Legislation Bill

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H.R./S. Assigned by Nancy Pelosi

An Act to reduce dependence on associations and increase public safety, and other purposes.

In the House of Representatives/Senate

Date: 1/6/22

Sofia Membreno introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on
Assigned by Nancy Pelosi

An Act to reduce dependence on associations and increase public safety, and other purposes.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

2 America in Congress assembled.
3 SEC. 1. - Short Title
4 This Act may be cited as the Involvement Act of 2022.
5 SEC. 2. - Definitions
6 For the purposes of this Act-
7 (a) The term “dietary supplements” means products intended to supplement the
8 diet that are not medicines and are not intended to treat,diagnose,mitigate,prevent,
9 or cure diseases.
10 (b) The term “safety evidence” means supporting a structured argument with
11 evidence intended to justify that a system (refering to dietary supplement) is
12 acceptably safe for consumption.
13 (c) The term “Product” means an article or substance that is manufactured or
14 refined for sale.
15 (d) The term “Marketed” means advertise/promote or offer a product for sale.
16 SEC. 3.
17 This Act shall be put in place to put in effect the involvement of the FDA in regards
18 to dietary supplements. Evidence of safety must be provided to the FDA before
19 being marketed. Once approved by the FDA such dietary supplements may be
20 marketed to the public.
21 SEC. 4. - Prohibited Acts and Penalties
22 Prohibited Acts
23 The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited:
24 (a) The introduction of a new dietary supplement for introduction into interstate
25 commerce of any dietary supplement that is adultered or misbranded after being
26 approved by the FDA
27 (c) Notwithstanding any person who violates section (3) by-
28 (1) Knowingly importing a dietary supplement in violation of section 3
29 (2) Knowingly selling, purchasing, or trading dietary supplements or
30 knowingly offering to sell,purchase, or trade a dietary supplement that
31 violates section 3.
32 (3) Knowingly selling,purchasing or trading a coupon for dietary
33 supplements or knowingly offering to sell, purchase, or trade a coupon for
34 dietary supplements that violate section 3.
35 (4) Knowingly distributing drugs in violation of section 3.
36 Penalties
37 Any person who violates a provison of section 3 shall be imprisoned for not
38 more than five years or fined more than $1,000, or both.
39 SEC. 5. Effective Date
40 This Act shall take effect 90 days after the date of its enactment.
41 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void

H.R./S. Assigned by Nancy Pelosi

An Act to limit accessibility to underage citizens and increase public safety, and other purposes

In the House of Representatives/Senate

Date: 1/6/22

Sofia Membreno introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on
Assigned by Nancy Pelosi


An Act to limit accessibility to underage citizens and increase public safety, and other
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
2 America in Congress assembled.
3 SEC. 1. - Short Title
4 The Limit Of Access of Drugs Act of 2022
5 SEC. 2. - Definitions
6 For the purposes of this Act-
7 (a) The term “dietary supplements” means products intended to supplement the
8 diet that are not medicines and are not intended to treat,diagnose,mitigate,prevent,
9 or cure diseases.
10 (b) The term “Product” means an article or substance that is manufactured or
11 refined for sale.
12 (c) The term “Marketed” means advertise/promote or offer a product for sale.
13 (d) The term “Minor” means a person under the age of full legal responsibility
14 (e) The term “knowingly” means to be in full awarness or consciousness;
15 deliberately.
16 (f) The term “Restrict” means to put a limit on; keep under control.
17 (g) The term “Evidence” means the available body of facts or information
18 indicating wheather a belief or proposition is true or valid.SEC. 3.
19 SEC. 3.
20 This Act shall be put in place to restrict marketing, selling, or a purchase of dietary
21 supplements made by a minor in all states. Evidence must be provided to prove
22 being of age to market, sell, or purchase dietary supplements.
23 SEC. 4. - Prohibited Acts and Penalties
24 Prohibited Acts
25 The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited:
26 (a) Notwithstanding any person who violates section (3) by-
27 (1) Knowingly importing dietary supplements to minors in violation of
28 section 3
29 (2) Knowingly selling, purchasing, or trading dietary supplements or
30 knowingly offering to sell,purchase, or trade a dietary supplement to
31 minors that violates section 3.
32 (3) Knowingly selling,purchasing or trading a coupon for dietary
33 supplements or knowingly offering to sell, purchase, or trade a coupon for
34 dietary supplements to minors that violate section 3.
35 (4) Knowingly distributing drugs to minors in violation of section 3.
36 Penalties
37 Any person who violates a provison of section 3 shall be imprisoned for not
38 more than two years or fined more than $5,000, or both.
39 SEC. 5. Effective Date
40 This Act shall take effect 180 days after the date of its enactment.
41 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

H.R./S. Assigned by Nancy Pelosi

An Act to enforce education and increase public safety, and other purposes
In the House of Representatives/Senate

Date: 1/6/22

Sofia Membreno introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on
Assigned by Nancy Pelosi


An Act to enforce education and increase public safety, and other purposes
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
2 America in Congress assembled.
3 SEC. 1. - Short Title
4 This Act may be cited as the Drug Education Act of 2022
5 SEC. 2. - Definitions
6 For the purposes of this Act-
7 (a) The term “dietary supplements” means products intended to supplement the
8 diet that are not medicines and are not intended to treat,diagnose,mitigate,prevent,
9 or cure diseases.
10 (b) The term “ Educated” means resulting from or having a good education.
11 (c) The term “ Require” means cause to be necessary.
12 (d) The term “knowingly” means to be in full awareness or consciousness;
13 (e) The term “Product” means an article or substance that is manufactured or
14 refined for sale.
15 (d) The term “Marketed” means advertise/promote or offer a product for sale.
16 SEC. 3.
17 This Act shall be put in place to put in effect the requirement of education to
18 market all any products in regards to dietray supplements.
19 SEC. 4. - Prohibited Acts and Penalties
20 Prohibited Acts
21 The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited:
22 (a) Notwithstanding any person who violates section (3) by-
23 (1) Knowingly selling, trading, or offering dietary supplements to the wrong
24 audience in violation of section 3
25 (2) Kowingly selling, trading, or offering coupons or ditray supplements to
26 the wrong adience in violation of section 3
27 (b) Refusal to have the proper education to sell and market dietary supplements
28 to the appropriate age group and audience.
29 Penalties
30 Any person who violates a provison of section 3 shall be imprisoned for not
21 more than two years or fined more than $5,000, or both.
32 SEC. 5. Effective Date
33 This Act shall take effect 180 days after the date of its enactment.
34 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

H.R./S. Assigned by Nancy Pelosi

An Act to enforce child safety packaging and increase public safety, and other purposes.

In the House of Representatives/Senate

Date: 1/6/22

Sofia Membreno introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on
Assigned by Nancy Pelosi


An Act to enforce child safety packaging and increase public safety, and other purposes.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

2 America in Congress assembled.
3 SEC. 1. - Short Title
4 The Drug and Child Safety Act of 2022
5 SEC. 2. - Definitions
6 For the purposes of this Act-
7 (a) The term “dietary supplements” means products intended to supplement the
8 diet that are not medicines and are not intended to treat,diagnose,mitigate,prevent,
9 or cure diseases.
10 (b) The term “Product” means an article or substance that is manufactured or
11 refined for sale.
12 (c) The term “Marketed” means advertise/promote or offer a product for sale.
13 (d) The term “ child safety” means an area concerned with limiting childrens’s
14 exposure to hazards and reducing childrens’s risk of harm.
15 (e) The term “Child” means a yound human being below the age of puberty or
16 below the legal age of majority.
17 (c) The term “ Require” means cause to be necessary.
18 SEC. 3.
19 This Act shall be put in place to ensure the safety of children in regards to
20 consuming dietary supplements. Child safety packaging is required for all and any
21 dietary supplements in order to market, sell, or offer such products to the public.
22 Packaging must me approved and over seen by the FDA.
23 SEC. 4. - Prohibited Acts and Penalties
24 Prohibited Acts
25 The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited:
26 (a) Notwithstanding any person who violates section (3) by-
27 (1) Kowingly importing dietary supplements to with packaging in violation
28 of section .
29 (2) Knowingly selling, purchasing, or trading dietary supplements or
30 knowingly offering to sell,purchase, or trade a dietary supplement with
31 packaging that violates section 3.
32 (3) Knowingly selling,purchasing or trading a coupon for dietary
33 upplements or knowingly offering to sell, purchase, or trade a coupon for
34 dietary supplements with packaging that violate section 3.
35 (4) Knowingly distributing drugs with packaging in violation of section 3.
36 Penalties
37 Any person who violates a provison of section 3 shall be imprisoned for not
38 more than five years or fined more than $3,000, or both.
39 SEC. 5. Effective Date
40 This Act shall take effect 90 days after the date of its enactment.
41 All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

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