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Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty.


11/13/17 — EH 405 ..................................................................1 insufficient—as is the case with hearsay evidence—then the
11/15/17 — EH 406 ..................................................................2 dismissal was illegal.
11/16/17 — EH 402 ..................................................................4
14. What right does the employee have to his job?
11/17/17 — EH 405 ..................................................................7
11/17/17 — EH 404 ..................................................................8 Security of tenure.
11/22/17 — EH 406 ..................................................................9 15. How can you summarize Art. 4, if you include the instances
11/22/17 — EH 404 ...............................................................13 we’ve discussed?
11/23/17 — EH 402 ...............................................................13 (State Art. 4.) This rule extends to agreements in writings, and
11/24/17 — EH 404 ...............................................................15 evidence presented by the employer against the employee.
11/27/17 — EH 405 ...............................................................18
12/1/2017 — EH 405 .............................................................18 16. Who has the authority to PROMULGATE RULES AND
REGULATIONS implementing the Labor Code?
12/1/2017 — EH 404 .............................................................19
The Department of Labor and Employment, specifically the
Secretary of DOLE.
17. How do you describe this power to promulgate IRR?
11/13/17 — EH 405 It is DOLE’s quasi-legislative power, also known as its rule-
making power.
By Marla
18. What are the three branches of government?
2 hours – 2 students Executive, legislative and judiciary.
NOTE: OPEN QUESTIONS are those which can be answered 19. What branch does DOLE belong to?
differently. Executive.

1. What are the three fields of Labor Law? 20. Does DOLE possess legislative power?
The three fields of Labor Law are Labor Standards Law, Labor No.
Relations Law, and Social Legislation 21. What branch of government may LEGISLATE and enact
2. What is Labor Relations?
The Legislative branch; in particular, the two houses of
It refers to the comprehensive study of all aspects of
employer-employee relationship, including the fundamental
right of workers in the private sector, to security of tenure, 22. In case of conflict between Labor Laws and IRR, which will
self-organization… (READ THE 1ST PARAGRAPH FROM THE prevail?
GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION IN THE PROSPECTUS) The Labor Code will prevail. If a rule or regulation changes
the content or meaning of the law, it is void.
3. Where can you find Labor Relations Law?
In the Labor Code. 23. Does the Secretary of Labor INTERPRET the law?
No, it merely IMPLEMENTS the law.
4. The Labor Code is PD…?
PD 442. 24. Who interprets the law?
The courts.
5. When did it take effect?
November 1, 1974. 25. Why are IRR subordinate to Labor Laws?
There are two reasons for this.
6. How do you distinguish Labor Relations Law from Labor
Standards Law? First, the Secretary of DOLE merely has a delegated power to
Labor Standards Law governs the terms and conditions of legislate, coming from the law itself. His power is dependent
employment. It involves minimum wages, hours of work, or on the Labor Code.
occupational health and safety hazards. Labor Relations Law Second, the Secretary of DOLE cannot amend, revise,
covers all aspects of the employer-employee relationship. It abrogate or expand the law. His power is circumscribed by
includes topics such as security of tenure, right to self- the law itself.
organization, right to engage in peaceful and concerted Atty: Labor relations law is easier than Labor standards
activities. because there is less content to study. However, it is more
7. OPEN QUESTION: Can you give an example of a Labor difficult in terms of principles of law. They are mostly found in
Standards provision? your textbook and jurisprudence. This is why I gave in
Payment of wages in legal tender. advance the list of cases. You won’t find concepts such as
probationary employee in the Labor Code.
8. Do we have a rule on the interpretation or implementation
of Labor Laws? 26. OPEN QUESTION: Give an example of a conflict between
IRR and Labor Laws?
Yes. Under the Art. 4 of the Labor Code, all doubts in the
implementation and interpretation of the provisions of this Policy Instruction No. 54-88 erroneously interpreted that
Code, including its implementing rules and regulations, shall health employees who complete 40-hours/5-day workweeks
be resolved in favor of labor. ought to be paid a “full weekly wage for 7 days”. This
expanded Art. 83 of the Labor Code, which said that health
9. Why are doubts resolved in favor of labor? employees who work for the sixth day ought to receive an
Employees and employers do not stand on equal footing. additional 30% on top of their regular pay. Thus, the
The former are economically dependent on the latter. Supreme Court declared this Policy Instruction void. (San
Juan de Dios Hospital case)
10. What constitutional provision underscores Art. 4 of the
Labor Code? 27. Does the Policy Instruction benefit the health workers?
Art. XIII, Sec. 3. Protection of Labor. Yes.
11. OPEN QUESTION: What is an instance where we can apply 28. Yet, why did the Supreme Court disagree with the Policy
Art. 4? Instruction?
Atty: None that we have come across so far. The Supreme Court disagreed because the Policy Instruction
12. Can Art. 4 be extended to other instances? was in conflict with the Labor Code.
For example, may it be applied to a CBA or an employment Atty: Read Perez v. NLRC, which is an en banc case. Under the
contract? Yes. The relationship between capital and labor are Labor Code, in case of dismissal, the employee is entitled to
not merely contractual. It is impressed with public interest. ample opportunity to be heard. In this case, the IRR said that
Thus, the rule on construction provided for in Art. 4 of the the employer is mandatorily required to 1) send a notice to
Labor Code is not limited to the Labor Code and IRR. It explain, 2) HOLD A FORMAL HEARING OR CONFERENCE,
extends to agreements and writings, such as a CBA or an and 3) send a notice of decision. The Supreme Court held
employment contract. the IRR to be void because all the Labor Code required was
13. Are there other instances when Art. 4 may be extended? an opportunity.
For example, in the case of evidence, may you accuse an Atty: Read Sonza v ABSCBN. DOLE Sec. issued a Policy
employee of theft based on hearsay information? Art. 4 may Instruction, categorizing employees in the broadcast
be applied. The employer has the burden to prove that the industry as program employees and non-program
employee was terminated for just cause. If the evidence is employees. The Supreme Court did not read anything about

Compiled by: Sandee

Transcribed by: 405 — Marla, 406 — Roseanne&Margil, 
 “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much."
407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Pa ge 1 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

program/non-program in the Labor Code. Thus, the It is a comprehensive and broad power. It must always be
classification of the DOLE Sec. has no basis and was set exercised within the scope of his authority.
18. Whenever SOLE issues an IRR, what is the binding effect of
Atty: The moral of the story: Do not automatically believe the this IRR?
Secretary of DOLE. Sometimes, they make rules which go The rules and regulations has the force and effect of a law, as
beyond what the law provides. When you become an long as the IRR is within his authority.
attorney, you can challenge the constitutionality of the IRR. 19. What kind of power does he exercise?
This is just a trial Q&A. We will end early and continue with He exercises quasi-legislative power or rule making power
the first 3 Topics. when he makes IRRs.
-END AT 7:48 PM- 20. Example of conflict between IRR and LC
Case See San Juan de jos case where the policy instruction
11/15/17 — EH 406 was struck down by the Court. The policy instruction was
issued beyond his authority and expanded the law. Void.
By Rosanne and Margil
*next student*
3 HOURS — 4 students called
21. SOLE issued an explanatory bulletin stating that if a
*first student* teacher does an overload work in excess of teaching load
(8 hrs), the overtime pay should be included to the 13th
1. Is labor relations same with labor standards? money pay as part of basic pay. Valid?
NO Labor law explanatory bulletin is in excess of the 13th month
2. Is there a marked distinction between the two? pay law. There is now conflict between the explanatory
bulletin and law. The law will prevail.
Labor relations involves the comprehensive study of all
aspects of the relations between management and labor, 22. Opinion of SOLE advisory in nature?
especially with respect to the maintenance of agreements, The SOLE may provide his opinion on how to interpret the
collective bargaining, Labor standards refers to the law. But the opinion (explanatory bulletin), as a mere bulletin,
minimum terms, conditions and benefits of employment is merely an opinion and advisory. No binding effect
prescribed by law relating to minimum wage, hours of work, according to SC. The SOLE, in rendering the opinion is
OSHS, and other standards of employment. merely exercising his administrative power.
3. What is common between the 2? 23. Who has the power to interpret laws?
Common in both fields involve the relationship of the er-ee The court is the final arbiter to interpret the law.
4. What is the third field of labor law? 24. Does SOLE have quasi judicial powers?
Social and welfare legislation is the other field of labor law. Yes
5. IN What law can we find LR law? 25. Does decision of SOLE become binding? Why?
You can find the labor relations law in PD 442 The decisions of administrative bodies do not form parts of
6. That took effect when? the land. Only court decisions. See NCC art 8.
Nov. 1, 1974 26. Is there an exception?
7. Do we have a statutory provision on the rule in interpreting If the decision of the SOLE is affirmed to the Court, then it
the LC? forms part of the law because it now becomes a judicial
Article 4 of the Labor Code provides the interpretation for decision and is now within the scope of Art 8 of the NCC.
the provisions of the labor code in case where there is doubt 27. Does the IRR need to be published?
in the interpretation and implementation of the law. The IRRs need to be published before it takes effect because
8. Labor in LC refers to whom? of Article 2 of the NCC. Publication is indispensable.
The article refers to the working man/working class 28. If not published, is it valid? Is it enforceable?
9. Was the statute deliberately designed that way? Why? If not published, it is still valid because it was issued within
Because labor and capital do not stand on equal footing, and the scope of the power of the SOLE, however, it is
employers are economically dependent on their employees, unenforceable and cannot take effect. Non-publication does
there is social and economic imbalance between labor and not affect the validity of the law, only its enforceability and
capital. So, we need to tilt the scale of justice to the working effectivity. Tanada v Tuvera case.
men. 29. Does the LC provide any provision about publication?
10. Does that have a constitutional basis? The labor code requires publication of the IRRs by the DOLE
This is underscored on the constitutional provision on as provided in article 5 of the LC.
“protection to labor clause”. Put header in your digests (mr. juan dela cruz labor relations
11. Does it violate any consti provision? school year 2016-2017)
It doesn’t violate the equal protection clause because of the
30. Classification of employees?
imbalance. It is labor that is protected by the Constitution.
Also…. Social legislation. For purposes of labor relations law, employees are classified
as managerial, supervisory, and rank and file.
12. Are these labor laws same with the IRR?
31. The test in determining presence of EE-ER relationship?
Which of the 4 is the most controlling? One of the tests to
13. In case of conflict, what shall prevail? determine ee-er relationship is the four fold test.
In case there is a conflict between the LC and IRR, the LC will (Enumerate). The power to control or control test is most
prevail because the power to issue rules and regulations controlling among the four.
merely emanates from the law itself. It could not be higher 32. Who exercises selection & engagement?
than the source.
The power to select is exercised by the employer. It is a
14. What happens if SOLE acts beyond his jurisdiction? management prerogative subject to limitations (non-
The SOLE must only act within the scope of his authority. He discrimination, etc etc)
cannot amend the law. The SC will nullify his issuances. 33. Who fixes the wages?
15. Can Labor arbiter nullify an IRR? Employer
The LA cannot nullify an IRR. Courts only. 34. Is it absolute?
16. Who in the DOLE has the power to promulgate IRR? NO
The SOLE is given the power to promulgate rules and 35. How much is the current Minimum wage?
regulations implementing the labor code (labor standards
and labor relations). 366
36. How much does the ER pay the EE as provided in the LC?
17. Is that a comprehensive and broad power?
The employer is required to pay his workers any amount as
long as it is not below the prescribed daily minimum wage.

Compiled by: Sandee

Transcribed by: 405 — Marla, 406 — Roseanne&Margil, 
 “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much."
407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Pa ge 2 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

37. Who between them possesses the power to dismiss? which he is employed and his employment shall continue
The power to dismiss is possessed by the employer. This is while such activity exists.
labor relations in relation to right of the workers to security of 50. Does LC define regular and casual employment? How?
Regular — employee has been engaged to perform activities
38. Is the power to dismiss absolute? which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual
The power to dismiss is not absolute, it subject to the business or trade of the employ
limitations prescribed by law. The law provides specific Casual (IRR definition) — an employee performs job that is
grounds for dismissal. merely incidental to the business of the employer
39. If I’m a foreign investor and I ask for your legal advice, I tell 51. Exceptions to Regular Employment
you that I want to exercise my power to dismiss at will. 1) Project x
Will it be possible?
2) Seasonal
40. What is your legal advice?
There is no such thing as power to dismiss at will. Since the 52. Why considered Project Employee?
Constitution itself affords full protection to labor and the Work is terminated upon completion of task/work/project
workers under the labor code enjoys security of tenure. 53. Does it perform work necessary to trade/business of
41. What does power to control mean? employer?
Control test is one of the four fold test in determining ee-er Yes
relationship. It refers to control on the means and manner by 54. How is Regular Employee Classified?
which the employee performs his job, including the results. 1) By the nature of work (necessary/desirable to trade/
42. What are some badges of control the school exercises over business
me? 2) By length of service
For example, in Atty. JMM’s case, the badges of control of the (those who rendered at least 1 year of service whether
employer (the school) are the load unit, course assignment, continuous or broken)
term and school year, and schedule given and imposed by
the school to him. In those regard, that is indicative of the 55. Read the Security of Tenure provision of the LC
power and exercise of control of the school (employer) in Art. 279. Security of tenure. In cases of regular employment,
the means and manner by which he performs his job. the employer shall not terminate the services of an
Therefore, the relationship between JMM and the school is employee except for a just cause or when authorized by this
that of ee-er. Title. An employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall
This also includes the results of the work. If daghan be entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights
mahagbong sa bar on labor, so wala sya nagtarong sa iyang and other privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive of
trabaho. He can be dismissed. allowances, and to his other benefits or their monetary
equivalent computed from the time his compensation was
43. What is the two-tiered test for determining EE-ER withheld from him up to the time of his actual reinstatement.
The two-tiered test includes the power to control and most 56. Does a casual employee enjoy security of tenure?
important, the economic facts or economic dependence NO
test. 57. Is teaching necessary to USC?
44. When do you apply the two-tiered test? YES
The two tiered test is applied when 58. Does the definition of Art 280 determine the existence of
(1) there is no employment contract and EE-ER relationship?
(2) the person rendering service holds multiple positions. NO
For example if the employee is a corporate secretary, 59. What determines the EE-ER relationship?
member of the board, vice president of a department, etc. 4 fold test
There will now be doubt whether you are an employee or
not. See case of Francisco vs NLRC case. 60. If I work in an insurance company and solicit insurance
money, is there any EE-ER relationship?
45. Badges of employment under the two-tiered test? NO (based on a case)
Some indications of economic dependence is: company
uniform, ID, proof of registration with the SSS, PhilHealth, *next student*
61. In a school, give example of regular employees?
NOTE: Indicative lang ni sya na mga evidence, not conclusive. Teachers
46. SSS membership presupposes what? 62. How about casual employees?
EE-ER relationship Janitors
47. Who are excluded from SSS coverage? 63. When speaking of companies/businesses, how do you
Purely Casual Employees determine that an activity is related to the business/trade
of that company?
*next student* Articles of Corporation of the Business, you can find it at
48. Does the LC provide classification of employees? Securities Exchange Commission
YES 64. If a casual EE becomes a regular EE, does he enjoy security
of tenure?
49. State the article that provides the Kinds of Employee and
Classification of Employment. YES
Art. 280. Regular and casual employment. The provisions of 65. Enjoy security in terms of what?
written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and With respect to the activity in which he is employed and his
regardless of the oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall continue while such activity exists
employment shall be deemed to be regular where the
employee has been engaged to perform activities which are 66. Is it the same with a regular EE?
usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade NO.
of the employer, except where the employment has been 67. Why? Whats the difference?
fixed for a specific project or undertaking the completion or If the employee is a regular employee, his employment is
termination of which has been determined at the time of the indefinite. Also consider his right to retirement. DLI
engagement of the employee or where the work or service FOREVER ANG EMPLOYMENT!!!!
to be performed is seasonal in nature and the employment
is for the duration of the season. Review on retirement: optional employment at 60, needs at
least 5 years of service. If compulsory retirement at 65, no
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not need for minimum number of years of service.
covered by the preceding paragraph: Provided, That any
employee who has rendered at least one year of service, 68. Retirement age of judges?
whether such service is continuous or broken, shall be 70 years old
considered a regular employee with respect to the activity in

Compiled by: Sandee

Transcribed by: 405 — Marla, 406 — Roseanne&Margil, 
 “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much."
407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Pa ge 3 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

69. Is the enumeration of exceptions to regular employment employee was terminated for just cause. If the evidence is
exclusive? If not, what is another type of employment not insufficient—as is the case with hearsay evidence— then the
mentioned under the LC? dismissal was illegal.
The enumeration of the exception to regular employment
under the labor code is not exclusive. Another exception are 17. What right does the employee have to his job?
those employed in a fixed term employment – as penned by The worker has the following rights in general:
the Supreme Court in the case of Brent School vs Zamora. It (1) in relation to labor standards:
is not found in the LC. (a) humane conditions of work,
(b) living wage,
11/16/17 — EH 402 (c) just share in the fruits of production;
(2) in relation to labor relations:
By Ela (a) self-organization,
2 HOURS (b) collective bargaining and negotiations,
(c) peaceful concerted activities including the right to
1. What are the 3 fields of Labor Law? strike in accordance with law,
Labor Standards Law (LSL), Labor Relations Law (LRL) and (d) security of tenure,
Social Legislation (e) participate in policy and decision making processes
2. Is there a marked distinction between LR and LS? affecting their rights and benefits as may be
Labor relations involves the comprehensive study of all provided by law.
aspects of the relations between management and labor, 18. How can you summarize Art. 4, if you include the instances
especially with respect to the maintenance of agreements, we’ve discussed?
collective bargaining. Labor standards refers to the minimum (State Art. 4.) This rule extends to agreements in writings, and
terms, conditions and benefits of employment prescribed by evidence presented by the employer against the employee.
law relating to minimum wage, hours of work, OSHS, and
other standards of employment 19. Who has the authority to PROMULGATE RULES AND
REGULATIONS implementing the Labor Code?
3. What is common between the two? The Department of Labor and Employment, specifically the
It involves the EREE relationship Secretary of DOLE.
4. What is Labor Relations again? 20. How do you describe this power to promulgate IRR?
Refers to the interactions between the employers and It is DOLE’s quasi-legislative power, also known as its rule-
employees or their representatives and the mechanism by making power. It is a comprehensive and broad power. It
which the employment standards are negotiated, adjusted must always be exercised within the scope of his authority.
and enforced
21. What are the three branches of government?
5. Where can you find Labor Relations Law (LRL)? Executive, legislative and judiciary.
Labor Code (LC)
22. What branch does DOLE belong to?
6. The LC is PD…? Executive.
PD 442
23. Does DOLE possess legislative power?
7. When did it take effect? No.
November 1, 1974
24. What branch of government may LEGISLATE and enact
8. Labor in LC refers to who? LABOR LAWS?
Working class or workingmen The Legislative branch; in particular, the two houses of
9. Can you give an example of a Labor Standards provision?
e.g. provisions on the payment of wages in legal tender 25. In case of conflict between Labor Laws and IRR, which will
10. Do we have a rule on the interpretation or implementation The Labor Code will prevail. If a rule or regulation changes
of Labor Laws?
the content or meaning of the law, it is void.
Yes, Article 4, LC. It provides that any doubt in the
interpretation and implementation of the provisions of the 26. Does the Secretary of Labor INTERPRET the law?
LC or its IRR should be resolved in favor of labor No, he merely IMPLEMENTS the law.
11. Why are doubts resolved in favor of labor? 27. Whenever SOLE issues an IRR, what is the binding effect of
The law recognizes that between the employees and the this IRR?
employers, there is unequal footing with regard to economic The rules and regulations has the force and effect of a law, as
dependence. long as the IRR is within his authority.
12. Does this violate the “equal protection” clause in the 28. Are you saying these labor laws are not self-executing?
Constitution? In most labor laws that we have like the LC are not self-
No, because again the law recognizes that labor and capital executing laws. They need the IRR to implement them.
are not on equal footing. Thus, there is justifiable reason to
29. Who interprets the law?
treat them differently.
The courts.
13. What constitutional provision underscores Article 4, LC?
30. Can the Labor Arbiter nullify an IRR?
Article 13, Sec 3 which provides for the protection of labor.
“The state shall afford full protection to labor, local and No, only courts can order the nullification of an IRR. The LA
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full simply exercises quasi-judicial functions. It is the courts that
employment and equality of employment opportunities for are vested with the right to rule on the constitutionality of a
all.” law or IRR.

14. What is an instance where we can apply Article 4? 31. Why are IRR subordinate to Labor Laws?
JMM: none so far There are two reasons for this. First, the Secretary of DOLE
merely has a delegated power to legislate, coming from the
15. Can Article 4 be extended to other instances? For example, law itself. His power is dependent on the Labor Code.
may it be applied to a CBA or an employment contract? Second, the Secretary of DOLE cannot amend, revise,
Yes. The relationship between capital and labor are not abrogate or expand the law. His power is circumscribed by
merely contractual. It is impressed with public interest. Thus, the law itself. JMM: Labor relations law is easier than Labor
the rule on construction provided for in Art. 4 of the Labor standards because there is less content to study. However, it
Code is not limited to the Labor Code and IRR. It extends to is more difficult in terms of principles of law. They are mostly
agreements and writings, such as a CBA or an employment found in your textbook and jurisprudence. This is why I gave
contract. in advance the list of cases. You won’t find concepts such as
16. Are there other instances when Art. 4 may be extended? probationary employee in the Labor Code.
For example, in the case of evidence, may you accuse an 32. OPEN QUESTION: Give an example of a conflict between
employee of theft based on hearsay information? Art. 4 may IRR and Labor Laws?
be applied. The employer has the burden to prove that the

Compiled by: Sandee

Transcribed by: 405 — Marla, 406 — Roseanne&Margil, 
 “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much."
407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Pa ge 4 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

Policy Instruction No. 54-88 erroneously interpreted that The LCC requires publication of the IRRs by the DOLE as
health employees who complete 40-hours/5-day workweeks provided in Article 5 of the LC.
ought to be paid a “full weekly wage for 7 days”. This
42. Classification of employees?
expanded Art. 83 of the Labor Code, which said that health
employees who work for the sixth day ought to receive an For purposes of LRL, employees are classified as managerial,
additional 30% on top of their regular pay. Thus, the supervisory, and rank and file.
Supreme Court declared this Policy Instruction void. (San 43. The test in determining presence of EE-ER relationship?
Juan de Dios Hospital case) Which of the 4 is the most controlling?
One of the tests to determine EE-ER relationship is the Four-
33. Does the Policy Instruction benefit the health workers?
fold test which include
(1) selection and engagement,
34. Yet, why did the Supreme Court disagree with the Policy (2) payment of wages,
The Supreme Court disagreed because the Policy Instruction (3) power to control and
was in conflict with the Labor Code. (4) power to terminate or dismiss.
The power to control or control test is most controlling
JMM: Read Perez v. NLRC (more recent case), which is an en among the four. The control test covers the means, manner
banc case involving administrative cases of the ER-EE. and results of the employee.
Under the Labor Code, in case of dismissal, the employee is
entitled to ample opportunity to be heard in administrative Remember, you cannot find the Four-fold test in the LC. It was
only the SC who provided the four-fold test.
investigation. In this case, the IRR said that the employer is
mandatorily required to 1) send a notice to explain, 2) HOLD 44. Is there a need to apply the four-fold test when both the
A FORMAL HEARING OR CONFERENCE, and 3) send a employer and employee admit that the employee is truly
notice of decision. The Supreme Court held the IRR to be an employee of the employer?
void because all the Labor Code required was an Not anymore. We only apply the four-fold test when the
opportunity. An employee therefore cannot demand as a existence of the relationship is in dispute. When it is already
matter of right a hearing. All that is accorded to him is an clear that there exists an ER-EE relationship, there is no need
ample opportunity to be heard only. anymore to apply this test.

Also, read Sonza v ABSCBN. DOLE Sec. issued a Policy 45. Which of the four of the elements have we discussed
Instruction, categorizing employees in the broadcast extensively in LS?
industry as program employees and nonprogram Selection and engagement (e.g. Who is the ER and EE? etc),
employees. The Supreme Court did not read anything about payment of wages (e.g. RTWPB, NWPC, Wage Orders,
program/non-program in the Labor Code. Thus, the Exemptions of Minimum wage) and power to control (e.g.
classification of the DOLE Sec. has no basis and was set labor contracting and subcontracting). Now, in Labor
aside. Relations, we will take up Power to Dismiss and discuss
aspects of power to control.
See Letran Calamba Faculty case, teachers in the private NOTE: In the case digest compilation now, we have to
institution, SOLE said that those teachers who render provide a header.
overtime work, the compensation of such should be
considered as part of its basic pay. Consequentially, it will be 46. Who exercises selection & engagement?
computed as part of their 13th month pay. SC said that this The power to select is exercised by the employer. It is a
explanatory bulletin expanded the law regarding 13th management prerogative subject to limitations
month pay since the law itself only refers to the basic salary (nondiscrimination, etc.)
which does not include allowances, premium pay and 47. Who fixes the wages?
overtime pay, unless they are considered an integral part of Employer
their salary.
48. Is it absolute?
The moral of the story: Do not automatically believe the No, it is subject to compliance with the minimum wage
Secretary of DOLE. Sometimes, they make rules which go
beyond what the law provides. When you become an 49. How much is the current Minimum wage?
attorney, you can challenge the constitutionality of the IRR. Php 366

35. Opinion of SOLE advisory in nature? 50. How much does the ER pay the EE as provided in the LC?
The SOLE may provide his opinion on how to interpret the The employer is required to pay his workers any amount as
law. But the opinion (explanatory bulletin), as a mere bulletin, long as it is not below the prescribed daily minimum wage.
is merely an opinion and advisory. No binding effect 51. Who between them possesses the power to dismiss?
according to SC. The SOLE, in rendering the opinion is The power to dismiss is possessed by the employer. This is
merely exercising his administrative power. The SOLE labor relations in relation to right of the workers to security of
opinion regarding a labor law or IRR is merely advisory, it tenure.
does not have the force and effect of a law. The final arbiter
on the interpretation of a law belongs to the court. 52. Is the power to dismiss absolute?
No, the power to dismiss is not absolute, it is subject to the
36. Does SOLE have quasi judicial powers? limitations prescribed by law. The law provides specific
Yes grounds for dismissal.
37. Does decision of SOLE become binding? Why? 53. If I’m a foreign investor and I ask for your legal advice, I tell
The decisions of administrative bodies do not form part of you that I want to exercise my power to dismiss at will.
the laws of the land. Only Supreme Court decisions applying Will it be possible?
and interpreting laws shall form part of the legal system of There is no such thing as power to dismiss at will. It is always
the Philippines. See NCC Art 8. subject to limitations, otherwise, the workers will be at the
mercy of the capital. The Constitution itself affords full
38. Is there an exception? protection to labor and the workers under the labor code
If the decision of the SOLE is affirmed to the Court, then it enjoys security of tenure.
forms part of the law because it now becomes a judicial
decision and is now within the scope of Art 8 of the NCC. 54. What does power to control mean?
Control test is one of the four-fold test in determining ER-EE
39. Does the IRR need to be published? relationship. It refers to right to control, either exercised or
The IRRs need to be published before it takes effect because reserved by the ER on not only the results but also the means
of Article 2 of the NCC. Publication is indispensable. and manner by which the employee performs his job.
40. If not published, is it valid? Is it enforceable? 55. What are some badges of control the school exercises over
If not published, it is still valid because it was issued within me?
the scope of the power of the SOLE, however, it is For example, in Atty. JMM’s case, the badges of control of the
unenforceable and cannot take effect. Non-publication does employer (the school) are the load unit, course assignment,
not affect the validity of the law, only its enforceability and term and school year, and schedule given and imposed by
effectivity. Tanada v Tuvera case. the school to him. In those regard, that is indicative of the
41. Does the LC provide any provision about publication? power and exercise of control of the school (employer) in

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the means and manner by which he performs his job. is for a definite period made known to the employee at the
Therefore, the relationship between JMM and the school is time of engagement”
that of ER-EE.
64. Does LC define regular and casual employment?
This also includes the results of the work. If daghan
mahagbong sa bar on labor, so wala sya nagtarong sa iyang Regular — employee has been engaged to perform activities
trabaho. He can be dismissed. which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual
business or trade of the employ
56. What is the two-tiered test for determining EE-ER Casual (IRR definition) — an employee performs job that is
relationship? merely incidental to the business of the employer
The two-tiered test includes:
(1) the ER’s putative power to control and 65. Exceptions to Regular Employment.
(2) most important, the economic dependence test (1) Project and
(underlying economic realities of the EE to the ER) of the (2) Seasonal
EE to the ER 66. Why is it considered Project Employee?
57. When do you apply the two-tiered test? Work is terminated upon completion of task/work/project
The two tiered test is applied when 67. How is Regular Employee Classified?
(1) there is no written employment contract and (1) By the nature of work (necessary/desirable to trade/
(2) the person rendering service holds multiple positions. business)
For example, if the employee is a corporate secretary, (2) By length of service (those who rendered at least 1 year of
member of the board, vice president of a department, etc. service whether continuous or broken)
There will now be doubt whether you are an employee or 68. What do you mean by necessary?
not. See case of Francisco vs NLRC case.
It means the job, work or service are indispensable to the
58. Badges of employment under the two-tiered test (which industry of the employer (e.g. cook in a restaurant).
would therefore manifest the existence of the ER-EE
relationship). 69. What about desirable?
Some indications of economic dependence are: company It means the job, work or service would improve the nature or
uniform, ID, proof of registration with the SSS, PhilHealth, running of the business of the employer
PAG-IBIG, being included in the payroll and use of time card. (e.g. janitor in a restaurant)
NOTE: Indicative lang ni sya na mga evidence, not conclusive. 70. Security of Tenure provision of the LC.
Taking into account all these pieces of evidence however, Art. 294. Security of tenure. In cases of regular employment,
we can say that under the two-tiered test, there exists an ER- the employer shall not terminate the services of an
EE relationship. employee except for a just cause or when authorized by this
59. SSS membership presupposes what?
EE-ER relationship basically no employer in his right mind (This basically speaks of the gist of security of tenure—
would apply for SSS membership on a person who is not his employee should continue to work until he is terminated for
employee a just and authorized cause).
60. Who are excluded from SSS coverage? An employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall be
Purely Casual Employees entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and
other privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive of
61. If I have an employment contract, do we still apply the allowances, and to his other benefits or their monetary
two-tiered test?
equivalent computed from the time his compensation was
Not anymore. The existence of the ER-EE relationship is not withheld from him up to the time of his actual reinstatement.
anymore in dispute.
62. Does the LC provide classification of employees? Yes 71. The law speaks of “in cases of regular employment”. So
does a casual employee enjoy security of tenure?
63. State the article that provides the Kinds of Employee and No. however, if the casual employee becomes a regular
Classification of Employment employee with regard to the activity to which he is engaged
Art. 295. Regular and casual employment. The provisions of as long as that job still exists, he enjoys security of tenure.
written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and
regardless of the oral agreement of the parties, an 72. Is teaching necessary to USC?
employment shall be deemed to be regular where the Yes
employee has been engaged to perform activities which 73. Does the definition of Art 280 determine the existence of
are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business EE-ER relationship?
or trade of the employer, except where the employment No, it only presupposes that an EE-ER relationship is already
has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking the established and it is already being classified accordingly.
completion or termination of which has been determined at
the time of the engagement of the employee or where the 74. If I work in an insurance company and solicit insurance
work or service to be performed is seasonal in nature and money, is there any EE-ER relationship?
the employment is for the duration of the season. No (based on a case). I believe that the relationship does not
comply with the four-fold test, especially lacking the ER’s
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not power to control.
covered by the preceding paragraph: Provided, that any
employee who has rendered at least one year of service, 75. In a school, give example of regular employees?
whether such service is continuous or broken, shall be Teachers
considered a regular employee with respect to the activity in 76. How long is the employment of a regular employee?
which he is employed and his employment shall continue Indefinite time until he is terminated for a just and authorized
while such activity exists. cause without prejudice to the provision of law on
Basically, the LC provision only provides regular and casual compulsory retirement which is at 65 years old.
employment (See Article 295). The first paragraph speaks of 77. How about casual employees?
regular employment, while the last paragraph speaks of Janitors in a school.
casual employment.
The school will continue to operate despite the absence of
The first paragraph defines regular employment and janitors. However, remember, if the janitor is to work
EXCEPTIONS to regular employment (describes project and continuously or broken for more than 1 year, he becomes a
seasonal employees). regular janitor of the employer with respect to the activity
that he is engaged in as long as the job still exists (Casual to
Casual employment as defined in the LC is understood as the Regular Employment).
employment not regular, project and seasonal. Casual
employment is more defined under the IRR— “There is In casual to regular employment, he only becomes regular
casual employment where an employee is engaged to with respect to the activity he is engaged in as long as that
perform a job, work or service which is merely incidental to job still exists.
the business of the employer and such job, work or service

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78. When speaking of companies/businesses, how do you 9. If the IRR are issued within the scope of the authority of
determine that an activity is related to the business/trade the Sec. of Labor, does it have the force and effect of law?
of that company? Yes.
Articles of Incorporation of the Business, you can find it at
Securities Exchange Commission 10. Does it become a law?
79. If a casual EE becomes a regular EE, does he enjoy security
of tenure? 11. When the Sec. exercises his quasi-judicial power, does it
Yes form part of the legal system of the Philippines?
No. Only the judicial decisions applying and interpreting the
80. Enjoy security in terms of what? laws shall form part of the legal system.
With respect to the activity in which he is employed and his
employment shall continue while such activity exists 12. What is your legal basis?
Art. 8 of the Civil Code.
81. Is it the same with a regular EE?
No 13. When the Sec. makes decisions, what kind of decision is it?
It is administrative decision.
82. Why?
If the employee is a regular employee, his employment is 14. When may an administrative decision form part of the
indefinite. Also consider his right to retirement. legal system?
When it is affirmed by the Supreme Court.
Review on retirement: optional employment at 60, needs at 15. What is the four-fold test in determine
least 5 years of service. If compulsory retirement at 65, no
The four-fold test are as follows: 1) Selection and
need for minimum number of years of service.
Engagement of Employees, 2) Payment of Wages, 3) Power
83. Retirement age of judges? of Dismissal, and 4) Power to Control.
70 years old. 16. Which of this tests have we NOT taken up in detail last
84. Is the enumeration of exceptions to regular employment
exclusive? If not, what is another type of employment not The power of dismissal.
mentioned under the LC? 17. Which is the most controlling test?
The enumeration of the exception to regular employment The power to control
under the labor code is not exclusive. Another exception is
those employed in a fixed term employment – as penned by 18. What does it cover?
the Supreme Court in the case of Brent School vs Zamora. It The results, as well as the means and manner of performing
is not found in the LC. the work.
19. If the power to control is there, what exists?
11/17/17 — EH 405 An employer-employee relationship.
20. There are instances when we apply the two-tiered test,
By Marla such as when there is an absence of an employment
1. The power and authority of the Sec. of Labor to No. An employment contract is consensual in nature. It is
promulgate rules and regulations is an exercise of rule-
making power. Who granted this power? perfected by the agreement of the parties.
The Labor Code itself. 21. What is the two-tiered test?
2. Does the law authorize the Sec. to amend the law or to First, putative control over the means and manner, and,
revise? underlying economic realities of the relationship.
No. 22. Is the first test similar to the power to control?
3. What is the most that the Sec. of Labor is expected to do? Yes.
At most, he can issue rules and opinions about how a 23. So let’s focus on the second test. What does the economic
particular provision of the Labor Code should be applied. facts of the relation test mean?
4. What happens if it is in excess of his authority? It involves the economic dependency of the employee to the
employer for the continuance of his employment.
The IRR will be held null and void.
24. What evidence will you ask from your client to determine
5. OPEN: Can you give an example of an IRR that was held this?
void because it was in conflict with the law?
You can ask for payroll—which is prima facie proof that
EXAMPLES: Policy Instruction 54-88 in page 15 of the Spectra someone is an employee.
Notes. (NOTE: Don’t answer if someone talked about it na.);
Perez v. NLRC or Sonza v. ABSCBN in page 3 of Nov. 13 25. Is it required to keep your employees in a payroll?
Labor Relations Recits of EH405. Yes.
Sonza v. ABSCBN: Sonza is currently a TV host of Mel and Jay 26. What is found in a payroll?
(sp?). Do you watch GMA? He used to work for ABSCBN, but Wages, SSS/PhilHealth/PAGIBIG deductions, etc.
his contract was eventually terminated. He complained that
27. What other evidence?
he is an employee and has security of tenure. ABSCBN
argued that he is a host. Rather, he is an independent talent Company ID, company uniform, SSS coverage, PAGIBIG
because the studio does not exercise the right of control registration.
over the means and methods of his work. Sonza based his 28. Who are the parties in an employment contract?
claims on a Policy Instruction of DOLE, which stated that Employers and employees.
people who work in the broadcast industry are all — next person —
employees. The SC held this to have no basis in fact and in
law. 29. In according to whether they can avail of Labor Standards
Law, employees are generally classified into two. What
6. What does this tell us? are they?
It tells us that, if the issuance of the DOLE Sec. expands the Managerial and rank-and-file employees.
law or strips it, it shall be considered void. The IRR will have 30. In relation to Labor Relations Law, how are employees
no place. classified?
7. The Sec. of Labor can also give an opinion about the Managerial, supervisory, and rank-and-file employees.
interpretation of the Labor Code. What is its probative
weight? 31. Let’s go to kinds of employees under the Labor Code. Is
there a provision?
The Sec.’s opinion is merely advisory. It may guide the court’s
Yes. Art. 295.
opinion, but it does not bind it. It does not have the force
and effect of law. 32. How are employees classified in the header?
8. Who is the final arbiter of the interpretation of the law? Regular and casual employment.
It is the Court. 33. How does the provision define regular employment?
Read Art. 295.

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34. Does it specifically define casual employment? A: The duration for regular employment is indefinite until the
No. It merely says that casual is NOT regular. It is neither employee is
regular employment, project employment or seasonal (1) terminated for a just and authorized cause;
employment. (2) when the employee voluntarily terminates his
35. How does the IRR define casual employment? employment;
Read Sec. 5(b), Rule I, Book V of Omnibus Rules. It can also be (3) when the employee reaches the compulsory age of
found in page 30. retirement.
36. The Labor Code provides exceptions to those who have You cannot insist if you already reached the compulsory age
regular employment. What does it say? of retirement unless the employer extends your employment
…EXCEPT where the employment has been fixed for a service.
specific project or undertaking etc. (Art. 295(280) or page 27 2. What is the primary test in determining whether the
of Spectra). employment is regular?
37. How does the article define project and seasonal A: There is a reasonable connection of the work done by the
employment? employee in relation to the usual business of the employer.
Read. The controlling test is the activity that the worker performs is
necessary or desirable to the trade or business of the
38. To sum it up, what are the types of employments employer.
mentioned in Art. 290?
The article mentions regular employment, project 3. If an employer is a corporation, how do we know what
employment, seasonal employment, and casual trade or business the employer is engaged in?
employment. A: By looking at the Articles of Incorporation at the Securities
and Exchange Commission. It indicates the primary or a
39. Which of these kinds of employment enjoys security of secondary purpose of the business.
tenure under the Labor Code?
Only the regular employees, under Art. 294 (279). 4. The Labor Code says in Art. 295, “The provisions of written
agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and
40. Does the casual employee enjoy security of tenure? regardless of the oral agreement of the parties..”, this is a
Generally, no. qualification. What is the purpose of this qualification?
A: The purpose of this qualification is in order for employers
41. How do you understand security of tenure? not to circumvent the employee’s right to security of tenure
It is the right of an employee to continue work until by making the employment not regular through a written or
terminated for a just or authorized cause. oral agreement. If we were to permit the employer in making
42. Are there instances when a casual employee becomes a a written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding that you
regular employee? are performing a job that is necessary or desirable to the
Yes. usual trade or business of the employer, that would
circumvent the security of tenure of the employee.
43. How?
The casual employee is allowed to work for AT LEAST one 5. Which of these types of employment (regular, project,
seasonal and casual) is mentioned by the LC to enjoy
year. security of tenure?
44. OPEN: Can you give an example of a casual employee in a A: Regular employment. Art. 294 provides “In cases of
school? regular employment, the employer shall not terminate the
A utility worker. services of an employee except for a just cause or when
authorized by this Title.”
45. Assuming that your utility worker works for more than one
year, does he become a regular TEACHER? 6. What do you mean by the right to security of tenure?
No. He becomes a regular utility worker. A: It is the right of the worker to continue with his
46. What activity is his work? employment until he is terminated for a just or authorized
It is limited to the job he was hired for in the first place. cause.
7. Is the right to security of tenure recognized by the
47. How long will this employment last? Constitution?
It will last for as long as the school requires that specific utility A: Yes, under Art. Art. 13, Sec. 3. It is a fundamental right and
work. now it is also in the LC therefore it is a very important
48. If the school no longer needs the utility work, what statutory right.
happens to the worker’s employment?
8. Does a casual employee enjoy security of tenure?
It will cease to exist.
A: No, if the job performed by the casual employee is done,
49. What is the difference between the regular employee, and he is deemed terminated.
a casual employee who attained regular status due to
working for more than 1 year? 9. But what if that casual employee becomes now a regular
The former is indefinite. The latter will last while the activity he employee, how long will his employment be?
was hired for still exists. A: His employment is coterminous to the activity he performs
and while such activity continues to exist. He enjoys now
50. Can an employee terminate his employment any time? security of tenure with respect to the activity in which he is
Yes. Nobody can compel you to work against your will, as this employed and as long as that activity exists.
constitutes involuntary servitude.
10. How do we classify regular employees?
51. What is the compulsory age of retirement? (1) By nature of the work/job and
65, with no required years of service. (2) By length of service.
52. What is the primary test in determining whether Nature of job meaning that it is necessary or desirable to the
employment is regular or not? usual trade or business of the employer and by length of
Whether the activity is necessary or desirable to the usual service meaning if the employee reaches at least 1 year of
business of the employer. (Page 28 of Spectra) service, whether continuous or broken.
53. How does the court know what is the usual trade or 11. Why continuous or broken?
business of the employer in a corporation? A: Continuous employment is if there is no break in the
The articles of incorporation. employment or no interruption. Broken is when there is
54. What is desirable in Filipino? interruption in the employment. There are times when the
employee will be hired for a specific period of time and after
55. In a restaurant, what jobs would be considered regular? that his employment ended and then the following year, he
Cook, cashier, server, dishwasher, janitor. was again hired for 5 months but his employment was
already more than 1 year. So he is still a regular employee.
If you are a casual, you now become a regular employee. But
11/17/17 — EH 404 if you are not a casual, you are regular from the start, there is
no more need to distinguish continuous or broken.
By ALPO-AC — 2 hours
1. How long is the duration of a Regular Employment?

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12. A regular worker may either be a permanent worker or a A: A probationary worker maybe terminated because you
probationary worker. When is a regular considered a failed to qualify in accordance with the reasonable standards
probationary and when permanent? made known to him at the time of engagement.
Regular worker:
27. Can that be a ground to terminate a regular and
a. Permanent – if he has successfully passed the period of permanent worker?
probation and if he is not placed on probation at all. A: No, sir.
b. Probationary – if the employee is placed on probation
which does not exceed 6 months. Probation in LC means 28. Can a probationary worker be terminated for just cause?
trial period. A: Yes, sir.
13. What are the exceptions to regular employment in the LC? 29. Can he be terminated for authorized cause? 

Is this exclusive? A: Yes, sir.
A: - Art.295, project and seasonal. No, it is not exclusive. 30. W h at a b o u t a p ro b at i o n a r y w o r ke r, b a s e d o n
According to jurisprudence, it also includes Fixed Period/ jurisprudence, does he enjoy security of tenure?
Term Employment. A: Yes, sir.
14. How is Fixed Term similar to Project and Seasonal 31. For what period?
Employment? A: He/she enjoys security of tenure for the period of
A: These instances have a beginning and an end. From the probation unless any of the three instances we mentioned
start of the employment, the termination of the work has before occur.
already been made known or communicated to the
employee. 32. If I hired you but I did not place you in probation, what
does that mean?
15. Do we have a law on probationary employment? A: You become permanent, sir.
A: Under the LC, it speaks on the period of probation. It
provides for a ceiling of 6 mos. that a regular worker may be 33. Now let’s go to the exceptions of regular employment, we
mentioned there are 2 in the law, we said they are not
placed under probation. exclusive, we also talked about fixed term employment
16. Why is it fixed at 6 mos. and not 8 mos. ... 10 mos.? and project employment. What is meant by project
A: It is more than enough period to assess the employee on
his fitness to do the job. A: “...except where the employment has been fixed for a
specific project or undertaking the completion or
17. Does the employer have the management prerogative to termination of which has been determined at the time of the
provide a period that is shorter than 6 mos.? engagement of the employee...” (Article 295 of the Labor
A: Yes. The LC only provides for a ceiling. The employer may Code)
fix a period shorter than 6 mos. This may be beneficial for the
worker as he becomes permanent faster. However, he has 34. We will now dissect that, what does that mean when we
speak of specific project or undertaking?
less time to learn the standards he must satisfy .
A: An activity which is not commonly or habitually performed
18. Are there any laws or instances where more than 6 months or such type of work which is not done on a daily basis but
of probation is given? for a SPECIFIC DURATION of time or until completion.
A: Teachers in private educational institutions, sir.
35. The SC said that there are two kinds of project activities,
19. What law are they covered under? what are they?
A: 2008 Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education (1) a particular job or undertaking that is within the regular
and 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools and usual business of the employer company, but which
in Basic Education. is distinct and separate, and identifiable as such, from the
other undertakings of the company; or
20. How long is the probationary period found in the manual?
(a) The teacher is a full-time teacher, (2) A particular job or undertaking that is not within the
regular business of the corporation/company.
(b) the teacher must have rendered three consecutive years
of service (school year) and 36. Give me an example of the first type of business. (Open
(c) such service must have been SATISFACTORY; Question)
A: A school
for those teaching in tertiary level: 6 consecutive semesters (3
years) 37. What is the primary business of the school?
21. Why is the period of probationary longer for those in the A: To provide quality education
private educational institutions? A teacher cannot be 38. So what would the school hire project workers for?
regular unless they complete the 3 years. Ang haba. Why? A: Fr. Miranda would hire project workers to create tables for
A: Teaching cannot be considered a regular profession. It is a the library .
special profession. Teaching involves investing in the youth.
If you have incompetent teachers then you will have JMM: I’ll accept that example because its carried within the
incompetent citizens. (Make your own analogy for this) USUAL TRADE OR BUSINESS. By providing education, it
goes without saying that you have to have a library. Hence if
22. Is this valid? It does not conflict with the Labor Code?
you want to modernize that library, you can hire project
A: No, sir. workers. Its not forever, so once the library is completed,
23. For non-academic personnel? Is it the 3 years or 6 months? employment has ended.
A: 6 months, sir.
JMM’s own example: Construction of a building, I’m the
24. What are the instances where a probationary worker contractor and so I can hire project workers to construct that
becomes regular/a regular employee? Give me an 5-storey building. Although they perform a job that is
instance. NECESSARY or DESIRABLE to my business of constructing
(1) When he successfully passes the probationary period; buildings, if I hire them to construct the 5- storey building
(2) When he is not informed of the reasonable standards of which is separate from a 2- storey building and etc. then that
performance to comply with to QUALIFY to become could form part of a project. If they finish that certain project
permanent. You must be informed at the time of then employment has ended for that project worker and I’ll
engagement; wait for another customer who’ll ask me to build another
(3) He is allowed to work past the period of probation. So if building.
you fixed it by 6 months, and you let him work past that,
by operation of law, he becomes permanent.
25. Why must we distinguish between permanent- regular, 11/22/17 — EH 406
probationary worker?
A: Because a regular worker can be terminated only be just By Margil — 3 hours
or authorized cause. Regular, probationary, project and seasonal employment.
26. Yes, correct. What else? What contra distinguishes regular What are the exceptions to regular employment? Why?
employees from probationary ones?
Project employment and seasonal employment.

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They are considered exceptions to regular employment Casual employment as defined in the LC is an employment
because they are hired only for a definite period of time. where an employee is neither regular, project of seasonal.
Although their employment involve a job that is necessary As defined the IRR, it is where an employee performs a job
or desirable, their employment is only for a definite period. or service that is merely incidental to the business of the
employee and that job is for a definite period made known
NOTE: the third exception is the fixed term/period to the employee before the commencement of his job.

When does a casual employee become regular?

What is the definite period for a project employee?
A casual employee becomes a regular employee if he has
A project employee is deemed employed only for the rendered at least one year of service, whether such service is
duration of the project. continuous or broken. However, the employee shall only be
considered a regular employee with respect to the activity in
which he is employed and his employment shall continue
A seasonal worker? while such activity exists.
A seasonal employee is deemed employed only for the NOTE: If the job or activity for which he is employed ceases,
duration of the season. he can be validly terminated.
NOTE: project and seasonal employees enjoy security of Additionally, even if the services rendered by the employee
tenure for a definite period for which they were employed. was not continuous, as long as it totals to one year, then he
Beyond that period, they can be terminated. On the other is deemed a regular employee with respect to that activity.
hand, regular employees enjoy security of tenure Ex: On the first year, he performed 8 months of work. On the
indefinitely. second year, 6 months, and on the 3rd year, 10 months. This
is so that the employer cannot “chop chop” the employee’s
employment to avoid making him a regular employee.
The Labor Code mentions only two exceptions to regular It is a management prerogative on what employment to offer
employment. Is that exclusive?
a person. But make sure to understand the consequences of
No, another exception is the fixed period employment. making an employee a regular or casual employee. You
cannot easily terminate a regular employee, your grounds
must be under authorized or just causes. However, a casual
employee may be terminated if the job or activity for which
Why did the SC allow such exception?
he is employed ceases and that would not be considered
The SC said that such stipulation is not contrary to the labor illegal dismissal.
code and that the parties are free to stipulate as long as they
do not undermine the employee’s right to security of tenure.
What is a regular employee?
A regular employee is one who holds a regular employment.
What is common between seasonal, project and fixed
employment? A regular employee may be a probationary or permanent
There exists employer-employee relationship and that there is
a definite period for the commencement and end of the
employment. Does the LC define probationary employment?
NOTE: The enumeration on the LC on exceptions are merely NO. Only the IRR. Probationary employment is an
enumerations where the term of employment is implied. employment where an employee is made to undergo a trial
Implied because in the case of a project worker = end of period, at the end of which, the employee assesses his
project. Seasonal employment = end of season. performance. If his performance is satisfactory, he becomes
a regular employee. If his performance on the other hand is
not satisfactory, he can be terminated.
Are you telling me that when a project worker is hired for a NOTE: A probationary employment is a regular employment,
particular project, he does not become a regular
employee after the project? only that there is a trial period.

Yes. At the end of the project or season or the fixed period

set by the parties, the employee does not become a regular
What is the definition of the word probation?
It is the trial period during which the employer determines the
fitness of the employee to qualify for regular and permanent
Do we have a landmark case illustrating the fixed term employment.
The case of Brent School vs. Zamora.
Is there a period for probation?
The LC provides the period of probation to not exceed 6
What is regular employment? months.
Regular employment is an employment where the employee
has been engaged to perform activities which are usually
necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the Is the 6 months a min or max period?
employer. Maximum period.

What is the controlling test to determine that employment Can that period be reduced?
is regular?
The primary test to determine whether an employee is a Yes. The period can be reduced to less than 6 months, and it is
valid and allowed by law since it is favourable to both the
regular employee or not is that there should be a
reasonable connection between the activity performed by employee and employer.
the employee and the employer’s usual trade or business.

For whose benefit is the probationary period? Why?

Is a casual employee defined under the LC? How? Both the employee and employer.

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Employer – gives the employer an opportunity to assess the

performance of the employee.
NOTE: In most establishments, there are usually different
Employee – he will be given time to learn, adopt or adjust to benefits for regular and permanent employees that they
the job. don’t extend to regular and probationary employees (ex:
allowances). When you are hired under probation, there is
no certainty that you will pass and become a regular and
Why is there a period provided by law? permanent employee.

Without a period that speaks to a trial period, that would be So, if you think that the job is easy, then you can agree to
unfavourable to both parties since they would not be able to shorten the period for probation. If the job is hard, then it
determine whether how long they will assess the might be better if you maximize the period.
NOTE: Once you sign an employment contract, and it Does the LC allow the extension to more than 6 months?
stipulates a probationary period, then it is binding.
As a general rule, no.

Does the LC expressly allow a period longer than 6 months?

Exception to this?
Yes, if the employment involves an apprenticeship agreement
stipulating for a longer period of probation. In the case of Mariwasa Manufacturing, the employee failed
to successfully pass the standards to become a regular and
permanent employee. The employee pleaded for another
Other instance where the period is longer than 6 months? chance and asked for an extension, acting on that request of
the employee, the employer extended the period (over 6
The law also allows an extended probationary period for months). After the extension, employee still failed. He then
academic personnel (teaching personnel) in private schools. sued the employer after failing for the second time. SC said
that what the employer did was an act of liberality. So no
For those teaching in primary and secondary level (2010 violation of the period provided in the LC even though the
Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic probationary period was extended.
Education), the period of probation shall not be more than 3
consecutive school years of satisfactory service.
For tertiary level, (CHED Memo circular No. 40 Series of What should the employer do before putting the employee
2008), probationary period of not more than 6 consecutive under probationary employment?
regular semesters of satisfactory service. If trimestral, not You must inform the employee at the time of the engagement
more than 9 consecutive regular semesters (or basin of the service about the standards required that he has to
trimester, diba semester is 5 months, and trimester is less meet to become a regular and permanent employee.
than that, kamo nlng search sa memo haha) of satisfactory
service. So still 3 years.

NOTE: These standards must be attainable and reasonable.

You cannot expect a probationary employee to master skills
Why is that allowed in educational institutions?
for a highly technical job in just one month. That is not a
This is allowed because the job of teaching personnel reasonable standard. Example or reasonable standards: in
demands that the teacher must be competent and should case of a teaching personnel, you must be competent and
be a master of what they are teaching before they can must have mastery of the subject.
become regular and permanent employees. Teachers are
the grassroots of all professions.
When should these standards made known to the employee?
Made known to him “at the time of his engagement”.
Does the LC allow the employer to fix the period longer
than 6 months?
No. The period of the employment cannot be extended up to Explain “at the time of engagement”.
6 months since the wording of the LC is not merely
permissive by mandatory. Time of engagement is to be interpreted as at the time the
employee is hired and employed or at the time he is made
to work.
Is there an exception to this? A case that allowed the fixing
of longer than 6 months?
However, the SC has laid down an exception In the case of Why should the employee be informed of the standards
Buiser. If the parties expressly agree as when it is a company
practice or the nature of the job requires special skills that This is because if it is not made known to the employee, the
requires a longer trial period. employee will not know whether he is qualified for the job.

Why does the law provide the period to be 6 months? What is the effect of a probationary employee is not
informed of the standards at the time of his engagement?
The law allows 6 months because the law believes that it is
more than adequate to determine the employee’s fitness for He becomes a regular and permanent employee. This is
the job and to protect employees from employers who will stated in the IRR.
fix a period that is too long.
Book Six, Rule 1, Section 6(d): In all cases of probationary
employment, the employer shall make known to the
employee the standards under which he will qualify as a
Why do employers commonly use and maximize the 6 regular employee at the time of his engagement. Where no
months? standards are made known to the employee at that time, he
shall be deemed a regular employee.
On the side of the employer, they usually want to know the
attitude of the employee over time. Some maximize it so
that the employee will not enjoy regular and permanent Exception where even if the employee is not informed of
employment (so, to exploit the employees. Because standards, it is still okay and the employer is deemed to
remember, it is favourable for the employee to become have complied with the law because the employees ought
regular and permanent in a short period of time). to know?

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Self-descriptive jobs (e.g. maid, cook, driver or messenger). months like January to June, then count exactly 180 days to
Even if you are not informed of the standards at the time of determine the period of probationary employment).
engagement, you are still not considered regular and
permanent after the probationary period since the
employee ought to know about these standards. The Define project employment.
standards here are inherent. Ex: If you are a driver, the
employer need not tell you that you have to drive safely as a Project employment is one where one is engaged in a
standard for you job, that is inherent on the job. specific project or undertaking, the completion or
termination of which has been determined at the time of the
engagement of the employee.
Is it okay if you make it known to the employee after 1
week that he has started?
Elements of project employment.
Yes. If the standards are made known to the employee a
week after the start of the job, then the standard can still be (1) you are employed for a specific project or undertaking;
imposed against the employee since it was made known at and (2) the completion or termination of which has been
a reasonable period right after engagement. As provided in determined at the time of the engagement of the employee.
one case, there is a reasonable time given to the employer
to inform the employee about the standards required to be
a regular and permanent employee. “Reasonable period” How did the SC define specific project/undertaking?
means early phase of the probation (like after one week or
even 10 days as provided in the case).
What are the 2 types of activities for a project employee?
Is probationary employment contractual in nature? The SC said that when you speak of “project/activity”, there
are two types: 1) an activity that is within the regular or usual
Yes since the period of probation is fixed or definite. business of the employer but which is distinct and separate
and identifiable as such from the undertakings of the
company; 2) a particular job that is not within the regular or
If the start of the probationary period is on Jan 1, 2018, usual business of the employer but which distinct and
when does it end if the period is set for 5 months? separate, and identifiable from the ordinary or regular
business operations of the employer.
The end of the period must be on June 1, 2018.

Give example of the first type of activity.

What is the significance?
If the employee is allowed to work beyond the period of
probation regardless of his performance, then he becomes Is he entitled to separation pay upon completion of project?
a regular and permanent employee. This is why it is
significant to know the end of the period of probation. No.

When does a probationary employee become regular and Example for the second type of activity.
1. If the employee is allowed to work beyond the period
of probation regardless of his performance, then he Does is matter if project exceeds 1 year?
becomes a regular and permanent employee. No. NOTE: The one year period is only relevant when it comes
2. If the employee successfully passes the standards to casual employment. Project employment is one of the
made known to him at the time of engagement, exceptions of regular employment.
then he becomes a regular and permanent
employee at the end of the period.
Define seasonal employment.
3. If the employer fails to inform the employee of the
standards required for the job. Seasonal employment is one where the work or service to be
performed is seasonal in nature and the employment is for
4. If the employer fails to evaluate the employee during the duration of the season.
the probationary period. (addition ni sir, pero diba
pare-pareha ra sa number one??????? Maminaw
nlng ta niya kay mas kamao siya)
What is a seasonal industry or undertaking?
1) Dependent on climatic or natural causes and 2) activity is
When does probationary period begin? agricultural.

The period of probation commences or starts to run from the NOTE: So if your undertaking exists all year, then it’s not
date the employee started working. seasonal. Also, “Christmas season” is not the season
contemplated by law. It must be due to climatic or natural
You need to start working before the period starts to run so cause. Example: if you have a business in Batanes, you can’t
the employer will know your performance. Exception: when open it up for the entire year because of the typhoons
the contract provides otherwise. during certain months. So your business will only be open
for a certain time in a year. Here, the cause is climatic or
natural causes.
Is there an instance in counting the period of probation we
need to count the exact number of days for the
probationary period?
Duration of seasonal?
Yes. Whenever the month is specified, as provided in the Civil
During the season.

NOTE: this is an exception kay ordinarily, if not specifically After the season?
provided ang name sa months, 6 months can be counted as He is terminated.
just the 6 consecutive months from the start of work
(Example: Jan 2018 start, 6 months probationary period, so
end kay sa July 2018. But if specifically stated and name sa

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Instance where a project worker becomes regular worker? Example given: Reasonable standards for a teacher:
Competency, mastery of the subject, compliance with rules
A project employee becomes a regular employee when there on attendance (Think of your own reasonable standard.)
is repeated and continuous rehiring of project employees
even after the termination of a project. Q: Without informing the employee of these standards, does
that have any legal implication?
A: If the employee is not informed, he is considered regular.
If a seasonal worker is hired every after season what “IRR Provision on Probationary employment
becomes of him?
A seasonal employee becomes a regular seasonal employee Rule I Termination of Employment and Retirement
if he is hired season after season.

Sec. 6. Probationary Employment. -

What happens during off-season? xxx
Employment is suspended. (d) In all cases of probationary employment, the employer
shall make known to the employee the standards under
which he will qualify as a regular employee at the time of his
engagement. Where no standards are made known to the
employee at that time, he shall be deemed a regular
If the employer does not rehire a regular seasonal employee.”
The employee is deemed to have been illegally dismissed by
the employer. Q: The law requires that in case of probationary employment,
that the reasonable standards must be known made known at
the time of engagement, when you say time of engagement,
what point in time is it exactly?
11/22/17 — EH 404 A: At the time that the employee is told that he or she is
hired, atty. Then you will be told that you are on probation
1 hour class and then you will be informed of the reasonable standards.
Q: What is a probationary employment? Time you engage as employee.
A: It is a kind of employment where an employee is placed on Q: A probationary employee was informed on the standards
a trial period and at end of which, the employer will assess if only week after engagement, in the early stages of his
the employee’s performance is satisfactory or not. If it is probation. Does he become a regular employee given the
satisfactory, then he becomes a regular permanent provision of law?
employee. If not, then he will be terminated. A: No. The employee remains to be a probationary employee
notwithstanding the delay. As long as the standards were
Q: Under the law is a probationary employment contractual in communicated within reasonable time.
nature? If it is, why? If not, why?
A: Yes, because probationary employment is regular but the Note: Look for the SC case that deemed the 10 days
employee is placed on a trial period but it is contractual in reasonable.
nature because the period is fixed in which the performance
is assessed and evaluated, in the sense the period of
probation is set by the employer. BUT it is a type of regular Q: Is there an exception that the standards should be made
employment. known?
Q: Does the law allow the employer to fix the period of A: Yes. When it is self-descriptive; maid, cook, driver or
probation to lesser than six month? messenger. (Robinsons Galleria/Robinsons Supermarket v.
A: Yes. I.R. Sanchez, G.R. No. 177937)
Q: So what happens to the employee when he passes the In these cases, the standard of performance is implied.
period of probation? Q: Probation shall not be more than 6 mos. The period shall be
A: He now becomes a regular and permanent employee. counted from when?
A: From the time the employee starts working.
Q: Does the Labor Code allow the fixing of the period of
probation to more than/ longer than six months? Q: Why?
A: Generally, NO, “…should not exceed six month” A: The purpose of the period of probation is to see if the
Q: What are the exceptions to such, found under the labor employee is fit for the job or that he meets the standards. It is
code? only when the employee starts working that this can be
A: There are none found in the law, sir. seen…

Q: If there is none in the law, we now move to jurisprudence! Q: What is the exception that the period is reckoned from the
time the employee starts to work?
A: “Generally, the probationary period of employment is
limited to six months. The exception to this general rule is A: When the employment contract provides otherwise – one
when the parties to an employment contact (1) agree that is favorable to the employee.
otherwise, such as when it is established by company policy Q: A job was offered with a probationary period of 6 mos. to
or (2) when the same is established by company policy or (3) commence from January 1, 2018. When will it end?
when the same is required by the nature of the work to be A: July 1, 2018.
performed by the employee.
Q: Is it important to determine the end of the period of
(Busier et al v. Hon Vicente Leogardo Jr. and General probation?
Telephone Directory Co.) A: Yes. LC Art. 296 xxx An employee who is allowed to work
*read page 801 of Azucena’s book for the details of this case. after a probationary period shall be considered a regular
Q: The Labor Code provides that the period of probation shall employee.
not be more than six months, does the labor code allow the This is regardless of the performance as long as the
EXTENSION of such to more than six months? employee was allowed to work the probationary period. The
A: When the employee is given a chance/ by the gratuity of employee is considered regular by operation of law.
the employer, to prove that he can successfully meet the
standards after having failed to do so during the original Q: In what instance, if any, that the exact number of days
would have to be considered to determine the end of the
period. period?
Q: You mentioned that in a probationary employment that the (Open Question)
employee should be given the reasonable standards at the
time of his engagement, why is that? Give me an example of
a reasonable standard? 11/23/17 — EH 402
A: So that the employee will be aware of the standards to
comply with/ meet to qualify as regular. By Jemar — 2 hours

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TOPIC 3 Yes. At the end of the season, he will not become a regular
1.) Under the LC, what are the kinds of employees?
Regular and Casual 25.) Does jurisprudence tell us that they also have security of
2.) Define each, without reading the Labor Code Strictly, No. Article 294 only states REGULAR EMPLOYEES.
TN: Desirable “OR” Necessary, not “AND” However, the constitution guarantees the security of tenure
3.) If the company involved is a private educational institution, WITHOUT CLASSIFICATION. Jurisprudence therefore states
what job is necessary? that project and seasonal employees enjoy security of tenure
Teaching limited to the existence of the project or season.

4.) the teacher, is he a regular or casual employee? 26.) Under our jurisprudential jurisdiction, is the non-regular
employment limited only to two(2)?
No, we also have the fixed-term/fixed-period employment.
5.) Same institution, what is a desirable job? 27.) How did we get that?
In the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Brent School vs.
6.) So what is Maam Arlene? Zamora
Regular Employee 28.) What job did he have?
7.) Employer is a corporation, how will you determine their Athletic Director
primary business?
29.) was there a contract for his employment term?
Articles of incorporation
Yes, five(5) years.
8.) If it is only a single proprietor, how will you know?
30.) was he a regular employee?
By what it does actually, as well as its registration with the DTI
No. this landmark case added the new exception of a fixed-
9.) What is Casual employment? term/period employee. In this case, there was no intent to
LC: Not regular, project nor seasonal employment circumvent the security of tenure.
IRR: Job, work or service is merely incidental to the business 31.) Athletic Director: my job is necessary and desirable to the
and definite period made known to the employee institution, therefore, it is a regular employment. What did the
10.) In a private educational institution, what is an example of SC say to this?
a casual job? Despite the fact the employee is performing a job which is
Security guards, janitors, gardeners necessary or desirable to the institution, the decisive
determinant is not the nature of the job, but if you knowingly
11.) Why will you classify a security guard as a casual agreed to agreed to fix the term of your employment.
The primary business of the school can be discharged 32.) Where can we find Brent School?
without the security guard. It is merely incidental. Baguio City
12.) If you do not make an employment contract classifying the 33.) In regular employment, under jurisprudence, what is the
guard as a casual employee, does that make him a regular primary or controlling test whether the employment is regular
employee? or not?
No. written employment contract is not an essential part in REASONABLE CONNECTION between the particular-
determining ER-EE relationship. 34.) A regular worker may either be a probationary or a
13.) In case of casual employment, how long is the permanent worker. What is meant by a probationary worker?
employment? A regular worker who is placed on a trial period, at the end
Co-terminus with the activity in which he/she is employed of which, the e m p l o y e r e v a l u a t e s t h e e m p l o y e e s
for. performance. If satisfactory, hired as a permanent worker, if
not satisfactory, terminated.
14.) What if he has rendered at least one(1) year of service,
what happens to him? 35.) Whose prerogative is it to place the employee as
Becomes a regular employee, subject to the activity for probationary?
which he is employed, continues to exist. The employer’s prerogative
15.) What is the reason or the essence of this law? Why one(1) 36.) Can the employer hire an employee and classify him as a
year? regular employee starting at day 1?
If you keep a casual employee for one(1) year, it is indicative Yes
that his services are necessary or desirable in your business. 37.) What is probation law in Criminal Law?
16.) What are two(2) classifications of regular workers? GG Ez
-by nature of their work 38.) How long does the labor code authorize probation?
-by length of service (at least 1 year) Maximum of 6 months. Counted from the first day of
employment, actually.
39.) What is the reason for this?
17.) What are the exceptions to regular employment? So that the employer may assess and evaluate your skills and
Article 295 – Project Employment and Seasonal Employment performance. To determine the start and end of
18.) How does the Labor Code define seasonal employment? probationary period.
employment is seasonal in nature and is for the duration of 40.) What is the exception?
the season Contract states otherwise
19.) Does a seasonal worker perform a job which is necessary (NEXT STUDENT)
or desirable to the employer?
Yes 41.) Can the probationary period be shorter than 6 months?
20.) but? Yes
Only for the duration of the season 42.) Whose consent is needed?
21.) Ending of a project employment? Employer and Employee
Ending or completion of the project 43.) For whose benefit is this?
22.) For seasonal employment? Both.
End of the season Employer: to assess employee
23.) Does the project worker become permanent or regular Employee: to reach the required standards
upon the completion of the project? SC: Probationer
No. exception to regular employment. They are NON- 44.) Is it valid to unilaterally shorten the probation period?
REGULAR EMPLOYEES. Even if it is one year or more. Not valid.
24.) is it the same for a seasonal employee?
45.) Give a valid or authorized cause to terminate the
employment of a probationer.

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Probationer failed to meet the standards of the employment. Time when you are hired or employed.
You do not need to wait for the 6th month.
67.) What is the real test with regard the time element in
46.) The maximum period says 6 months. How many days is informing the employee?
that? Reasonable time test
180 days
47.) Why do you think the LC fixed it to 6 months? 11/24/17 — EH 404
It is more than adequate to determine the fitness to qualify of
the probational employee. 2 hours
48.) Under the Labor Code, is there any instance to where you Q: How do you define a probationary worker?
can increase the probation period to more than 6 months?
A: Is a worker who has been employed on a trial period so
Unless it is covered by an apprenticeship agreement
stipulating a longer period. (Article 296) that the employer can determine his fitness and qualification
for the job.
49.) Outside the Labor Code, are there any other exceptions? Q: Is he a regular employee?
CHED Memorandum. Employment of Academic Personnel. A: He is a regular employee in a sense that he performs a job
50.) What governs the academic personnel? that is necessary and desirable for the business of the
Manual for registration employer.
51.) For non-academic? Q: So you’re telling us a regular worker can be placed on
Labor code A: Yes.
52.) What is the probation period for basic education? Q: May a regular worker can be place on a fixed-term
(always use NOT MORE THAN) 3 school years of satisfactory employment
service A: Yes.
53.) In tertiary level? Q: So if you’re a regular worker, your employment can be on
a fixed term?
Period of probation shall not be more than 6 successive
A: Yes
semesters of satisfactory service, (9 for trimester)
Q: If you’re a regular worker, can they fix your employment
54.) Why is it longer for academic personnel? on a particular season?
It is not an ordinary profession. Academics requiremastery A: Yes.
and competence.
Q: And that worker would be called?
55.) In what instances can a probationary worker be A: A regular seasonal employee.
considered regular?
Q: If you hired that worker under a seasonal employment
-When he successfully passes the standards required contract, he is called a regular seasonal employee?
-When he is allowed to work beyond the period of A: Yes sir.
probation, regardless of performance Q: For example, the establishment is involved in the
-When the employee was not informed of the reasonable growing of crops and I need worker who will work in the
standards to qualify for regularization during engagement farm to grow those crops. Can I hire those workers and fix
their employment for a particular season?
-If the employer fails to evaluate the performance of the A: Yes, the LC allows.
Q: And they will be called?
A: Seasonal worker
56.) If I offer you employment as a accounting supervisor,
probational period of 5 months starting on January 1, 2018. Q: When does a seasonal worker become a regular seasonal
When is the last day? A: A seasonal worker becomes a regular seasonal worker
June 1 2018. when he is called to the job upon every season. He is hired
57.) Within the period, how often should the employer interminnently by the employer.
evaluate the performance of the probationer? Q: If you’re hired for just a particular season?
Not provided for by law. It is management prerogative. No A: Seasonal employee.
hard and fast rule in evaluating probationers
Q: If I have a regular employee, one who performs his job
58.) In what instance should we count the exact number of that is necessary and desirable. If I place his employment
days in a month? for a specific project. How do we call them?
When it is specifically designated in its name(month). A: Project employee.
Provided by the civil code. Q: Now we mention that a regular worker either be a
probationary worker or a permanent worker. So the LC
(NEXT STUDENT) allows a worker to be placed under probation. If the ER
does that, the worker is called a probationary worker.
59.) What is meant by project employment? What’s the purpose of probation?
Where the employment has been fixed for a specific project A: The purpose is to measure the fitness and qualification of
or undertaking, the completion or termination of which has the employee for the particular job he is employed. It allows
been determined at the time of the engagement of the the employer ample time to discern if that particular
employee employee would be fit for the job and qualified.
Q: So for whose benefit is the probationary period?
60.) Informed of what?
A: The period of probation is for the benefit of both parties.
Standard of employment Simply because it allows the ER to measure your
61.) For a teacher, what would be your performance competence and at the same time, it allows the EE to
standards? improve on qualifications that he may not have at the start of
(Opinion based) Mastery of the subject his employment but is needed from him to continue working
in that same company.
62.) is that susceptible to evaluation?
Yes Q: So it’s for the benefit of whom?
A: Both parties.
63.) When are the standards considered reasonable?
When it is attainable and related to the job Q: Who fixes the period of probation?
A: It is fixed by both parties.
64.) Are there exceptions to the necessity to inform the
employee of the standards?
Self-descriptive jobs where the standards are inherent and Discussion: If in the contract it says that your probationary
implied period is for 6 months, you need the employee to give his
65.) At what point should the employer inform the employee consent. And if he gives his consent, there is a perfected
of the standards? contract of employment under probation. It’s fixed by the
At the time of engagement. parties but upon the initiative of both parties. In fact, the
employer cannot unilaterally shorten at will without the
66.) When is that? consent of the other party. It would be a breach of the

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Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

employment contract because the probationary period is Q: Why is there a duration of employment of these kinds of
based on the contract itself. It’s the probationary employment?
employment contract, the law between the parties. You can’t A: Yes, when we talk about project, it is only for the duration
just change the terms without the consent of the other party, of the project. When we talk about seasonal, it is only for the
you can mutually agree to change it but not unilaterally. season. And when we talk about fixed-term, it is for the
duration set by both parties.
Q: The LC says that it shall not exceed 6 months and if we
speak of 6 months, that’s equivalent to how many days? Discussion: But the SC said, why do you have to add one?
A: 180 days Because the enumeration is not exclusive. Project and
seasonal are just instances when a period is implied so we
Q: You did not equivalent that to the exact number of days
in each month? could add additional instances.
A: No sir because if you simply set it at 6 months, there’s a
Q: Does the Labor Code absolutely prohibits the parties
standard under the Civil Code that sets 1 month to 30 days. from fixing the period of employment?
Q: So the period of probation should not exceed a period of A: No absolute prohibition,
6 months or 180 days. And in counting the period of Q: But the provision says “The provisions of the written
probation, it shall start when? agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless
A: The LC says that the probationary period should start on of the oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall
the day that the employee actually started working. be deemed to be regular” How did the SC in Brent v.
Zamora address that issue?
Discussion: Because it is only on the day the employee started A: SC said it is true that the Labor Code strictly makes that
working that the employer has the opportunity to measure qualification but that provision must be interpreted to mean
the fitness of the employee. Unless agreed otherwise, then that if its intended to circumvent the workers security of
that’s the law between the parties. tenure then its absolutely prohibited in any oral or written
agreement. But it in this case, there was no intent on the part
Q: We said earlier that in a probationary employment, the of the school to circumvent the employee’s security of
law requires that the probationer must be informed of the
reasonable standards at the time of his engagement. What tenure. There was no moral dominance employed by the
is the effect if you are not informed of the reasonable school on the athletic director. They stand in equal footing
standards at the time of your engagement? and he was intelligent enough to know that what he’s
A: You are considered a regular employee from the day you entering into is a fixed term.
started working.
So if the employed places you under a oral/written contract,
Q: Reasonable standard, a standard involving what? that is intended to deny you the right to security of tenure,
A: A reasonable standard of fitness of the job. then that is when they shall expressly prohibit that kind of
Q: So that’s a work standard or performance standard? employment arrangement.
A: Yes sir. Q: How long was the period of employment?
Q: Because every employer usually sets a performance A: 5 years
standard that the worker must meet and qualify to become Q: What is project employment?
regular and permanent. So for example, a teacher in a
school and you are the school authority, what standard do A: It is a specific project or undertaking, its completion and
you have in mind for them to be regular and permanent? termination is determined at the time of the engagement of
A: A standard that the teacher must have mastered the the employee.
Q: Are there existing guidelines involving construction
Q: You can make up any standard that is related to the job industry?
and reasonable. And when we say reasonable, we mean? A: Department Order 19-93 “GUIDELINES GOVERNING THE
A: A standard that is achievable as to the goal. It is not unjust EMPLOYMENT OF WORKERS IN THE CONSTRUCTION
and impossible to attain. INDUSTRY”
JMM: So it must be attainable and measurable. Q: Under that existing guideline, how is a project worker
Q: At what stage should the probationer be informed of A: Project employees are those employed in connection with
these reasonable standards? a particular project thereof and whose employment is co-
A: At the time of his engagement. terminus with each project they are assigned.
Q: Precisely at what point in time? Q: What is the duration of project worker’s employment?
A: The employment is for the duration of the project or
A: When he started working undertaking which is necessary or desirable to the nature of
Discussion: It could refer to the time you were hired or the business of the employer.
employed. It could refer to when he started working. Q: Does a project worker perform a regular type of
employment, something that is necessary or desirable to
A: However it must also be reasonable with regard to the time the trade or business of the employer?
that the employer had informed the employee of these A: Yes, but only for the duration of the specific project.
reasonable standards. That’s why last meeting, in one case, Q: Under that policy instruction, what is the specific
we explained that 10 days was reasonable time for the reportorial requirement?
employer to explain to the employee of the reasonable A: Employer should report to the regional office of DOLE, that
standards. Because you must also be reasonable on the part had jurisdiction of the area, that the project has already
of the employer on his effort to let the employee known. ended.
Discussion: 10 days was considered in this case as still in the Q: Can you apply that reportorial requirement to non-
construction industries?
early phase of the probation.
A: Yes. SC said in one case, that there’s no reason why we
Q: The exception to regular employment, how many are cannot apply this reportorial requirement to non-
there? construction industries.
A: We have project employment and seasonal employment.
When we say project employment, these workers are hired JMM: if you have project workers just make sure that you also
for a specific project or undertaking whose completion of comply with the reportorial requirement even though its
which is determined at the time of his engagement. We also customized in workers for construction industry. Because it
have a seasonal employee who’s employed for that is indicative, that you hired true project workers.
particular season, whose duration of employment is seasonal
Q: How does the law describe a seasonal employment?
in nature. When we talk about seasonal employment, its
A: One which involves a work or service which is seasonal in
employment is only for the duration of the season.
nature and the duration of which is only for that season.
Q: Is that the only two?
Q: What is an example of a seasonal industry or
A: Under the LC, those are the only two. undertaking?
Q: Are you aware of any other type of employment that is A: Agricultural industry
similar to project or seasonal employment?
A: A fixed-term employment. JMM: The law describes the seasonal employee as it could
either be one that is agricultural or it could be one that the
Q: What is common between a fixed-term employment, operation of the company is only limited to a certain regular
project and seasonal?
A: It is the duration of employment. recurring part of the year and closes during the remainder
of the year due to climatic and other natural causes.

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Q: So we have to define it on our own. What is demotion?

A: Demotion is the movement from one position to another
Q: Once you hire a worker and place it under regular which carries with it diminution in duties, rank, status but may
employment, can you later on convert its status and make
it a project employment? or may not be accompanied by a reduction of salary.
No. It will contravene the employee’s right to security of Q: When you are demoted to a lower position that will
tenure. Since initially your employment is for an indefinite affect your security of tenure. Is that subject to the
period and if your status is converted into a project or fixed absolute prerogative of the employer?
term then that’ll make you a non-regular employee. That’s a A: No, it is subject to several limitations.
circumvention to employee’s right to security of tenure. It must be:
Q: When you are a project employee, what is your security 1) For a VALID CAUSE
of tenure? 2) Must not be ARBITRARY on the part of the ER
A: The duration is only limited to the existence of that 3) It should pass the test of REASONABLENESS, EQUITY and
particular undertaking. GOOD FAITH
Q: When you hire a probationary worker and after 4) Must observe DUE PROCESS – must be given opportunity
successfully passing that period of probation, can you to explain why he/she should not be demoted
place him under a fixed term employment?
A: No. Because categorically, a probationary employee is a Q: What is Transfer? Is this found in the Labor Code?
regular employee but only for the trial period for which that A: No, it is not found in the LC. It is defined as the lateral
employee has to satisfy the standards to make him a regular movement from one position to another of equivalent rank,
employee. level or salary, without break of service.
Q: By placing him into a fixed-term employment, what in Q: Based on jurisprudence, what is the reason for
effect are you doing? employers on the right to transfer?
A: You are converting a regular employee into a non-regular A: An employer can exercise the right to transfer in order to
employee. maximize the service of the employees and that based on
Q: When you hire a regular worker and place him on the employee’s qualifications or performance, he deems it
probation, does the law tell the employer how often should best to transfer such employee.
he evaluate the performance of the worker?
A: The law does not prescribe a particular schedule. The Q: Are there any limitations?
employer could evaluate anytime as long as its within the A: Yes.
probationary period. Must be for a reasonable cause
Q: Upon evaluation, can you terminate the employment of a Must not be inconvenient on the part of the employee
probationary worker? Must not be prejudicial to the employee
A:No because its during the evaluation that the employee Must not involve demotion of rank or status
would be appraised on his performance on how he fares on
the standards that was demanded from him. Must not be motivated by discrimination
Must not be made in bad faith
Q: An exception where you can terminate a probationary
employee without evaluating his performance? Must not be used as punishment without sufficient cause
A: For just and authorized causes Q: Can I transfer an EE who joins a labor union?
Q: Is just cause the same as authorized case? A: No because that would tantamount to constructive
A: No dismissal and unfair labor practice. There must be a valid
Q: Give me the terms of termination of employment, for a
probationary worker and a regular and permanent worker? Q: If the employee is found to be constructively dismissed,
A: Probationary worker what reliefs may the employee be entitled to?
-failure of the probationary employee to meet the standards A: Reinstatement, backwages and damages.
to become regular and permanent. Q: What about termination? Is this regulated by law?
-Just and authorized causes A: Yes. It is found in the Labor Code. It is a right but it is not
Regular employee absolute as it is subject to several limitations.
- just and authorized causes Q: Why is it not absolute? Why is the law regulating it?
Q: Determining the employment status of a worker is A: Because the ER and the EE are not on equal footing and if
essentially a management pregogative, can you tell us if there is no law that would regulate termination, then the ER
there are other management prerogative that can be can terminate the EE without cause and the Constitution
exercised aside from hiring and employment, classifying
the employment status of the workers? provides for a Protection to Labor Clause.
A: Other management prerogatives also include the Q: What are the requirements to effect a valid termination
promotion, demotion, transfer and termination. or dismissal?
A: Generally, the ER must observe SUBSTANTIVE DUE
Q: Is promotion written in the labor code?
A: No
Q: Then why is it a management prerogative? Q: What is substantive due process as differentiated from
Procedural Due Process?
A: It is because it is an inherent right of the employer A: Substantive due process refers to the existence of Just
Q: What does promotion mean? and Authorized Causes.
A: It is the scalar assent or advancement from one position to Procedural due process refers to the manner of effecting the
another that carries with it additional responsibilities dismissal.
however it may or may not include an increase in the salary. Q: Under the LC, the EE enjoys the right to security of
So if you’re promoted, you cannot demand as a a matter of tenure?
right that your salary should be increased. A: It is the right of the worker or employee to continue with
Q: What could be the purpose why one is promoted? his employment until he is terminated for a Just or
Authorized Cause.
A: It is a recognition of an employee’s skills.
Q: The LC classifies the substantive due process into two—
Q: Can you compel an employee to accept a promotion? Just and Authorized Cause. What are the Just Causes and
A: No, because the nature of promotion is of a gift or the Authorized Causes?
donation. And so for a promotion to be valid, there should A: (Note: memorize daw)
be a notice of acceptance from the part of the employee. Just Causes
The employer cannot just impose upon it. 1) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience to lawful
Discussion: Promotion should be coming from the initiative of orders of ER
the ER and not the result of some application by the EE. 2) Gross and habitual neglect of duty
Essentially, it should be based on performance or based on 3) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust
one’s merits. reposed in him by his employer
Q: The opposite of promotion is? 4) Commission of a crime by the employee against the
A: Demotion. person of his employer
5) Other analogous causes
Q: Is that written in the Labor Code?
A: No, it is not written.

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Authorized Causes The two instances are 1) when it is dependent on climatic or

1) Installation of labor-saving devices natural causes; that is, it involves regular, annually recurring
2) Redundancy parts of the year, and 2) when it is an agricultural activity.
3) Retrenchment to Prevent losses Take the example of additional workers hired by department
4) Closing or Cessation of Business Operation stores during Christmas time. Would you hire them as
Q: Does the LC provide for other analogous causes in I would hire them as fixed term.
authorized causes?
A: No, the LC is silent. Why not hire them as regular employees?
Atty: Now it is easy for us to study the just and authorized The need for their services is only limited to the demands of
causes because of the DO 147-15. They even enumerated the Christmas festivities. This season does not last forever.
and defined them. Thus, if I hire them as regular workers, I would need to keep
them forever.
Q: How does the LC describe the procedural due process
requirement for the termination in just causes? Why not hire them as casual workers?
A: Under the LC, the procedural due process for just causes is No, because their jobs are not incidental to the business of
that it must observe the twin notice rule and giving EE ample the employer, but necessary and desireable.
opportunity to be heard.
Can you hire them as project employees?
Q: How did the SC describe the procedural due process No, because there is no specific project or undertaking. The
based on just causes?
A: It describes the EE’s right to prior notice and hearing. Christmas festivities is not analogous to a project.

Q: How does the LC describe the procedural due process How do you define fixed term employment?
requirement of termination based on authorized causes? It is when an employee performs work that is usually
A: Service of written notice to the employee 30 days before necessary or desirable to the business of the employer,
effectivity of termination and separate notice must be sent to wherein the parties agreed to fix a period for the
the DOLE at least one month or 30 days from effectivity of employment.
How do you distinguish fixed term from project?
Q: In termination based on authorized cause, what is the The former does not refer to the completion of a specific
duty of the employer? project, but rather a period of time known and agreed upon
A: Must pay separation pay to the workers. by the parties during engagement.
Q: SC described this requirement as?
A: 30-day prior notice rule.
12/1/2017 — EH 405
11/27/17 — EH 405 By Marla — 1 hour
What are the requirements prescribed by law to dismiss an
By Marla — 1 hour employee?
The Supreme Court mentioned that projects involve two types The requirements prescribed by law for a valid dismissal are
of activities. What are they? substantive due process and procedural due process.
(Page 35 of Spectra). What is substantive due process?
I offer you employment as a project manager in connection to It refers to the existence of a just or authorized cause.
the buildings of my clients. Period. How would you classify What is procedural due process?
It refers to the requisites of prior due notice.
Regular employment.
My example involved a construction company. Are there What are the just causes for dismissal under the Labor Code?
guidelines specifically for kinds of employment the Under the Labor Code, the just causes for dismissal include
construction industry? serious misconduct or willful disobedience, gross and
Yes. DO 19. habitual neglect, fraud or willful breach, commission of a
crime or offense by the employee against the person of his
Under DO 19, how are workers classified? employer or any immediate member of his family or his duly
Project and non-project. authorized representative, and other causes analogous.
Who are considered non-project? What are the authorized causes?
They are those employed without reference to any particular The authorized causes are installation of labor-saving devices,
construction project or phase of a project. redundancy, retrenchment to prevent losses, and closing or
How are non-project employees further classified? cessation of operation of the establishment or undertaking.
Probationary, regular, and casual. OPEN: What do you understand by misconduct?
In our former example, how are you classified? Misbehavior, wrong actions, breaking the rules.
Regular. When is misconduct a just cause for dismissal?
Why are you not casual or probationary? When it is serious.
I am not a casual employee because my work is not incidental Does the Labor Code define serious misconduct?
to the business of my employer. Furthermore, I am not a No.
probationary worker because I was not given a trial period.
Under jurisprudence, what is serious misconduct?
What is seasonal employment? It is improper conduct, willful in character, which transgresses
One where the work or service to be performed is seasonal in some established or definite rule of action. By willful, it
nature and the employment is for the duration of the season. means there was intent to commit a grave wrong and
How do you distinguish this from regular employment? misbehave.
Seasonal employment is an exception from regular If a cashier misappropriates money in order to buy an Iphone,
employment. It is coterminous with a season. On the other can that be considered serious misconduct?
hand, regular employment has an indefinite ending. Yes. The money the cashier handles belongs to the employer,
not to him. He knows that misappropriating money is bad,
Can a season last a whole year?
yet he proceeds to do so.
No. A season involves periods of months within a year.
Must willful disobedience be work-connected?
Who promulgates IRR?
Yes, because the complete line is “willful disobedience by the
The Department of Labor and Employment. employee of the lawful orders of his employer or
Does the IRR have a definition of seasonal employment? representative in connection with his work.”
Yes. Same words as in the Labor Code. OPEN: What do you understand by disobedience?
Some authors said that seasonal employment involves a Not following instructions, not following orders.
seasonal industry. What are the two instances when an
industry is seasonal? When does disobedience become willful?

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407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Pa ge 18 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

Disobedience is willful when it is with intent. It is a notice to explain, or a show cause memo.
OPEN: How do you understand neglect of duty? What is the point of this letter?
Omission or failure to do what is required. NOT doing To give the employee the opportunity to explain his side, and
something necessary in your work. argue why he should not be dismissed.
If a teacher doesn’t submit his grades on time, is there neglect Why is that necessary?
of duty? It is required under due process.
How many days is the employee given to explain his side?
When is neglect of duty considered gross? The Labor Code does not specify a period, but jurisprudence
When it is grave or serious, as opposed to simple neglect of such as the case of King of Kings Transport, Inc. v. Mamac
duty. said five (5) calendar days.
Would you consider the above example with the teacher a If the employee does not answer within the prescribed period,
gross neglect of duty? what happens to his right to explain?
Yes. It is waived. The employee has a right to the ample
When is neglect of duty considered habitual? opportunity to explain, not to the act of explaining itself.
Habitual neglect implies repeated failure to perform one’s Doesn’t the Bill of Rights say that nobody can be deprived of
duties for a period of time. property without due process of law? Doesn’t that include the
right to be heard?
CITE A CASE: Must neglect of duty be both gross and The Bill of Rights governs the relationship between the State
habitual? Are there exceptions?
and its citizens. The due process under the Labor Code is
As a general rule, yes. However, there are instances when merely statutory due process.
gross neglect of duty alone is enough for termination of
employment, when there is substantial damage or injury to
the employer. In the case of Estacio v. PELCO…
NOTE: Atty. will check the case to see if you are bluffing. If 12/1/2017 — EH 404
possible, look for a unique case.
2 hours
Q: When you speak of serious misconduct, what do you
OPEN: What is “breach”? understand with the word misconduct?
Violation A:Improper conduct, misbehaviour.
OPEN: What is “trust”? Q: And when the Labor Code says “serious” misconduct, that
Faith means?
A:Grave (really up to you what definition you will give)
Put together, what is breach of trust?
It is an act which violates the legal duty, trust, and confidence Q: And when we speak of the whole phrase of “serious
justly reposed. misconduct”, how does the Labor Code define it?
A:Improper conduct, willful in character. There’s an intent to
When is it considered willful? do it. Transgress some rule of action.
It is willful when it is intentional. JMM: Because there’s also a minor misconduct. So the
What are the positions of trust? ground of misconduct to justify termination must be serious.
The types of positions of trust are: Question: Example?
1. employees occupying positions of trust and confidence A: If a security guard sleeps on duty(open-ended question)
(managers, supervisors),
Q: Another ground is willful disobedience to the lawful order
2. fiduciary rank-and-file employees charged with the care of the employer. The word “disobedience”, what does that
and custody of the employer’s money or property mean?
(cashiers, auditors, property custodians) A: Disobey or not to follow.
In the RPC, what are crimes against persons? Q: When we say willful?
Murder, homicide, physical injuries, rape A: There’s an intent not to follow.
The Labor Code mentions fraud. Is that the same as
dishonesty? Is that among the just causes to terminate JMM: So the employee knows there’s a lawful order that he
employment? needs to follow and yet he doesn’t follow it because he just
No. wanted to follow it. So disobedience means not to follow, to
disobey and it is done knowingly and deliberately.
What do you understand by fraud?
There is intentional deceit in connection with work. It must Q: So if a teacher is required to submit his grades on time and
involve an employee with a position of trust and confidence. instead of submitting, what he did was not to submit the
grades at all. So that’s a willful disobedience?
Can fraud be a form of dishonesty? A: Yes.
Q: What’s wrong with that?
Here’s a story. You are a rank-and-file employee. You are late, A: It’s willful disobedience.
so you ask a fellow employee to falsify your time cards. Is that
fraud? Q: The Labor Code mentions the word “fraud”, what do you
Yes, because you are lying about your work hours. Time is understand with this word?
gold, a resource which your employer is paying you for. A: Deceit or deception
OPEN: Can you give an example of a case which is analogous Q: Can fraud stand alone as just cause to terminate an
to serious misconduct? employee?
Sexual harassment. A: Yes.
Can you give an example of sexual harassment? Q:Can fraud be done by an employee who does not hold a
It is not a mere violation of sexuality. It is an imposition, where position of trust?
the employer asks the employee for sexual favors in A: No.
exchange for benefits. Q: So if an employee does not hold a position of trust, he
OPEN: Can you give an example of a case analogous to willful cannot be guilty of fraud?
breach of trust and confidence? A: They should be together.
A managerial employee commits an act of disloyalty, like Q: So a mere rank and file employee who is not a managerial
when they spread trade secrets to colleagues in a employee or hold a position of trust, asks his fellow employee
competitor company. to time-in for him, did he commit fraud?
In your example, the manager shares a trade secret to a rival
company. How do we effect procedural due process? Q: But he does not hold a position of trust
Read Art. 292 (277) of the Labor Code. A: They can be treated separately
What do you call the first notice served to the employee?

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407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Page 19 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

JMM: They should be treated separately regardless of Q: but is it not that we have the Bill of Rights that says “no
whether you hold a position of trust or not. person shall be deprive of property without due process of
Q: What about willful breach of trust? A: yes
A: It can only be committed by a person holding a position of
trust. Q: when we speak of due process of law that contemplates
the “right to be heard”
Q: The word “breach”, what does that mean? A: Yes
A: Breach is a violation or transgression.
Q: is that what is contemplated in the LC?
Q: How about trust? A: No, it only contemplates an ample opportunity.
A: Entrusting confidence.
Q: Is there a difference?
Q: So willful means? A: the one contemplated in the Constitution is that State’s
A: Intent to breach the trust. intrusion to the liberty while in LC it mentions about a mere
Q: And that may be a ground to terminate an employee if such opportunity given by ER to EE to explain
employee holds a position of trust? Q: so the one in LC does not contemplate of constitutional
A:Yes. due process?
Q: Example. A: No
A: Those holding managerial or supervisor positions. Q: what kind of due process is it?
Q: Can a rank and file employee hold a position of trust? A: Statutory Due Process
A: Yes if he is given the responsibility to hold property or Q: how many days must be given by EE to state his side after
money (not sure if this is correct.) the service of the first notice?
A: the LC does not state, however in IRR it mentions of 5
Q: And another just cause for termination is for committing a calendar days to explain his side.
crime against the person, please give me an example.
A: Physical injuries (cause he didn’t like murder) Q: that 5 days to explain is for what purpose?
Q: You see other analogous causes, what does analogous A: for EE to prepare his side and adduced evidence in his
cause mean? defense
A: There must be an act or omission similar to those specified Q: under LC, what follows after the serving of the first notice?
in just causes and the act or omission must be voluntary or A: the ample opportunity to be heard
willful on the part of the employee (Check DO 147-15).
Q: does this include the right of an employee be afforded with
a formal hearing or conference?
JMM: So Analogous cause means a willful act attesting to his A: No
moral integrity. And it is a just cause when it is analogous to Q: if the employee request for it?
the 4 previously mentioned. A: then in this instance, it is now mandatory for the EE to have
Q: Give me an example of a cause analogous to serious a formal hearing
misconduct. Q: what other instances that formal hearing is mandatory?
A: Sexual Harassment, like if a manager demands from the A: (1) its an established practice of company; (2) there are
employee to have sexual intercourse in exchange of a substantial evidentiary disputes; (3) other similar instances
promotion or good recommendation.
Q: why is that the conduct of formal hearing is mandatory if
Q: And if this is committed, this is a cause analogous to serious the EE requests, for what purpose may that be used by the
misconduct. Does this fall within the definition of just cause EE?
under the department order? A: it may be used by EE to adduce evidence in his defense.
A: Yes because there’s an act or omission that is analogous to
serious misconduct and the act or omission is voluntary on JMM: a written explanation may not be enough to convince
the part of the employee. the ER. Jurisprudence would tell us that a formal hearing
becomes mandatory is the EE requests for it. The denial of
Q: What does the LC say regarding the procedural due process such is a violation of procedural due process.
on termination for just causes?
A: Article 292(b) Q: what else?
Q: It mentions of a notice being furnished to an employee who A: In order to refute the evidence against him, to confront the
is sought to be dismissed from employment, how many witness against him, he may also offer to settle amicably
notices does the LC contemplate?
A: 2 (Notice to Explain and Notice of Decision) Q: what is the 2nd notice?
A: written notice of decision
Q: Only one notice to explain?
A: the provision mentions “any decision taken by the Q: these notices, how should it be served to EE?
employer shall be without prejudice…” A: preferably, it must be by personal service

Q: under the Labor Code, does the decision need to be served Q: how is it done?
on the employee? A: its effected by handing a copy of the notice/ delivering it
A: Yes sir, the employee is entitled to the notice of the by hand
decision of the employer. Q: is it important that we should’ve have proof of service?
Q: so in contemplation how many notices does that provision A: yes, it is only thru proper furnishing of service that the EE
provides? can have the opportunity to explain.
A: two notices. Q: In making personal service of a notice, what is your proof of
(1) notice to explain service?
(2) notice of decision A: may be evidenced by the actual receipt
JMM: that’s why in cases, SC speaks of the twin notice Q: is there any other mode of service?
requirement A: it could be through mail to the EE’s last known address. It
could be either ordinary mail or registered mail.
Q: and the notice to explain should state what?
What is the proof of service for ordinary mail and the proof of
A: it states the causes or reasons for the dismissal , it also service for registered mail?
gives the employee an ample opportunity to explain
Registry receipt or return card?
Q: why do we need to give the EE an ample opportunity to Registered mail – registry receipt and return card issued by
explain, is that required in LC? postal office
A: Yes, they’re entitled to explain their side. Ordinary mail – receipt issued by postal office evidencing
Q: does that law give the EE the right to be heard or just an receipt/mailing of documents
opportunity to be heard?
A: Opportunity to be heard (Not sure of the answers cos he didn’t say, based on research
ra, so might as well research also on your own)

Compiled by: Sandee

Transcribed by: 405 — Marla, 406 — Roseanne&Margil, 
 “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much."
407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Pa ge 20 of 21
Labo r Mi dt e r m s R e c i t s Atty. J MM

Which is the proof of mailing? Registry Receipt or return card? not involve serious misconduct or those reflecting on his
(Give a wild guess) moral character (Discerning Compassion Doctrine).
(he didn’t answer)
If there exists a just cause and there is no compliance with the
Who has the burden prove legality of dismissal? procedural due process requirement? Then what is now the
Employer. status of the dismissal?
Valid but the ER is entitled to give the EE nominal damages.
What are the requirements again?
Substantive and procedural due process What is nominal damages?
Awarded in recognition of a violation of the right of the
Can you serve by private courier? plaintiff.
No prohibition as long as you serve a copy as long as there is Damages  recoverable  in order to vindicate or recognize the
also proof of service. rights of the plaintiff which has been violated or invaded by
The second notice is the notice of decision, what is in the the defendant.
notice of decision?
The employer would furnish the employee based on the
allegations against him as well as the evidence and the
decision whether to terminate him or not.
The notice of decision must come after notice to explain. It
must also be accompanied with proof of service.

Once you were able to satisfy all these, would that now satisfy
the procedural due process requirement?
So Notice of decision, based on jurisprudence whenever the
ER decides on what penalty can be imposed on the EE, do we
have any guiding principle? Or is the mere fact that the EE
committed acts constituting any of the just cases already
considered ground to terminate him all the time?
Not necessary that the EE is terminated if he is found to be
doing any of the just causes. Based on the company policy, if
there are other penalties other than termination then he
must be given such penalty.
Who decides whether it is a just cause or not?
The ER.
In deciding whether the penalty is dismissal or not, what
guiding principles should the employer follow?
Principle of Discretionary Justice – Where a penalty less
punitive would suffice, whatever missteps may be committed
by labor ought not to be visited with a consequence so
severe. (In the book daw, SC decision)
In other words, the penalty must not be too harsh. It must be
commensurate to the act or omission taking into account the
nature and gravity of the offense, length of service of the
employee, derogatory records if any and other similar
Unlike in the past when you committed any of the just causes,
there is really dismissal.
What is the so-called Double Jeopardy Rule? It is another
guiding principle in the imposition of penalty.
An employee cannot be penalized twice for the same offense.
The employer cannot take into account the previous
penalized offense in terminating the employee.
What about Previous Infraction Rule?
Previous infractions which may be used as justification for an
employee’s dismissal from work which must be in
connection with a subsequent similar offense.
Would it entitle the employee to reinstatement if the penalty is
too harsh?
The dismissal is illegal if penalty is too harsh. It would warrant
the reinstatement of EE.
If there exists Just Cause and there is faithful compliance with
the procedural due process? What is the status of the
So if it is valid dismissal is the employee entitled to any relief
under LC?
No, sir since it is valid.
When is he entitled to relief?
If there is unjust dismissal or illegal dismissal. It is under Art.
294 (Read second sentence)
When is the dismissal unjust?
If there is no just cause or authorized cause and there is
absence of the twin notice rule.
Is there an instance where the EE may be entitled to a relief
even if dismissal is for just cause? And even if there is
compliance with procedural due process?
ER may be given Separation Pay as financial assistance
provided that the dismissal was for a just cause which does

Compiled by: Sandee

Transcribed by: 405 — Marla, 406 — Roseanne&Margil, 
 “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much."
407 — Vince&Mishel, 402 — Jemar&Ela, 404 — Lambert EH 405 (2017–2018) Page 21 of 21

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