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Course Section: CHFS-3022-B01

Course Title: Counseling Children & Adolescents 4 cr.

Course. Reference No: 11192
Instructor: Scavone, Linnaea M
Term: 2022SP
Schedule Type: Online
Meeting Information: ONLINE
Course Attributes: Liberal

In this study students will explore the various theories, models, and treatment approaches for working with children and
adolescents who are in need of counseling. Students will learn techniques that helping professionals use for assessment,
engagement, and intervention. An important part of this study is examining counseling children and adolescents in
various social and cultural contexts. This course aligns with the Community and Human Services area of study
guidelines for Knowledge of Human Behavior, Skills, and Application and Integration. Course previously CHS-253414

1. The student will be able to explain the different theoretical approaches and techniques of counseling children and
2. The student will be able to analyze the strategies and challenges of building a helping relationship with children and
3. The student will be able to apply child and adolescent counseling skills to case studies.

Course length is 8 weeks.

It is expected that you will demonstrate achievement or progress towards competence of the following college learning goals
at the conclusion of this course: active learning, breadth and depth of knowledge in the field of study, social responsibility,
communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving.


Discussions: In each module, there will be one or more class discussions on the main topics of that module. You will be
expected to develop a main response to each question, based on the criteria and prompts provided, as well as to reply to the
main responses of at least two other students. It will be necessary to support all of the points you make with evidence and
details from the assigned readings and other scholarly sources, citing appropriately.

Written Assignments: This course includes three written assignments, along with one final written assignment. In each of
these, you will be expected to address all aspects of the prompt given in the assignment instructions, supporting your
responses with adequate information from the assigned readings and other scholarly sources, citing appropriately.

Required Materials

•Cottone-Cook, C.P., Cane, L.S. & Anderson, L.M. (2019) The elements of counseling children and adolescents (2nd ed).
Springer Publishing Company. 

•Boyd Webb, N. (2015). Play therapy with children and adolescents in crisis. Guildford.

•Additional journal articles will supplement the text.

For edition and ISBN information, see the materials list available via the Empire State College Bookstore.

To be successful, you should plan to actively participate in all parts of the course. For a 4 credit course, you should be
spending approximately 150 hours worth of learning in which 50 hours will typically be spent receiving direct instruction from
your instructor, the other 100 hours should be spent on reading, engaging in learning activities and assessments.

D. Methods and Criteria for Evaluation

Your grade will be determined by the following category weights:

5% Lessons

35% Discussions

60% Written Assignments

The numerical average will determine your final course letter grade:

93 - 100 = A

90 - 92 = A-

86 - 89 = B+
83 - 85 = B

80 - 82 = B-

76 - 79 = C+

73 - 75 = C

70 - 72 = C-

66 - 69 = D+

63 - 65 = D

60 - 62 = D-

59 and under = F

E. Plan for Formative Assessment

I typically return all coursework within 7-10 days from the date it is submitted. You will receive a numerical grade, which
reflects the extent to which you have met the activity requirements. You will also receive formative feedback and suggestions
for improvement going forward. Please be sure to read all feedback given, and incorporate it into subsequent activities.

Disability Services and Accommodations

If you have been injured, have a medical condition or a diagnosed disability, you may be eligible for accommodations in this course. To request
accommodations, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services via email at or by phone at (800)
847-3000 extension 2244. Accessibility Resources and Services will inform your instructor(s) of your need for accommodations once your request
has been processed and approved. For more information, please visit the website at (09/25/17)

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