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Ryan Servis


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Ryan Servis

Misty Bourne

Helge Balzer, Ambrose Hoilman, Jason Strutz, BNE Design

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Doom from Beyond the Stars
“From the darkest depths of infinity comes terror beyond reckoning.”

Description entire world, for none can withstand the Doom from Beyond
the Stars once it has awakened.
While the mysteries of other planes are known to learned
scholars, the vast void of space remains largely a mystery. It
stands to reason that if creatures can exist and thrive in a plane
composed of elemental fire, so too must strange and exotic
Nul-Thüm in
life be waiting among the stars. However, logic and reason do Your Campaign
nothing to explain the cosmic monstrosity that is Nul-Thüm.
A mass of putrid, dead flesh the size of a moon, Nul-Thüm has Most campaign settings detail the many wonders found upon
come from the stars with an insatiable hunger. The slumbering other planes of existence, never minding the wonders that await
entity hovers in the skies of the material plane, casting its bale- in the skies above. Nul-Thüm provides an unfortunate answer
ful moonlight upon unsuspecting prey. With horrid speed Nul- to the question of what lies beyond the stars. Its existence is
Thüm plucks its victims from the earth, consuming their life utterly alien and hostile to even the most ragged worlds. Such
energy so that it may fully awaken and feed upon a horrified an evil eclipses the nefarious scheming of vile liches or avaricious
world. If one looks closely, it is possible to make out the sem- dragons, and even the gods recoil at its presence. To introduce
blance of a sleeping face on Nul-Thüm’s surface. However, once this titan is to make your world insignificant. It is but another
the titan awakens there is no mistaking its nature. Its scarred meal in the eyes of a cosmic moon which has existed far longer
surface reveals rotting mounds of quivering flesh. Its craters be- than any who dwell upon the world it seeks to consume. While
come eyes that burn red with an otherworldly malevolence. Its it may not be as aggressive or poignant a threat as many other
great maw opens, exposing teeth the size of mountains. Those foes your characters may face, there is no question Nul-Thüm
who behold this terrible moment are doomed alongside their is likely the greatest. Your players will feel small and powerless

Personality: Incomprehensible Flaws: Light is anathema to Nul-Thüm, particularly that
given off by the sun. The creature hides in the shadows
Ideals: Nul-Thüm is to humanoids as humanoids are to on the material plane, expending what energy it can to
ants. Its mind is incomprehensible; it is an intelligence that avoid the hateful rays. Should Nul-Thüm become too tired
has existed outside of time and space as we know them. to avoid the light of the sun and forced to endure its full
While it is clear the entity holds nothing but hostility for radiance for too long, the entity may finally fall.
all life, it is not known why this is so. Its goals are simple:
arrive in the orbit of a world, absorb enough life energy to Legend: For most, the legend of Nul-Thüm began when it
awaken, then presumably destroy everything upon it. The arrived in the orbit of their world, but to those few who have
last goal is only a supposition, as none have witnessed the journeyed among the stars, a great truth is revealed. Legends
awakening of Nul-Thüm and survived. speak of an ancient war between cosmic entities when time,
space, and the planes were one across a cosmic landscape.
Bonds: In hibernation from its journey across the stars, To even call this conflict a war speaks to only a fraction of
Nul-Thüm must feed in order to awaken. The entity sends its significance. Stars burned to fuel eldritch magics, and
forth its progeny—miniature versions of itself known as unknowable entities died a thousand deaths. It is not known
thümoids—to sample the banquet of life laid out before it. what side Nul-Thüm fought for, nor whether it won or lost.
It is not clear what exactly the relationship between Nul- It is clear, however, that the entity is now a shadow of its
Thüm and these creatures is, but their destruction appears former self. A dead relic from an era predating even the gods,
to evoke an angry response from the entity. Unfortunately, the Doom from Beyond now represents the unrelenting
this antagonistic action is unavoidable, for the living can- presence of death, always hanging over every moment the
not afford to show mercy to a thümoid. living experience in their small, insignificant lives.

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

before such a being and must steel themselves for a fight of of the mind, body, soul, and land. And just when one would
nigh-impossible odds to spare their world from destruction. think things can’t get any worse, the thümoids begin falling
from the sky.
The introduction of Nul-Thüm is an ominous affair. Like a dark
omen brought to life, the entity drifts slowly into the skies of There is no hope of standing against the inevitable power of
the material plane. What is first thought to be a beautiful stel- Nul-Thüm. The entity has consumed a thousand worlds, many
lar body passing by is revealed to be a sickly-looking moon that of which were far greater than the material plane. There is no
follows a path which can only be explained by the presence of strategy, no scheme, no secret tool to defeat Nul-Thüm. The
intelligence. It soon comes to rest uncomfortably close to the best the heroes can hope for is to go down fighting, making the
world, dominating the sky with its bulk so that all may behold Doom from Beyond choke on every bite it takes from their dying
its corpulent, rotting form. At this point it is clear to all that world. Whether the characters hold out for a day or a century,
something is dreadfully, terribly wrong. There is no explanation it matters little to Nul-Thüm. Only an act of terrific heroism
for the appearance of Nul-Thüm, no ancient tome to explain its and incredible power could deter their fate. The power of gods,
nature, no wise being to tell its story. There is only the fear of legendary artifacts, and ancient magics is not enough. Nul-
the unknown and the baleful light shed by Nul-Thüm upon the Thüm hails from a time before time when cosmic powers of an
world below. impossible magnitude flowed like water. Only a similarly mighty
force could put a halt to its foul feedings.
Once Nul-Thüm has arrived, it does not remain idle for long. Challenges
The moon hungers for the essence of the living and searches
constantly for tasty morsels easily caught unaware. This activity Nul-Thüm can pose exploration, social, or combat challenges to
is marked by sudden disappearances and a noticeable increase characters who interact with it.
in movement across the surface of the Doom from Beyond. The
opening of a baleful eye, a toothful yawn, or some unsightly EXPLORATION
quivering are easily observed by those who cast their gaze
skyward on a dark night. As the disappearances grow more Because the entity is a literal moon, it may be tempting for your
intense, the world reacts poorly. Cults of worship form around heroes to attempt to make their way to the surface of Nul-Thüm.
the moon, peddling misguided beliefs about salvation or kinship They are certainly welcome to try, but unfortunately the Doom
with the strange entity. The ecology of the world begins to shift. from Beyond has no atmosphere, so such an experience will
The air grows stale, like that of a tomb. Colors become muted. likely be short lived. Instead, many of the explorative elements
Pain is sharper while pleasure never satisfies. It is an apocalypse introduced by Nul-Thüm stem from its impact on the world.
The entity imposes a catastrophic influence, hazardous to all
life. Its presence causes the very earth to rot, and countless evil
Behind the Curtain: creatures revel in its baleful light. No lands under its glow are
The Inevitability of Death safe. Nature is corrupted and twisted. Magic begins unraveling,
leading to dangerously unpredictable results. As the years go
Nul-Thüm is an experiment in both its mechanic and by, these effects grow more pronounced, accelerated by the
narrative design. Its intended role for a campaign is successful feedings of the Doom from Beyond. These effects can
to provide a threat that can be opposed, resisted, and be measured in the Apocalypse of Thüm table. As Nul-Thüm
fought but never defeated. Like death itself, the entity awakens, it causes deific effects according to how awakened
is inevitable. Eventually it fully awakens and consumes the titan is. When Nul-Thüm increases its awakened level, it
the world. This is a compelling but not unfamiliar story. produces all the effects of that level along with the effects of all
Many of our world’s greatest heroes and tales speak of previous levels. While there is no specific action or event that
sacrifice against impossible odds, going out in a blaze contributes to Nul-Thüm’s awakening, it is generally accepted
of glory that echoes through the ages. Nul-Thüm exists that Nul-Thüm becomes more awake by feeding and less awake
to provide just such a moment. While your players may by exposure to direct sunlight.
not be used to “losing” in their heroic story, when done
properly this can be a powerful experience. Failure is a Regional Effects
human experience with which we all struggle, one we The planet cast in the light of Nul-Thüm is warped by its evil,
must appreciate and from which we must learn. Our which has created the following effects in any area bathed in the
hope is that when running Nul-Thüm, you and your moonlight of Nul-Thüm.
players can find value in fighting an impossible battle,
mirroring the struggles we face every day, but in a When a creature in the area would be slain, it may
fantastical and defiant manner. As the famous starship instead be devoured by Nul-Thüm, as the entity’s great
captain once said, “It is possible to commit no mistake tongue snatches it and pulls it into the sky. A creature
and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” devoured in this manner cannot be returned to life while
Nul-Thüm “lives.”

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

Apocalypse of Thüm
Awakened Level Deific Effect
1 Effects that shed bright light instead shed dim light.

2 No matter how loud a creature speaks, its voice is always heard as a whisper.

When a spell that requires material components is cast, the components melt into a disgusting, noxious sludge
after the spell is cast.

4 The face of Nul-Thüm is reflected in every reflective surface.

5 When a creature would regain hit points or return to life, it experiences a bout of extreme (but harmless) agony.

6 Water has the consistency and color of oil.

7 Plants contort themselves into strange and unsettling shapes as they grow.

8 When a creature takes a long rest, it becomes paralyzed for as long as it rests.

9 Colors fade so that the entire world is cast in shades of black, white, and grey.

Nul-Thüm awakens fully and begins to consume the world. In this state the entity is incapable of taking damage
and cannot be harmed by any force short of a relic or a deity of greater deity rank or higher.

Nul-Thüm can hear everything said by creatures in the

y Exploration Encounters
affected area. With the entire world under Nul-Thüm’s influence, no realm is
safe. Around every corner is the potential for the Doom from
Creatures for which Nul-Thüm particularly hungers are
y Beyond to make its presence known. A dying world is a place of
coated in a thin layer of saliva, which persists for as long suffering and anguish. Places the characters once felt safe are now
as the creatures remain within the affected area. dangerous. Beautiful locales become polluted and vile. Kingdoms
once full of virtuous inhabitants are now overwhelmed with
If Nul-Thüm is destroyed, these effects fade immediately. panicked citizens and fanatical cultists.

Rain of Eyes. A particularly foul weather event replaces what

would ordinarily be an intense hailstorm. Instead of ice, grotesque
eyeballs rain down upon the many distressed people. What is
more, these eyeballs appear “alive,” possessing a hateful glare
and capable of rolling about. Curiously, the eyes appear keen to
migrate, traveling toward a barren valley that has been devoid
of life for centuries. Someone should investigate this grotesque
phenomenon, provided they can stomach the swarms of angry
eyes watching their every move.

Moonlight Duel. A powerful goddess of the moon is enraged

at the presence of Nul-Thüm, doing everything in her power to
fight the strange entity. Every night her benevolent moonlight
battles with the baleful glow of Nul-Thüm, causing brilliant light
shows across the night sky. It appears that by sacrificing magical
items at her altars, mortals can aid in this cosmic struggle and
strike a blow against the Doom from Beyond.

Light of Apollis. Not content to sit idly by while Nul-Thüm

ravages the world, a valiant crew of heroes has commissioned a
mighty vessel to sail into the stars. Named Light of Apollis, this
beautiful ship resembles a naval vessel but is equipped with solar
sails and a formidable array of advanced arcane weaponry. Few
are willing to risk what is being dubbed a “suicide mission” to
directly assault Nul-Thüm, leaving the Light of Apollis critically
under-crewed. Hopefully some ambitious heroes are willing to
serve on this mission.

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

the effect is profoundly distressing for all who hear it. The social
While the devastating power of Nul-Thüm is felt in the challenges presented by Nul-Thüm are great. Nations fall to
environment, its influence on the mind is just as formidable. The turmoil, evil creatures act with greater purpose, and apocalyptic
entity does not communicate in any meaningful way, speaking in cults are roused to a frenzy. It is clear that the world is on the
its strange and ponderous language known only as Startongue. brink of collapse, a situation which rarely inspires rational
It is not known to whom it speaks or what Nul-Thüm is saying behavior.
when its eerie, deep voice echoes across the world. Nonetheless,
Social Encounters
Since conversing with Nul-Thüm is nigh impossible, most social
New Epic Language: Startongue encounters around this entity result from the way its presence
Language Prerequisites: Epic creature, at least affects other creatures. Whether you are good, evil, undead, or
1,000 years old living, it matters little to the Doom from Beyond. It has come
to consume the world, and nothing will dissuade Nul-Thüm
The language of ancient stellar entities from a primordial from this task. In the face of this inevitable destruction, there
universe, Startongue is only a language in the loosest is panic. Most creatures react with fatalistic hedonism, enjoying
sense of the term. Speaking this language requires a what time they have left by going through their respective bucket
tremendous amount of time, roughly a hundred times lists. Other more resourceful creatures search for means to get
longer than it would ordinarily take in Common. off world, relocating their possessions and loved ones to other
Additionally, a key component of this language is planes. This creates chaos for not only the material plane but
its conveyance of memory. Speaking in Startongue the cosmology at large. Countless refugees flood across planar
involves referencing one’s own memories in order boundaries while empires burn in the fires of anarchy. Amid it
to communicate concepts or ideas, and those who all, doomsday cults speak of salvation before the end, pointing to
understand what they hear gain the memories of the the sky in affirmation of their crazed ravings.
speaker. Given that this language is almost exclusively
spoken by ancient entities beyond comprehension, these Acts of Faith. A formidable cult has arisen in response to
memories are often horrific and terrifying. Most scholars the appearance of Nul-Thüm. Calling itself the Cult of the
consider this language best left unlearned. Devouring Moon, this cult seeks to hasten Nul-Thüm’s awak-
ening by deliberately feeding themselves to the entity. This act

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

of fanaticism has hastened the coming apocalypse, as thou- COMBAT

sands gather on moonlit nights to offer themselves to the
moon. If something is not done soon, Nul-Thüm will awaken For understandable reasons, once Nul-Thüm actually joins
far sooner than expected, and long before anything can be the battle, it is far too late. The gigantic moon is unstoppable,
done to stop it. overpowering all but the gods as it devours a world. For mortals,
there is no battling such a foe, only standing defiantly as the
The Ark. A city of mages has discovered a small material plane world is brought to ruin. However, another aspect of Nul-
and plans to plane shift the city there, hoping to escape the Thüm can be fought by more conventional means. Known as
world’s inevitable fate. As tens of thousands flock to the small thümoids, these smaller versions of the Doom from Beyond
city, the overwhelmed residents do their best to save whom they are unleashed like fleshy meteors to quell resistance and find
can while still securing their own interests. Any heroes willing the tastiest morsels. While thümoids are incredibly powerful,
to lend some muscle to the crowd control effort might just earn destroying one is possible and serves to delay the inevitable.
themselves a seat on the proverbial ark. Unfortunately, those who manage to slay such a creature attract
the moon’s direct attention, ensuring subsequent encounters are
Rising Sun. In response to Nul-Thüm’s arrival, a group worship- far less favorable. Combat encounters with these thümoids are
ing a sun deity has risen to prominence. In peculiar symmetry brutal and dangerous affairs. They cannot be reasoned with, nor
with the Doom from Beyond, this religion’s deity is said to be do they show mercy. Their malevolence is only eclipsed by Nul-
the sun itself, an ancient star god much like Nul-Thüm. However, Thüm itself, and it is debated if the thümoids are even a separate
this entity has slumbered for millions of years with no sign of creature or are merely extensions of Nul-Thüm itself.
waking, leaving the faith desperate for a means to rouse it from
slumber and vanquish Nul-Thüm. It is believed that if the Doom Combat Encounter Example: Moonstalker
from Beyond speaks the sun’s name in Startongue, it will awaken. A thümoid has taken particular interest in a powerful sorcerer
Hopefully someone is up to the challenge of getting the moon holed up in a tower, secured by magic against the creature’s
to do just that. intrusion. Unfortunately, the thümoid seems content to wait,

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

slowly orbiting the tower, waiting for the caster to emerge. not seem like much at first glance, denying enemies the ability
The sorcerer requests aid in escaping from the undead creature, to see or meaningfully interact with each other is supremely dis-
requiring a distraction so that it may safely flee. A distracted ruptive. The only defense against this feature is hiding in an area
thümoid is a (relatively) harmless thümoid. The sorcerer estimates where the thümoid’s light does not reach; depending on its posi-
it needs a solid minute of distraction to make a clean getaway, or tion, this can leave characters with few ideal positions.
less if the creature’s sharp senses can be disrupted.
Easier Tactics – Don’t use Deadlight until the fight is roughly
Tactics half over. Let the thümoid have a particular interest in a specific
Battlefield Classification: Controller character and attempt to devour them, preferably one with either
Thümoids are bizarre and dangerous opponents. The creatures a high AC or a good Charisma score. Make suboptimal choices
are ponderously slow, floating with an almost lazy attitude to- with the Deadly Sight action, ensuring characters have some
ward whatever strikes their fancy. They seek out creatures that trouble but nothing they can’t handle. Remember to keep the
look particularly tasty. What constitutes “delicious” by an ancient thümoid close to the ground as well. The creature is immune
star god’s standards is a baffling mystery best left unexplored, to nearly every condition, so keeping it out of reach of most
but nonetheless is one of the only motivations of these creatures. characters makes for a challenging but not overwhelming fight.
However, they do respond if attacked, unleashing a merciless ar-
ray of strikes that leave only the most powerful creatures standing. Harder Tactics – Use Deadlight on the first turn, then immedi-
As a controller, a thümoid specializes in disabling and manipulat- ately attempt to use Tongue against a character that can be easily
ing its opponents into submission. The first and most formidable devoured. Once one character has been consumed, use Deadly
of these abilities is its Gaze of Torment feature, which is guaran- Sight on key targets afflicted by Gaze of Torment, forcing them
teed to cause trouble for any character caught in its area. While to attempt saving throws with a considerable penalty. Ensure that
its Tongue attack is impressive, this feature is complemented by Gaze of Torment is always afflicting the most dangerous charac-
the Maw attack’s ability to effectively banish heroes to another ter at any given time. This works especially well when combined
realm with little hope of escape. The Deadly Sight action serves with the thümoid’s flying speed, allowing you to have excellent
as a versatile ability with three potent options. Make sure you pick positioning. If a character gets close, use the Maw legendary ac-
the best target each time; the thümoid is more than intelligent tion to devour them. It is almost guaranteed that any character
enough to make good tactical choices. The second most danger- will fare worse inside the thümoid than outside, so don’t hesitate
ous of the thümoid’s abilities is its Deadlight action. While it may to have it eat as many characters as possible.

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

Gargantuan undead (titan), chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) and cannot be returned to life until the thümoid is slain. The
Hit Points 1,250 (61d20 + 610) inside of the thümoid is far larger than its dimensions, allowing
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) it to have any number of creatures devoured in this manner.
As an action on each of its turns, a creature devoured by the
thümoid can attempt to escape the necrotic void by attempting
29 (+9) 1 (−5) 30 (+10) 25 (+7) 28 (+9) 27 (+8) a DC 18 Charisma ability check (no associated skill), magically
Saving Throws Con +18, Int +15, Wis +17, Cha +16 appearing in an occupied space of the creature’s choice within
Skills History +23, Perception +25 60 feet of the thümoid on a success. Otherwise, a creature
Damage Resistances psychic swallowed by the thümoid cannot escape by any known means,
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, even if the thümoid is slain.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 120 ft., one
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
creature. Hit: 44 (10d6 + 9) acid damage, and the thümoid may
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
force the target to attempt a DC 25 Strength saving throw. On a
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious
failure, the target is grappled (escape DC 25) and pulled up to 60
Senses truesight 300 ft., passive Perception 35
feet in a straight line toward the thümoid. If a creature ends its
Languages Startongue, but understands all languages
movement within 5 feet of the thümoid, the thümoid may make
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)
a single Maw attack against it.

TRAITS Deadlight (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). The thümoid

shines with a deadly light, emitting dim moonlight in a 1-mile
Gaze of Torment. The eyes of the thümoid project a 500-foot- -radius sphere, which lasts for 1 minute. A creature illuminated
long, 25-foot-wide line of crimson light that wracks creatures in by this light cannot sense or perceive any creatures other than
the affected area with agonizing pain. When an affected creature the thümoid (all other creatures are hidden), nor can they affect
attempts an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, it must roll creatures other than the thümoid with attacks, spells, or other
a d8 and subtract the amount rolled from the result. A creature effects.
immune to psychic damage instead rolls a d4 and subtracts the
Deadly Sight. The thümoid afflicts a creature it can see with a
amount rolled from the result. As a bonus action on each of its
deathly gaze, choosing one of the following options.
turns, the thümoid can change the orientation of this line or
whether to begin or end the projection. This effect ends early if • The target must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw
the thümoid becomes incapacitated. or take 110 (20d10) necrotic damage, or half as much on a
Immense. The thümoid’s form is tremendous. It typically
occupies a 100-foot cube of space on the battlefield. • A spell or magical effect currently affecting the target
immediately ends.
Mythic Resistance. When the thümoid fails a saving throw,
it can expend one of its unspent legendary actions to succeed • The target must succeed on a DC 25 Charisma saving throw
instead. or be permanently cursed. When a creature so cursed takes
an action, bonus action, or reaction, it takes 14 (4d6) psychic
Super Heavy. The thümoid is made of dense matter, weighing damage.
more than 10 million pounds. The thümoid cannot be pushed or
forcibly moved against its will, nor can it be magically teleported
unless the thümoid allows it.
The thümoid can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
ACTIONS options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Maw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target thümoid regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
grappled by the thümoid. Hit: If the target is half the size of the
thümoid or smaller, the target is devoured. Otherwise, it takes Float. The thümoid flies up to its flying speed.
219 (20d20 + 9) piercing damage. A creature devoured by the Gaze. The thümoid activates, deactivates, or changes the
thümoid is suspended within a necrotic void and has total cover orientation of its Gaze of Torment feature.
from everything outside the thümoid, and vice versa. At the start
of each of the thümoid’s turns, a creature so devoured has its Deadly Sight (Costs 2 Actions). The thümoid uses its Deadly
hit point maximum reduced by 50. This reduction lasts until the Sight action.
affected creature finishes a long rest. A creature that has its hit Maw (Costs 3 Actions). The thümoid uses its Maw action.
point maximum reduced to 0 by this effect is consumed utterly

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

Mythic Thümoid
Gargantuan mythic undead (titan), chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) by the thümoid cannot escape by any known means, even if the
Hit Points 2,132 (104d20 + 1,040) thümoid is slain.
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach 120 ft., one creature.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 81 (20d6 + 11) acid damage, and the thümoid may force the tar-
32 (+11) 1 (−5) 30 (+10) 25 (+7) 30 (+10) 28 (+9) get to attempt a DC 27 Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target
is grappled (escape DC 25) and pulled up to 60 feet in a straight line
Saving Throws Str +20, Dex +4, Con +19, Int +16, Wis +19, Cha +18 toward the thümoid. If a creature ends its movement within 5 feet of
Skills History +26, Perception +28 the thümoid, the thümoid may make a single Maw attack against it.
Damage Resistances psychic
Deadlight (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). The thümoid
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
shines with a deadly light, emitting dim moonlight in a 1-mile-
slashing from non-Epic creatures
radius sphere, which lasts for 1 minute. A creature illuminated
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant by this light cannot sense or perceive any creatures other than
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, the thümoid (all other creatures are hidden), nor can they affect
petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious creatures other than the thümoid with attacks, spells, or other effects.
Senses truesight 300 ft., passive Perception 38
Languages Startongue, but understands all languages Deadly Sight. The thümoid afflicts a creature it can see with a
Challenge Mythic 2 deathly gaze, choosing one of the following options.
• The target must succeed on a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or
TRAITS take 165 (30d10) necrotic damage, or half as much on a success.

Gaze of Torment. The eyes of the thümoid project a 500-foot- • An Epic or non-Epic spell or magical effect currently affecting
long, 25-foot-wide line of crimson light that wracks creatures in the target immediately ends.
the affected area with agonizing pain. When an affected creature • The target must succeed on a DC 27 Charisma saving throw or
attempts an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, it must roll be permanently cursed. When a creature so cursed takes an action,
a d10 and subtract the amount rolled from the result. A creature bonus action, or reaction, it takes 28 (8d6) psychic damage.
immune to psychic damage instead rolls a d6 and subtracts the
amount rolled from the result. As a bonus action on each of its MYTHIC ACTIONS
turns, the thümoid can change the orientation of this line or
whether to begin or end the projection. This effect ends early if the On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the thümoid takes a
thümoid becomes incapacitated. mythic action to cause one of the following effects. The thümoid
can’t use the same effect twice in a row.
Immense. The thümoid’s form is tremendous. It typically occupies a
100-foot cube of space on the battlefield. Dark Gravity. The thümoid emits an aura of strange gravitational
energy in a 300-foot-radius sphere centered on it, which lasts
Mythic Resistance. When the thümoid fails a saving throw, it can
until the next initiative count of 20. Creatures attempting to move
expend one of its unspent legendary actions to succeed instead.
through the area must spend 20 feet of movement for every 5 feet
Super Heavy. The thümoid is made of dense matter, weighing more they wish to move.
than 10 million pounds. The thümoid cannot be pushed or forcibly
Gnawing Decay. A flesh-and-blood creature the thümoid can see
moved against its will, nor can it be magically teleported unless the
within 300 feet of it must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving
thümoid allows it. throw or become afflicted with a horrific decaying of the flesh. A
creature immune to diseases has Epic advantage on this saving
ACTIONS throw. A creature so afflicted has an ability score of the thümoid’s
choice other than Constitution permanently reduced to 1. This effect
Maw. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target
can be removed by any effect that would cure a disease so long as
grappled by the thümoid. Hit: If the target is half the size of the
the creature attempting to remove the effect succeeds on a DC 25
thümoid or smaller, the target is devoured. Otherwise, it takes
431 (40d20 + 11) piercing damage. A creature devoured by the Wisdom (Medicine) check as a part of the attempt, or the cure fails.
thümoid is suspended within a necrotic void and has total cover
from everything outside the thümoid, and vice versa. At the start LEGENDARY ACTIONS
of each of the thümoid’s turns, a creature so devoured has its hit
The thümoid can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
point maximum reduced by 100. This reduction lasts until the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
affected creature finishes a long rest. A creature that has its hit
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The thümoid
point maximum reduced to 0 by this effect is consumed utterly and
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
cannot be returned to life until the thümoid is slain. The inside of
the thümoid is far larger than its dimensions, allowing it to have any Float. The thümoid flies up to its flying speed.
number of creatures devoured in this manner. Gaze. The thümoid activates, deactivates, or changes the orientation
As an action on each of its turns, a creature devoured by the of its Gaze of Torment feature.
thümoid can attempt to escape the necrotic void by attempting
a DC 20 Charisma ability check (no associated skill), magically Deadly Sight (Costs 2 Actions). The thümoid uses its Deadly Sight
appearing in an occupied space of the creature’s choice within 60 action.
feet of the thümoid on a success. Otherwise, a creature swallowed Maw (Costs 3 Actions). The thümoid uses its Maw action.

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

More than a thousand planets over millions of years have fallen
prey to Nul-Thüm. When Nul-Thüm devours a world, much
of that planet’s wealth, resources, and even people become
embedded in its form. What wonders (or horrors) can be mined
from its necrotized flesh defy conception. Even if the moon is
miraculously defeated, that is only half the challenge. Getting
to the moon and mining its flesh is a tremendous undertaking,
but the rewards are fantastical. Whatever magic items, wealth,
or other objects are pulled from the putrid remains of the Doom
from Beyond are of worlds previously unknown. Advanced
technology, cosmic magic, and other bizarre loot will be not only
unique but the last remnants of worlds lost to history.

N u l -T h ü m   •  D o o m f ro m B e yo nd t h e S ta r s

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