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DocuSign Envelope ID: E903E0B3-8205-444B-8DA4-9F52FE631239

Masters Science of Nursing - Education

Clinical/Practice Experience Record

Course Name: Nursing Education Capstone

CPE Objective (120 hours): After completing clinical/practice experience, students will be prepared
to implement, evaluate, and teach a course that changes, innovates or improves curricula.
Kimberly Lushbaugh
Student Name:
Course Instructor: Dr.Josefina Lujan

Preceptor Name: Ashley Cavanna

Academic Organization: Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

Form Instructions:
❖ Nursing Faculty Preceptor: Verify the completion of each task by dating and initialing each completed
task. When all tasks have been completed, sign and date this record using DocuSign.
❖ Student: Clinical/Practice Experience (CPE) in this course consists of 120 hours of semi-structured
activities related to the role and responsibilities of academic nurse educators in teaching and curriculum
development. As you complete each experience, notify your preceptor. You will be graded on a Pass/Fail
basis. To pass, you must engage in the following CPE activities and provide the required evidence of
completion as indicated in the table below.

# of Verification
Date Initials
❖ Preparing for CPE
Consult with your approved preceptor to review requirements for
the Capstone Clinical/ Practice Experience (CPE). Strategically
plan how you will complete these experience and hours before the 5
end of this course. Identify key stakeholders who will be able to
help you with the required tasks for your Capstone CPE.
 Table or Gantt chart uploaded to ePortfolio with tasks and timelines related to
completing the implementation and evaluation phases of your proposal.
❖ Planning for Course Implementation

Interview key stakeholders and faculty who may be expected to 10/7/2020

teach your course. Ask them how course information is
disseminated, and whether there is any required paperwork that
needs to be completed. If possible, meet with the Curriculum 10
Committee to better understand the process involved at your
academic setting. Gain their perspectives on the tasks and time
involved in implementing a course.

 Complete a Task/Timeline table with implementation tasks, task owners (by role), and
due dates for pilot testing and implementing the course.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E903E0B3-8205-444B-8DA4-9F52FE631239

# of Verification
Date Initials
Based on your method of delivery (e.g. online, classroom, blended, 10/7/2020
clinical, laboratory, virtual), consult with your preceptor to begin
your implementation plan. If your course will be delivered online,
research the learning environment resources available to you and
identify one that will be the best platform for delivering your course.
If your setting is classroom, clinical, or laboratory, identify the
equipment, personnel, and supplies needed to teach your course in
this environment.
Meet with faculty and administrative staff to identify resources that
would be needed to pilot test and implement the course. Include 5
human, financial, and technology resources.
Based on the information you gained during your interviews,
develop a training presentation, using PowerPoint, to prepare
faculty for the launch of your curriculum change. Include the 10/7/2020
following information:
Course Overview
Implementation Plan 15
Course Objectives
Major Topics/Concepts
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Upload your training presentation, consisting of no more than 10 slides, to your
2. In your ePortfolio, journal your experience in planning the pilot testing and
implementation of your course. Discuss the learning environment and resources that will
be needed to launch your course and whether they will be available.

❖ Planning for Course Evaluation

Collaborate with your preceptor, faculty, and administrative staff to
identify the institutional or programmatic key performance indicators
(KPIs) and benchmarks currently in place that are used to measure 5
how well the course is performing (e.g. On-Time-Progression,
Completion, Retention, Student Satisfaction, etc.).
Research course quality rubrics and identify one that can be used to 10/7/2020
evaluate the design and content of your course. Use this rubric to
evaluate the course you developed. Share the results with your 5
preceptor and discuss how the findings can be used to improve your

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DocuSign Envelope ID: E903E0B3-8205-444B-8DA4-9F52FE631239

# of
Hours Date Initials
❖ Planning for Course Evaluation (continued)
Research various sources to gather examples of End-of-Course 10/7/2020
(EOC) student surveys. These EOCs generally include questions
designed to gather quantitative and qualitative data on the course
and instructor. Use this information to create a 10-item End-of- 10
Course online survey that can be used by students to evaluate your
course. Use a variety of questions that capture quantitative (e.g.
ordinal scales) or qualitative (short answers).
1. Create a list of KPIs and benchmarks that measure how well the course is performing.
Include a description of these measures and how they can be used to improve a course.
Upload your list to your ePortfolio.
2. Upload your 10-item EOC Survey to your ePortfolio.
3. In your ePortfolio, journal your experience in planning the evaluation of your course and
reflect on how you would use these surveys to improve the quality of your course.
❖ Teaching a Live Class
Prepare a 30-Minute lecture for the Course Unit/Module you created 10/7/2020

in your Field Experience CPE using PowerPoint. Record yourself 15

presenting your lecture using Panopto.
Faculty enjoy having guest lecturers, so offer to teach a live online 10/7/2020
class or a face-to-face class. This lecture can be on any preceptor-
approved topic and should be appropriate for the level of nursing
students in your academic setting. If there are no opportunities in 25
your setting to teach a live class, you must develop and record a
30-minute lecture on a preceptor-approved topic that can used by
the organization for educational purposes using Panopto.
Work with your preceptor to create a five-question survey that could
be used to gather feedback from students who attended or viewed
your lecture. The questions you create should yield helpful
information regarding your performance as a lecturer and the quality 10
of your presentation. You do not need to distribute this survey to
students; however, you should ask your preceptor to provide
feedback on the questions you develop.
1. Upload your 30-Minute lecture for the Course Unit/Module you developed and recorded
to your ePortfolio.
2. In your ePortfolio, journal your experiences delivering a live or recorded lecture for a
specific student population to include the topic selected and the student population that
was the focus of your lecture. Discuss the feedback from your preceptor regarding the
questions on your feedback survey. Reflect on how you will use this feedback to improve
your lecture delivery in the future.

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Hours Date Initials
❖ Wrapping-Up Your CPE
Hold a debriefing session with your preceptor. This should be a 10/7/2020
conversational session that revolves around the sharing and
examining of what you learned during your Capstone 5
Clinical/Practice Experience.
Write a two to three-page APA-formatted paper reflecting on your
experience during your MSN-Education journey. 5
1. Incorporate information from your debriefing session in your ePortfolio Professional
Development Plan, which should include professional growth objectives and action items
for demonstrating future competencies in the following areas:
✓ Teaching and Learning
✓ Curriculum Design and Development
✓ Service and community involvement
✓ Research and scholarly activities
2. Upload your two- to three-page reflection paper to your ePortfolio. The Reflection should
✓ A synthesis of your learning experience.
✓ An overview of the course competencies you have achieved during this program.
✓ A discussion regarding how you will use what you learned to positively impact future
professional nursing practice and education.
✓ All cited references should be in APA format.

Clinical/Practice Experience Faculty Preceptor Verification of Tasks and Hours

Student Signature Required (Attests to Completion of Hours):

____________________________________ _____________
Student Signature Date

Faculty Preceptor Signature Required (Verification that Student Completed Required Tasks and

____________________________________ _____________
Faculty Preceptor Signature Date

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