Census categories. The 2011 Census introduced the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories. MHSDS does
not allow for data to be submitted with these new categories and as such for the purpose of analysis the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab
categories have not been included. The population figure for Gypsy or Irish Traveller is included in the total population figures for the broad category of
White and the population figure for Arab is included in the population figures for Any Other Ethnic Group category. The inclusion of these groups could
affect the rate for the Any other ethnic group.

Although Gypsy and Arab are identified in the population figures, since these groups are not separately identified in the MHSDS, we cannot produce
separate rates for these groups. We also do not know which categories these people would have identified as belonging to in the MHSDS. For
example, an Arab person may have self-identified as Asian or Any Other Ethnic group and the way this affects the rates shown is unknown.

The broad groupings shown below follow the 2001 Census groupings, which are still used in the NHS. However the 2011 census re-positions 'Chinese'
from Any other ethnic group to Asian/Asian British. This means that figures using 2011 Census categories will not be comparable with any using 2001
Census categories for 'Any Other Ethnic Group' and 'Asian/Asian British'.

Number of Place of Crude rate per
Base rate per Confidence
Safety Orders: 100,000
Population3 100,000 Interval
Section 136 population

All1 20,153 53,012,456 38.0 - -

All ethnicities (where recorded) 2

16,380 53,012,456 30.9 - -

White 13,183 45,281,142 29.1 29.9 0.5
White British 11,984 42,279,236 28.3 30.0 0.5
White Irish 112 517,001 21.7 22.8 4.4
Any Other White Background 1,087 2,430,010 44.7 38.8 2.6
Gypsy or Irish Traveller - 54,895 - - -

Mixed 589 1,192,879 49.4 59.2 5.7

White and Black Caribbean 171 415,616 41.1 48.2 8.6
White and Black African 53 161,550 32.8 38.8 11.8
White and Asian 104 332,708 31.3 34.2 7.7
Any Other Mixed Background 261 283,005 92.2 110.5 15.8

Asian or Asian British 903 3,763,900 24.0 21.4 1.5

Indian 213 1,395,702 15.3 13.9 1.9
Pakistani 328 1,112,282 29.5 27.1 3.1
Bangladeshi 102 436,514 23.4 20.7 4.5
Any Other Asian Background 260 819,402 31.7 27.6 3.7

Black or Black British 1,206 1,846,614 65.3 62.2 3.7

African 518 977,741 53.0 48.2 4.6
Caribbean 326 591,016 55.2 54.1 6.0
Any Other Black Background 362 277,857 130.3 144.5 16.6

Other Ethnic Groups 499 927,921 53.8 43.2 4.3

Chinese 25 379,503 6.6 5.5 2.3
Any Other Ethnic Group 474 327,433 144.8 114.9 11.2
Arab - 220,985 - - -

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the age and gender details were not
submitted. Further breakdowns are from MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for further demographic breakdowns.
2) The total for 'All ethnicities' is lower than for 'All' as it excludes records where any of age, gender or ethnicity was either recorded as 'Not stated' and
'Not known' or where it was not submitted. This information was required for direct standardisation of population-based rates.
3) ONS Census 2011 - table reference: DC2101EW - Ethnic group by sex by age, QS211EW - Ethnic group (detailed)

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body
created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit
reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 3a

Uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) by provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21

This table shows the number of uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) during each period.
Although a change in legal status from 'Informal to CTO' or 'Other sections to CTO' should not be possible, analysis of the MHSDS data shows that these transitions are being observed in the data
submitted. This is shown below to highlight possible data quality issues.

Data about uses of CTOs are incomplete in the MHSDS and should not be compared to data from the KP90 data source.

All providers NHS Providers Independent Sector Providers

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21


Uses of Community Treatment Orders (under section 17A) 4,434 4,564 4,361 4,966 4,784 4,840 4,650 6,070 4,216 4,350 4,129 4,882 4,714 4,768 4,601 5,986 218 214 232 84 70 72 49 84
Section 3 to CTO 4,099 4,323 4,109 2,645 2,693 2,675 2,790 3,517 3,906 4,128 3,905 2,602 2,661 2,629 2,767 3,463 193 195 204 43 32 46 23 54
Section 37 to CTO 176 178 171 113 123 144 107 115 153 162 145 108 122 142 103 110 23 16 26 5 1 2 4 5
Section 47 to CTO 8 6 8 4 7 5 7 14 8 4 6 4 7 5 6 13 - 2 2 0 0 0 1 1
Section 48 to CTO - 1 2 62 55 2 2 8 - 1 2 62 55 2 2 8 - - - 0 0 0 0 0
Informal to CTO2 - - - 1,374 1,060 1,189 997 1,093 - - - 1,351 1,048 1,185 997 1,091 - - - 23 12 4 0 2
Other sections to CTO3 151 56 71 768 846 825 747 1,323 149 55 71 755 821 805 726 1,301 2 1 - 13 25 20 21 22

CTO recalls to hospital 2,316 2,369 2,294 500 519 482 514 621 2,239 2,303 2,240 483 514 476 505 614 77 66 54 17 5 6 9 7

Revocations of CTO4 1,401 1,427 1,557 524 444 437 434 555 1,349 1,376 1,518 514 441 430 428 545 52 51 39 10 3 7 6 10

Discharges from CTO 2,230 2,491 2,575 1,085 1,149 1,248 1,035 1,582 2,200 2,458 2,530 1,079 1,147 1,247 1,035 1,577 30 33 45 6 2 1 0 5

Sources: KP90 (2013-14 to 2015-16), MHSDS/MHA Acute (2016-17 to 2017-18), MHSDS/ECDS (2018-19 to 2020-21) - NHS Digital

1) From 2016-17 to 2020-21, data submitted to the MHSDS table MHS404 (Community Treatment Orders) by Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust (RW5) has been excluded from the CTO counts due to data quality issues.
2) Whilst the Mental Health Act does not allow people to go from an informal admission to a Community Treatment Order these numbers have been included to highlight the data quality issues surrounding CTO data. This includes the preceeding legal status being recorded as being not applicable or a missing value.
3) In the MHSDS, this includes a variety of scenarios including instances where the preceeding legal status was stated as unknown.
4) Where the revocations of CTO are higher than the CTO recalls to hospital it is likely that these counts do not match up due to the fact that these are in year counts. As such it is possible for a person to be be recalled to hospital in the previous reporting period and then have their CTO revoked in this reporting period.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 3b

Uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) by age group and gender, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of CTO use by age group and gender, for 2020-21.

CTO data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown may be lower than the true figures. However, broad
comparisons between groups are valid.

Population figures are ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Crude rate per

Number of uses of
Base Population1 100,000

All1 6,070 56,550,138 10.7

All age groups (where recorded)2 6,070 56,550,138 10.7

17 and under 82 12,093,288 0.7

15 and under 20 10,852,240 0.2
16 to 17 62 1,241,048 5.0

18 and over 5,988 44,456,850 13.5

18 to 34 2,049 12,305,734 16.7
35 to 49 1,995 10,853,151 18.4
50 to 64 1,342 10,833,946 12.4
65 and over 602 10,464,019 5.8

All genders (where recorded)2 6,061 56,550,138 10.7

Male 3,690 27,982,818 13.2
Female 2,371 28,567,320 8.3

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.
2) The total for 'All genders' is lower than for 'All' and 'All age groups' as this excludes records where these characteristics were either recorded as 'Not stated'
and 'Not known' or where they were not submitted.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created
by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is
explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 3c

Uses of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) by ethnicity, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of CTO use by ethnicity, for 2020-21.

Population figures are from the 2011 Census as ONS mid-year estimates do not include updates for ethnicity.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown may be lower than the true figures. However, broad comparisons between groups
are valid.

The population figures use 2011 Census categories. The 2011 Census introduced the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories. MHSDS does not allow for data to be submitted with
these new categories and as such for the purpose of analysis the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories have not been included. The population figure for Gypsy or Irish Traveller
is included in the total population figures for the broad category of White and the population figure for Arab is included in the population figures for Any Other Ethnic Group category. The
inclusion of these groups could affect the rate for the Any other ethnic group.

Although Gypsy and Arab are identified in the population figures, since these groups are not separately identified in the MHSDS, we cannot produce separate rates for these groups. We also
do not know which categories these people would have identified as belonging to in the MHSDS. For example, an Arab person may have self-identified as Asian or Any Other Ethnic group
and the way this affects the rates shown is unknown.

The broad groupings shown below follow the 2001 Census groupings, which are still used in the NHS. However the 2011 census re-positions 'Chinese' from Any other ethnic group to
Asian/Asian British. This means that figures using 2011 Census categories will not be comparable with any using 2001 Census categories for 'Any Other Ethnic Group' and 'Asian/Asian

Crude rate per Standardised

Number of uses of Confidence
Base Population3 100,000 rate per 100,000
CTOs Interval
population population

All1 6,070 53,012,456 11.5 - -

All ethnicities (where recorded)2 5,921 53,012,456 11.2 - -

White 3,569 45,281,142 7.9 7.8 0.3
White British 3,101 42,279,236 7.3 7.3 0.3
White Irish 48 517,001 9.3 8.4 2.5
Any Other White Background 420 2,430,010 17.3 18.7 2.1
Gypsy or Irish Traveller - 54,895 - - -

Mixed 267 1,192,879 22.4 37.6 5.9

White and Black Caribbean 95 415,616 22.9 40.3 10.5
White and Black African 40 161,550 24.8 61.4 27.6
White and Asian 30 332,708 9.0 13.7 6.6
Any Other Mixed Background 102 283,005 36.0 49.6 11.8

Asian or Asian British 535 3,763,900 14.2 15.2 1.5

Indian 119 1,395,702 8.5 9.4 1.8
Pakistani 152 1,112,282 13.7 15.1 2.6
Bangladeshi 105 436,514 24.1 27.8 6.4
Any Other Asian Background 159 819,402 19.4 21.1 4.0

Black or Black British 1,282 1,846,614 69.4 78.9 4.7

African 480 977,741 49.1 56.7 6.6
Caribbean 437 591,016 73.9 76.6 7.3
Any Other Black Background 365 277,857 131.4 173.1 20.9

Other Ethnic Groups 268 927,921 28.9 30.9 4.6

Chinese 22 327,433 6.7 8.4 4.1
Any Other Ethnic Group 246 379,503 64.8 73.8 10.9
Arab - 220,985 - - -

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the age and gender details were not submitted. Further breakdowns are from
MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for further demographic breakdowns.
2) The total for 'All ethnicities' is lower than for 'All' as it excludes records where any of age, gender or ethnicity was either recorded as 'Not stated' and 'Not known' or where it was not
submitted. This information was required for direct standardisation of population-based rates.
3) ONS Census 2011 - table reference: DC2101EW - Ethnic group by sex by age, QS211EW - Ethnic group (detailed)

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health
and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 4

Uses of Sections 2 and 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983 by provider type, 2013-14 to 2020-21
This table presents all uses of Sections 2 and 3, by section. All the figures are included in Table 1, except the change in legal status from Section 2 to 3 (the patient is already detained when the section 3 starts) and ‘other sections to Section 3’, which cover unexpected
scenarios in the data, not part of the previous publication series.

From 2016-17, data is not comparable to previous years due to the change in data source from the KP90 collection to the MHSDS. For further details please refer to the Background Data Quality Report.

Data for NHS Providers and Independent Sector Providers only includes data from MHSDS for 2020-21. This is due to small numbers in the ECDS data so these have not been included in these counts to prevent disclosure of small numbers.

All providers NHS Providers Independent Sector Providers

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Acute Acute ECDS ECDS ECDS Acute Acute ECDS

Total uses of Section 2 2 36,005 40,063 44,468 34,137 37,408 37,610 39,044 41,487 33,471 36,796 40,380 32,213 35,308 35,461 36,915 39,530 2,534 3,267 4,088 1,924 2,100 2,149 2,129 1,957
Section 2 on admission3 25,300 27,754 30,627 21,621 23,864 25,963 27,249 29,583 23,326 25,293 27,705 20,823 22,994 25,021 26,374 28,746 1,974 2,461 2,922 798 870 942 875 837
Section 2 following admission (informal to 2) 4,097 5,079 5,678 7,107 7,697 5,769 5,147 4,981 3,834 4,600 4,919 6,138 6,624 4,759 4,071 4,035 263 479 759 969 1,073 1,010 1,076 946
Section 5(2) to 2 3,707 4,015 4,121 3,008 3,135 2,736 2,488 2,335 3,457 3,751 3,776 2,884 3,013 2,583 2,344 2,234 250 264 345 124 122 153 144 101
Section 5(4) to 2 54 56 51 28 30 27 26 22 49 54 47 24 30 24 25 22 5 2 4 4 - 3 1 -
Section 135 to 2 - - - 219 317 388 470 454 - - - 217 309 378 464 428 - - - 2 8 10 6 26
Section 136 to 2 2,587 2,882 3,660 2,118 2,324 2,713 2,920 3,278 2,551 2,836 3,614 2,093 2,298 2,684 2,898 3,235 36 46 46 25 26 29 22 43
Section 4 to 2 260 277 331 41 50 38 36 32 254 262 319 39 49 36 30 26 6 15 12 2 1 2 6 6

Total uses of Section 3 2 22,418 25,431 28,147 21,361 23,073 23,646 24,165 24,123 19,807 22,215 24,552 20,076 21,639 21,929 22,643 22,609 2,611 3,216 3,595 1,285 1,434 1,717 1,522 1,514
Section 3 on admission3 7,481 7,690 8,246 3,603 3,826 4,151 4,043 4,456 5,790 5,590 6,207 3,393 3,596 3,895 3,919 4,316 1,691 2,100 2,039 210 230 256 124 140
Section 3 following admission (informal to 3) 3,483 4,077 4,303 5,239 5,164 4,983 4,787 4,381 3,298 3,840 4,079 4,700 4,639 4,409 4,266 3,893 185 237 224 539 525 574 521 488
Section 5(2) to 3 2,414 2,489 2,631 2,114 2,236 2,225 2,060 1,855 2,292 2,348 2,417 2,033 2,150 2,112 1,963 1,774 122 141 214 81 86 113 97 81
Section 5(4) to 3 44 43 40 16 20 24 19 9 43 41 39 16 20 24 19 8 1 2 1 0 0 0 - 1
Section 135 to 3 - - - 55 97 99 130 111 - - - 54 91 93 127 94 - - - 1 6 6 3 17
Section 136 to 3 295 303 439 227 245 304 285 308 286 295 437 225 243 301 284 306 9 8 2 2 2 3 1 2
Section 4 to 3 28 42 26 12 18 32 14 5 27 42 26 12 18 32 14 5 1 - - 0 0 0 - -
Section 2 to 3 8,673 10,787 12,462 9,850 11,296 11,640 12,474 12,804 8,071 10,059 11,347 9,460 10,758 10,889 11,710 12,040 602 728 1,115 390 538 751 764 764
Other sections to Section 3 - - - 248 172 191 357 202 - - - 186 125 177 345 181 - - - 62 47 14 12 21

Sources: KP90 (2013-14 to 2015-16), MHSDS/MHA Acute (2016-17 to 2017-18), MHSDS/ECDS (2018-19 to 2020-21) - NHS Digital
1) Data for NHS and Independent provider splits is only displayed from MHSDS for 2020-21. This is due to small numbers in the ECDS data for Independent providers.
2) Totals include data from ECDS but the breakdwons only include MHSDS data.
3) Detentions recorded in ECDS have been all been included in the Detentions on Admission category only. This is because it has not been possible to conclude whether the detention occured on admission or following admission. The detentions that
occured appear to have happened on the same day but further analysis and improved data quality is required to improve reporting of detentions on admission and following admission in ECDS.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 5

People subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 on 31st March, by provider, 2015 to 2021

This table shows, by provider, the number of people subject to the Mental Health Act on 31st March each year. It is a snapshot of activity on the last day of each annual reporting period.

Caution should be used in making comparisons between periods where the data source has changed as not all organisations that submitted to the KP90 collection are submitting to the MHSDS. For further information please refer to the Background Data Quality Report.

Providers have been grouped based on their Organisational Data Service (ODS) code. Independent hospitals in the KP90 without a parent ODS code were grouped into the 'Other Independent Sector Healthcare Providers' group at the bottom of this table. Individual provider figures are available in the metadata file that accompanies this release. Local knowledge
may be required to interpret changes between years.

'*' indicates the value has been suppressed. From 2013-14, sub-national figures between 0 and 4 are suppressed and all numbers are rounded to the nearest 5. National figures are unrounded and unsuppressed. '-' indicates where an organisation had no data. For more information on disclosure control rules please refer to the Background Data Quality report.

People subject to the Act on 31st March People detained in hospital on 31st March People subject to Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) on 31st March
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

cute cute Acute Acute cute cute

All Providers1 25,117 25,577 20,401 21,439 21,196 20,312 20,494 19,656 20,151 14,889 15,918 15,456 14,555 14,800 5,461 5,426 5,149 5,175 5,385 5,468 5,449

NHS Providers 19,550 19,515 16,935 18,115 17,900 16,740 17,030 14,210 14,195 11,415 12,555 12,195 11,055 11,360 5,340 5,320 5,180 5,215 5,395 5,455 5,440
Independent Providers 5,565 6,060 3,500 3,375 3,285 3,515 3,445 5,445 5,955 3,410 3,330 3,220 3,450 3,395 120 105 60 40 50 50 35

Mental Health & Learning Difficulty service providers

RTQ 2GETHER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 175 180 220 210 220 195 175 95 115 145 130 140 105 105 80 70 65 65 65 80 65
RBS ALDER HEY CHILDREN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - -
RVN AVON AND WILTSHIRE MENTAL HEALTH PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST 480 510 480 500 520 485 510 320 365 335 330 340 290 300 160 145 135 160 170 190 205
RRP BARNET, ENFIELD AND HARINGEY MENTAL HEALTH NHS TRUST 415 440 525 510 560 560 580 315 360 95 95 100 90 95 100 80 430 410 460 460 475
RWX BERKSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 120 120 * 105 145 140 120 80 85 * 40 90 95 90 35 35 * 50 50 40 30
RXT BIRMINGHAM AND SOLIHULL MENTAL HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 730 705 770 805 860 860 910 520 505 500 520 550 545 545 210 205 270 285 310 315 360
TAJ BLACK COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 150 130 50 35 85 85 115 95 85 50 35 85 85 115 50 45 * * * - -
TAD BRADFORD DISTRICT CARE TRUST 205 200 205 220 180 175 155 135 140 125 135 145 130 115 70 60 80 85 15 30 35
RT1 CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND PETERBOROUGH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 165 145 85 95 100 80 90 100 90 80 95 100 80 90 65 60 * * * - -
TAF CAMDEN AND ISLINGTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 315 285 415 400 420 395 400 170 165 205 210 200 170 200 145 120 205 190 215 220 195
RV3 CENTRAL AND NORTH WEST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 935 880 760 730 815 750 840 775 680 420 460 485 390 440 160 200 240 230 315 345 385
RXA CHESHIRE AND WIRRAL PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 295 380 350 375 360 355 365 155 230 205 210 185 180 200 145 150 145 165 175 175 165
RJ8 CORNWALL PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 120 105 125 105 100 115 125 80 75 85 70 50 75 80 40 30 45 35 50 40 40
RYG COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST 355 320 200 220 255 220 230 255 245 125 150 200 170 165 100 75 75 70 60 45 60
RNN CUMBRIA PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 105 90 10 20 15 - - 60 50 * * * - - 45 40 * * * - -
RY8 DERBYSHIRE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 10 25 * * 5 - 15 10 25 * * 5 - 15 * * * * * - -
RXM DERBYSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 245 225 235 230 235 230 200 140 120 130 125 135 115 100 100 110 105 105 100 115 95
RWV DEVON PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST 255 285 150 145 160 135 140 185 215 140 130 145 125 130 70 70 10 15 15 10 5
RDY DORSET HEALTHCARE UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 200 230 245 270 265 - - 130 160 180 155 160 - - 70 70 65 110 100 - -
RYK DUDLEY AND WALSALL MENTAL HEALTH PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST 75 90 40 50 20 40 - 35 50 40 50 20 40 - 35 40 * * * - -
RWK EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 650 790 755 805 805 685 690 475 560 520 580 605 495 555 175 225 220 215 190 185 130
R1L ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION TRUST - - - 345 365 355 350 - - - 325 325 305 300 - - - 20 35 50 50
RR7 GATESHEAD HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 10 15 * 10 * - - 10 15 * 10 * - - * * * * * - -
RXV GREATER MANCHESTER MENTAL HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 475 430 530 825 855 645 600 380 350 385 560 535 390 405 95 75 125 245 280 235 195
RWR HERTFORDSHIRE PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 295 300 265 280 325 345 380 225 220 200 160 180 230 235 70 80 65 75 95 115 140
RV9 HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 195 195 215 205 175 170 190 150 155 155 145 115 105 120 45 40 55 60 55 55 60
R1F ISLE OF WIGHT NHS TRUST 35 45 - 30 35 20 30 25 30 - 20 25 15 20 10 10 - 10 5 5 5
RXY KENT AND MEDWAY NHS AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP TRUST 370 365 410 370 380 385 440 270 275 275 250 270 270 270 100 90 115 105 100 105 145
RW5 LANCASHIRE CARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 475 500 520 485 465 405 160 335 340 * * * - 20 140 160 500 460 440 390 130
RGD LEEDS AND YORK PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 455 405 340 370 360 340 370 290 255 240 250 250 235 245 160 150 95 110 105 105 125
RY6 LEEDS COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST * 5 * * * 5 5 * 5 * * * 5 5 * * * * * - -
RT5 LEICESTERSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST 285 270 - - 280 230 225 200 190 - - 180 170 170 80 80 - - 100 60 55
RP7 LINCOLNSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 175 130 130 145 110 110 100 140 95 85 100 105 110 100 35 35 40 40 * - -
RW4 MERSEY CARE NHS TRUST 580 595 600 465 560 540 750 420 440 600 465 560 540 550 160 160 * * * - 165
RMY NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 345 335 380 370 370 345 375 220 220 230 240 255 215 270 120 115 150 125 115 130 100
RAT NORTH EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 265 265 320 305 310 305 295 125 135 35 30 55 35 20 140 130 280 270 250 270 270
RRD NORTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 195 180 115 - - - - 140 125 110 - - - - 55 55 10 - - - -
RLY NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE COMBINED HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 155 155 115 110 130 35 95 115 115 85 65 80 - 70 45 40 25 35 40 30 25
RTV NORTH WEST BOROUGHS HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 245 215 25 185 180 255 240 185 185 10 180 175 165 165 60 30 * * * 85 70
RP1 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 125 110 30 45 120 130 140 90 75 30 40 70 80 85 35 35 * * 45 40 40
RX4 NORTHUMBERLAND, TYNE AND WEAR NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 775 750 695 705 650 745 695 565 510 470 510 470 520 530 210 245 215 185 175 220 160
RTF NORTHUMBRIA HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 25 25 - 15 15 10 * 20 25 - 15 15 10 * * * - * * - -
RHA NOTTINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 855 855 805 765 755 635 670 725 725 695 690 675 510 525 130 135 105 75 75 125 145
RNU OXFORD HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 425 440 430 435 455 435 410 365 375 330 335 355 320 325 60 65 100 100 100 115 85
RPG OXLEAS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 360 345 245 285 300 210 290 250 265 170 220 220 205 205 110 75 70 60 75 - 80
RT2 PENNINE CARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 495 520 450 465 510 215 200 330 370 315 315 360 215 200 165 150 135 145 145 - -
RXE ROTHERHAM DONCASTER AND SOUTH HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 210 255 200 135 145 130 115 165 210 140 95 110 125 110 40 45 30 15 10 5 5
RCU SHEFFIELD CHILDREN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 10 5 10 10 10 5 5 10 5 10 10 5 5 5 * * * * * - -
TAH SHEFFIELD HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 180 200 205 210 210 220 210 130 125 120 130 125 130 130 50 75 85 80 85 85 80
R1C SOLENT NHS TRUST 40 30 60 50 55 40 30 40 30 40 50 50 40 30 5 * 15 * * * -
RH5 SOMERSET PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 115 90 25 40 80 25 30 95 70 25 40 35 25 30 20 20 * * 45 - -
RV5 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 540 665 465 505 465 660 800 495 620 460 490 460 415 510 45 45 * * * 235 285
RRE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE AND SHROPSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 265 310 255 230 200 205 235 195 215 180 165 135 140 175 65 100 70 60 60 65 55
RQY SOUTH WEST LONDON AND ST GEORGE'S MENTAL HEALTH NHS TRUST 410 420 410 430 395 400 420 250 260 265 285 270 250 255 160 160 140 140 120 145 160
RXG SOUTH WEST YORKSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 395 350 360 380 * 300 285 275 245 280 300 * 290 280 115 105 80 75 * - -
RW1 SOUTHERN HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 520 355 450 430 425 390 265 425 280 315 320 315 270 170 95 75 130 110 100 115 90
RXX SURREY AND BORDERS PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 150 155 130 160 210 120 * 95 105 90 125 120 115 - 55 50 35 30 90 - -
RX2 SUSSEX PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 475 515 255 395 410 435 460 320 335 250 390 405 365 395 155 175 * * * 65 65
RX3 TEES, ESK AND WEAR VALLEYS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 770 895 715 715 650 635 640 560 560 520 540 500 475 470 210 340 190 175 150 160 165
RKL WEST LONDON MENTAL HEALTH NHS TRUST 775 775 760 785 770 720 760 645 640 640 620 595 545 565 130 135 115 160 170 175 190
R1A WORCESTERSHIRE HEALTH AND CARE NHS TRUST 160 90 95 100 120 115 145 125 60 65 55 60 55 65 35 30 30 50 60 60 80

Acute Trusts
REM AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - * - - - -
RTK ASHFORD AND ST PETER'S HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - -
R1H BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST * 5 5 - - - - * 5 5 - - - - * * * - - - -
RYW BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 45 25 * * 5 10 5 35 15 * * * - - 10 10 * - * - -
RQ3 BIRMINGHAM WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * 5 * - - - - - 5 * - - - - - * * - -
RAE BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - * - - - -
RXH BRIGHTON AND SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RLN CITY HOSPITALS SUNDERLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * - - - -
RJR COUNTESS OF CHESTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * - - - -
RXP COUNTY DURHAM AND DARLINGTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * 35 - - - * * * 35 - - - * * * - - - -
RJN EAST CHESHIRE NHS TRUST - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * - - - -
RXC EAST SUSSEX HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * * - - -
RDU FRIMLEY HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RTE GLOUCESTERSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - -
RN3 GREAT WESTERN HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * 40 - - - * * * 40 - - - * * * - - - -
RJ1 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RCD HARROGATE AND DISTRICT NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * 20 - - - - - * 20 - - - - - * * - - -
RWA HULL AND EAST YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - -
RYJ IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RYY KENT COMMUNITY HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RJZ KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * - - - -
RAX KINGSTON HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 10 * * - - - - 10 * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RXN LANCASHIRE TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * - - - -
RR8 LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - -
RJ2 LEWISHAM AND GREENWICH NHS TRUST - - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - -
RVJ NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RAP NORTH MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST * * * 165 - - - * * * 165 - - - * * * - - - -
RVW NORTH TEES AND HARTLEPOOL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * 15 - - - - - * 15 - - - - - * - - - -
RNS NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RTH OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RW6 PENNINE ACUTE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - - 5 * - - - - - 5 * - - - - - * - - - -
RK9 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS PLYMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RHU PORTSMOUTH HOSPITALS NHS TRUST - - * 5 - - - - - * 5 - - - - - * - - - -
RHW ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * 5 * * - - - * 5 * * - - - * * * - - - -
REF ROYAL CORNWALL HOSPITALS NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RH8 ROYAL DEVON AND EXETER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RAL ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RAN ROYAL NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL NHS TRUST * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RA2 ROYAL SURREY COUNTY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RD1 ROYAL UNITED HOSPITALS BATH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RM3 SALFORD ROYAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RNZ SALISBURY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RTR SOUTH TEES HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * 25 - - - - - * 25 - - - - - * - - - -
RVY SOUTHPORT AND ORMSKIRK HOSPITAL NHS TRUST * * - * - - - * * - * - - - * * - - - - -
RBA TAUNTON AND SOMERSET NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RNA THE DUDLEY GROUP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * 30 * - - - * * 30 * - - - * * * - - - -
RTD THE NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * 20 - - - * * * 20 - - - * * * - - - -
RKE THE WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RA9 TORBAY AND SOUTH DEVON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RRV UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 15 * * 60 - - - 15 * * 60 - - - * * * - - - -
RRK UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BIRMINGHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 30 25 * * * - - 30 25 * * * - - * * * - * - -
RA7 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BRISTOL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * - - - -
RBK WALSALL HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RWW WARRINGTON AND HALTON HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RYR WESTERN SUSSEX HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - -
RA3 WESTON AREA HEALTH NHS TRUST * 5 * * * - - * 5 * * * - - * * * - * - -
RWP WORCESTERSHIRE ACUTE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST * * * * - - - * * * * - - - * * * - - - -
RA4 YEOVIL DISTRICT HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - -
RCB YORK TEACHING HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST * * * 65 - - - * * * 65 - - - * * * - - - -

Inactive NHS Providers

RNJ BARTS AND THE LONDON NHS TRUST * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RJX CALDERSTONES PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 200 170 - - - - - 200 170 - - - - - * * - - - - -
5QT ISLE OF WIGHT NHS PCT * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
5CQ MILTON KEYNES PCT * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RHX OXFORDSHIRE LEARNING DISABILITY NHS TRUST * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
RWN SOUTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 345 260 - - - - - 205 205 - - - - - 140 55 - - - - -
TAE MANCHESTER MENTAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST 265 300 260 - - - - 160 190 175 - - - - 105 110 85 - - - -

Independent Service Providers

NVR ALPHA HOSPITALS 220 * - - - - - 220 * - - - - - * * - - - - -
A7RH ALTERNATIVE FUTURES GROUP LTD 45 50 - - - - - 45 50 - - - - - * * - - - - -
8JD96 BALDOCK MANOR * 35 - - - - - * 35 - - - - - * * - - - - -
8AM50 BILLINGHAM GRANGE 20 25 - - - - - 20 25 - - - - - * * - - - - -
8J554 BREIGHTMET CENTRE 5 10 - - - - - 5 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NQ9 BROOKDALE HEALTHCARE LTD (T/A BROOKDALE CARE) 35 45 - - - - - 30 40 - - - - - * * - - - - -
DFL CAMBIAN CHILDCARE LIMITED - - - 5 * - - - - - 5 * - - - - - * * - -
NT8 CAPIO UK 5 5 - - - - - 5 5 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NTP CARE UK 45 * - - - - - 45 * - - - - - * * - - - - -
NTT CAS BEHAVIOURAL HEALTH LIMITED 495 505 415 560 - - - 480 495 405 555 - - - 10 5 10 5 - - -
8AP11 CASTLE LODGE INDEPENDENT HOSPITAL 5 10 - - - - - 5 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NDQ CASTLEBECK CARE TEESDALE LTD * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
NRN CHESWOLD PARK HOSPITAL 95 95 - - - - - 95 95 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NAW CHOICE LIFESTYLES LTD 45 * - - - - - 40 * - - - - - 5 * - - - - -
NHV COMMUNITY LINKS (NORTHERN) LTD - - 5 * * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * - -
AHQ CUROCARE LTD 10 15 - - - - - 10 15 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NMJ CYGNET HEALTH CARE LIMITED 745 835 715 725 1295 1,250 1,370 745 830 710 725 1285 1,240 1,355 * 10 * * 5 5 5
AG0 DANSHELL GROUP 85 55 - - * - - 80 50 - - * - - 5 5 - - * - -
NWA ECHOTECH LTD * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
8JC73 ELLERN MEDE RIDGEWAY * 10 - - - - - * 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
DE8 ELYSIUM HEALTHCARE - - 460 670 870 925 940 - - 460 670 865 925 940 - - * * * - -
AHN EQUILIBRIUM HEALTHCARE 35 40 25 25 15 15 15 35 40 25 25 15 15 15 * * * * * - -
AHY GLEN CARE 35 35 - - - - - 35 25 - - - - - * 10 - - - - -
NRY HUNTERS MOOR NEUROREHABILITATION LTD * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
AHL INMIND HEALTHCARE 75 75 60 65 70 100 105 75 75 60 65 70 100 105 * * * * * - -
NVJ JEDHEATH LTD * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
NLN JEESAL AKMAN CARE CORPORATION LTD 35 40 - 40 35 25 - 35 40 - 40 35 25 - * * - * * - -
NL0 JOHN MUNROE HOSPITAL 50 55 - - - 60 55 50 55 - - - 60 55 * * - - - - -
NES LIGHTHOUSE HEALTHCARE LIMITED 50 80 - - - - - 50 80 - - - - - 5 * - - - - -
NR5 LIVEWELL SOUTHWEST 105 80 80 60 80 65 70 60 50 45 55 55 40 55 45 30 25 * 15 15 10
NMQ MAKING SPACE 10 20 15 15 15 15 15 10 20 15 15 15 15 15 * * * * * - -
AJE MENTAL HEALTH CARE LTD 15 15 - - - - - 15 15 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NXQ MODUS CARE 5 * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
NQL NAVIGO 25 35 50 40 50 50 60 5 20 20 15 25 25 40 20 15 25 25 25 25 20
NVH NO 27 (BURNSIDE CARE) * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
AEXN OPTIONS FOR CARE LTD 20 10 - - - - - 20 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NMV PARTNERSHIPS IN CARE LTD 775 1,125 890 - - - - 775 1,125 890 - - - - * * * - - - -
NCP PREMIER HEALTH & SPORT THERAPY LTD * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
NTN PRIORY GROUP LIMITED 775 695 * 260 - - - 765 675 * 255 - - - 10 20 * * - - -
NR0 RAPHAEL HEALTHCARE LTD 45 45 - - - - - 45 45 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NRC RIVERDALE GRANGE LIMITED - - - - - * 5 - - - - - * 5 - - - - - - -
8CL59 SHREWSBURY COURT INDEPENDENT HOSPITAL 45 45 - - - - - 45 45 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NYA ST ANDREW'S HEALTHCARE 800 1,320 785 770 720 645 520 795 1,320 780 770 720 645 520 5 * * * * - -
NQ4 ST GEORGE HEALTHCARE GROUP 60 70 * - - - - 60 70 * - - - - * * * - - - -
NR6 ST LUKES HEALTH CARE * * - - - - - * * - - - - - * * - - - - -
8CM63 ST MAGNUS HOSPITAL 50 65 - - - 70 75 50 65 - - - 70 75 * * - - - - -
8K919 ST MARTHA'S - - - - - 25 35 - - - - - 25 35 - - - - - - -
NFJ ST MATTHEWS LIMITED 15 45 - - * 115 115 15 45 - - * 115 115 * * - - * - -
8DJ77 THE HAMPTONS 15 10 - - - - - 15 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NV2 THE HUNTERCOMBE GROUP 175 220 - 135 135 135 55 175 220 - 135 135 135 55 * * - * * - -
NPE THE RETREAT HOSPITAL 25 20 - - - - - 25 20 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NKD THE YOUTH ENQUIRY SERVICE (PLYMOUTH) LTD 10 * - * * * - 10 * - * * - - * * - * * - -
NLH TRANSITIONAL REHABILITATION UNIT (TRU) 10 10 - - - - - 5 5 - - - - - 5 * - - - - -
NKI TURNING POINT 20 20 - - - 15 - 15 25 - - - 15 - 5 * - - - - -
8G046 UPLANDS 10 15 - - - - - 10 15 - - - - - * * - - - - -
8J339 VISION MENTAL HEALTHCARE * 25 - - - - - * 25 - - - - - * * - - - - -
8CJ54 WOODLEIGH COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT HOSPITAL 5 10 - - - - - 5 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
NR1 WOODSIDE HOSPITAL 10 10 - - - - - 10 10 - - - - - * * - - - - -
Other Independent Sector Healthcare Providers 405 135 - - - - - 405 130 - - - - - 5 5 - - - - -

Sources: KP90 (2013-14 to 2015-16), MHSDS/MHA Acute (2016-17 to 2017-18), MHSDS (2018-19 to 2020-21) - NHS Digital

1) For counts derived from MHSDS data, the totals for 'All Providers' may not match the sum of individual providers' data, or the sum of the two categories 'NHS Providers' and 'Independent Providers'. This is due to data quality
issues which mean that a person can be recorded as being subject to the Act at 31st March in two or more different providers.

2) From 2019, Acute providers can provide data about their uses of the Act in the ECDS. However we were unable to derive counts of people from the ECDS data and therefore data from 2019 onwards are from MHSDS only.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. NHS Digital is the trading name of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 6

People subject to repeated detention under the Mental Health Act 1983, by age group, gender and ethnicity, 2020-21

This table shows how many times each person was detained (repeated detention) under the Mental Health Act 1983 during 2020-21. This type of analysis could not be performed from
the KP90 aggregate data collection.

Demographic breakdowns use the last set of person characteristics (e.g. age, gender or ethnicity) recorded in the year. This is to prevent instances where one person may have been
recorded with different characteristics in different submissions. By taking the latest available demographics this ensures each person is consistently assigned with one age, gender and
ethnic group. Caution should therefore be used when interpreting small numbers due to possible data quality issues.

Please note that this table shows people subject to repeated detention during 2020-21. It does not take into account detentions that occurred in previous periods.

Number of times person was detained during period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and over Percentage of Base Population1

people detained
more than once

Total people 36,078 5,782 953 194 63 9 12 16.3% 56,550,138

Male 18,711 2,890 424 62 14 0 0 15.3% 27,982,818
Female 16,643 2,823 524 131 45 9 12 17.6% 28,567,320
Not known 724 69 5 1 4 0 0 9.8% -

15 and under 230 28 5 0 0 0 0 12.5% 10,852,240
16 to 17 531 81 19 4 0 0 0 16.4% 1,241,048
18 to 34 11,201 2,076 410 94 37 6 10 19.0% 12,305,734
35 to 49 8,871 1,498 254 53 18 3 2 17.1% 10,853,151
50 to 64 7,118 1,194 171 34 4 0 0 16.5% 10,833,946
65 and over 7,459 854 91 8 1 0 0 11.3% 10,464,019
Not known 668 51 3 1 3 0 0 8.0% -

White 23,288 3,744 642 139 45 5 10 16.4% 45,281,142
British 20,675 3,335 573 129 40 4 10 16.5% 42,279,236
Irish 269 44 6 2 0 0 0 16.2% 517,001
Other White Background 2,344 365 63 8 5 1 0 15.9% 2,430,010

Mixed 1,157 200 27 6 2 0 0 16.9% 1,192,879

White and Black Caribbean 315 58 6 4 1 0 0 18.0% 415,616
White and Black African 164 36 4 0 0 0 0 19.6% 161,550
White and Asian 149 28 2 1 0 0 0 17.2% 332,708
Other Mixed Background 529 78 15 1 1 0 0 15.2% 283,005

Asian 2,549 374 65 11 3 0 0 15.1% 3,763,900

Indian 682 80 13 4 0 0 0 12.5% 1,395,702
Pakistani 737 118 30 1 1 0 0 16.9% 1,112,282
Bangladeshi 345 65 7 3 0 0 0 17.9% 436,514
Other Asian background 785 111 15 3 2 0 0 14.3% 819,402

Black 3,561 764 132 26 4 2 1 20.7% 1,846,614

Caribbean 961 247 44 3 0 2 0 23.5% 977,741
African 1,590 309 44 12 3 0 1 18.8% 591,016
Other Black Background 1,010 208 44 11 1 0 0 20.7% 277,857

Other 4,461 602 79 11 6 2 1 13.6% 927,921

Chinese 139 16 2 0 0 0 0 11.5% 379,503
Any other ethnic group 1,118 184 24 7 4 0 0 16.4% 327,433

Not stated 1,703 225 38 3 1 0 0 13.6% -

Not known 1,501 177 15 1 1 2 1 11.6% -

Not recorded 1,062 98 8 1 3 0 0 9.4% -

Source: MHSDS - NHS Digital

1) ONS mid-year population estimates 2020 are used for the Gender and Age Base Populations. The ONS Census 2011 - table reference: DC2101EW - Ethnic group by sex by age,
QS211EW - Ethnic group (detailed) data is used for the Ethnicity base population.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 7a

Discharges from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, by age
group and gender, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of discharge by age group and gender, for 2020-21. Discharges are
counted as people discharged from hospital who have been previously detained.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures. However,
broad comparisons between groups are valid.

Population figures are ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Crude rate per

Number of
Base Population3 100,000

All1 37,779 56,550,138 66.8

All age groups (where recorded)2 37,760 56,550,138 66.8

17 and under 708 12,093,288 5.9

15 and under 196 10,852,240 1.8
16 to 17 512 1,241,048 41.3

18 and over 37,052 44,456,850 83.3

18 to 34 13,028 12,305,734 105.9
35 to 49 9,797 10,853,151 90.3
50 to 64 7,479 10,833,946 69.0
65 and over 6,748 10,464,019 64.5

All genders (where recorded)2 37,715 56,550,138 66.7

Male 19,145 27,982,818 68.4
Female 18,570 28,567,320 65.0

Sources: MHSDS / MHA Acute 2020-21 - NHS Digital, ONS mid-2019 population estimates for 2020.

1) The total for 'All' detentions is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the age and gender
details were not submitted. The totals for 'All age groups' and 'All genders' are from MHSDS only since the ECDS collection does not allow for
further demographic breakdowns.
2) The total for 'All' discharges is calculated from the MHSDS collection. Discharges are calculated with reference to both end of MHA section
and end of hospital spell. Where detentions follow concurrently, discharge is only recorded at the end of the final hospital spell rather than for
each separate detention. Discharge that occurs in the following year are not shown. Discharges following detention in the previous year are
also not shown. Rates of discharge are therefore only shown for broad comparison.
3) The total for 'All genders' is lower than for 'All' as these exclude records where these characteristics were either recorded as 'Not stated'
and 'Not known' or where they were not submitted.
4) ONS mid-year population estimates 2020.

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental
body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is
explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Table 7b

Discharges from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, by
ethnicity, 2020-21

This table shows the numbers and rates of discharge by ethnicity, for 2020-21.

Detentions data are incomplete in 2020-21 so the counts and rates shown are lower than the true figures. However, broad comparisons between groups are valid.

Population figures are from the 2011 Census as ONS mid-year estimates do not include updates for ethnicity.

The population figures use 2011 Census categories. The 2011 Census introduced the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories. MHSDS does not allow for data to be submitted with
these new categories and as such for the purpose of analysis the new Gypsy or Irish Traveller and Arab categories have not been included. The population figure for Gypsy or Irish Traveller is
included in the total population figures for the broad category of White and the population figure for Arab is included in the population figures for Any Other Ethnic Group category. The inclusion
of these groups could affect the rate for the Any other ethnic group.

Although Gypsy and Arab are identified in the population figures, since these groups are not separately identified in the MHSDS, we cannot produce separate rates for these groups. We also do
not know which categories these people would have identified as belonging to in the MHSDS. For example, an Arab person may have self-identified as Asian or Any Other Ethnic group and the
way this affects the rates shown is unknown.

The broad groupings shown below follow the 2001 Census groupings, which are still used in the NHS. However the 2011 census re-positions 'Chinese' from Any other ethnic group to
Asian/Asian British. This means that figures using 2011 Census categories will not be comparable with any using 2001 Census categories for 'Any Other Ethnic Group' and 'Asian/Asian British'.

Standardised rate
Number of Base Crude rate per
per 100,000 Confidence Interval
discharges Population3 100,000 population

All1 37,779 53,012,456 71.3 - -

All ethnicities (where recorded) 2

34,590 53,012,456 65.2 - -

White 25,142 45,281,142 55.5 54.5 0.7
White British 22,272 42,279,236 52.7 52.0 0.7
White Irish 282 517,001 54.5 45.5 5.6
Any Other White Background 2,588 2,430,010 106.5 111.3 5.0
Gypsy or Irish Traveller - 54,895 - - -

Mixed 1,225 1,192,879 102.7 156.9 11.4

White and Black Caribbean 326 415,616 78.4 116.4 16.3
White and Black African 188 161,550 116.4 198.4 41.4
White and Asian 159 332,708 47.8 71.6 14.4
Any Other Mixed Background 552 283,005 195.0 279.0 29.1

Asian or Asian British 2,689 3,763,900 71.4 77.2 3.3

Indian 673 1,395,702 48.2 50.5 4.1
Pakistani 801 1,112,282 72.0 84.8 6.8
Bangladeshi 389 436,514 89.1 106.6 13.1
Any Other Asian Background 826 819,402 100.8 108.7 9.1

Black or Black British 4,160 1,846,614 225.3 246.6 8.2

African 1,822 977,741 186.3 210.9 13.0
Caribbean 1,155 591,016 195.4 199.1 11.6
Any Other Black Background 1,183 277,857 425.8 556.2 38.4

Other Ethnic Groups 1,374 927,921 148.1 154.2 10.1

Chinese 133 379,503 35.0 43.1 9.2
Any Other Ethnic Group 1,241 327,433 379.0 371.2 24.3
Arab - 220,985 - - -

Sources: MHSDS, ECDS 2020-21 - NHS Digital

1) The total for 'All' is calculated from both the MHSDS and ECDS collections. It includes detentions where the ethnicity was not submitted.Further breakdowns are from MHSDS only since the
ECDS collection does not allow for further demographic breakdowns.
2) The total for 'All' discharges is calculated from the MHSDS collection. Discharges are calculated with reference to both end of MHA section and end of hospital spell. Where detentions follow
concurrently, discharge is only recorded at the end of the final hospital spell rather than for each separate detention. Discharge that occurs in the following year are not shown. Discharges
following detention in the previous year are also not shown. Rates of discharge are therefore only shown for broad comparison.
3) The total for 'All ethnicities' is lower than for 'All' as it excludes records where any of age, gender or ethnicity was either recorded as 'Not stated' and 'Not known' or where it was not submitted.
This information was required for direct standardisation of population-based rates.
4) ONS Census 2011 - table reference: DC2101EW - Ethnic group by sex by age, QS211EW - Ethnic group (detailed)
Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and
Social Care Information Centre.
Table 8a

Length of Detention of patients discharged from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Hea

This table shows how long each person was detained (repeated detention) under the Mental Health Act 1983 during 2020-2

Demographic breakdowns use the last set of person characteristics (e.g. age, gender or ethnicity) recorded in the year. This
demographics this ensures each person is consistently assigned with one age, gender and ethnic group. Caution should the

Please note that this table shows people who were no longer subject to Act at some point in 2020-21. A person may have m
MHSDS submissions dating from January 2016. Therefore some continuous spells may have been longer than this as only

Note: In cases where multiple contiguous sections are applied to the same episode, the episode is allocated to th

All Detentions

Part II

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 2

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 3

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 4

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 5(2)

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 5(4)

Court and prison disposals

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 35

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 36

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 37 with section 41 restrictions

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 37

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 38

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 45A

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 46

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 47 with section 49 restrictions

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 47

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 48 with section 49 restrictions

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 48

Subject to guardianship under Mental Health Act Section 7

Subject to guardianship under Mental Health Act Section 37

Formally detained under other acts

Formally detained under Criminal Proceedings (Insanity) Act 1964 as amended by the Criminal Procedures (Insa

Place of Safety

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 135

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 136

Source: MHSDS

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a n
statute, also known as NHS Digital
This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced
ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
age group, gender, ethnicity and deprivation decile, 2020-21, excluding CTOs

e one person may have been recorded with different characteristics in different submissions. By taking the latest available
ting small numbers due to possible data quality issues.

and these would be counted separately assuming they did not form a continuous episode. The data provided is based on
ce January 2016 would have flowed to MHSDS.

evel of restrictiveness.

All By Gender By Ageband

Male Female Unknown 15 and 16 to 17 18 to 34


n 75,560 40,952 34,398 210 500 1,189 26,155

1st quartile 14 16 12 4 20 19 8
median 27 28 26 21 27 27 25
3rd quartile 101 160 72 43 96 112 83

n 66,718 34,349 32,195 174 482 1,145 22,563

1st quartile 15 16 14 11 21 21 10
median 27 27 26 25 27 27 25
3rd quartile 78 87 71 50 98 112 66
n 33,129 16,662 16,376 91 256 543 11,993
1st quartile 10 11 10 9 18 15 8
median 20 20 20 16 25 25 16
3rd quartile 26 26 26 25 27 27 25
n 30,323 16,284 13,967 72 188 506 9,027
1st quartile 49 51 48 37 68 63 49
median 87 92 83 62 116 118 90
3rd quartile 231 298 188 168 180 205 308
n 60 39 21 - 4 5 26
1st quartile 1 2 0 - * 1 1
median 3 971 1 - * 1 616
3rd quartile 1,792 2,324 3 - * 3 1,657
n 2,978 1,276 1,691 11 32 83 1,413
1st quartile 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
median 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3rd quartile 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
n 228 88 140 - 2 8 104
1st quartile 0 0 0 - * 0 0
median 0 0 0 - * 0 0
3rd quartile 0 0 0 - * 0 0

n 5,594 4,892 698 4 1 10 1,882

1st quartile 384 391 343 * * 193 247
median 1,412 1,428 1,316 * * 213 787
3rd quartile 3,211 3,202 3,320 * * 388 1,824
n 14 12 2 - - - 5
1st quartile 34 49 * - - - 81
median 81 82 * - - - 81
3rd quartile 84 86 * - - - 83
n 15 10 5 - - - 4
1st quartile 55 68 28 - - - *
median 72 77 54 - - - *
3rd quartile 83 92 73 - - - *
n 2,114 1,836 277 1 - - 507
1st quartile 1,611 1,602 1,776 * - - 1,016
median 2,934 2,924 3,101 * - - 1,929
3rd quartile 5,172 5,135 5,213 * - - 3,143
n 667 551 114 2 - 1 264
1st quartile 528 533 489 * - * 383
median 1,570 1,616 1,250 * - * 934
3rd quartile 2,793 2,868 2,370 * - * 2,026
n 68 59 9 - - - 37
1st quartile 84 97 77 - - - 84
median 118 129 83 - - - 129
3rd quartile 163 168 127 - - - 186
n 94 84 10 - - - 38
1st quartile 730 730 486 - - - 702
median 985 1,045 831 - - - 866
3rd quartile 1,722 1,723 1,502 - - - 1,581
n 2 2 - - - - -
1st quartile * * - - - - -
median * * - - - - -
3rd quartile * * - - - - -
n 1,239 1,153 86 - - 3 488
1st quartile 261 262 244 - - * 162
median 847 847 889 - - * 474
3rd quartile 2,153 2,134 2,379 - - * 1,162
n 108 94 14 - - - 46
1st quartile 184 167 561 - - - 183
median 1,074 1,048 1,575 - - - 820
3rd quartile 3,218 3,016 4,102 - - - 1,614
n 988 862 125 1 1 5 433
1st quartile 172 178 126 * * 189 170
median 443 466 347 * * 210 419
3rd quartile 987 1,028 720 * * 215 980
n 9 7 2 - - - 3
1st quartile 49 35 * - - - *
median 55 55 * - - - *
3rd quartile 76 721 * - - - *
n 10 6 4 - - - 3
1st quartile 2,169 2,242 * - - - *
median 2,466 2,466 * - - - *
3rd quartile 2,683 2,582 * - - - *
n 2 2 - - - - 1
1st quartile * * - - - - *
median * * - - - - *
3rd quartile * * - - - - *
n 205 159 46 - - 1 42
1st quartile 100 168 3 - - * 34
median 365 365 182 - - * 238
3rd quartile 1,976 2,031 1,026 - - * 1,315
n 59 55 4 - - - 11
1st quartile 1,624 1,691 * - - - 1,174
median 3,466 3,541 * - - - 2,140
3rd quartile 6,191 6,261 * - - - 3,975

n 3,247 1,710 1,505 32 17 34 1,710

1st quartile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
median 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3rd quartile 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n 139 88 51 - - - 31
1st quartile 0 0 0 - - - 0
median 0 0 0 - - - 0
3rd quartile 1 1 1 - - - 1
n 3,108 1,622 1,454 32 17 34 1,679
1st quartile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
median 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3rd quartile 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
he latest available

ovided is based on

By Ageband By deprivation (IMD d

35 to 49 50 to 64 65 and Unknown 01 Least 02 Less 03 Less 04 Less 05 Less

over deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived

20,176 14,899 12,584 57 3,258 3,657 4,572 5,065 5,938

13 18 23 1 14 14 16 14 15
27 27 33 17 27 27 27 27 27
138 123 91 28 71 76 99 86 94

16,948 13,296 12,243 41 3,067 3,430 4,134 4,584 5,279

13 18 23 15 15 16 16 15 16
27 27 30 25 27 27 27 27 27
78 84 87 37 68 73 80 75 76
8,502 6,347 5,466 22 1,611 1,804 2,070 2,303 2,624
9 12 17 10 12 12 12 10 11
18 21 24 16 21 21 21 20 20
25 26 26 25 26 26 26 26 26
7,647 6,442 6,494 19 1,296 1,462 1,864 2,071 2,421
48 49 53 30 49 50 51 49 48
90 86 83 41 82 84 88 81 84
356 247 144 65 180 173 219 204 208
11 10 4 - 3 4 10 10 5
1 2 * - * * 156 2 0
3 994 * - * * 894 1,330 0
3,379 3,189 * - * * 1,804 3,374 2
734 460 256 - 146 147 178 189 211
1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 - 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 3
54 37 23 - 11 13 12 11 18
0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 - 1 0 1 0 0

2,194 1,218 289 - 88 91 301 288 415

428 717 1,104 - 226 291 442 335 356
1,603 2,393 3,466 - 1,550 1,047 1,583 1,386 1,149
3,299 5,901 9,567 - 3,395 2,327 4,093 3,107 3,245
6 2 1 - 1 - 1 - -
23 * * - * - * - -
53 * * - * - * - -
89 * * - * - * - -
7 3 1 - - 1 1 - 1
55 * * - - * * - *
67 * * - - * * - *
79 * * - - * * - *
850 599 158 - 35 34 127 113 148
1,698 1,963 2,493 - 1,907 1,625 1,802 1,559 1,587
2,978 4,236 6,171 - 3,811 2,328 3,429 2,550 3,078
4,769 8,272 12,025 - 5,889 4,366 7,010 5,080 5,136
264 113 25 - 17 14 35 34 65
730 730 426 - 512 253 655 514 449
1,774 2,451 2,669 - 1,574 870 1,240 1,400 909
3,206 5,407 7,201 - 2,229 1,990 2,572 2,823 2,028
25 6 - - 1 1 4 4 2
82 107 - - * * * * *
110 117 - - * * * * *
157 130 - - * * * * *
35 17 4 - 2 - 6 5 4
730 694 * - * - 685 597 *
1,428 730 * - * - 972 730 *
1,814 1,708 * - * - 1,086 957 *
1 - 1 - - 1 - - -
* - * - - * - - -
* - * - - * - - -
* - * - - * - - -
481 227 40 - 11 10 55 51 89
285 603 881 - 107 310 340 175 191
1,057 1,808 1,594 - 150 1,204 1,215 366 784
2,430 4,113 6,736 - 1,456 2,197 2,721 2,224 2,361
50 8 4 - - 1 4 2 3
191 3,343 * - - * * * *
1,214 4,591 * - - * * * *
3,360 5,458 * - - * * * *
354 167 28 - 14 24 48 63 74
172 189 250 - 133 155 139 203 224
473 498 475 - 216 408 378 551 478
992 1,017 1,123 - 888 1,049 698 1,151 938
4 2 - - - 2 - - 1
* * - - - * - - *
* * - - - * - - *
* * - - - * - - *
5 1 1 - - - - 2 1
2,162 * * - - - - * *
2,191 * * - - - - * *
2,596 * * - - - - * *
1 - 1 - - - - - -
* - * - - - - - -
* - * - - - - - -
* - * - - - - - -
83 63 16 - 4 3 16 12 20
115 179 157 - * * 137 73 5
364 483 1,973 - * * 1,003 1,310 60
1,826 2,681 3,050 - * * 2,163 2,303 638
28 10 10 - 3 - 4 2 7
1,186 3,766 962 - * - * * 1,565
2,233 5,249 5,753 - * - * * 2,010
5,889 7,576 7,437 - * - * * 4,353

1,034 385 51 16 103 136 137 193 244

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
62 38 8 - 10 9 6 14 17
0 0 0 - 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 - 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 - 1 1 1 1 1
972 347 43 16 93 127 131 179 227
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
By deprivation (IMD decile)

06 More 07 More 08 More 09 More 10 Most Not stated/Not White

deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived known/Invalid

7,416 8,313 10,182 11,237 12,701 3,221 50,927

14 14 14 13 12 15 13
27 27 27 27 27 43 27
108 105 94 100 106 392 104

6,568 7,318 8,974 9,817 10,999 2,548 44,955

14 15 15 14 14 14 15
27 27 27 27 27 27 27
81 78 77 76 80 162 82
3,343 3,640 4,527 4,798 5,279 1,130 21,758
10 10 10 10 9 8 10
20 20 20 19 18 18 20
26 26 26 25 25 26 26
2,895 3,346 4,082 4,501 5,094 1,291 20,676
52 49 49 49 49 60 50
93 87 85 85 87 154 90
254 239 226 226 243 623 237
11 2 7 2 4 2 42
3 * 1 * * * 1
778 * 1 * * * 588
2,164 * 426 * * * 2,070
306 310 331 481 565 114 2,293
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
13 20 27 35 57 11 186
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0

577 657 1 886 1,043 531 3,627

355 470 * 393 365 366 432
1,252 1,520 * 1,601 1,324 1,365 1,531
3,038 3,167 * 3,444 3,132 3,387 3,342
3 3 1 2 3 - 9
* * * * * - 27
* * * * * - 78
* * * * * - 83
- 4 1 - 6 1 10
- * * - 38 * 59
- * * - 70 * 72
- * * - 72 * 82
222 225 281 356 390 183 1,381
1,638 1,776 1,563 1,649 1,537 1,580 1,622
2,957 3,353 2,683 2,970 2,781 2,806 2,975
4,515 5,242 4,647 5,595 5,157 4,878 5,243
58 105 74 89 107 69 480
383 869 600 365 409 735 660
1,161 1,826 1,830 1,825 1,336 1,812 1,774
2,599 2,806 3,022 3,036 2,533 3,648 2,925
6 11 7 9 14 9 42
87 100 113 83 81 154 96
116 140 133 117 104 162 135
169 226 142 148 117 186 193
8 14 4 17 28 6 68
845 693 * 799 730 1,665 694
1,094 1,216 * 2,196 740 1,760 851
1,259 1,666 * 3,111 1,248 2,291 1,651
- - - - - 1 1
- - - - - * *
- - - - - * *
- - - - - * *
128 132 161 181 277 144 810
242 278 314 274 265 288 287
593 937 1,006 1,071 863 878 990
1,629 2,019 2,081 2,591 2,226 1,764 2,285
11 15 17 24 16 15 82
60 563 69 947 658 44 407
572 661 811 1,809 1,520 1,275 1,250
1,943 3,416 3,156 3,225 4,170 3,269 3,342
116 110 138 167 146 88 550
200 172 219 166 167 154 168
487 546 480 523 351 443 433
1,033 908 1,095 1,074 969 923 942
1 1 1 1 1 1 8
* * * * * * 46
* * * * * * 57
* * * * * * 398
3 1 2 1 - - 5
* * * * - - 2,191
* * * * - - 2,538
* * * * - - 2,712
- 2 1 - - - 1
- * * - - - *
- * * - - - *
- * * - - - *
15 28 27 30 44 6 144
149 96 201 181 182 343 82
494 304 1,056 448 294 2,535 365
1,598 1,321 2,275 1,959 1,126 4,836 1,821
6 6 3 9 11 8 36
2,104 680 * 358 3,047 3,788 1,906
3,581 1,630 * 1,744 5,843 5,282 3,422
5,623 3,396 * 3,466 6,555 8,770 6,371

271 338 490 534 659 142 2,344

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 16 23 17 13 5 86
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
262 322 467 517 646 137 2,258
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
By Ethnic Group

Mixed Asian or Asian Black or Black Other Ethnic Unknown White
British British Groups British

2,616 4,964 8,148 2,445 6,460 45,766

15 17 20 15 9 13
27 27 37 27 24 27
158 103 163 77 53 107

2,246 4,463 7,031 2,226 5,797 40,342

16 18 19 16 11 15
27 27 28 27 24 27
98 78 89 64 49 84
1,080 2,184 3,261 1,201 3,645 19,201
10 11 12 11 9 10
19 20 21 20 18 20
26 26 26 26 25 26
1,066 2,148 3,602 948 1,883 18,774
54 47 49 49 49 50
104 81 84 76 77 91
385 229 263 176 155 244
2 3 4 1 8 40
* * * * 1 1
* * * * 2 282
* * * * 3 2,140
92 120 158 71 244 2,147
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
6 8 6 5 17 180
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0

259 350 940 146 272 3,301

336 284 388 255 216 448
1,031 1,159 1,413 1,034 802 1,561
2,988 2,812 3,287 1,979 2,629 3,410
1 1 1 1 1 9
* * * * * 27
* * * * * 78
* * * * * 83
1 1 1 - 2 9
* * * - * 56
* * * - * 72
* * * - * 81
99 141 384 43 66 1,261
1,415 1,625 1,606 1,620 1,832 1,645
2,988 2,624 3,070 2,168 3,982 2,987
4,909 4,376 5,250 3,000 7,197 5,315
27 32 72 17 39 442
358 292 299 364 485 686
449 969 1,031 902 1,253 1,813
1,206 2,188 2,752 1,314 2,669 2,934
2 5 11 4 4 37
* 109 83 * * 96
* 109 110 * * 134
* 119 141 * * 186
2 3 13 4 4 66
* * 735 * * 693
* * 1,528 * * 819
* * 2,743 * * 1,539
- - - - 1 1
- - - - * *
- - - - * *
- - - - * *
69 72 188 26 74 759
300 159 204 538 116 294
658 431 744 1,134 397 999
1,534 1,942 2,013 1,704 1,307 2,332
4 4 12 3 3 75
* * 172 * * 408
* * 759 * * 1,225
* * 3,675 * * 3,443
44 74 211 44 65 461
256 196 196 179 112 172
486 411 602 257 365 442
1,031 923 1,177 834 970 943
- - - - 1 8
- - - - * 46
- - - - * 57
- - - - * 398
- - 4 - 1 5
- - * - * 2,191
- - * - * 2,538
- - * - * 2,712
- 1 - - - 1
- * - - - *
- * - - - *
- * - - - *
7 13 31 2 8 132
167 140 118 * 231 82
365 315 572 * 503 365
524 1,997 2,464 * 965 1,768
3 3 12 2 3 35
* * 1,625 * * 1,817
* * 3,497 * * 3,541
* * 3,972 * * 6,383

111 151 177 73 391 2,122

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 8 18 9 14 74
* 0 0 0 0 0
* 0 0 0 0 0
* 0 1 0 1 1
107 143 159 64 377 2,048
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
By Ethnicity

White Mixed Asian or Asian British

White Any White White White Any Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi
Irish Other and and and Other
White Black Black Asian Mixed
Backgro Caribbea African Backgro
und n und
597 4,564 815 372 333 1,096 1,268 1,550 700
17 13 17 16 11 15 18 18 14
27 26 39 27 27 27 27 30 27
127 69 248 163 114 129 91 134 96

514 4,099 673 320 279 974 1,156 1,379 618

16 14 17 15 15 16 19 18 16
27 26 27 26 27 27 27 27 27
82 60 110 83 86 94 81 89 72
259 2,298 293 163 133 491 552 639 301
11 11 10 11 8 11 13 11 10
20 19 20 17 20 19 22 20 20
26 26 26 25 26 26 27 26 26
233 1,669 343 145 135 443 567 698 301
50 46 56 49 50 54 48 49 42
90 74 106 89 99 110 80 85 77
220 182 481 277 337 373 219 259 262
2 - 1 - - 1 - 2 -
* - * - - * - * -
* - * - - * - * -
* - * - - * - * -
18 128 35 11 9 37 37 36 14
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1
3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
2 4 1 1 2 2 - 4 2
* * * * * * - * *
* * * * * * - * *
* * * * * * - * *

67 259 106 44 26 83 71 137 46

446 300 310 313 532 373 232 335 204
1,661 1,103 1,134 710 1,277 1,112 790 1,393 761
3,672 2,412 2,503 1,995 3,395 3,371 3,186 3,585 1,948
- - - - - 1 - 1 -
- - - - - * - * -
- - - - - * - * -
- - - - - * - * -
- 1 1 - - - - 1 -
- * * - - - - * -
- * * - - - - * -
- * * - - - - * -
23 97 39 10 12 38 26 66 13
2,002 1,409 1,538 851 843 1,536 1,710 1,689 901
3,962 2,598 3,338 2,099 3,160 3,371 3,128 2,753 2,471
7,755 4,179 4,717 2,797 5,105 6,222 6,008 4,464 3,201
11 27 12 6 1 8 4 13 5
608 286 337 182 * 381 * 131 702
1,382 1,103 792 376 * 448 * 835 1,149
3,301 2,250 1,396 437 * 1,245 * 2,399 1,731
- 5 - - - 2 1 2 1
- 97 - - - * * * *
- 147 - - - * * * *
- 291 - - - * * * *
1 1 1 - - 1 - 1 2
* * * - - * - * *
* * * - - * - * *
* * * - - * - * *
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
16 35 34 14 9 12 17 26 6
347 238 207 317 405 286 154 282 108
760 554 698 694 840 463 411 413 1,015
2,397 1,465 1,496 3,023 2,070 919 1,612 1,416 1,941
4 3 1 1 - 2 2 - -
* * * * - * * - -
* * * * - * * - -
* * * * - * * - -
11 78 15 9 4 16 16 21 16
131 157 315 261 * 210 79 229 155
232 443 552 308 * 455 456 422 228
457 961 940 756 * 1,023 817 1,059 859
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - 1 -
- - - - - - - * -
- - - - - - - * -
- - - - - - - * -
1 11 2 3 - 2 4 4 2
* 82 * * - * * * *
* 307 * * - * * * *
* 2,123 * * - * * * *
- 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1
- * * * - * * * *
- * * * - * * * *
- * * * - * * * *

16 206 36 8 28 39 41 34 36
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 9 2 - - 2 4 1 -
* 0 * - - * * * -
* 0 * - - * * * -
* 1 * - - * * * -
13 197 34 8 28 37 37 33 36
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
By Ethnicity

n British Black or Black British Other

Any Caribbean African Any Chinese Any other Not Not Unknown
Other Other ethnic stated known
Asian Black group
backgrou Backgro
nd und
1,446 2,500 3,330 2,318 246 2,199 3,097 2,628 735
15 23 18 21 22 14 10 9 11
27 50 28 40 28 27 24 23 23
88 298 107 173 96 74 57 49 45

1,310 2,072 2,976 1,983 234 1,992 2,808 2,320 669

16 21 18 20 21 15 12 11 12
27 32 27 28 28 26 25 23 24
68 112 77 91 82 62 54 45 46
692 893 1,460 908 110 1,091 1,706 1,524 415
11 12 11 12 15 11 9 9 11
20 22 21 22 23 20 18 16 18
26 27 26 26 27 26 26 25 25
582 1,133 1,445 1,024 118 830 958 699 226
46 52 47 49 50 49 50 50 45
79 92 78 87 82 75 77 81 68
203 360 210 265 182 175 150 168 137
1 1 3 - - 1 6 2 -
* * * - - * 0 * -
* * * - - * 1 * -
* * * - - * 3 * -
33 45 65 48 5 66 130 87 27
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2
2 - 3 3 1 4 8 8 1
* - * * * * 0 0 *
* - * * * * 0 0 *
* - * * * * 0 0 *

96 385 272 283 10 136 128 126 18

293 483 340 362 476 252 236 282 53
1,219 1,808 1,090 1,336 1,441 998 922 857 150
2,534 3,957 2,287 3,203 1,754 2,059 2,771 2,447 379
- 1 - - - 1 - 1 -
- * - - - * - * -
- * - - - * - * -
- * - - - * - * -
- 1 - - - - 1 1 -
- * - - - - * * -
- * - - - - * * -
- * - - - - * * -
36 178 96 110 5 38 35 28 3
1,625 1,852 1,272 1,413 1,602 1,643 1,528 2,604 *
2,266 3,503 2,030 3,053 1,805 2,237 3,592 4,732 *
3,516 6,212 4,002 5,670 1,899 3,069 6,943 8,246 *
10 29 25 18 1 16 13 24 2
496 633 284 163 * 358 461 589 *
1,102 1,857 908 546 * 918 2,192 1,064 *
2,281 3,036 3,024 1,793 * 1,398 4,256 1,702 *
1 4 4 3 - 4 3 1 -
* * * * - * * * -
* * * * - * * * -
* * * * - * * * -
- 5 4 4 - 4 2 2 -
- 1,723 * * - * * * -
- 2,456 * * - * * * -
- 3,712 * * - * * * -
- - - - - - 1 - -
- - - - - - * - -
- - - - - - * - -
- - - - - - * - -
23 78 45 65 1 25 36 33 5
150 260 194 231 * 502 96 244 63
863 747 545 878 * 1,112 342 590 77
2,515 2,052 1,750 2,249 * 1,714 1,271 1,626 155
2 6 4 2 - 3 1 2 -
* 795 * * - * * * -
* 2,625 * * - * * * -
* 4,870 * * - * * * -
21 62 80 69 3 41 31 27 7
223 155 251 217 * 181 112 129 45
563 379 714 658 * 253 533 410 112
912 813 1,193 1,293 * 867 1,081 1,008 309
- - - - - - 1 - -
- - - - - - * - -
- - - - - - * - -
- - - - - - * - -
- 2 1 1 - - - - 1
- * * * - - - - *
- * * * - - - - *
- * * * - - - - *
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
3 14 9 8 - 2 3 5 -
* 89 182 140 - * * 82 -
* 1,800 572 297 - * * 483 -
* 3,891 1,845 1,656 - * * 523 -
- 5 4 3 - 2 1 2 -
- 1,623 * * - * * * -
- 1,625 * * - * * * -
- 4,268 * * - * * * -

40 43 82 52 2 71 161 182 48
0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 * 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1
3 5 8 5 - 9 7 7 -
* 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 -
* 0 0 1 - 0 0 1 -
* 0 0 1 - 0 0 1 -
37 38 74 47 2 62 154 175 48
0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 * 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1
Table 8b

Length of Detention of patients discharged from hospital when previously detained under the Mental Hea

This table shows how long each person was detained (repeated detention) under the Mental Health Act 1983 during 2020-2

Demographic breakdowns use the last set of person characteristics (e.g. age, gender or ethnicity) recorded in the year. This
demographics this ensures each person is consistently assigned with one age, gender and ethnic group. Caution should the

Please note that this table shows people who were no longer subject to Act at some point in 2020-21. A person may have m
submissions dating from January 2016. Therefore some continuous spells may have been longer than this as only spells th

Note: In cases where multiple contiguous sections are applied to the same episode, the episode is allocated to th

All Detentions

Part II

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 2

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 3

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 4

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 5(2)

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 5(4)

Court and prison disposals

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 35

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 36

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 37 with section 41 restrictions

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 37

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 38

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 45A

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 46

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 47 with section 49 restrictions

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 47

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 48 with section 49 restrictions

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 48

Subject to guardianship under Mental Health Act Section 7

Subject to guardianship under Mental Health Act Section 37

Formally detained under other acts

Formally detained under Criminal Proceedings (Insanity) Act 1964 as amended by the Criminal Procedures (Insa

Place of Safety

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 135

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 136

Community Treatment Order

Source: MHSDS

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a n

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced
age group, gender, ethnicity and deprivation decile, 2020-21, including CTOs

e one person may have been recorded with different characteristics in different submissions. By taking the latest available
ting small numbers due to possible data quality issues.

and these would be counted separately assuming they did not form a continuous episode. The data provided is based on MHSDS
ary 2016 would have flowed to MHSDS.

evel of restrictiveness.

All By Gender By Ageban

Male Female Unknown 15 and 16 to 17 18 to 34


n 61,787 31,687 29,918 182 413 962 21,436

1st quartile 12 13 11 3 16 14 7
median 26 26 25 18 27 27 21
3rd quartile 68 76 61 35 98 105 50

n 56,757 28,482 28,124 151 396 925 19,102

1st quartile 13 14 13 10 19 18 9
median 26 26 26 24 27 27 23
3rd quartile 65 68 63 43 101 108 50
n 30,086 15,043 14,958 85 201 440 11,022
1st quartile 10 10 9 8 16 13 8
median 18 19 18 15 25 24 15
3rd quartile 25 25 25 25 27 27 24
n 23,936 12,283 11,596 57 162 410 6,751
1st quartile 47 48 47 37 68 62 45
median 77 79 76 57 106 112 75
3rd quartile 167 185 152 91 166 194 188
n 34 16 18 - 4 3 12
1st quartile 1 1 0 - * * 0
median 1 2 1 - * * 1
3rd quartile 3 3 3 - * * 2
n 2,485 1,058 1,418 9 28 65 1,216
1st quartile 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
median 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3rd quartile 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
n 216 82 134 - 1 7 101
1st quartile 0 0 0 - * 0 0
median 0 0 0 - * 0 0
3rd quartile 0 0 0 - * 1 0

n 1,459 1,255 203 1 - 2 553

1st quartile 166 168 152 * - * 131
median 743 730 875 * - * 409
3rd quartile 2,412 2,412 2,387 * - * 1,427
n 10 9 1 - - - 4
1st quartile 62 56 * - - - *
median 81 81 * - - - *
3rd quartile 83 83 * - - - *
n 10 6 4 - - - 3
1st quartile 35 59 * - - - *
median 62 70 * - - - *
3rd quartile 80 89 * - - - *
n 492 417 75 - - - 128
1st quartile 1,282 1,270 1,296 - - - 1,061
median 2,610 2,640 2,469 - - - 1,978
3rd quartile 4,939 4,939 4,422 - - - 3,025
n 159 129 29 1 - - 72
1st quartile 334 330 349 * - - 299
median 824 854 762 * - - 601
3rd quartile 2,036 2,173 1,388 * - - 1,483
n 29 26 3 - - - 15
1st quartile 83 87 * - - - 83
median 110 114 * - - - 100
3rd quartile 157 161 * - - - 153
n 15 13 2 - - - 6
1st quartile 439 497 * - - - 409
median 690 690 * - - - 545
3rd quartile 2,499 2,606 * - - - 666
n 1 1 - - - - -
1st quartile * * - - - - -
median * * - - - - -
3rd quartile * * - - - - -
n 362 334 28 - - 1 174
1st quartile 139 139 140 - - * 126
median 341 340 427 - - * 266
3rd quartile 1,113 1,089 1,126 - - * 564
n 42 34 8 - - - 17
1st quartile 54 54 431 - - - 46
median 563 375 1,206 - - - 336
3rd quartile 1,444 1,177 2,776 - - - 987
n 275 232 43 - - 1 118
1st quartile 91 94 67 - - * 96
median 216 222 135 - - * 191
3rd quartile 907 923 701 - - * 808
n 5 3 2 - - - 1
1st quartile 54 * * - - - *
median 55 * * - - - *
3rd quartile 58 * * - - - *
n 5 1 4 - - - 1
1st quartile 728 * * - - - *
median 2,191 * * - - - *
3rd quartile 2,712 * * - - - *
n 1 1 - - - - -
1st quartile * * - - - - -
median * * - - - - -
3rd quartile * * - - - - -
n 46 42 4 - - - 14
1st quartile 181 181 * - - - 14
median 190 197 * - - - 183
3rd quartile 1,866 1,866 * - - - 949
n 8 8 - - - - -
1st quartile 922 922 - - - - -
median 4,306 4,306 - - - - -
3rd quartile 8,451 8,451 - - - - -

n 2,898 1,504 1,364 30 15 30 1,558

1st quartile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
median 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3rd quartile 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n 81 51 30 - - - 18
1st quartile 0 0 0 - - - 0
median 0 0 1 - - - 0
3rd quartile 1 1 1 - - - 1
n 2,817 1,453 1,334 30 15 30 1,540
1st quartile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
median 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3rd quartile 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

n 672 445 227 - 2 5 223

1st quartile 26 49 11 - * 0 13
median 170 233 27 - * 155 43
3rd quartile 1,081 1,437 381 - * 178 366

ed by statute, also known as NHS Digital

nce to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
est available

is based on MHSDS

By Ageband By deprivatio

35 to 49 50 to 64 65 and Unknown 01 Least 02 Less 03 Less 04 Less

over deprived deprived deprived deprived

15,766 12,016 11,141 53 2,825 3,250 3,762 4,253

10 15 23 1 14 13 13 12
25 27 35 16 26 26 26 26
61 75 88 32 63 68 69 67

14,076 11,256 10,964 38 2,688 3,068 3,542 3,943

12 16 23 14 15 14 15 14
25 27 34 25 26 26 26 26
56 70 87 40 63 67 67 64
7,880 5,767 4,757 19 1,462 1,659 1,898 2,091
9 12 16 8 11 11 11 10
17 20 23 14 20 20 20 19
25 26 26 20 26 26 26 25
5,524 5,085 5,985 19 1,101 1,264 1,482 1,691
45 46 52 30 49 48 48 47
74 77 80 41 76 80 78 76
198 178 132 65 148 153 164 160
6 5 4 - 3 3 3 4
0 1 * - * * * *
1 3 * - * * * *
2 3 * - * * * *
616 365 195 - 112 130 148 146
1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 - 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 - 3 3 3 3
50 34 23 - 10 12 11 11
0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 - 1 0 1 0

537 285 82 - 30 38 70 85
165 323 668 - 168 219 163 182
839 1,412 2,840 - 742 647 624 898
2,549 4,426 6,276 - 1,974 2,327 1,982 2,712
3 2 1 - 1 - - -
* * * - * - - -
* * * - * - - -
* * * - * - - -
5 2 - - - - 1 -
54 * - - - - * -
56 * - - - - * -
67 * - - - - * -
183 139 42 - 12 14 20 26
1,152 1,602 2,252 - 1,360 600 1,261 2,052
2,674 3,403 4,956 - 2,023 2,193 2,514 4,723
4,749 7,561 10,386 - 2,783 5,358 5,257 8,289
53 25 9 - 5 9 7 9
405 349 204 - 337 355 754 30
1,476 854 546 - 514 824 1,067 1,351
2,483 1,911 5,664 - 1,574 1,454 1,408 2,141
11 3 - - 1 - 2 1
83 * - - * - * *
109 * - - * - * *
146 * - - * - * *
7 1 1 - - - 2 -
438 * * - - - * -
1,012 * * - - - * -
2,859 * * - - - * -
- - 1 - - - - -
- - * - - - - -
- - * - - - - -
- - * - - - - -
133 47 7 - 4 3 16 23
137 329 414 - * * 161 132
339 1,096 691 - * * 351 258
1,358 2,636 2,036 - * * 1,452 716
22 2 1 - - 1 4 -
64 * * - - * * -
563 * * - - * * -
1,746 * * - - * * -
95 50 11 - 7 10 13 21
83 85 282 - 132 75 64 168
183 308 381 - 215 142 140 329
770 1,003 989 - 681 290 454 940
3 1 - - - 1 - -
* * - - - * - -
* * - - - * - -
* * - - - * - -
3 - 1 - - - - 2
* - * - - - - *
* - * - - - - *
* - * - - - - *
- - 1 - - - - -
- - * - - - - -
- - * - - - - -
- - * - - - - -
15 12 5 - - - 4 3
181 182 3,029 - - - * *
182 190 3,489 - - - * *
1,846 578 3,597 - - - * *
4 1 3 - - - 1 -
* * * - - - * -
* * * - - - * -
* * * - - - * -

919 323 38 15 95 121 124 164

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
33 26 4 - 8 8 5 10
0 0 * - 0 0 1 0
0 0 * - 1 1 1 0
1 1 * - 1 1 1 1
886 297 34 15 87 113 119 154
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

234 152 56 - 12 23 26 61
39 59 25 - 163 33 11 8
244 278 111 - 196 183 356 61
1,712 1,821 1,739 - 937 1,277 1,172 366
By deprivation (IMD decile)

05 Less 06 More 07 More 08 More 09 More 10 Most Not stated/Not White

deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived deprived known/Invalid

4,965 6,015 6,817 8,353 9,134 10,252 2,161 41,993

13 12 12 12 11 10 9 11
26 26 26 26 26 25 26 26
69 69 69 67 64 67 85 70

4,565 5,586 6,235 7,621 8,326 9,280 1,903 38,484

15 13 14 14 13 12 10 13
26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
66 67 64 64 63 64 76 68
2,382 3,033 3,300 4,092 4,383 4,807 979 19,829
10 9 10 10 9 9 7 10
19 19 19 19 18 17 15 18
26 25 26 25 25 25 25 25
1,986 2,275 2,651 3,214 3,507 3,942 823 16,510
47 49 47 47 47 47 48 48
77 83 76 77 75 77 91 80
168 180 166 172 158 169 249 170
5 6 1 5 1 2 1 20
0 1 * 0 * * * 1
0 3 * 1 * * * 1
2 3 * 1 * * * 3
175 259 267 283 400 476 89 1,946
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
17 13 16 27 35 53 11 179
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

109 117 210 205 200 283 112 945

216 181 175 217 139 151 134 169
717 569 856 1,084 790 499 451 866
2,878 2,231 2,617 2,761 2,392 2,150 1,918 2,495
- 1 3 1 2 2 - 6
- * * * * * - 62
- * * * * * - 81
- * * * * * - 83
- - 3 - - 5 1 8
- - * - - 28 * 56
- - * - - 67 * 70
- - * - - 72 * 85
37 29 70 86 73 98 27 328
890 1,694 1,766 1,290 1,286 1,127 1,744 1,282
3,403 2,454 3,904 2,464 2,251 2,391 2,858 2,540
5,152 3,679 5,206 4,440 3,482 4,980 4,956 4,917
14 11 27 20 21 27 9 118
434 201 632 651 231 156 100 410
560 586 1,504 1,346 384 455 399 981
928 2,141 2,672 2,499 1,911 1,546 533 2,236
1 3 4 2 4 8 3 12
* * * * * 81 * 93
* * * * * 97 * 146
* * * * * 112 * 173
2 - 3 2 4 2 - 12
* - * * * * - 468
* - * * * * - 650
* - * * * * - 1,411
- - - - - - 1 1
- - - - - - * *
- - - - - - * *
- - - - - - * *
28 37 44 45 48 78 36 219
127 223 139 155 155 139 124 123
353 409 344 342 359 300 340 319
989 820 794 1,157 1,752 1,102 1,056 1,046
1 7 7 9 5 4 4 32
* 32 563 53 828 * * 50
* 63 595 84 987 * * 601
* 2,269 848 4,013 1,456 * * 1,948
18 23 43 33 40 41 26 163
101 127 122 55 82 134 105 92
240 308 190 217 121 246 222 249
1,170 831 1,081 834 773 640 845 935
1 - 1 - - 1 1 4
* - * - - * * *
* - * - - * * *
* - * - - * * *
- 3 - - - - - 3
- * - - - - - *
- * - - - - - *
- * - - - - - *
- - - 1 - - - 1
- - - * - - - *
- - - * - - - *
- - - * - - - *
5 2 4 7 3 17 1 33
1,991 * * 37 * 181 * 181
3,161 * * 181 * 182 * 183
3,585 * * 1,604 * 229 * 1,991
2 1 1 - - - 3 6
* * * - - - * 3,280
* * * - - - * 7,378
* * * - - - * 8,558

216 249 289 425 481 612 122 2,144

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 6 9 9 9 4 4 55
0 0 0 0 0 * * 0
0 0 1 0 0 * * 0
1 0 1 1 0 * * 1
207 243 280 416 472 608 118 2,089
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

75 63 83 101 127 77 24 419

26 27 19 26 27 73 14 27
138 176 168 133 278 180 26 180
930 715 1,121 1,121 1,403 1,765 119 1,137
By Ethnic Group

Mixed Asian or Asian Black or Black Other Ethnic Unknown White
British British Groups British

2,022 4,022 5,986 2,017 5,747 37,648

12 14 17 13 9 11
26 27 27 26 22 26
78 66 77 59 44 72

1,852 3,754 5,510 1,901 5,256 34,472

14 16 17 14 11 13
26 27 27 26 23 26
71 63 69 59 45 70
986 1,986 2,817 1,071 3,397 17,494
9 11 11 10 9 9
17 19 20 19 16 18
26 26 26 25 25 25
781 1,672 2,577 767 1,629 14,962
50 45 46 47 48 48
89 70 73 69 73 81
214 163 171 148 127 174
2 1 3 - 8 19
* * * - 1 1
* * * - 2 1
* * * - 3 3
78 88 108 58 207 1,824
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
5 7 5 5 15 173
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0

61 94 216 31 112 854

176 162 183 120 96 168
737 509 762 314 462 877
2,411 2,010 2,346 1,414 1,582 2,522
- 1 1 1 1 6
- * * * * 62
- * * * * 81
- * * * * 83
1 - - - 1 7
* - - - * 55
* - - - * 67
* - - - * 83
23 36 78 5 22 297
1,524 1,002 1,184 1,742 1,318 1,270
2,954 2,215 2,772 2,355 3,682 2,526
4,400 3,555 5,210 3,137 8,329 4,909
7 8 12 1 13 111
265 114 250 * 128 436
387 451 357 * 461 1,043
1,044 1,074 793 * 1,339 2,228
1 4 7 2 3 12
* * 62 * * 93
* * 84 * * 146
* * 122 * * 173
- 1 - 1 1 12
- * - * * 468
- * - * * 650
- * - * * 1,411
- - - - - 1
- - - - - *
- - - - - *
- - - - - *
23 23 55 6 36 201
137 210 199 390 124 122
322 335 432 482 281 319
872 1,144 1,449 992 1,126 1,048
1 1 5 1 2 30
* * 63 * * 52
* * 183 * * 601
* * 413 * * 1,746
4 14 53 13 28 134
* 78 99 119 48 91
* 214 190 216 129 253
* 896 952 260 734 936
- - - - 1 4
- - - - * *
- - - - * *
- - - - * *
- - 1 - 1 3
- - * - * *
- - * - * *
- - * - * *
- - - - - 1
- - - - - *
- - - - - *
- - - - - *
1 6 4 - 2 31
* 154 * - * 181
* 281 * - * 182
* 2,708 * - * 1,515
- - - 1 1 5
- - - * * 6,359
- - - * * 8,397
- - - * * 8,611

88 120 120 61 365 1,953

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 3 7 5 9 47
* * 0 0 0 0
* * 0 0 0 0
* * 1 0 1 1
86 117 113 56 356 1,906
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1

21 54 140 24 14 368
27 13 26 9 87 39
178 62 74 23 205 190
868 1,662 975 334 1,266 1,234
By Ethnicity

White Mixed Asian

White Any Other White and White White Any Other Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi
Irish White Black and and Mixed
Backgrou Caribbea Black Asian Backgrou
nd n African nd
483 3,862 601 282 276 863 1,054 1,225 576
13 12 12 14 7 13 16 15 11
27 25 27 26 26 26 27 27 26
77 54 100 75 65 73 73 72 58

442 3,570 538 260 243 811 984 1,152 512

14 13 14 14 13 14 18 16 14
27 26 27 25 27 26 27 27 26
72 53 82 63 72 69 69 67 55
233 2,102 268 146 125 447 504 590 268
10 10 9 10 8 10 12 11 10
19 18 18 16 20 17 21 19 18
26 26 26 25 26 26 27 26 25
190 1,358 239 105 108 329 454 532 231
46 45 55 46 49 49 47 46 39
79 68 94 82 79 90 73 72 62
159 139 353 199 196 202 163 165 189
1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 -
* - * - - * - * -
* - * - - * - * -
* - * - - * - * -
16 106 30 8 8 32 26 25 12
1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1
2 4 - 1 2 2 - 4 1
* * - * * * - * *
* * - * * * - * *
* * - * * * - * *

20 71 32 12 3 14 27 34 11
421 148 138 179 * 280 85 184 178
2,175 554 872 338 * 2,482 335 450 1,351
4,192 1,860 1,724 495 * 3,941 1,685 2,305 2,305
- - - - - - - 1 -
- - - - - - - * -
- - - - - - - * -
- - - - - - - * -
- 1 1 - - - - - -
- * * - - - - - -
- * * - - - - - -
- * * - - - - - -
9 22 12 3 1 7 8 14 6
2,461 1,205 1,457 * * 3,678 1,416 1,267 540
3,962 2,370 1,745 * * 3,978 2,174 2,196 1,986
5,330 3,570 3,817 * * 7,740 5,528 3,042 2,705
4 3 2 3 - 2 2 2 1
* * * * - * * * *
* * * * - * * * *
* * * * - * * * *
- - - - - 1 1 1 1
- - - - - * * * *
- - - - - * * * *
- - - - - * * * *
- - - - - - - - 1
- - - - - - - - *
- - - - - - - - *
- - - - - - - - *
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
3 15 14 4 2 3 7 11 1
* 179 127 * * * 207 216 *
* 258 512 * * * 281 349 *
* 545 939 * * * 443 789 *
- 2 - - - 1 1 - -
- * - - - * * - -
- * - - - * * - -
- * - - - * * - -
4 25 3 1 - - 6 4 1
* 104 * * - - 64 * *
* 249 * * - - 79 * *
* 974 * * - - 169 * *
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- 2 - 1 - - 2 1 -
- * - * - - * * -
- * - * - - * * -
- * - * - - * * -
- 1 - - - - - - -
- * - - - - - - -
- * - - - - - - -
- * - - - - - - -

14 177 27 6 26 29 33 26 34
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 6 2 - - - 2 - -
* 0 * - - - * - -
* 0 * - - - * - -
* 1 * - - - * - -
12 171 25 6 26 29 31 26 34
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7 44 4 4 4 9 10 13 19
46 17 * * * 25 17 4 23
69 27 * * * 202 219 366 63
1,929 181 * * * 865 1,472 1,817 1,470
By Ethnicity

n Black Other
Any Other Caribbean African Any Other Chinese Any other Not stated Not Unknown
Asian Black ethnic known
backgrou Backgrou group
nd nd
1,167 1,761 2,586 1,639 198 1,819 2,770 2,306 671
14 19 15 17 20 13 9 8 10
26 28 27 27 27 25 23 20 22
56 96 67 76 72 58 49 40 42

1,106 1,581 2,418 1,511 194 1,707 2,560 2,083 613

14 18 16 17 20 14 11 10 12
26 27 27 27 27 26 24 22 23
56 79 62 67 71 57 49 41 44
624 746 1,278 793 92 979 1,599 1,407 391
10 11 11 12 15 10 9 8 10
19 20 19 21 21 18 17 15 17
26 27 26 26 26 25 25 24 25
455 806 1,085 686 96 671 836 596 197
44 48 45 47 49 47 48 48 45
69 76 69 74 72 68 72 75 65
152 198 163 160 168 147 129 129 120
- 1 2 - - - 6 2 -
- * * - - - 0 * -
- * * - - - 1 * -
- * * - - - 3 * -
25 28 50 30 5 53 111 72 24
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2
2 - 3 2 1 4 8 6 1
* - * * * * 0 0 *
* - * * * * 0 0 *
* - * * * * 0 0 *

22 93 63 60 - 31 51 51 10
341 166 188 188 - 120 112 123 33
1,102 1,013 640 421 - 314 475 486 64
2,584 3,242 1,576 1,865 - 1,414 2,294 1,385 169
- 1 - - - 1 - 1 -
- * - - - * - * -
- * - - - * - * -
- * - - - * - * -
- - - - - - - 1 -
- - - - - - - * -
- - - - - - - * -
- - - - - - - * -
8 41 14 23 - 5 14 7 1
1,144 1,917 1,272 797 - 1,742 1,318 1,876 *
2,395 3,242 2,421 2,019 - 2,355 3,682 4,670 *
3,555 5,397 4,994 4,010 - 3,137 8,329 9,665 *
3 3 6 3 - 1 4 8 1
* * 296 * - * * 117 *
* * 378 * - * * 746 *
* * 747 * - * * 1,398 *
1 2 4 1 - 2 3 - -
* * * * - * * - -
* * * * - * * - -
* * * * - * * - -
- - - - - 1 1 - -
- - - - - * * - -
- - - - - * * - -
- - - - - * * - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
4 25 18 12 - 6 16 16 4
* 288 211 172 - 390 180 241 *
* 754 454 230 - 482 231 571 *
* 1,734 1,098 740 - 992 1,034 1,666 *
- 1 2 2 - 1 1 1 -
- * * * - * * * -
- * * * - * * * -
- * * * - * * * -
3 19 18 16 - 13 11 14 3
* 70 122 128 - 119 50 85 *
* 127 429 244 - 216 269 153 *
* 239 986 1,475 - 260 1,068 449 *
- - - - - - 1 - -
- - - - - - * - -
- - - - - - * - -
- - - - - - * - -
- 1 - - - - - - 1
- * - - - - - - *
- * - - - - - - *
- * - - - - - - *
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
3 - 1 3 - - - 2 -
* - * * - - - * -
* - * * - - - * -
* - * * - - - * -
- - - - - 1 - 1 -
- - - - - * - * -
- - - - - * - * -
- - - - - * - * -

27 29 56 35 2 59 152 167 46
0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 * 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 2 - 5 5 4 -
* * * * - 0 0 * -
* * * * - 0 0 * -
* * * * - 0 0 * -
26 27 53 33 2 54 147 163 46
0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 * 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1

12 58 49 33 2 22 7 5 2
10 26 21 36 * 8 119 87 *
13 110 56 101 * 21 278 88 *
180 1,203 984 918 * 104 2,460 155 *
Table 8c

Number of separate episodes as part of continuous MHA spell

Number of separate episodes MHA MHA and MHA MHA and

episodes CTO episodes CTO
only episodes only episodes

Total continuous episodes 75,560 61,787

1 45,088 38,123 59.7% 61.7%

2 21,995 17,953 29.1% 29.1%
3 5,546 3,971 7.3% 6.4%
4 1,654 1,013 2.2% 1.6%
5 684 391 0.9% 0.6%
6 294 164 0.4% 0.3%
7 136 74 0.2% 0.1%
8 74 35 0.1% 0.1%
9 37 27 0.0% 0.0%
10+ 52 36 0.1% 0.1%

Source: MHSDS

Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a n

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced
ormation Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital

may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
nformation Centre.
Appendix 1

Severity of Detention

The following table shows how Sections have been grouped and ordered according to their restrictiveness. Wh
restrictive section used according to the table below.

MHA Severity Order


Copyright © 2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a

This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduc

ng table shows how Sections have been grouped and ordered according to their restrictiveness. Where a continuous MHA e
ection used according to the table below.


Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 45A

Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 47 with section 49 restrictions
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 48 with section 49 restrictions
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 37 with section 41 restrictions
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 46
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 44
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 47
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 48
Formally detained under Criminal Proceedings (Insanity) Act 1964 as amended by the Criminal Procedures (Insa
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 37
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 38
Subject to guardianship under Mental Health Act Section 37
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 36
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 35
Formally detained under other acts
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 3
Community Treatment Order
Supervised Discharge (Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Act 1995)
Subject to guardianship under Mental Health Act Section 7
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 2
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 4
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 136
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 135
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 5(2)
Formally detained under Mental Health Act Section 5(4)

2021, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body c

mains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit re
ngle section this represents the most


Court and prison disposals

Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Court and prison disposals
Part II
Civil Community-based Detention
Previous legislation other Acts
Court and prison disposals
Part II
Part II
Place of safety
Place of safety
Part II
Part II

n as NHS Digital

Health and Social Care Information Centre.

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