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1. Discovery of bacteria “animalcules”, discovery of blood cells.

2. Father of modern bacteriology, disapproved Abiogenesis, pasteurization technique, laid the foundation of
immunology, intro vaccine for anthrax
3. Father of medicine, founded the medical ethics, classification of diseases
4. Advocated Germ theory of disease
5. Father of immunology
6. Father of bacteriology techniques, discovery of anthrax and PTB (Pulmonary tuberculosis), introduced
staining, introduces artificial culture media, discovered the pathogens for cholera, PTB & anthrax
Determines the casual relationship between ethological agent and the disease.
7. Introduced petri dish
8. Father of aseptic surgery and introduced antiseptics
9. Puerperal sepsis
10. Discovered malarial parasites in RBC
11. Discovered Anophile mosquito
12. Discovered Aedes mosquito
13. Introduced gram staining
The most common technique to differentiate 2 large groups of bacteria based on their cell wall
14. Introduced acid fast staining, staining for MTB , Hot method
15. Introduced cold method of acid fast, use of TERGITOL
16. Discovered penicillin P. notatum
17. Introduced streptomycin as first antibiotic for treatment of PTB caused by Mtb , INH -Iso Nicotinic
18. Introduced salvarsan as first drug for Sy, replaced PCN for Sy
19. Introduced the Wasserman reaction
20. Discovered tetanus antitoxin,
Knub Faber- discovered tetanus toxin
21. Discovered diphtheria toxin, caused by Corynebacterium diptheriae
22. Characterized organisms as prokaryotes and eukaryotes
23. He first introduced the term bacterium
24. Introduced the term microbe
25. Golden age of microbiology


-_______________- unicell but able to exhibit different physiological activities of living things

^important microorganisms (5)

^golden age of microbiology

-microbiology-division of branches (7)

-prokaryotes, study of bacteria

^study of bacteria in relation to diseases

^e.g. (3)

^often cause of human transmittable disease

^lifeless____________ are used with specific nutrients

^usually __to__ hours of incubation to grow colonies

^bacterial size-_________ ,colony size_________

^common characteristics of colonies in media (5)

-grape like odor

-quicksilver/mercury like

-green metallic sheen

-golden yellow colonies

-black colonies

-is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of organisms.

^are prokaryotes and can only be visualized by electron microscope, smallest known living body which can
replicate themselves only in the presence of living cells


^examples of important families of viruses (4)

^criteria for identifying viruses (3)

^is the complete infective form of a virus outside the host cell

-are eukaryotes, study of fungi,

^can be… (2)

^TYPES ng… (5)

^dermatophyses, superficial fungal infections affecting the skin

-genera (3)

^example of ____________ mycoses (6)

^infections of the skin, hair and nails

^e.g. of this

^can enter through penetration or punctured wounds

^e.g. of this

-affecting internal organs, entering through inhalation, always affecting the lungs

^e.g. of this (2)

^disease ihalation ng bird soil

^disease ihalation of soil contaminated with capsulated yeast

-infection that attacks those that are immunocomprimised

^e.g. of this

-Abundant in marine and fresh water

^e.g. of this

-unicellular organisms which exhibit motility

^classes of protozoans (4)

-study of parasites

^classes of parasitology

-study of organisms that are intermediate between bacteria and viruses,,infection through biological transmission


-Discovery of bacteria animalcules, discovery of blood cells

-father of modern bacteriology, disapproved the ABIOGENESIS THEORY BY JOHN NEEDHAM, laid the foundation of
immunology, intro vaccine for anthrax



-Structure and form


-Differentiates gram + and gram –

^backbone of gram staining

^GRAM + color and dye

^GRAM – color and dye

^rules of gram staining

-presence of locomotor organelle either use of _____ or __________

^types of flagella (4) mo lo am pe

-food supply of bacteria

-________________________ organisms which can self nourish and able to transform inorganic substances to
organic subs through chemical reactions

^e.g. of this
^_________________ dependent on ready made organic material for growth

^e.g. of this

-oxygen requirement (6)

^02 is present (with example)

^02 is poisonous (with example)

^originally anaerobes but can survive the presence of O2 (with example)

^originally aerobes but can survive even in the absence of O2 (with example)

^organisms that need only small amount od O2 to survive (with example)

^may grow well wit or without the presence of O2 (with example)

-Temperature Requirement (3) m,p,t

^moderate loving bacteria most pathogens fall under this group, temperature req. is___ -___ optimum is __-___

^cold loving bacteria __-__ optimum is __

^heat loving bacteria __-__ some can thrive at __

-use of TSI to test for fermentation of sugar

-tests for bacterial consideration e.g. (2)

^Dx test for beta -hemolytic streptococcus

^Dx test for thyroid fever

-size of colonies, color and appearance in culture media



-growth of bacteria outside human body. Should have necessary favorable environment conditions

^factors necessary for growth: (2)

^best pH condition, but with exemption ________________


-stages in bacterial reproduction (4)

^period of adaptation of bacteria in the environment

^period most rapid reproduction

^bacteria start to die; rate of reproduction is equal to rate of death

^rate of death exceed the rate of reproduction

-factors affecting bacterial growth (4)

-methods of bacterial quantitation and measurement (3)

-methods of microscopic examination (2)

^do not use stain, checking for motility

^use of dye and stain, morphology is studied

-use of DYE

^_____________color radical responsible for the specific color exhibited

^_____________ furnishes the salt forming property of the dye to materials and organisms being
dyed, divides the stain into two parts:

____________ stain the basic parts

____________ stains the acidic parts

-types of stains (3)

^e.g. (3) e,c,v



^Solid-___ (with example bam,msa,n) (3)

^liquid-___(with example tsi,lb,gb) (3)

^semi solid-___(with example sim) (1)

-__________________ synthetic or non synthetic

-__________________ simple or selective and specific


-e.g.________________-(TM)Thayer martin culture media, MT, NYC MLM, CA and incorp with antibiotics (4) v,c,n,t

-___________________-(PAA) Phenylethyl alcohol agar, MSA,VJA,CSA,SKA

-___________________-(SSA) Streptococcal selective agar

-___________________-Loeffler’s serum media, Cystine tellurite BAM, Tindales medium, BAM with tellutite

-___________________-(GPBAM) Glycerine potato blood agar medium, Lacey’s medium

-___________________-(BGCA) Blood glucose cystine agar

-___________________-(TCBS) Thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose agar, Dieudonne culture media

-___________________-(LJM) Lowenstain Jensen medium

-___________________-Avery’s medium
-___________________-Cooked meat medium, Thioglycollate broth

-___________________- Rogosas tomato juice agar

-contains indicator and sugar for Enterobactericiae family

^e.g. TSI indicator-_____________________,, sugar___________________

^KIA and RDS -same with TSI except for absence of _________

-EMB aka________________

^Lactose fermenters-_______________

^Lactose non fermenters- _____________

^E. coli will show ____________________

-________________ same with EMB, difference is this contains _____________, _____________, _____________

-________________ will give colorless colonies, other coliforms -____________


-A GRAM ___ cocci


-Mechanical parts of the microscope (9)

-magnifying parts of the microscope (2)

-illuminating part of the microscope (3)

-kinds of microscope (5)

^types of electron (3)

-microscope that attains extremely high resolution using an electron beam instead of a beam of light to illuminate
the object of study

^used in biomedical research to investigate the detailed structure of tissues, cells, organelles and
macromolecular complexes

^typical magnification is 1X-50,000,000x

-employs visible light to detect small objects

^most common microscope used in the laboratory

^used to examine a wide variety of types of specimen, frequently with minimal preparation

^adapted to examine specimens of any size, whole or sectioned, living or dead, wet or dry, hot or cold, and static
or fast-moving

^typical magnification is 4X-100x

-used in geology, body fluid microscopy, and plant crystals microscopy

^have a high degree of sensitivity and can be utilized for both quantitative and qualitative studies targeted at a
wide range of anisotropic specimens

^______________ is a consequence of molecular order, which renders material properties—such as absorption

refraction, and scattering—that depend on the polarization of light

^typical magnification is 2X-100x

-optical microscope that provides a three-dimensional view of a specimen

^include separate objective lenses and eyepieces

^the slightly different angling views to the left and right eyes produce a three- dimensional visual

^Typical magnification range between 10x and 50x

-microscope with its light source and condenser on the top, above the stage pointing down, while
the objectives and turret are below the stage pointing up

^Inverted microscopes are useful for observing living cells or organisms at the bottom of a large container (e.g.,
a tissue culture flask) under more natural conditions than on a glass slide

^typical magnification is 4X-40x

(under electron microscope)

-electron microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons

^magnification is about 20,000X

-magnification is about 50,000X

-uses high-voltage electron beam emitted by a cathode lamp and formed by magnetic lenses

^can view objects 2,000,000x of its original size

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