Operations Management (Mba235)

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12/4/21, 6:05 AM OPERATIONS_MANAGEMENT(MBA235)-1638550122806.







Total Teaching Hours For Semester :

30                                                                                                                                                                                                          No of Lecture Hours/Week : 3

Max Marks :

Course Description and Course Objectives:

Course Description: This is a core paper offered in second trimester of MBA degree. This course provides students, insights related to Strategy, Planning,
Manufacturing and Control aspects of Operations. It prepares students for careers in the area of Planning, Production and Control functions in Manufacturing, as well
as, in Service sector. The concepts learnt in this field are applicable to all specializations including, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Business Analytics, Lean
Operations and Systems, and also in other fields.

Course Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to:

CO1: Understand the operations strategy design process in a competitive environment.

CO2: Analyse layout designs, location criteria and line balancing decisions in manufacturing setup.

CO3: Examine inventory patterns and models for optimizing value in a supply chain.

CO4: Discover the causes of quality defects through statistical and non-statistical methods.
CO5: Study emerging areas in lean, sustainability and project management.


Introduction and Operations Strategy

Introduction: The Field of Operations Management, Production Systems, OM in the Organizational Chart, Operations as Service, Historical Development
of OM, Current Issues in Operations Management. Operations Strategy: Operations Strategy, Operations Competitive Dimensions, Corporate Strategy
Design Process, Fitting Operational Activities to Strategy, Productivity Measurement.


Business Process Design

Process Selection, Manufacturing Process Flow Design, Measuring Product Development Performance, Planning the strategic use of resources -Plant
location and Plant Layout, Line balancing with numerical, Takt time.


Inventory Management and Supply Chain Management

Inventory Management: Definition of Inventory, Purposes of Inventory, Inventory Costs, Independent versus Dependent Demand, Inventory Systems,
ABC, EOQ, FSN, VED and VMI. Introduction to SCM, Bull whip effect, Push and Pull Systems Role of Technologies in SCM.

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Quality Management

Management of Quality – Introduction to QM tools such as TQM, SPC, 7 QC tools and Six Sigma


Project Management and Current trends in Operations Management

Introduction, Project Planning, Structuring Projects and Work Breakdown Structure. Ethical issues in OM. Lean concepts & Sustainable operations


Essential References:

Mahadevan, B. (2015). Operations Management. India: Pearson. 3rd Edition.

Recommended References:

1. Chase, R.B., Jacobs, F.B. & Aquilano, N.J. (2010). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.2
2. Gaither, N. F.(2002). Production & Operations Management. New Delhi: Thomson Learning Publications.
3. Stevenson, W. J. (2007). Production and Operations Management, New Delhi: McGraw Hill.
4. Lee, K. J., & Larry, R. P. (2002). Operations Management, Processes and Value Chains. New Delhi: Pearson Education Publications.
5. Buffa, E.S., & Sarin, R.K. (2008).Modern Production/Operations Management. New Delhi:  John Wiley & Sons Publications.
6. Jay, H., & Barry, R. (2011). Operations Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education Publications.
7. Russel, R.S., & Taylor, B.W. (2012). Operations Management. New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons Publications.
8. Chase, R.B., & Ravi Shankar, et al. (2010). Operations and Supply Management. India: McGraw Hill.
9. Arnold, J.R.T, Chapman, S.N. & Ramakrishnan, R.V. (2007) Introduction to Materials Management. Pearson Education

Evaluation Pattern

Sl.No Particulars Weightage

1 CIA- I 20
2 CIA-II 25
3 CIA-III 20
4 End Trimester Exam 30
5 Attendance* 05

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