Sarri Maurizio Thesis

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1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

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1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

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The first premise that I want to make about my final thesis of the Master course for
professional coaches 2006-2007 is about the reasons that led me to
choose the topic in question ie 'the preparation of the game'.
Almost all coaches at one time or another have talked about their favorite form or
of their ideas from a tactical point of view, but very rarely I have
read how they prepare for the match: both physically on and off the pitch
from the field.
I believe that in a football more and more prepared from a tactical and physical point of view
it is of fundamental importance to go and prepare all the individual matches in the
the smallest details.
In the following chapters that represent my working days, I go to
explain my week of work, starting with how I try to do the analysis
of the game just played, then moving on to how I study the next opponents e
ending up on how I'm going to prepare the next match physically on the pitch.
Since my curiosity about knowing how the matches are prepared by the various
coaches was almost never satisfied, I chose to put my little one
experience available to those who are moved by my own interest in
this topic.

For a correct understanding of the next chapters I think it is right to do also

two other premises:
- The week I went to summarize is randomly chosen from among those
that I had available and, although not the same as the others, I believe it 2/50
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certainly indicative of my way of preparing for matches.
- In the phase of the season under consideration my team was
playing stably with the 4-2-3-1 without ever going to distort against
no opponent, but just trying to take some precautions on the base
to what we would find in the field.

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Day of rest for the team, but dedicated only to a small extent to
rest by the coach, who instead has to start devoting himself to analysis
of the game played on the previous day.

What is match analysis?

It is the analysis that is done by the coach himself a posteriori, with the video of the
contest played and tends to verify the differences between the match prepared and that
actually played; match analysis usually has corrective purposes of
medium term, and it is also important for training planning
in relation to the mistakes made and the problems that the game has proposed.
Not to be confused with the analysis is the reading of the game , which it is instead
represented by the method we use during the race to have a clear idea e
specifies the evolution of the game itself, in order to make those decisions
tactics that are called applied tactics while being prepared for 3/50
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game we used
Reading, tactical
unlike devices
analysis, which are called
has immediate principled
objectives tactics
as it tends to .
get the best possible result from the game itself.

My analysis of the match foresees that on Monday he is the coach

both the second-in-command coach, whom I prefer to call collaborator , review
separately the match of the previous day; I prefer separately for
not to influence the employee in forming their own opinions.
Only if the employee is not part of the coach's staff but is part of the staff
company, in the first weeks of the championship, I prefer that the vision is done
together, so that he realizes what are the aspects of the game that
I follow more, to arrive at an analysis that follows a common logical thread,
something that will certainly facilitate and streamline our future work.

At this point we have introduced an important topic on which perhaps it applies

it is worth pausing for a little reflection: the collaborator.
What are its functions?
Who is the ideal collaborator?
Regarding the employee functions, my personal opinion is that
it must have material functions and management functions: materials in
how much does the coach have to help both in the field work and in the work of
'desk', it being understood that in my opinion the important collective tactical works,
to have a 'grip' on the team, they must be conducted in person
by the coach himself; management as his role puts him in a condition
privileged with respect to the figure of the coach in relations with the players, so
in the management of delicate cases it can become of fundamental importance.
As for the figure of the ideal collaborator, it would be too much
it is easy to answer that he is the one who, at the same time, is competent and without the
ambitions to become a coach himself.
In reality, however, I do not think exactly so, as this figure would be below
some aspects reassuring but not optimal.

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I think that the ideal collaborate is the one with which we have unity of thought and
unity of purpose .
By unity of thought I mean seeing football in the same way; this not
it means that the employee has to cancel himself in the coach as he has to
always remain proactive, but it only means sharing basic ideas. For
unity of purpose, on the other hand, I mean the sharing of objectives.
From these reflections you understand that in my opinion the collaborator, as well as the figure
of the athletic trainer , must be an integral part of the personal staff
of the coach and cannot be imposed by the club, but this unfortunately
it is not always possible. 4/50
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Tuesday morning: there is no training but a technical staff meeting with
coach, collaborator, athletic trainer and goalkeeper trainer and yes
proceeds with the planning of weekly training sessions; in the second part
of the meeting, the coach and collaborator exchange their impressions of the match
disputed and we arrive at conclusions to report to the team, useful conclusions
also for planning training with tactical goals.
From this meeting come a filmed analysis of the game, made on DVD, and one
written report.

1- The filmed analysis deals exclusively with tactical issues e

to have a logical sequence takes into account in order
chronological the following aspects:
- collective tactics : you start the movie, considering if the length, the
compactness of the team, i.e. the distances between departments and between individuals
within the departments themselves and the center of gravity were in line with what
decided during the preparation of the game.
- defensive phase in high areas of the field : the
individual pressures on loose balls, if the pressing has been brought into the
field area pre-terminated with the prepared movements and if the opponents
were actually addressed as decided in the preparation of the
competition; in principle the defensive phase of our four is analyzed
offensive players.
- defensive phase in medium areas of the field : the
balls handled by opponents beyond the line of our forwards they come for
analyzed return times of our external, closing movements e
coverage of our midfield department; also in this case it is posed
a lot of attention to how the opponent's action is addressed by the player
went out to put pressure on the ball owner.
- defensive phase in low areas of the field : the movements of the line are analyzed
defensive on the long exits of the opposing goalkeeper and in the second half the
opponent actions with the ball now beyond the line of our midfielders,
analyzing closures and coverings of our defensive line; arises great
also pay attention to the sliding of the line both horizontally and vertically
and the ability to read the covered and uncovered ball and the relative reactions.
- inactive balls against : it is analyzed whether the required positions have been respected
in the preparation of the game in all the various situations of inactive ball
in favor of the opponents in the various areas of the field and that the reactions to theirs
any schemes have been those agreed, finally attention is paid
on the effectiveness of the various man-made markings, where provided.
- possession phase in low-lying areas of the field : the offensive phase begins
analyzing if the goalkeeper has favored long matches or short ones, such as
decided during the preparation of the tender.
For long outings, attention is paid to the area where the ball falls, attack
to the ball and aggression of spaces.
For short outings, it is analyzed whether they were followed by the circulation of the ball
agreed and if the ball went out from behind the agreed zone and with the
play prearranged. 6/50
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- possession phase in medium-sized areas of the field : under this aspect it arises
attention to the movements and plays of our central midfielders.
- possession phase in high areas of the field : the attention shifts to the movements and
on the plays of our two outside players and the two forwards; particular attention
to the attacking movements of the penalty area on the occasion of crosses from the back.
- inactive balls in favor : analysis of the execution of the patterns on the ball
inactive agreed during the preparation of the tender.
Were the starting positions as agreed?
Were the movements done in the right way?
Was the ball landing zone as intended?
Have the execution times been respected?

For each of these aspects a couple of situations are chosen

particularly significant on what happened on the pitch and to come
prepared a film, materially by the collaborator, to be presented to the
I decided to follow this sequence in the editing in order to avoid one
confusing exposure of our match to the team - principle of
simplicity and clarity -

In the choice of situations to be mounted in the video to be presented to the players

There are several implications to bear in mind:
- first of all to get as much attention as possible from
the whole team is important that the footage is extremely clear and of
limited duration, personally I always try that the duration does not exceed 10-
12 minutes.
- In compliance with another management principle - principle of
active participation - I try to propose the film in a way that the
player does not suffer passively, constantly trying to do
pass the message that this is not an error process, but a
moment of collective and individual growth.
- Implications of a collective psychological nature in what must be held
always present the psychological moment of the team.
- The assembly of the same match can be different if the team
goes through a negative or positive moment in terms of results: in case of
negative moment, to avoid further mistrust, they come in the editing
favor situations in which the team has expressed something positive
compared to the negative ones in order to reinforce the belief that,
despite the results, we are also doing something good; in case of
situations that are privileged are extremely positive
they display errors in order to get the message across
still a lot to work and improve.
- Implications of an individual psychological nature as within the
group there are certainly individuals who are particularly sensitive to errors
and therefore vulnerable, so in calling these into question with images
players should be cautious, therefore we try to alternate error situations
to situations in which the same individual has moved in the right way. 7/50
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2 The written report is materially made by the coach himself and beyond
to the tactical aspects already highlighted in the video takes into consideration other aspects

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considered fundamental in the economy of the tender; in my case the aspects analyzed
I am:
- mental aspect : we try to analyze if the team has arrived at the match with
the right level of motivation and if she managed to express good on the pitch
level of determination; attention is paid to the reactions the team has had
in the face of significant events, example how we reacted to one
disadvantage or how we handled any advantage.
- behavioral aspect : I call this the analysis of the behavior of the
team against the referee and opponents, as the penalties
disciplinary must be relevant to the needs and never go beyond and then also
because I don't want the team to waste mental and nervous energy on aspects of
match which he cannot influence.
Last evaluation on any attitudes that were not in line with the
rules of behavior that the group has set itself, so as not to tolerate
attitudes that in the long run can lead to problems in the management of the group e
to constantly get the message across that individual goals exist
rightly, but they must always be in second order with respect to the objectives
- physical appearance : the performance of the
team from the physical point of view, then I decide on what he has to
to be told to the team and what I want to remain an evaluation
useful only to the staff; this is to prevent physical condition at certain times
become an easy alibi for the players.

Tuesday afternoon:

2.15 pm short meeting of the technical staff for the practical organization

2.30 pm meeting with the team for the analysis of the race played at
previous Sunday.
Coach intervention with this order:
- Mental aspect
- Behavioral aspect
- Physical appearance
- Tactical aspect assisted by images

3.00 pm training with an exclusively physical goal. 8/50
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In the week under consideration this training had as the only one
the goal was aerobic power and the means used was the intermittent "Gaçon"
15 '' - 30 '' with 3 series of 6 'at 95% of the VAM for those who have played and 105% of the
VAM for those who have not played, with active breaks of 4 'between sets. After this
work: those who have played pass to the individualized program, while those who have not
played the previous game has a supplementary job with 3 series of 4 'of possession
ball with variable touches from one series to another; first series with three touches, second a
two touches and third one touch, excluding the recaptured balls that may be
played with two touches; recovery of 2 'between sets and 2 sets of match 5: 5+ goalkeepers of
6 'with 3' recovery between sets; first series with three touches with goal valid for the first
touch and second series with two touches with good goals always .

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For ball possession and 5: 5, in determining the work spaces, he must

be aware of the aerobic goal of training.
So the spaces must be quite large in relation to the number of players
so that organic work prevails over muscular work; in this case
we used a field of 40x25 meters.
After this further work, the second group also switches to the program
individualized .

Individualized program : each player is given two

The first sheet relates to works of a physical nature that have been prepared since
athletic trainer in relation to any shortcomings of the player and also in
in relation to any serious injuries he may have had during his career.
The work foreseen in this sheet must be carried out twice a week:
usually on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
The second sheet is prepared by the employee and relates to technical work
chosen on the basis of the shortcomings shown or on the basis of any specializations
(eg free kicks and penalties).
The works foreseen in this second sheet are carried out twice a week,
usually in the session on Thursday morning and on Saturday.
These jobs are prepared on the basis of an assessment that, however much
it concerns the physical aspect, it is carried out at the beginning of the year on the basis of a visit
joint of the Social Doctor, Physiotherapist and Osteopathy and through
carrying out periodic physical tests; as regards the technical aspect the
impressions of the staff are supported by television footage of both matches and
of workouts. - see attachment no. 1 -
These exercises are usually done by the players themselves, when possible,
clearly after the first phase in which they assimilate the methods of execution from
Preparer and by the Collaborator. 9/50
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5.30 pm workinbegins
collaborator whichforall the
the next match:
statistical short
data meeting
available towith the coach-
the next are collected
opponents and share the videos of the last four games of the next
opponents: two must be seen in the next twenty-four hours by the coach
and two from the collaborator, always separately.
Clearly the rest of the evening is dedicated to watching these videos.

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ATHLETE:… XXXXXXXX ……………………… ..

PHYSICAL PROBLEMS: ACL results of the left knee operated on in 1999. Stiffness of the chain

posterior ascertained by the flexibility test.

TECHNICAL TACTICAL PROBLEMS: difficulty in attacking high balls despite

the height.

TECHNICAL-TACTICAL COMPENSATION WORKS : Calculation of trajectories through

the identification of the ball fall zones and the ball attack zones using the circles.

Attacks of the ball on cross from the various areas of the field; Attacks on the ball performed before without and

then with opponents. 10/50
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OBJECTIVES : The first objective is to understand if the poor attack on the ball is the result
final evident in the match, it depends on the difficulty of perceiving the trajectory of the ball, on the disturbance

given by the opponent or by the fear of making a mistake thus suffering the ball; the second goal is

clearly the correction of the highlighted gap.

WORKS OF PHYSICAL COMPENSATION: posture for the posterior chain - proprioceptive mono and double

support - Flexor and adductor toning with elastic - lumbar back abdominals -

back discharge on ball - Force work on machinery

OBJECTIVE : to balance the thrusts and keep the muscle tone of the operated limb high. Loosen the

muscle tension in the pelvis.


- Every day before training: postures - proprioceptive mono and double support -

strengthening flexors and adductors with elastic

- Every day at the end of the training, back load on the ball

- Tuesday and Thursday morning: Force the machinery ATTENTION in the event that the player

has played the game from Sunday to Tuesday, only performs Toning

- Tuesday and Thursday morning: Technical exercises.

Attachment n. 1 - Example of individual program -

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Wednesday morning:

9.30 usual short meeting of the technical staff for the organization of the two sessions of
training planned during the day.

10.00 am training

Objective: this training also has an exclusively physical objective, in the

week under consideration this was represented by the field force. 11/50
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Training sequence: after a specific pre-strength warm-up we move on to a

circuit-training of field strength and concludes the training with an exercise in
in line with the training goal - 5 + 5: 5 + 5, match three touches with first goal
5: 5 with 5 bank players per team, every minute at the signal of the coach the ball
in game but the positions are exchanged between who plays and who is on the bank, 2 series of 10 ', recovery
between series 3 '. Also in this case the determination of the spaces is taken into account
of the physical objective of the training, for which narrow spaces are preferred - 30x20 meters. -
so that muscular work prevails over organic work.

Wednesday afternoon:

3.00 pm training

Objective: this training is dedicated to finding the corrections of

problems that arose in the last game played; with the trainer it was
agreed that the training is carried out on high intensity and for the verification of this
according to goal each player wears a frequency meter after training
it will be downloaded to your computer for verification.

Problems encountered in the last game: the team being set up has
maneuvered too much in horizontal ways, rarely going to verticalization; also
in the restart phase it was not very effective, even if it showed a propensity for pressing
in high areas of the field and having recovered several balls in the opposing half of the field.
In the second part of the match he showed some difficulty in following the ball from
behind, ending up stretching and fraying between departments.

Procedure: after a warm-up phase in individual technique at increasing speed,

phase ended with a 2 touch ball possession in tight spaces, the training is based on three
themed games that are closely related to the problems encountered.

Theme match number 1: in relation to the fact that the team showed poor
propensity to verticalization is played 8: 8 in a field of 40X30 meters. and each team
it has two sides on either side of the door it attacks; it is played with three touches with the first goal, the
goal is worth double if it arrives after the bank and triple if the bank is made on a ball
regained and immediately verticalized on the side player. We proceed to 5 series of 3 '


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with 30 '' of recovery between the series, so each player is entitled to 4 series inside and one
on the bank - fig. 1 - 12/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
Fig. 1 - Theme match number 1
Match with vertical sides
Field size: 40x30

3 touches with goals on the first touch

Double goal if the ball comes from


Triple Goal if the ball comes from

bank sought directly by those who have
regained the ball.

Theme game number 2: in relation to the fact that the team, while doing well at the
pressing high, then did not show effectiveness in the short restart, it is played 10:10 in a
field of 55X40mt and both teams are with our usual form (4-2-3-1);
it is normally played with three touches with the first goal and the goal that is made later
to a recapture of the ball in the opposing half of the field transformed into a shot in the arc of 5 ''
is worth triple; 3 series of 4 'are performed with 1' recovery between the series - fig. 2 -

Fig. 2 - Themed game number 2

Pressing match
Field size: 55x40

3 touches with goals on the first touch

Triple goal with the ball regained in the

opponent's half and conclusion
within 5 ''

Theme match number 3: in relation to the fact that the team in the final game,
when she was physically and mentally tired, she showed difficulty staying short from
behind then to follow the outgoing ball, it is always played in 10:10 with a field of
same size as before, always with the two teams in form; you play three
touches with first goal and the goal is valid only if all team members in the
moment of the shot are in the opponent's half, it becomes double if any

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opponent remains in the opposite half - fig. 3a 3b 3c - 2 series of

12 'with 3' recovery between the series.

Fig. N. 3 - Themed game number

Match with short teams
Field size: 55x40

2 touches goal always good

3a: Goal valid as all

team players
which marks are in
opponent's half.

3b: Goal not valid as

a team player
that marks is still inside
their own half.

3c: Double Goal as a

team member
which he defends is still in the
opponent's half. 14/50
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At the end of the training session, the fitness trainer pours the cardio into the
computer and individually analyzes that the physical goal of the training was
reached up; in our training today the heart chart - see fig 4 - shows that
the ten predicted high-intensity moments were carried out correctly. Trainer
and collaborator continue with the vision of the next opponents.

% HR max (180 bpm) % HR max (180 bpm)

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%

20% 20%

80% 84% 82% 86% 86% 87% 86% 80% 88% 89%

0:00:00 0:20:00 0:40:00 1:00:00 1:20:00

Time: 0:40:05

HR: 149 bpm (83%)

User Emanuele Pesaresi Date 12/04/2006 Average HR 154 (86%)

Exercise LORENZI Now 15:38:42 HR max 184 (102%)

Sport Race Duration 1: 33: 10.0

Note THEME MATCHES Selection 0:20:05 - 1:22:20 (0: 43: 25.0)

Fig. 4 - The ten expected high intensity moments, highlighted in blue. have reached an average
86% of HR max. 15/50
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Thursday morning:

9.00 meeting coach - collaborator who have seen two games each
next opponents and exchange impressions, deciding the themes that should be
placed in the presentation films of the opponents, themes on which to work also on
field. The usual staff meeting follows for the organization of the two scheduled sessions
during the day.

10.00 am training

Goal: this training aims to correct problems

found at the level of individual departments in the last game played; they are not here
objectives to be pursued from the physical point of view for which training can also be
didactic and therefore of low intensity.

Problems encountered within the wards in the last game: we suffered

some changes of field, especially in depth and we had a bad one
reaction, not in accordance with our rules of the game, on an open ball with which the
opponents aimed our defensive line. For these reasons the decision is to do
work the defensive line with the coach, while the others remain to carry out the work
individual physical with the trainer and technical with the

Training sequence:

Exercise number 1: horizontal sliding of the defensive line on the 16/50
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ball circulation of the opposing midfielders. Exercise carried out in the first part
at the heating level, whereby the circulation is carried out in two touches and
speeded up in the second part when the movement of the opponents is carried out
alternating one touch and two touches - fig. n. 5 -

Fig. 5

Exercise number 1

Defensive line:
horizontal slips


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Exercise number 2: now work on the opponents' changes of court after one
ball discharge backwards; in this tutorial we work on field changes
on the opposite outside and a lot of attention is paid to the positions of the body and to the
sliding times. The position of the body must not be too closed towards the
ball not too open towards the field, while the sliding time must have like
point of reference the support foot of the kicker when changing the field, otherwise yes
there is a risk that all movement will be delayed. - fig. n. 6 -

Fig. 6

Exercise number 2

Defensive line: reaction to change sides

Exercise number 3: same situation as before but now the change of field 17/50
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takes place in depth, whereby the sliding movement of the three players changes in
coverage that must protect themselves by covering the mirror of the door for any
cross of first intention, while the defender of the opposite side slips in
closing on who receives the ball. - fig. n. 7 -

Fig. 7

Exercise number 3

Defensive line:
reaction to the change of field

Exercise number 4: the situation of open ball on discharge is recreated

of the central attacking opponent who put us in difficulty in the last game, in
when the line did not run away, but sought the offside by taking the intersection
dangerous outside. The coach positions himself near whoever receives the discharge and then
decides whether to cover the ball on reception or to walk away leaving the ball uncovered.


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On the drain the line follows the ball and goes up, if the ball is covered by the coach the line
remains high; if instead the ball is left uncovered by the coach the line goes down and yes
compact, removing the depth up to twenty meters and then exit in closing when
now the possibility of the ball in depth has been removed - fig. n. 8 -

Fig. 8

Exercise number 4 18/50
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Defensive in
discovery line: reactionparity.
numerical to the ball

At the end of the training, the collaborator prepares the images relating to the phase
offensive of the opponents to show to the team in the afternoon.

Thursday afternoon:

2.45 pm meeting with the team for the analysis of the offensive phase of the next ones
opponents. We proceed with the intervention of the coach who explains module e on the blackboard
offensive movements of the opponents and ends with the collaborator analyzing the
mounted pictures of opponents.

The footage of the opponents' offensive phase is edited in the following order:
1 - some open field images where you can see the team form and the
starting positions of the offensive phase.
2 - the choice made by the goalkeeper in their first transmission of the ball; in
in the event of a long exit, the fall zone is analyzed, the player who goes to attack the
ball and how and by whom the spaces behind him are attacked; in case of short exit yes
it analyzes whether they favor the first broadcast in a certain area or on a certain player.
3 - phase of possession in low areas of the field which corresponds to the analysis of the
ball circulation of their defensive line, also trying to see what kind of exit
they use from behind and towards which players; it also tries to understand if they have players
particularly vulnerable under pressure or not technically gifted in setting
on the defensive line.
4 - phase of possession in medium areas: we try to analyze how and who of them
midfielders aims to defenders in possession of the ball and how it is then developed
the action.
5 - possession phase in high areas: the movements of the
offensive players and also how the penalty area is attacked on crosses.


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Clearly, all the factors are also taken into account in the editing of this video
indications that we have already listed on the occasion of the filmed report of the match,
both as regards the duration which in this case is very short and usually not
exceeds 6-7 minutes, both as regards the psychological implications related to
moment crossed by the team; today we decided to show the actual 19/50
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danger of these opponents in the offensive phase.

3.00 pm training

Objective: with this training begins the preparation of the match on the field e
the sole objective of this session is the defensive phase.

Procedure: the training takes place in 3 work blocks

1 - didactic phase against the opponent module done at low intensity such as
2 - defensive phase in the various areas of the field on the opponents' game system.
3 - situational phase with temporary numerical inferiorities.

Didactic phase against the opponent module: we have to face a 3-4-3 with the goalkeeper
who never comes out long, but always short on one of the three widening defenders; in
this phase works on numbered pins with two alternating teams, one in
stretching and one that closes on the pin called. Clearly we work on them first
three defenders, then down on the four midfielders and finally on their three forwards.
The pressure on their three defenders is key against this team that shows
good dribbling skills and who manages to conquer the half court with great ease.
Once the ball is brought into the opponent's half, they raise the outside players by a lot
midfield with the attackers who tighten and therefore often force the opponents
to end up low as a center of gravity, which is dangerous since they have great players
effectiveness forward. For these reasons we decide, with the ball in the hands of the goalkeeper
opponent, to keep the center of gravity very high and to go to ultra-offensive pressing. Unique
variant to our usual form is that in shortening we bring the two attackers back to
line. Our reaction to the first transmission of the opposing goalkeeper is fundamental,
as our forwards must isolate the defender who comes into possession of the ball
from the other two so on their center-right and center-left defender we go out a
close by taking them to the outside - see fig. 9 - while on their central, being a
player who mainly uses the right foot, we go out bringing it to the left -
see fig. 10 -. Having decided that ultra-offensive pressing is essential for us, if
one of their two outside defenders comes out ball and chain from the line of our forwards, not
we go back but we continue in pressing going out with the outside party
which, in this case, clearly brings the opponent inwards so as not to suffer one
possible numerical inferiority in the range - see fig. 11 -. In medium and low-lying areas
the form of the opponents does not pose great problems for us in this first part
we spend less time on training.


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Fig. 9

High field areas:

Reaction to the first transmission of the
doorman for external routes.

Fig. 10

High field areas:

Reaction to the first transmission of the
Goalkeeper for central streets.

Fig. 11

High field areas:

Reaction on the defender who comes out of the ball
at the foot of the line of ours

Defensive phase on the opponent's game system : Two teams oppose each other, one
simulates the opponents and the other our defensive phase; clearly alternate moles
In high areas of the field you start with the ball in the hand of the opposing goalkeeper who has to play
on one of the three defenders and these, with the help of the midfielders, must lead and not 21/50
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throw the ball into the opponent's half, so you have the opportunity to analyze e
correct our ultra offensive pressing.


Page 19

In the middle of the field: ball on one of their central midfielders; their play
usual is cut in reception of the attacker by the side and attack of the depth by the side
of the biased winger. This could lead to lowering the i too much
our outside midfield so we decide to bring their midfielders towards
the inside when we go out in closing. If the ball passes the same is the midfielder
central in cover that takes the cut of the external attacker and the external defender
following the opposing external midfielder - see fig. 12 -. Materially on the
field work is done with the ball to their central midfielder closed by ours
part midfielder; at the signal of the coach the ball is revealed, they start the
anticipated movements and we the reactions, going up to the conclusion of the action.
In low areas with the ball to the winger, we must take that into consideration
they play counterpart with the left to the right and the right to the left; their movements
usual are with the two forwards who attack in cut the depth and the outside of
midfield on the opposite side attacking the width; the ball holder comes
absorbed by our central midfielder: if he misses it comes the other midfielder
central, but when the ball is uncovered the line absorbs the attack of the
depth of the attacking opponents and the outside of the opposite side covers the weak side, for
then all go up again when the ball is covered again. - see fig. 13 - 22/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Fig. 12

Medium areas of the field:

defensive phase on their basic play with the ball to a central midfielder.


Page 20

Fig. 13

Low field areas:

defensive phase on their basic play with the ball to an outside attacker. 23/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Situational defensive phase temporarily outnumbered : a line is drawn a

trocar-court. The team that simulates our defensive phase defends the goal and
attacks the line, having to carry and not throw the ball. The other team attacks the
leads with the form and the movements of the opponents. After a few minutes of parity
numerical, the attackers and the outsiders can participate in the defensive phase only after the
signal from the coach, for which the team is in inferiority for a few seconds
numerical; attention is paid to correcting the team's movements on restarts
opponents in which you have to temporarily manage the numerical inferiority - see fig. 14
-. The exercise ends by reversing the two teams.


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Fig. 14
Game with temporary numerical inferiorities.


Page 22


Friday morning:

10.00 am there is no training, but they find themselves coach and collaborator with the following
tasks: the co-worker prepares two more films for the team to see, one with
theme the defensive phase of the opposing team and one with the theme of the firm balls of the
opponents both for and against. The coach prepares individual cards of the
players who make up the opposing team; often it's about gamers already
for which the card itself is updated only. We will see in
below how these cards are made and how they are used. 25/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Friday afternoon:

2.30 pm usual short meeting of the technical staff for the material organization of the
training session.

2.45 pm technical meeting with the team. Theme: the defensive phase of the team
opponent. The meeting proceeds in the same way as the previous ones, with the first
intervention of the coach illustrating the characteristics and movements of the defensive phase of the
next opponents and second intervention by the collaborator who analyzes the images
chosen to give the team an idea of ​what has been said.

The defensive footage of the opponents is clearly edited with the

same logic of the previous videos and the following order is respected:
1 - some pictures showing how the team moves on long raises
opponent goalkeeper. Clearly we try to identify some deficiency at the level
both in air play and in giving cover to teammates.
2 - defensive phase of the opponents in high areas of the field. In this sense one tries to
identify if the opponents are prone to pressing and in which area they usually do so
lead. Much attention is paid to the cutting movements of the passages, in a manner
to identify and show the players the possibilities of exit.
3 - defensive phase of the opponents in medium areas of the field. The movements are analyzed
defensive of the opposing midfielders and watch carefully if they also lead
double on the defensive line or not.
4 - defensive phase of the opponents in low areas of the field. Phase in which it is analyzed
the behavior of the defensive line in various situations, especially one tries to
report their reactions on actions that have characteristics similar to ours.

In the editing of this video we have the usual attention both temporal and
psychological. From the temporal point of view, this is also a movie in which in 6-7
minutes at the most the situations on which we want must be represented
work in the field. Psychologically, after yesterday we were neutral in the
montage of the images, today we have decided to place particular emphasis on errors
defensive opponents, in an attempt to build confidence in our players on the
to be able to make a result even against opponents of good technical quality, of excellent rankings and
which are also going through a favorable moment in terms of results.


Page 23

3.00 pm training

Objective: this training has the tactical objective to prepare ours

offensive phase against the 3-4-3 of these opponents. From the physical point of view it is carried out
I work on speed. 26/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
Procedure: the training
1 - heating and dry speedtakes
withplace in 4 blocks of work
the Preparer.
2 - generic offensive phase.
3 - specific offensive phase.
4 - situational offensive phase against the opponent module.

1st block: at first the Trainer mainly takes care of the

warm-up, through a series of low-speed passages of high obstacles with
objective the mobilization of hips and lower limbs in general; later yes
goes on to take care of the speed of the supports in a series of passages at high speed and with
various modes on the overs.

2nd block: what I call the generic offensive phase is actually a review of those
which are our basic plays and our game rules, which we take care of every week
regardless of the opponents we are going to face. We take care of the exits from the
ball circulation of defenders and development through central midfielders and
and the movements of the attackers. I do not dwell on these situations as I am
would lead to develop a thesis on another topic. Development: two teams
opposed, one begins by developing the action proposed by the Coach and the other defends
passively; at the conclusion of the action by a team leaves
immediately the second team that develops the same type of action, while the
first team takes care of regrouping quickly.

3rd block: what I call a specific offensive phase is instead represented by one
series of situations that we prepare specifically for that game and for those
opponents. This week we consider some related situations
at the beginning of the action, its development and then a particularity about our restarts.

As for the start of the action, we give the input to our goalkeeper to alternate
short rides to long rides.
In short outings we have the problem of getting out of the pressure of their three forwards,
but noting the tendency of their outside attackers to mainly follow the defenders
external opponents, in our opinion there is the possibility of exploiting the central 2: 1; for
cut out their central striker our central defender who enters first
in possession of the ball must take the initiative and aim it with the ball. About his reaction
unloads the ball on the other central, who takes the field and goes to play near the line of
half court - fig. 15 -, or send the side defender to play if he comes
attacked by the attacking opponent on the side - fig. 16


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Fig. 15

Goalkeeper short exit:

exit from the pressure of their three
forwards with the central defender.

Fig. 16

Goalkeeper short exit:

exit from the pressure of their three
forwards with the winger.

The long runs were chosen by virtue of a consideration on the opponents.

Opponents who aren't particularly bad at aerial play, but show slowness
with midfielders shortening on the defensive line once overrun by the ball,
so they open a space where we think we can take rebounds. The area of
ball fall is our center left sector. The first strikes at the attack of the ball,
the second attacks the central space and the external part attacks the space by external ways,
this in consideration of the fact that their right winger looks like the
less careful in following the entrances without the ball - fig. 17 - 28/50
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Page 25

Fig. 17

Long goalkeeper exit:

target center right sector for number 9 which has alternatives
back discharge for n. 4, no. 8 or n. 3
deviation for n. 10 or n. 11.

Regarding the development of the action we have already seen how to try to take
field with the central defender. Now let's show the team how to proceed
the development, moving the central "compasses", raising the one on the side and lowering
on receiving the one on the opposite side and making the second toe move behind the
their second central. If this attacks our midfielder it opens up a space of
reception for our second tip - fig. 18 -, if it covers the space you receive with the
central midfielder - fig. 19 -. At this point all ours can be triggered 29/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
actions already developed in the generic offensive phase.


Page 26

Fig. 18

Development of the action from the central defender to the central midfielder
on the opposite side. 30/50
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Fig. 19

Development of the action by the central defender directly on the second striker.


Page 27

Also with regard to our restarts we started from considerations on

opponents. Their central defender is significantly slower than our attacker
central and the two outside defenders are very aggressive on the movements of the attackers
that go towards the ball, so we decide to have our second striker oriented
in the direction of the ball as they develop into our own half e
we leave the first striker on their central defender. On our reconquest of
ball the second striker goes towards the ball to take away the defender on the side and the
first tip goes to the attack of the outer space with a 'crescent' movement to avoid
the offside, in order to create a one on one speed; the second tip and the
external players, once the ball has been played vertically for the first striker, they start attacking him
space - fig. 20 - 31/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Fig. 20

Restart: on the reconquest of the ball from no. 8, the second tip n. 10 comes to meet
to open a space that is attacked in a "crescent" by the first point n. 9.

This block of work is done with the two teams alternating in the modules and in the
tasks; the defending team in 3-4-3 remains rather passive, but hints at
movements that must lead to a quick choice by the other team for
regarding all the various situations we are experiencing.

4th block: in this last block we go to work in the situation for which we go into
match with one team in 4-2-3-1 adapted for the occasion and the other in 3-4-3. For
recreate the situations experienced in the first 5 minutes the goalkeeper has the obligation of the long exit,
then for the next 5 'he has the obligation of the short exit and in the last 5' to the signal
of the coach the team in 3-4-3 has the obligation to pass the ball to the opponents that so
they can try to restart. It ends by exchanging the tasks of the two teams.


Page 28

At the end of the training session, the Coach and Collaborator prepare
the next workout so, based on what they saw some still balls of the
opponents, decide the defensive arrangements in various situations. Based on
defensive dispositions of the opponents on the firm balls against decide which schemes, of
those available or new, have the team call in the various ball situations
stop. 32/50
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Page 29


Saturday morning:

9.30 usual short meeting of all the staff for the material organization of the 33/50
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training session.

9.45 am meeting with the team. Theme: the firm balls of the opponents in favor and
versus. The meeting takes place in the same way as the previous meetings and begins
with the Coach talking about the particularities of the opponents in certain situations, the
dangers they have in some solutions and any vulnerabilities they show in
other; continues with the Collaborator showing the images confirming what has been said
and comments on them.

As for the footage of the opponents' still balls it is edited with

the following order:
starts with firm balls in their favor and takes into consideration:
- kick-off
- lateral fouls in deep areas of the field
- lateral free kicks
- corners
- direct punishments
- penalties
continues with the balls stopped against them and takes into consideration:
- reaction to the opponents kick-off
- disposition on the lateral fouls against deep
- provision on side free kicks against
- arrangement on the corners against

Also this video has the same duration of 6-7 minutes maximum as all the others ed
today we decided to mediate, showing the danger they have in certain situations
of firm ball in favor, but also putting emphasis on a certain vulnerability that
show in some defensive situations.

10.00 am training

Goal: from a tactical point of view, the goal of training is that

of the organization of the firm balls, both in the defensive phase and in the offensive phase. From
physical point of view work on reactivity.

Procedure: the session takes place on three work blocks

1 - warm-up and reactivity with the preparer
2 - firm balls against us
3 - firm balls in our favor

1st block: with the Trainer the team warms up with limb mobilization
lower and upper and concludes this block with a series of reactivity in psychokinetics.


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2nd block: firm balls against - the same situations are taken into consideration as
we placed in the movie.

Kick-off : the opponents go with two attackers on the ball and with the attacker of
right that remains high, the rest of the team in form. They unload the ball back on
center-right central midfielder, who in turn opens up to the right-wing defender
while the winger on the side of the midfield gets up and widens and the striker on the side
attacks the space in depth; usually they continue the action by developing on one of
these two players. We decide for an immediately very aggressive solution and
let's go and try it in the field. The second tip starts in our center sector-
right and attacks the first crescent discharge, forcing their play in the sector of
our left, this to prevent them from changing what they usually do. There
first striker attacks the second discharge towards the right defender, forcing him towards
the winger while our side winger and our winger
biased start to attack their respective opponents who are usually the targets of
passage for their defender - Fig. 21 -

Fig. 21

Firm balls against: reaction to the scheme on the opponents' kick-off.

Side fouls in high areas of the field : opponents who go on the ball with the midfielder
part winger and propose themselves with part striker and central midfielder of
leaves, often crossing. We work on this movement by going to the exchange of
marking to avoid any blockages - Fig. 22 -. On their right they go in
some occasion to the long lateral foul, making a defender rise who is the goal e
that he has to go out and about for his companions; you work in the field to avoid being found
unprepared for this solution - Fig. 23 - 35/50
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Page 31

Fig. 22

Firm balls against:

reaction to the opponents' scheme
on a lateral foul from our right.

Fig. 23

Firm balls against:

reaction to the opponents' scheme
on a lateral foul from our left.

Side Free Kicks : Opponents who send the ball off on both sides with a
left. In the area they usually have five entrances and rarely six, they are unable to
notice particular patterns. In the field we work on these peculiarities,
setting up on our right a barrier with only one player and in area five
man scoring plus three men per zone in the trajectory plus a man covering the
boundary of the area - Fig. 24 -; any sixth opponent entry is taken in
man marking from the central trajectory. On our left, area from which they do
starting more treacherous trajectories, we go with two men in the barrier, the usual five
man scoring, two men in the zone, one in short trajectory and one in trajectory 36/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
long plus one
opponent in theby
is caught boundary
the longcoverage of Much
trajectory. the area - Fig 25is-;paid
attention in this casefact
to the the sixth entrance
that the men in the zone do not give depth to the opponents, so they start in line with the
barrier or alternatively with the boundary of the area; you run away on the support foot of whom
kicks. The movement of men in the zone is taken care of as one side arrives
trajectory to return and on the other to exit.


Page 32

Fig. 24

Firm balls against:

disposition of the men in the area on the
side punishment from our right.

Fig. 25

Firm balls against:

dispositions of the men to zone on the
lateral free kicks from our left.

Corners : opponents kicking with a left foot on both sides; in the area they have
usually five entrances that we go to mark to man. From their left
they often go to the ball on the near post with blocking for the player who enters the short.
From their right they often go to one-two with a return ball for the kicker
the corner that is put back in fast always on the short. On the pitch we go to 37/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
work on what must be our disposition and our reactions; from the
our right we show the man markers how to try to get out of the blocks
opponents, we also decide to go with four men per zone on the short plus one in
boundary coverage of the area - Fig 26 -. From our left we work on ours
reactions to one-two of the opponents - Fig 27 -.

Fig. 26

Firm balls against:

disposition of men to zone up
corner against.


Page 33

Fig. 27

Firm balls against:

reaction to the opponent's scheme on
corner against from our left.

Direct Free Kicks : Opponents who have two very good specialists in these situations, a
left and right, and from the images that have been collected during the season go
both almost exclusively to the ball shot over the barrier. We decide to go
with the jump barrier in these situations and in the field we work to have uniqueness
in the jump time, so that no spaces are opened inside the barrier itself,
spaces into which the ball could dangerously enter.

Penalties : the opponent's specialist is a right-footed player who in the season has a clear prevalence of
pull to open to your right - left of the goalkeeper -. On the pitch we work to attack
possible retort by the goalkeeper, trying to create numerical superiority in the area in
which the opposing player kicks in most cases - Fig. 28 - 38/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Fig. 28

Firm balls against:

disposition and movements on the stock of
penalty against.

3rd block: firm balls in favor - also in this case we work on the field with the
same sequence as the movie.

Opposing Kick-Off Reaction : Opponents who on kick-off show against

the tendency with the attackers to go and attack the first discharge of the ball
back, while the rest of the team waits respecting the form. We, among the
solutions we have available, we opt for the more aggressive one and yes on the pitch
it also works to prevent attackers from creating problems on us


Page 34

first discharge, trying to go to the 'block' with our central midfielders. -

Fig. 29 - 39/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Fig. 29

Firm balls in favor: kick-off scheme - unloading for n. 5 and long throw n. 6
with objective n. 3, alternatives with drain for n. 10 or deviations for n. 11, n. 9 or n. 7.

Opposing reaction to lateral fouls in deep areas of the field : first of all we note the
their tendency to go rigidly to mark opponents as a man
propose in the ball zone and follow them from before the ball starts; this brings us to
choose, and test in the field, a scheme that includes 'blocks' - Fig. 30 -.
They also often seem to forget the opponent who starts the ball; this brings us
to choose as an alternative a scheme that tries to lead the one who hits the phallus
directly to the cross from the bottom - Fig. 31 -

Fig. 30

Firm balls in favor:

lateral phallus - scheme number 1


Page 35

Fig. 31

Firm balls in favor:

lateral phallus - scheme number 2 40/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

Adversary Reaction to Side Free Kicks Against : Us usually in these situations

we bring six players into the opponent's area, so in the video we went to fetch
into consideration situations of this type and we have noticed that these opponents
man marking these six entrances and within the area they only have one man per zone in
short trajectory and another player covering the boundary of the area and barrier to two
players; when they have only one man in the barrier the other remains high at the restart.
From these considerations we decide and try out a scheme that provides for
free a jumper with a 'block' on the second post - Fig. 32 - and alternatively a
'block' to free another jumper centrally - Fig. 33 -

Fig. 32

Firm balls in favor:

lateral punishment - scheme number 1

Fig. 33

Firm balls in favor:

lateral punishment - scheme number 2


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Reaction against the corners against : even in these situations we usually lead
six players inside the opposing area, so in the video we went to get in
consider situations similar to those created by us. Their usual response is with
six scoring per man, two players per zone on the short, one on the near post and one on the
first vertex of the small area, one player in limit coverage of the area and one high
at the restart. Also taking into account the fact that we are going to kick
always with a claim on both sides, we choose and try two different solutions.
From our left we choose two schemes that plan to free a 'block'
jumper centrally - Fig. 34 - or alternatively on the second pole - Fig. 35 -.
From our right we choose a pattern that after one-two involves the ball on the second
pole for entry from outside - Fig. 36 - or alternatively for entry from inside the area
after 'block' - Fig. 37 -

Fig. 34

Firm balls in favor:

corner from our left -
scheme number 1.

Fig. 35

Firm balls in favor:

corner from our left -
scheme number 2. 42/50
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Page 37

Fig. 36

Firm balls in favor:

corner from our right -
scheme number 1.


Fig. 37

Firm balls in favor:

corner from our right -
scheme number 2.

7.45 pm technical meeting with the whole team. Theme: individual characteristics
of opponents. In this meeting the cards relating to individual opponents are useful
that we prepared the previous day. To the team, opponent by opponent,
the physical, technical and even tactical characteristics of the
individual players who will be on the pitch the next day. 43/50
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Page 38


9.15 am immediately after breakfast Coach and Collaborator get together to go to

define the final details relating to the match, in particular define themselves
especially the individual tasks of the individual players in relation to still balls
against and for. After the brief meeting, the Coach prepares two draft speeches
to be clear and concise in the two short pre-match meetings.

11.45 am immediately before lunch the whole team is gathered for one
meeting of a few minutes, which has as its primary purpose to rearrange the ideas on
everything that has been tried during the week and that needs to be reported on
field after a few hours. The following are usually considered
- introduction : the match is framed in the context of the moment of our team,
trying to relieve tensions if they seem too high or raising them if they seem
too bland.
- mental aspect : trying to prepare the team to have the right mental reactions
in relation to the various evolutions that the game can have and above all they are looking for strong
collective motivations, in order to have a good impact with the field.
- behavioral aspect : the players who are in warning are remembered, but above all
they try to help the team avoid all those disciplinary sanctions that they are not in
close connection with the achievement of the result.
- tactical aspect : all the defensive and offensive movements are summarized
tried during the week. We summarize the patterns of the opponents relatively
to the firm balls and what our answers must be; the provisions are summarized
of the opponents on the firm balls against and the schemes we have chosen for this
All topics are still treated in a general way, without going into details
individual. 44/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

2.30 pm As soon as we arrive at the field, the team meets in the locker room for the last one
short meeting before the game. This meeting no longer has collective purposes but
individual, both from a tactical, mental and motivational point of view. The arguments
taken into consideration are the following:
- formation : the formation and the bench are communicated to the players only in this
moment. I think that every single person called has the obligation, but also the right, to
feel part of the game until the last moment.
- individual tactical aspects : each individual player is reminded of tasks and
defensive movements, offensive tasks and movements. For every single player yes
they try to give particular reasons of an individual character for the precise one
- standing balls : individual tasks are assigned for standing balls
against and for.


Page 39

At this point I take my presence out of the locker room to make sure that each
player feel free to go and experience the moments before the game in the
a way more congenial and habitual to him. The warm-up phases are followed in
the first part from the Coach and in the second part from the Collaborator with the Coach
that follows them, but never very close.

16.00 begins the game. The staff tried to prepare the matches to the minimum
particular, but above all he tried to put his players in the conditions of
express yourself at your best; despite this there is the awareness that the field is always
ready to present unforeseen situations to which the coach, but above all i
players who are the real stars of the game must try to cope.

During the game in order to have a reading from which as little details as possible escape,
on the bench the tasks are divided between the coach and the collaborator. The coach did
focuses mainly on their own team; check that defensive movements
are brought in the agreed manner in all the various areas of the field, check that the
goalkeeper has the agreed exits and that the exits from the circulation of the ball and the development
of the action are those experienced during the week. In this game it is placed
particular attention also to the restarts, which were held for the whole
decisive week; as for the firm balls, the coach checks that they are
respect the defensive provisions and that in the offensive phase the diagrams with
right movements and right execution times. The collaborator focuses on
particular on the opposing team and check that the form is the one expected, that it is
development of their offensive phase is that studied during the week, as well as the 45/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
their defensive phase; he also clearly verifies that the provisions on firm balls
against are those seen in the study phase of the opponents and the schemes brought on the balls
firm in favor of those foreseen and immediately inform the coach of any changes in respect
than expected.

The last topic to consider is that relating to management

interval . The first few minutes are usually left for the players to put themselves on
possibly available to doctors; later the first intervention is that of
Collaborator, who quickly summarizes what the opponents are doing and above all
points out if there is anything other than expected. At this point the coach
asks for the intervention of the players who must report any difficulties they have
met on the pitch and, only afterwards, does he give the players the solutions and any new ones
provisions. In the last minute in the locker room the goal of the coach is
mainly that of returning the tension to the right level to resume the


Page 40


Summary: in this thesis I analyzed a typical week made with one of my teams,
week consisting of seven workouts. Two sessions have physical goals. Two
sessions are aimed at correcting errors that the team has highlighted in the
latest performance; in the first session at the team level, in the second at the level of a
single department. Three sessions have as their objective the specific preparation of the
next game; in the first session as regards the defensive phase, in the
second for the offensive phase and in the third for all solutions with the ball stopped. In the
other weeks of the season under consideration have clearly changed
specific objectives of the individual sessions and therefore also the means and exercises used,
but the general structure of the week was never changed.

Conclusions : in this thesis I have taken into consideration only one of the many aspects that 46/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207
concern the profession of coach and I photographed my current belief on
how to develop the week to prepare for the next game. This my way of
preparing for the game is actually very different from a few years ago, certainly why
going up in the category, the tools and collaborators in mine have also increased
disposition, but equally surely for the fact that I and mine have changed
acquaintances. I also hope it is different from what I will do in a few years, in that
this would mean that my desire to move forward and improve has not been exhausted,
as well as my love and my passion for this wonderful game.


Page 41

LEGEND 47/50
1/10/22, 5:45 PM sarri maurizio 2006-207

................... players

…………………… player at the end of the movement

...................................... ball

.................. movement of the ball

………… .. ball movement in high trajectory

.................. movement of the player without the ball

................ movement of the player in possession of the ball

………………………. "block"


Page 42 48/50
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Premise…………………………………………………. Pg. 1

Chapter 1 - On Monday ………………………………. Pg. 2

Chapter 2 - On Tuesday …………………………… ... Pg. 4

Chapter 3 - Wednesday …………………………… Pg. 9

Chapter 4 - Thursday ……………………………… Pg. 13

Chapter 5 - On Friday …………………………… ... Pg. 21

Chapter 6 - On Saturday ………………………………. Pg. 28

Chapter 7 - Sunday ………………………… .. Pg. 37

Summary and conclusions ………………………………… ... Pg. 39

Key ………………………………………………… ... Pg. 40 49/50
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42 50/50

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