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CS2201: Assignment 2

Duration: 1.5 hours Total marks: 15

• For questions with multiple parts, the solution of each part should be a stand-alone

• All programs should be compatible with Python 3.

• There will be a plagiarism check. The suspected copies will attract a deduction of
marks for the problem irrespective of who is the original author of the code. Copying
from internet will also be considered as plagiarism.
• Late submissions will attract marks deduction.

• You are advised to compile the code before submitting them to WeLearn. If a code
does not compile at our end, marks will be deducted for the problem.
• Each program should follow a strict naming convention: (e.g.,
etc.). Programs not adhering to the convention will not be corrected.

• All codes (.py files) should be submitted in a single zipped folder to WeLearn.
• You should put appropriate comments in the code.

1. (Marks: 2) Input (use input()) a list from the user (containing duplicates) and create another list
containing only the repeating elements. E.g. if the input list is [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5], the output list will
be [2, 4].

2. (Marks: 2) Take a string with multiple words as input from the user (use input()) and use slicing ([::])
only to reverse it word-wise and print it as a string (type() should be ‘str’ and not ‘list’; use strip() to
remove extra spaces at the beginning and end of the output string). For example if the input string is I
am Kripa, the output should be Kripa am I.
3. (Marks: 2) Define a function complement that takes 0 (or 1) as input and returns the complement
value, that is, 1 (or 0) as output. Take a numpy array I (no need to take user input), apply complement
function on it and store the result in J. Note that you must use numpy-specific function operation (e.g.
don’t use list operations). If the input array (I) contains (in this order) 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 the output array
should be (in this order) 0 1 0 1 0 0.
4. (Marks: 2) An eccentric scientist decides on whether to go out for an evening walk depending on the
outcome of a coin toss and rolling a dice, done together, by him on the morning. He goes out for an
evening walk only if he sees ‘head’ (H) on the coin and an ‘even number’ on the dice face. Use list
comprehension to generate a list of tuples favorable to the scientist’s evening walk. An example of
such a tuple will be (‘H’, 2).
5. (Marks: 2) Ask from user (use input()) names and ages alternately (for n such pairs, where n is a
number of your choice) and store the entire input in a list. Now, convert the list into a dictionary
such that each name forms a key with the immediately succeeding age as the value. For example, if the
input list is [‘kripa’, ‘37’, ‘debleena’, ‘32’, ‘anish’, ‘2’], the output dictionary should be {‘debleena’:
‘32’, ‘anish’: ‘2’, ‘kripa’: ‘37’} (note that the order of key-value pairs in the dictionary does not matter
as long as the the correct age is the value of the corresponding name).
1 5

3 4
Figure 1: Graph

6. (Marks: 2) Consider a numpy array [ [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ], [ [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12] ] ]. Use slicing of
numpy arrays ([,,]) only to extract the following numpy array
[[[ 4 6]]
[[10 12]]]
7. (Marks: 3) In computer science, graph forms an important data structure. An example graph is shown
in Figure 1. A graph consists of nodes (shown as filled black circles) which are connected by edges (shown
as straight lines). The nodes are labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Node 1 is connected to nodes 2, 4 and 5 by
edges; node 3 is connected to 4 and so on. This can be thought of as five cities (nodes) connected by
roads (edges). In our example, suppose that city 1 (node 1) is connected to cities (nodes) 2, 4 and 5 by
roads (edges). Graphs are used in many interesting applications in computer science, e.g. in representing
a network of cities and finding the shortest path (in terms of the number of edges) between cities (e.g.
used in Google maps).
Note that a graph can be represented as pairs of adjacent (connected by an edge) nodes. The graph in
Figure 1 can be represented as (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 5), (3, 4), (2, 4). Write a python program to input (use
input()) a graph by asking from the user pairs of nodes and store the graph as a list of lists named
graph which for our example will be be [[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 5], [3, 4], [2, 4]].
A graph can also be represented as an adjacency list. The adjacency list representation of the graph in
Figure 1 is shown in Figure 2. The adjacency list here shows each node (in blue) with the other nodes
to which it is connected in the graph shown by arrows. For example, here the node 1 is connected to
the nodes 2, 4 and 5.
Continue on the above program to create a dictionary of lists named adjlst from graph such that
each key will be a node (as shown in blue in Figure 2) and the value will be a list of the nodes connected
to it. For our example, adjlst will be {1: [2, 4, 5], 2: [1, 4], 3: [4], 4: [1, 3, 2], 5: [1]}.

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1 2 4 5
2 1 4
3 4
4 1 3 2
5 1
Figure 2: Adjacency List

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