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- Consider the questions below and answer ALL.
- Remember to submit your final document in PDF format on myUnisa.
- Please use Ariel 12 font and 1.5 line spacing to answer all the questions.
- Include page numbers on the document and answer the questions in sequence.
- All work should be referenced, including the prescribed textbook; insert a reference
list at the end of your document. Please do not use Wikipedia as a reference as this
is not an academic source.
- Submit your work to Turnitin before submitting the assignment on myUnisa.
- Attach your Turnitin similarity index percentage at the end of the assignment

Question 1 (15)
Business managers responsible for establishing an appropriate risk and control
environment are the first line of defence against risk exposure in an organisation. Risk
management, which is regarded as the second line of defence, involves oversight over
business processes and risks and implementing adequate risk policies and
procedures. Discuss the third line of defence of an organisation against risk exposure
in detail.

Question 2 (15)
Business continuity is regarded as an essential risk control measure. Discuss this
concept in detail in relation to policy and governance.

Question 3 (10)
During the process of operational risk management, risk and control self-assessments
can be used to identify operational risks, including inherent and residual risks. Discuss
your understanding of inherent and residual risks, also referring to expected and
unexpected levels of risk.

Open Rubric
Question 4 (10)
In 2015, an independent testing organisation discovered that German vehicle
manufacturer Volkswagen had cheated on diesel emissions tests. Volkswagen felt the
blow of this scandal almost immediately as its share price plummeted and the
company's integrity was called into question. In the days and weeks following the
announcement, its chief executive officer resigned from his post, Switzerland and
other countries halted sales of the company's cars and lawsuits and criminal
investigations against the company were instituted in the United States, Canada,
France and Italy. More than 8,5 million cars were recalled in Europe alone, and
Volkswagen experienced its first quarterly loss in 15 years. Identify, define, and
discuss the risks relevant to this case, with specific reference to operational risk
management failures that led to these risks.



UNISA 2021

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