Describing Places

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21st October 2021


ancient-very old , having existed for a long time

a ghost town- a town which used to be busy and wealthy but now is poor and deserted
a sprawling city- a city which covers a huge area of land
remote-far away from cities and places where most people live,and therefore difficult to get to
a shanty town- an area in or on the edge of a city ,in which poor people live in a small, very
cheaply built houses
a no-go area- an area which has a reputation for violence and crimeso that people are
frighetened to go there
a residential area-an area which has houses rather than offices or factories
a sleepy town- a quiet town which does not have much activity or excitement
a skyline- the line or shape that is formed where the sky meets buildings or the land
a skyscraper- a very tall building in a city
a deprived area- an area which does not have the things that people consider to be essential in life
hype- the use of a lot of publicity and and advertising to make people interested in something
such as a product
live up to the hype-achieve what is expected
hype something up- make something more interesting or exciting
believe the hype- believe the rumours
a hot destination-a very exciting place to go to
a budget airline- a cheap airline that keeps costs down by not serving meals and providing only
minimal services
on a budget- a limited amount of money to spend on something
steeped- surrounded and influenced by
a soaring schurch steeple-a very tall pointed structure on top of the corner of the church
ramshackle -in a bad condition or in need of repair
cut off-isolated
D-I-Y- do it yourself (it refers to building or fixing things around the house )
bland- dull and unexciting
suburban-an area outside the city centre
the commuter belt-an area around a city , from which many people travel to work every day
flock to a place in droves- a large number of people go to a a place , usually because it is pleasant or
What struck you most about...?- What was the most important thing you noticed about...?

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