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Draft Writing 1
Albert Einstein was a German physicist who lived his life dedicated to science. He had
a relatively quiet life although there were also some obstacles that he had to face. In
his childhood, he showed intelligence although he had no interest in other courses, and
even a teacher told him ‘’you will never achieve anything in your life’’.He married and
had a first daughter who may have been adopted by a family in Switzerland. After
working as a and violin teacher for 2 years, he began working in a patent office while
writing his physics first thesis and articles that amazed the scientist community, such as
the famous '' Theory of Relativity ''. He was divorced, but maintained a constant
interaction with his children, Hans and Eduard. In one of his letters he writes "Life is like
riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must to keep moving." His contributions to
science transformed the thinking of the scientists of the time and innovated the image
that society had of the world and physics. His most famous theories (equivalence of
mass and energy, Darwinian theory, theory of relativity, and the movement of the
universe, among others) continue to be valid, marking a before and after in the world
of physics, thanks to the persistent work he carried out all his life. Einstein did not
consider himself a genius or an expert, he often said that "genius is 1% talent and 99%
work", something that he demonstrated all his life. He died on April 16, 1955, from an
aneurysm. Definitely, Einstein's life reminds us that we have got to be persistent in
what we do, even if we are not compensated for it.

Draft Writing 2
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a famous Austrian musician and composer who
suffered many difficulties in his life. He demonstrated his talent for composing
and piano from the age of five and accompanied his father and sister to court
where he played his pieces for royalty, being the pride of his father and his city.
When he grew up, his problems began to appear. Important people and the
public that admired him stopped supporting him. He continued to compose his
pieces, ignoring the rejection of others. He could compose the melodies in his
head and then play them perfectly on the piano. When his father died, his
greatest support, he felt depressed; however, he did not give up, and with the
support of an old Austrian king who loved his music, he continued to play his
pieces. Upon getting married, he continued to do so, receiving some recognition
and money. A negative aspect of Mozart was that he liked to have a life of
luxury while being poor, which is why he continually went into debt. When the
old king died, no one supported or recommended him to listen to him and little
by little he sank into misery. The new king began to persue him for being a
mason. He never allowed failure to stop him, and although he suffered from
Tourette's syndrome, and was constantly ill, he never stopped composing. His
last year was the most productive, presenting his best pieces. A rheumatic fever
ended his life, and he was buried in a common grave, due to the hatred that the
king felt for him, and it is not known where his body is. Mozart's self-sufficiency
and his great talent allowed many to admire and be inspired by him even after
his death, like Beethoven. Mozart's life and career teaches us that we can
follow our dreams and goals not to meet the expectative of others, but for
ourselves despite difficulties.

Final Copy Writing 1

Albert Einstein was a German physicist who lived his life dedicated to science.
He had a relatively quiet life although there were also some obstacles that he
had to face. In his childhood, he showed intelligence even though he had no
interest in other courses, and even a teacher told him ‘’you will never achieve
anything in your life.’’ He married and had a first daughter who may have been
adopted by a family in Switzerland. After working as a physicist and violin
teacher for two years, he began working in a patent office while writing his first
thesis and articles that amazed the scientist community such as the famous''
Theory of Relativity ''. He was divorced, but maintained a constant interaction
with his children, Hans and Eduard. In one of his letters, he writes "Life is like
riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving."
His contributions to science transformed the thinking of the scientists of the
time and innovated the image that society had of the world and physics. His
most famous theories (equivalence of mass and energy, Darwinian theory,
theory of relativity, and the movement of the universe, among others) continue
to be valid, marking a before and after in the world of physics thanks to the
persistent work he carried out all his life. Einstein did not consider himself a
genius or an expert, he often said that "genius is 1% talent and 99% work",
something that he demonstrated all his life. He died on April 16, 1955, from an
aneurysm. Definitely, Einstein's life reminds us that we have got to be
persistent in what we do, even if we are not compensated for it.
Final Copy Writing 2
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a famous Austrian musician and composer who
suffered many difficulties in his life. He demonstrated his talent for composing
and piano from the age of five and accompanied his father and sister to court
where he played his pieces for royalty, being the pride of his father and his city.
When he grew up, his problems began to appear. Important people and the
public that admired him stopped supporting him. He continued to compose his
pieces, ignoring the rejection of others. He could compose the melodies in his
head and then play them perfectly on the piano. When his father died, his
greatest support, he felt depressed; however, he did not give up, and with the
support of an old Austrian king who loved his music, he continued to play his
pieces. Upon getting married, he continued to do so, receiving some recognition
and money. A negative aspect of Mozart was that he liked to have a life of
luxury while being poor, which is why he continually went into debt. When the
old king died, no one supported or recommended him to listen to him and little
by little he sank into misery. The new king began to persue him for being a
mason. He never allowed failure to stop him, and although he suffered from
Tourette's syndrome, and was constantly ill, he never stopped composing. His
last year was the most productive, presenting his best pieces. A rheumatic fever
ended his life, and he was buried in a common grave, due to the hatred that the
king felt for him, and it is not known where his body is. Mozart's self-sufficiency
and his great talent allowed many to admire and be inspired by him even after
his death, like Beethoven. Mozart's life and career teaches us that we can
follow our dreams and goals not to meet the expectative of others, but for
ourselves despite difficulties.
Final Copy Writing 3
Hey! Have you ever heard about Ayurveda? Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient
Indian system for curing and preventing disease. 5,000 years ago a treatment
was born in India to preserve the health of the individual. It is a science that
takes into account not only physical health, but also mental, emotional and
spiritual. Within this philosophy, physical nutrition is very important, but also
spiritual, as well as the environment. It is a science that takes into account not
only physical health, but also mental, emotional and spiritual. This treatment
has revolutionized within of medicine, and its impact has been seen mostly in
countries such as the United States, France and Canada. As internal measures
it includes detoxification and improvement in the quality of life. External
measures include oil treatments, herbal steam stem therapy. Surgical
techniques Includes the removal of tissues or any abnormal growth in the body.
Mental and spiritual therapies known as daivya chikitsa. Herbal therapy like
crafty pharmacology. We can there are advantages and disadvantages when
using this treatment. One of the main advantages could be that Ayurveda
includes the practice of yoga and Pilates to help the mental health of the
patient. Another advantage would also be the special diet is carried. It allows
you to improve your health healthily. I will mention the case of Chitra, a Hindu
woman detected with terminal lung cancer. He knew and applied the Ayurveda
treatment and after months, the doctor found no cancerous cells, Chitra would
not have good health if he had not followed the treatment. But as a
disadvantage, this treatment could not work in all cases. Furthermore, it has
been discredited by specialists of conventional medicine, who remain skeptical
against Ayurveda. As you can see, Ayurveda is a great medicinal alternative in
case of any disease, but favorable results are not always obtained.

Sorry, this writing had mucho texto

Corrected paper writing 1

Albert Einstein was a German physicist who lived his life dedicated to science,
although there were also some obstacles that he had to face. From his
childhood he showed his intelligence and ability but had no interest in other
courses and was easily distracted. Even a teacher told him "you will never
achieve anything in your life". He married and had a first daughter who may
have been adopted by a family in Switzerland. After working as a professor of
physics and violin for two years, he began working in a patent office while
writing his first thesis and articles that astonished the scientific community. as
the famous '' Theory of Relativity ''. He was divorced, but maintained a constant
interaction with his children, Hans and Eduard. In one of his letters he writes
"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving."
His contributions to science transformed the thinking of the scientists of the
time and innovated the image that society had of the world and physics. His
most famous theories (equivalence of mass and energy, Darwinian theory,
theory of relativity, and the movement of the universe, among others) continue
to be valid, marking a before and after in the world of physics thanks to the
persistent work he carried out all his life. Einstein did not consider himself a
genius or an expert, he often said that "genius is 1% talent and 99% work",
something that he demonstrated all his life. He died on April 16, 1955, from an
aneurysm. Definitely, Einstein's life reminds us that we have got to be
persistent in what we do, even if we are not compensated for it.

Corrected Paper Writing 2

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer who went
through difficulties but was able to get by no matter the circumstances. He
demonstrated his talent for composing and the piano from the early age of five
and accompanied his father and sister to court where he played his pieces for
royalty, being the pride of his father and his city. When he grew up, his problems
began to appear. Important people and the public that admired him stopped
supporting him. He continued to compose his pieces, ignoring the rejection of
others. He could compose the melodies in his head and then play them
perfectly on the piano. When his father died, his greatest support, he felt
depressed. However, he did not give up, and with the support of an old Austrian
king who loved his music he continued to play his pieces. Upon getting married,
he continued to do so, receiving some recognition and money. A negative
aspect of Mozart was that he liked to have a life of luxury while being poor,
which is why he continually went into debt. When the old king died, no one
supported or recommended him to listen to him and little by little he sank into
misery. The new king began to prosecute him for being a mason. It was the
darkest time of his life. He never allowed failure to stop him, and although he
suffered from Tourette's syndrome, and was constantly ill, he never stopped
composing. His last year was the most productive, presenting his best pieces.

A rheumatic fever ended his life, and he was buried in a common grave, due to
the hatred that the king felt for him, and it is not known where his body is.
Mozart's self-sufficiency and his great talent allowed many to admire and be
inspired by him even after his death, like Beethoven. Mozart's life and career
teaches us that we can follow our dreams and goals not to meet the expectation
of others, but for ourselves despite difficulties

*The turquoise highlights are corrections I made after the feedback you

Definitions and sentences
Writing 1:
 Interaction. an occasion when two or more people or
things communicate with or react to each other.
- The play follows the interactions of three very
different characters.
 Image. the way that something or someone is thought of
by other people.
- The aim is to improve the public image of the police.
 Persist. continuing to exist past the usual time, or
continuing to do something in a determined way even when
facing difficulties or opposition.
- Due to his persistent efforts, he had finally climbed Mount
 Expert. a person with a high level knowledge or skill
relating to a particular subject or activity.
- My mother is an expert at dress-making

 pay someone money in exchange f

or something that has been lost or damaged or for
some problem:

- Our company tries to keep salaries low, and they

compensate employees more with bonuses.

Writing 2:
 Pride. a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get
because you or people connected with you have done or got
something good.
-He felt such pride walking his little daughter down the
 Give up. to stop trying to do something before you have
finished, usually because it is too difficult.
-She has a struggle trying to persuade the board to
accept her proposal, but she's determined not to give
 Misery. great unhappiness.
-With the rice harvest, hope is sprouting amid the misery.
 Dark(adj.). sad and without hope.
-Her husband's sudden death was the start of a
dark chapter in her life.
 Self- sufficiency. the quality of being able to
take care of yourself, to be happy, or to deal with problems,
without help from other people.
-She encouraged self-sufficiency in her daughters.
 Expectation. the feeling or belief that something will
or should happen.
-Considering his grades, there is little expectation of his
getting into medical school.

Writing 3:

 Environment. the air, water, and land in or on which

people, animals, and plants live.
- We’re trying to protect the environment from pollution.
 Revolutionize. to produce a very great or complete
change in something.
- Newton’s discoveries revolutionized physics.
 Impact. the strong effect or influence that something has
on a situation or person.
- These charges will have a damaging impact on the
army’s reputation.
 Skeptical. Doubting that something is true or useful.
- Many experts remain skeptical about/of his claims.

(Genius information)

He develop
theories that
revolucionated the
science and physic.
He was awarded
the Nobel Prize He was born in
in Physics in Albert Einstein Germany but he
1921 lived in Switzerland

He's consider a
genius for the
development of the
theory of relativity

ORGANIZER (special and general)

and the theoretical
explanation of
Brownian motion and
(Overcoming Obstacles) the photoelectric effect

-Father's death.

-Lack of financial support.

-Tourette´s Syndrome and a lot

of diseases.
(Alternative Healing Method)


Advantages Disadvantages

The use of natural The use of relaxing It could not

things and special techniques like effective in all the
diet. yoga. cases.
Searching Information
Authistic savant:
Matthew Sagave
Matthew "Matt" Savage (July 5,
1992) is an American musician who
suffers from sage syndrome. Born in
Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1 he is the
son of Diane and Lawrence "Larry"
Matt was a precocious infant who
began to walk at an early age and
learned to read before he was 18
months old.3 He was diagnosed with
Pervasive Developmental Disorder,
a form of autism, when he was 3 years old.4 Matt was not even
tolerant of noise nor music during his childhood.5 When he was 6
years old, Matt taught himself to read piano music.6 He studied
classical piano for less than a year before he discovered jazz, which
became his focus principal. He began studying at the New England
Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts in the fall of 1999.
He continued his classical studies as well. Like his younger sister,
Rebecca, he is homeschooled.2 Among Matt's talents are
hyperlexia1 and perfect pitch.7 Along with his extremely high
intelligence, these abilities have allowed him to achieve other
distinctions as well, such as win a state geography contest.
Despite his youth and autism, and even without formal instruction in
music composition, 7 Matt is an accomplished musician and
songwriter. Several of his albums have been released, as a solo
artist and as part of the Matt Savage Trio. By the time he was 14 he
had also performed with Chaka Khan and other famous singers.8
Matt's compositions tend to be technical, but they are still very
accessible and often humorous.
Matt has received many awards, he was even hired in 2003 by the
piano maker Bösendorfer. He is the only child to be recognized in
the company's 175-year history.
Matt has traveled the world, playing for Heads of States and others,
and appearing on numerous television and radio shows including
the Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien,
The Today Show, and All Things Considered. In 2006, when he was
14 years old, he was interviewed in a CNN report on the human
brain, in which he was defined as a "prodigious sage", rather than
other types of sages. Matt has also appeared in several
documentaries about the
wise. Without the hook of
being too short to reach
the pedals, Matt faces the
same business and
marketing challenges that
other very talented adult
musicians do. What’s
remarkable about Matt is
that rather than outgrowing
his talents, he has grown
with them.
Taking over a music company as a teenager would be a remarkable
achievement for anyone, and even more so when you take into
account the social difficulties that arise from having high-functioning
Figure who faced a obstacle:
Diana Spencer (Princess Lady Di )
Diana, Princess of Wales also
known as Lady Di, was the first
wife of Charles of Wales, the
heir to the British Crown, with
whom she had two children,
William and Henry. Diana's
activism and glamor made her
an international icon and
earned her enduring popularity,
as well as unprecedented
public scrutiny, exacerbated by
her tumultuous private life. He
had a somewhat sad
childhood, in his early years he was educated by governesses, while
he lived in the Sandringham country house belonging to the Royal
family; Her parents divorced in 1969, when she was barely 8 years
old, leaving her and her brothers in the custody of her father. In
1977, when she was 16, she met Prince Charles on a visit by him to
his family's home. Two years later she and her sister were invited to
Carlos's birthday party and shortly after this moment they began to
get closer to each other. In 1981 the long-awaited announcement
was made, Prince Charles and Lady Diana were engaged in
marriage, the union took place on July 29, 1981 in the Cathedral of
San Pablo. Diana realized very early, even before her wedding, of a
relationship that existed between her husband and Camila Parker,
this situation made the relationship between Diana and Carlos were
very tense since Diana's efforts to please her husband seemed to be
useless. From the moment of her marriage, the princess won the
admiration of the people, was constantly a reference in style and
was always busy participating in humanitarian works. Her
personality and charisma seemed like a magnet for the cameras and
the media were always on the lookout for her every move. The
couple had two children, princes Guillermo
and Enrique, whom Diana filled with love and whom she tried to give
them a normal life. possible, she was always very careful with their
education instilling values in them.
The relationship with her husband
was increasingly distant and dry,
so in 1992 the royal couple
decided to separate and a few
years later in August 1996 the
divorce was made official,
however, knowing the great love of
the people for Diana, they did not
He withdrew her the title of
Princess of Wales. After her
divorce, Diana turned her energy
into participating in various
humanitarian causes, always
helping the most vulnerable groups
in the world and, on occasions, participating together with other
personalities such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Nelson Mandela,
among others.
Diana died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997 and
although she was initially denied a state funeral, the Royal family
changed their minds in the face of the overwhelming display of pain
and love on the part of the British people.

Genetic Testing Pros and Cons

Genetic testing is a type of medical test that identifies changes in
chromosomes, genes, or proteins. The results of a genetic test can
confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help determine
a person’s chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder.
More than 1,000 genetic tests are currently in use, and more are
being developed.

Several methods can be used for genetic testing:

 Molecular genetic tests (or gene tests) study single genes or

short lengths of DNA to identify variations or mutations that lead to a
genetic disorder.

 Chromosomal genetic tests analyze whole chromosomes or

long lengths of DNA to see if there are large genetic changes, such
as an extra copy of a chromosome, that cause a genetic condition.

 Biochemical genetic tests study the amount or activity level of

proteins; abnormalities in either can indicate changes to the DNA
that result in a genetic disorder.

Some advantages, or pros,

of genetic testing, include:
A sense of relief from uncertainty
A greater understanding of your health and your cancer risk
Information to help make informed medical and lifestyle decisions
Opportunity to help educate other family members about the
potential risk

disadvantages, or
risks, that come
from genetic testing
can include:

 Testing may
increase your
stress and
 Results in some cases may return inconclusive or uncertain
 Negative impact on family and personal relationships
 You might not be eligible if you do not fit certain criteria required
for testing

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