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Scaffolding in Kindergarten Block Activities Based on Constructivism

(Research and Development on Scaffolding Model for Block Activities in

Article · February 2016

DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v5i2.13917


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3 authors, including:

Della Jovanka Siti Aisyah

Open University of Indonesia Universitas Terbuka


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IJECES 5 (2) (2016)

Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood

Education Studies

Scaffolding in Kindergarten Block Activities Based on Constructivism (Research

and Development on Scaffolding Model for Block Activities in Kindergarten)

Della Raymena Jovanka  , Denny Setiawan, Siti Aisyah

DOI 10.15294/ijeces.v5i2.13917

Open University of Indonesia, Tangerang Selatan - Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Received April 2016 Playing block activity aimed at developing child’s physical and motor skills in block
Accepted October 2016 building which come from cognitive skill which is used for thinking how to build
Published November 2016 desired building by placing some blocks horizontally and vertically. In playing block
some other child’s skills will also developed. To maximize cognitive development of
scaffolding, block; kindergar- the children, scaffolding is needed. This activity helping children to broaden view,
ten; constructivism stimulate, and motivate children to play blocks in their best. However, the scaffold-
ing should be in the right content and ways. For this matter, a research and develop-
ment is necessary. The research is preceded by an action reserach which is aimed at
looking for teachers’ best practices in giving scaffolding to children before, when,
and after playing block. An outstanding kindergarten in South Tangerang, Banten
Province, had been taken for the place of doing the classroom action research. As
the result, the researchers together with the teachers had succesfully formulated the
best way to give scaffolding to children that is by telling them a story about the
building they are going to build and it is completed by giving them pictures or pho-
tos, or movies about the kind of building. However, too many angles of the building
showing by the film, will make the children confuse and will reducing their quality
of buildings. The last step was to tried-out this founding to another kindergarten in
Bandung, West Java, and the teachers in that school were satisfied with the result..

How to cite
Jovanka, D., Setiawan, D., & Aisyah, S. (2016). Scaffolding in Kindergarten Block
Activities Based on Constructivism (Research and Development on Scaffolding
Model for Block Activities in Kindergarten). Indonesian Journal Of Early Child-
hood Education Studies, 5(2), 81-87. doi:10.15294/ijeces.v5i2.13917

© 2016 Semarang State University

Corresponding author: p-ISSN 2252-8415
Open University of Indonesia, Tangerang Selatan - Indonesia e-ISSN 2476-9584
Della Raymena Jovanka, dkk / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (2) (2016)

Introduction ally in playing block, teachers can do many ways

to make physic-motoric and cognitive of children
Playing block is one of kindergarten activi- optimally developed. For example, by giving
ties which are favorite for children. Block is con- scaffolding verbally like telling a story about buil-
sidered as the most useful and preferred playing dings, giving some examples of buildings through
tools in kindergarten or other preschool institu- some pictures, demonstrating how to build a buil-
tions (Benish, 1978, Kinsmans G Berk, 1979 in ding, and so on. Scaffolding like this is based
Montolalu, et al, 2013). This activity aimed at de- on belief in Piaget theory about how children
veloping child’s physical and motor skills in block construct knowledge and it is known as construc-
building which come from cognitive skill which is tivism theory which belive that knowledge is not
used for thinking how to build desired building by just a copy of something from circumstances but
placing some blocks horizontally and vertically. it is more construct thinking actively by making
In developing child’s physical and motor skills, connection between one object with another (Pi-
eye-hand coordination of the child also develo- aget in Foreman and Kachner, 1993).
ped. Meanwhile, in developing cognitive skills, To uncover what kind of scaffolding can be
the child will have a skill in thinking about shapes effectively created by a teacher in block activities,
and spaces and have imagination about building a research is needed which aims at developing
he/she can build with available blocks. Playing scaffolding model for block activities.
block invites joyful and happiness to children as
they are free to move and thinking about what Block Building Activities
kind of building they will build. If children play Block building activities have a goal to lead
block together, their socio-emotional skills will self control and self arrangement, planning and
also developed through playing together that coordination some rules for pre-school children
pursue solidarity among them. If they are play- and providing fasilities that can show symbolic
ing while talking about what they are doing, then thinking and concrete manipulation (Y.N. Sujio-
their language skills will also developed. Anot- no, ar al, 2013). By playing block children blend
her skill that also developed during playing block a plan that is through describe the plan what
is the ability to build blocks becomes a beautiful they are going to build. Then they discuss how
building. to build a building by blending their plan and fi-
There are so many benefits for children in nally execute the result of the discussion about
playing blocks; hence almost all kindergartens the building. In addition, playing block encou-
use this activity as a favorite development skill rages children to learn together in a stucture. By
for children. However, an effective playing block playing together children learn how to manage
should have enough preparation by a teacher in- their mates, themselves, and discuss their ideas.
cluding what skills will be developed during the The abillity to think symbolicly in playing block
playing, how to achieve the skills, and what are can be seen when they discuss a plan and “blue
the criteria that the skills have been accomplis- print” what they are going to do. Meanwhile, the
hed. This planning should be written in a lesson ability to arrange a pattern can be seen from the
plan completed by teaching scenario in which way they structure some different block shapes to
contains step by step teaching and learning. By be come a structured pattern. (Y.N. Sujiono, dkk,
writing this teaching scenario, the teacher will be 2013)
able to tell the children their learning goal and
aims. Furthermore, the teacher will also be able Development Aspects in Playing Block
to explain what learning steps should they do to Some child’s development aspects can be
achieve the aims and what are the indicators that developed by playing block, like physic-motoric,
the aims have been accomplished. Meanwhile, cognitive, social and emotion.
the teacher can predict what kind of handicaps
the children will find in achieving the learning go- Scaffolding
als and how to give assistances to them. The term ‘scaffolding’ comes from the
The effort of teachers to make a lesson works of Wood, Bruner and Ross (1976). The
plan, essensially is to help children experience term ‘scaffolding’ was developed as a metaphor
learning process sucessfully. This effort is called to describe the type of assistance offered by a
scaffolding (Jame MacKenzie, 2000 in Heather teacher or peer to support learning. The teacher
Coffey, 2014). Scaffolding can be conducted by only attempts to help the student with tasks that
teachers in anykind of activities in order to help are just beyond his current capability. Student er-
children solve their problems in learning. Especi- rors are expected, but, with teacher feedback and

Della Raymena Jovanka, dkk / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (2) (2016)

prompting, the student is able to achieve the task More students are asked to respond to the
or goal. When the student takes responsibility for questions each time it is repeated.
or masters the task, the teacher begins the process Correction is provided as needed but rein-
of “fading”, or the gradual removal of the scaffol- forced positively.
ding, which allows the student to work indepen- When understanding appears to be achie-
dently (Mary Firestone, http://education-portal. ved, students join her in solving a new problem.
com/academy/lesson/scaffolding-in-education- Understanding is checked as they solve it.
definition-theory-examples.html). If more instruction is needed, more modeling is
“Scaffolding is actually a bridge used to provided.
build upon what students already know to arrive If students then demonstrate knowledge,
at something they do not know. If scaffolding is she  fades (steps away) and allows students to
properly administered, it will act as an enabler, work independently, offering support as needed.
not as a disabler” (Benson, 1997). (Mary Firestone,
In the field of education, the term scaffol- academy/lesson/scaffolding-in-education-defini-
ding refers to a process in which teachers model tion-theory-examples.html)
or demonstrate the problem-solving process,
and then step back and offer support as needed. Constructivism Theory
Psychologist and instructional designer Jerome Constructivism theory also has a compre-
Bruner first used the term ‹scaffolding› back in the hension about learning that emphasize the pro-
1960s. (Mary Firestone, http://education-portal. cess of learning rather than the result. Learning
com/academy/lesson/scaffolding-in-education- achievement as a goal of learning is importance,
definition-theory-examples.html). Besides, scaf- but the process that involves learning method and
folding reffers to some instructional techniques strategy is also importance.
for moving children progresively to a better strong In the process of learning, learning achie-
comprehention and independence in learning. In vement, method and strategy influence thinking
addition, scaffolding often be used to bridge lear- structure and scheme of someone.
ning discrapancies, for example the discrapancy As an attempt to have knowledge,
between what the children have learned and what children “construct” or build their own know-
should they learn and what they have to be able to ledge about phenomena they found with their
do in the limit of their study time. For instance, if experiences, cognitive structure, and self effica-
the children are not in the reading level of being cy (Dahar,1989). Therefore, learning according
able to comprehend vocabularies, the teacher to Constructivism is not just remembering but
may use scaffolding to improve their reading level more to construct knowledge through experi-
until they can achieve what is hoped they can do ences. Knowledge is not a “gift” from someone
without assistances from others. Hence, we can else likes teacher, but the result of a construction
say that scaffolding can reduce negative emotion process from individual. Knowledge that comes
the students can have when they begin to confuse, from a “gift” will not be meaningful. However,
frustated, intimidated, or when their spirit in the knowledge that come from construction process
decline because they attempted to do a difficult will have a deepen place in memory and will be
task without any helps, guides, or understanding remembered longer.
they need (The Glossary of Education Reform,
2014). Method

Common Process of Scaffolding This research employed Research and De-

Firstly, a teacher begins teaching at the le- velopment with following steps: (Figure 1. Steps
vel at which students understand, and then she of Research and Development)
builds on that understanding. She then presents Research and Development is a process or
the problem and thinks aloud as she goes about steps to develop a product or to make a product
solving it. In the process, she shows how it’s done more perfect. In the process, the research uses the
by combining actions, images and language. She following method:
then does the following: 1. Descriptive (collecting data about the
She repeats this process two more times, existing condition))
asking questions of the students along the way. 2. Evaluative (evaluating the experiment
Each answer, right or wrong, receives a process of product development)
positive response from her, to encourage partici- 3. Experiment (testing the effectiveness of
pation. the final product)

Della Raymena Jovanka, dkk / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (2) (2016)

Figure 1. Steps of Research and Development

In detail, the steps are as follow: and they are willing to be the research subjects.
1. Collecting information Samples are 30 % of the teachers and 30 % of
The measurement of needs, that is to iden- principles. Samples were chosen randomly. For
tify some kinds of scaffolding used by the teacher this limited experiment, the samples are some
more often in playing block activities. teachers and students (from one class) in a cho-
Literature Study, collecting and studying sen kindergarten based on the result of the iden-
literatures about scaffolding and constructivism tification. The criteria for choosing the kinder-
2. Prototype development, developing a garten are those which have tools and materials
more specific prototype of scaffolding model for appropriate for the developing model, teachers
encouraging block activities. who are able and willing to be samples in this ex-
3. Scaffolding model development, develo- periment, and permition from the parents of the
ping scaffolding model for block activities: students. For the broader experiment, the samp-
Identifying learning difficulties in building les will be some teachers and students from three
block, classes in three kindergartens which are chosen
Developing scaffolding for playing block based on the criteria.
activities on the basis of constructivism theory.
Identifying kindergarten will be used for Time of the Research
experimenting the prototype of scaffolding mo- This research was conducted since Ap-
del. ril until Nopember 2015. Survey was chosen as
Training the teachers how to use the scaf- the technique to collect data by using close and
folding model prototype. open questionnaire. Beside, interview to the te-
Conducting limited experiment for app- achers was also used to deepen understanding
lying the scaffolding model prototype in identi- about the collected data. To make the data more
fied kindergarten. valid, documentation study was also conducted
Analysing the result of the limited scaffol- by looking at the teachers’ teaching preparati-
ding model prototype experiment. on. The data from questionnaire were analyzed
Revising the scaffolding model prototype. quantitatively then were described naratively by
Identifying kindergartens will be used for collaborating with the data from interview and
broader experiment of scaffolding model, documentation study.
Conducting experiment about the revised
scaffolding model in 1 to 3 kindergartens. Results and Discussion
4. Assessment:
a. Field experiment at a kindergarten in For the first data collection that is in or-
Bandung der to create scaffolding model appropriate for
b. Observation, interview, questionnaire. children in block activities, the activity to collect
data followed the steps: The data about how the
Population and Sample teachers conducted block activiities was collected
Population is the kindergarten teachers by questionnaire which were delivered to 20 te-
and students in Bandung. The reason to choose achers from some kindergartens who are studying
Bandung as the target research is that because in the same Study Group of PAUD-UT (Early
Bandung has some high quality kindergartens Childhood Education of the Indonesian Open

Della Raymena Jovanka, dkk / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (2) (2016)

University) students in Serpong area. From the II. Pelaksanaan

returned questionnaire, some names were taken a. Telling the children the theme of play-
and were phoned for interview. This activities are ing block
for deepen understanding abaout their answes in b. Deviding children in some groups
the questionnaire. To confirm their answers with c. Delivering blocks to every group
what they did in ctheir class their teaching plans d. Giving scaffolding by teling a story or
were analyzed. showing pictures or showing a film about buil-
dings and its’ circumstances.
The data from interview e. Asking students to arrange block in
In interview with a teacher, the researcher their own group based on the theme
asked why the teacher tell a story about building f. Giving guidances to the children who
and it’s circumstances. The teacher answered have difficulties or do not have a good imaginati-
that she meant to bring the children to imagine a on in playing block
building and it’s parts. Moreover, whrn was as- g. Giving motivation to children to work
ked why the teachers didn’t use visual media like, in their best.
picture, film, and so on. She answered that she III. Closing
has no idea about that. Actually she know that a. Evaluating child development in play-
children’s thinking is still concrete, but she hasn’t ing blocks
realised the value of the visual media to children’s b. Asking the children what they like and
learning. don’t like in playing block
Moreover, the researcher posed a question c. Asking the children to tidy up the
how if there is a child who are confuse and have blocks (put the blocks back to its’ place)
no idea at all and he/she just sitdown looking at 1. The prototype of the first generation
his/her friends, what will the teacher do ? The was used by two research assistant teachers in
teacher said that she will give an example directly classroom action research in order to make the
how to build a building by piling up some blocks. teachers feel the advantages and disadvantages of
Furthernore, the child will be asked to continue the scaffolding model. In the classroom action re-
build the building until the end of the time. search the teachers also performed the way they
usually use scaffolding to see the differences bet-
Documentation Data ween both ways in effectivity. The classroom ac-
In a daily lesson plan made by the intervie- tion research was observed by the researcher and
wed teacher, the researcher found block activities the results were discussed with the two teachers
written in the main activities colomn but the te- to improve the scaffolding model prototype. The
acher didn’t write the theme of the block activi- classroom action research was conducted in three
ties. Therefore, we can assume that the theme of cycles as follow :
block activities followed the theme of the daily Cycle I:
lesson plan. Name of Kindergarten : TK Ananda
From the data we can see the general pat- Group :B
tern of block activities that is usually done by te- Amount of student : 15 children
achers including giving scaffolding. Based on the (from middle to upper class)
general pattern, the teachers asked their students Amount of teacher : 1 person (has
to play block. The researcher and the teachers dis- education background S1)
cussed and tried to find the best scaffolding mo- Learning Activities:
del for playing block. The discussion sucessfully Firstly, the teacher prepared a playing
borned the first generation of scaffolding model, block area by placing some carpets in her class.
as follows: Then she asked the children to sit down in a half
First Design Of Scaffolding Model For circle around her.
Playing Block The teacher explained that now they will
I. Preparation play blocks with My School as the theme, so the
a. Preparing location for playing block children will make a school building. After that,
b. Preparing blocks will be used by showing some school building pictures, the te-
c. Determine theme for playing block acher told some details of a school building like
d. Choosing stories, pictures, and audio- the shape, it’s parts, the function of each part,
visual for scaffolding and so on. Then, the teacher asked the children
e. Preparing children’s readiness to play to make some groups and began to take blocks
block. from its’ rack. In short time, the children start

Della Raymena Jovanka, dkk / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (2) (2016)

to play blocks. Firstly, the children chose some After watching the film, she asked the children
blocks and began to arrange the blocks. Although to begin to play blocks in groups. The children
they did some trial and error, but the building was began to choose blocks for their own group. Their
ready quickly. They also worked together very ideas seem like water flow as it happens in the first
well in their own group. In this activity there was cycle. The children seem like didn’t need time to
no child who has difficulties or looked confuse. think in arranging the blocks to be a building, like
From the final result of the building they made, putting blocks in parallel, placing one block over
the teacher assumed that the creativity of the another, and so on. In a group, communication
children improved. The shapes of the building among them was very rare. However, every child
became more complex and have higher art value. had contribution to the building they made. After
all, children finished with their work, the teacher
Reflection: looked at and asked a question as well as gave a
Telling a story as scaffolding completed comment on what the children had done. To the
by school building pictures, actually can impro- researcher the teacher said that the building the
ve child’s imagination so their creativity arise. children made today was as good as the building
The building they made was more complex with they made in the first activity.
higher art value. They made a building quickly Reflection:
like they have pattern of the building in their Telling a story as a scaffolding completed
mind. by a film about school building, in fact can impro-
ve children’ imagination as well as their creativity.
The building as the result of this activity as good
as the building they build in first cycle when the
children were given a story completed by still pic-
tures as a scaffolding. In the second cycle, maybe
when the children watch the 3 D film where they
can see some building from many directions, they
confused and didn’t know the real shapes of the
Experiment Planning:
The second scaffolding model prototype
Figure 1. Telling story as scaffolding finally was formulated, that was by telling a sto-
ry, making conversation, doing ask and answer
Improvement Plan: questions, and watching film on the basis of the
To improve the quality of the results of theme. After that, to see the effectiveness of theis
playing block activity, the researcher and the te- prototype, a limited experiment need to be con-
acher had a plan to replace the pictures with 3D ducted. If this limited experiment was successful,
film that shows many kinds of school buildings then a broader experiment can be conducted.
but the scenes in the film are not in continuity The result of this experiment was formula-
(more like a slide program). ted as the second scaffolding generation.
Cycle II: The second scaffolding model (revised mo-
Name of Kindergarten : TK Ananda del) was experimented in another kindergarten.
Group :B This experiment was to make sure the effectivity
Amount of student : 15 children of the model if it was used by other kindergarten
(from middle to upper class) teachers. If disadvantages still remain, then the
Amount of teacher : 1 person (has model will be revised. The chosen kindergarten
educational background S1) was TK Pembina, Jl Sadang Serang, Bandung.
This kindergarten was a discussion leader in its
Learning Activities: group which exist in one area in Bandung. In
After preparing playing block area, the this kindergarten, group B was chosen with 10
teacher asked the children to sit in a half cycle children studying in this group. The procedure of
around her. Then, she gave scaffolding by telling scaffolding in that experiment was as follow:
the theme of playing block for today that was The teacher tells the theme of playing
school building. After that, by using a computer block for today
she played a film about school building, but this The teacher begins question and answer
time the scenes are in continuity like a cinema. activity with children about the theme in order to
She asked children to pay attention to the film. dig the children’ knowledge and experience.

Della Raymena Jovanka, dkk / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (2) (2016)

The teacher tells a story about the theme tivities in kindergarten including playing blocks.
(for exam: in theme My School the teacher tells Scaffolding is needed to help children learn or
the shape of the school building, parts of the buil- think before and during completing their work in
ding, interior of the building, facilities that usual- an activity.
ly exist in that building, and so on). This activi- 2. On the basis of Piaget theory about
ty aims at stimulating children’ memories about constructivism, in playing blocks scaffolding aims
school building they ever seen before. at giving children broader pictures about various
The teacher shows pictures of some school shapes and parts from some buildings. Therefore,
building. This activity aims to awaken the child’s the children will have broader imagination and
imagination about the various forms of school ideas to make a building as they like,
buildings in order to develop their imagination 3. The most effective technique in giving
freely, scaffolding at block activities:
If it is possible the teacher plays a video Telling the children a story about buildings
about the real school buildings. This activity aims they are going to make on the basis of the the-
at strengthen and broaden children’ imagination me, including various shapes and parts of the
and motivate them to build buildings like what buildings; Showing the children pictures/films
they have ever seen. about buildings, but avoid showing them a film
The teacher explains how to build a buil- in which a building can be seen from many direc-
ding correctly (not easy to fall). That is by placing tions because it will make the children confuse;
correct shape and size of the blocks (the smaller Asking and answering with the children about the
block is placed over the bigger one). buildings; Asking children work in groups; Hel-
The teacher asked the children begin to ping children who have difficulties by stimulating
play blocks by building school building based on their imagination; Evaluating the children’s work
their imagination. If the children are asked to and telling them their advantages and disadvanta-
work in a group, their social-emotional will also ges in playing blocks.
During playing blocks, if there is a child References
who have difficulties, the teacher doesn’t give
example directly by demonstrating how to build, Benson, B. (1997). Scaffolding (Coming to Terms).
but just shows the child some pictures and mo- English Journal, 86(7), 126-127.
tivates the child to make her/his own building Dahar Ratna Wilis, (1989). Teori-Teori Belajar. Jakarta:
P2LPTK Dirjen Dikti. Dekdikbud.
inspired by the pictures.
Jamie MacKenzie. (2000). in Heather Coffey, 2014,
If the children have finished with their lp/pages/5074)
works, then the teacher asks them what building Larkin, M. (2002). Using scaffolded instruction to optimize
they have made and what parts of the building learning. Arlington, VA: ERIC Clearinghouse on
include. Finally, the teacher gives positive com- Disabilities and Gifted Education. (Retrieved Sep-
ment about their works and give some suggestion tember 25, 2007 from ERIC at EBSCOhost,
to make the building better. ERIC No. ED. 474 301).
The teacher makes note about children’ de- Mary Firestone,
velopment in playing blocks by writing descripti- emy/lesson/scaffolding-in-education-defini-
vely their creativities and their abilities in making
Montolalu, B.E.F., at al, (2014), Bermain dan Permainan
buildings. Anak. Tangerang: Universitas Terbuka
The teacher does a closing by asking the Sujiono, Y.N., at al, (2014). Metode Pengembangan Kog-
children what part of the playing blocks activity nitif, Tangerang: Universitas Terbuka
they like more and what building they want to The Glossary of Education Reform, 2014
make if they play blocks in another time. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Conclusion Wood, D., Bruner, J.S., & Ross, G. (1976). The role
of tutoring in problem solving. Journal of Psy-
chology and Psychiatry. 17.http://wiare.blogspot.
From this research and development, we
com/2013/02/teori-belajar konstruktivisme.
can conclude some important things as follow: html
1. Scaffolding is needed in kindergarten ac-


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