Fluid Mechanics-II: Dr. Sheeja Janardhanan Associate Professor (NA and OE) Imuv

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Lecture 1

Fluid Mechanics-II

Dr. Sheeja Janardhanan

Associate Professor (NA and OE)
Kinematics of Fluid Flow

Methods of Describing Fluid Motion

Approaches for the study of fluid motion
Classification of Fluid Flow


Time Space Reynolds No. Compressibility Rotational

1.Uniform 1. Laminar 1. Incompre 1.1D

1.Steady 2. Transistion ssible 1. Irrotational
2.Non- 2. 2D
2.Unsteady al 2. Compres 2. Rotational
Uniform 3.3D
3. Turbulent sible
Steady and Unsteady Flow

Steady Flow

Unsteady Flow
Uniform and Non-Uniform Flow

Uniform Flow

Non-Uniform Flow
Laminar, Transitional and Turbulent Flows

Laminar Flow

Transitional Flow

Transitional flows are between laminar and turbulent flows in which the fluid particles start deviating from
straight line path
If the Reynold’s number is between 2000 and 4000, the flow is transitional
Turbulent Flows

If the Reynolds number is above 4000, the flow is turbulent

Irrorational and Rotational Flow

Irrotational Flow
If the fluid particles while moving in stream lines do not rotate about their

axis the flow flow is called irrotational flow

Rotational Flow

If the fluid particles while moving in stream lines rotate about their axis

the flow is called rotational flow

Incompressible and Compressible Flows

Incompressible Flow

Compressible Flow
rotational Irrotational
One, Two and Three Dimensional Flow
Continuity Equation
Derivation of Continuity Equation in Cartesian Co-ordinates

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