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21st December 2021


avalanche- a large amount of snow that falls down the side of the mountain
earthquake-a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth's crust
drought- a long period of time when there is no rain
hurricane-an extremely violent wind or storm
landslide- a large amount of earth and rocks faling down a cliff or the side of a mountain
tonrnado-a violent wind consisting of a tall column of air which spins round very fast and causes a
lot of damage
tusunami-a very large wave,often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and does a lot
of damage
volcano- a mountain from which lava, gas, steam and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst
flooding- a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water

submerged- below the surface of water
stranded-unable to move from the place where they are
recede-to move back from an area that it was covering
burnt to the ground-completely destroyed
deliberately-on purpose
tremor- a small earthquake
almighty-very big,loud or serious
flee-to escape by running away , especially because of danger or fear
sheer-used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is , nothing
twister- a small tornado
get sucked up and dumped- it is pulled up by the wind and dropped somewhere else
wipe out-to destroy

nag- keep asking someone to do something they have not done yet or do not want to do

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