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The effects of situational variables on distance

covered at various speeds in elite soccer
a a a b
Carlos Lago , Luis Casais , Eduardo Dominguez & Jaime Sampaio
Facultad de CC da Educacion e o Deporte , Universidad de Vigo , Pontevedra, Spain
Department of Sport Sciences , University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro , Vila Real,
Published online: 08 Feb 2010.

To cite this article: Carlos Lago , Luis Casais , Eduardo Dominguez & Jaime Sampaio (2010) The effects of situational
variables on distance covered at various speeds in elite soccer, European Journal of Sport Science, 10:2, 103-109, DOI:

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European Journal of Sport Science, March 2010; 10(2): 103109


The effects of situational variables on distance covered at various

speeds in elite soccer


Facultad de CC da Educacion e o Deporte, Universidad de Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain, and 2Department of Sport Sciences,
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on distance
covered at various speeds in elite soccer. Twenty-seven Spanish Premier League matches played by a professional soccer
team were monitored in the 20052006 season using a multiple-camera match analysis system. The dependent variables
were the distance covered by players at different intensities. Data were analysed using a linear regression analysis with three
independent variables: match status (i.e. whether the team was winning, losing or drawing), match location (i.e. playing at
home or away), and quality of the opponents (strong or weak). The top-class players performed less high-intensity activity
(19.1 km × h 1) when winning than when they losing, but more distance was covered by walking and jogging when
winning. For each minute winning, the distance covered at submaximal or maximal intensities decreased by 1 m (P B0.05)
compared with each minute losing. For each minute winning, the distance covered by walking and jogging increased by
2.1 m (P B0.05) compared with each minute losing. The home teams covered a greater distance than away teams during
low-intensity activity (B14.1 km × h 1) (P B0.01). Finally, the better the quality of the opponent, the higher the distance
covered by walking and jogging. Our findings emphasize the need for match analysts and coaches to consider the
independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status during assessment of
the physical component of football performance.

Keywords: Physical performance, contextual factors, work rate, soccer

Introduction 2005). Several studies have shown decrements in

physiological performance during matches. In parti-
The physiological demands of soccer have been
cular, it has been suggested that high-intensity
studied intensively in male players. Timemotion
analysis research has demonstrated that elite players running and sprinting decrease from the first to the
typically cover distances of 914 km during a match second half, probably due to physical fatigue (Barros
(Barros et al., 2007; Di Salvo et al., 2007; Mohr, et al., 2007; Mohr et al., 2005; Rampinini et al.,
Krustrup, & Bangsbo, 2005; Rampinini, Coutts, 2007; Rampinini, Impellizzeri, Castagna, Coutts, &
Castagna, Sassi, & Impellizzeri, 2007). The type of Wisløff, 2009).
exercise in soccer is intermittent, with a change in Given that soccer is dominated by strategic
activity every 46 s (Bangsbo, 1994; Mohr et al., factors, it is reasonable to suggest that situational
2005). Thus, an international top-class player per- variables may somehow influence the teams’ and
forms approximately 1330 activities during a match, players’ activities. Empirical evidence suggests that
including about 220 runs at high speed (Barros the situational variables of match location (i.e.
et al., 2007; Di Salvo et al., 2007; Mohr et al., 2005; playing at home or away), match status (i.e. whether
Rampinini et al., 2007). Playing a high-level match the team was winning, losing or drawing), and the
can elicit up to 75% of maximal oxygen uptake, with quality of the opposition (strong or weak) are the
the anaerobic system contributing greatly during most important factors for soccer performances
intense periods (Bangsbo, 1994; Mohr et al., (James, Mellalieu, & Holley, 2002; Jones, James, &

Correspondence: C. Lago, Facultad de CC da Educacion e o Deporte, Universidad de Vigo, Av. Buenos Aires s/n, 36002 Pontevedra,
Spain. E-mail:

ISSN 1746-1391 print/ISSN 1536-7290 online # 2010 European College of Sport Science
DOI: 10.1080/17461390903273994
104 C. Lago et al.

Mellalieu, 2004; Lago & Martin, 2007; Taylor, Table I. Summary statistics for the observed outfield players
Mellalieu, James, & Shearer, 2008; Tucker, Mellalieu, Number of matches
James, & Taylor, 2005). Player Positional role observed
According to Bloomfield and colleagues (Bloomfield,
Polman, & O’Donoghue, 2005a) and Taylor et al. Player 1 EM 5
Player 2 EM 3
(2008), the importance of these situational factors is
Player 3 CM 13
reflected in changes in team strategies in response to Player 4 ED 19
score-line. However, despite the importance of ac- Player 5 CD 13
counting for match location, quality of opposition, Player 6 F 5
and match status during the assessment of tactical Player 7 ED 4
Player 8 F 8
aspects of soccer performance (Carling, Williams, &
Player 9 F 11
Reilly, 2005; Taylor et al., 2008), very few studies Player 10 CD 21
have examined the relationships between physical Player 11 F 3
performance during the match and these situational Player 12 CM 20
variables (Bloomfield, Polman, & O’Donoghue, Player 13 CM 12
Player 14 EM 2
2005b; Di Salvo, Gregson, Atkinson, Tordoff, &
Player 15 EM 7
Drust, 2009; O’Donoghue & Tenga, 2001; Rampinini Player 16 CD 6
et al., 2009; Shaw & O’Donoghue, 2004). Player 17 ED 10
Moreover, the effects of these situational factors Player 18 ED 8
Downloaded by [ULPGC. Biblioteca] at 08:42 21 January 2014

on distance covered at various speeds in elite soccer Player 19 CD 12

are unclear, given that previous research used small Note: CDcentral defender, EDexternal defender, CM
sample sizes and analysed situational variables in- central midfield player, EMexternal midfield player, F
dependently, thereby neglecting to account for the forward.
complex and dynamic nature of soccer performance
(McGarry & Franks, 2003; Reed & O’Donoghue, match results (17 home and 10 away matches)
2005). Given these shortcomings, the aim of the consisted of 7 wins, 7 draws and 13 losses, with 25
present study was to examine the independent and goals scored and 38 conceded by the sampled team.
interactive effects of match location, quality of the The team’s overall record for the sampled season
opposition, and match status on the distance covered was 10 wins, 11 draws, 17 losses, 36 goals scored,
at various speeds in elite soccer. and 56 goals conceded. We only analysed 27
matches because not all the teams of the Spanish
Premier League have the Amisco system. Moreover,
the sampled team did not use the Amisco system
Twenty-seven Spanish Premier League matches until the third home match.
played by a professional soccer team were monitored Voluntary informed consent was obtained from all
during the 20052006 season using a multiple- players before the study began. Ethics approval for
camera match analysis system (Amisco Pro† , ver- all experimental procedures was granted by the
sion 1.0.2, Nice, France). The movements of all 10 University Human Research Ethics Committee.
outfield players (goalkeepers were excluded) of the Written permission from the sampled club was
sampled team were observed throughout matches by received to record and analyse data.
means of eight stable, synchronized cameras posi- From the stored data, the distance covered, the
tioned at the top of the stadium (sampling frequency time spent in five different intensity categories, and
25 Hz). Only data for those players completing the frequency of occurrence of each activity for
entire matches (i.e. 90 min) were included in the players in different positions were obtained by specially
analysis. A total of 182 individual items of data from developed software (Athletic Mode Amisco Pro† ,
19 players were used in the study (see Table I). Nice, France). Match analyses were performed,
Signals and angles obtained by the encoders were distinguishing between the following five intensity
sequentially converted into digital data and recorded categories (Di Salvo et al., 2007, 2008): 011 km ×
on six computers for post-match analysis. Zubillaga h1 (standing, walking, jogging); 11.114.0 km × h1
and colleagues (Zubillaga, Gorospe, Hernandez, & (low-speed running); 14.119.0 km × h1 (moderate-
Blanco, 2009) have recently evaluated the reliability speed running); 19.123.0 km × h 1 (high-speed
and validity of Amisco Pro† for quantifying dis- running); 23 km × h1 (sprinting). Outfield players
placement velocities during match-related activities in this investigation were assigned to one of five
relative to data obtained using timing gates. [For positional groups according to their activity on the
previous applications of the Amisco system, see pitch: central defenders (n 52), external defenders
Di Salvo et al. (2007; Di Salvo, Benito, Calderon (n 41), central midfield players (n 45), external
Montero, Di Salvo, & Pigozzi, 2008).] The sampled midfield players (n 17), and forwards (n 27).
Situational variables in elite soccer 105

Data analysis covered at various speeds in elite soccer are dis-

played in Table III.
To examine how much unique variance in the
dependent variable was explained by each indepen-
dent variable, a standard multiple regression was Total distance covered
used. When estimating the regression models, we
The total distance covered was explained by match
found no evidence of heteroscedasticity in residuals location (PB0.01) and quality of the opponent
or multicollinearity among regressors. Moreover, the (P B0.05). In essence, playing away reduced the
RESET test (Ramsey, 1969) did not reveal specifi- total distance covered by 262 m compared with
cation problems. The detection of heteroscedasticity playing at home. Players covered a greater distance
was done according to White’s test. White’s test is when playing against better ranked teams. Each
used to establish whether the residual variance of a position difference in the end-of-season ranking
variable in a regression model is constant. To test for between opposing teams increased the total distance
constant variance, one regresses the squared resi- covered by 15 m. When all the independent variables
duals from a regression model onto the regressors, were zero  that is, the team was losing throughout a
the cross-products of the regressors, and the squared match played at home  the distance covered by
regressors. One then inspects the R2-value. Multi- players was 10,719 m.
collinearity was checked using Klein’s rule, which
states that serious multicollinearity is present if the
Downloaded by [ULPGC. Biblioteca] at 08:42 21 January 2014

R2-value of the regression of a predictor variable on Distances covered at submaximal or maximal intensities
other predictor variables is higher than the R2-value The total distance covered at submaximal or max-
of the original regression. imal intensities (19.1 km × h1) was explained by
When interpreting the statistical results, positive match status. For each minute winning, the distance
or negative coefficients indicate a greater or lower covered at maximal intensity decreased by 0.95 m
propensity to increase/decrease distance covered by (P B0.05) compared with each minute losing. For
players. The independent variables were the situa- example, if the team was losing for the whole 90 min,
tion variables: the predicted distance covered at maximal intensity
would be 86 m higher than if winning throughout
1. Match status, measured as the total number of
the match. At submaximal intensity, for each minute
minutes observed in each score-line state (win-
winning the distance covered decreased by 1.1 m
ning, losing or draw). The comparison group is
compared with each minute losing. When all the
losing. This means that the panel match status in
independent variables were equal to zero, the dis-
the regression model presents two coefficients
tance covered by players was 302 m (maximal
from the comparison of drawing and losing and
intensity) and 618 m (submaximal intensity).
from the comparison of winning and losing.
2. Match location, a dummy variable indicating if
the game was played at home or away. Playing Distances covered at medium intensities
at home is the comparison group.
The total distance covered at medium intensities
3. Quality of opposition, the difference in the final
(14.119.0 km × h1) was not explained by the
ranking (in the current season) of the consid-
situational variables. When all independent variables
ered team and the opponent, i.e.
were equal to zero, the distance covered by players
Quality of opposition PAPB was 1677 m.

where PA is the final ranking of the sampled team Distances covered at low intensities
and PB is the final ranking of the opponent.
The total distance covered at low intensities (B14.1
Statistical analysis was performed using STATA
km × h1) was explained by match status, match
for Windows, version 10.0 (Stata Corp., Texas,
location, and quality of the opponent. For each
USA). For all analyses, statistical significance was
minute winning, the distance covered walking and
set at P B0.05.
jogging (011 km × h1) increased by 2.2 m (P B0.05)
compared with each minute losing. Accordingly,
each minute winning increased by 2.1 m (P B0.01)
the distance covered at low-speed running (11.114.0
The distances covered at different work intensities km × h1) compared with each minute losing. Playing
by players of different positional roles are presented away decreased the total distance covered walking and
in Table II. The effects of match location, quality of jogging and at low-speed running by 144 m (P B0.01)
the opposition, and match status on distance and 66 m (PB0.05), respectively. Finally, players
C. Lago et al.
Table II. Distance covered (m) at different work intensities by players of different positional roles (standard deviations in parentheses)

Walking and jogging Low-speed running Medium intensities Submaximal intensity Maximal intensity
Positional role Total distance covered (011 km × h 1) (11.114.0 km × h 1) (14.119.0 km × h 1) (19.123.0 km × h 1) (23 km × h 1)
Downloaded by [ULPGC. Biblioteca] at 08:42 21 January 2014

Central defenders 10 491 (496) 6864 (228) 1611 (181) 1441 (277) 388 (114) 188 (84)
External defenders 11 050 (482) 6791 (245) 1621 (175) 1735 (247) 576 (135) 327 (131)
Central midfielders 11 320 (610) 6941 (401) 1794 (210) 1903 (334) 502 (132) 179 (84)
External midfielders 11 425 (354) 6892 (261) 1671 (278) 1916 (161) 609 (117) 337 (94)
Forwards 10 686 (714) 6813 (251) 1378 (232) 1567 (336) 584 (116) 344 (112)

Table III. The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the total distance covered (m) during an entire match (standard errors in parentheses)

Walking and jogging Low-speed running Medium intensities Submaximal intensity Maximal intensity
Total distance covered (011 km × h 1) (11.114.0 km × h 1) (14.119.0 km × h 1) (19.123.0 km × h 1) (23 km × h 1)

Variables Coeff. Beta Coeff. Beta Coeff. Beta Coeff. Beta Coeff. Beta Coeff. Beta

Match status
drawing 3.79 (2.48) 0.16 3.63** (1.10) 0.35 1.68* (0.84) 0.19 0.29 (1.28) 0.02 1.32* (0.55) 0.25 0.48 (0.51) 0.11
winning 2.10 (1.19) 0.10 2.18* (0.97) 0.23 2.13** (0.69) 0.28 1.65 (1.18) 0.01 1.09* (0.51) 0.23 0.95* (0.38) 0.24
Match location 262.47** (11.32) 0.19 143.93** (42.96) 0.23 66.06* (37.85) 0.13 18.27 (55.35) 0.03 19.02 (23.55) 0.06 15.20 (20.16) 0.06
Quality of opposition 15.47* (11.32) 0.12 16.81** (5.27) 0.33 4.99 (3.43) 0.12 2.49 (5.93) 0.04 4.29 (2.71) 0.16 1.54 (2.14) 0.07
Intercept 10719.91** (190.52) 6619.73** (102.98) 1508.53** (58.09) 1677.62** 95.58 617.94** (39.96) 302.07** (33.69)
R2 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.32 0.42 0.44

Note: Betastandardized coefficients. ** P B0.01; * PB0.05.

Situational variables in elite soccer 107

covered more distance when playing against better

km × h 1




ranked teams. Each position difference in the end-of-
season ranking between opposing teams increased the
total distance covered walking and jogging by 17 m
(P B0.01). When all the independent variables were

km × h 1




equal to zero, the distance covered by players walking
and jogging was 6620 m and at low-speed running
1508 m.
To clarify the impact of the results presented in the

km × h 1




regression model, Table IV presents a simulated total

Away matches
distance covered by players at different speeds under
different scenarios. What distance would be covered
by players when the evolving match status differs?

km × h 1




Is it similar when the team plays away against strong
opposition or plays at home against weak opposition?
In Table IV, different possibilities for each situation
variable are showm. For example, the expected dis-

km × h 1
tance covered at maximal intensity (23 km × h1) by




players differs considerably according to match status

Table IV. Simulated distance covered (m) at different speeds depending on match location, quality of opposition, and match status
Downloaded by [ULPGC. Biblioteca] at 08:42 21 January 2014

(by 31%). If the final result in a match were 10 to the

sampled team and they scored the goal in the first

10 862

10 562

10 667

10 373
minute (90 min winning), the distance covered by

players would be 195 m. If the opponent won 10 and
scored the goal in the first minute, the distance covered
by players would be 280 m.

km × h 1




The results of the present study appear to confirm
km × h 1
that the distance covered at various speeds by elite




soccer players is dependent on match contextual
factors. The results were always influenced by one or
more situational variables, especially match location
km × h1

and match status. Thus, elite soccer players per-




Home matches

formed less high-intensity activity when winning

than when they were losing. A 50% decline in the
distance covered at submaximal and maximal
km × h1

intensities (19.1 km × h1) when winning suggests





that players do not always use their maximal physical

capacity for the 90 min. In fact, given that winning is
a comfortable status for a team, it is possible that
km × h 1

players assume a ball contention strategy, keeping





the game slower, which results in lower speeds

(Bloomfield et al., 2005b). Accordingly, it is obvious
that players performed less low-intensity activity
when losing than when winning in an attempt to
11 125

10 925

10 930

10 636

recover from an unfavourable position.

Home teams covered a greater distance than
visiting teams at low intensity (B14.1 km × h1),
(value 14)

(value 14)
Quality of

(value 5)

(value 5)

but no differences were observed at medium, sub-

maximal or maximal intensities. Despite the fact that



home advantage in soccer is a well-known and well-

documented fact (Brown et al., 2002; Clarke &
Match status

Norman, 1995; Nevill & Holder, 1999; Pollard,

90 min

90 min

90 min

90 min


1986; Tucker et al., 2005), the precise causes and



their simple or interactive effects on performance

are still not clear. However, the most plausible
108 C. Lago et al.

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