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Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with

step change in applied pressure in membrane filtration
Eiji Iritani ⇑, Nobuyuki Katagiri, Genki Inagaki
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In order to well elucidate the true nature of filter cake formed in membrane filtration of aqueous colloids,
Received 31 August 2016 the transient flux decline behaviors accompanied with step-up and step-down changes in the applied fil-
Received in revised form 26 September tration pressure during the course of constant pressure filtration were investigated by carrying out both
microfiltration experiments of kaolin slurry and ultrafiltration experiments of nanosilica sol under vari-
Accepted 25 November 2016
Available online xxxx
ous experimental conditions. When the applied pressure was increased stepwise, for each colloid the plot
of the reciprocal filtration rate vs. the filtrate volume per unit membrane area referred to as the Ruth plot
tends to approach a linear relationship obtained in constant pressure filtration conducted under the
Membrane filtration
increased pressure condition from the beginning of filtration, after a transient period when the preformed
Filter cake cake under the initial pressure was compressed. In contrast, in the case of the step-down change in the
Irreversibility applied pressure, when the volume of the preformed cake is adequate, the plot after a transient period
Compressive pressure tends to approach a higher straight line parallel to a linear relationship for constant pressure filtration
Expansion conducted under the decreased pressure condition from the beginning. Such flux decay behaviors were
well described by the expression having two constants: one is the constant representing the final filter-
ability for the preformed filter cake, and the other is the rate constant describing the change rate in the
structure of preformed cake resulting from a pressure jump. Moreover, the influence of experimental
conditions on the cake reversibility and the rate constant was revealed both for kaolin slurry and for
nanosilica sol.
Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The expansion properties of filter cake are of significance in the

practical applications such as the rebound of water content of cake
Membrane filtration of aqueous colloids has a broad variety of at the time of pressure release seen in the cake discharge [20] and
applications in widely diversified fields ranging from industry to variable pressure filtration in which the applied pressure varies
environmental protection. One of the critical issues obstructing rapidly with time, in addition to the basic understanding of cake
more widely spread use of membrane filtration may be a signifi- properties. However, the expansion properties of filter cake have
cant flux decline occurring with the progress of filtration, arising been less examined compared to the work on the compression
from the membrane fouling. Especially, when a highly compress- behaviors [21,22], with the exception of the studies on the expan-
ible filter cake forms on the membrane surface during filtration, sion behaviors of compressed cakes produced by expression oper-
the increase in the applied filtration pressure does not necessarily ation [23,24]. Okamura and Shirato [25] investigated the temporal
lead to a noticeable increase in the overall performance of mem- variation of the filtration rate in stepwise pressure filtration of
brane filtration [1]. Therefore, an understanding of properties of fil- slurry for ignition plug and Gairome clay when the applied filtra-
ter cake such as the cake compressibility is of paramount tion pressure stepwise increased or decreased during the course
significance to controlling filtration behaviors. Until now, the prop- of cake filtration operation conducted under a constant pressure
erties of compressible filter cakes have been evaluated by a num- condition. As a result, they found that the constant pressure filtra-
ber of researchers through pressure filtration tests [2–9], tion coefficient defined by Ruth [26,27] after the pressure increase
compression-permeability (C-P) cell tests [10–14], and centrifuga- was closely accorded with that in constant pressure filtration con-
tion tests [15–19], etc. ducted at the increased pressure from the beginning of filtration,
but that the coefficient after pressure decrease was in disagree-
⇑ Corresponding author. ment with that in constant pressure filtration conducted at the
E-mail address: (E. Iritani). decreased pressure from the beginning. Subsequently, Shirato
1383-5866/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),
2 E. Iritani et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx


ds mean specific surface area size of particles (m) Greek letters

K Ruth coefficient of constant pressure filtration (m2/s) aav average specific cake resistance (m/kg)
Ke value of K corresponding to cake structure finally a1 empirical constant in Eq. (1) (m/kg)
exhibiting under later pressure for filer cake preformed b empirical constant in Eq. (2) ()
at initial pressure (m2/s) Dpc pressure drop across filter cake (Pa)
m ratio of mass of wet to mass of dry cake () eav average cake porosity ()
n empirical constant in Eq. (1) () e1 empirical constant in Eq. (2) ()
p applied filtration pressure (Pa) g rate constant in Eq. (7) (s1)
pa empirical constant in Eqs. (1) and (2) (Pa) h filtration time (s)
Rc resistance of filter cake (m1) ht filtration time when filtration pressure changes (s)
Rt total filtration resistance to filtrate flow (m1) l viscosity of filtrate (Pa s)
s mass fraction of particles in colloid () q density of filtrate (kg/m3)
t elapsed filtration time after pressure change (s) qs true density of particles (kg/m3)
v cumulative filtrate volume per unit effective membrane
area (m3/m2) Subscripts
vt cumulative filtrate volume per unit effective membrane 1 initial stage
area when filtration pressure changes (m3/m2) 2 later stage

et al. [28] obtained a similar result for dead-end ultrafiltration of and nanosilica particles shown in the table were calculated from
nanosilica sol. Reihanian et al. [29] examined the flux decline the particle size distributions measured by a laser diffraction par-
behaviors when the filtrate flow was interrupted due to filtration ticle size analyzer (SALD-2200, Shimadzu Corp.) and a dynamic
cell depressurization during the course of filtration in ultrafiltra- light scattering (DLS) photometer (DLS-8000, Otsuka Electronics),
tion of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. respectively. The true density of particles was measured by a pyc-
The focus of the present study is to delineate the transient flux nometer. The average specific cake resistance aav and the average
decline behaviors in dead-end membrane filtration under step-up cake porosity eav are, respectively, related to the pressure drop
pressure and step-down pressure conditions, in order to obtain Dpc across the filter cake as [9,30]
an in-depth understanding of the nature of filter cake formed on  n
the membrane surface in membrane filtration of colloids. Mem- aav ¼ a1 1 þ ð1Þ
brane filtration experiments are performed in the dead-end mode pa
using kaolin slurry and nanosilica sol forming compressible filter  
cakes. The empirical filtration rate equation is proposed in this Dp b
1  eav ¼ ð1  e1 Þ 1 þ c ð2Þ
paper, and two adjustable fitting parameters in the equation are pa
examined by carrying out the membrane filtration experiments
where a1, pa, n, e1, and b are the empirical constants. The values of
under various experimental conditions.
these constants were determined with reference to dead-end mem-
brane filtration methods outlined elsewhere [9,31] and listed in the
2. Materials and methods table. It is found that the filter cakes of both kaolin and nanosilica
sol exhibit compressible behaviors.
2.1. Materials The membranes employed are mixed cellulose ester microfiltra-
tion membranes (Advantec Toyo Corp.) with a nominal pore diam-
The materials used in the experiments were kaolin (Sigma- eter of 0.1 lm for microfiltration of kaolin slurry and regenerated
Aldrich) and nanosilica sol (ST-XS in Snowtex (ST)-series, Nissan cellulose ultrafiltration membranes (Millipore) with a nominal
Chemical Industries). Test colloids were prepared by dispersing molecular weight cutoff of 10 kDa for ultrafiltration of nanosilica
preweighed quantities of the powder or solution in ultrapure, sol. The complete rejection of colloidal particles was assured
deionized water (resistivity of at least 18 MX cm) produced by throughout the course of membrane filtration with the use of these
purifying tap water through ultrapure water systems equipped membranes.
both with Elix-UV20 and with Milli-Q Advantage (Bio-POD) for lab-
oratory use (Millipore). The particle concentration by weight frac- 2.2. Experimental apparatus and technique
tion was prepared at 0.15 and 0.30 for kaolin slurry and at 0.03 for
nanosilica sol. The concentration of kaolin slurry was set to much Membrane filtration experiments were conducted in the dead-
higher values than that of nanosilica sol in order to avoid precipi- end mode by using unstirred batch filtration cells with effective
tation of kaolin particles. Table 1 lists the mean specific surface membrane areas of 19.40 and 24.61 cm2 for microfiltration and
area size ds and true density qs of colloidal particles, and the prop- ultrafiltration, respectively. The filtration cells were fabricated in
erties of filter cake. The mean specific surface area sizes of kaolin our laboratory. In the filtration cell for microfiltration experiments,

Table 1
Properties of test colloids.

Material ds (lm) qs (g/cm3) a1 (m/kg) pa (kPa) n (–) e1 (–) b (–)

Kaolin 3.09 2.60 7.57  1011 28.4 0.753 0.772 0.231
Nanosilica sol 0.0048 2.27 2.07  1014 15.9 0.629 0.977 0.524

Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),
E. Iritani et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

a little ingenuity for a perforated plate supporting the microfiltra- x103

tion membrane was used so as to reduce the resistance to the fil- 4
trate flow through the very thin membrane. The membrane Kaolin Step-up pressure
filtration experiments were performed by adjusting the applied fil- s = 0.15 p1 = 49 kPa, p2 = 490 kPa
tration pressure automatically using by a computer-driven elec- vt = 1.45 cm
vt = 2.69 cm
tronic pressure regulator with the application of compressed
vt = 4.76 cm
nitrogen gas. The step-up and step-down pressure filtration exper-

d /dv (s/cm)
iments were carried out under initial constant pressure condition
followed by a step change in the applied filtration pressure and 2
then continued under the changed constant pressure condition.
The filtrate was accumulated in a reservoir placed on an elec-
tronic balance (Shimadzu Corp.) connected to a personal computer 1
to collect and record filtrate mass vs. filtration time data during a Constant pressure
p = 49 kPa
filtration run. The weights were converted to volumes with the p = 490 kPa
vt vt vt
use of density correlations to obtain the temporal variation of the
cumulative filtrate volume per unit effective membrane area and 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
thus the dependence of the reciprocal filtration rate on the filtrate v (cm)
volume per unit membrane area. For comparison, the conventional
constant pressure membrane filtration experiments in which the
applied filtration pressure remained constant throughout the x103
course of filtration were also conducted. Step-down pressure (b)
p1 = 490 kPa, p2 = 49 kPa
12 vt = 0.65 cm
vt = 1.43 cm
3. Results and discussion vt = 2.59 cm
vt = 4.27 cm

d /dv (s/cm)
3.1. Transient flux decline behaviors in microfiltration of kaolin slurry Cal.
Fig. 1 illustrates the flux decline behaviors represented as the Constant pressure
form of reciprocal filtration rate (dh/dv) against the filtrate volume
6 p = 49 kPa
p = 490 kPa
v per unit effective membrane area referred to as the Ruth plot 4
[26,27] in dead-end filtration of kaolin slurry accompanied with s = 0.15
a step change in the applied filtration pressure at a specified filtrate vt
2 vt
volume vt per unit effective membrane area in the filtration pro- vt vt
cess. Fig. 1(a) and (b) corresponds to transient filtration behaviors
in step-up and step-down changes in the applied pressure, respec- 0 2 4 6 8 10
tively. Also included is the plot for the conventional constant pres- v (cm)
sure filtration conducted under each constant pressure condition
throughout the course of filtration. The plot of dh/dv vs. v for con- Fig. 1. Relation between reciprocal filtration rate and filtrate volume per unit
effective membrane area in dead-end microfiltration of kaolin slurry: (a) step-up
stant pressure filtration shows a linear relationship with a slope pressure filtration, (b) step-down pressure filtration.
corresponding to each filtration pressure of 49 and 490 kPa in
accordance with the Ruth filtration rate equation on the assump-
tion of a negligible membrane resistance compared to the cake
rate (dh/dv) declines from 3.96  103 to 4.0  102 s/cm instanta-
resistance, as represented by [26,27]
neously in response to the increase in the applied pressure. The
dh 2 ratio of the reciprocal filtration rate immediately after the pressure
¼ v ð3Þ
dv K jump to that immediately before the jump is exactly the same as
the ratio of the initial pressure to the later pressure, i.e., 0.10. This
where K is the Ruth coefficient of constant pressure filtration suggests that the filtration rate changes immediately after the
defined by pressure jump only due to the contribution of the increase in the
lqsaav driving force since the structure of preformed cake does not change
K¼ ð4Þ immediately. However, dh/dv increases readily, thereafter the
2pð1  msÞ
increase in dh/dv becomes gradual, and finally the plot is in almost
where l is the viscosity of filtrate, q is the density of filtrate, s is the agreement with a linear relationship obtained in constant pressure
mass fraction of particles in colloid, p is the applied filtration pres- filtration conducted at the pressure of 490 kPa from the beginning
sure, and m is the average ratio of the mass of wet to the mass of dry of filtration. This fact indicates that the filter cake formed at the
cake related to the average cake porosity eav as pressure of 49 kPa is compressed under the pressure of 490 kPa
qeav as well as the cake growth after the pressure jump because the fil-
m¼1þ ð5Þ ter cake comprised of kaolin particles exhibits a compressible
qs ð1  eav Þ
behavior. Consequently, the final cake structure in this step-up
The slope of the straight line decreases as the filtration pressure pressure filtration appears nearly identical to that in constant pres-
increases. sure filtration conducted at the increased pressure from the
In step-up pressure filtration, the applied pressure is suddenly beginning.
increased from 49 to 490 kPa at the filtration times ht of 15, 45, However, in step-down pressure filtration in which the applied
and 140 min corresponding to vt of 1.45, 2.69, and 4.76 cm, respec- pressure decreases stepwise during the course of constant pressure
tively, as shown in Fig. 1(a). For instance, when the applied pres- filtration, the flux decline behaviors are quite different from those
sure increases stepwise from the initial pressure of 49 kPa to the seen in step-up pressure filtration. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the results
later pressure of 490 kPa at vt of 4.76 cm, the reciprocal filtration for step-down pressure filtration in which the applied pressure is

Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),
4 E. Iritani et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

suddenly decreased from 490 to 49 kPa inversely with the condi- x1012
tion shown in Fig. 1(a) at ht of 1, 5, 15, and 40 min corresponding 1.0
to vt of 0.65, 1.43, 2.59, and 4.27 cm, respectively. For example, Step-up pressure
p1 = 49 kPa, p2 = 490 kPa
at the moment the applied pressure decreases stepwise from vt = 1.45 cm
490 kPa to 49 kPa at vt of 4.27 cm, dh/dv readily increases from vt = 2.69 cm Constant pressure
1.17  103 to 1.17  104 s/cm. In this case, the value of the recipro- vt = 4.76 cm p = 49 kPa
Cal. p = 490 kPa
cal filtration rate immediately after the pressure jump divided by 0.6

Rt (cm-1)
that immediately before the jump is exactly equal to the ratio
of the initial pressure to the later pressure, i.e., 10.0. Thereafter,
dh/dv slightly increases with the progress of filtration. In sharp 0.4
contrast to the behaviors appeared in step-up pressure filtration,
the relation between dh/dv and v is in disagreement with a linear
relationship obtained in constant pressure filtration carried out Kaolin
at the pressure of 49 kPa. The value of dh/dv is much larger than vt vt s = 0.15
that in constant pressure filtration at the same value of v and even- 0
tually tends to increase with v parallel to the straight line for con- 0 2 4 6 8 10
stant pressure filtration at 49 kPa. This result clearly indicates that v (cm)
the cake structure formed in step-down pressure filtration in
which the pressure was reduced from 490 to 49 kPa is considerably 1.0
different from that obtained in constant pressure filtration at the Step-down pressure (b)
p1 = 490 kPa, p2 = 49 kPa Kaolin
pressure of 49 kPa. The filter cake preformed at the pressure of vt = 0.65 cm s = 0.15
490 kPa in step-down pressure filtration swells and expands due 0.8 vt = 1.43 cm
to the substantial decrease in the solid compressive pressure vt = 2.59 cm
vt = 4.27 cm
caused by the sudden decrease in the filtration pressure because Cal.

Rt (cm-1)
the filter cake exhibits a compressible behavior. However, it should
be stressed that the structure of the filter cake is not fully reversi-
ble for the dramatic decrease in the filtration pressure, in sharp 0.4
contrast to the case of the dramatic increase in the filtration
The reciprocal filtration rate (dh/dv) shown in Fig. 1 is influ- 0.2 Constant pressure
enced not only by the filter cake resistance controlled by the cake p = 49 kPa
vt vt
properties such as the specific cake resistance and cake porosity vt p = 490 kPa
but also by the applied filtration pressure p as the driving force 0 2 4 6 8 10
in filtration, as expressed by the Darcy’s law in the form [32]: v (cm)
dh lRt
¼ ð6Þ Fig. 2. Relation between total filtration resistance and filtrate volume per unit
dv p membrane area in dead-end microfiltration of kaolin slurry: (a) step-up pressure
filtration, (b) step-down pressure filtration.
where Rt is the total filtration resistance. In the case of negligible
membrane resistance assumed in this study, the resistance Rt
equals the resistance Rc of filter cake. As a result, the temporal where t is the elapsed filtration time after a pressure change, K1 and
behaviors of cake resistance can be evaluated by replotting the rela- K2 are the Ruth coefficients of constant pressure filtration at the
tion between Rt and v from the data shown in Fig. 1 based on Eq. (6). pressures of p1 and p2 defined as Eq. (4), respectively. The constant
In the conversion from dh/dv to Rt, p1 and p2 before and after a pres- Ke denotes K-value corresponding to the cake structure finally
sure jump, respectively, are utilized as the value of p in Eq. (6). In exhibiting under the later pressure p2 for the filter cake preformed
Fig. 2, the total filtration resistance Rt is plotted against v based at the initial pressure p1 and is a measure of the irreversibility of fil-
on the data shown in Fig. 1. In this figure, the properties of filter ter cake when the pressure change occurs. The constant g is the rate
cake may be most obvious. In step-up pressure filtration shown in constant describing the change rate in the structure of the pre-
Fig. 2(a), the resistance Rt just after a pressure increase very rapidly formed cake from the state at the initial pressure p1 to that at the
increases and tends to approach a straight line for constant pressure later pressure p2. Therefore, the first, second, and third terms in
filtration of 490 kPa, whereas in step-down pressure filtration seen Eq. (7) represent the contribution to dh/dv corresponding to the
in Fig. 2(b), the resistance Rt begins departing from the linear rela- temporal variation of the resistance of filter cake preformed at the
tionship for constant pressure filtration of 490 kPa, but Rt remains initial pressure, the contribution to dh/dv corresponding to the final
high compared to a linear relationship for constant pressure filtra- resistance of filter cake preformed at the initial pressure, the contri-
tion of 49 kPa, indicating the irreversibility of structure of filter cake bution to dh/dv corresponding to the resistance of filter cake depos-
observed in the sudden decrease in the applied pressure. ited after the pressure change, respectively. It is interesting to note
that Eq. (7) is applicable both to step-up pressure filtration and to
3.2. Description of transient flux decline behaviors step-down pressure filtration. When vt equals zero, Eq. (7) reduces
to the conventional constant pressure filtration rate Eq. (3). The
Based on the above-mentioned transient flux decline behaviors coefficient Ke is equal to K2 for the compressible cake with the prop-
in step-up and step-down pressure filtration of kaolin slurry, the erties reversible for a pressure change. Moreover, when the
relation between dh/dv and v after a pressure jump may be empir- response to a jump in the applied pressure is instantaneous, i.e.,
ically described by g = 1, Eq. (7) reduces to
dh dt p1 2 2 2 2 dh 2
¼ ¼   expðgtÞv t þ v t þ ðv  v t Þ ð7Þ ¼ v ð8Þ
dv dv p2 K 1 K e Ke K2 dv K 2

Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),
E. Iritani et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

The variations with time t of v can be obtained by solving the against the product of the mass fraction s of particles in slurry
ordinary differential Eq. (7) using the Runge-Kutta-Gill scheme and vt. The results for s of 0.30 are also included in the figure, in
under the initial condition of v = vt at t = 0. As a result, the relation addition to the values calculated from the results shown in Fig. 1.
between dt/dv (= dh/dv) and v can be also obtained. The two con- It is shown that the structure of filter cake in step-up pressure filtra-
stants Ke and g are determined by fitting the numerical calcula- tion is perfectly reversible in a pressure jump, as shown in Fig. 3(a).
tions of Eq. (7) to the experimental flux decline data shown in In contrast, in step-down pressure filtration, the cake reversibility
Fig. 1. The solid curves in Fig. 1 are the calculations based on becomes lower with increasing svt. The cake reversibility decreases
Eq. (7) and in reasonably agreement with the plots for both step- as low as 7.2% at svt of 0.92. It should be stressed that the plots show
up and step-down pressure filtration operations. In a similar a similar tendency irrespective of the difference of the slurry con-
way, the solid curves shown in Fig. 2 are calculated by combining centration s when plotted in this manner. It is concluded that the
Eq. (6) with Eq. (7) and well describes the experimental data. cake reversibility of the preformed cake decreases with increasing
Based on Eq. (7), the reversibility of the preformed filter cake cake thickness since the cake thickness may vary linearly with svt.
resulting from a sudden change in the applied filtration pressure As can be seen in the semi-logarithmic plots in Fig. 3(b), the rate
may be more rigorously evaluated by constant g decreases with increasing svt, indicating slower expan-
p1 sion/compression of the preformed cake due to the additional cake
Reversibility ½% ¼
p2 K 1
 100 ð9Þ formation. Also in this case, the change in g is represented by func-
tions of svt. The figure clearly indicates that the rate constant g for
p2 K 1
step-up pressure filtration is much higher than that for step-down
The cake reversibility defined by the above equation represents the pressure filtration, implying that the structure of filter cake changes
ratio of the ultimate variation of the resistance of the preformed more promptly in step-up pressure filtration. This result is greatly
cake due to a pressure jump to that of the resistance in the reversi- similar to that reported previously for compression and expansion
ble cake in which the cake structure corresponding to the later pres- behaviors of a granular bed comprised of superabsorbent hydrogels
sure is attained ultimately. Fig. 3 illustrates the plots of the cake [24].
reversibility defined by Eq. (9) and the rate constant g in Eq. (7)
3.3. Effect of diminution in pressure on expansion of cake

In order to examine the effect of diminution in the applied pres-
sure on the expansion behaviors of the preformed filter cake after
the pressure decrease, the resistance Rt is plotted in Fig. 4 against v
80 for step-down pressure filtration in which the pressure changes
from 490 to 294 kPa and from 490 to 98 kPa. In step-down pres-
sure filtration in which the diminution rate is insignificant, the plot
Reversibility (%)

60 after a pressure decrease accords closely with that of constant

pressure filtration conducted at the later pressure from the begin-
ning of a run. In contrast, in step-down pressure filtration accom-
40 Kaolin
s = 0.15, s = 0.30 panied with a significant pressure decrease from 490 to 98 kPa, the
Step-up , plot after a pressure decrease is in disagreement with that of con-
p1 = 49 kPa
p2 = 490 kPa stant pressure filtration conducted at the pressure of 98 kPa up to
Step-down , the end of test conducted in this study. The solid curves are the cal-
p1 = 490 kPa
p2 = 49 kPa culations and then the values of Ke and g can be determined. Fig. 5
0 plots the cake reversibility and the rate constant g in step-down
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 pressure filtration against the pressure ratio (p1/p2) defined as
svt (cm) the ratio of the initial pressure p1 to the later pressure p2. As can
be seen in Fig. 5(a), the semi-logarithmic plot of the reversibility
Kaolin (b)
s = 0.15, s = 0.30
10 Step-up , x1012
p1 = 49 kPa 1.0
p2 = 490 kPa Step-down pressure
Step-down , p1 = 490 kPa
p1 = 490 kPa
10 -2
p2 = 49 kPa 0.8 p2 = 98 kPa
p2 = 294 kPa
Constant pressure

Rt (cm-1)

10-3 p = 98 kPa
p = 294 kPa
p = 490 kPa

-5 vt s = 0.15
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0
svt (cm) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
v (cm)
Fig. 3. Dependence of parameters in Eq. (7) on product of mass fraction of particles
in slurry and filtrate volume per unit membrane area when filtration pressure Fig. 4. Relation between total filtration resistance and filtrate volume per unit
changes stepwise in dead-end microfiltration of kaolin slurry: (a) cake reversibility, membrane area in dead-end microfiltration of kaolin slurry in which pressure
(b) rate constant. changes from 490 to 294 kPa and from 490 to 98 kPa.

Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),
6 E. Iritani et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

100 x105
(a) 1.2
Nanosilica sol Step-up pressure
80 s = 0.03 p1 = 49 kPa, p2 = 490 kPa
1.0 vt = 0.84 cm
vt = 1.40 cm
Reversibility (%)

vt = 1.78 cm
60 0.8 vt = 2.26 cm

dθ/dv (s/cm)
s = 0.15 0.4
20 vt = 2.56 2.86 cm
Step-down pressure Constant pressure
p1 = 490 kPa 0.2 p = 49 kPa
0 0 p = 490 kPa
vt vt vt vt
10 101 102
p1/p2 ( ) 0 1 2 3 4 5
v (cm)
Step-down pressure (b)
p = 490 kPa, p2 = 49 kPa
3 1 v = 0.82 cm
vt = 1.42 cm
vt = 2.16 cm
vt = 2.60 cm

dθ/dv (s/cm)
vt = 3.58 cm
10-4 2 Cal.

Nanosilica sol
s = 0.03 Constant pressure
s = 0.15 p = 49 kPa
vt = 2.56 2.86 cm 1 p = 490 kPa
Step-down pressure
p1 = 490 kPa vt
10-5 0
10 10 1
10 2 vt vt vt
p1/p2 ( ) 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 5. Dependence of parameters in Eq. (7) on pressure ratio defined as ratio of
v (cm)
initial pressure to later pressure: (a) cake reversibility, (b) rate constant.
Fig. 6. Relation between reciprocal filtration rate and filtrate volume per unit
membrane area in dead-end ultrafiltration of nanosilica sol: (a) step-up pressure
filtration, (b) step-down pressure filtration.
vs. the pressure ratio (p1/p2) can be approximated by a straight line
with a negative slope, indicating that a larger pressure decrease
leads to a more severe irreversibility of the cake structure. The log- svt can be represented by a unique curve irrespective of step-up or
arithmic plots shown in Fig. 5(b) indicates that the rate constant g step-down pressure ultrafiltration. The difference in the behaviors
decreases with increasing pressure ratio (p1/p2) and that the rate of of cake reversibility and creeping action between kaolin slurry and
decrease becomes less noticeable as the ratio (p1/p2) increases. silica sol may depend largely on the difference in the rheological
properties of the filter cake, which are closely related to the net-
3.4. Transient flux decline behaviors in ultrafiltration of silica sol worked structure of the compressed cake [20,33]. More detailed
study using a variety of slurries which exhibit different rheological
The flux decline behaviors of step-up and step-down pressure behaviors may provide additional insights into the mechanisms
ultrafiltration of nanosilica sol are shown in the form of dh/dv vs. which govern the dynamic response of filtration behaviors accom-
v in Fig. 6(a) and (b), respectively. The solid curves are the calcula- panied with the step change in the pressure. The dependence of fil-
tions based on Eq. (7) and describe well the experimental data. tration behaviors on the rheological properties of the compressed
Also in nanosilica sol, the flux decline behaviors are similar to cake is the subject of an ongoing investigation.
those for microfiltration of kaolin slurry. It is more clear from
Fig. 6(b) that the plots after a pressure decrease from 490 to 4. Conclusions
49 kPa show the straight lines with the same slope as that of a
straight line obtained in constant pressure filtration. Fig. 7 shows The dynamic response of filtration rate to stepwise changes in
the plots of the cake reversibility and the rate constant g vs. svt the applied filtration pressure during the course of filtration were
in step-up and step-down pressure ultrafiltration of nanosilica investigated for microfiltration of kaolin slurry and ultrafiltration
sol. In step-down pressure filtration, the filter cake exhibits a com- of nanosilica sol. When the pressure was increased stepwise, the
plete reversibility at the values of svt smaller than about 0.05, as structure of the filter cake formed under the initial pressure tended
seen in Fig. 7(a). As the value of svt further increases, the cake irre- to approach that of the cake formed in filtration conducted under
versibility resulting from the step-down pressure becomes more the later pressure from the beginning of filtration. However, in
marked. However, the degree of the cake irreversibility is insignif- the many cases of step-down pressure conditions, the compressed
icant compared to the case of kaolin slurry. It is found from Fig. 7 cake formed under the initial high pressure was not completely
(b) that the rate constant g substantially decreases with increasing expanded to the state corresponding to the later low pressure.
svt. It is interesting to note that the semi-logarithmic plots of g vs. The filtration rate equation with two constants describing the final

Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),
E. Iritani et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: E. Iritani et al., Compression and expansion properties of filter cake accompanied with step change in applied pressure in
membrane filtration, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2016),

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