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july 2009


Volume 5 • Issue 7
for the Golf Industry
Golf Club Management Visit for back issues of GCM

A candidate Country Club
most improved

Also in this issue:

■ USGA specification
■ GCM workshops reviewed

■ Bells Manager of the Month

■ Winter tasks – servicing drainage

■ Golf carts – petrol or electric?

■ Are greenfees too cheap? brought to you by

Golf Club Management July 2009 1

birdies and bogeys
Snippets of news from the last month 4

turf management
USGA sand specification 6

human resource development

Labour pains and letters 15

GCM workshop review

Report back from Umhlali and Glendower 18 from
club profile
Glenvista Country Club

manager of the month

the editor
Barry Woods of Umhlali 22
Shaken and stirred – not a bad thing
turf management
Ready for the rains 24 We must accept that the world’s financial brawl breaking out.
markets have been rocked to the core, and I am also encouraged by the fact that the
rands and sense none of us could have believed that in the ‘Big Three’ in turf maintenance equipment,
What should a round of golf really cost? 28 21st century we would see our sophisticated namely Jacobsen, John Deere and Toro (and I
system of commerce hijacked by a few list them alphabetically), have committed to
PGA greedy executives who took advantage of the assist GCM in what will be a first – a series of
Are we handicapped by handicaps? 29 dumbed-down public. In a recent edition of head-to-head tests of their products against
Finweek the main cover line read: “Every each other. Beginning in our next issue, we
Last word man for himself – tactics for a post-recession will have a neutral course superintendent, his
It’s in the numbers 30 operator and his workshop manager evaluate
economy.” I am determined not to harp on
about how bleak the economy looks, so I de- similar pieces of equipment – a no-holds-
Cover Picture cided to find something to feel good about, barred, sort of ‘Jeremy Clarkson does lawn
Glenvista Country Club
and I didn’t have far to look. mowers’ type of thing. I thought while I was
With respect to the views of the erudite at it, I would get various course architects to
■ Editorial
John Botha financial journalist who wrote this rather critique each other’s designs, but I somehow
email: gloomy cover story, the golf industry has not believe that this will be a bit tougher.
cell: 082 498 7380 subscribed to this every-man-for-himself phi- To the clubs that received special awards
losophy – in fact, quite the opposite. This was from Compleat Golfer, namely Randpark, for
■ publisher again proven at our recent workshops. Those the excellent work done on its clubhouse, and
Simon Turck involved in the trade seem happy to share Southbroom, for its status as the most popular
email: information, and the general feeling is that club in KZN, we offer our congratulations.
cell: 083 252 8387
we are all in the same boat, and helping each Finally, GCM has had to bid farewell to
other might be the most sensible approach. Sarah Mathews, who has moved on to work
■ Advertising The fact that GCM called upon friends to for another publication. We wish her the best
James Ferrans (National Sales Manager)
email: speak at our workshops, and they were only of luck.
cell: 084 252 6373 too happy to help, was most gratifying. It In July we will be hosting our workshops in
was also pleasing to note that the groups of the Southern and Western Cape – the number
To request your complimentary subscription to GCM, simply delegates, people who compete against each of guests we can accommodate is limited, so
SMS ‘GCM and your name’ to 35172 (SMS costs R3) or other, have also embraced this spirit of coop- I would urge our friends in these regions to
contact Natalie Shekleton on 011 301 4448.
eration. This is heartening, and so is the fact confirm their attendance without delay.
Visit our website that the host clubs, Glendower and Umhlali,
for back issues. bent over backwards to accommodate us.
At the Evergreen Turf show, I again noticed
A monthly business-to- business magazine how rival companies came together and, while
brought to you by
most are competing for the same shrinking
business, they all seem to be the best of
mates – well, maybe that’s pushing it a bit.
They were at least all very civil to each other,
and the bar did a brisk trade – without a

Golf Club Management July 2009 3

Birdies and bogeys

GCM’s Preferred
One of the key aims of GCM is to help
facilitate decision making for people
in the golf industry. Most golf clubs
and resorts have long lists of varied
suppliers, and GCM is about to em-
bark on a programme that will make
the processing of choosing a reputable
and credible supplier all that much
simpler. Through an instant
referral system, run by GCM, a
Preferred Supplier List will be
made available to all key decision makers
in the golf industry.
In order to qualify for the GCM Preferred ■ F
 or more information contact:
Supplier List, a supplier must obtain a mini- Simon Turck on 083 252 8387 or e-mail
mum of three different golf club referrals
or recommendations. Once GCM/PSL ap- Natalie Shekleton on 011 301 4448 or

Suddards secures proved, the supplier will receive a Preferred

Supplier certificate endorsed by GCM and
■ You can download the application form at
Fleuron agency for KZN will be featured in a listing on a monthly – click on the
David Suddards, the man with the basis published in GCM and on the web. GCM cover and follow the links.
greatest record in South African
amateur golf and our most capped
international golfer, has secured the
agency for Fleuron (Pty) Ltd’s range
of products.
After joining Stegman Golf at the
beginning of last year as sales manger,
the legendary golfer has since started
his own company David Suddards
Distributors CC, distributing Stegman
Golf’s products to golf clubs and driv-
ing ranges. He also has the agency for
Benross Golf Equipment, voted the best A Sign
value for money brand in the UK.
The Fleuron agency includes
of the
products such as Anderson’s, Scotts,
Philolime, Roots, Cytozyme, Nitrosol,
Aquatrols, Rocol and the Duraturf range It would seem that pilfering has gotten out of hand in Harrismith, as illustrated by this
of products. bench, chained and padlocked to a tree on the golf course. Worse still, when GCM
■ D ave can be contacted on 031 764 recently visited this historic club (founded in 1887) it appeared that somebody had
2906, 082 568 6202 or e-mail also nicked the bar, or perhaps the watering hole had been gutted in preparation for a revamp. There was nobody on hand to tell us what was happening.

Thanks, but no thanks public sale, there were no buyers. This is not the first golf estate to be
The Highland Gate Estate in Dullstroom, Estimated to fetch upwards of R80 mil- auctioned off, and according to group CEO
Mpumalanga, with its almost-completed lion, the 700ha estate attracted no interest of auctioneers Alliance Rael Levitt, it won’t
Ernie Els-designed golf course was meant when a bid of R50 million was called for. be the last. Levitt is confident that the estate
to be sold at an auction held in Sandton, After reducing the call to R40 million, there will be sold outside the auction process, but
but although some 300 people attended the were still no takers, and proceedings closed. warns that it could take some time.

4 July 2009 Golf Club Management

Birdies and bogeys
Dean Webster displayed
this Yamaha cart at the
GCM workshop held
at Glendower – it was
immediately put on the
wish list of more than a
few golfers.

Renowned tree expert Val Thomas kept
delegates at the Glendower GCM workshop
enthralled with her talk, and we are happy to
announce that she has agreed to contribute
a regular column to GCM, beginning next
month. Val is well known for her research
and development for the production of a
Turning heads at Glendower Sappi-sponsored series of publications. The
Talk about ‘pimped-up wheels’. Yamaha’s latest offering in its stable of golf carts is a Sappi Tree Spotting volumes, which are a
beauty. With the chunky good looks of a serious 4X4, this baby has all the bells and mine of information concerning indigenous
whistles, and makes stock-standard varieties look positively whimpish. Equally at home trees and shrubs found in every area of South
on the golf course and the game farm, this vehicle has a price tag of around R70 000 Africa, should not only be required reading
– well worth the money if you want to intimidate your opposition. for every course superintendent, but everyone
involved in the golf industry.

threesome in SA
The co-founders of PowerPlay golf, Pe-
ter McEvoy and David Piggins, recently
met with South African licensee Neil
Mathews. The response to the new
format of the game has been enthu-
siastically received in the UK and in
other parts of the world, and already 25
South African golf clubs have signed up
to become official license holders.
PowerPlay has the blessing of the
R&A as well as the USGA and this new
Southbroom form of golf, which claims to be game’s

Golf Club
equivalent of cricket’s Twenty20, could
South African licensee of PowerPlay Neil
just be answer to growing the game,
Mathews, flanked by Peter McEvoy (left)
claims ‘Most Popular’ award and David Piggins (right).
and plans for professional and amateur
The pro shop team at Southbroom were PowerPlay to be televised are being for-
delighted to learn that their club was mulated. “When we first launched this
adjudged by Compleat Golfer to be the form of the game, we decided to invite a
most popular club in KZN. The club, Welcome back Houghton group of golf journalists to play – we as-
managed by Tish Robinson, consistently Houghton Golf Club is set to reopen sumed that if we could impress a group
earns high mark marks for its quality of in January next year. The new Jack of golf writers, known for being rather
service and its magnificent golf course Nicklaus-designed layout complete cynical, we were on the right track. Their
– few clubs can claim to offer a warmer with new clubhouse will be unveiled, positive reaction surprised us, and it
welcome to visitors. Pictured here, from despite the residential development makes sense for golf clubs to be in a po-
left to right, are Lynn Sheridan, Sheena (said to have cost Murray and Roberts sition to offer a different product to their
and Derek James and Beauty Shusha. R150 million) being put on hold. members and visitors,” says McEvoy.

Golf Club Management July 2009 5

Turf Management

The USGA sand

specification for root zone mixes
Willie J Pretorius of Golf Course Solutions and Dr Eduard Hoffman, member of SACNASP, IUSS, SSSSA,
SABI and chair of Soil Science at the University Stellenbosch, explain the reasons behind USGA
specifications for greens and what happens to the root zone over time.
The purpose of this article is not to discuss An important concept to understand when percent macro porosity. Since these porosities
the very well-known USGA sand specification discussing the USGA greens spec is ‘porosity’, represent free air space and not actual mate-
with which every superintendent is familiar, which refers to the voids between sand and/or rial, it becomes clear that these quantities are
but rather to explain the reasons for the soil particles. These porosities are classed into determined by the size and arrangement of the
specification and how the parameters of the two categories: macro porosity, pores larger sand particles. It must now become clear why
specification change over time. This influ- than 0.1mm (important for good aeration con- the USGA specification defines a particular
ences the turf quality and, in particular, the ducing water under saturated conditions, and sand particle size distribution.
onset of black layer. filled with air when the excess water drain) and
New techniques are now available to micro porosity (pores smaller that 0.01mm How established turf
measure the deviation from the norm and how that hold water against gravitational forces). alters sand characteris-
this can be used to select the correct cultural An ideal situation is one where the total poros- tics which influences the
practices to reverse the deviation before serious ity is around 50 percent of the sand by volume quality of the greens
and irreversible problems are experienced. and split into a 20 percent micro and 30 The first issue is the build-up of thatch that

The objective of
the specification
The object is to establish a suitable growing “... it is extremely important to use
medium that will satisfy both golfer and grass.
In other words, the grass will establish a good
topdressing sand that is the same as that
putting surface and survive the severe growing used in the construction of the green...”
conditions under which it will be placed.
As a growing medium, sand on its own
has extreme limitations in supporting a very
demanding turf condition. The absolute ideal
physical conditions required by plants growing
in a sand medium had to be established, and
thus the USGA specification was created. First
in 1960, revised in 1973, 1989, 1993 and
the latest revision in 2004 by Dr Norm Hum-
mel who, on a request from the USGA, spent
a year revising the present specification.
This specification had to establish a grow-
ing medium that would allow for the follow-
ing four very important physical aspects:
■ P rovide a good and smooth putting surface
■ G ood drainage or hydraulic conductivity
■ R etain sufficient water for plant growth
■ A llow for sufficient air movement to the
root zone areas
This article will not touch on the fertility
aspects of the USGA greens specification,
as this will be dealt with in a future article.

6 July 2009 Golf Club Management

Turf Management

eventually degrades to non-decomposed and table. Together with residual organic matter, the oxygen from the sulphates (usually present
decomposed organic material. Thatch fills this will worsen the hydraulic conductiv- from sulphate containing fertilizers) and
some of the macro pores which decreases their ity and initiate anaerobic conditions which reduce this to sulphide complexes of mainly
percentage, negatively influencing the hydrau- contribute to the start of the black layering iron and manganese. In this process, the foul-
lic conductivity and oxygen movement to the process. This process starts gradually as smelling hydrogen-sulphide gas is generated
roots. If this situation is allowed to get out of oxygen movement in the top layers becomes that is lethal to plant roots. As these plant
control, layering starts – usually as a surface depleted, a process that speeds up as the roots die off, the organic matter pool increases
layer to which topdressing is added, moving anaerobic conditions become more severe exacerbating the situation even more.
this layer progressively lower down the profile. and begin to manifest over larger areas. It becomes very obvious that the conditions
Thatch removal techniques such as verti- It is therefore obvious that the macro that will establish the onset of black layer-
cutting, hollowtinning, with the use of the pores (air spaces) must be kept open as best ing must be avoided at all cost. It is for this
Graden machine, followed by topdressings, as possible at all times, as this promotes reason that, together with the Soil Science
is the correct procedure to prevent serious or- healthy roots and beneficial microbial activity department of the University of Stellenbosch,
ganic matter build-up in the top layers of the that assists with organic matter breakdown. we have introduced an analytical process
root zone. This should improve oxygen move- Once an anaerobic condition has manifested whereby we take a 200mm-deep core sample
ment to the roots and promote microbial itself it is extremely difficult to turn this situ- and analyse it in situ, layer by layer, for all the
activity that will assist with decomposition of ation around, so prevention is certainly better USGA-specification characteristics.
the organic matter. than cure in this case. As we measure the chemical composition
Over time, some residual organic matter of the soil to establish the correct fertilizer
build-up will still occur, and this amount What is black layering, programmes, it would be a good idea to also
will depend on how effective the cultural what is its composition, measure the deviation from the USGA specifi-
practices mentioned have been executed. and how is it formed? cation of the root zone sand mix from time to
In this instance, it is extremely important The black layer is the remains of anaearobi- time to establish its physical wellbeing. Once
to use topdressing sand that is the same as cally decomposed organic matter that usually the physical soil condition becomes limiting,
that used in the construction of the green, as has a foul smell. The anaerobic decomposition no fertilizer application can remedy this, and
finer sand will contribute to a perched water is effected by a group of microbes that use could in fact contribute to the deterioration. ■


Ransomes Jacobsen Ltd is the first company within the turf care
industry to be awarded ISO 14001, the international standard
for enviromental management.
The Ransomes Highway LPG epitomises the Ransomes
Jacobsen commitment to alternative power. As the first
commercial triple mower powered by an alternative power
source, the Highway LPG is as green as the grass it cuts.


Exclusively distributed, serviced and supplied by

Durban 031 705 3390
Johannesburg 011 922 2000
Cape Town 021 380 2600
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Club Car promotion

Petrol versus electric golf carts –

Which makes
economic sense?
The debate concerning whether electric golf carts might be better than
those powered by internal combustion engines has raged ever since
carts were first imported into South Africa in the early 1980s. Both
camps have valid reasons for their preferences, but if it is about
saving money, it is clear that volts beat horsepower.
Before we look at the costs of running a fleet months). The daily maintenance needed for
of carts, it is worth considering the pros and electric carts, checking battery terminals and
cons of petrol and electric carts. There is no water levels, takes very little time. ■
question that the noise factor is important,
and petrol carts, even the best of them, are
relatively noisy. Another problem faced by
clubs that run fleets of petrol-driven carts is Alex Ackron, CSE’s national manager, Turf Division, points out
petrol theft. Even a club that can honestly that running a fleet of electric carts makes economic sense.
say that it has a fool-proof security system in
place cannot discount the fumes and emis-
sions, not to mention the danger associated
with fire risk.
Petrol vs electric running cost
There are well-documented cases of plucky Based on three years and an average of 18 rounds of golf per month per cart. 
petrol vehicles, as long as they are well main-
Description Petrol Electric
tained, trundling along for 20 years or more.
Maintenance cost (service parts only) R10 260.00 R96.00
They do need less storage space, as ‘petrol
heads’ will point out, because the recharging
Petrol cost (1x 26.5 tank per month) R6 868.80 R0.00
facility needed for electric carts does take up Once-off deionizer cost R0.00 R1 000.00
some room. Battery costs (replacement after 3 to 4 years) R0.00 R9 000.00
But assuming that well-ventilated garaging R17 128.80 R10 096.00
(needed for all carts) is available, once total Cost per month per cart R475.80 R280.44
maintenance costs are calculated, electric Cost per month on 65 carts R30 927.00 R18 228.89
carts come out on top – by a hefty margin. Cost per month on 65 carts for 36 months R1 113 372.00 R656 240.00
Also the down-time involved in servicing petrol Saving on electric over 36 months (65 carts) R457 132.00
carts is far higher (they require servicing every
This calculation does not include the labour hour to service the carts. Keep in mind that it will take
100 hours, compared to their electric coun-
one person one hour to service a petrol cart apposed to 15 minutes to service an electric cart.
terparts needing a service every two to three

For more information contact:

Johannesburg (011) 922 2000
Cape Town (021) 380 2600
George (044) 870 7143
Durban (031) 705 3390
Port Elizabeth (041) 484 6240

Golf Club Management July 2009 9

storey eng promotion

Professional assistance
pays dividends
Pierre Storey of Storey ENG (Pty) Ltd looks at the role of the irrigation professional.

There are immense pressures on golf clubs to with apples’ comparison between prices negotiations with the preferred supplier. As
have well-manicured courses with year-round quoted, for both the irrigation equipment and part of this process, the specifications for the
lush green grass, no matter the season or the the installation. work were firmed up and the conditions of the
weather conditions. One of the most impor- The contract, which the irrigation profes- contract between the parties agreed.
tant investments a club can make towards sional adapts to the specific requirements Once agreement was reached the contract
satisfying this demand is its irrigation system. of each project and administers on behalf was awarded, and work commenced with
All too often, however, the appointment of of the club, is invaluable. Most importantly, Storey ENG overseeing the installation of the
an irrigation professional to assist the club it structures the apportionment of risk and system and administering the contract be-
in maximising the potential of the irrigation how unforeseen events and cost variations tween the club and the contractor. Taking into
system is deemed an unnecessary expense. will be dealt with. The irrigation professional account rain delays allowed, the installation
Decision makers need to recognise the monitors the installation, regularly checking was completed on time despite Cape Town
irreplaceable role played by the irrigation pro- on the quality and the performance of the experiencing one of its wettest winters ever.
fessional and that a successful installation of system. Throughout the contract the irrigation An important factor contributing to the
an irrigation system, be it new or an upgrade, professional also monitors the progress of the success of the irrigation upgrade was the
requires the participation of four parties: the installation, certifying payment to the con- effort Storey ENG made to ensure that the
club (usually represented by the green- tractor only as and when appropriate. Upon contractor’s installation complied with the
keeper and greens committee), the irrigation completion the system is ‘snagged’ designs and specifications. This eased the
professional, the equipment supplier and the and commissioned. commissioning process with few faults having
contractor. The irrigation professional is more A case study highlighting the benefit of to be traced.
than an irrigation designer – most likely he is the appointment of an irrigation professional Integral to the manner in which the
an engineer with expertise in water resource was the upgrading of the irrigation system on upgrade was managed was the fact that the
planning, irrigation design and specification, Royal Cape’s course in 2007. Having called course remained in play throughout the con-
and civil engineering and related contracts. for tenders without having first secured the tract period and little, if any, revenue was lost
Acting as an agent of the club, he will services of an irrigation professional to prepare while the upgrade was in progress.
firstly assess the needs of the club, not a generic design and standardised specifica- Although Storey ENG was not involved
only with respect to irrigation, but also to tion for an irrigation system upgrade, Royal from the start, the success of the irrigation
determine the overall availability of and Cape found itself with three unequal tenders. upgrade disproved the common misconcep-
demand for water. This done, the irrigation As such, Royal Cape could not realistically tion that the involvement of an irrigation
professional will prepare the designs for the compare the offers presented. Realising that professional unnecessarily inflates the cost
irrigation system. Not having any loyalty to a assistance was needed to assess the tenders, to the club. The savings Storey ENG were
specific irrigation manufacturer or brand, the it appointed Storey ENG, consulting engineers able to achieve for the club far outweighed
design will be generic, but in all respects in with extensive experience in irrigation systems the fees incurred. The final word must go to
accordance with recognised quality standards. for golf courses. Storey ENG evaluated the de- the greens committee chairman who was so
The standardised irrigation design enables the signs and tenders received by the club in order delighted with the outcome of the irrigation
club to source competitive quotations from all to determine which offered the best upgrade upgrade that he proclaimed that he would,
of the reputable manufacturers. The detailed/ solution for the course. This done, Storey without hesitation, recommend the parties
comprehensive irrigation specifications and ENG, on behalf of Royal Cape, conducted involved with the project. ■
contract documents prepared by the irriga-
tion professional enable the club to source
tenders/quotations from suitably qualified
contractors to undertake the installation of the
irrigation system. The greatest advantage in
generic designs and standardised specifica-
tions is that the club can make an ‘apples

10 July 2009 Golf Club Management

Silica Leisure promotion

not so
kid on the
Chatting to Neil Reid, Greg Phyffer and Nick
French, shareholders of the newly formed
Silica Leisure (Pty) Ltd, it is immediately
apparent that there is a wealth of knowl-
edge and experience that has been brought
together to provide the leisure industry
with a one-stop shop for all its sand and
organic needs.
Greg explains, from the company’s offices
between Delmas and Bronkhortspruit where
the silica sand deposit is mined, that the
synergies were just too big for a silica sup-
plier that has been producing graded silica
sands for over 30 years to not team up with a
company that is actively servicing the leisure
community with quality organic compost and
related products.
“Although we have been involved in the
production of USGA sands for years, we have
never supplied direct to the industry, but
rather to companies that then onward mar-
keted our product with all the other products
related to the industry. This joint venture will
allow sand to be sold to the industry by the windows of raw materials and pumping On closer inspection, these new kids on
actual producer.” bacteria-enriched water through the lines, the block have got years of experience and
Neil stressed that notwithstanding the the compost reaches temperatures in excess knowledge with a lot to offer the leisure
long history of sand production, sand sam- of 70 degrees Celcius, making sure the industry. ■
ples were sent to accredited laboratories in germination of all weeds and seeds is
the United States and the UK, and passed killed, and all that remains is high-quality
with flying colours. organic compost.
The organics yard is based in Fourways Nick and Neil, who personally service
just north of Johannesburg, and produces in excess of 50 golf courses in the Johan-
the highest-quality medium to fit its clients’ nesburg, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal
needs. The one-of-a-kind organics are regions, are backed up by Reinet Pretorius
produced through an aerobic composting who is based at the mine. Reinet, who
method, combining a perfectly balanced has been involved in the golf course indus-
nitrogen and carbon mix. try for over 15 years, can be contacted on
Nick explains that, through turning 013 665 7908.

Golf Club Management July 2009 11

Cadillac promotion

A 5-Star drive
Cadillac’s partnership with Compleat Golfer includes sponsorship of our Annual Awards Dinner as
well as being the official transport for our 5-Star Golf Experience judges. It made sense to have the
managers of our 5-Star clubs test this luxury vehicle to see if it lives up to its iconic status.
Blair Atholl’s Mark Williams was the first of “Another interesting feature is the Smart manufactures of luxury German sedans.”
our testers, and he was clearly impressed Remote Start system, which allows you to Blair Atholl has been judged to be the last
with the looks of the CTS. “I must admit start the car from 60 metres away – so, by word in 5-Star Golf Experiences, and Mark
to knowing very little about Cadillacs – my the time you get in, the climate control has Williams has no hesitation in declaring the
perception was influenced by old Hollywood adjusted the interior temperature to the CTS deserves recognition as simply the best
movies where the ‘Caddy’ was a large, rather perfect level. in its class. ■
cumbersome beast and, of course, left-hand “But the biggest surprise was the perform-
drive. The new CTS looks very different – ance – the quiet, powerful V6 effortlessly
modern, sleek and bold – a definite head- pours on the power and, although I never test-
turner. Only the rear taillights hint of the ed the actual figures, I was told that the CTS
famous pedigree,” he says. will go from a standing start to 100km/h in
“The interior was really an eye-opener – six seconds, and comfortably reach 240km/h
this is seriously luxurious, with every feature – I’ll take Cadillac’s word for it. I particularly
you can imagine. Voice control of the Bose liked the six-speed automatic transmission.
cabin surround audio system with 10 speak- This is nothing like I expected for a reasonably
ers, navigation system, an on-board TV and a big car; it is nimble and handles beautifully.
finish that oozes quality. This takes comfort- There is no question that the Cadillac CTS
able motoring to a new level,” he enthuses. presents serious competition to the

14 July 2009 Golf Club Management


Severance pay
Severance pay relates purely to the monies you must pay a person you
are retrenching for operational reasons. It doesn’t apply to any other
form of termination of contracts. If you are retrenching a person it is
known as a ‘no fault’ termination and the severance pay is to compen-
sate the person for having to terminate their services through no fault of
their own.
The law states that you must pay a minimum of one week’s remu-
neration per completed year of service. This is in addition to any other
contractual notice pay, leave pay, commission or any other form of
remuneration that the person is entitled to.
To calculate the length of service you must take the date that the
person first started in your employment, including any breaks in service

of less than a year.
■ Casuals who work for you less than 24 hours per month do not
qualify to receive severance pay.
■ Guard against setting a ‘precedent’. If you pay certain retrenchees
above the formula of a week for every completed year of service,
word will soon get out and you will have set a precedent that you may
not want to continue with in the future.
■ The first R30 000 of a severance package is normally tax free.
Tax directives, indicating the amount of tax to be deducted will be
required for packages in excess of R30 000. ■

Readers’ questions answered
Dear GCM,
I have an employee who has not returned to work for the past three
weeks and we are terminating his contract of employment for reason of
‘absconding’. Will his leave continue to accumulate after the last day that
he attended work?
Margaret, Western Cape

GCM’s Andrew Wilson responds

I am assuming that you have proven that you are dealing with a case of
‘absconding’ by either holding a hearing with him or in his absence if he
was not available to attend. If you do choose to terminate his services on
the grounds of ‘absconding’ then you can treat his absence as ‘unau-
thorised leave’ and the period he was absent can be ‘unpaid’. He will,
however, continue to accumulate annual leave up until the time that you
terminate his contract of employment, which would be immediately after
the findings of the hearing are made known. ■
■ I f you would like help with an HR or IR issue contact Andrew Wilson at
Winter Season Sale
Afgri Equipment Winter Special
Model Brand Hrs Condition Price excl VAT
4520 Turf Tractor John Deere 900hrs Good R145,000.00
2500 Triplex Ride-on Greens Mower John Deere 2000hrs Rebuild R120,000.00
2500 Triplex Ride-on Greens Mower John Deere 2300Hrs Rebuild R100,000.00
2500E Electric Ride-on Greens Mower John Deere 1800hrs Rebuild R75,000.00
3235B 5 Fairway Mower John Deere 900hrs Good R145,000.00
3235B 5 Fairway Mower John Deere 2000hrs Good R120,000.00
220B Walk Behind Greens Mower (x3) John Deere ? Good R30,000.00
3235C Fairway Mower John Deere 800hrs Very Good R190,000.00
1200A Bunker Rake with Front Blade John Deere 4000hrs Fair R30,000.00
2653A Surrounds Mower John Deere 2400hrs Rebuild / Good R120,000.00
2653A Surrounds Mower John Deere 2000hrs Good R90,000.00
2500E Electric Ride-on Greens Mower (x4) John Deere New New R190,000.00
260B Walk Behind Tee/Surrounds Mower (x8) John Deere New New R55,000.00
6X4 Diesel 4WD Gator (x2) John Deere 850hrs Fair R65,000.00
6X4 Diesel 4WD Gator John Deere 850hrs Fair R65,000.00
4X2 HPG Diesel Gator 2WD, John Deere ? Fair R45,000.00
Contact Persons
David Kelder • Cell: 071 689 9663 • E-mail:
Pieter Beukes • Cell: 082 575 7302 • E-mail:

Andrag Agrico Equipment Winter Special

Model Brand New/Second Price excl VAT
2500B Greens Mower John Deere New R198 000,00
2653B Tee’s and Surrounds Mower John Deere New R198 000,00
7400 Independent deck 3 Mower John Deere New R315 000,00
7500 Fairway Mower John Deere New R295 000,00
3235C Fairway Mower John Deere New R313 000,00
8800 Independent deck 5 Mower John Deere New R298 000,00
1445 Rough mower -72” deck John Deere New R195 000,00
1200A Bunker rake John Deere New R85 000,00
1200H Hydro Bunker rake John Deere New R98 000,00
2030 Progator with Spray rig John Deere New R270 000,00

Second hand equipment

John Deere 1200A bunker rake R28 000,00
John Deere 1145 Rough mower R60 000,00
John Deere 3235B Fairway mower R85 000,00
John Deere 2500 Greens mower R52 000,00
John Deere 6x4 Diesel Gator R50 000,00
Toro 3500 Semi rough mower R50 000,00
Toro 355 Semi rough mower R50 000,00
Jacobson Greens King 4 R28 000,00
Jacobson LF 3800 Fairway mower R55 000,00
Jacobson 528D Rough mower ( Flail deck ) R50 000,00
• Prices exclude VAT • Prices ex-stock Cape Town
Andrag Cape Province
Western / Northern Cape
Stephen Osborn • Tel: (021) 950 4111 • Cell: 083 444 9636 • E-mail:
Southern / Eastern Cape
Travis Rochart • Tel: (044) 878 0274 • Cell: 084 516 3444 • E-mail:
GCM workshop review

GCM workshops
GCM recently completed two successful workshops in Gauteng and
KwaZulu-Natal. If you weren’t there, this is what you missed:
The concept of holding GCM workshops took PowerPlay Golf began proceedings, Smith Turf
root two years ago. The idea initially was to in- conducted a demonstration followed by lunch,
vite recipients of our awards to regional events, after which a number of short, interesting
and, although these worked in terms of getting speeches were delivered. The day ended with
interested parties together and slapping each a whisky tasting, and a good time was had by
other on the back, this year we decided to all. Glendower’s GM Paul Leishman and his
raise the ante. team made sure that things ran smoothly, and
Rather than simply inviting a select few executive chef Otto Stumke excelled himself.
club managers, course superintendents, direc- Not only did Otto pull out all the stops by pre-
tors of golf and club captains for a session of paring an excellent lunch, guests were greeted
‘shooting the breeze’, this year we extended on arrival with coffee and freshly-baked
the number of our invitations, and with the muffins and chocolate brownies. Those that
help of some knowledgeable people in the had not played the ‘new’ course were suitably
trade, compiled what we hoped would be an impressed by the work done by Golf Data, and
informative, entertaining day out – and yes, most agreed that as classic parkland layouts
there was still plenty of ‘shooting the breeze’. go, it doesn’t get much better. Experiencing
The first of these events was held at PowerPlay was new to many, but everyone
Glendower, and presented an opportunity for seemed to enjoy this format – although not
those who had not seen the recently revamped everyone worked out how to score, not that the
course and clubhouse to do so. Nine holes of scores mattered.

ABOVE RIGHT: Peter Matkovich gave a presentation on the failings of modern clubs and what they can be doing to ensure the health of the game.
BELOW: It’s no longer ‘every man for himself’. The workshops proved that those in the industry are enthusiastic about getting together and sharing ideas.

Highlights of the Glendower workshop

included a talk by Val Thomas, the renowned
tree expert, whose passion and encyclopedic
knowledge kept everyone entertained. Mike
Slabber of Talborne Organics offered an in-
formative overview of the advantages of organic
fertilization. The point was well made that
besides the spiralling costs of chemical fertiliz-
ers, the organic option makes more sense. (One
of the guests, Topturf’s Dave Kirkby, will be
conducting a long-term experiment to measure
the effects of chemical versus natural fertiliz-
ers, and GCM will be following this research
with interest.) Tim Johnstone spoke about the
importance of introducing juniors and women
to golf, and we were also given a presentation
by Neels Harmuth of Advance Seeds.

18 July 2009 Golf Club Management

GCM workshop review

Umhlali kindly offered to host the KZN leg

of our workshops, and again nine holes of Pow-
erPlay Golf got everyone loosened up. Martin
Finch of Modern Mowers, agents for Toro
equipment in KZN, gave a talk on his products
before lunch, and the speakers after the meal
included wine connoisseur John Platter, Peter
Matkovich, Andy Bean, environmentalist
Johan Bodenstein and Durban Country Club’s
Dave Henry, one of the driving forces behind
his club’s environmental committee. ‘Matko’
spoke most eloquently – pointing out the fail-
ings of certain modern golf clubs, and offered
possible solutions to ensuring the health of
the game. He also made his opinion of golf
carts quite clear, comments which bemused
the agents for Yamaha carts who were present.
Environmental issues have become a priority
for most golf clubs in recent times, and both
Johan Bodenstein and Dave Henry delivered
well-constructed talks that made a lot of ABOVE: Workshop attendants at Glendower being treated to a Toro demonstration.
sense. Particularly impressive were the photo- BELOW: Hearing from key people in the golf industry and the sharing of information ensured
graphs shown of areas of the Durban Country that everyone left having learnt something of value.
Club course that have been rehabilitated – ar-
eas that had previously been over-groomed but
are now clad in luxuriant growth of indigenous
forest. Many clubs would do well to follow
Durban Country Club’s lead in forming an
active committee that takes the environmental
responsibility of their club seriously.
John Platter, a member of Umhlali, pointed
out that although in KZN beer is very definitely
the preferred tipple among golfers, given the
large amount of golf tourists that flock to
the region, clubs should consider stocking a
sensible selection of wines. The point is well
taken that clubs should not forget that the
foreign golf tourist recognises South Africa as
a producer of world-class wines, and they must
be rather disappointed when their choice at
a golf club is limited to a few rather ordinary
wines served by the glass.
The success of these workshops depended
very much on the organisation of the host
clubs, and it must be said that both Glendower
and Umhlali did a sterling job. The speakers
were of the highest quality and, most impor- golf industry. Rather than the old ‘everyone benefit the game.
tantly, our guests appreciated what we were for himself’ ideology, there is a willingness to GCM appreciates the many phone calls
trying to do – ie offer something different from share ideas and information and, while healthy and e-mails, not only thanking us for these
the usual golf day. competition within the industry will hopefully workshops, but offering constructive advice
It is certainly gratifying to notice a definite always exist, cooperation between clubs and on how we might improve these functions in
shift in attitudes shown by everyone in the companies that service the industry can only the future. ■

A thank you to our sponsors:

Golf Club Management July 2009 19

club profile

southern gem
going green
Glenvista Country Club’s course can claim to be one of the most underrated in Gauteng. As GCM
discovered during a recent visit to this club, the work done by course superintendent Johan Snyman
and team has further improved this excellent layout.
The Glenvista golf course was the brain- site for a golf course could not have been payable in instalments. Despite these modest
child of the ill-fated Glen Anil Development found; a mere 10 kilometres from Johannes- fees, the club was slow to get into stride,
company, a once powerful corporation that burg CBD, with a plentiful supply of water. A presumably competing with the nearby Read-
transformed large tracts of farmland to the tributary of the Klip River flows through ing, which was considered to be a premier
south of Johannesburg into residential areas. valley and a series of lakes form the focal facility with a fair amount of snob value.
In the halcyon days during the late ’60s, the point of the layout. Glen Anil was in control of the fledgling
company commissioned Sid Brews to lay out The construction of the course was obvi- club’s affairs, but the members were allowed
a golf course in a beautiful valley formed by ously not easy, either that or there was no to form a committee which effectively ran the
the Klipriviersberg range, after purchasing sense of urgency, because Brews began his club. Once Glenvista had about 200 mem-
this spectacular piece of real estate from work sometime in 1967 but the course was bers, the club’s facilities were somewhat in-
the Basson family. The Bassons farmed the only completed in 1973. It was certainly worth adequate, and the membership was showing
land which the course today occupies, and waiting for, and when the club was opened worrying signs of stagnating at that number.
it is scarcely believable that this area was memberships were sold for the princely sum of In flurry of activity, a manager’s residence
considered ‘rural’ only 40 years ago. A better R70 with an annual subscription of R150 – was constructed, a swimming pool was built

20 July 2009 Golf Club Management

club profile

and two tennis courts were erected –

giving some credence to the ‘country club’
idea, but soon after this Glen Anil suffered seri-
ous cash flow problems and was placed under
liquidation. The company’s assets were sold by
public auction, along with the club, which was
bought by the members for an amount of
R65 000 – a bargain price even in 1978.
The improvements made to this club since
have been steady if not spectacular – the
present clubhouse was built, the car park was
paved, a tennis pavilion was built and, most
importantly from a golfing point of view, a wa-
ter reticulation system was installed and the
greens were rebuilt. By 1993, Glenvista had
come into its own – the USGA-specification
putting surfaces were, and are still superb,
and during our recent visit we noted that the
kikuyu fairways are as good as any in the Gau-
teng region. The bent greens may be infested
with poa annua, but as is often proved, prop- Johan Snyman has a number of improvements planned for Glenvista.
erly managed even a high percentage of poa
growing in bent is not the end of the world,
and Glenvista’s putting surfaces run as true as of plans to further improve the course. This time member of Glenvista, Van Vuuren has
anyone could find anywhere. includes hiding rather unattractive concrete transformed what were some rather unsightly
It is very clear that the work being done on walls that borders one of the lakes, convert- areas into attractive gardens inhabited by en-
the course has been sensibly planned and, ing an area on a dam wall from kikuyu to demic plants that belong – frost-resistant spe-
with a relatively small labour force (14 in indigenous shrubs, as well as eliminating cies that thrive on the Highveld. Well known
total), the standards of general housekeeping encroaching wattle on the border of the course for his work on up-market residential gardens
compare with the best. A project to rehabili- into more eco-friendly flora. Most noticeable that he has converted from exotic to indig-
tate the bunkering is underway and, while are the areas that have been established enous, Wynand is less than enamored with the
Johan Snyman has his hands full keeping the with indigenous plants, done with the help of rose bushes that have been cultivated on the
layout groomed to perfection, he has a list expert landscaper Wynand van Vuuren. A long- course. “Rose White, a member of the club
for many years (mother of famous rugby coach
and after-dinner speaker Jake White), loved
these roses, and they were the cause of a few
arguments – but the roses are still there,” he
says. A feature of Van Vuuren’s work is the
incorporation of various props such as African
pots and old sleepers. The end result is a truly
African look and feel that is eco-friendly.
Glenvista has certainly proved that a huge
budget is not necessary to compete with the
modern estate courses. The service in the
clubhouse is friendly and efficient and, de-
spite being a popular venue for private func-
tions, it has retained its feel of a traditional
golf club. Plans are being implemented to
expand the club’s capacity to host confer-
ences and, at a time when many clubs are
feeling the pinch, Glenvista would seem to
be bucking economic trends and forging full
steam ahead. In terms of making a serious
effort to ‘green up’ its act, Glenvista is well
ahead of the game. ■
Wynand van Vuuren has done a sterling job transforming dull areas into beautiful gardens. ■ W ynand van Vuuren of Excellent Gardens can
be contacted on 082 828 4477.

Golf Club Management July 2009 21

EXTRA SPECIAL manager of the month

No relation to
Barry Woods is the new man at the helm of Umhlali Country Club, and
while his prowess on the golf course may not match that of his famous
namesake, he is determined to make his presence felt at one of
KwaZulu-Natal’s most popular clubs.
The Umhlali Country Club has had the ability been revamped and the course has changed
to reinvent itself over the years. Begin- beyond recognition. Umhlali has certainly
ning life as a modest nine-holer in 1961, arrived as a club to be taken seriously,
it was probably best described as a rather fortunately without sacrificing its charm.
quaint ‘country’ facility that wasn’t taken A visitor to Umhlali today is likely to
too seriously. The town of Ballito was only be struck by the young, enthusiastic team
proclaimed as a township in 1954, but it that keeps the club ticking, and the recent
was some time before the property market on appointment of Barry Woods as GM would
the North Coast of KwaZulu-Natal boomed, suggest that the club is going places. Barry
and Ballito became one of the most favoured may lack experience in this particular
holiday destinations for the well-heeled. industry, but his fresh, uncluttered view
An important event in the history of of what needs to be done is perhaps an
Umhlali Country Club was the appointment advantage. He completed his schooling
of Peter Matkovich as the club professional, at Queens College in the Eastern Cape, ‘bean-counter’ and, as a self-confessed
and it was the now-famous golf course a school well known for producing great people’s person, he certainly seems to
architect who designed and constructed the sportsmen, but he freely admits that his go out of his way to make everyone feel
second nine holes. It remained a low-key, performances were nothing more than aver- welcome. He is quick to point out that he
unpretentious club with a playable layout age on the cricket and rugby field. Barry was fortunate in having a great group of
that may not have been in the best of condi- then studied accountancy and, after spend- people to assist him while he settled in.
tion at all times, but it was much loved by ing time in the corporate world, he decided “The team here is well motivated and we
the locals and the holidaymakers who prided to make this career change. “It probably are determined to continually raise the
themselves in finding this ‘hidden gem’. had something to do with my brother standards,” he says.
Peter Matkovich’s influence has continued Billy’s influence – he is the greenkeeper A key member of this team is golf man-
to be felt at the club he calls home, and when at Gowrie Farm in the Midlands, and ager Duard Nel, formerly of Waterkloof in
he revamped the course three years ago, becoming involved in the golf business has Pretoria, who has been at Umhlali for a year
without making any radical changes, it took been quite an eye-opener,” he says. “For and a half. He is responsible for every aspect
on a very different look. Compleat Golfer had starters, you are dealing with people that of the golf operations and is also involved in
no hesitation in declaring the course to be the come to the club to enjoy themselves, and setting up the course for play.
most improved in KwaZulu-Natal last year. it is our job to ensure that they do. Most of About 36 000 rounds were played on the
Anyone who has not visited this club for our members and visitors arrive at the club course last year, and monthly year-on-year
some years would hardly recognise it now in a good mood – it’s a pleasure dealing figures would suggest that this number is
– besides again changing its identity and with them.” Barry certainly does not come steadily increasing. At the time of GCM’s
becoming a golf estate, the clubhouse has across as the typical, rather conservative recent visit to the club, the pro shop was in


Not for sale to persons under the age of 18

22 July 2009 Golf Club Management

ABOVE: A very playable and enjoyable golf experience is on offer at Umhlali.
the process of being gutted for a complete BELOW: From left to right, Duard Nel (golf manager), Robin Naiker (greenkeeper), Glynis Hunter
refurbishment. “The pro shop was contract- (marketing), Michelle Witthoff (accountant) and Barry Woods (general manager).
ed out, but it has been decided to employ
our own professional to run this operation,”
says Barry.
In between meeting and greeting and
generally ensuring that things go smoothly,
Barry’s accounting background has come in
handy in analysing the club’s operations, and
he has embarked on a project to fine-tune
were he can. “I must say that it seems that
among my colleagues in the club manage-
ment business, a regular complaint is the
difficulty in dealing with and reporting to
committees. Fortunately, I have no such
problems, as the committee has given me
their full support. They remain in charge of
policy decisions, but for the rest I am
allowed to get on with the job with
minimum of interference,” he says. ■

Not for sale to persons under the age of 18

Golf Club Management July 2009 23

Turf Management

Ready for the rains

With most of our golf courses now in the grip of winter, workloads have dropped off. But rather than
taking a well-earned break, now is the time to get stuck into tasks that will make dealing with the
summer rains a lot easier, writes Turftek’s Murray Veitch.
Every year our golf courses get hammered by drains and improve on them should this de-compacted, the drainage in the bunker
severe storms at some time or the other. Im- be necessary. will become compromised due to the fact
portant as the spring and summer rains may Your greens’ drainage should also be that the rain water can no longer perco-
be, these storms damage bunkers, wash away flushed if flush points are present. It is late through the sand. It is neccessary to
topsoil and contaminate drainage systems. important to ensure that the outlets of the decompact the bunkers after every rain storm
Winter is an excellent time to carry out any drains are kept clear. These tend to become if possible. Extra sand may also need to be
repairs to damaged drainage systems and to blocked by grass growing into them or sand added to some of the bunkers. If the base
improve any other faulty systems. being washed over them. Drains that lead of the bunker becomes exposed to the heavy
into dams can become blocked by crabs and rains this may result in severe erosion – it
Drainage other creatures. is not unusual for the drainage pipes to be
Although a task that is not normally high on Standing water can also cause grass to rot exposed and thus severely contaminated with
the list of priorities, fairway drainage should and die. Winter is a good time to level these bunker sand. In some of the older types of
be flushed to clear any sediment which may areas in order to spread the water, thus pre- bunkers, the crusher stone placed around
have built up during the previous season. As venting it from standing in one place. Where the drainage pipes can become mixed with
effective as your fairway drainage may be, possible, fairways should be reshaped so as the bunker sand. This requires the sand to
after a wet summer there is sure to be some to improve the surface drainage. be sieved or replaced. Ensuring that there
blockage preventing the drains from operat- is sufficient sand in a bunker helps prevent
ing at optimum capacity. There is no better Bunkers damage to the base and the drainage system
time to clear them. It might also be a good Bunker sand tends to become compacted in the bunkers.
time to assess the overall capacity of these during the rainy season. If this sand is not In severe cases it may be necessary to

24 July 2009 Golf Club Management

Turf Management

reshape bunker faces which are continually washed away during the
rainy season. Many productive man hours are lost pushing sand back up
bunker faces that are too steep.

It is a good idea to be prepared for heavy downpours, and every golf
course should have a sump pump and squeegees, which can be used
to remove any standing water. Particularly golf courses which are next
to rivers can have tons of mud dumped on them. The greenkeeper
needs to be prepared for this situation by having the necessary
equipment available.
The greenkeeping staff should be issued with gumboots and rain-
coats ahead of time. They cannot be expected to run around in the
rain un-blocking drains, pushing mud, etc, without the correct
protective clothing.

Eroded River and Dam Banks

The dry season is a good time to repack rocks on the banks of the dams
and rivers. Due to wave action, the banks of feature dams become
eroded. Placing rocks on the banks will help protect them from erosion.
Unfortunately, the water can be cold in winter, but this is the best time
to do it.

Spring Treatment

The hollowtining of the greens will help them drain a lot better during a
heavy downpour. There is a move away from hollowtining at the end of
winter, but a deep vertidraining will also help with drainage. Vertidrain-
ing during the rainy season is a good way to prevent greens becoming
Knowing what sort of rainy season you are going to experience is
impossible. Carrying out the above mentioned tasks will go along way to
ensure that the severity of the damage is limited. ■

If the complete reconstruction of a bunker is called for, there is no

better time to do this. As with everything, if it is worth doing, it is
worth doing properly.
CMASA promotion

What is CMASA
and what can it do for you?
■ C
 lub Management Association of South- on trends in this sector. committee and management team, who
ern Africa (CMASA) is the representative ■ C
 MASA is committed to the ongoing collectively have in excess of 150 years
body for the recreation, sports and social professional development of manage- experience in club management.
club sector in South Africa. CMASA of- ment and staff in the club sector and ■ C
 lub management in South Africa and
fers its members access to information offers education programmes to suit all internationally is no longer a hobby but a
on international and local best-practice disciplines of employees. profession and clubs require a paradigm
material relating to the management of ■ C
 MASA’s strength is heightened by shift in the application of sound business
their clubs as well as current information the expertise of its elected executive principles to sustain the sector. CMASA
is able to offer these resources to assist
clubs in this paradigm shift.
To serve our members in every possible way and enable them to ■ E
 ach month Club Managment Association of
South Africa will focus on one of the many
improve their own professional standards in the management, services it offers its member clubs. For a
financial control, productivity, service and efficiency of their clubs full list of its services contact its offices on
through ongoing education and best practice. 011 482 7542 or visit its website at

Snippets CMASA consulting with to make development happen. Comments

Congratulations… SAGA on development are welcome and can be sent to admin@
■ to Doug Bain There has been much contro-
(Randpark), CMASA versy around the R5 develop-
Manager of Year, on ment levy for non-affiliated Manager development programme
his recent marriage golfers. Many of our member CMASA is soon launching a manager devel-
to Desire. clubs’ concerns are opment programme for junior
■ to Darren Dingam valid, however and middle management.
(Wanderers) on Doug Bain everybody is in Based on material received
the recent birth of agreement as from Club Managers Associa-
his son. to the need for tion of America (CMAA), this
development, and CMASA programme will be complet-
CMASA blog is hoping to complete a ed while in the workplace
Something got you in a knot? Want to share process of consultation with and covers all aspects of
some problems or solutions? Log onto member clubs and to revert club management. Keep an and log onto to the SAGA with propos- eye out for the launching of
the member-only blog. als on how clubs are able this programme.
Darren Dingam

Postal address: Suite 374 Private bag X09 Weltevredenpark 1715

26 July 2009 Golf Club Management

cmasa promotion

An association is only successful if it truly
represents and undertakes issues that could
have an impact on its membership base.
CMASA, over the years, has been successful-
ly involved in legislative issues that affect the
club sector – be it on a national or provincial
basis. One of the most recent initiatives has
been CMASA’s objection to the Proposed
Income Tax Amendment Bill, which in its
proposal form was extremely detrimental to
the club industry.
Approximately six years ago, CMASA (then
the Associated Clubs of Southern Africa) met
with representatives from SARS in an attempt
to illustrate a club business financial model
and identify the core issues relating to club
membership/participation. CMASA went to
great lengths to explain that while every not-
for-profit club’s model was different due to
the sporting discipline/activity the club was
involved in, the premise of break-even and a
principle of mutuality was common among all.
During the fact-finding sessions with SARS, Club managers networking at a CMASA education session.
CMASA provided it with a definition of a pos-
sible interpretation of what a club is:
“A voluntary association of persons non-member business at the club. Following adequate preparations for the amended tax
privately constituted and managed in terms the parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Fi- legislation. Much work will still need to be
of its own rules by and for the benefit of nance hearing, the legislation was amended done by clubs in the next year in order to be
members, with an established clubhouse at to provide for partial taxation on clubs with prepared for these changes.
which members and invited guests meet on a the following areas being treated as exempt CMASA will continue to interact with all
regular or recurrent basis to further a specified income: membership subscriptions, fees and stakeholders in an effort to bring about an
social, sporting, recreational, cultural or other all club core business revenue. Non-exempt equitable solution to this legislation.
common interest, or a combination of such revenue included: income from investments Sadly, many clubs do not see the benefits
interests, and which precludes the active and club non-core business revenue of joining CMASA. In order for the asso-
pursuit and division of profits but encourages (eg advertising). ciation to continue to be the ‘voice’ of the
recreation and social conviviality.” Ongoing negotiations have taken place industry, it is imperative for clubs to unite
Amendments to the Income Tax Act No. with SARS and the National Treasury since behind CMASA in its dealings with govern-
58 of 1962 (the Act), effected in terms of the the promulgation of the legislation in order ment, both national and local.
Revenue Laws Amendment Act 2006, were to clarify various anomalies in the legisla- CMASA provides the education and
tabled in draft for public comment. Following tion. One of the anomalies has already been access to necessary knowledge required for
written objections by CMASA together with our included in the 2009 Budget Speech, which interpretation of legislation that affects the
tax consultant Jackie Arendse, CMASA was in- extends the submission of applications for club industry. ■
vited to appear before the Portfolio Committee partial tax exemption to 30 September 2010 ■ S hould you be interested in becoming
on Finance to make a verbal submission on as opposed to March 2009. a member of CMASA please contact us
our objections to the legislation. The legisla- The benefits of this extension are benefi- on 011 482 7542 or e-mail
tion so tabled included inter alia tax on all cial to clubs, most of which have not made

Tel: +27 (0)11 482 7542 Fax: 088 (0)11 482 7542 Cell: 082 457 8235 e-mail:

Golf Club Management July 2009 27

Rands and Sense

What should a round

of golf really cost?
A point was made at GCM’s Umhlali workshop that certain premier clubs are discounting greenfee
prices, which is having a negative impact on other clubs. Cotswold Downs’ Peter Miller makes the
point that by underselling golf, many clubs are on the road to financial ruin.
Traditionally, in order to come up with an Along came virtual clubs that promised Natal a round of golf is ridiculously inexpen-
equitable amount to charge golfers to play, struggling clubs a stream of business (albeit sive. For instance one can play most of the
clubs would divide their budgeted expendi- at discounted rates). Fantastic! Members coastal clubs for less than R200 as a visitor.
ture by their budgeted number of rounds. of the traditional clubs were encouraged to A similar club on the Algarve in Portugal
This calculation could be used to come up join virtual clubs and this practice put many would cost between R750 and R1 200.
with cost per round, eg if expenditure was clubs in financial difficulty. No problem. The courses in the Cape cost on average 50
R2 million, this would be divided by What did the clubs do? Reduce prices to percent more per round, as do top clubs in
30 000 rounds which amounted to R66.60 encourage more members to join and visitors Johannesburg. Even premier courses such
or R70 cost per round. This was fine – clubs to play, but as the difference between the as Durban CC and Zimbali are very competi-
were never meant to show a profit. Hand-to- two were minimal, clubs realised that none tively priced, especially in the corporate golf
mouth accounting worked until an unex- of the new visitors were joining. This practice area as food and beverage is a large contribu-
pected expense arose and, with no cash in put many clubs in financial difficulty. Sud- tion to their income. This means the second-
the kitty, many clubs found themselves in denly the top clubs who had lost members tier clubs cannot ask the price per round
financial difficulty. to smaller ‘cheaper’ clubs decided to lower needed for survival. All clubs in KZN are
The advent of television saw South African their prices which in turn made the smaller competing for the same players, the same
golfers demanding Augusta-like turf on their clubs lower their rounds even more, and corporate market and the same group golf.
courses year round, and the cost of the guess what? This practice put many clubs in Registered golfers are estimated to number
maintenance of these green belts began to financial difficulty. some 19 000 with 80-plus clubs. Durban CC
spiral. Golfers became more discerning – no So what should the cost of a round be? and Mount Edgecombe have almost 4 200
manicured turf meant less visiting golfers. Obviously there is no easy answer, but fun- members between them, which leaves only
A round of R70 suddenly jumped to R100, damentally income from greenfees (and food 15 000 for the rest to share. This means
which resulted in less rounds, so again clubs and beverage, golf carts etc) should cover the an average of about 188 players per club,
found themselves in financial difficulty. maintenance costs and wage bills for a club which is simply not economically viable. So
To counter the dearth in visitor rounds, to survive. Exclusive clubs such as Leopard again, clubs cut greenfees to attract golfers
a plan was implemented to make courses Creek and Pearl Valley demand, and get, top and again this practice puts many clubs in
more challenging, longer and with larger rates, while more modest facilities compete financial difficulty.
and faster greens. It was hoped that this in another sector of the market. Still, there So, what is the answer? I wish I knew. It is
would stimulate the business, but main- seems to be some disparity in rates that obvious that golfers should realise that they
tenance again became more expensive. In clubs charge. One accepts that a facility with have to pay more for a Rolls Royce than they
an attempt to generate extra revenue, the an above-average course and quality service would for a Tata. ■
halfway sandwich was transformed into a should demand a higher fee, but unfortu-
culinary experience. Play became slower, nately the pricing policy has become skewed.
the number of rounds again dipped, and Clubs in general do not trust each other and
clubs faced more financial difficulty. would rather compete against one another
Corporate golf was rapidly increasing as rather than face common challenges and
companies decided to use golf as an attractive work together to find solutions.
way to entertain clients, and some clubs saw In KwaZulu-Natal we do not have an
this as their salvation. But, offering reduced ‘average cost’ (I know this sounds stupid) as
rates to the corporate market, and annoying prices for the top clubs have been discount-
members who found it difficult to get onto ed in order to attract rounds. Having played
their own courses, again caused many clubs top courses worldwide and most of the top
to take financial strain as members resigned. courses in SA, I believe that in KwaZulu-

28 July 2009 Golf Club Management

PGA of sa

Are we handicapped
by handicaps?
CEO of the PGA of South Africa Dennis Bruyns makes some suggestions
on how to handle the handicap saga.
Recently there have been several amend- stroke allowances on their cards (and has all, that is the reason the vast majority of
ments to our handicapping system, which requested that clubs make provision for this golfers play this game.
unfortunately seem to have caused more on scorecards). Already golfers have been Let me leave you with one perfect exam-
confusion than ever before. I have received disqualified from local competitions for ple of this: a while back I played a social
numerous phone calls recently with rules failing to do this. But hold on. This is not game of golf at the ‘old’ Houghton. In our
queries concerning handicaps, so let’s spend a Rule of Golf and the SAGA does not write fourball was Denis Hutchinson who, on the
some time on what the Rules of Golf require. the rules so, unless the tournament com- 1st tee, declared that on that particular day
First of all, golfers in South Africa only mittee introduces this as a local rule, be he felt like he needed to allocate himself
have one handicap. The other figure is a careful of disqualifying golfers who do not six shots, given the way he was feeling! We
stroke allowance (and it happens to be 75 fill in both figures. all chuckled and there was much heckling
percent of the golfer’s handicap). The stroke It seems to me that we have become and good-natured banter, but we accepted
allowance is the figure used in betterball handicapped by out handicap system – and Hutchie’s ‘handicap’ for the day.
and alliance competitions. So, when a golfer that we have lost sight of why we have it in Playing the last hole of our 18 (the par-
whose handicap is 12 speaks about his the first place: having a handicap is meant to four 9th) Hutchie hit his third shot to about
handicap being 12/9, he is wrong. We are ‘level the playing field’, allowing all golfers of six feet from the flag. Having played a friend-
also getting the fellow (with an ego) who all abilities to compete equitably. ly betterball matchplay game, I hadn’t really
quotes his stroke allowance as his handi- Golf is a game of honesty and integrity kept track of what everyone had scored. As
cap – sounds much more impressive to be and it relies on all golfers to play the game Hutchie stood over his putt, he declared that
a nine than a 12! Let’s put that down to in this spirit. It seems that the handicapping he needed to sink it for a 78 – six shots over
plenty of betterball competitions and just as system being sought is that which caters for par! So he was absolutely correct in his as-
much confusion. unscrupulous scoundrels who wish to ‘mas- sumption of what he felt his handicap should
The SAGA has re-introduced the directive sage’ their handicaps in order to scoop the be for the day.
that only allows double-bogeys (2 over par) biggest prizes at competitions. We seem to Surely that’s what we should be
on holes on which the golfer actually strokes be trying to find a tamper-proof system which aiming for? ■
and bogeys (1 over) on non-stroke holes. will eradicate this dishonest practice.
The bizarre thing here is that, when playing I think we will all agree that, given the nature
betterball or alliance competitions, the golfer of our game, this is a foolhardy endeavour.
has to apply his or her stroke allowance when There is no doubt that we have lost sight
scoring for handicapping purposes and this of what golf should really be about. It should
score must be submitted. This has got to not be about competing against the field;
mean that handicaps are going to be unre- what has happened to the personal chal-
alistically lower for those golfers who play lenge of doing the best that you can do? You,
most of their golf in betterball or alliance against the course? You, against the par on a
competitions. hole, the par of the course? Hitting fairways
Now, what do the Rules of Golf require and greens?
a golfer to do on a scorecard? A golfer is Let’s stop relying entirely on the computer
required to write down his name, handicap and re-introduce active handicap committees
and score for each individual hole. After the at clubs, which can add the subjective hu-
round, he is required to sign the card. The man element to determining a golfer’s trends
golfer is not required to work out points, net when it comes to his or her playing ability at To contact the PGA of South Africa
scores or totals. any given time. Clubs should perhaps spend Tel: (011) 485 1370
However, the SAGA has instructed golf- more time promoting honesty, integrity, self- or visit
ers to write down their handicaps and their discipline and fun among members – after and follow the link

Golf Club Management July 2009 29

last word

It’s in the numbers

Dennis Bruyns looks at ways that clubs could be working with the PGA to break down some of the
barriers to entry for casual golfers and new members.

Some time ago, the PGA identified three key Clubs should also probably look at a way to last 18-hole tee time in the afternoon (say
areas that contributed to golfers not playing, get away from the whole concept of proposers 14:00, depending on the time of year or
or worse still, giving up the game. These and seconders – clearly designed to ensure location of the course).
three reasons? The game takes too long, it ‘like-minded’ membership in the past. There The SAGA should allow the playing of
is too difficult and it is too expensive. And is no doubt that we need to look beyond the nine holes for handicapping purposes. Too
so, whatever cunning schemes are dreamt comfort zone of the ‘people we know’ if we are often the excuse for not playing nine holes is
up to encourage more people to play golf, we to keep our membership numbers at a level at that it is a waste of time because the score
should always be trying to negate these which clubs can thrive. I’m sure I do not have cannot count towards the golfer’s handicap
barriers as much as possible. to point out that there is an emerging middle (unless two consecutive nines on consecutive
So then, our suggestions? For a start, the class in South Africa that holds all the keys to days are played and added together to make
club system is the backbone of golf in South clubs’ future success. an 18-hole score).
Africa. Municipal or pay-and-play courses How about a ‘try-it-before-you-buy-it’ At the moment, doom and gloom contin-
are, to all intents and purposes, non-existent. membership? Encourage potential new ues unabated. Unless we become creative
Resort courses generally cater to the well- members to become temporary members for, with our ‘special deals’, we are going to
heeled multi-star hotel market and overseas say, three months to get into the groove, so be sucked into that massive black hole of
visitors and residential golf estates tick over to speak. Then actively convert them into negativity. Clubs should look at memberships
according to residents and property sales. full members once they have recognised the from the member’s perspectives, rather than
The vast majority of golf courses in this benefits of membership and feel welcome simply from the needs of the club. You’re
country then are attached to traditional golf within the club structures. almost asking members to design their own
clubs with traditional memberships – you And then, that lump-sum yearly subscrip- memberships. What is going to encourage
know the type: get nominated and seconded, tion desperately needs to be addressed. Just golfers to put their golf club memberships up
pay a large joining fee (for some unknown about any golfer can find R100 per week. there with their car insurance and children’s
reason) and then pay a lump-sum subscrip- But ask him or her to drop R5 000 on the school fees? Make being a
tion once a year, depending on the category secretary’s desk before the end of July and member of your club simply irresistible.
of membership that you have chosen. it becomes substantially more challeng- And at the centre of that irresistibility
If we are to encourage the ‘casual golfer’ ing. Clubs have got to find a way to accept should be your PGA professional. He or she
to play more, and ultimately become a mem- monthly payments of subscriptions, prefer- should be central to making the experience
ber of the club, I would contend that clubs ably by debit order. better by making the game less difficult, less
need to look more creatively at the member- Now, let’s look at that evil of evils – time, expensive and less time consuming, through
ships that they offer. and the lack of it. Clubs need to seriously lessons and great retail advice and service.
Let’s take a look at the ‘entrance fee’ consider moving away from the traditional Put him or her to the test. ■
for a start. So many clubs are waiving that two-tee start for morning and afternoon
fee every time their membership numbers rounds and adopt the all-day one-tee start.
take a dip. How’s this for an idea? Keep the What are the benefits? Well, firstly, flex-
entrance fee, but use some of it to cover ibility. It gives golfers a far greater choice of
the real costs of offering added value to the starting (and finishing) times, giving them
new member. This added value could take opportunities to do weekend shopping (or
the form of a series of lessons with your chores) for an hour or two in the morning,
club’s PGA professional (which could include then playing golf and then watching live
lessons on the rules, etiquette and gener- sport or whatever SuperSport has for the
ally ‘demystify’ the game for beginners) or armchair fan. A one-tee start also encour-
it could cover the cost of the new member’s ages nine-hole golf – something that clubs
first year of greenfees. Let’s get them ‘golf need to recognise could be vitally important
ready’ – a beginner with knowledge is far to their survival. Now, golfers can either play
more likely to be relaxed and confident when nine holes early in the morning (they can go
he arrives at the club, and therefore keen to off the 10th tee for two hours from the first
get to the club. tee time of the day) or immediately after the

30 July 2009 Golf Club Management

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