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Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

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A rapid and reliable multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of T

fourteen animal species in two tubes
Jinchun Lia,b, Jiapeng Lia,b, , Suigen Xua,b, Suyue Xionga,b, Junna Yanga,b, Xi Chena,b,

Shouwei Wanga,b, Xiaoling Qiaoa,b, Tong Zhoua,b

China Meat Research Center, 100068 Beijing, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Meat Processing Technology, 100068 Beijing, China


Keywords: A simple and rapid method for animal species identification to prevent food adulteration based on mitochondrial
Meat adulteration DNA using two independent multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) and microchip electrophoresis was
Mitochondrial DNA developed. This method was designed to identify fourteen domestic animals (Group I: cattle, donkey, dog, fox,
Degenerate primer raccoon-dog, deer and horse; Group II: pig, sheep, goat, chicken, duck, cat and mouse) simultaneously using ten
Multiplex PCR
pairs of primers and three of which were degenerate primers. Sequences for species-specific primers were
Microchip electrophoresis
generated based on mitochondrial genes, including 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, ND2 and CO I. This method was
Species identification
validated in terms of the specificity, sensitivity and practicability, and the developed multiplex PCR method was
able to correctly identify animal species of raw meats and processed meat products. The detection limits of two
multiplex PCRs were 0.02 ng DNA for animal species in Group I and 0.2 ng DNA for Group II, respectively.

1. Introduction method is mainly reflected in the shorter testing time, less testing steps
and more simple analysis of results. The reliability of detection method
Meat adulteration has been a quality issue in entire meat supply is mainly reflected in the lower detection limit, higher stability and
chain, including processing, circulation and catering in recent years. more accurate verification of actual samples.
Due to the temptation of economic benefit caused by price variance Animal species identification methods are usually developed based
among different meats (Economically Motivated Adulteration, EMA), on the variation analysis of structure, sequence, composition and
illegal meat producers may try to substitute beef, mutton and other spectral characteristic among protein or DNA separately. Numerous
high-priced meats with pork, duck, chicken and other low-priced meats, methods at different levels have been applied for meat adulteration
and even inedible meats (e.g. mouse meat and fox meat). The incidents detection, such as genomics (Amaral, Santos, & Melo, 2014;
of meat adulteration in raw meats and meat products frequently hap- Karabasanavar, Singh, & Kumar, 2014), proteomics (Giuseppe,
pened globally, such as “duck counterfeited mutton”, “horsemeat Giarretta, & Lippert, 2015; Gobert, Sayd, & Gatellier, 2014), im-
counterfeited donkey meat”, “horse meat adulteration scandal”, and so munology (Mandli, Fatimi, & Seddaoui, 2018; Perestam, Fujisaki, &
on (Burns, Wiseman, & Knight, 2016; Fajardo, González, & Rojas, Nava, 2017), spectroscopy (Kumar & Karne, 2017; Pieszczek, Czarnik-
2010). Meat adulteration, like other food fraud, plays a harmful role in Matusewicz, & Daszykowski, 2018), and so on. Nowadays, although
directly threatening consumers’ health, weakening processing en- many methods based on peptide fragments were developed using mass
terprises’ reputation and destroying trade order and fair competition; spectrometry technology with good results (Flaudrops, Armstrong, &
furthermore, it can also lead to religious issues in Islamic countries Raoult, 2015; Li, Zhang, & Li, 2018; Sarah, Faradalila, & Salwani,
(Amqizal, Kahtani, & Ismail, 2017; Shabani, Mehdizadeh, & Mousavi, 2016), the use of expensive and precise instruments, such as Liquid
2015). In view of serious meat adulteration situation, a rapid and re- Chromatography/Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/ITMS) and Liquid
liable detection method is urgently needed. In quick inspection field of Chromatography/Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/TOF-MS)
food safety, rapidness and reliability are the two most important in- generated significant limitations on application. At present, the method
dicators. The more reliable and rapider the detection method is, the based on DNA molecular is still the research focus which is also the
easier the method is applied to actual tests. The rapidness of detection appointed standard detection method in many countries for its lower

Corresponding author at: China Meat Research Center, 100068 Beijing, China.
E-mail address: (J. Li).
Received 22 November 2018; Received in revised form 30 April 2019; Accepted 15 May 2019
Available online 16 May 2019
0308-8146/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Li, et al. Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

cost, higher efficiency and user-friendly control (Lo & Shaw, 2018). 2.2. DNA extraction
DNA is a macromolecule that contains all genetic information of an
organism which makes it an excellent target for species analysis, and In order to obtain better extraction efficiency, the samples should be
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach is always dominant homogenized, especially for the processed meat products. It was also
detection means based on DNA with several sub classes including PCR- necessary that processed meat products especially for containing a mass
RFLP (Mahajan, Gadekar, & Dighe, 2011; Sivaraman, Jeyasekaran, & of salts and spices should be washed by ultrapure water to reduce the
Shakila, 2018), PCR-RAPD (Fraga, Rodriguez, & Fuentes, 2005; impact on efficiency of DNA extraction. The samples and sterile water
Spychaj, Mozdziak, & Pospiech, 2009), PCR-SSCP (Schiefenhovel & were accurately weighed together with the proportion of 1/4 (m/m)
Rehbein, 2013; Tisza, Csikós, & Simon, 2016), PCR-Sequencing (Ribani, and homogenized with the speed of 13,500 rpm for 10 min, and then
Schiavo, & Utzeri, 2018), and so on. Compared with protein, DNA has 100 μL homogenate was absorbed for DNA extraction. DNA was ex-
higher thermal stability in addition to the advantages of high con- tracted with a DNeasy® Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany)
servative and inter-species specificity, which is used for not only fresh as per its manual. DNA concentration was measured with a spectro-
meats but hot processed meat products (Karabasanavar, Singh, & photometer (NanoDrop™ One, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA).
Umapathi, 2011).
Compared with simplex PCR, multiplex PCR has gradually become 2.3. Primer design
the hotspot because of its advantages such as higher detection effi-
ciency, low cost and time saving in a single reaction hole. Safdar pre- Primers were newly designed based on characteristic of poly-
sented a quadruplex PCR to identify bovine, ovine, caprine and fish morphism and homogeneity existing simultaneously in mitochondria
species in feedstuffs simultaneously with detection limit of 0.01% DNA DNA using the Oligo Primer Analysis Software (Oligo7.0, DBA Oligo,
for each species in 2015 (Safdar & Junejo, 2015). Then, in 2016 he Inc., USA). The mitochondria gene sequences were obtained from the
presented a sextuple-conventional PCR to identify the origins of five National Center for Biotechnology Information (http://www.ncbi.nlm.
meat and one plant species in foodstuffs (Safdar & Junejo, 2016). Hou The nucleotide sequences were submitted to BLAST using
described a triplex PCR to simultaneously detect chicken, duck and MEGA 5.10 software (Tamura K., USA). Three pairs of degenerate pri-
goose DNA in meat products with detection limit of 0.05 ng DNA (Hou, mers named CMRC-Ovis, CMRC-Canidae and CMRC-Poultry were de-
Meng, & Zhang, 2015). In terms of conventional PCR, agarose gel signed based on the characteristic of subspecies (sheep, goat), or similar
electrophoresis is the most commonly used to detect amplicons in spite genera (dog, fox, raccoon-dog; chicken, duck), and the rest of seven
of its complicated processes. Nowadays, microchip electrophoresis is a pairs of specific primers were designed based on the conserved region
newer, faster and less-cost detecting method, which is applied to sci- of mitochondria DNA from single species. Primers were listed in
entific research increasingly (Ali, Ahamad, & Asing, 2018; Ali, Razzak, Table 1, and all primers used in this study were synthesized by the
& Hamid, 2015; Hossain, Ali, & Hamid, 2017; Li, Hong, & Kim, 2015). Invitrogen Company (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA). For PCR re-
Although, many multiplex PCR assays have been reported for the action, 5 μM of each primer was used.
identification of various animal species, none of them has been aimed at
identifying more than ten common animal species simultaneously and 2.4. Simplex PCR
using degenerate primers. There are still lack of accurate, low-cost and
high-throughput detection methods, especially for enterprises and su- Primers specificity was verified among 16 species (pig, cattle, sheep,
pervision departments. goat, chicken, duck, dog, fox, raccoon-dog, deer, aristichthys nobilis,
In this paper, we described a simple and rapid method for fourteen donkey, mink, cat, mouse and horse) using simplex PCR, which was
animal species identification simultaneously based on mitochondrial accomplished in a 25 μL total volume containing 12.5 μL premix (0.6 U/
DNA, using two independent multiplex PCRs and chip electrophoresis. 12.5 μL DNA polymerase, 0.4 mM each of dNTP, 2 mM MgCl2, TAKARA
Each multiplex PCR contains degenerate primers which can detect 7 Bio Inc., Japan), 1.5 μL primer (5 μM) and 2 μL (5 ng/μL) of total DNA.
animal species (Group I: cattle, donkey, dog, fox, raccoon-dog, deer and Amplification was performed in a 96 well thermal cycler (Bio-Rad
horse; Group II: pig, sheep, goat, chicken, duck, cat and mouse). The Laboratories, Inc., USA) with the following conditions, after an initial
choice of species was fully considered of actual adulteration case with a heat denaturation step at 95 °C for 3 min, 30 cycles were programmed
higher practicability and the use of degenerate primers could increase as follows, 95 °C for 10 s, 60 °C for 25 s, with annealing and extension
the detection number of species without increasing reaction multi- steps merging one step. PCR amplified products were analyzed by mi-
plicity. The aim of this paper was to provide reliable adulteration de- crochip electrophoresis (Shimadzu Corporation, Japan).
tection means and law enforcement basis for the food regulators, meat
product processing enterprises, supermarkets and individuals, and it 2.5. Multiplex PCR
was also of great significance to protect interests of consumers and
companies. For simultaneous detecting fourteen species, two multiplex PCR
assays were performed in a final volume of 25 μL (Group I: premix
2. Materials and methods 12.5 μL, five pairs of primers (5 μM) 0.4–1.0 μL, template (5 ng/μL)
2 μL; Group II: premix 12.5 μL, five pairs of primers (5 μM) 0.2–1.0 μL,
2.1. Samples collection template (5 ng/μL, 2 μL) with each component listed in Table S1 using
the same premix, cycling programs and detection method in simplex
All the authentic fresh meat samples were obtained in different PCR. Considering adulteration situations and practical application at
ways. Chicken, duck and aristichthys nobilis were purchased from local present, high-price meats were easily to be adulterated with cheap or
market; pork, beef, sheep meat and goat meat were obtained from inedible ones, and adulterated components were usually more than one
butcheries; horsemeat, fox meat, racoon dog meat and mink meat were species. So kinds of different template combinations were investigated
obtained from farms; donkey meat and venison were purchased from for each group, and all these combinations were isometric mixing of
food processing enterprises; rat meat was obtained from food safety different species templates. We carried out the research in ten duplex
monitoring center; cat meat and dog meat were obtained from pet templates for cattle and horse (fox); donkey and horse (fox); deer and
hospital; and commercial meat products were bought from local horse (fox); sheep and pig (duck/chicken/mouse); four triplex tem-
market, restaurant and import supermarket. All meat products were plates for cattle (donkey/deer), horse, fox; and sheep, pig, duck; one
transported under ice-chilled condition (4 °C) and stored frozen at quadruple template was carried out for sheep, pig, duck and mouse; and
−20 °C until use to extract DNA. two quintuple templates for Group I (cattle, donkey, fox, deer and

J. Li, et al. Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

Table 1
Oligonucleotide primers used in this study.
Group Primers Species Mitochondrial Genes Oligonucleotides primers (5′-3′) Amplicon (bp)


CMRC-Canidae Canis lupus familiaris, Vulpes vulpes, Nyctereutes procyonoides 16S rRNA AAGGGAATGATGAAAGACAT 161
CMRC-Deer Cervus nippon hortulorum 12S rRNA GCTCACGACACCTTGCACAG 175
CMRC-Horse Equus caballus 16S rRNA CAACCCAAACTAACTCCT 207


CMRC-Ovis Ovis aries, Capra hircus 12S rRNA AAAATAAATGACGAAAGTAACCCTAC 164
CMRC-Poultry Gallus gallus, Anas platyrhynchos 12S rRNA GAGAACTACGAGCACAAACGCTT 218

horse) and Group II (cat, pig, mouse, sheep and duck). Table 2
Commercial products collected for verifying the method in this paper.

2.6. Specificity and detection limit Sample Labelled Product type Marker type
number species

In order to examine two multiplex PCRs specificity, 16 kinds of DNA 1 sheep mutton kebab local super market
templates from 15 animals and 1 fish were added into two multiplex 2 sheep mutton kebab
PCR systems for cross amplification. To test detection limit, serial 10- 3 sheep mutton kebab

fold dilutions (2 ng, 0.2 ng, 0.02 ng, 0.002 ng) of target premixed DNA 4 sheep mutton kebab local restaurant
templates of two groups were added into the respective reactions. 5 sheep mutton kebab
6 sheep mutton kebab

7 donkey spiced donkey meat local super market

2.7. Commercial samples 8 donkey spiced donkey meat
9 donkey spiced donkey meat
Fourteen local commercial meat products (6 kinds of kebabs, 6 10 cattle spiced beef
11 cattle spiced beef
kinds of cooked meat products, and 2 kinds of leisure meat products) 12 cattle spiced beef
were purchased from local supermarkets, restaurants and retail markets
13 cattle leisure meat food (beef local retail market
in Beijing City, PR China to verify this method. In addition, five western
commercial meat products (2 kinds of ham, 2 kinds of sausage, and 1 14 cattle leisure meat food (beef
kind of bacon) were purchased from import supermarket in Beijing granules)
City, PR China. The details of samples were listed in Table 2. 15 pig dried ham import supermarket
16 pig American style sliced
3. Results 17 pig dry sausage, pepperoni
18 cattle & pig dry sausage, salami
3.1. DNA extraction 19 pig bacon

The purity of the DNA carried out by detecting optical density (OD)
3.3. Multiplex PCR amplification
readings at 280 nm and 260 nm was important for PCR amplification.
The OD260:OD280 ratios of extracted DNA were between 1.7 and 2.0
In an elementary phase of this paper, multiplex PCR were carried
which indicated a high quality of DNA. The results also showed that the
out by using DNA extracted from raw meats. Then multiplex PCR
extracted DNA was suitable for PCR amplification.
products in two groups amplified from different kinds of template
combinations were run on chip electrophoresis to visualize the pre-
3.2. Simplex PCR and primer specificity dicted size, as shown in Fig. 1a and c. Among which specific primers of
Group I amplified 79 bp, 134 bp, 164 bp, 183 bp and 208 bp fragments
All ten pairs of primers’ specificity were verified among 16 species from cattle, donkey, fox (dog or raccoon-dog), deer and horse, respec-
using simplex PCRs. Seven pairs of primers (CMRC-Cattle, CMRC- tively, as shown in Fig. 1b and primers of Group II amplified 84 bp,
Donkey, CMRC-Deer, CMRC-Horse, CMRC-Cat, CMRC-Pig, and CMRC- 120 bp, 138 bp, 171 bp and 222 bp fragments from pig, sheep (or goat),
Mouse) were able to amplify DNA fragments for only one target species chicken (or duck), cat and mouse, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1d. The
respectively, and the rest three pairs of degenerated primers (CMRC- fragments from both of the two groups were longer than their theore-
Ovis, CMRC-Canidae and CMRC-Poultry) corresponded to two or three tical length because of the deviation brought by microchip electro-
similar species with the same length of DNA fragments, respectively. phoresis apparatus.
Each set of primers was tested in simplex PCR, and there were no cross
amplification (data not shown).

J. Li, et al. Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

Fig. 1. The gel image (a, c) and electropherograms (b, d) of two multiplex PCRs products amplified from different kinds of template combinations. In the gel image
(a), lane 1 represents DNA ladder; lanes 2–11 PCR products from duplex PCR of cattle and horse (lane 2), cattle and fox (lane 3), donkey and horse (lane 4), donkey
and fox (lane 5), deer and horse (lane 6), deer and fox (lane 7); triplex PCR of cattle and horse and fox (lane 8), donkey and horse and fox (lane 9), deer and horse and
fox (lane 10); quintuple PCR of cattle and donkey and fox and deer and horse (lane 11); lane 12 represents negative template control. The corresponding elec-
tropherograms of lane 11 is represented with image (b). In the gel image (c), lane 1 represents DNA ladder; lanes 2–8 PCR products from duplex PCR of sheep and
chicken (lane 2), sheep and duck (lane 3), sheep and pig (lane 4), sheep and mouse (lane 5); triplex PCR of sheep and pig and duck (lane 6); quadruplex PCR of sheep
and pig and duck and mouse (lane 7); quintuple PCR of cat and pig and mouse and sheep and duck (lane 8); lane 9 represents negative template control. The
corresponding electropherograms of lane 8 is represented with image (d).

3.4. Multiplex PCR specificity demonstrated. Results indicated that one of 6 mutton kebabs was
adulterated with duck and pig meats simultaneously which collected
The two multiplex PCRs specificity were also tested with the DNA of from restaurant. One spiced donkey meat product purchased from local
the sixteen species described above. The multiplex PCR specificity of supermarket and a leisure meat food (beef granules) purchased from
Group I was analyzed on microchip electrophoresis as shown in Fig. 2a, retail market were both determined as containing horse ingredient. The
and the result showed that a single band of targeted PCR product from rest of sixteen meat products were determined as containing the target
cattle, donkey, dog, fox, raccoon-dog, deer and horse meat species, species marked on ingredient list only.
respectively (lane 2–8), without producing any fragments of non-spe-
cific amplification, indicating high species specificity of multiplex PCR.
Similar to the Group I, the specificity of Group II was shown in Fig. 2b 4. Discussions
showing that a single band of targeted PCR products from pig, sheep,
goat, chicken, duck, cat and mouse meat species, respectively (lane In this paper, we developed a simple and rapid method for animal
2–8). species identification to prevent food adulteration that based on mi-
tochondrial DNA using two independent multiplex PCRs and microchip
electrophoresis. Multiple PCR technology can simultaneously amplify
3.5. Detection limit
several templates in a single reaction tube, which is developed for the
first time to study the absence of mutations associating with Duchenne
To determine the detection limit of the multiplex PCR, we tested the
muscular dystrophy (Chamberlain, Gibbs, & Ranierl, 1988). This
performance of the multiplex PCR method under serial 10-fold dilutions
method not only retains the advantages of strong specificity and high
of target premixed DNA templates (2 ng, 0.2 ng, 0.02 ng, 0.002 ng) of
sensitivity of the simplex PCR, but benefits to simplify the operation
two groups. The result showed that amplicons of Group I were detect-
steps, shorten the test cycles, and reduce the personnel and material
able at template amounts as low as 0.02 ng DNA (Fig. 3a and b), and the
electropherograms clearly represented five peaks corresponding to the
Although animal species identification method based on peptide
five different bands displayed in the gel image. The detection limit of
fragments developed quickly these years, peptide preparations in-
Group II was 0.2 ng DNA (Fig. 3c and d).
cluding sample heat treatment, protein extraction and trypsin digestion
were still time-consuming steps, and the protein was usually digested
3.6. Assessment of commercially meat products overnight with trypsin (Li et al., 2018). Compared with proteomics
method, the time of DNA template preparations including sample
The applicability of the assay to nineteen commercial products (6 homogenization and DNA extraction in this method was controlled
kinds of kebabs, 6 kinds of cooked meat products, 2 kinds of leisure within 4 h which was far less than 12 h. The method based on spectrum
meat products, and 5 western commercial meat products) had been had its application limitations. This kind of method was mainly applied

J. Li, et al. Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

Fig. 2. Specificity analysis of two multiplex PCRs.

In the gel image (a), lane 1 represents DNA ladder;
lanes 2–16 represents PCR products from cattle,
donkey, dog, fox, raccoon-dog, deer, horse, pig,
sheep, goat, chicken, duck, cat, mouse, aristichthys
nobilis and mink of Group I; lane 17 represents
negative template control. In the gel image (b), lane
1 represents DNA ladder; lanes 2–16 represents
PCR products from cat, pig, mouse, sheep, goat,
chicken, duck, cattle, dog, fox, raccoon-dog, deer,
aristichthys nobilis, donkey, mink and horse of
Group II; lane 17 represents negative template

to fresh meat (Pieszczek et al., 2018). It would result in inaccurate was widely used among different kinds of samples such as raw meat,
results caused by changes of meat color and structure when we detected processed meat products and mixed meat products, which indicated
processed meat products However, the method based on DNA molecule more reliable during meat adulteration detection than spectrum

Fig. 3. Detection limit of two multiplex PCRs. In the gel image (b), lane 1 is DNA ladder, lane 2–5 are the PCR products of 2, 0.2, 0.02 and 0.002 ng of premixed DNA
templates of Group I; The electropherograms of Group I is presented with (a). And in the gel image (c), lane 1 is DNA ladder, lane 2–5 are the PCR products of 2, 0.2,
0.02 and 0.002 ng of target premixed DNA templates of Group II; The electropherograms of Group II is presented with (d).

J. Li, et al. Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

method. indicated high species specificity of the primers towards the target
Fourteen species in this paper were divided into two groups de- species (Fig. 2).
pending on the actual adulteration situation. We assigned cattle, The length of amplification products are between 68 bp and 218 bp
donkey and horse into Group I, because horse meat was frequently in this paper and the difference between some species was only about
adulterated into beef or donkey meat in European countries or some 10–20 bp, which was difficult to distinguish by agarose gel electro-
Chinese cities. Group II was also classified according to this strategy, phoresis considering its resolution ratio of 40–50 bp (Bottero &
since pork and poultry were easily pretended to be mutton, and it was Dalmasso, 2011). Compared with agarose gel electrophoresis, micro-
difficult to distinguish only by tasting for consumers. Therefore we chip electrophoresis system used in this paper could distinguish as low
assigned pig, chicken and duck into Group II. Besides, some inedible as 5% difference of two sequences, indicating more reliable and a better
meat with healthy risk such as mouse meat and other kinds of meat application prospect (Ali et al., 2015). Since the length difference of
from species mainly for fur such as fox and racoon dog were also in- amplicon between pig and mouse was 17 bp, and between fox and deer
cluded in two groups. Considering adulteration situations and practical was only 14 bp, we used Shimadzu microchip electrophoresis system to
application at present, a great deal of actual adulteration cases had analyze PCR products which automatically provided banding patterns
been simulated by mixing DNA template of different species. And the (Fig. 1a) along with the electropherograms (Fig. 1c) for all of the five
result showed that the target species could be accurately detected by targets amplified in this multiplex system. PCR products were analyzed
this method indicating good reliability in actual application. A two-tube by agarose gel electrophoresis system in conventional test method in-
multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of ten meat species was cluding agarose gel preparation, electrophoretic analysis and gel ima-
reported lately (Prusakova, Glukhova, & Afanas'eva, 2018). We find ging which cost more than 2 h. Compared with conventional method,
that both the two methods used a two-tube multiplex PCR assay to electrophoresis and data analysis of PCR products were carried out si-
achieve simultaneous identification of multiple species. In contrast to multaneously using microchip electrophoresis system which cost not
this method, our strategy contained more species by using degenerated more than half an hour.
primers and was more efficient by using microchip electrophoresis, The detection limit of the multiplex PCR was tested using serial 10-
which was much more suitable for adulteration detection in actual fold dilutions of target premixed DNA, and the result showed that
adulteration event. Although 14 species can be detected in two tubes amplicons of Group I were detectable when template amounts was as
conveniently and efficiently, it was not good enough in actual detec- low as 0.02 ng DNA (Fig. 3a), and the detection limit of Group II was
tion. Two PCR assays should be taken together when suspect species 0.2 ng DNA (Fig. 3d). Literatures reported the distribution of detection
were located in two groups. Therefore, we are developing a septuple limits within the scope of 0.001–0.1 ng, as shown in Table 3 (Hanapi
PCR in a single tube which can distinguish more than 10 species si- et al., 2015; Song, Hwang, & Kim, 2017; Sultana, Hossain, & Zaidul,
multaneously. 2018), and the detection limit in this paper was at the same level which
Ten pairs of species-specific primers in this paper were designed to could satisfy the needs of the daily detection work. At the beginning of
amplify ten short fragments varying from 68 bp to 218 bp, which basing the study, the detection limit of the multiplex PCR was tested using
on four mitochondrial genes including 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, ND2 and serial 10-fold dilutions of target premixed DNA with equal proportion
CO I. Since the genome of processed meat products especially suffering of each species. However, the proportion of each species in mixed meat
fry, barbecue or mechanical damage was easy to be fractured (Ali, was different in actual adulteration. Therefore, template that contains
Hashim, & Mustafa, 2012; Lin & Hwang, 2008), short fragments were different proportion of DNA should be validated in the future.
chosen to improve the probability of detection. Short fragments of not Along with the development of detection techniques, the detection
more than 220 bp were chosen in this article indicating a less PCR number of meat species has already shown an increasing trend in recent
amplification time. Annealing and extension steps of PCR were merged years. Parts of published multiplex PCR assays for meat species iden-
into one single step with a total time of 30 s, while only one extension tification using gel or chip electrophoresis last decade were listed in
step needed 30 s in most PCR assays (Amaral et al., 2014; Table S2. The lengths of most fragments reported recently were among
Karabasanavar et al., 2014). In addition, cycle numbers were decreased 100–500 bp from 3 to 6 kinds of common species such as pig, cattle,
from 35 to 30, and the final extension step was removed, the amplifi- sheep and poultry. In this paper, a method for fourteen animal species
cation time was further reduced. Along with more primers and multi- identification simultaneously was developed, not only containing spe-
plicity of PCR in a tube, competitions among primer, template, poly- cies introduced above, but also containing other common species such
merase and other materials became more complex, which resulted in as dog, fox, donkey, cat, mouse, which indicated that it would be widely
lower efficiency and even the failure of reaction directly. In view of this, used in species identification.
three pairs of degenerate primers were designed upon the similarity of The application of this method about detecting nineteen commercial
species (Ovis represents sheep and goat; Canidae represents dog, fox meat products had been demonstrated. The multiplex PCR method we
and raccoon-dog; Poultry represents chicken and duck), which in- built was possible to identify animal species from not only fresh meats,
creased the detection flux, raised the efficiency and reduced the cost but also processed products, indicating a wide application prospect.
without increasing the number of reactions. Five of these nineteen samples were traditional western meat products
Primers specificity is the core indicator for the species identification purchased from import supermarket, and the rest were local meat
method. Thus, the primer design and verification are very significant products. The results showed that the multiplex PCR method was able
steps in multiplex PCR development. In order to ensure the specificity to detect both domestic and western commercial meat products. The
of the primers, inter-species polymorphism regions in mitochondrial results also showed that this method was able to identify more than one
genes alignment must be selected, especially for 3′ end of primers. As animal species simultaneously along with lower cost and higher effi-
for the degenerate primer, it must not only satisfy the primer design ciency indicating a reliable application prospect.
principle above, but ensure that the target sequences are conservative In establishment of this method, we took shorter target sequences,
in intra species. For example, the primer “CMRC-Canidae” can amplify more suitable species, degenerated primers and microchip electro-
dog, fox and raccoon-dog separately, but cannot amplify other species. phoresis into consideration in order to improve the efficiency and
This is why the degenerate primers are difficult to design and rare to practicability. In case of detecting meat products adulterated with more
report. In our work, all ten pairs of primers’ specificity was verified than one species, this method can highlight its advantages better.
using simplex PCR, and results showed that there was no cross con-
tamination among 16 species for each primer. The specificity of two 5. Conclusions
quintuple PCRs was also tested with the DNA of the sixteen species
described above in the complicated PCR system, and the result In summary, the developed multiplex PCR assay has been proved to

J. Li, et al. Food Chemistry 295 (2019) 395–402

Table 3
Published multiplex PCR assays for meat species identification.
Multiplex type Species and target length Target gene(s) Detection Limit Detection methoda Reference

Two quintuple cattle (68 bp) CO I 0.02 ng DNA chip This paper
donkey (125 bp) ND2
dog, fox, raccoon dog (161 bp) 16S rRNA
horse (207 bp)
deer (175 bp) 12S rRNA
cat (74 bp) CO I 0.2 ng DNA
pig (115 bp)
mouse (132 bp) 16S rRNA
sheep, goat (164 bp) 12S rRNA
duck, chicken (218 bp)

Quadruplex pig (267 bp) ND4 0.1 ng DNA Gel Hanapi et al. (2015)
ruminant (370 bp)
avian (504 bp)
rabbit (548 bp)

Quadruplex turkey (217 bp) Cytb 0.005–0.05 ng DNA Chip and Gel Li et al. (2015)
ostrich (330 bp)
chicken (516 bp)
duck (820 bp)

Quintuple cat (172 bp) Cytb 0.01–0.02 ng DNA Chip Ali et al. (2015)
dog (163 bp) ATPase 6
pig (141 bp) ND5
monkey (129 bp)
rat (108 bp) ATPase 6

Triplex beef (274 bp) Cytb 0.001 ng DNA Gel Song et al. (2017)
lamp (340 bp)
pork (418 bp)

Quadruplex pig (87 bp) Cytb 0.001–0.1 ng DNA Gel Sultana et al. (2018)
cattle (120 bp)
fish (295 bp) CO I
eukaryotic DNA (141 bp) 18S rRNA

Chip, microchip electrophoresis; Gel, agarose gel electrophoresis.

be a simple and rapid method for animal species identification. This Appendix A. Supplementary data
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