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Marketing Research and e-Book

The advancement in technology has greatly changed the way marketing information is

being collected. The progress in technology has significantly influenced the rate at which people

read books. Traditionally, people relied explicitly on the print books, but now there are e-books

that people can read from their laptops or even Smartphone. According to Gahran (n.p.), e-books

have not only become popular, but it has also promoted reading habit among most of the

American Adults.

To be able to have an accurate number of those reading e-book, retailers are now capable

of gathering “real time” information that can be very useful in their marketing plan. It is possible

to record the exact hours one read an e-book when it was read, specific areas known, and

numerous other things. Such technologies are significantly appropriate was of gathering

marketing information. Through this technology, publishers and e-book retailers are capable of

gathering information that would be of great use like books or items required by customers.

Since it is possible to get the exact areas read, it would be easier to understand the specific

contents that are mostly read and adjust on the subsequent products that are being produced in

the market.

It is simpler to have both positive and negative feedback concerning the book based on

the hours taken reading the book, specific areas read, and possible areas that are not being visited

by the clients. It is through these technologies that customer needs can be easily met as
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publishers and e-book retailers are expected to work hard to identify products that are desired by

particular clients and provide specific products. However, there is a need for these technologies

to be used responsibly and in this case to want to improve quality of services to the clients and

not to stalk on consumer's private information.

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Works Cited

Gahran, Amy. "E-Books Spur Reading Among Americans, Survey Shows - CNN." CNN, 2012,


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