Patho 4

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arog Study SSStack Free Unfinished Flashcards about pathology MRCS d ‘Seas AlsUinab pathaory MRCS pathology MRCS d [Question [answer Which virus associated with Kapast sarcoma? Epstein-Barr virus assocated with which carcinoma? Human herpesvirus Burk’ lymphoma odgkns ymphonal Post aston phon Nasopharyngeal carcoma Human papillomavirus 16/18 associated with which carcinoma? [Cervical cancerl/Aval cancer/Penilecancer/iMUNal |cancer/Gropharyneal cancer Human herpes virus 8 assoclated with which carcinoma? Hepatitis B and C virus associated with which carcinoma? Kaposi's sarcoma HEC Human Tlymphotropic virus 1 associated with which carcinoma? [Tropical spastic paraparesie/ Adu T cell eukaerila |Whatare the feature of walleran degeneration |What is Wallerian degeneration? [May esd roman nonenesig Bay ocarineier geal lorperipheal nervous systems C.he stl neuronal stump s affect B13 Zomporsnt ot tic healng process foiowing neuronal jury Is the process that occurs when a nerveis cut or crushed/W occurs wien the part ofthe axon separated from the neurons ell cles, degenerates [when does waleran degeneration start IE usualy begins 24 hours allowing neuronalinjury [645 year old woman complains of painful ingling inher agers. The pain {relewedbytangng he arm ove thesid othe be Shes peiive "relssien Which th folowing most eto cantbut oer agnosis? Hows does carpel tunnel syndrome occur? Rheumatoid arthritis (iagis CTS) [causedby compression of median nervela the corpaltunnel Examination of CTS. weakness of thumb abduction. Wasting of thenar eminence (NOT yoothensr) Tinl's sign: tapping eauses paraesthesia, Phale’s sign Rexion of wrist causes causes of carpal tunnel syndrome MEDIAN TRAP Mnemonic Myxoedema, Edema premenstrual Diabetes. ecpatnc Agromegaly Neoplsm. Trauma. Rheumatoid arthritis Amvloidess Pregnancy Wiig ofthe followingisnot an oncogene? Aras B. mye C580 Ki67E kis? whats 67? clear proliferation marker {used in immunohistochemistry) clasication of oncogenes [Growth factors eg Sis. Transcrition factors eg, Myc. Receptor tyrosine kinase eg RET. Cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase eg Sr Regulatory GrPases ex. Ras Name tumor suppressor genes pSS,BRCA and 2 'A30 year old male presents with a painless swelling ofthe tests. tology the stromans mphocyicinttrate. The mest ely agnosis classicalseminoms ss the commonest typeof testicular tumour Seninome ans the commonest subtype of seminoma [Classcalseminoma subtypes of seminoma 2) Classical seminoma 2//Spermatocyic tumour cellsresemble spermatocytes Excelent prograsisi/3,AnaplatelIil/ 4 Syncytiotraphoblastglan cals beta hCG present cells, (Classical seminoma histologic eature Iymphecytie stromal infiltrate 'A48 year old women presents with recurrent loin pin and fevers, Irvestigaion reveals a staghorn calculus the let ktaney Infection with which of thetoliowing organisms most ke}? Proteus mirabilis Infection with Proteus mirabilis produces what? {Causes of ranuomatvs disease donated A Aniocarone 8 [AlopurinofC'Sulphonamiges D. Beryllium E Wegener's granulomatosis urease producing enzyme: [Amiodarone causes hepatic granulomas. [Alopurinal and sulphonamides [A22 year old man presents with symptoms of lethargy ane bilateral facial hitpssww studyslack comMasheard-2036469 SARCOIDOSIS 4 arpa nerve palsy. On examination he has bilateral parotid gland enlargement. cause? [A22 yer old man presents witha unilateral aca nerve pala after bein inthe head Oneraminaonhe as arintaded aca nerve pay lawaterycscharge rom hs nose. Battles sign also on examination. cause ee . 'A43 year old lady presents with symptoms of chronic ear discharge anda ent sided acal nerve palsy. On examination shetnas foul sling Nid ‘draining rom her ightear anda complete right sided facial nerve palsy. ‘cause Free Unfinished Flashcards about pathology MRCS d Petrous temporal fracture cholesteatoma Foul smeling er discharge and fail nerve weakness sIikely tobe dueto| [cholesteatoma \Whatis Cholesteatomsa? (A359 year ol lady isrefered fom the NHS breast screeringprogram. A recent manmeoaram reported a howinglinea branching Inirocaleication with coarse granules Which lsease process the most likely underlying cause ofthese appearances? Destructive and expanding growth of keratinised squamous epithelium [Comes type ductal careinomain situ [Comedo type DCISis usualy associated with... microcalcfeations Ductal carcinoma in situ subtypes In patients with an annular pancreas wheres the most Ikely site of [comedo cribrform. lcropapilary and sold arterial supoly of pancreas lobairction® second part ofthe duodenum pancreas develops rom [vo foregut outgrowths (ventral and dorsal Durirgrotatonthe—.adacent albadderand.—Tetogether Netra iil duct. [Arterial supply Head: pancreaticoduodenal artery, Rest splenic artery [venous drainage of pancreas (what is Ampula of Vater | Venous drainage: Head: superior mesenteric veln Body and tal splenievein [Merge of pancreatic duct and common bile duct hat structure marks the anatomical transition from foregut to midgut ampulla of ater what structure marks the site of transition between regions supplied by [celiac trunkand SMA JAmpulla of Vater 'A.43 year old man who has long term history of alcohol misuse Is [admitted with ahistory of an attack of vomiting ater an episode o bi drinking After vomiting ne Geveloped sudden onset left stdee chest ai, whichis pleuriteInnature Jon examination hes profoundly septic and drow with severe eps ictenderess ane ete sed ces pani! DIAGNOSIS: foerhaaves syndrome Fesolve spontaneously. On examination there arena oysieal [sbnormalties and the patient seems well DIAGNOSIS. Inpatients with Boerhaaves the ruptures often Ofn.-.SIDE LEFT (A22 year old man s admitted with severe retrosternal chest psin ard Fecurrent episodes of dysphagia, These occur sporacicallyan often asia popular treatment of achalasia botulinum toxin /Cardlomyotomy isan alternative /40.An obese 53 year old man presents with symptoms of recurrent etrosternal discomfort and dyspepsia. Thisis typically worse at night latter eating large meal On examination there sno physical baormalty {ovina DIAGNOSIS. Gero Tearing interscapular pain. Discrepancy in arterial Blood pressures taken inboth arms May show mediastinal widening on chest ay. DIAGNOSIS? nutcracker oesophagus" on barium swallow. DIAGNOSIS Dissection of thoracic aorta Diffuse oesophageal spasm tor oped and subsequent histology shows clear cls Whats tinost ely primary ste? ° repeated vomiting often in association with alcohol excess CAUSES | BOERHAAVES SYNOROME [dysphagia to both Iquids and solids and sometimes chest in JACHALASIA. [A 32 year old woman presents with an episode of haemoptyss and is {ound tehave metastatic tumour present within the parenchyma! the | Kigney sub typeof renal cell cancer tis associated with specic genetic \Ghanges locale to chromosome 3. [A laceration of the wrist produces a median nerve tansaction Collateral safe ssue damage is absent. The patient asks what tte prognasisis. You |1mmper day indicate thatthe nerve should regrow at approximately nary suracons choose to delay approximation of te severed nee eM. weeks whats neuropraxia? Nerve intact but lecrical conduction is affected. Fulrecovery, J Autonomic function preservec, Wallerian degeneration does at ‘what is axonatemesis? ‘hat is neurotemesis? [Axon is damaged and the myelin sheaths preserved. The connective Sesue framework ienot affected, Walerian cegeneration accurs Disruption of te axon, myelin sheath and surrounding connective have Walerondenonersion ot i what is wallrian degeneration? [Axonal degeneration cstal tothe site of injury. Tpically begins 24.36 hours oowingnury [gastric carcinoma fs arodiated with acanthosis nigricans (Trueale)? hitpssiww-studyslack comMashcard-2936469 fue 26 an7rog Sof gastric malignancies are due tolymphoma True/false? Free Unfinished Flashcards about pathology MRCS J rae ‘what does lauren classification describe? Lauren classification deserioes a dfuse type of adenocarcinoma ints plastica type lesion) and an intestinal type gastric ea [Gardners syndrome variant of familial adenomatous palypons calls | Characterized by mutation ‘Garciners syndrome variant offal adenomatous polyposis col might develop JaPc zene retroperitoneal desmeid tumours [Gardners syndrome variant of familial adenomatous polyposis calls Inereased risk ofwhich earcnoma? thyeoia In Gardners syndrome variant of failialadenomatous polyposis coli mukislepolyinereace the risk of.-.and moss patients shoul undergo 8 A $0-ye-ld man presents wit owes urinary Wart symptons ad i ltfered aSA test Which one of the folowing, could interfere with the PsAlevel malignancy iticolectomy Vigorous exercise inthe past 48 hours what is Prostate specific antigen (PSAI? serine protease enzyme PSAlevel by age? cause of raised PSA, PSA ave by age (ng 50-59 years0, 60-69 years40,> 70, years80 benign prostatichyperplsia (BPP), Prostatitis and urinary wack Infection 77 Ejaculation (dealy notin Ue previous 48 hours! |Vporous exercise ideally not nthe previous 48 hours)//Urinary retentioninstrumentation of the urinary tract specificity and sensitivity of PSA Por tnoand 39% fren tha PSAOt 410 ng wilbeToudio ave prostate cancer Wich he symetors below est pial of pncreatccanc? A Painless jaundice 8. yperamylasaemia © Hypergiyenemia D. Weight loss Classical Courvosier yadrome symotom of pancreatic cancer Hyperamylaszeria Weight Toss TPaits irc somo (pain aa ic lnason ate contacplens sie __—_e featreliPanereatiTrousseaus sig: migratory superficial tiombophlebt. eimarstory see Management of head of pancreas carcinoma Head of pancreas: Whipple's resection (SE dumping and ulcers prognosisofcarcrinama of bey and tail 58 yar old nan presents with dyspepsia, apex Gh enoscopy i nme and pyr dented A duedal cer f present inst art of the duadencm Duodenal biopsies demonstrate epithelium hat Fesembles cells of gastric antrum, EXPLANATION. [Carcinoma body and tal: poor prognosis, cstal pancreatectomyiF loserable Duodenal metaplasia [smoking causes cated columnar cells to be replaced by squamous epithelia cals (e>>>s), -Metapasia from squamous to columnar cells ccursin Mezaplasticchangesin the dvodealcap are requentyseenin [association with [Barrett oesophagus. (5>>><) Hoylort induced uler 'A22 year old ady presents with symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism, Her disgnostiework up results in diagnosis of Graves diese. what's [the best patnophysology ofthe condition? Formation of IgG antibodies tothe TSH receptors onthe thyroidglané [Caletoninfunetion ty the TSH levels often verylow in Graves seve. Resa gS oie reformed ist te TSH reestow onthe tare the Hornanes offs tyra nd? Fat colsionn Wijorbomene seve are cls Fs Most orevakentormin psa re lowers plasma calelurTevel [synthesis and secredion of thyraid hormone "Thyroid receptor autoantibodies shoulé be checked in individuals presenting hey are present in up to 85% cases hyperthyroidism In Graves disease patients develo. lxG antibodies tothe TSH receptors onthe thyroid gland [A 32 year old Indian woman presents wit tender breast ump, Shahasa 2 manth ole eile. Clnialy there sa tender, fccluant mass ofthe breast DIAGNOSIS causative organism of breast abscess 'A53 year ol lady presents witha green nipple discharge. On examination ‘she as discharge originating from moliple ducts and associated nipple, inversion, DIAGNOSIS Breast abscess [risk of mastiti) Staphylococcus acreusis usually the causative organism, Ductectasia Duct ectara occurs during. menonausal period [A.52 year oldlady presents with episode of nipple charg. Its usally larin nature OF dacharge seen torah roma siete duct and stthough «appears lear. discharge contain blood onfab test Ore no sbvious mass lesion, DIAGNOSIS Itracuctal papilloma Discharge from intraductal papilloma appears [The Rud is often clear although tmay be blood stained. hitpssww studyslack comMasheard-2936469 (Created by sarthaknopalt 34

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