4 - Development Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

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25/07/16 Chapter 4 - Development Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence 1



Personal Development
Oscar Vic B. Sto. Niño, M.Sc. (Epid.)
25/07/16 Introduction to Personal Development 2

Personal Development in Adolescence

•  Adolescence – transition between childhood & early
adulthood, between 11–18 years old
•  3 stages of adolescence in the Philippine context:
•  Early adolescence: 10-13 yo
•  Middle adolescence: 14-16 yo

•  Late adolescence: 17-20 yo

•  Starts with puberty (growth spurts), with biological changes

bringing about cognitive and affective changes.
•  Capable of reasoning about abstract concepts and problems
•  Becomes more inquisitive about matters like philosophy,
religion and politics
•  Begins to ask questions about their identity
•  Friends become the center of relationships more than family
Development of identify and self-concept
•  Assumptions of Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial
•  Stages

•  Psychosocial challenge (crisis) opportunities for

•  Negative resolutions = Personality imperfections

•  Move through stages, regardless of resolutions

Development of identify and self-concept
Stage Action + Resolution - Resolution

Trust v. Mistrust Trusts develops Trust, relaxed, See life as

(0-1) optimistic unpredictable

Autonomy v. Independence Good sense and Fear being

Shame/ Doubt fostered by command of exposed as
(1-3) mastery their will power inadequate

Exploratory Clear sense of Self-restrictive

Initiative v. Guilt
attitude what they want and fear of
in life making
Development of identify and self-concept
Stage Action + Resolution - Resolution

Industry v. Enjoyment of Relish Feel

Inferiority (6-12) mastery comes achievement and inadequate,
through success like to tackle incapable, lack
and recognition challenge ambition

Know who they

Identity through See conflict in
Identity v. are, what their
experimentation who they are
Confusion goals are, and
and what they
(12-18) where they are
would like to be

Openness to Commitment to Self-absorbed;

Intimacy v.
others partnerships identity too
Isolation (Young
and ethics to fragile to
abide by the maintain
commitments uncertainties in
Development of identify and self-concept (V)

Stage Action + Resolution - Resolution

Generativity v. Concern for next Concern for Lack long term-

Stagnation generation creation of better goals; live for
(Middle world. Focus on short-term
adulthood) service to others gratification

View life as filled

Integrity v. Acceptance of Feel their lives
with missed
Despair (Old one’s life have meaning
age) and significance
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Changes During Adolescence

•  Physiological transitioning is very
pronounces at this stage
•  Puberty, fueled by hormonal changes,
pushes the adolescent toward sexual
•  Brain continues to develop (cognitive dev’t)
as marked by comprehending abstract
concepts such as freedom and human
•  Evolving beliefs about morality, religion
and politics
•  Questions about the status quo: WHY?
•  Idealism and becoming self-conscious and
egocentric are very prominent
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Changes During Adolescence

•  Experimentation while
searching for their identity
•  Wanting to be treated as adults
and see adult behavior as
something to contend with
•  Mimic negative behaviors like
smoking and drinking,
perceived as marks of
manhood or adulthood
•  Different clothing and fashion
styles as expression of
independence and asserting
the unique self
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Changes During Adolescence

•  Socializing (e.g. online friendships)
•  Searching for social groups with
common interests to further validate
the chosen identity (school
•  Online games (usually for males)
due to social aspects & the need to
develop abstract reasoning
(winning, teamwork)
•  Sexual experimentation, which due
to underdeveloped cognitive &
affective capacities and education,
ends up in disaster (pregnancy,
sexual disease)
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25/07/16 Chapter 4 - Development Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence 12

Adolescence & social behavior

•  Every culture has a
representation of how
their adolescent
population behaved
over the decades
•  1950 (US) teenage
rebellion, beatnik
movement (James
Dean, Jack Kerouac)
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Adolescence & social behavior

•  1960-70s: Hippie
movement and flower
•  Use of psychedelic
drugs and hypnotic
•  Social issues: anti-
war movement
against the Viet Nam
•  Woodstock gathering
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Philippines 1970-80s:
Martial Law and EDSA Revolution
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The Millenials (born 1980s – 2000s)

•  Digital natives
vs. digital
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Selfie phenomenon
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Skills & tasks appropriate for middle & late adolescents

10 Desirable developmental tasks every American adolescent
should develop
1.  Adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings
2.  Develop and apply abstract thinking skills
3.  Develop & apply a new perspective on human relationships
4.  Develop and apply new coping skills in areas such as decision
making, problem solving and conflict resolution
5.  Identify meaningful moral standards, values and belief systems
6.  Understand and express more complex emotional experiences
7.  Form Friendships that are mutually close and supportive
8.  Establish key aspects of identity
9.  Meet the demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities
10.  Renegotiate relationships with adults in parenting roles
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Skills & tasks appropriate for middle & late adolescents

7 Desirable developmental tasks a Filipino adolescent needs to
1.  Developing occupational skills
2.  Self-reliance

3.  Ability to manage finances

4.  Social responsibility

5.  Mature work orientation

6.  Personal responsibility

7.  Positive attitude toward work
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Skills & tasks appropriate for middle & late adolescents

Additional list of developmental tasks and skills a Filipino
adolescent should acquire
1.  Being courageous in standing up and being different
from your friends
2.  Developing self-esteem
3.  Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency to
please others
4.  Learning how media and advertising are trying to
influence your thinking and feelings
5.  Becoming aware, critical and being involved with social
6.  Embracing a healthy lifestyle
7.  Developing your spirituality

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