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Working with compressed (.

ZIP) files
The Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS) makes available tools and documents in compressed files
(.ZIP). This FAQ file details how to handle such compressed files.

1. What is a ZIP file?

ZIP is a common file format used for data compression and archiving. A ZIP file contains one or more files
(that can be of different formats, such as PDF, DOC, XLS, JPG etc). A ZIP file is issue to store other files in
one aggregate file. ZIP format also allows for compression (thus reducing the size of the original files),
archiving, and (optionally) securing the files by requiring a password to access the contents of the ZP file.

Modern Operating Systems have inbuilt support for ZIP files. All versions of Microsoft Windows issued from
1998 onwards support ZIP files as ‘compressed folders’, and Apple handles ZIP files through the ‘Archive
Utility’ function. Additionally, there are many software applications that can be used to manage ZIP files.
These are available to download and use for free or for a trial period, such as WINZIP, WINRAR,

2. When do I encounter ZIP files in EPPS?

Within EPPS, you can make use of the ZIP utility in four circumstances:
 Downloading all tender documents from the SHOW CFT MENU  CFT DOCUMENTS
 Downloading all clarifications from the SHOW CFT MENU  CLARIFICATIONS
 Downloading the TENDER PREPARATION TOOL for offline use
 Downloading the whole set of FAQ FILES

3. Downloading all tender documents relating to a particular CfT

When you browse to the SHOW CFT MENU  CFT DOCUMENTS  CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, the bottom of the screen
will display a DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE button as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The “Download Zip File” button from the “Contract Documents” screen.

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If you click this button, you will be able to download all documents that are available in one single
ZIP file. You are free to decide where to save this ZIP file. You may also chose to open the ZIP file
(without saving it on your computer), and then view, print, or extract the contents. Once opened, the
ZIP file will display its contents as per Figure2 (the actual display depends on the software you are

Figure 2. The opened ZIP file displaying all CfT-related documentation.

The contents of the ZIP file will comprise all tender documentation, including the XML Structure, and
the Contract Notice. The EPPS will also include a list of the documentation, summarizing the contents of
the ZIP file. All common software will display other information such as for example the file type,
date that the document was saved, and size.

You can view a particular file by double-clicking on it and opening it. You can also choose to extract
all files into a folder of your choice. In order to do so, you have to select all files (or the file of your
choice), click the relevant EXTRACT button of your software, and select the destination file.

Figure 3. All files are selected, and the “Extract” button is clicked…

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Figure 4. … After selecting the destination folder, click the “Extract” button.

Figure 5. The files have been extracted to the destination folder.

4. Downloading all clarifications

When you browse to the SHOW CFT MENU  CLARIFICATIONS page, you will be able to view any clarifications
issued from this screen. Additionally, you can download a compilation of these clarifications in one ZIP file,
as shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6. The “Download all clarifications” button within the “Clarifications” screen.

Once you click this button, a ZIP file will be generated and you can choose to open or save it. Once opened,
the ZIP file will display the clarifications in a single PDF file, which will also refer to any supplementary
documentation. The latter will also be included in the ZIP file, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. The opened ZIP file displaying the clarifications and supplementary files.

You can chose to view or extract the files as indicated above.

5. Extracting the Tender Preparation Tool and FAQ Files

The Tender Preparation Tool and FAQ files are accessed and extracted in similar fashion. More
information on how to extract the Tender Preparation Tool is available from the FAQ file “MAKING

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6. Creating a ZIP File

There may be cases in which you will need to submit multiple files in order to answer a requirement.
Whilst other options are available (for example, joining multiple PDF files in a single file), you can
choose to add these multiple files in a single ZIP file. Use of ZIP files will also see that the files are
compressed, thus facilitating the eventual upload of your tender package.

In order to create a new ZIP file, it is advisable that first of all, you move all the files you intend to
archive into one folder. You can then select all file, right-click and depending on the software
installed on your workstation, seek the option to add the selected files to a ZIP file, as shown in
Figure 8 below (to use the inbuilt Windows functionality, select the files, right-click, and select SEND TO

Figure 8. Adding the selected files into a ZIP file.

In the example shown in Figure 8, if you click the ADD TO ZIP FILE… option, you will be shown a new
window where you can select the destination folder, name of the ZIP file, and other options. After
having made your selections, click on the ADD button to create the ZIP file. You will find the ZIP file in
the destination folder that you have selected.

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Figure 9. Adding files to a ZIP archive with the “Add to ZIP File…” option

A simpler and more straight forward solution is to select the menu item as highlighted in Figure 10.
Common compression software include an option to create a zip file out of the selected files, named
like the folder containing the file, and saved immediately in the same folder.

Figure 10. Creating a ZIP file with the same name of the containing folder, and saved in the same folder

The ZIP file will be created and saved in the containing file. The ZIP file can be renamed and/or
moved once created.

Last Updated: 28 April 2012

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