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Fixed Effort Sphere Decoder for MIMO OFDM


Nora Tax and Berthold Lankl

Institute for Communications Engineering
Munich University of the Bundeswehr
85579 Neubiberg, Germany
Email: <first name>.<last name>

Abstract—A new fixed effort Multiple Input Multiple Output The K-Best (KB) algorithm depicted in [4] and the Fixed-
(MIMO) decoder for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) algorithm illustrated in [5]
(OFDM) is proposed. For enhancing the data rates in wireless provide near ML performance with a fixed number of needed
communication systems a higher bandwidth is needed, resulting in computations but with a missing criterion for the selection of
a frequency selective channel with multiple reflecting transmission the candidates at the different MIMO levels.
paths. These requirements implicate additional considerations on
the dimension of channel memory. Therefore we get a higher
In [6] we proposed the reduced search sphere decoder (RS-
complexity for the decoder on the receiver side that can be SD), which is performed over a fixed number of candidates
reduced by performing the equalization in the frequency domain which are selected depending on the pre-computed search set
with OFDM, where each subchannel can be considered as a flat missing probabilities at each data stream. These probabilities
MIMO channel. To achieve the optimum hardware exploitation are calculated considering the noise power after the linear
it is strongly necessary to find optimized effort based solutions compensation caused by the QR-decomposition of the chan-
to be able to implement an efficient MIMO decoder in concrete nel matrix at each MIMO level. The RS-SD provides near
practical systems. Therefore our reduced search sphere decoder ML performance with a fixed computational effort given by
(RS-SD) algorithm that performs the closest point search over the number of selected candidates resulting in an optimum
a reduced set of candidates based on pre-computed search set hardware exploitation. This approach has been derived for flat
missing probabilities and other common fixed effort algorithms
for flat MIMO channels are adapted to the OFDM system model.
fading channels and is extended to a frequency selective indoor
Furthermore our new OFDM-RS-SD algorithm is proposed channel with only a limited measurement bandwidth of 4 MHz
quartering the needed computational effort compared to the RS- in [7]. In this scenario the measured channel impulse response
SD by additionally considering the conditions of the different (CIR) contains of the line-of-sight (LOS) MIMO transmission
subchannel matrices during the selection of the candidates. path with strong power and only one weak MIMO reflected
Therefore the OFDM-RS-SD offers a higher flexibility reaching transmission path. Therefore the detection scheme is extended
near ML performance with significantly reduced computational by a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) with one tap in order
effort. to remove the disturbing inter symbol interferences (ISI).
Keywords—MIMO detection, OFDM, line-of-sight, frequency In this paper we assume a higher measurement bandwidth
selective channel, sphere decoder, RS detector which results in a much more frequency selective CIR with
more than one reflecting transmission path. These requirements
implicate additional considerations on the new dimension of
I. I NTRODUCTION channel memory that leads us to a higher complexity for
the detector on the receiver side. This complexity can be re-
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) transmission duced by performing the equalization in the frequency domain
systems promise higher data rates and a better reliability for with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) [8].
a given signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a fixed bandwidth Thus we propose a new reduced search algorithm for OFDM
as described in [1] and [2]. The optimal detector in MIMO (OFDM-RS-SD) with an intelligent candidate selection per-
systems is the maximum likelihood (ML) detector, which is not formed over all levels and all subchannels resulting in a
suitable in practice due to its high computational effort. Hence remarkable reduction of the needed effort.
the MIMO challenge is the implementation of an efficient Hence, the paper is structured as follows: In section II the
MIMO detector with low effort for the separation of the system model for a MIMO OFDM system is illustrated and
spatially multiplexed data streams. the derivation of the resulting signal model is shown. In section
The sphere decoder (SD) algorithm derived in [3] is based on III the SD principle and two common SD algorithms with fixed
a closest point search in the lattice with reduced complexity effort are shortly introduced. Besides, the idea of an intelligent
by searching in a defined hypersphere with decreasing search candidate selection of the RS-SD and the needed modifications
radii. Thus a reduced but variable number of candidates is for the OFDM-RS-SD are presented. In addition we specify the
used instead of searching over the entire constellation. The computational effort and depict the capability of the reduced
SD provides ML performance, nevertheless with a variable search algorithm to deliver soft output information. In Section
number of candidates resulting in an exponential complexity IV the simulation results are shown and the performance of
up to ML complexity for a bad conditioned channel matrix the different decoders and the needed computational effort are
and low SNR. Therefore the SD algorithm is unfeasible for compared. Finally our work will be concluded in section V.
the implementation in practical hardware systems.

978-1-4799-0308-5/13/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE

II. S YSTEM AND S IGNAL M ODEL FOR MIMO OFDM where n[l] ∈ CNr represents the additive white Gaussian
noise at the l-th received sample. We expect the noise to be
We assume a Nt × Nr MIMO System consisting of Nt
independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), zero-mean with
transmit antennas and Nr receive antennas. OFDM is applied
the covariance matrix Rn = σn2 INr and the noise power σn2 at
to deal with the frequency selectivity of the communication
each receive antenna.
channel, where the frequency spectrum is divided into K dif-
The transmitted data vector x[l] results from the IDFT of
ferent subcarriers to create K frequency flat MIMO channels.
the data vector s at the time instance l which is composed
Thus we consider the principle of OFDM in a MIMO system
of symbols randomly chosen from the QAM constellation A
as shown in figure 1 and 2.
where the probability of occurrence of all symbols is uniformly
distributed. The average power at each transmit antenna is
normalized to 1 and the channel matrix is scaled by the factor
√ σ2
(1/ Nt ) resulting in a SNR of ρ = σx2 = σ12 per receive
n n
In the following derivation we will have a closer look at the
d-th MIMO OFDM symbol consisting of K + Ng elements
where Ng ≥ Q is the length of the CP that acts as guard
interval preventing the ISI of neighboring OFDM symbols.
The transmitted block in the time-domain before adding the
CP is given by
 
s0 (d)
Fig. 1. Principle of OFDM in a MIMO transmitter. x(d) = (F−1 ⊗ INt )  ..
, (3)
 
At the transmitter the bit data stream is multiplexed among sK−1 (d)
the Nt transmitter branches. Afterwards the QAM mapping where F is the Fourier matrix with the dimension K × K
and the K-point inverse discrete Fourier transformation (IDFT) and the elements F(a, b) = exp(−j2π( ab
are performed separately for each antenna branch. To prevent K )), ⊗ depicts the
Kronecker product, INt describes the Nt × Nt identity matrix
ISI a cyclic prefix (CP) is added to the OFDM symbols. The and sk (d) contains the MIMO vector transmitted on the k-th
length must be at least as long as the CIR. subcarrier over all Nt transmit antennas.
The addition of the CP at the receiver and the removal at the
transmitter results in a block circulant channel matrix H with

dimension KNt × KNr that leads to the following received
signal after the CP is removed:
H0 0 . . . 0 HQ . . . H1
 
.. .. . . .. 
 H1 H0
 . . 0 . . 
 . .. ..
.. ..

 .
 . . . 0 . . HQ 

e(d) = HQ HQ−1 . . . H0 0 . . . 0  x(d) + n(d). (4)
 
 . . . 
 0 HQ . . .. H0 0 .. 
 
Fig. 2. Principle of OFDM in a MIMO receiver.
 . .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . 0 
. 0 .
At the receiver the CP is removed first and the K-point 0 . . . 0 HQ HQ−1 . . . H0
discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) is performed for each
Finally the DFT is performed at the receiver side for each
receive antenna branch separately. The received signals of each
antenna branch separately to obtain the frequency-domain
subcarrier k can be detected as for the flat channel [9].
signal model which is given by
We assume that the channel is time invariant during the
transmission of one data burst and is described in the discrete- r(d) = (F ⊗ INr )e(d) (5)
time representation where the CIR can be recorded with Q + 1
= (F ⊗ INr )(Hx(d) + n(d))
time instances and the LOS component is depicted by the index ∼
q = 0. The CIR can be written as = (F ⊗ INr )(H(F− 1 ⊗ INt )s(d) + n(d))

G0 0 . . . 0
X  
H[l] = Hq δ[l − q], (1)
 0 G1 . . . 0 
q=0 =  . .. ..  s(d) + ñ(d), (6)
 .. ..
. . . 
where the complex matrix Hq ∈ CNt ×Nr indicates the q-th
MIMO transmission path at time instance l. Therefore the 0 ... 0 GK−1
signal model is given by where ñ(d) describes the frequency-domain noise and its
X elements are expected to be i.i.d. and zero-mean. Moreover
e[l] = Hq x[l − q] + n[l] ∈ CNr , (2) the covariance matrix is given by Rñ = σñ2 INr and the noise
q=0 power is given by σñ2 .
The diagonal elements of the block diagonal matrix G repre- Thus the complexity of the SD algorithm is variable and is
sent the different MIMO channel matrices of the K subcarriers. able to reach ML complexity for the worst case scenario.
Each matrix element Gk has the dimension Nt × Nr and can For the ML algorithm the search has to be executed over all
be written as possible vector candidates resulting in a complexity order of
Q O(Nt2 |A|Nt ) for each subcarrier.
X kq
Gk = Hq exp(−jπ ). (7)
K B. Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD)
Therefore the MIMO detection can be performed for each Other than the SD, the FSD proposed in [5] selects a
subcarrier k individually as for the flat MIMO channel. fixed number of candidates for the detection of the transmitted
symbols. Furthermore there is a small performance reduction
rk (d) = Gk sk (d) + ñk (d) (8) due to some preprocessing at the receiver before the decoding.
is the resulting signal model per subcarrier. The algorithm makes use of some properties of the upper
triangular matrix U shown in [6] leading to the following
inequality which has to be met:
|A| ≥ E[Nk,Nt ] ≥ E[Nk,Nt −1 ] ≥ . . . ≥ E[Nk,1 ] ≥ 1, (12)
In this section we have a brief look at the SD algo-
rithm and common fixed effort sphere decoders, which we where E[·] represents the expectation operator and Nk,i the
already summarized in [6] and specify the needed complexity number of selected candidates at level i. Due to the interference
and computational effort for the illustrated sphere decoders. from the other levels and the performed channel matrix column
Afterwards we present the idea of the intelligent candidate ordering, more candidates are selected in the first level. The
selection operated in the RS-SD algorithm and its needed number of candidates per subcarrier k can be written as:
complexity before introducing the modifications for the new Nt
proposed OFDM-RS-SD algorithm. Moreover we show the Y
capability of the reduced search algorithms to deliver soft Nk = Nk,i . (13)
output information.
The complexity order of the FSD is given by the number
A. Sphere Decoder (SD) of selected candidates and can be written as O(2Nk Nt 2 ) for
each subcarrier as shown in [11]. However, there is a lack of
The SD [10] is based on the closest point search in the a criterion determining the number of candidates per level,
lattice providing ML performance with a reduced complexity. still resulting in a high complexity for achieving the ML
The ML solution is achieved by searching in a hypersphere performance.
with a defined radius around the received signal rk , instead
of searching over the whole constellation. To adapt the al- C. K-Best (KB)
gorithm to our OFDM signal model derived in (8) the QR-
decomposition is performed on the channel matrix Gk of The KB algorithm presented in [4] is a breadth-first tree
the k-th subcarrier with the assumption Nr ≥ Nt , leading search algorithm that only considers the KB,k nodes with the
to the following equations valid for each subcarrier k with smallest partial Euclidean distance (PED) before continuing
n0k = QH ñk : with the next level. KB,k is chosen by an adjustment between
the BER performance and the computational complexity. Fur-
Gk = QU, (9) thermore the complexity of the KB algorithm can be divided
yk = Q rk = Usk + n0k ,
(10) into the required complexity for the sorting stage and the
computation of the PED metrics resulting in the complexity
with the sphere decoder solution: 2
order of O(KB,k Nt +2KB,k Nt2 ) for each subcarrier. However,
kyk − Usk k2 . the KB algorithm has a high complexity resulting from the

ŝk,SD = arg min (11)
sk ∈Sk,R (yk ,U) computation of the metrics and the sorting stages, because a
Because of the characteristics of the upper triangular matrix U, high number of comparators is needed.
the solution can be solved recursively and backwards along the
tree from level Nt to 1. At each level i the admissible set of D. Reduced Search Sphere Detector (RS-SD)
children of a particular parent in the tree is selected as possible The RS-SD we proposed in [6] provides fixed effort for the
ML candidates. The search radius at level i depends on the separation of the spatially multiplexed data streams based on
preselected radii of the previous levels. After a new candidate an intelligent candidate selection. The candidates are chosen
was found the radius is updated with the new minimum according to pre-computed search set missing probabilities,
Euclidean distance. When the radius is so small that no more which describe the probabilities that a transmitted symbol sk,i
points satisfy the sphere decoder solution (11) the last point does not belong to the search set Sk,i of selected hypothe-
matching the sphere decoder solution is the ML solution. ses at each level i. The one-dimensional search set missing
The initial radius is arbitrarily defined and if the ML solution probability at level i in the k-th subcarrier can be written as
should be found in any cases the radius has to be large enough

to include all candidates to definitely find the ML solution. Pk,i sk,i ∈/ Sk,i |sk,i , zk,i , Nk,i , s̃k,i+1 = sk,i+1
Therefore the SD achieves ML performance but with a variable !
number of candidates resulting in exponential complexity for Nk,i ∆A
≈ erfc √ , (14)
a bad conditioned matrix and/or low SNR. 2 2σηk,i0
with the partial vector of the transmitted symbols sk,i+1 = the selection of the candidates per level and subcarrier which
T is only given by the RS-SD.
[sk,i+1 , . . . , sk,Nt ] and the zero-mean, complex Gaussian
0 We will exemplify the new strategy for the selection of the
noise ηk,i after the linear compensation with the upper trian-
gular matrix U resulting in the following noise power at each candidates with help of table I. For convenience we consider
level i: a 2 × 2 MIMO OFDM system with K = 4 subcarriers and 64-
QAM for this example. The first column of the table depicts the
1 2 2

ση 0 =
σ 0 . (15) number of iterations already executed by the algorithms and
k,i ui,i nk,i the following four columns show the number of candidates
Furthermore ∆A gives the distance between two neighboring that are already selected for the two levels of each subcarrier
symbols in the constellation A. The search set Sk,i on level k. Moreover the two lines within a row show the number of
i with the highest Pk,i has the highest probability that the candidates for the RS-SD (first line) and for the new OFDM-
candidate for the ML solution is not yet included in the search RS-SD (second line).
set Sk,i and therefore the number of candidates for this subset TABLE I
is increased, the initial radius for this level is enlarged and the E XAMPLE FOR THE CANDIDATE SELECTION IN A 2 × 2 MIMO OFDM
according probability is updated. S YSTEM WITH K = 4 SUBCARRIERS AND 64-QAM.
This process is continued until the total number of candidates
[N1,1 , N1,2 ] [N2,1 , N2,2 ] [N3,1 , N3,2 ] [N4,1 , N4,4 ]
supported by the hardware as in (13) is reached. After this
initialization process the starting radius for each level is 0 [1,1] [1,1] [1,1] [1,1]
determined and the solution satisfying the sphere decoder [1,1] [1,1] [1,1] [1,1]
constraint (11) can be obtained. The complexity order for the 1 [1,1] [3,1] [1,1] [1,1]
RS-SD algorithm per subcarrier O(2Nk Nt2 ) is given by the [1,1] [3,1] [1,1] [1,1]
number of selected candidates.
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
v [1,33] [3,5] [1,5] [5,3]
[1,33] [3,5] [1,5] [5,3]
v+1 [1,33] [3,9] [1,5] [5,3]
[1,64] [3,5] [1,5] [5,3]
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
end [1,33] [3,9] [1,33] [5,5]
[1,64] [3,5] [1,13] [5,5]
Nkmax 34 34 34 34
Fig. 3. Exemplary search set expansion strategy in the QAM constellation. 64 16 16 34
F 2FNk =16 2FNk =16 2FNk =16 2FNk =16
For the two-dimensional QAM complex constellation the pro- 4FNk =16 FNk =16 FNk =16 2FNk =16
posed search set expansion can be performed as shown in
figure 3. Some examples for possible search sets are illustrated
and their initial radii are marked with blue circles, hence the Specified by the hardware resources the total number of
spherical expansion around the received signal is depicted. The candidates in this example is limited to the number of N =
center of the circles are given by the received signal and can 136 candidates. For the RS-SD considering each subcarrier
be positioned all over the constellation with no need to directly separately with the same number of candidates we can achieve
match a constellation point. For 64-QAM for example the NRS = KNk,RS = 136 candidates by providing the maximum
possible numbers of candidates for this expansion strategy are number of candidates Nk,RS = 34 for each subcarrier k.
given by Nk,i = [1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 19, 25, 33, 64]. Thus with the Whereas the OFDM-RS-SD can have different numbers of
RS-SD we have a concrete criterion how the different initial candidates for the different subchannels with the limitation
radii for the Nt levels are determined, before the SD algorithm of the total number of candidates given by NOF DM −RS =
P K−1
is operated. k=0 Nk,OF DM −RS = 136. Due to simulation results
discussed later on, the maximum of Nk,OF DM −RS = 64
candidates per subcarrier is enough for a bad conditioned
E. OFDM Reduced Search Sphere Decoder (OFDM-RS-SD)
channel matrix to reach the SD performance. Hence we define
Contrarily to the previous presented decoders proposed the maximum number of candidates per subcarrier in this case
for flat MIMO channels and therefore only considering the as Nk,OF DM −RS ≤ 64.
Nt levels of each k-th subcarrier separately, the OFDM-RS- During the initialization of the algorithms the number of
SD takes into account that there are different conditioned candidates selected at each level i is set to 1 and the search
subchannel matrices Gk so that some subchannels may need set missing probabilities for the KNt = 8 search sets are
more and others may need less candidates to achieve the ML calculated. In this example the highest missing probability
performance. For that purpose we strongly need a criterion for during the initialization is calculated for the first level of the
second subcarrier. Therefore the number of selected candidates where yk,i is the unquantized linear solution at level i.
N2,1 for this search set is increased to the next possible value For the RS algorithms only the preselected symbols of the
given by the expansion strategy in figure 3, the new candidates reduced search set Sk,i need to be considered, leading to:
are included, the corresponding probability P2,1 is updated and P
f (yk,i |s̃k,i (bk,ia = 1))
the algorithm proceeds. After the v-th iteration the search set s̃k,i ∈Sk,i
missing probability P1,2 has the highest value in this example L(bk,ia |yk,i ) ≈ ln P , (17)
but the RS-SD can not expand the search set in the first f (yk,i |s̃k,i (bk,ia = 0))
max s̃k,i ∈Sk,i
subcarrier because otherwise the constraint Nk,RS = 34 is
not fulfilled any more. Hence, the RS-SD chooses the highest where the one-dimensional conditional probability density
search set missing probability in the subcarriers that still can function f (yk,i |s̃k,i (bk,ia )) = fk,i,a can be written as:
be extended, in this example the probability P2,2 and the
1 D{yk,i − s̃k,i (bk,ia )}2
number of candidates N2,2 is increased. The OFDM-RS-SD fk,i,a = √ exp(− ). (18)
on the other hand has not reached its stop criterion for the first πσηk,i ση2k,i
subcarrier yet and is able to expand the number of candidates The distance yk,i − s̃k,i (bk,ia ) has already been calculated
N1,2 to the next possible value as seen after the (v + 1)-th during the execution of the RS algorithms. Depending on a
iteration. The according missing probabilities are updated and being odd or even, D describes a real or imaginary operator.
the algorithms move on until all candidates within the given Therefore no significant additional effort is required for the
constraints are selected. The final assignment and the maxi- LLR estimation and a soft output can easily be obtained.
mum number of candidates Nkmax for each subcarrier needed
for the effort computation are shown in table I. Overall the
RS-SD proceeds the assignment column by column separately
and the OFDM-RS-SD executes the assignment line by line Channel measurements for the indoor scenario with a
always considering all subcarriers. bandwidth of 40 MHz performed at our institute show that
We define the computational effort F according to the maxi- we can assume a CIR in this scenario with a strong LOS
mum needed effort limited by the hardware resources and not transmission path and three reflected signal parts decreasing
as an average effort over different realizations, because the with exponential distribution, where the distance between the
average effort is not an adequate performance measure for a paths equals the symbol duration Ts . To cover the worst case
practical implementation. The maximum needed effort gives a scenarios and the statistics of the different possible antenna
valid indication also for a bad conditioned matrix or a lower setups we assume a Rayleigh fading environment and an
SNR. To simplify matters each scalar complex addition is uncorrelated channel for our simulations. We refer to a 4 × 4
counted with one flop and each scalar complex multiplication MIMO OFDM system using 64-QAM and K = 16 subcarriers
is counted with three flops as in [11]. with the CIR length ofQ+1  = 4. The SNR per receive antenna
For the MIMO OFDM system, where we treat each subcarrier σ2
is given by (10 log10 σx2 ) and the channel matrix is scaled
as a separate flat MIMO channel the entire needed effort for √ n

the SD, FSD, KB and RS-SD algorithms can be calculated by by the factor 1/ Nt . Moreover we assume perfect channel
multiplying the needed effort per subcarrier k with the total knowledge at the receiver.
number of subcarriers K, because the different conditioned The computational effort that is needed in this scenario for
subchannel matrices Gk are not considered and therefore the the described algorithms is calculated according to the used
effort is the same for each subcarrier. But for the new OFDM- number of flops and can be found in table II. Because the
RS-SD we get different efforts for initialization and the DFT/IDFT are executed for all decoders,
PKthe different subcarriers they are not considered in the effort calculations.
resulting in FOF DM −RS−SD = k=0 FNk where FNk cor-
responds to the complexity order of O(2Nk Nt2 ).
Since the effort for the reduced search decoder almost rises TABLE II
linearly with the number of selected candidates the example in C OMPUTATIONAL EFFORT F FOR THE FIXED EFFORT SD ALGORITHMS
table I shows that the needed effort for the RS-SD algorithm
FRS−SD = 4FNk =34 = 8FNk =16 and for the OFDM-RS-
RS-SD (16) 1.1 · 104 KB (10) 1.8 · 104
SD algorithm FOF DM −RS−SD = FNk =64 + 2FNk =16 +
FNk =34 = 8FNk =16 is the same but the number of candidates RS-SD (34) 2.2 · 104 KB (16) 3.4 · 104
in the different subcarriers varies for the OFDM-RS-SD and
therefore we expect the performance of the OFDM-RS-SD to RS-SD (64) 4.3 · 104 KB (34) 1.1 · 105
get closer to the ML solution. OFDM-RS-SD (16, 34) 1.1 · 104 FSD (34) 2.2 · 104

F. Soft Output OFDM-RS-SD (16, 64) 1.1 · 104 FSD (64) 4.3 · 104

To enable coded transmission, the used decoder has to OFDM-RS-SD (34, 64) 2.2 · 104 ML 4.3 · 109
provide a soft output information in form of values containing
the a posteriori probabilities of each information bit being 1
First we compare the fixed effort algorithms KB, FSD and
or 0. In [7] it is shown that the RS algorithms provide a
RS-SD to the reference of the SD which is reaching ML
simple calculation for the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) of the
performance with a variable effort. The results that are depicted
a-th transmitted bit on level i given by
in figure 4 show that the RS-SD (Nk = 64) already reaches
P (bk,ia = 1|yk,i ) the SD performance, whereas the FSD (64) with the same
L(bk,ia |yk,i ) = ln , (16)
P (bk,ia = 0|yk,i ) computational effort F as shown in table II denotes a loss of
with the restriction Nk,OF DM −RS ≤ 64 for each subcarrier
already reaching the SD performance, but with only half the
effort compared to the RS-SD (64).
Assuming that the hardware resource is only limited to the
total number of NOF DM −RS = 16K = 256 candidates the
RS-SD (16) already denotes a loss of about 2 dB at the BER
of 0.2·10−3 compared to the SD solution. However the OFDM-
RS-SD (16, 34) with the extended constraint Nk,OF DM −RS ≤
34 for each subcarrier and the same effort as the RS-SD (16)
almost reaches a performance close to the RS-SD (34), but
with only half of the computational effort. Moreover with the
OFDM-RS-SD (16, 64) allowing Nk,OF DM −RS ≤ 64 candi-
dates as maximum for each subcarrier the SD performance is
reached and the computational effort can even be quartered
compared to the RS-SD (64).

We presented a new fixed effort MIMO OFDM decoder
which is working in a frequency selective environment, based
Fig. 4. BER performance of SD algorithms for a 4×4 MIMO OFDM system on an intelligent candidate selection with the criterion of the
using 64-QAM and 16 subcarriers. pre-computed search set missing probabilities also considering
the conditions of the different OFDM subchannel matrices.
We have shown that we can reach the SD performance by
about 1 dB at the BER of 0.5 · 10−3 . Furthermore the RS-SD quartering the needed computational effort compared to the
(34) outperforms the KB (16), whereat the KB (16) requires RS-SD, which assigns the candidates separately for each
a higher computational effort. Due to the intelligent candidate subcarrier. The presented OFDM-RS-SD algorithm is able to
selection strategy, the RS-SD shows a performance close to the achieve near maximum likelihood performance but with a
SD with a fixed effort and a significant complexity reduction. significantly reduced complexity.
Therefore the simulation shown in figure 5 only considers
the RS-SD being compared to the proposed OFDM-RS-SD R EFERENCES
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At first we consider the OFDM-RS-SD (34, 64) where the total Verlag D. Köster, 2009.
number of candidates is given by NOF DM −RS = 34K = 544

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