Lamya Yusuf Jhumur BUS498.37 Internship Report Summer2021..

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School of

Business and

Assessed Coursework Coversheet

For use with individual assessed work

Semester: Summer 2021

Course Code: BUS498
Course Title: Internship
Student name: Lamya Yusuf Jhumur
Student ID: 1711804630
Section Number: 37
Name and initial of the
Md Kamrul Hasan (KHs)
course instructor:
Exam Name Final Internship Report
Declared Word Count: 4106 words and total 7032
Date of submission 14th September 2021
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‘General Banking Activities Of Uttara Bank Limited’

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The BUS498 course is a mandatory course for every student for completing graduation.
Basically it requires a student’s practical experience of the corporate world. This experience is
all about testing a student’s skill that he/she has gained through academic and also about
evaluating if he is ready for the corporate world. This internship experience also helps a student
finding out his weak points and what are the skills he needs to be learned. It helps the students
learn and understand more about the corporate world as practical knowledge is a whole different
reality that a student never faces during academic learning. It helps students to get prepared in a
better way. This report is about the experiences I have had while working as an intern at Uttara
Bank Limited at Circle-1 Gulshan Branch. The tasks I have performed, what I have observed, my
opinions and recommendations are outlined in this report. Along with these, the organizational
overview of UBL and the developments of skills and characters that I have faced while doing my
internship is also included here.

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Content Page


Introduction 05

Organization Background 06

Methodology 11

Main part of the Report 11

 Products of UBL
 Services of UBL
 Tasks Performed at UBL
 Skills and knowledge gathered at
 Impact of my internship on my
future aspiration

Challenges 17

Recommendations 18

Conclusion 19

References 20

Appendix 21

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In this globalized world, it can be considered that Banking plays a significant role in the financial
life of a business. Even the importance of the banking system is so high that it would not be
unjustified if it is compared with the life-blood of the modern economy. The Bank system not
only maintains a good economic system but also railroads, automobiles, telephones, airplanes, oil
companies, and technology firms all came after banks. According to Turner, “Banking and
financial history are usually taken together as a single field of study” (Turner, 2014a). After all,
banks and bankers operate in financial markets, and bank loans are a substitute for capital market

Turner remarks that “unlike capital market financing, bank financing requires financial
intermediation; while buyers and sellers of financial instruments transact with (almost) no go-
between, the business of banking exists exactly because buyers and sellers cannot easily meet in
the marketplace and require a mediator to act on their behalf”(Turner 2009). However, it can not
be denied that although the bank never creates any wealth, yet its system is the part of the
production, exchange, and distribution of wealth which remarks Focault’s speech that "power is
exercised rather than possession." Through exercising this power now the bank has established
itself as the necessity of today’s world and without it, the economic system of this world cannot
be imagined. That is the reason Stephenson & Britain remarks that “Banks are the custodians and
distribution of liquid capital, which is the life-blood of our commercial and industrial activities
and upon the prudence of their administration depends on the economic well-being of the nation

Like other elements of this universe, banks also maintain a well-functioning system that helps
them to keep others’ properties secure. Besides, banks should be able to lend money to
consumers. Moreover, there are some other things also which make the bank an important
element in the economic system. For example, the money transfer system should also be
included in the bank system which helps the traders and businessmen also. After that, it should

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have encouraged people to do savings for the national interest which is part of capital formation.
Furthermore, transfer savings into investment should be included in the bank system which
increases the amount of effective capital, which helps the process of economic growth. Then the
bank must provide overdraft facilities to their reliable customers overcoming their temporary
financial problems. After that, the bank must keep criteria that can be considered as discounting
bills of exchange. Through this discounting bill of exchange, the customer may get the desired
amount for the investment they want.

There are also many other features that a bank should include in its system for competing with
both global and local areas. For instance, they may help merchants and traders in financing
internal and external trade by discounting a foreign bill of exchange, providing credit and other
guarantees for their customers. Besides that, they may act as an agent through which their
customer can get benefits in their purchase and sales shares. Moreover, for the convenience and
security of money for travelers and tourists, the bank may provide the facility of traveler’s
cheques. Furthermore, the existence of commercial banks is essential for contributing to general
prosperity. Banks are the main factors in raising the level of economic development of the world.
In addition to the above-cited advantages, banks also provide many services of general utilities to
the customers and the general public.

However, if banks fail to perform these tasks, the consequences for the entire economy may fall
apart. Hence, for today's world, the importance of banks is beyond our description. Even in our
country Bangladesh, this importance also cannot be denied. By pointing out these issues, in
Bangladesh, a lot of banks have been constructed. For instance, there are 61 scheduled banks in
operation out of which 6 are State-owned commercial banks, 3 are specialized banks, 33 are
private commercial banks, 10 are sharia-based commercial banks and 9 are foreign
commercial banks. Among them, Uttara Bank Limited is mostly renowned for its extraordinary
services and reputation whose main objective is to render service to the people whether rich or
poor and to contribute to the development of the nation.

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Organization Background

Uttara bank is one of the oldest banks in the country which was established with a view to
providing a wide range of commercial and financial services to individuals, corporates,
governments, and institutions. Besides that, other services like consumer banking and credit
banking, corporate and investment banking are also included. Moreover, they are also provided
securities and brokerage, wealth management, and transaction services. For the development of
the agricultural sector, socio-economic and industrial sector Uttara bank has been working
tremendously by mobilizing its savings and investing funds appropriately. This Bank has kept its
network limited in order to provide the existing huge number of customers with the best service.

In 1965, Uttara Bank Limited had started its journey with the head office in the Motijheel area of
Dhaka Bangladesh under the name of “eastern Banking Corporation Limited”. After the
liberation war in 1972, the Bank gained its new name as Uttara Bank. And gradually by the
passage of time for international demand, the third time the Bank’s name was changed as
Commercial Bank and was renamed as “Uttara Bank Limited”. On 21st August 1983, the bank
received its business commencement certificate and started with a share in the market in 1984.
That is how day by day this bank is growing marvelously.

It is working marvelously because from the beginning this bank is maintaining some missions,
visions, and core values that have to be maintained by the peers of Uttara Bank Limited. When
systems are good then it is quite sure that any organization will prosper and Uttara Bank has
adopted this strategy in a very excellent way. By analyzing its visions, missions, and core values,
this statement will get more clearance.

Missions of Uttara Bank Limited:

● Providing High-quality financial service

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● Providing excellent quality customer service
● Maintaining corporate and business ethics.
● Becoming a trusted organization of customer’s money and their financial advisor.
● Making their stop superior and rewarding to the customers.
● Displaying team spirit and professionalism.
● Having a sound capital base.

Visions of Uttara Bank Limited:

● Firstly, UBL’s vision is to be an organization where professionals will have the

opportunity to learn continuously from their customers and colleagues not just
nationwide but worldwide to add value to their knowledge. That means it believes in
good communication.
● Secondly, it depends on operative words such as continuous improvement, problem-
solving, excellent service, business prudence, efficiency, and adding value for making
themselves a trusted organization.
● Thirdly, UBL will provide respectful service to each and every customer.
● Fourthly, Uttara Bank not only cares for the customers but also will care for the
employees with dignity which will eventually lead to creating a group of extremely
qualified professionals who will work to enhance the Bank’s vision and not his or her
● Lastly, Uttara Bank will not go for any type of work that may cause any harm to the

Core Values of Uttara Bank Limited:

Uttara Bank Limited has some core values which are divided into four episodes. In every
episode, their values are different from each other. The values for customers and the values for
the community are different from each other. These are the following:

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● For customers: For customers, they provide the best banking facilities by giving services
that will be efficient in every way which also establishes a business manner.
● For employees: For employees, it is promoting the well-being manner.
● For shareholders: For shareholders, they are maintaining a fair return on the investment
made by the shareholders through generating a consistent and healthy profit.
● For the community: For the community, they are upholding ethical values in a tangible

Objectives of Uttara Bank Limited:

For any kind of organization, objectives are necessary because through objectives one can
understand how compassionate the organization is. Uttara Bank Limited also tries to maintain
some objectives to follow its vision and mission. The objectives of Uttara Bank Limited are

● Maintaining a healthy surrounding or which will represent the honesty of people

● Creating employment opportunities for people all over Bangladesh
● Encouraging employees to work as team by keeping in mind the owners’ and
shareholders’ interests
● Mobilizing savings as much as possible
● Focusing on continuous improvement and business innovation
● Undertaking all types of investments and financial business
● Focusing on international trade both import and export
● Providing consumer credit facilities to help improve the standard of living of the people
who have very limited income

Strategies of Uttara Bank limited:

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For any kind of organization, strategies are necessary because when an organization follows a
particular strategy there is less chance to face downfall. By highlighting this particular notion
Uttara Bank Limited also maintains some strategies. These are following:

● Attain the confidence of the customers by providing the best along with fastest service.
In the most effective and efficient way the bank will operate and manage its workings.
● Identify customers’ needs and monitor their perception
● Review and constantly update the policies and procedures
● Provide accurate training to all the employees and give them necessary documents and
● Communicate openly to the employees to enhance the efficiency of the institution.

Positions of Uttara Bank Limited:

Top Management:

● Chairman
● Board of Directors
● Executive Committee

Executive Level Management:

● Managing Director
● Deputy Managing Director
● Senior Executive

Vice President:

● Executive Vice President

● Senior vice President
● Vice President

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Mid Level Management:

● First Assistant
● Senior Executive Officer
● Executive Officer
● Senior Principle Officer
● Principal Officer

Junior Level Management

● Senior Officer
● Management trainee Officer
● Junior Officer
● Trainee Officer

Board of Directors Uttara Bank Limited:

Uttara Bank Limited started its journey with 13 Directors regulated by the Bank Company Act
1991. Currently there are two directors who have been selected from the public shareholder.


As this report of the BUS498 is based on a student’s real life hands-on experience on the
corporate world so the information of this report is based on qualitative research. I aim to find
out how my learning and observation create an impact on my first ever corporate world life

And as my secondary research, I have tried to utilize the resources and materials available at
UBL. Also I’ve taken help from the UBL websites available online.

Products of UBL:

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Uttara Bank Limited is one of the largest private banks in Bangladesh. Mainly it provides two
kinds of products and they are loan product and deposit product.

In loan product category there are:

 Working Capital Loan  Fixed Term Loan to  Uttaran Small

Enterprise Business Loan

 Nari Swanirbhor Rin  Uttaran SME  Car/Motorcycle Loan

Prokolpo (NSRP) Sector
Project Loan

 Uttaran Home Loan  House Finance For  Travel Loan

Freedom Fighters

 Marriage Loan  Education Loan  Doctor’s Loan

 Loan For Foreign  House Hold  Uttaran House

Employment Durables Repairing/
Renovation Loan

 Trade Finance  Lease Finance  Green Financing

In deposit product category UBL provides as follow:

 Savings Bank  Double  Savings  Savings

Account Benefit Platinum Platinum
Deposit (NRB) Bank Bank Deposit
Scheme Deposit Account

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 Uttaran  Uttaran  Special  Fixed

Millonaire Lakhpoti Notice Deposit
Deposit Deposit Deposit Receipt
Scheme Scheme Account

 Current  Monthly  Bank  Under

Account Deposit Account privileged
Scheme SB A/C

 Uttaran  Uttaran  Mashik  Uttaran Taka

Swapnapuron Bibaho Munafa 10 SB
Sanchaya Sanchaya Prokalpa Account
Prokolpa Prokolpa

 Uttaran Street  Uttaran  Uttaran  National

Urchin and Physically Footwear Service
Working Challenged and Leather Programme
Children SB Persons SB Products SB A/C
A/C A/C Workers SB

Services of UBL:

Along with products it provides many services and they are:

 International  Risk Management  International Trade

Divisions Department Services

 Off-Shore Banking  AD Branches  Foreign Currency

Unit Account

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 NFCD Account  RFCD Account  Treasury Service

 Standard Settlement  Off-Shore Banking  Exchange Rate

Instructions Unit

Tasks performed at UBL:

I joined UBL right after the next day after getting the call. I joined the Uttara Bank Limited,
Gulshan Circle-1 branch. I met the branch manager who introduced me with my supervisor and I
was directed to learn and work under general banking section of the bank. The general banking
section is basically customer focused. I found it the most crowded sections in bank. The general
banking section was mostly involving account opening/closing, query about account status, fund
transfer, pay order service, cheque issue service etc. Filling up incomplete information in
customer deposit account forms looking at the paperwork provided, writing cheques and deposit
forms, taking cheques confirmation over the phone before issuing the high value cheques,
updating existing customer information, directing phone calls to the customers to arrive and
update their accounts etc. As it was a customer-focused section, I spent most of my time
communicating with customers about the products and services that UBL provides and
answering their queries.

I got the responsibility of helping customers full filling their forms, opening DPS account,
savings account, and joint savings account during rush hours. I had to be very careful while
communicating with the customers as each account was different and each of them needed
specific mandatory paperwork while others didn’t. A small mistake while doing the paperwork
would delay the process of the accounts opening and would make the customer come back again
to the bank with the necessary documents. This would result in a bad experience for a customer
and also a minus point for me being not able to do the work properly. That’s why I was being
extra careful to do my work without creating any hassle. I was also given a task to direct phone
calls to the customers whose accounts were being inoperative to persuade them coming over with
a view to getting their accounts active again. My supervisor gave me some basic knowledge of
different modes of fund transfer like clearing cheque, RTGS and BEFTN. I was taught and then

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given to write a BEFTN form. Writing cheques and filling up deposit slips was a regular task that
I performed at UBL. Besides I was directed to communicate with the customers, to help them
solving their problems and to answer their queries. During the ending week of my tenure as an
intern at UBL, I successfully achieved the target of making 15 new customers for the new
savings account, 5 new customers for the new joint savings account and 2 new customers for the
DPS account scheme of UBL.

Skills and Knowledge Gathered at UBL:

As an intern, I worked in the general banking section of UBL which is the most customer
focused department. So the most important skill that I personally gathered is the communication
skill. I have had the opportunity to communicate with the customers directly and also over the
phone to discuss about the account schemes of UBL and also got to answer all their general
queries to processing full account opening and closing. I interacted with different customers with
different personalities in a differentiated way. While handling so many customers, I realized one
thing that not a single customer is as same as another customer. Some of the customers were so
easy to handle as they were aware of the UBL schemes and came prepared with all the important
documents. On the other hand, I found some customers who did not have enough knowledge
about banking and UBL schemes. They came to the bank for the first time. So I could not
communicate the same way with different customers. I had to adjust my interaction skills while
communicating with different types of customers. I had to make some of them inform how the
profit sharing worked and the protocols regarding the particular type of account they want to
open and the necessary documents they need to have to open accounts. I also got the chance to
interact with the customers who had vast banking experience with UBL but they were not cool
tempered as they wanted to take some advantages by bending some rules as they were old
customers of UBL. But it was against UBL rules and my supervisor applauded me later for
taking a stand. In brief, as an intern, I have learnt how to communicate, handle and deal with
different kinds of people. I was not so good at communicating skill but now after doing my
internship at UBL, I have acquired this skill in a much better way. Working at UBL also taught
me work under pressure. Normally Sundays and Thursdays are the busiest days of a week, we
even didn’t get enough time to have our lunch because bank used to get jam packed with
customers in a blink of eyes. Working as an intern at UBL, I gathered another important skill

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which is the office etiquette skill. Before joining as an intern, I was a clumsy person who had to
be pushed around to get work done. But after joining in a corporate organization, I changed as a
person and have become a better version of myself. I maintained my working timing, learned and
maintained professionalism while communicating with co-workers and customers and
maintained all the bank protocols.


Before joining UBL as an intern, I did not have enough knowledge about banks, banking systems
and I even did not know how it works. All I knew was that bank is an institution where people
deposit and save money and take loans for home making or starting up a business. But after
joining, I came across to learn that how deep a banking sector is. Customers had to choose from
a wide range of account types, the services they would like to have, investment banking services
and many more. My experience working as an intern in the bank has changed my whole concept
of bank. Now I know the depth of banking sectors.

I had future aspirations to start working at a multinational company in their human resource
department, gain some knowledge and experience, learn some skills and start my masters soon
before joining UBL as an intern. But to complete my undergrad degree, I had to complete my
internship first. I was never interested in bank because I did not have much knowledge how it
works. But after joining and working as a bank intern, I have come to know that even in a bank
we have to deal with a huge crowd of customers. As I was in a general banking sector, everyday
I had to deal with a bunch of customer. HR is all about dealing, leading and communicating with
people. My internship at bank helped to come across a great deal of people and gave me a chance
to communicate with them. Single handedly I leaded many customers, interacted with them very
well. Working under a customer focused sector made my communication skill stronger. I had a
plan to get my masters degree first then to apply for job. But my senior co-workers suggested me
to pursue masters along with corporate job. One thing I got to understand by grooming with my
seniors is that if I start working at a bank, there’s a high chance to be promoted to a top executive
level of the hierarchy based on my performance within a few years.

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Besides, the banking sector is a stable sector and the jobs are structured job where all we have to
do is abide by the protocols set by the regulatory organizations. So my experience as an intern at
UBL has motivated me enough to pursue my career at banking sectors.


While working under general banking sector, I found some easy works difficult at first as I did
not have enough knowledge about banking. All I knew was that banks are the institutions where
the customers deposit their money and take loans. I had no idea about how it operates. But now I
know how deep the banking sector is. General banking sector was a highly customer focused
sector. As it was my first time at corporate world, I found it very difficult to handle the
customers. Communication is not easy as it sounds. I came across with a variety of people and
they all could not be handled in the same communicating way. For the first days as an intern, it
was too difficult for me to communicate with so many differentiated people as I had no
experience. Different customer with different tone of voice came to me for queries. Some of
them were easy to handle, some of them were not. While working at UBL, I have noticed some
problems from both sides; the customer side and the bank side. I have come across to few
customers who do not pay heed to the bank rules and protocols. Even after making them
understand that without fulfilling legal obligations their accounts can not be processed but still
they demand to do their transactions as if they are above the rules and regulations of the bank. It
is a criminal offense if bank officials facilitate the demand made by some specific customers as
banks operate under tight legal structures. So ultimately bank officials have no scope to fulfill
customers such demands. At times customers reach out branch manager to process their illegal
request but the requests get declined and also it is regarded as a punishable offense under
Bangladesh Bank regulations. While working as an intern I came across to some such customers
making such unlawful requests. However it’s always on the bank; the bank can accept or reject
requests accordingly.

Also I observe quite a few times while working at the cash counter that cash management used to
run out of money on busy days when the customers came to withdraw cash and then we had to
keep them waited for other customers to deposit cash.

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Banking sector is a structural sector even the jobs are very structured. But at times, bank officials
face some issues. So their foremost duty is to forecast the future problems and get the employees
prepared to face issues for what they are prepared for. For example: while I was working in cash
counter, I observed some issues like on rush days, when customers used to gather to withdraw
money, most time cash management used to run out of cash. Then we had to make the customers
wait until the other customers deposit money and we can provide the cash to the withdrawers.
Banks have to be prepared for the situations like this. Otherwise it will create a negative impact
on the customers. I also observed that even though the officers at UBL had fixed duties in the
general banking section but there was no systematic way to handle the customers during rush
hours. And it creates a hassle for both the officers and the customers. Duties have to be
distributed evenly during rush hours because some of the officers were not there to help out as
they had to go outside to perform their regular tasks. But these issues were not such big ones,
they could be solved easily. Generally what I observed was that issues arrived during rush hours
is understandable. I would recommend them to hire some employees to handle the customers
more precisely.

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In a brief, I would like to say that my internship journey at UBL was phenomenal. Before joining
bank I had not enough knowledge about banks. But now I have sufficient knowledge about how
banking sector works and the depth of this sector. Although there were some minor errors which
I am sure can be easily fixed. Other than that the UBL banking service is really praiseworthy.
They really know well to satisfy their customers and so they are very good at customer retention.
Their customers are very satisfied with their smooth banking experience with UBL. It is one of
the reasons why UBL is considered one of the most reputed banks in Bangladesh. And behind
this huge success of UBL is thousands of employees working in several branches of UBL 24/7
both online and offline to make sure that their customers are always satisfied with UBL.

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1. Turner, John D. (2014a), ‘Financial History and Financial Economics’, QEH Working
Paper No. 14-03. Forthcoming in: Youssef Cassis, Richard S. Grossman and Catherine
Schenk (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History, Oxford University
Press, Oxford.

2. Turner, John D. (2009), ‘Wider Share Ownership?: Investors in English and Welsh Bank
Shares in the Nineteenth Century’, Economic History Review, Vol. 62, No. S1, pp. 167-

3. Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison trans: Alan Sheridan.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1977.

4. A cobweb model of financial stability in ... - norges bank. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14,
2021, from https://www.norges-

5. Scribd. (n.d.). Intershi report On Uttora Bank Ltd. Scribd. Retrieved September 14, 2021,

6. Uttara bank Ltd. Uttara Bank Ltd. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

7. Uttara bank Ltd. Uttara Bank Ltd. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

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Weekly Journal- 1

Work Done: 
On my first day as an Intern at Uttara Bank Limited (Circle-1 Branch), I went to the bank an
hour earlier at 9:00 AM but after 20 minutes later everyone started to arrive and so did the
branch manager. I reported to Sanjay Kumar Chakrabortty who was the branch manager of
Uttara Bank Limited Circle-1 Branch. He gave me a brief about some rules and regulations of
the bank and asked me which sector of the bank I am interested to work in as an Intern. I chose
to start with General Banking activities, and he guided me to the general banking section and
charged Ms Fatema Naz Suraiya as my supervisor.
Throughout the first week the tasks I performed at UBL are: 
 Filling out Savings Account opening form of customers 
 Checking the Account forms for any missing info, missing paperwork & signature 
 Putting seals of officers and branch manager and sending out account forms off to be
signed and opened. 
 Assisted bank customers in writing cheques and filling up deposit slips. 

Learning and Achievement: 

 Got a full understanding of the Organogram of the bank. Got to know which officer
carries out which duties and who he/she reports to. 
 Got to know some vital information about account opening forms where some
information collection of customers are made mandatory by the bank regulator,
Bangladesh Bank. For example – The filling out of KYC (Know your customer) sheet is
made mandatory by the regulator. 
 Got to learn how to check the authenticity of a cheque. 
 Got to learn when and where to endorse and nikash seals are used.

In my first week at UBL, while filling out incomplete forms, I have noticed that most customers
keep the forms almost empty and they do not provide necessary information voluntarily unless
specifically asked to. I thought they did not know how to fill up the blanks properly but later I
realized that they hesitate to provide full information of their salaries, source of income which is
a mandatory requirement for all accounts to be opened. Even after making them understood

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which sections are needed to be fulfilled but most of the time, they leave some blanks unfilled
and thus the account opening gets delayed.

Weekly Journal- 2

Work Done: 
In my second week, I was given the same tasks in my first week as an Intern along with some
new tasks.
Throughout the second week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 
 Directing phone calls to the accounts holders to purse them getting their accounts
 Verifying and recording the Customer A/C number and address after calling them. 
 Filling out incomplete account information of new customers according to paperwork
 Assisting bank customers in writing cheques and filling up deposit slips. 
 Cross checking the cheques and MICR.

Learning and Achievements: 

• Got an understanding of how banks make their customers accounts regular. The customers are
requested to visit the respective branch and after that they are given a form. Once the form is
filled up, the accounts are being regular afterwards.

• Even though customers do not do any transaction for six months, bank does not right away
close their accounts. In fact, bank direct phone calls to all the inoperative account holders to get
to know what they want to do with their accounts. And if they want to close accounts, there are
still some rules to follow.

Notable Incidents: 
• At the end of the week, my supervisor Ms Fatema Naz Suraiya gave me the full responsibility
of a new customer who wanted to open a savings account. So, I approached the customer and
told him how this savings account of UBL works, he showed his interest. After getting the
information, I brought out a form, filled in the account number and customer code and marked
the important parts which had to be filled up by the customer along with the paperwork required
which were 2 copies picture of application, 1 copy picture of Nominee, Photo ID of both
applicant and nominee (NID / Passport) .The customer had brought all the necessary documents
with him and the nominees, so I just collected the document and gave him a cheque book where I
filled up his deposit information and gave it to him to sign and deposit to the cashier. After the
completion of the process, the customer was content with the service and thanked me on his way
out. It was a notable success for me as it was the first customer that I handled the whole task
single handedly.

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Weekly Journal- 3

Work Done: 
Throughout the third week, I performed only two tasks at UBL and they are: 
 Making a list of the customers whose accounts were inoperative.
 Directing phone calls to the accounts holders to pursue them getting their accounts

Learning and Achievements: 

• Got to use my skill of persuasion but later found out that my skill was not enough to persuade
the customers. Some of them were not so interested to listen what I was trying to say that made
my task very difficult. Mainly my task was to convince them to come over and renew their
accounts. I thought it would be easier but some of them were already made up their minds of not
renewing their accounts. Then my supervisor taught me some tricks to handle the situations like
this. Those tips and tricks worked like magic. Many of them agreed to come over and to renew
their accounts.

• I observed that a good number of job holders were not interested to come over and to renew
their accounts. Because most of them do not have time as they work six days a week. They were
asking for another option to close their accounts as the rule at UBL of closing accounts is that the
account holder has to come over, fill up a form to close down his account. The job holders were
asking for an online service to close down their accounts. But unfortunately UBL has no such
option available at this moment. Nevertheless UBL tries it’s best to provide help for customers.
Considering customers situation they do close down customers accounts by making a
confirmation over phone. 

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Weekly Journal- 4

Work Done: 
Throughout the fourth week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 
 Giving information to customers about various account schemes at UBL. 
 Filling out incomplete account information of new customers according to
paperwork provided. 
 Assisting bank customers in writing cheques and filling up deposit slips.

Learning and Achievements: 

• This week had been a different one. I engaged with huge diversified customers with different
kinds of questions. I got to learn that all customers can not be handled the same way. They all
came with different problems. I also learnt how to handle and communicate with huge
diversified customers. It was a very engaging and interesting week for me.

• I observed that the customers were very sensitive with the high value cheque. They fulfilled
every details properly. On the other hand, the customers with regular value cheque were in a
hurry. They were making mistakes. They think the blanks they did not fill up were not necessary
enough but in real they are important. Some of them did not even write down the branch name.
These details are very sensitive. Even a silly mistake can make a huge difference and create

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Weekly Journal- 5

Work Done: 
Throughout the fifth week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 
 Writing cheques
 Filling out the missing information in savings forms
 Opening savings account
 Placing pay orders
Learning and Achievements: 
 My supervisor taught me how to open an account in bank. She guided me all
though it. Then let me open an account.
 She also taught me how to write cheques, especially the form by which pay
order is being made.

• I observed that each savings account has a unique number. And only the account holder and the
bank members are aware of the number. It is mandatory to have NID copy to open a savings
account. Even a customer came with his smart card, my supervisor was asking for the NID copy. 
In the savings form there is a mandatory filling section where a customer has to put either NID
number or the passport number. Otherwise he/she cannot have a savings account.

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Weekly Journal- 6

Work Done: 
Throughout the sixth week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 
 Opening joint account
 Solving customers problems
 Directing some phone calls

Learning and Achievements: 

 Last week,  I learnt how to open a savings account. But this week I learnt how to
open a joint account and the core differences between them. Also the required
information needed to open a joint account.
 I also solved some issues related to form fill up that the customers were facing.
They were finding problems like in a form there are many sections an account
holder needs to sign. But a customer came to me with complain that other banks
forms do not have as many sign up blanks as UBL have. I cleared his
misunderstanding but showing the only necessary blanks that needs to be signed
 Also directed some phone calls to pursue some customers to reopen their
inoperative accounts.

• I observed in a joint account there are two unique numbers for both account holders and also a
mutual unique number whereas a single savings only has a unique number. But when it came to
taking the NID info only the one who is going to run the account, he had to provide his NID info.
Also I noticed that a joint savings account has a joint name, though the one who’s going to run
the account, cannot have the account name by his name only.

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Weekly Journal- 7

Work Done: 
Throughout this week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 
 Sending money through RTGS and BFTN.
 Helping customers in writings cheques and deposit slips.
 Helping new customers opening savings and join accounts at UBL.
 Helping my supervisor filling up BFTN forms.

Learning and Achievements: 

 Got the basic understanding of cheque clearing process .
 Got the understanding of the pressure of clearing the cheques. The pressure is
too high as the cheques need to be cleared within a specific time frame.

 RTGS and BFTN are considered as the faster way to transfer money but most of
the people prefer the traditional way of transferring the money which is via
cheque. I wondered a little realizing that people are still not so open to changes
and easier ways.
Notable incidents:
 I noticed that while clearing cheques my supervisor was taking confirmation
before posting every cheque starting from 1 lac. It is one of the most important
part before clearing a cheque.

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Weekly Journal- 8

Work Done: 
Throughout this week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 

 Directing phone calls to our clients reminding them to update their accounts
 Helping customers in writings cheques and deposit slips.
 Helping new customers filling up RTGS and BFTN forms.
 Collecting cheques, marking them with required seals and giving them to my
supervisor for clearing.
 Handling customers with their queries.

Learning and Achievements: 

 Being an ambivert person, sometimes I find it difficult to communicate with all
kinds of person. But this week got to handle variety of people. I became
comfortable while communicating with them and started to find it easy. My self
confidence boosted up and I got motivated.

 Observed that some of the customers were not co operating. They were not
following the rules and regulations of the bank as because they are our regular
clients. Even after making they understand that without fulfilling legal
obligations their accounts cannot be processed but still they demand to do their
transactions as if they are above the rules and regulations of the bank. It is a
criminal offense if bank officials facilitate the demand made by some specific
customers as banks operate under tight legal structures. So ultimately bank
officials have no scope to fulfill customers such demands.

Notable Incidents: 

I noticed one of the customers reached out branch manager to process their
illegal request but the request got declined because it was regarded as a
punishable offense under Bangladesh Bank regulations.

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Weekly Journal- 9

Work Done: 

Throughout this week, the tasks I performed at UBL are: 

 Collecting cheques, marking them with required seals and giving them to my
supervisor for clearing.
 Reaching supervisor’s sales target of opening new accounts.
 Helping customer filling up deposit forms.

Learning and Achievements: 

 It is not an easy deal to score at sales target. Even though my target was not so
high. It was not easy either but I could manage it as I was good at persuasion.
But I had to be extra careful that I should pursue the customers without
bothering otherwise it might create a bad impression on bank.


 I have spent about 9 weeks at UBL as an intern, somehow I got connected with
UBL and with the bank officials. As the days passing by I observed that I
became faster doing the things I had been doing during my internship days. It’s a
sign that I have learned for what I had come for. I was happy and sad at the same
time. Mixed feelings were working altogether; happy for performing all my tasks
diligently and sad for leaving UBL taking a lifetime phenomenal experience
with me. I realized this internship has helped me grow as a better human and
turned me into a punctual, responsible, skillful and an ethical one.

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