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Carbohydrate Utilization

in Bacteria: Making the

Most Out of Sugars with the
Help of Small Regulatory RNAs
Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology and Genetics, Max F. Perutz Laboratories,
University of Vienna, Vienna Biocenter, Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT Survival of bacteria in ever-changing habitats INTRODUCTION

with fluctuating nutrient supplies requires rapid adaptation
Carbohydrates are degraded in central metabolic path-
of their metabolic capabilities. To this end, carbohydrate
metabolism is governed by complex regulatory networks
ways, namely, glycolysis, the pentose phosphate path-
including posttranscriptional mechanisms that involve small way, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, to fuel cells
regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) and RNA-binding proteins. sRNAs with energy and building blocks to synthesize all bio-
limit the response to substrate availability and set the threshold molecules. A functional carbohydrate metabolism re-
or time required for induction and repression of carbohydrate quires sufficient supply with carbon sources but also
utilization systems. Carbon catabolite repression (CCR) coordination with the availability of other nutrients and
also involves sRNAs. In Enterobacteriaceae, sRNA Spot 42 cellular activities. Hence, bacterial carbohydrate me-
cooperates with the transcriptional regulator cyclic AMP
tabolism is controlled at all levels by large and densely
(cAMP)-receptor protein (CRP) to repress secondary carbohy-
drate utilization genes when a preferred sugar is consumed. interconnected regulatory networks (1). In recent years,
In pseudomonads, CCR operates entirely at the posttranscriptional mechanisms involving small regula-
posttranscriptional level, involving RNA-binding protein tory RNAs (sRNAs) have emerged as an additional layer
Hfq and decoy sRNA CrcZ. Moreover, sRNAs coordinate in these networks. Extensive cross talk of sRNAs with
fluxes through central carbohydrate metabolic pathways
with carbohydrate availability. In Gram-negative bacteria,
the interplay between RNA-binding protein CsrA and its Received: 27 November 2017, Accepted: 3 January 2018,
Published: 23 March 2018
cognate sRNAs regulates glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
Editors: Gisela Storz, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
in response to signals derived from metabolism. Spot 42 and
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and
cAMP-CRP jointly downregulate tricarboxylic acid cycle activity Human Development, Bethesda, MD; Kai Papenfort, Department of
when glycolytic carbon sources are ample. In addition, bacteria Biology I, Microbiology, LMU Munich, Martinsried, Germany
use sRNAs to reprogram carbohydrate metabolism in response Citation: Durica-Mitic S, Göpel Y, Görke B. 2018. Carbohydrate
to anaerobiosis and iron limitation. Finally, sRNAs also provide utilization in bacteria: making the most out of sugars with the help of
homeostasis of essential anabolic pathways, as exemplified by small regulatory RNAs. Microbiol Spectrum 6(2):RWR-0013-2017.
the hexosamine pathway providing cell envelope precursors.
Correspondence: Boris Görke,
In this review, we discuss the manifold roles of bacterial
*These authors contributed equally to the manuscript.
sRNAs in regulation of carbon source uptake and utilization,
© 2018 American Society for Microbiology. All rights reserved.
substrate prioritization, and metabolism. 1
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Durica-Mitic et al.

transcriptional regulators ensures a fine-tuned and co- Jacob and Monod speculated that the Lac repressor
ordinated metabolism. could be an RNA acting at the posttranscriptional level
Bacterial sRNAs come in two flavors. (i) cis-Encoded (13), but this idea was largely forgotten until the first
sRNAs are transcribed from the opposite strand of report of gene regulation by a small antisense RNA in
their target genes. Due to their perfect complementarity, bacteria (14). Meanwhile, several bacterial carbohy-
they form extensive RNA duplexes with their target drate utilization systems are known to be fine-tuned by
transcripts, influencing transcription, translation, or deg- sRNAs. The sRNAs in these circuits may limit the re-
radation of the target (2). (ii) trans-Encoded sRNAs sponse to substrate availability, set the threshold con-
regulate distantly encoded targets that can be either RNA centration, or modulate the delay time required for
or protein. They regulate translation or RNA stability, activation and shutdown of the system.
either negatively or positively, through imperfect base-
pairing (3). In addition, modulation of transcription Posttranscriptional Regulation
termination by sRNAs has also been observed (4). In of Glucose Uptake
Gram-negative bacteria, trans-encoded sRNAs often re- Many bacteria, including E. coli, preferentially utilize
quire protein Hfq for protection from degradation and glucose when growing in a mixture of carbon sources
RNA duplex formation (5, 6). The activities of sRNAs (15, 16), which also holds true for many enterobacterial
are tightly controlled, at the level of either biogenesis pathogens when residing in mammalian host cells (17).
or their decay (7–9). A recently emerging mechanism is In E. coli, glucose is internalized by the glucose trans-
decoy and sponge RNAs that are capable of sequestering porter PtsG and to a minor degree by mannose trans-
sRNAs by base-pairing (10). porter ManXYZ (18). Both transporters belong to the
Here, we review the manifold roles of sRNAs in reg- phosphotransferase system (PTS). PTS transporters gen-
ulation of carbohydrate metabolism. The outline of the erate phosphosugars during transport. The phosphoryl
review is illustrated in Fig. 1. First, specialized sRNAs groups derived from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) are
that regulate consumption of particular carbohydrates transferred via phosphotransferases enzyme I and HPr
are described (Fig. 1A). Bacteria residing in mixed en- to the transporters, including the EIIAGlc protein, which
vironments often select the energetically most favorable phosphorylates PtsG.
carbon source. The regulatory contribution of sRNAs to While phosphosugars are a primary energy source,
substrate prioritization will be discussed subsequently high intracellular concentrations are toxic (19, 20). Such
(Fig. 1B). Next, we will dissect how transcriptional and conditions cause rapid degradation of ptsG mRNA,
posttranscriptional mechanisms cooperate to coordinate limiting further glucose uptake, which relieves stress (21,
metabolic activities with carbohydrate availability and 22). The dedicated transcriptional regulator SgrR senses
other cues such as iron and oxygen availability (Fig. 1C). phosphosugar stress and induces expression of sRNA
Finally, we will discuss the amino sugar pathway gener- SgrS (23, 24). Hfq-assisted base-pairing of SgrS with
ating precursors for cell envelope synthesis as an exem- ptsG inhibits translation and recruits endoribonuclease
plary anabolic pathway regulated by sRNAs (Fig. 1D). RNase E to degrade ptsG mRNA at the cytoplasmic
To date, sRNAs are most thoroughly investigated in membrane (23, 25–27). SgrT, a short peptide encoded
the Gram-negative model bacteria Escherichia coli and by SgrS, contributes to stress relief by blocking glucose
Salmonella, but knowledge from unrelated species has transport via direct inhibition of PtsG independently
increased and is incorporated. of SgrS base-pairing (28–30). In E. coli, SgrS regulates
at least eight mRNAs by direct base-pairing (31, 32).
Downregulation of the manXYZ mRNA through a dual
sRNAs REGULATING UTILIZATION OF base-pairing mechanism prevents leaky glucose uptake
PARTICULAR CARBON SOURCES (33, 34). Stabilization of the yigL mRNA, encoding a
Heterotrophic bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella sugar phosphatase, by masking an RNase E cleavage site
can grow on a plethora of compounds as sole sources of upon base-pairing allows export of sugars following
carbon and energy (11). To preserve resources, genes their dephosphorylation (35–37).
required for uptake and utilization of a particular car- While regulation of manXYZ and yigL clearly con-
bon source are tightly regulated by substrate availabil- tributes to phosphosugar stress relief (36), the roles of
ity. Traditionally this task is thought to be achieved by the remaining targets adiY, asd, folE, ptsI, and purR are
dedicated transcription factors, for which the lactose less obvious (31, 32). The ptsI gene encodes enzyme I,
repressor provides the classical paradigm (12). In fact, which delivers phosphoryl groups to all 21 PTS trans-

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Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism by Small RNAs

FIGURE 1 Manifold roles of sRNAs in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in bacteria.

The figure summarizes the major roles of sRNAs (depicted in red) in regulation of car-
bohydrate metabolism in bacteria. (A) Regulation of uptake and utilization of particular
carbohydrates by sRNAs in various species. In Enterobacteriaceae, the trans-encoded
sRNA SgrS counteracts phosphosugar stress through repression of glucose transporters
and activation of the sugar phosphatase YigL. sRNA ChiX downregulates the chitosugar-
specific porin ChiP, setting the threshold concentration for induction of degrading
enzymes. Further examples include regulation of host glycan and mannitol uptake by cis-
encoded sRNAs in Bacteroides and Vibrio species, respectively. (B) Role of sRNAs in CCR.
In Enterobacteriaceae and Vibrionaceae, the sRNA Spot 42 represses genes for utilization
of secondary carbon sources. Spot 42 is repressed by cAMP-CRP and therefore only active
in the presence of preferred sugars generating low cAMP levels. In Pseudomonas,
translation of mRNAs for utilization of secondary carbon sources is repressed by Hfq. In
the absence of preferred substrates, the CbrA/CbrB TCS activates expression of the decoy
sRNA CrcZ, titrating Hfq from target transcripts. (C) sRNAs coordinate carbohydrate
metabolism with carbohydrate, oxygen, and iron availability. The RNA-binding protein
CsrA activates glycolysis and represses gluconeogenesis by binding to corresponding
RNAs. CsrA activity is counteracted through sequestration by sRNAs CsrB/CsrC, whose
levels are regulated by signals from metabolism. In the absence of oxygen, sRNAs such as
FnrS in E. coli and RoxS in B. subtilis redirect metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to
anaerobic respiration or fermentation. Upon iron starvation, sRNA RyhB represses TCA
cycle enzymes to save iron for essential processes. (D) Example of an anabolic pathway
regulated by sRNAs. In Enterobacteriaceae, two homologous sRNAs regulate the key
enzyme GlmS to achieve homeostasis of glucosamine-6-phosphate (glucosamine-6-P),
an essential precursor for cell envelope synthesis. 3
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porters in E. coli (38, 39). Some of these transporters nistic basis for the high degree of genomic diversity
internalize sugars that generate glucose-6-phosphate or observed in V. cholerae.
other phosphosugars upon catabolism. Thus, global de- For E. coli and Salmonella, chitin-derived carbo-
celeration of PTS activity may contribute to the phos- hydrates represent a secondary carbon source as they
phosugar stress response. Interestingly, phosphosugar become sporadically available as part of the hosts’ diet.
stress elicited by a glucose analog or a block in glycol- These species rely on excreted chitinases of other bac-
ysis, e.g., by pgi mutation, can be rescued by addition of teria to convert chitin to chitosugars. Multiple tran-
glycolytic intermediates downstream of the block (21, scriptional regulators and the sRNA ChiX are employed
40). This suggests that toxicity results from the depletion to restrict expression of chitosugar utilization genes to
of a downstream metabolite, most likely PEP, rather conditions of substrate sufficiency (51–53). Chitoporin
than from accumulation of glucose-6-phosphate itself. ChiP, required for uptake of chitosugars across the outer
This could explain the physiological roles of SgrS targets membrane, is encoded in the chiPQ operon. ChiX in-
such as asd, which encodes an enzyme that converts hibits chiP translation initiation by base-pairing with its 5′
aspartate to other amino acids. Downregulation of asd untranslated region (5′ UTR) (54, 55) but also represses
may preserve aspartate to replenish PEP and relieve the distal cistron chiQ by facilitating Rho-dependent
stress (31). transcriptional termination (56). Interestingly, ChiX is
The SgrS-mediated phosphosugar stress response not codegraded with its target chiP but with a decoy RNA
seems conserved in Enterobacteriaceae and Aeromonas derived from the chb operon (54, 57). The chb operon
species (41, 42). However, PTS-type glucose trans- encodes a PTS transporter and enzymes for chitosugar
porters are much more widespread (18, 43). Do these uptake and degradation. Expression of the chb operon
bacteria also encounter phosphosugar stress, and how is activated by the operon-specific transcription regu-
do they cope? Downregulation of the ptsG transcript lator ChbR in response to chitosugar availability. When
by glucose in a pgi mutant has also been observed for chb transcription rates are sufficiently high, base-pairing
the Gram-positive Corynebacterium glutamicum (44). with the chb RNA trap sequesters ChiX and relieves
C. glutamicum lacks Hfq, and therefore the underlying chiPQ repression, boosting synthesis of chitoporin ChiP.
mechanism must differ from E. coli. A phosphosugar Thereby, ChiX likely sets the delay time and threshold
stress response has not been reported for any of the concentration for chitosugar utilization. ChiX only affects
Gram-positive Firmicutes species. However, as dem- the chb transcript under noninducing conditions, leading
onstrated for Bacillus subtilis, these bacteria may acti- to efficient silencing of the mRNA (53).
vate a glycolytic bypass, the methylglyoxal pathway, In the chitinolytic bacterium Serratia marcescens,
to prevent deleterious accumulation of phosphosugars ChiX coordinates synthesis of ChiP and chitin-
(45). degrading chitinases (58). Whereas chiP/ChiX base-
pairing is conserved, the ChiX target site within the
Regulation of Chitin and Chitosugar chb mRNA is lacking. In contrast, ChiX represses chiR,
Utilization by sRNAs encoding a transcriptional activator of chitinase genes.
Chitin is one of the most abundant polysaccharides on Upon induction of chiP expression, ChiX is sequestered
earth and particularly ample in aquatic environments, by base-pairing and repression of chiR is relieved (58).
representing an important carbon source for aquatic Thereby, ChiX couples induction of degrading enzymes
bacteria such as Vibrionaceae. In Vibrio cholerae, an to the expression of the specific transporters, coordi-
important facultative human pathogen, chitin even nating extracellular breakdown of chitin with uptake
serves as signal for natural competence. Chitin is sensed of the products.
by the orphan sensor kinase ChiS, which activates ex-
pression of chitin utilization genes by a still-unknown Regulation of Mannitol Uptake by a
mechanism (46, 47). ChiS further activates transcrip- cis-Encoded sRNA in V. cholerae
tion factor TfoS, which is necessary for expression of In addition to chitin, mannitol represents an important
the Hfq-dependent sRNA TfoR. This sRNA stimulates carbon source for V. cholerae, as it is produced in large
translation of TfoX, a regulator required for induction quantities by marine algae. In V. cholerae, synthesis of
of competence (48, 49). In addition, TfoX induces ex- the mannitol PTS transporter MtlA is controlled by the
pression of type VI secretion systems for killing of cis-encoded sRNA MtlS through an Hfq-independent
nonimmune cells and subsequent acquisition of the re- mechanism (59). MtlS is transcribed antisense to the
leased DNA (50). This mechanism provides a mecha- mannitol mtlADR operon and shares 71 nucleotides

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Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism by Small RNAs

of perfect complementarity with the 5′ UTR of mtlA. CARBON CATABOLITE REPRESSION AT

MtlS and mtlA form a stable duplex inhibiting mtlA THE POSTTRANSCRIPTIONAL LEVEL
translation without impairing transcript stability. How In mixed environments, bacteria often selectively utilize
this affects the cotranscribed mtlDR genes is unknown. the carbon source favoring fastest growth (15, 67). In
Close proximity of the mtlA and mtlS loci is required to E. coli, uptake of the preferred substrate glucose trig-
efficiently repress mtlA, presumably by enabling rapid gers dephosphorylation of the PTS, which activates
formation of the RNA duplex (60). Mannitol represses mechanisms that prevent uptake and utilization of less-
mtlS transcription, but the responsible regulator has not preferred carbon sources—collectively known as car-
been identified. The MtlR repressor protein, which is bon catabolite repression (CCR) (43, 68). Accumulation
encoded in the mtlADR operon itself, and MtlS appear of nonphosphorylated EIIAGlc inhibits uptake of less-
to operate independently from each other (59, 61). MtlA preferred carbon sources by inducer exclusion. It also
was shown to activate biofilm formation, suggesting that impedes production of cyclic AMP (cAMP), thereby
mannitol serves as extracellular signal for V. cholerae to preventing activation of carbohydrate utilization genes
colonize beneficial habitats (62). Mannitol may also act by the global transcription regulator cAMP receptor
as compatible solute, helping V. cholerae to withstand protein (CRP). While these mechanisms are well studied,
the high osmolarity in the human intestine (59). How the involvement of posttranscriptional mechanisms in
these additional roles are integrated into the mannitol CCR emerged only recently. A global omics study in
operon remains to be addressed. E. coli found >90 genes to be posttranscriptionally reg-
ulated by CCR (69). In the evolutionary distant pseu-
Regulation of Polysaccharide Utilization domonads, CCR even appears to operate solely at the
Genes by cis-Encoded sRNAs in Bacteroides posttranscriptional level (70).
Gram-negative Bacteroidetes is a dominating phylum of
the microbiota in the human colon (63) and specializes Spot 42: the Third Pillar of
in utilizing a wide variety of dietary polysaccharides and CCR in Enterobacteriaceae
glycans derived from the mucosa of the gut (64). To this The sRNA Spot 42 cooperates with cAMP-CRP in
end, Bacteroides spp. carry a large number of polysac- coherent feedforward loops to regulate multiple carbo-
charide utilization loci (PULs), each one dedicated to the hydrate metabolic genes (Fig. 2A) (71). It might there-
uptake and utilization of a specific glycan or polysac- fore be considered the third pillar of CCR, working in
charide. Each PUL encodes its own protein regulators addition to the well-established mechanisms involving
for substrate-dependent induction of the locus. Tran- inducer exclusion and cAMP (43). Spot 42, encoded by
scriptome sequencing analysis of Bacteroides fragilis spf, is one of few genes that are repressed by cAMP-CRP
revealed that many of these PULs transcribe sRNAs in E. coli (72, 73). The first Spot 42 target discovered was
from the opposite strand (65). The antisense RNAs seem galK, encoding galactokinase for galactose utilization
to be conserved, as they are also observed in other (74). In the presence of glucose, Spot 42 accumulates and
Bacteroides. Overexpression of such an sRNA, DonS in selectively downregulates GalK without affecting the
B. fragilis, triggers loss of the corresponding pul tran- other proteins encoded in the galETKM operon, which
script, causing disability to utilize corresponding host have additional functions for synthesis of UDP-sugars
glycans. DonS may target the cognate pul mRNA to- (Fig. 3) (74). Subsequent work revealed that Spot 42 has
wards degradation or act through transcriptional inter- a global role in carbohydrate metabolism (75, 76). To
ference by RNA polymerase collision, as observed for date, its validated regulon contains 29 genes (Fig. 2B),
other antisense RNAs (2). Regulation by DonS might but is expected to increase further as many additional
become relevant when the concentration of the inducing potential Spot 42 targets were identified by RNA inter-
substrate declines, leading to an excess of constitutively action by ligation and sequencing (RIL-seq) (77). This
produced DonS over the pul transcript. Interestingly, the novel methodology identifies sRNA/mRNA pairs by Hfq
PULs shown to include antisense sRNAs are all involved pulldown and subsequent ligation of bound RNAs. Im-
in the utilization of host-derived glycans (65). Species pressively, RIL-seq recovered 11 previously validated
like Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron preferentially utilize Spot 42 targets, emphasizing the reliability of the method
dietary polysaccharides if available and consequently (Fig. 2B). Again, many of the newly identified candidate
repress the PULs for glycan utilization (66). Hence, it is targets have roles in carbohydrate metabolism (77).
possible that the DonS-like sRNAs mediate substrate Most targets are repressed by Spot 42, and where
prioritization in Bacteroides. known, their transcription is activated by cAMP-CRP, 5
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FIGURE 2 The transcriptional regulator cAMP-CRP and sRNA Spot 42 cooperate to

trigger CCR in Enterobacteriaceae. (A) CRP and Spot 42 participate in coherent feed-
forward loops to prevent utilization of the indicated secondary carbon sources when
the preferred carbon source glucose is present. In addition to cAMP-CRP, Spot 42 is
regulated by base-pairing with the sponge RNA PspH. (B) The validated Spot 42 regulon
to date. Target genes that are also positively controlled by cAMP-CRP at the level of
transcription are boxed. Microarray analysis of Spot 42 pulse expression (75) and improved
software prediction algorithms (32, 76) fostered the identification of most targets. Addi-
tional targets were identified by human inference or by a CLIP-seq approach mapping Hfq
binding sites on a global scale (74, 82, 173, 181). Several of these targets were recovered by
RIL-seq (77).

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Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism by Small RNAs

FIGURE 3 Posttranscriptional regulation of central carbon metabolic pathways in E. coli.

Effects of sRNAs (depicted in red) and of the RNA-binding protein CsrA (blue) on synthesis
of enzymes involved in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and the TCA cycle. A green asterisk
and bold letters indicate direct regulation by CsrA (106). Anabolic pathways directing syn-
thesis of glycogen, UDP-sugars, and the biofilm compound PGA are also shown. 7
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Durica-Mitic et al.

fostering the hypothesis that Spot 42 cooperates with required to regulate multiple targets, as observed for
cAMP-CRP in coherent feedforward loops to regulate other sRNAs controlling exceptionally large regulons
carbohydrate utilization genes (Fig. 2) (75). In the pres- (77, 85, 86).
ence of glucose, Spot 42 prevents leaky expression Outside of the Enterobacteriaceae, the spf gene is
of these genes by targeting the few mRNAs produced found in four additional orders of Gammaproteo-
despite inactivity of CRP. Furthermore, Spot 42 also bacteria, including Vibrionaceae (87). In the latter order,
shapes the dynamics of gene expression when cells the role of Spot 42 was also studied in the fish pathogen
shuttle between CCR and CCR-free conditions. Upon a Aliivibrio salmonicida and in Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
shift to glucose-rich growth conditions, Spot 42 accel- which causes diarrhea and gastroenteritis in humans
erates repression of the secondary carbohydrate utiliza- through consumption of contaminated seafood (88–90).
tion genes, which may facilitate adaptation to the more In A. salmonicida, spf expression is negatively regulated
favorable growth condition. Vice versa, upon activa- by cAMP-CRP, like in E. coli (88). Microarray analysis
tion of CRP by cAMP, Spot 42 delays target activation, of an spf deletion mutant revealed upregulation of genes
perhaps to prevent their premature activation in case involved in sugar catabolism, motility, and chemotaxis
glucose reappears (71, 75). Interestingly, many second- (88). Thus, A. salmonicida Spot 42 may also impact on
ary carbon sources whose utilization is repressed by carbohydrate metabolism, but by targeting different
Spot 42 are available in the mucosa of mammalian guts genes than in E. coli, and carrying out additional roles.
(e.g., arabinose, N-acetylneuraminic acid, and L-fucose; In V. parahaemolyticus, Spot 42 is strongly upregulated
Fig. 2A), E. coli’s natural habitat (78), where Spot 42 during infection and impacts on the activities of two
may be particularly important for carbon source selec- type III secretion systems (89, 90). It is tempting to
tion (71). speculate that Spot 42 coordinates the activities of the
Until recently, cAMP-CRP was the only known reg- type III secretion systems with carbohydrate availability
ulator of Spot 42. However, RIL-seq identified a sponge in the host.
sRNA, PspH, whose overexpression reduces Spot 42
levels and thus derepresses its targets (77). The role of CCR in Pseudomonas by Hfq-Mediated
this interaction is unknown. Another study reported Translational Repression
induction of spf expression by pyruvate independent In pseudomonads, CCR is regulated exclusively at the
of cAMP-CRP (79), suggesting that the spf promoter is posttranscriptional level. Contrary to E. coli, pseudo-
controlled by additional transcription factor(s) that re- monads do not prefer glucose. Rather, succinate elicits
main to be identified. the highest degree of CCR in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Spot 42 base-pairing sites overlap or are close to the but only weakly affects CCR in Pseudomonas putida,
ribosomal binding site (RBS) (75, 76), and work on galK which prefers alkanes and branched-chain amino acids
demonstrated that Spot 42 inhibits translation in an (91). CCR requires sRNA antagonists, the catabolite
Hfq-dependent manner (74, 80). However, Spot 42 also repression control protein Crc, and Hfq as master reg-
alters target mRNA levels (75). In-depth study of the ulator. Hfq binds the 5′ UTRs of mRNAs encoding
galETKM operon revealed that Spot 42 stimulates Rho- transporters and catabolic enzymes for less-preferred
dependent transcription termination at the galT-galK carbon sources and directly blocks translation initia-
junction, recapitulating observations for ChiX (56, 81). tion (70). Protein Crc is required for efficient CCR and
A noncanonical mechanism of Spot 42 action was ob- forms stable ternary complexes with Hfq and RNAs
served for the sdhCDAB mRNA, encoding succinate containing A-rich motifs (92, 93). Crc contributes to the
dehydrogenase (82). Spot 42 pairs far upstream of the stability of these complexes through interaction with
sdhC RBS and merely recruits Hfq, which inhibits both Hfq and RNA (93).
translation. A direct role for Hfq as a translation re- Availability of the preferred carbon source coincides
pressor has also been reported for other mRNAs (83, with low levels of sRNA antagonists for Hfq. P. aeru-
84), even in species beyond E. coli (70). Spot 42 con- ginosa possesses one such sRNA, CrcZ. P. putida en-
tains three unstructured regions, each of them involved codes two, CrcY and CrcZ, and other species possess
in target regulation, explaining the high conservation similar sRNAs (94–96). Expression of Crc sRNAs is
of the entire Spot 42 sequence (75). In some cases, induced by the two-component system (TCS) CbrA/
Spot 42 employs multiple base-pairing sites to regulate a CbrB in the absence of preferred carbon sources (92,
single target, which might improve regulatory strength 94–97). Kinase CbrA presumably senses internal stimuli
(76). Perhaps multisite pairing provides the flexibility reflecting the energetic state of the cell, such as the

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Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism by Small RNAs

α-ketoglutarate/glutamine ratio (91, 97). CrcZ of P. exist (107). For instance, CsrA activates glycolysis by
aeruginosa and CrcY/CrcZ of Pseudomonas fluorescens positively regulating mRNAs of several glycolytic en-
bind Hfq with an ∼5-to-20-fold-higher affinity as com- zymes while repressing synthesis of enzymes for gluco-
pared to the mRNAs targeted by Hfq (70, 95, 98). neogenesis and the TCA cycle (Fig. 3) (106, 108, 109).
Consequently, increased levels of the Crc sRNAs effec- In fact, CsrA is essential for growth on glycolytic sub-
tively sequester Hfq from its target transcripts, relieving strates, reflecting its crucial role in an undisturbed car-
repression (92, 94). Through competition for Hfq, CrcZ bohydrate metabolism (110). Flux analysis showed that
may also interfere with riboregulation exerted by other stabilization of the pfkA mRNA, encoding phospho-
sRNAs and thus indirectly impact their regulatory po- fructokinase, is crucial for regulation of glycolytic
tential (98). activity by CsrA (106, 109). CsrA also inhibits accu-
mulation of the carbon storage compound glycogen and
synthesis of the exopolysaccharide poly-β-1,6-N-acetyl-
POSTTRANSCRIPTIONAL CONTROL OF D-glucosamine (PGA), a major component of biofilm
CENTRAL CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM matrices (Fig. 3). Of note, CsrA was recently shown to
Posttranscriptional Mechanisms bind Spot 42 and to activate target genes that are re-
Coordinating Central Metabolism pressed by this sRNA (106). It remains to be shown
with Carbohydrate Availability whether CsrA binding inhibits Spot 42 base-pairing,
The activity of central carbohydrate metabolism is tightly thereby also influencing CCR. Further, binding to cra
coordinated with carbon supply by adjusting the amounts mRNA was also demonstrated, but the physiological
of corresponding enzymes in response to key metabolites, consequences are so far unclear. These sophisticated
namely, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) and the PEP/ interconnections may expand the already complex reg-
pyruvate ratio (1, 99). In E. coli, FBP is sensed by the ulatory network governing carbohydrate metabolism.
transcriptional regulator Cra, which represses glycolytic CsrA activity is antagonized by the decoy sRNAs
genes and activates genes involved in gluconeogenesis CsrB and CsrC, which sequester CsrA by presenting
(100, 101). The PEP/pyruvate ratio determines the phos- multiple binding sites (111, 112). Transcription and
phorylation state of EIIAGlc, which regulates adenylate decay of these sRNAs are controlled by signals derived
cyclase and thus cAMP synthesis (102, 103). Importantly, from carbohydrate metabolism. The BarA/UvrY TCS
FBP decreases the PEP/pyruvate ratio through feedfor- activates transcription of both sRNAs in response to
ward activation of pyruvate kinase and PEP carboxylase short-chained carboxylic acids, e.g., acetate and for-
(1). A high FBP level activates glycolysis through in- mate, which accumulate when cells have expended gly-
activation of Cra and decreases activity of cAMP-CRP by colytic carbon sources and transition into stationary
inhibiting phosphorylation of EIIAGlc. Of note, cAMP- phase (Fig. 4) (113, 114). Degradation of the sRNAs by
CRP activates expression of TCA cycle enzymes (104), RNase E requires the protein CsrD (115, 116). CsrD is
whose transcripts are repressed by Spot 42 (Fig. 3). activated by interaction with nonphosphorylated EIIAGlc
Therefore, cAMP-CRP and Spot 42 also cooperate to in the presence of glycolytic substrates (102, 117). To-
redirect metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to gether, activation of csrB/csrC transcription and slow-
fermentation when glycolytic carbon sources are avail- down of CsrB/CsrC decay increases abundance of these
able. Similar to CRP, Cra possesses a counterpart at the sRNAs when preferred carbon sources have been con-
posttranscriptional level, which is the carbon storage sumed (Fig. 4). The resulting shutdown of CsrA activity
regulatory (Csr) system. promotes the shift to stationary-phase metabolism by
repression of glycolytic genes and derepression of glu-
Regulation of Glycolysis and coneogenetic and glycogen biosynthetic mRNAs (117,
Gluconeogenesis by the Csr System 118).
Protein CsrA represents a global posttranscriptional EIIAGlc has an additional role in the activity of the
regulator of diverse activities across bacterial species. Csr system in E. coli, as it also controls transcription
In E. coli and other Gram-negative bacteria, CsrA con- of CsrB/CsrC through cAMP-CRP (119). cAMP-CRP
trols carbohydrate metabolic pathways, carbon source represses csrB indirectly and csrC directly by blocking
and nutrient acquisition, biofilm formation, motility, access of response regulator UvrY to the csrC promoter.
stress responses, and virulence (105, 106). CsrA binds Thus, nonphosphorylated EIIAGlc has opposing effects,
mRNA substrates at GGA motifs and mostly represses as it activates the turnover but also transcription of these
translation, but examples of positive regulation also sRNAs (Fig. 4), creating an incoherent feedforward loop 9
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FIGURE 4 Model of the interconnection of the CsrA system with central carbon me-
tabolism. Decoy sRNAs CsrB and CsrC regulate CsrA activity by sequestering the protein
from its target mRNAs. CsrA indirectly activates csrB/csrC transcription, creating a neg-
ative feedback loop. In fast-growing cells, when CsrB/C levels are low, CsrA activates
glycolytic genes and represses the TCA cycle, gluconeogenesis, and glycogen synthesis.
Metabolism of glycolytic carbon sources causes accumulation of FBP, which activates
pyruvate kinase, thereby reducing the PEP/pyruvate ratio. Intake of PTS substrates and a
low PEP/pyruvate ratio trigger dephosphorylation of EIIAGlc, leading to activation of CsrD,
which triggers degradation of CsrB/CsrC by RNase E. Upon accumulation of short car-
boxylic acids (R-COOH) as metabolic end products, expression of csrB/csrC is induced
by the BarA/UvrY TCS. Deceleration of glycolytic activity elevates the PEP/pyruvate level
and increases EIIAGlc phosphorylation, leading to stabilization of CsrB/CsrC and titration
of CsrA. EIIAGlc∼P stimulates adenylate cyclase CyaA, which converts ATP to cAMP. The
cAMP-CRP complex inhibits transcription of csrB/csrC. Involvement of EIIAGlc in regula-
tion of CsrB/CsrC synthesis as well as decay allows integration of further cues.

with the potential to integrate further cues (119). For expression of csrC is activated by PhoP/PhoQ rather
instance, the activity of adenylate cyclase is also inhib- than the BarA/UvrY TCS (121). In sum, the Csr system
ited by α-ketoglutarate, signaling nitrogen limitation provides a further tier of controlling fluxes through
(Fig. 4) (120), which may affect CsrB/CsrC expression, central carbohydrate metabolic pathways in response to
but not degradation. carbohydrate availability. In addition, CsrA may cross-
The Csr system is conserved in Proteobacteria, albeit talk to CCR and integrate information on the metabolic
the number of CsrA paralogs and Csr sRNAs may vary status into other intricately regulated processes, namely
(105). The regulatory links between Csr and EIIAGlc/ biofilm formation, motility, and pathogenicity. For more
CRP may likewise differ, as CsrD is absent in most information on this topic, see reference 182.
Proteobacteria beyond the families Enterobacteriaceae,
Shewanellaceae, and Vibrionaceae (116). Similarly, con- Regulation of TCA Cycle Activity by sRNAs
trol of csrB/csrC transcription may be different; e.g., in ATP can be produced either by substrate-level phos-
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, a close relative of E. coli, phorylation or by oxidative phosphorylation. Respira-

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Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism by Small RNAs

tion yields more ATP but is also more costly, as it re- sources to mixed acids and ethanol (131). Two global
quires more proteins. Bacteria sense the availability of transcription factors, ArcA and Fnr, reprogram metab-
carbon, oxygen, and energy to efficiently regulate the TCA olism in response to anaerobiosis (132, 133). Fnr senses
cycle and respiration. As already discussed, in E. coli the oxygen directly, whereas response regulator ArcA is
information on carbohydrate availability is integrated into activated by its cognate kinase ArcB when the redox
the TCA cycle by CsrA, cAMP-CRP, and sRNA Spot 42. state of the quinone pool changes. Upon anaerobiosis,
sRNAs with comparable functions may also exist in un- Fnr and ArcA collectively activate genes of alternative
related bacteria. For instance, pathogenic Neisseria species electron transport chains and repress functions of aero-
employ two homologous sRNAs to repress transcripts of bic metabolism, including the TCA cycle, the glyoxylate
TCA cycle enzymes (122, 123). Overexpression of these shunt, and respiratory NADH dehydrogenases (134–
sRNAs impairs growth of Neisseria meningitidis in cere- 137).
brospinal fluid but not in blood, suggesting that they in- Notably, Fnr and ArcA also employ sRNAs in their
tegrate information about the metabolic status into the regulons. One of them, sRNA FnrS, is conserved among
decision to colonize different niches in the host (122). In Enterobacteriaceae. FnrS is only detectable in the ab-
addition, activity of the TCA cycle is strongly shaped by sence of oxygen, as its transcription strictly depends on
availability of iron and oxygen. Again, sRNAs play Fnr and to a minor extent on ArcA (86, 138). Globally,
prominent roles in these adaptations. FnrS appears to extend the regulons of Fnr and ArcA
by acting as a noncoding regulator to repress functions
Downregulation of TCA Cycle Activity by that are not required in absence of oxygen, including
sRNAs in Response to Iron Limitation enzymes of aerobic carbohydrate metabolism (Fig. 3)
Iron is indispensable for activity of numerous enzymes (86, 138). For other targets, e.g., mqo (Fig. 3), FnrS
operating within major metabolic pathways. Upon lim- cooperates in coherent feedforward loops, as these
itation, bacteria redirect iron from nonessential to es- genes are also directly repressed by Fnr or ArcA (86,
sential processes with the aid of transcription factor Fur 139). This also applies to acnA and fumC, but here FnrS
and sRNA RyhB (124). Fur represses transcription of acts indirectly through repression of MarA, which is
ryhB under iron sufficiency (125). However, upon iron a transcriptional activator of these TCA cycle genes—
starvation, RyhB is relieved from repression and down- a regulatory scenario known as a multistep coherent
regulates nonessential iron-containing proteins, includ- feedforward loop (Fig. 3) (32, 138). RIL-seq revealed
ing TCA cycle enzymes (Fig. 3) (126), prompting cells many additional metabolism-related transcripts puta-
to resort to fermentation (127). This trade-off enables tively base-pairing with FnrS, including the fnr mRNA
essential pathways involving iron-dependent enzymes to itself (77), hinting at a feedback loop balancing Fnr and
remain functional when iron is scarce. Iron limitation in FnrS levels. FnrS is Hfq dependent and appears to act
particular is encountered by pathogenic bacteria within primarily by inhibition of translation initiation (138).
the host (128). Staphylococcus aureus was shown to Interestingly, FnrS uses distinct sequences to base-pair
switch to fermentation inside the host, thereby produc- with subsets of its targets. Transcripts linked to oxida-
ing lactate, which lowers the surrounding pH. This tive stress and folate metabolism appear to base-pair
increases iron availability through release from host with the 5′ end of FnrS, whereas mRNAs of central
iron storage proteins (129). Switch to fermentation is metabolic enzymes are regulated by a single-stranded
restricted to bacteria that can grow anaerobically. In the region in the sRNA body (86). This functional speciali-
obligate aerobe Azotobacter vinelandii, the functional zation may reflect evolution of FnrS by fusion of two
analog of RyhB named ArrF does not affect TCA cycle- originally distinct sRNAs (86).
related enzymes, but rather represses genes involved in The E. coli and Salmonella ArcA regulon contains
nitrogen fixation, a nonessential process (130). an additional sRNA, ArcZ, which is encoded down-
stream of the arcB gene and is only expressed under
Coordination of Carbon Metabolism with aerobic conditions. ArcZ limits accumulation of active
Oxygen Availability by sRNA FnrS in ArcA through destabilization of the arcB mRNA (140)
Enterobacteriaceae and targets further diverse functions, but is apparently
Enterobacteriaceae are facultative anaerobes. In the ab- not involved in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
sence of oxygen, E. coli uses alternative electron accep- (140–143). Recently, the sRNA EsrE was shown to ac-
tors to procure anaerobic respiration. If oxygen is not tivate synthesis of subunit SdhD of succinate dehydro-
available, NAD+ is regenerated by fermenting carbon genase in E. coli (Fig. 3) (144). EsrE appears somewhat 11
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as an aerobic opponent of FnrS, as it is essential for By stimulating synthesis of the malate transporter YflS,
aerobic growth on TCA cycle substrates, but the signal RoxS ensures continuous uptake of malate (154).
to which it responds remains unknown. Detailed analysis of yflS regulation by RoxS revealed
An sRNA activated in response to anaerobiosis was a novel mechanism for how RNA degradation may be
also identified in pathogenic Neisseria species (145, counteracted by sRNAs in Gram-positive bacteria. RoxS
146). These bacteria, which likely face oxygen limita- base-pairs with the 5′ end of the yflS mRNA, thereby
tion during host colonization, are capable of anaerobic protecting it from RNase J1, which degrades RNA in 5′-
respiration (147–149). The anaerobically induced sRNA to-3′ direction—an activity absent in Enterobacteriaceae
was named AniS in N. meningitidis and FnrS in Neis- (154). Among the negatively regulated RoxS targets,
seria gonorrhoeae, and both clearly belong to the Fnr the ppnKB mRNA was studied in detail (151). Base-
regulon, albeit sequence homology to enterobacterial pairing inhibits translation but also creates an RNase III
FnrS is lacking (145, 146). So far, only a few targets for cleavage site destabilizing the mRNA. RoxS uses a
these sRNAs are known, and they do not contribute to C-rich motif for base-pairing—a feature shared by many
a common metabolic process (146, 150), leaving it open Gram-positive sRNAs to prevent ribosome recruitment
whether these sRNAs are indeed functional equivalents (156). RoxS is cleaved by endoribonuclease RNase Y.
of enterobacterial FnrS. Intriguingly, processed RoxS and full-length RoxS ex-
hibit distinct regulatory potentials, albeit the physio-
RsaE: a Functional Equivalent of logical meaning of this functional specialization remains
FnrS in Gram-Positive Bacteria? unclear (151).
sRNAs also play a role in regulation of central carbohy-
drate metabolism in Gram-positive Firmicutes. RsaE— Posttranscriptional Regulation of
later renamed RoxS in B. subtilis (151)—is besides the Anabolic Carbohydrate Pathways
ubiquitous 6S RNA the sole trans-acting sRNA known A number of anabolic pathways using carbohydrates
to be conserved between staphylococci and Bacillaceae as substrates are regulated at the posttranscriptional
(152). Two independent studies linked RsaE of S. aureus level. One example is provided by CsrA, which regulates
to regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid gluconeogenesis. Another important example is pro-
transport, and the folate pathway for one-carbon me- vided by the posttranscriptional control of biosynthesis
tabolism (152, 153). In particular, RsaE represses py- of cell wall precursors, which must be safeguarded in
ruvate dehydrogenase and several TCA cycle enzymes growing cells, regardless of the nature of the carbon
(152, 153). Consistently, downregulation of TCA cycle source and the catabolic pathway. In Enterobacteria-
enzymes was also observed for RoxS in B. subtilis (151, ceae, this task is achieved by two hierarchically acting
154). sRNAs, GlmY and GlmZ.
Expression of RsaE/RoxS is induced by the response
regulator ResD of the ResD/ResE TCS (151). S. aureus Regulation of the Hexosamine
and B. subtilis are facultative anaerobes and can switch Pathway by sRNAs GlmY and GlmZ
to fermentation or nitrate respiration in absence of oxy- Glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P) synthase (GlmS)
gen. The ResD/ResE TCS (named SrrA/SrrB in S. aureus) catalyzes the first and rate-limiting step in the hexosa-
responds to oxygen limitation or increased nitric oxide mine biosynthesis pathway by converting fructose-6-
(NO) levels and activates genes required for anaerobic phosphate to GlcN6P (Fig. 3), an essential precursor for
metabolism and NO detoxification (155). Nitrate res- cell wall and outer membrane biogenesis (157). Intra-
piration produces NO as a by-product, which is likely cellular GlcN6P levels dictate the need for GlmS, whose
sensed as an indicator of nitrate availability and leads amount is fine-tuned by posttranscriptional regulatory
to induction of RsaE/RoxS expression through ResD mechanisms. In Gram-positive bacteria, GlcN6P serves
(SrrA) (151). Therefore, RoxS (RsaE) may extend the as cofactor for a ribozyme present in the 5′ UTR of the
regulon of the ResD/ResE TCS, contributing to adapta- glmS mRNA (158, 159). Following self-cleavage, the
tion to anoxia. B. subtilis RoxS is additionally controlled glmS mRNA is rapidly degraded by RNase J1 (160). In
by transcription factor Rex, which represses genes for Enterobacteriaceae, GlmS levels are feedback-regulated
fermentation under oxic conditions when the NADH/ by two homologous sRNAs: GlmY and GlmZ (Fig. 5)
NAD+ ratio is low (154). RoxS is transiently released (161, 162). Only GlmZ is a direct activator of glmS
from Rex repression when malate is utilized, which translation (163–165). When GlcN6P is plentiful, GlmZ
generates NADH in the early steps of catabolism (154). is inactivated by RNase E cleavage, which requires the

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Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism by Small RNAs

pool. This is achieved through sequestration of RapZ

by the decoy sRNA GlmY, whose levels increase when
amounts of the metabolite decline (Fig. 5) (164, 166).
Consequently, full-length GlmZ base-pairs with the
glmS leader and activates expression by disrupting an
inhibitory stem-loop structure, thereby exposing the
RBS (163, 165). GlmZ is an Hfq-dependent sRNA and a
substrate of RNase E, whereas GlmY is not recognized
by either of the two proteins (166, 167).
RapZ represents a highly specialized RNA-binding
protein, as it exclusively binds GlmY and GlmZ (Fig. 5)
(166). Upon binding, no major structural rearrange-
ments are observable in the sRNAs, suggesting that
RapZ stimulates cleavage of GlmZ by RNase E through
protein-protein interaction (for a detailed discussion of
RNase E, see reference 183). Recently, the crystal struc-
ture of RapZ revealed an unusual quaternary structure
comprising a domain-swapped dimer of dimers—an
arrangement that is a prerequisite for RapZ activity
in vivo (Fig. 5) (168). The RNA-binding function is
located in the C terminus, which bears homology to
a subdomain of 6-phosphofructokinase, implying that
RapZ may have evolved through repurposing of enzyme
components from central metabolism. Putative RNA-
binding residues are surface exposed and form basic
patches around an extended loop. Intriguingly, a bind-
ing pocket for a nonprotein ligand is observed in close
FIGURE 5 Role of RNase E adaptor protein RapZ in feedback vicinity to the presumptive RNA-binding domain (168).
regulation of GlmS synthesis in E. coli. When GlcN6P is plen-
It remains to be seen whether this site binds GlcN6P,
tiful in the cell, RapZ prevents glmS upregulation by targeting
its activating sRNA GlmZ to cleavage by RNase E. Within potentially interfering with sRNA binding. Identification
the tripartite complex formed, the sRNA is envisioned of the GlcN6P binding site may foster the rational design
to be sandwiched between the tetrameric RapZ protein and of artificial ligands that can be used for antimicrobial
the N-terminal domain (NTD) of RNase E, which also forms a chemotherapy (162).
tetramer (168). Processing results in functional inactivation of
GlmZ and subsequent decline in GlmS levels. Conversely,
under GlcN6P depletion, RapZ is predominantly sequestered CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES
in complexes with the homologous sRNA GlmY, whose levels
increase under this condition. Consequently, GlmZ remains A decade ago, when a first review on the current topic
in its active full-length form and stimulates glmS expression. was published, only a single target had been identified
Higher levels of GlmS replenish GlcN6P levels in the cell. for SgrS and Spot 42, and together with GlmZ these
Whether RapZ has an active role in sensing GlcN6P via were the only base-pairing sRNAs known to regulate
direct binding of the metabolite within its C-terminal domain carbohydrate metabolic genes (169). Meanwhile, such
(CTD) is currently under investigation. The unusual tetrameric sRNAs have become common, and further examples are
structure of RapZ is schematically depicted in the box in the
expected to follow. For instance, CCR in Gram-positive
upper left. Each monomer is represented by one color and
consists of two globular domains, NTD and CTD, connected via bacteria may also include posttranscriptional mecha-
flexible linkers. Three distinct surfaces involved in self-inter- nisms, as two sRNAs are controlled by the CCR master
action can be discerned: CTD-CTD, NTD-NTD, as well as regulator CcpA in Streptococcus mutans (170). Even
CTD-NTD (168). though the contribution of posttranscriptional mecha-
nisms to regulation of metabolism is evident, they are
dedicated adaptor protein RapZ (166). However, under usually neglected in studies assessing metabolic flux
GlcN6P depletion, cleavage of GlmZ is counteracted control and CCR (171, 172). In addition, the regulatory
to elevate GlmS amounts and replenish the GlcN6P mechanisms employed by sRNAs are much more diverse 13
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