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Lectures Outline: Tentative Topic 1: Overview

Topic 2: Bond Market
Topic 3: Money Market
Topic 1: Overview Topic 4: Equity Market
MSL310 Financial Institutions and Markets Role of the financial system Topic 5: Derivative Market
Topic 1: Overview of the Financial System Financial intermediaries Topic 6: Foreign Exchange Market
Financial markets Topic 7: Regulatory Framework
Topic 8: Monetary Policy
Topic 9: Commercial Banks
Topic 10: Investment Banks
Topic 11: Other Financial Institutions
Topic 12: FinTech
Topic 13: Review

Role of the Financial System Role of the Financial System

The role of the financial system is to gather money from people and Larger the flow of funds and more efficient the financial system,
businesses that currently have more money than they need and greater the economic output and welfare in the economy
transfer it to those that can use it for either business or consumer
For this system to be efficient, however, it requires sufficient volume
(many borrowers and many lenders)
This flow of funds through financial markets and institutions in an
Greater the flow of funds, greater possible accommodation of
economy affects business profits, the rate of inflation, interest rates,
individual preferences for spending and saving
and the production of goods and services

3 4

Role of the Financial System Role of the Financial System

Financial system consists of: Financial markets are just like any kind of market: people buy and
sell, haggle and argue, win and lose
Financial markets • In financial markets, people buy and sell financial instruments such as
Financial institutions stocks, bonds

Money Financial institutions such as commercial banks and insurance

companies allow flow of funds from savers to borrowers
Money: The medium of exchange used in the financial system

5 6


Role of the Financial System: Financial Markets Financial Markets: Flow of Funds
Financial markets have five primary functions: Sally gets admission in a university to do a two-year masters course
Facilitate the flow of funds Needs Rs 10 lakhs for that course
Provide the mechanism for the settlement of transactions Does not have enough funds to pay fees and to meet other expenses
that will be incurred during the studies
Generate and disseminate information that assists decision making
She decides to borrow Rs 10 lakhs from a bank
Provide means for the transfer and management of risk
After obtaining some information (such as that related to course,
Provide ways of dealing with the incentive problems that arise in
past borrowings, future income), bank lends Rs 10 lakhs to Sally
financial contracting

7 8

Financial Markets: Flow of Funds Financial Markets: Flow of Funds

Sally only needs Rs 3 lakhs during first year of her studies and
therefore explores investment options for the remaining amount
Savings account
Term deposit
9 10

Financial Markets: Flow of Funds Financial Markets: Flow of Funds

Stock Returns-
Top Performers 11 12


Financial Markets: Flow of Funds Financial Markets: Flow of Funds

BSE200 BSE200
Stock Returns- Stock Returns- “Losers”
Top Performers 13 14

Financial Markets: Flow of Funds Financial Markets: Flow of Funds

Sally deposits Rs 7 lakhs in a term deposit and expects to receive 5.1
percent interest on that
Like Sally there are many individuals who deposit funds with banks
so as to earn interest income
Bank has this large pool of funds, which bank can use to make new
investments or lend to businesses and individuals

15 16

Financial Markets: Flow of Funds Financial Markets: Flow of Funds

At the same time that the bank received Sally’s Rs 7 lakhs, it was Consistent with its goal of profit maximization, the bank ultimately
reviewing applications from the local café for a Rs 25 lakh loan to decided to make the café loan because of the project’s favorable rate
expand its operations of return and the owner’s high credit rating standing
The loan interest rate is 8 percent, payable in five years, and money Other loan applications were rejected because applicants had poor
from Sally’s deposit is pooled with the money from other deposits to credit ratings or the projects’ rates of return were not as favorable as
provide the funding that of the café project
The bank is happy with the café loan at 8 percent because it has
borrowed the money for 5.1 percent (from Sally and its other
depositors), earning a 2.9 percent (8 – 5.1) gross profit margin

17 18


Financial Markets: Flow of Funds Financial Markets: Flow of Funds

Balance Sheet: The financial system works properly when
• Consumers receive the highest possible interest rates for their deposits
Assets = Liabilities + Equity • Only loans with favorable rates of return and good credit standing are

Bank: The more efficient and competitive the financial system, the more
likely this is to happen
Sally’s deposit: Liability
Café loan: Asset

19 20

Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

All economic units can be classified into one of the following groups: Households typically receive income in the form of wages and then
make frequent expenditures for food, clothing, medical needs,
entertainment, education, taxes, and housing (rent/mortgage) etc
Businesses sell a variety of goods and services to households and
Governments (local, state, and centre) other businesses for revenues and spend their money on paying
wages, buying inventory and meeting other business expenses, and
Each economic unit operates within a budget constraint imposed by make capital expenditures on new buildings and equipment
its total income for the period
Government units obtain income by collecting taxes and fees and
spend on a wide range of services such as health, welfare, education,
police, the fire service, and defense

21 22

Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Budget position of economic units: Surplus Spending Unit (SSU) and Deficit Spending Unit (DSU)
Balanced budget position: income and planned expenditures are Surplus spending unit: An economic unit whose income in a period
equal exceeds expenditure
Surplus position: Income for the period exceeds planned Deficit Spending Unit: An economic unit whose expenditure in a
expenditure period exceeds current income, a DSU sells financial claims on itself
(liabilities) or sells equity to obtain needed funds
Deficit position: Planned expenditure for the period exceeds income

23 24


Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Centre’s Gross Fiscal Deficit (Rs Crore)

Suppliers of funds (SSUs) Demanders of funds (DSUs)

• Households • Households
Financial Markets
• Businesses • Businesses
• Governments • Governments

25 26

Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Government Bonds
Gross fiscal deficit Financing of GFD - Market borrowings
2000000 Government bonds are the long-term debt obligations of
1400000 They are used to finance capital expenditure for things such as
schools, highways, and airports
800000 If the budget is in surplus, the government may use the additional
resources to reduce its debt, but if the budget is in deficit, then it will
need to borrow funds to cover the forecast expenditure







2020-21 27 28

Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

1400000 Flow of Resources to Commercial Sector in India (Rs Cr) Corporate Bonds
1200000 When large corporations need money for capital expenditure, they
may issue bonds
Corporate bonds are therefore long-term securities that represent a
claim against the firm’s assets
Unlike equity holders’ returns, bondholders’ returns are fixed: they
receive only the amount of interest that is promised plus the
200000 repayment of the principal at the end of the loan contract
0 Even if the corporation turns in unexpected above-market
performance, the bondholders will only receive the fixed amount of
interest agreed to at the bonds’ issue
Bank Credit Domestic Sources Foreign Sources 29 30


Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Shares The financial system is concerned with transferring money – and
Shares represent an ownership claim on a company’s assets with it purchasing power – from SSUs to DSUs
Also referred to as equity securities, shares differ from debt obligations in DSUs include some households, governments, and many businesses
that equity holders have the right to share in the company’s profits
Other economic units may be SSUs
The higher the company’s net income, the higher the return to
shareholders will be Typically business firms and governments are DSUs
On the other hand, shareholders must share in any of the losses that the Households in general are SSUs
company may incur
In the event of bankruptcy, creditors and debt holders have first claim on
the company’s assets
Most share market transactions take place in the secondary markets
31 32

Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Gross Domestic Savings as a Percent of GDP Gross Domestic Savings as a Percent of GDP
In developed countries in recent years household savings have been on decline
as a result of the dramatic growth in personal debt levels 33 34

Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Household Debt /GDP

Household Debt to GDP Household 35

Debt to GDP 25
(Percent) 20









Household Debt /GDP 35 36


Financial Markets: Economic Units Financial Markets: Economic Units

Market participants expect wealth creation
SSUs forgo current consumption and accrue savings that are then
invested in the financial markets in return for financial instruments
These financial instruments are expected to provide some return or
income to the SSUs to compensate for foregoing consumption
Household Debt to This return represents an increase in wealth, which can then be used
GDP (Percent) at a later date or reinvested in financial instruments to generate
additional wealth 37 38

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Written promises to pay a specific sum of money (the principal) plus Financial claims are issued by DSUs (liabilities) and purchased by
interest for the privilege of borrowing money over a period of time SSUs (assets)
Financial claims are claims against someone else’s money at a future To the DSU, a financial claim is a liability and the interest payments
date are the penalty for consuming before income is earned
To the SSU, the financial claim is an asset and the interest earned is
the reward for postponing consumption
Financial claims are liabilities for borrowers (DSUs) and assets for
lenders (SSUs)

39 40

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Financial intermediaries buy the financial claims of others and sell Financial claims are sourced from either debt or equity funds
their own claims in financial markets
There are many different types of financial claims issued by financial
Shares: Dividends
intermediaries and other economic units such as the federal
government and large corporations D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Forever
0 1 2 3 4 5

Bonds: Coupon (Interest) Payments

C C C C C + FV
0 1 2 3 4 5

41 42


Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Once a financial claim is outstanding, the lender (SSU) may hold the Debt funds: Funds supplied in the form of a loan
claim until it matures
Credit risk: The risk that the borrower will not pay back all or part of
Alternatively, the SSU may sell the financial claim (for example, the interest or principal as specified in the loan agreement
bonds) to someone else before it matures
In return for exposure to credit risk, the lender is rewarded with
The DSU continues to use the funds even the lender is now a interest income
different party

43 44

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Providing equity funds involves the acquisition of an ownership The size of equity returns is largely dependent on the performance
share of a business of the business and so is less certain than returns on debt funds,
which are usually specified in the debt contract
This is usually seen as longer term and is consequently referred to as
capital investment The ability to resell financial claims is important because it allows
SSUs to purchase financial claims with maturities that do not exactly
Equity investors face investment risk, which is the possibility that the
match their investment horizon
investor’s expected return will not be realized
Equity investors are compensated with dividend payments and
capital growth (where the value of the ownership share increases
over time) for bearing investment risk

45 46

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

If an SSU purchases a financial claim with maturity longer than the Likewise, an SSU can purchase a financial claim with maturity shorter
planned investment period, the claim can be resold to another SSU than its time horizon if additional claims, either new or outstanding,
at the appropriate time can easily be purchased
Suppose your investment horizon is five years Suppose your investment horizon is five years so you can purchase a
2 year bond and the purchase another 3 year bond
You can purchase a 10 year bond and sell it after five years
Another alternative could be that purchase share and sell it after five

47 48


Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

A wide variety of financial claims trade in the financial markets, all SSUs: Risk Preferences
designed to meet the preferences (return, risk, liquidity, timing etc)
SSUs have different risk preferences and can be classified as either
of both SSUs and DSUs
risk averse, risk neutral, or risk taking
Risk takers are willing to bear more risk than the other categories but
only if they are compensated with higher returns
Conversely, those who are risk averse will accept a lower return to
avoid risk

49 50

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

SSUs: Timing Preferences SSUs: Timing Preferences
An additional element of risk is the timing of the cash flows related Steady cash flow over the life of the instrument (such as receiving
to the financial instruments fixed rent from a property)
Earlier the returns are realized, the lower the risk because with time Uneven cash flows (dividend payments are not fixed)
comes uncertainty
Payment only occurs at the maturity (such as zero-coupon bonds)
Are contingent on performance (for example, if company is not
profitable, it may not pay any dividend in a particular year)

51 52

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

SSUs: Liquidity Preferences SSUs: Liquidity Preferences
Liquidity: The ease with which the financial instrument can be
converted back into cash without losing capital value
Most Active by
Liquid instruments can be sold at a price that approximates their
worth more easily

53 54


Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

SSUs: Liquidity Preferences For financial markets to operate efficiently, there is a need to provide
a range of financial instruments to meet the return, risk, timing, and
liquidity preferences of the market participants
Most Active by This will promote an increased flow of funds because savers will be
Value able to structure their savings to suit their needs
Over time, the flow of funds should increase as market participants
create wealth
This in turn provides an increased pool of investment capital that can
be used by DSUs to increase the production capacity of the
economy, and so generate economic growth 55 56

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

⇒ An efficient and stable financial system is a necessary condition to Primary and Secondary Markets
having an advanced economy
Primary Market: A financial market in which financial claims are first
sold as new issues
Secondary market: A financial market in which participants buy or
sell previously issued financial claims

57 58

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Primary and Secondary Markets Primary and Secondary Markets
Financial claims are initially sold by DSUs in primary financial Securities can only be sold once in a primary market; all subsequent
markets transactions take place in secondary markets
An example of a primary market transaction is that a company raises Once issued, a financial claim (security) can be traded in the
external funds through the sale of new stock or bonds secondary market on an organized security exchange (such as NSE)
Only members of the exchange may use the facilities, and only
securities listed on the exchange may be traded
Secondary markets provide liquidity for investors who own primary

59 60


Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Money and Capital Markets Money and Capital Markets
Financial markets are sorted into money and capital markets on the Commercial banks and other businesses adjust their liquidity
basis of the term to maturity of a given financial claim position by borrowing, lending or investing for a short time in money
Securities traded in these two markets based on the requirements of
the users and providers of the funds The RBI conducts monetary policy in the money markets (controlling
the level of funds in the market and the level of interest rates)
Also, in the money markets, businesses, governments and
sometimes, individuals borrow or lend funds for short times

61 62

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Money and Capital Markets Money Market: Treasury Notes (example)
Money markets are a wholesale market for financial claims that have Promissory notes issued on behalf of the central government by the
characteristics very similar to money RBI, allowing the government to borrow money from the money
Money-market instruments typically have short maturities (usually
90 days or less), are highly liquid (active secondary markets) and Promissory notes are short-term discount securities
have low risk of default • Difference between the face value and the discounted issue price
represents the return to the investor
There is no formal organized exchange for money market securities
(similar to NSE/BSE for the equity markets)

63 64

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Money Market: Commercial Paper (example) Capital Markets
Commercial paper is unsecured promissory note of a large business A financial instrument is classified as a capital-market instrument if it
has an original term to maturity of one year or more
These are issued by a borrower that undertakes to pay a certain
amount of money (the face value) at a future date Capital-market transactions match savings to the requirements of
individuals, businesses and governments for investments that are
They are also discount securities and typically have maturities
longer term than those offered in the money markets
ranging from a few to 120 days
For example, the owner of a machine hopes to profit from the sale
Corporations and finance companies are the major issuers of
of products from the machine shop, and the owner of a factory
commercial paper
hopes to earn a return from the goods produced there
Because they are generally unsecured, only companies with good
credit ratings are usually able to issue them
65 66


Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Financial Claims

Capital Markets Capital Markets
Similarly, owners of apartments, office buildings, warehouses and In capital markets, capital goods are financed with stock or long-term
other tangible assets hope to earn a stream of future income by debt instruments
using their resources to provide services directly to consumers or to
Compared with money-market instruments, capital market
other businesses
instruments are less marketable, default risk levels vary widely
These assets are called capital goods; they are the stock of assets between issuers and maturities range from 5 to 30 years
used in production
Financial institutions are the connecting link between the short-term
money markets and the longer-term capital markets
• Typically borrow short term and invest in longer-term capital projects,
either indirectly through business loans or directly into capital-market
67 68

Financial Markets: Financial Claims Financial Markets: Settlement of Transactions

Capital Markets: Corporate Bonds Provide the mechanism for the settlement of transactions
Corporate bonds typically have maturities from 5 to 30 years, and The financial system permits the flow of funds through an economy
their secondary market is not as active as that for equity securities
Millions of transactions occur each day among the various market
There are different forms of corporate bonds and other corporate participants
debt instruments
A key role of the financial system is to provide an efficient payment
system for those settlements to occur

69 70

Financial Markets: Settlement of Transactions Financial Markets: Settlement of Transactions

Provide the mechanism for the settlement of transactions Provide the mechanism for the settlement of transactions
Many transactions in the payments system are settled immediately, Separate settlement systems have been developed for the usually
for example, when you use cash to purchase a book small-sized retail transactions and large-value wholesale transactions
However, high-valued transactions are settled after the terms of the An effective payments system is characterized by its efficiency, in
transaction have been agreed terms of speed, cost and stability in terms of the settlement
• For example, when one purchases a house, the settlement occurs on the mechanism for transferring funds among them
settlement date, which is usually either 30 or 60 days after the contract is
signed (when terms are agreed)
Many transactions in the securities markets are settled on a T + n
basis, which is n business days after the trade was agreed

71 72


Financial Markets: Settlement of Transactions Financial Markets: Provision of Information

Provide the mechanism for the settlement of transactions Generate and disseminate information that assists decision making

Transaction Type No of Transactions (in lakh) Amount (in Rs. crore)

Loan – Sally for her studies
Nov • Why will bank lend Rs 10 lakhs to Sally?
2021 Nov 2020 Nov 2015 Nov 2021 Nov 2020 Nov 2015 • Which bank will Sally choose to deposit Rs 7 lakhs?
NEFT 3,394 2,734 998 23,14,490 22,18,253 6,37,016
RTGS 156 138 76 98,63,113 79,87,655 53,89,603 Loan - Café owner to expand his business
Mobile 45,046 24,198 405 13,06,948 8,20,024 33,471
Credit Cards – ATM 5 5 5 276 231 258 Insurance – Car, health, life insurance
Credit Cards – POS 2,011 1,663 660 89,217 62,350 20,769
Debit Cards – ATM 5,664 5,868 6,746 2,71,015 2,77,557 2,15,114 Shares/bonds?
Debit Cards - POS 3,404 3,790 999 66,602 67,357 14,899
Decisions in relation to investments, loans, savings, insurance, and
other financial products require information to facilitate them 73 74

Financial Markets: Provision of Information Financial Markets: Provision of Information

A further role of an efficient financial market is to provide sufficient Credit rating agencies play an important role in the provision of
economic and financial information to enable participants to make information on companies, governments and other organizations,
informed investment decisions and the financial instruments that they use
For the markets to be efficient, this information needs to be Credit rating agencies typically publish informed assessments about
available in a timely fashion to all market participants so that all have the financial standing of securities and institutions using a standard
equal opportunity to act on it scale

75 76

Financial Markets: Provision of Information Financial Markets: Provision of Information 77 78


Financial Markets: Provision of Information Financial Markets: Provision of Information

Credit rating agencies in India Criticism of ratings agencies:
• Credit Analysis and Research Ltd (CARE)
• Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd (CRISIL) (S&P) Conflict of interest: Involved in the management of companies they
• ICRA Ltd (formerly Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of are rating and being paid by
India Limited)
Either too slow or reluctant to downgrade organizations
• For example, Enron was rated AAA a week prior to filing for bankruptcy,
despite the ratings agencies being aware of the company’s problems for
several months
Bad loans from flawed assessments of investments by established
ratings agencies was a major cause of the global financial crisis

79 80

Financial Markets: Transfer and Management of Risk Financial Markets: Dealing with Incentive Problems
Provide means for the transfer and management of risk Provide ways of dealing with the incentive problems that arise in
financial contracting
Risk relates to uncertainty and the chance of an unexpected
outcome being achieved The financial system also has a role in mitigating incentive issues that
arise in financial contracts
A key role of the financial system is to allow for financial risk to be
managed and/or transferred to other parties Information asymmetry
Systems to manage the risks they are exposed to including insurance Moral hazard
products, securitization (packaging up like assets and selling them on
Agency problems
to a third party) and derivative products

81 82

Financial Markets: Dealing with Incentive Problems Financial Markets: Dealing with Incentive Problems
Information asymmetry occurs when the contracting parties do not Adverse selection: A market process where a less than optimal
have equal access to relevant information and therefore one party is outcome is achieved due to parties having asymmetric information
at an advantage
For example, a prospective borrower is likely to know more about his
ability to repay, and intended use of the borrowed funds, than the
Outcome: Bank, when presented with a choice between funding
several loans, does not select the best loan as they do not have all
the relevant information available to them

⇒ Adverse selection
83 84


Financial Markets: Dealing with Incentive Problems Financial Markets: Dealing with Incentive Problems
Moral hazard: Risk that one party to a contract can change their The principal-agent relationship is created when there is a
behavior to the detriment of the other party once a contract has separation between ownership (the principal) and control (the
been concluded agent) of an asset
• For example, shareholders of a company (principals) employ managers
For example, risk that once an asset is insured, the covered party (agents) to act on their behalf
may not be as careful to protect the asset as they otherwise would
be Problems arise when the interests of the principals and agents are
not aligned
Managers may want to maximize their chances of employment
elsewhere and to improve their yearly bonus

85 86

Financial Markets: Dealing with Incentive Problems Direct and Indirect Financing
The financial system manages agency problems through various The purpose of the financial system is to transfer funds from SSUs to
devices that align the interest of principals and agents DSUs as efficiently as possible
For example, The job of bringing DSUs and SSUs together can be done by direct
financing or by indirect financing (financial intermediation)
The goal is to bring the parties together at the least possible cost and
with the least inconvenience
Compensation Contracts
Sally and other depositers → Banks → Cafe

87 88

Direct and Indirect Financing Direct Financing

An efficient financial system is important because it ensures In direct financing, DSUs and SSUs exchange money and financial
adequate capital formation for economic growth claims directly
So if the system works properly, firms with the most promising
investment opportunities will receive funding, and those with
inferior opportunities will not receive funding
Similarly, consumers who are willing and able to pay the current
market rate of interest can purchase cars, homes etc on credit,
having them now rather than waiting until they have the money

89 90


Direct Financing Direct Financing

Private Placements
Direct Financing The simplest method of transferring funds between SSUs and DSUs
is a private placement
Suppliers of funds (SSUs) Demanders of funds (DSUs)
• Households Funds Financial Markets Funds
• Households A corporation (DSU), sells an entire security issue to a single
• Businesses • Businesses institutional investor or small group of investors
• Governments • Governments
Funds The advantage of a private placement is the speed with which funds
can be committed and the low transaction cost of bringing the
securities to market
Intermediaries An investment bank usually assists corporates in private placements
and charges a fee for helping to design and place the securities
91 92

Direct Financing Direct Financing

Investment Banks Brokers and Dealers
Another direct method of bringing financial claims to market is with Brokers and dealers aid in the process of bringing buyers and sellers
the services of an investment banker, who helps DSUs market newly together
created financial claims, often called initial public offerings (IPOs)
Brokers execute their clients’ transactions and are compensated for
To do this, the investment bank purchases an entire issue of stocks their services with a commission
or bonds from the DSU at a guaranteed price and then resells the
Dealers ‘make markets’ for securities
securities individually to investors at a higher price, a process known • Carry an inventory of securities
as underwriting • Make profits by selling from their inventory and, on average, sell
securities for a higher price (ask price) than they paid for them (bid price)
• Most dealers also function as brokers

93 94

Indirect Financing – Financial Intermediation Indirect Financing – Financial Intermediation

DSUs must find SSUs that want direct claims with precisely the Sally needs the proceeds from her student loan to pay for tuition and
characteristics they can and will sell books at the beginning of the second semester
For direct financing to take place, the DSU must be willing to issue a She does not want to invest her funds in a 30-year corporate bond
security with a denomination, maturity, and other characteristics because it has a longer maturity than she needs
that match the SSU’s desires exactly
Corporate bond and stocks are risky and Sally may not want to risk
Unless both the SSU and DSU are satisfied simultaneously, the having the price of the bonds/stocks go down, jeopardizing her
transfer of money will not take place ability to pay her second year tuition fees
Term deposit gives Sally a safe place to store her money until she
needs it and at the same time earn interest

95 96


Indirect Financing – Financial Intermediation Indirect Financing – Financial Intermediation

Financial intermediaries transform financial claims in ways that make Financial intermediaries intervene between the borrower (DSU) and
them more attractive to the ultimate investor the ultimate lender (SSU)
Financial intermediaries include commercial banks, life insurance Financial intermediaries purchase direct claims with one set of
companies, pension funds, to name a few characteristics (e.g., term to maturity, denomination) from DSUs and
transform them into indirect claims with a different set of
These and other financial intermediaries emerged because of
characteristics, which they sell to the SSU
inefficiencies found in direct financing • This transformation process is called financial intermediation
• Firms that specialize in intermediation are called financial intermediaries
or financial institutions

97 98

Indirect Financing – Financial Intermediation Benefits of Financial Intermediation

Financial intermediaries operate to make a profit and they buy and Financial intermediaries finance the purchase of these financial
sell specialized financial products to do so claims by selling financial claims on themselves (held as liabilities of
the intermediary), such as cheque accounts, savings accounts, life
In the financial intermediation market, the SSU’s claim is against the
insurance policies, and managed funds to SSUs
financial intermediary rather than the DSU • These financial claims have characteristics that are attractive to SSUs
More specifically, they buy financial claims (held as assets of the To earn profits, financial intermediaries buy financial claims from
intermediary), such as business loans, consumer loans, corporate DSUs whenever the income generated by the financial claim is
bonds, corporate common stock and government bonds, from DSUs expected to cover all of their borrowing and production costs
• These financial claims have characteristics designed to meet the needs of
particular DSUs

99 100

Benefits of Financial Intermediation Benefits of Financial Intermediation

In the Sally example, the local bank charge the café owner 8 percent Financial intermediaries can achieve economies of scale because of
for the business loan, and the bank’s cost of funds for deposits is 4 their specialization
percent • Handle many transactions therefore they are able to spread out their
fixed costs
The bank’s gross interest margin is 4 percent, from which the bank
has to cover its cost of manufacturing the loan, its overhead They can reduce the transaction costs involved in searching for credit
expenses and the risk of not getting paid back (credit risk) information
• A consumer who wishes to lend directly can also search for information,
but usually at a higher cost
Financial intermediaries are often able to produce financial services
at a lower cost than individual consumers

101 102


Benefits of Financial Intermediation Intermediation Services

Competition among financial intermediaries tends to force interest In ‘transforming’ direct financial claims into indirect ones, financial
rates to the lowest level compatible with their cost structures intermediaries perform five basic services:
A high rate of economic growth requires a substantial amount of Denomination divisibility
business expenditure (investment)
Currency transformation
The lower interest rates are, the more willing businesses are to make
Maturity flexibility
expenditures on real investments
Credit risk diversification

103 104

Intermediation Services Intermediation Services

Denomination Divisibility Currency Transformation
Financial intermediaries are able to produce a wide range of Many companies export goods and services to other countries, but
denominations from one rupee to many millions few individuals are willing to finance the overseas activities of these
companies by buying direct financial claims denominated in a
They can do this by pooling the funds of many individuals and
foreign currency
investing them in direct securities of varying sizes
Financial intermediaries help to finance the global expansion of
Of particular importance is their acceptance of deposits from
domestic companies by buying financial claims denominated in one
individuals who typically do not have money balances large enough
currency and selling financial claims denominated in other
to engage in the wholesale transactions found in direct financial

105 106

Intermediation Services Intermediation Services

Maturity Flexibility Credit Risk Diversification
Financial intermediaries are able to create securities with a wide By purchasing a wide variety of securities, financial intermediaries
range of maturities from one day to more than 30 years are able to spread risk
In this way, they are able to buy direct claims issued by DSUs and If the securities purchased are less than perfectly correlated with
issue indirect securities with precisely the maturities desired by SSUs each other, the intermediary is able to reduce the fluctuation in the
principal value of the portfolio

107 108


Intermediation Services Intermediation Services

Liquidity Financial intermediaries tailor the characteristics of the indirect
securities they issue to the desires of SSUs
For most consumers, the timing of revenues and expenses rarely
coincides They engage in one or more distinct types of intermediation:
denomination, currency, risk, maturity, and liquidity intermediation
Because of this, most economic units prefer to hold some assets that
have low transaction costs associated with converting them into They provide these and other services to earn a profit
SSUs and DSUs use financial intermediation services as long as the
Many of the financial commodities produced by intermediaries are cost of doing so is less than providing the services for themselves
highly liquid through the direct credit markets
• For example, a savings account permits consumers to purchase an asset
or repay a debt with minimal transaction cost

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Intermediation Services Financial Market Efficiency

Typically, consumers whose transactions are small in dollar amount How different aspects of financial market affect the efficiency and
(retail transactions) find that the intermediation market is most cost growth of the economy
Allocational, informational, and operational efficiency
Economic units that deal in large amounts (wholesale transactions)
switch back and forth between the two markets, selecting the
market that offers the most favorable interest rate
• For example, many large businesses take out loans from commercial
banks (an intermediation transaction), and also raise money by selling
commercial paper in the direct credit market

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Financial Market Efficiency Financial Market Efficiency

Allocational Efficiency Informational Efficiency
It is a form of economic efficiency that implies that funds will be The ability of investors to obtain accurate information about the
allocated to (i.e., invested in) their highest-valued use relative values of different claims (or securities) is critical
Funds could not have been allocated in any other way that would Informational efficiency is achieved when securities’ prices are the
have made society better off best indicators of relative value because they reflect all relevant
information about the securities
⇒ Business firms invest in projects offering the highest rates of
return and that households invest in direct or indirect financial
claims offering the highest yields for given levels of risk

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Financial Market Efficiency Financial Market Efficiency

Informational Efficiency Informational Efficiency
When new information about a security arrives in an efficient Why is it important that market prices reflect all relevant
market, market prices adjust very quickly information about securities?
• Analysts and investors are gathering information about securities in a
quest for quick profits With accurate price information, investors can determine which
investments are the most valuable – providing the highest expected
Large profits can be earned by identifying overpriced securities return for a given level of risk – and invest accordingly
before the price begins to rise
This informational efficiency ensures that the financial markets are
The actions of analysts and investors ensure that market prices allocationally efficient because households or business firms can get
reflect all information relevant to their values at any time the information they need to make investment decisions

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Financial Market Efficiency Financial Market Efficiency

Operational Efficiency Operational Efficiency
It is achieved in a market when the costs of conducting transactions Firms will be prevented from investing in all the projects that they
are as low as possible want to if transaction costs are high
These transaction costs include broker commissions, bid-ask spreads The forgone investment opportunities mean that fewer people are
and underwriter spreads employed and economic growth slows or declines
Fewer financial transactions will take place and more otherwise Society becomes worse off
valuable investment projects will be passed up if transaction costs
are high

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Summary Summary
Explain the role of the financial system and why it is important to Explain the function of direct and indirect financial markets and the
individuals and to the economy as a whole key services provided by financial intermediaries
• The role of the financial system is to gather money from SSUs and transfer • Two basic ways the transfer of funds takes place in the economy:
it to DSUs in the most efficient manner possible • Direct financing (financial markets): Wholesale market for financial claims in which
• Larger the flow and more efficiently the funds are allocated, greater is the DSUs and SSUs trade financial claims among themselves
• Brokers, dealer, and investment bankers facilitate these transactions
accommodation of individual preferences for current spending and
savings and the ability of businesspeople to invest in their firms • Indirect financing (intermediation markets): financial institutions intermediate, or
stand between, transactions between DSUs and SSUs
• Financial markets have five primary functions:
(1) facilitating the flow of funds
(2) providing the mechanism for the settlement of transactions
(3) generating and disseminating information that assists decision-making
(4) providing means for the transfer and management of risk, and
(5) providing ways of dealing with the incentive problems that arise in financial
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Summary Summary
Financial intermediaries provide five fundamental services: Financial claims of different natures and types are brought and sold
• Denomination divisibility: Producing financial claims of varying dollar in financial markets
• Currency transformation: Buying financial claims denominated in one Financial claims are initially sold on primary markets and then traded
currency and selling financial claims denominated in another in secondary markets
• Maturity flexibility: Creating financial claims with a wide range of
• Credit risk diversification: Diversifying risk more efficiently than individual
SSUs might be able to on their own
• Liquidity: Buying direct financial claims with low liquidity and issuing
indirect financial claims with more liquidity

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