Presentation: Students Will Be Able To

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DayUnit / / / / / / / / / /DateSection-----Period Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Students will be able projector
to :

Learning Strategy




Role Play



Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day1 Window on the worldUnitDate2a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareAsk Ss to read through the words/phrases
1-6 and their
choices.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Pupils will be able to PRACTICE
The textbook D: Explain to them that they should
study: find these words in the text and give Ss practice in using
CD guess their meaning from the context. the Present Simple and


give Ss the opportunity to expand on the Present Progressive in
CONFUSED the topic of the reading activity by context
Learning Strategy
drawing on their own experience. • Ask Ss to read through
help Ss revise the use of the Present
PRESENT the dialogue and explain
Simple and Present Progressive
PROGRESSIVE Discussion any unknown words.
STATIVE VERBS • Ask Ss to look at the article on
• Have Ss do the
page 6 and answer the questions.
Examples of stative verbs: ( “We want
method the visitors to... have • Check the answers with

the opportunity to... we think that...) the class.


Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day1 Window on the worldUnitDate2a listening & readingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard apartment awesome cell phone check (n)
- Pupils will be
The textbook chips elevator fall (n) figure out garbage evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations gas I don’t get it. mall pants sneakers
Where is Bob from?
Ask for, understanding CD give Ss practice in listening for gist.
Audio Have Ss look at the picture and guess • How did Tom know that
what the dialogue is about• Play the Bob wasn’t from London?
Learning Strategy CD• Check the answers with the
and giving directions • Where did Bob go
class.C Ask Ss to read through
questions 1-4 and check yesterday?

Discussion understanding. Tell Ss that they do

• Who lives in High
Ask questions politely not need to understand everything in Street?
the text in order to do the activity.•
Ask Ss to underline where they found • How far is High Street
the answer in the texts. from where Tom and Bob
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Own pa
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day1 Window on the worldUnitDate1a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Sharerecognise the difference between
their friends and
their enemiesWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard D - Answer the

The textbook give Ss practice in identifying word meaning following:
Pupils will be able to: 1.What did you buy?
Presentations from context. Ask Ss to read through the
words 1-4 .
British and American • Explain to them that they should find 2. Who is going to school
English these words in the with Maria?
text and guess their meaning from the
Learning Strategy context• Have Ss do the activity. Explain to 3. How many fish did you
Ss that they should match the American catch?
English with the British equivalent.
help Ss revise questions, question words and 4. Where do you usually go
indirect questions. during the summer?
practice in giving In indirect questions the embedded question
directions word order is the same as in an affirmative 5. When does Tom go
sentence. SPEAKING , Divide Ss into pairs jogging?
reading for and tell them to look at the map.
• Have Ss read through the phrases in the 6. Which car do they like?.
QUESTIONS box and make sure Ss understand them.
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day1 Window on the worldUnitDate1a listening & speakingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard at one’s own speed atmosphere contact (n)
The textbook feedback interaction learning environment Answer the following
Pupils will be able to
Presentations mother tongue non-native speaker questions:
Audio Listen : Have Ss read statements 1-7 and How do you learn best,
Talk about foreign language check understanding. with a teacher in a
• Have Ss guess the answers to the
learning Learning Strategy classroom or
.Speaking: Divide Ss into pairs.• • Go
studying on your own?
round the class helping Ss when necessary.
Express opinion and
Discussion give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and What would you change
preference expand on the topic of the speaking activity. about the way you are
Writing: Tell Ss to refer to their ideas in learning English, if you
the brainstorming activity (activity B) and
the paragraph (activity C) in order to write
Give reasons Role Play paragraph explaining why they want to learn

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day1 Window on the worldUnitDate1b readingSection-----Class - Share Ask Ss the questions and discussWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
courage death goodness joy power
The textbook weakness achieve argue associate evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations cooperate fight influence link recover
CD Discuss (Pre-reading) Answer :
Audio What colour are
Referring to past T introduces the topic of the reading
Chinese bridal dresses?
habits and situations activity• generates discussion based on
Learning Strategy
Ss’ personal experience
• What did the colour
• Have Ss read through the words in the
blue mean for the
Discussing past events vocabulary box and explain anything they
Discussion Cherokee Indians?.
may not know. • Ask Ss the question in • What does yellow
the rubric and discuss. represent in Japan and
B. T gives Ss practice in identifying the in Myanmar?
Role Play main idea ofthe text • Have Ss do the

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day1 Window on the worldUnitDate2b vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard shake erupt blow snow Richter scale
The textbook explosion wind rock collapse lava storm ice Correct verbs:
Pupils will be able to
Presentations I used to (play)tennis.
Write on the board: ‘He recovered his
study: illness.’ Ask Ss to fill in the blank (key:
Audio 2-She is used to
VERBS + PREPOSITIONS from). Check the answers with the class. T
gives examples for Verb + from Verb + with (cook)Kabsa
Learning Strategy Verb + to. 3-Yesterday we (go)to
- raise Ss’ awareness of negative prefixes
SUFFIXES and suffixes. Fill in with a preposition
PAST SIMPLE - Have the Ss read the questions and answer 4-He is afraid…….getting
the questions to revise the past simple.
- help Ss revise the use of used to - be/get
USED TO - BE/GET USED 5-We are worried …..him
Brainstorm used toA.• Have Ss read the extract and
TO answer the question.
Deductive - Have Ss do the activity. 6-I`m fond ….music..
• Check the answers with the class.
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Unit Window on the
3 Work & worldUnitDate
Leisure 2b listening & speaking
Day &writing Section-----Class
SUN. MON. - Share
TUE.Ss describe the pictures
WED. Warm
Section 5b writing Date
Warm Up prepare Ss for the writing task Class - Share - - - - -

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard alone crowded exhausting fabulous hectic
isolated lifestyle lonely monotonous relaxing Have Ss read the
The textbook
Pupils will be able to: routine schedule socialise trendy expressions and encourage
Discuss lifestyles . Ask Ss to read through the questions 1- 4 and them to provide examples
the options given. Make sure they have no for each phrase.
unknown words.
Express enthusiasm • Then, ask Ss to go
• Play the CD and have Ss do the activity.
through situations 1-5
Learning Strategy • Check Ss’ answers in class.
Make suggestions • Check the answers with the class. Speaking and check understanding.
Ask Ss to look at the photos and speculate Explain to them that they
about the place and the situation (A: a man on need to choose an
Give directions Discussion
the phone while surfing the net B: a man appropriate
planting a tree- probably volunteering in an
expression/phrase for
reforestation program C: two families gathered
Brainstorm situations 1-5.
during lunch D: a young couple shopping in a
shopping centre/ mall with their children.) • Have Ss do the activity
Writing : give Ss practice in writing an e-mail and check the answers
Role Play
based on with the class.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2a readingSection-----Class - Share introduce the topic of the reading activityWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard brave confident cruel hidden honest
Pupils will be able to The textbook intelligent sensible unknown upset wounded
Newspaper READ introduce the topic of the reading
CD activity T asks some questions on
Audio • to generate discussion based on Ss’
Narrating past events
personal experience .Have Ss read the reading passage to
Learning Strategy through the words in the vocabulary box
and make sure ss have
Sequencing past check understanding.
actions and events • Ask Ss the question and discuss. mastered it
B. T gives Ss practice in identifying the
main idea of the text• Ask Ss to read
Brainstorm through the choices a-c and check
understanding. • Then, have Ss read
method through the text quickly and do the
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareWhat is the meaning of go on ?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Target Vocabulary
Pupils will be able to climate cool off energy flooding fossil PRACTICE
The textbook
study: fuels global warming heat melt oil petrol Ask Ss to look at the
CD illustration depicting the
C : Ask Ss to read through questions 1-5 and
check understanding. knight as well as the
AND OFF • Tell Ss that they do not need to understand
everything in the texts in order to do the related vocabulary. Ask
Learning Strategy
PAST PROGRESSIVE / activity. Ask Ss to underline where they them to locate some of
found the answer in the text. Have Ss
the words in the text.
do the activity .T gives Ss practice in
PROGRESSIVE using phrasal verbs with on and off in Then, as a game, ask
context. help Ss revise the uses of the them to write a sentence
Brainstorm Past Progressive and Past Simple.
PRACTICET gives Ss practice in using the including all of the
Past Simple and the Past Progressive in vocabulary. Read the most
context • Have Ss do the activity.
ingenious ones in class.
• Check the answers with the class

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2a listening & readingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard - Pupils will be
block claim fear recognise tell from trust
The textbook evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: -ancient curious eccentric favour guide
Define people, things and Presentations
What museum are the
places CD T activates Ss’ background knowledge students at?
Audio • to prepare Ss for the listening/reading
task• Ask Ss the questions and discuss.
Learning Strategy Aim: to give Ss practice in listening/reading • What did Diogenes
for gist • Have Ss read the statements a-c believe?
and look at the picture .Point out to Ss that .
first they should read the statements
Give additional information Discussion and then find the part of the text where • Where did Diogenes
about people, things and they are mentioned.Ask Ss to underline live?
places where they found the answer in the texts. •
Brainstorm Have Ss do the activity• Check the answers • Why did Diogenes carry
with the class and ask Ss to provide a lamp around during the
justificationbeing referred to. Tell Ss that day?
Role Play they do not need to understand everything in
the text

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Own pa
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Sharerecognise the difference between their friends and
their enemiesWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard B : give Ss practice in using collocations with - Fil in with a relative

The textbook say pronoun:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations and tell in context
COLLOCATIONS WITH SAY • Have Ss do the activity. King Faisal, …father was
• Check the answers with the class. T helps Ibn Saud, was the king of
Ss revise the use of the relative pronouns Saudi Arabia.
who, which and whose• Ask Ss to read the
Learning Strategy dialogue on p. 24 and do the activity • Read The Colosseum is the place
out and explain the Note. Encourage Ss to in ancient Rome
provide their own examples. help Ss ……..gladiators fought each
RELATIVE CLAUSES differentiate between defining and non- other.
defining relative clauses . Refer Ss to the
Grammar Reference (p.124). Speaking ;give The Statue of Liberty is a
Ss practice in using relative pronouns and statue ….. the French gave
relative clauses through an oral matching to the Americans as a
reading for activity • Tell Ss to go to page 118• Divide symbol of their friendship.
Ss into pairs.• Have them read the speech
Role Play bubble, look at the pictures and read the
prompts in the box.
• Make sure they understand the prompts.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2a listening & speakingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard courageous enthusiasm extraordinary
Pupils will be able to The textbook patient responsible sense of humour stress
Presentations teachers are heroes,
CD Listen : give Ss practice in listening for Ask Ss don’t you think so?
Audio the first question and discuss.
Describe a person • Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the
second question.
Learning Strategy What about doctors?
B. Tgives Ss practice in listening to check
predictions • Play the CD.
• Have Ss check their predictions in activity A.
Express opinion and feelings C. T gives Ss practice in listening for specific
WRITe A DESCRIPTION OF Information. Play the CD and have Ss do the What do you think
activity. Check the answers with the class..
Brainstorm about firefighters?
A PERSON Speaking: Divide Ss into pairs.• Explain that Ss
have to discuss the advantages and
Role Play disadvantages of six different
activities/facilities and then reach a decision. •
method Go round the class helping Ss when necessary

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2b readingSection-----Class - Share Ask Ss the questions and discussWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
avalanche blow (v) collapse crash (n)
The textbook earthquake erupt frightening hurricane evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations impressive incredible keep calm lava
CD Students are asked to

Make comparisons
Audio T introduces the topic of the reading
activity talk about pictures
Learning Strategy
• to generate discussion based on Ss’
under T1 s supervision.
Talk about heroes and personal experience .
heroic actions EX B Aims to to give Ss practice in
Discussion T corrects mistakes
reading for gist
and gives immediate
Study some new words Have Ss do the activity.
Ss answer t questions and T corrects feedback.
Role Play
T gives feedback and urges ss to do
their best.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day2 HeroesUnitDate2b vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the writing taskWarm

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard shake erupt blow snow Richter scale
explosion wind rock collapse lava storm ice How did Andy’s son get
The textbook
Pupils will be able to stuck under the bookcase?
Ask Ss to read through questions 1-6 and
study: check understanding. Was Sameer badly injured
WORD BUILDING • Tell Ss that they do not need to because of the train
understand everything in the texts in order
Learning Strategy to do the activity. D : give Ss practice in
identifying specific
identifying word meaning from context.
information Have Ss read the Note and provide extra What was the result of
examples of word building if necessary. the climbers’ being caught
SIMILES Tfamiliarizes Ss with common similes in an avalanche?
• to give Ss practice in using similes in
Brainstorm context. Allow Ss some time to complete the What was Mike doing
NATURAL task and then check the answers with the
when he heard a cry?
DISASTERS Deductive whole class. introduce vocabulary related to
ADJECTIVES – ADVERBS natural disasters. Encourage students to
form sentences using the words in What was the major
the chart difficulty he faced while
trying to save the man?

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Unit HeroesUnitDate
3 Work & Leisure Section-----Class
2b listening & speaking&writingDay SUN.- ShareMON.
activate Ss’ background
TUE. knowledge
WED. Warm Up
Section 5b writing Date
Warm Up prepare Ss for the writing task Class - Share - - - - -

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard elderly faithful freezing innocent valuable crash
The textbook into go on hear from slow down
Pupils will be able to:
Tell a story Discuss the questions in class. Read out and
explain the TIP. What happened as Adam
• Ask Ss to go through the choices a-c and
Transfer from visual to verbal was walking back from
check understanding.
information work?
Learning Strategy • Play the CD and have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answer with the class. Ask Ss to What was the problem?
read through the statements 1-6 and make
sure they have no unknown words. What did Adam do to
Sequence past actions and Discussion
• Play the CD and have Ss do the activity. prevent the accident? Did
events • Check the answers with the class. Speaking
it work?
:Divide Ss into pairs and explain to them that
WRITE AN INFORMAL LET TER Brainstorm What did Adam decide to
each pair should try to imagine what happened
INCLUDING A NARRATIVE in the pictures with the question marks. Tell do?
them that there are no right orwrong
Role Play
speculation .Writing raise Ss’ awareness of the
stylistic features of an informal letter
informal letter including a narrative:

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3a readingSection-----Class - Share introduce the topic of the reading activityWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard What types of books does
athletic be into be willing board (n)
Saad like reading?
The textbook bookworm court entertaining football pitch
Pupils will be able to
Newspaper gloves goggles hang out join member net • How did being a member
CD READ Ask Ss to read through the text of a rock climbing club
Audio quickly to try to find what the four influence James?
Talking about the
passages have in comTUE. Point out that
present and the past they should not pay attention to any • Apart from rock climbing,
Learning Strategy
unknown words they might have. does James do other sports
• Check the answer with the class. as well?
Linking present and D: give Ss practice in identifying specific
past time Discussion
information. Tell Ss that they do not • What does Faisal do apart
from playing computer
need to understand everything in
Brainstorm the texts in order to do the activity.
Talking about free Have Ss do the activity.
Deductive • How does Bob describe
time, hobbies and method
• Check the answers with the class and himself?
sports ask Ss to provide justification .
Role Play
• Does he have any other
hobbies apart from tennis?

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareUse the Present Perfect Simple for an action
which happened in the pastWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Target Vocabulary
Pupils will be able to climate cool off energy flooding fossil PRACTICE
The textbook
study: fuels global warming heat melt oil petrol T gives Ss practice in
give Ss the opportunity to expand on using the Present
LEXICAL SET the topic of the reading text. Ask Ss Perfect Simple, the
the question. Encourage Ss to use the
Learning Strategy
newly taught vocabulary. Elicit Present Perfect
answers and initiate a brief Progressive and the
SIMPLE - PRESENT discussion. T familiarizes Ss with
Discussion Past Simple in context
vocabulary related to specific sports
• Have Ss read the words in the • Have Ss do the
Brainstorm vocabulary box and the table. Ask
them to complete the table by activity.
method inferring the meaning of unknown • Check the answers
words. Have Ss do the activity and
explain new vocabulary. with the class
C• Have Ss do the activity and read
out and explain the Note
Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3a listening & readingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard amazed delicious delighted exhausted
- Pupils will be
The textbook fascinating furious huge peckish terrified evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: Ask Ss a few extra
Talk about necessity, Presentations
comprehension questions,
such as:
Audio T activates Ss’ background knowledge
obligation and lack of • to prepare Ss for the listening/reading
obligation • What kind of exhibition
task• Ask Ss the questions and discuss.
Learning Strategy is there at the History
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening/reading
Give advice for gist • Have Ss listen to the dialogue and
answer the question. • Play the CD. Check
• What will the girls do
Express preference Discussion the answer with the class. C. T give Ss before they go shopping?
practice in listening/reading for specific .
information • Point out to Ss that first they
Express emotions Brainstorm should read the sentence and then find • Where will the girls go
which person is being referred to. Tell Ss shopping?
that they do not need to understand
Role Play everything in the text in order to do the

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Own pa
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Sharegive Ss practice in identifying word
meaning from contextWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

.Target Vocabulary:
Blackboard coastline conservation project crystal clear - Pupils will be
The textbook endangered environmental awareness evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: Ask Ss to read through the words 1-7 and the
definitions a-g.
VOCABULARY CD T asks ss to answer the
• Explain to them that they should locate the
STRONG ADJECTIVES Audio highlighted words in the text and guess their
meaning from the context .T give Ss the exercises under his
opportunity to expand on the topic of the
RATHER Learning Strategy
reading text.T explains gradable and non-
gradable adjectives .B : Tell Ss to read through
supervision and he gives
MUST - HAVE TO - NEED the vocabulary box and check understanding.
Discussion • Have Ss do the activity• Check the answers immediate feedback
with the class.
Grammar : We’d better go shopping last...
(should) I’d rather buy new clothes than look at
old ones. (would prefer) We’d better and I’d
reading for rather are followed by the base form (infinitive
gist without ‘to’). give Ss practice in using the newly
taught ammatical structures in context
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3a listening & speakingSection-----Class - Share what is the meaning of " access?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard art class climbing wall Internet access
The textbook keep fit table football table tennis Talk about the
Pupils will be able to
Presentations advantage and
Discussing advantages and CD Listen : give Ss practice in listening for disadvantage of the
Audio specific information and choosing the picture following:
disadvantages which best answers the question. Ask Ss to
read questions 1-5 and look through the options
Learning Strategy Climbing wall
given for each question. Make sure they
Expressing opinion and p understand what each picture shows.
Art class
• Read out and explain the TIP.
• Play the CD and have Ss do the activity.
Discussion Table tennis
WRITING AN INFORMAL • Check the answers with the class.
Brainstorm Table football
LET TER Divide Ss into pairs.• Explain that Ss have to
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
GIVING NEWS reference Role Play six different activities/facilities and then
reach a decision. • Go round the class helping
method Ss when necessary

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3b readingSection-----Class - Share Ss describe the picturesWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
anxiety appearance appropriate behaviour
The textbook body language calm CV (curriculum vitae) evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Express possibility Presentations duty eye-contact facial expression
CD Students are asked to

Make deductions
Audio T introduces the topic of the reading
activity talk about pictures
Learning Strategy
• T generates discussion based on Ss’
under T1 s supervision.
Express possibility personal experience Have Ss read
through the words in the box and check
Discussion T corrects mistakes
(may - might - could) understanding.
and gives immediate
• Ask the questions and discuss.
Make deductions (must give Ss practice in identifying the main feedback.
- can’t idea of the text Have Ss do the activity.
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day3 Work & LeisureUnitDate3b vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the writing
taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard C: Have Ss do the activity.

The textbook • Check the answers with the class.
Pupils will be able to T gives Ss practice in
Presentations D :give Ss the opportunity to expand on the
topic of the reading activity by drawing on
CD using the previously
their own experience
EXPRESSIONS WITH • Ask Ss the question.
taught grammar through a
introduce the meaning of expressions with
Learning Strategy make and do in context.2 Have Ss do .
WORDS EASILY transformation exercise
• Check the answers with the class.
CONFUSED 3 : raise Ss’ awareness of relationships
• Have Ss do the
between words • Have Ss do the activity.
NOUNS DERIVING FROM B : give Ss practice in word building in a
meaningful context • Tell Ss to read through
Brainstorm sentences 1-8 and check understanding•
• Check the answers with
Have Ss do the activity.
EXPRESSING POSSIBILIT Y Deductive C : help Ss revise the formation and uses of
method the class
(MAY - MIGHT - COULD) the previously taught modal verbs
Role Play • Have Ss do the activity

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Unit Work
3 Work& LeisureUnitDate
& Leisure 3b listening & speaking Section-----Class
Day &writingSUN. MON. - Share activate Ss’
TUE. background
knowledgeWarm Up
Section 5b writing Date
Warm Up prepare Ss for the writing task Class - Share - - - - -

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard ability adequate ambitious applicant
The textbook available be familiar with cashier certificate
Pupils will be able to:
Talk about job interviews Play the CD and have Ss compare their ideas
in activity A with the questions asked in the Teachers asks Ss to write
job interview. give Ss practice in listening
Discuss advantages and
for specific information and answering
disadvantages down three questions they
Learning Strategy multiple choice questions. Play the CD and
have Ss do the activity.
Compare qualifications • Check the answers with the class.
Speaking: Divide Ss into pairs. think a person might be
• Tell them to read the advertisement and
Express opinion the profiles of the three candidates and
asked at a job interview
check understanding. Writing: Ask Ss to
WRITE AN ARTICLE read through the words and try to locate
the formal expressions which correspond to
the informal meanings provided.• Have Ss do
Role Play
the activity

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate4a reading vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share introduce the topic of the reading
activityWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard canyon chain of islands coast coastal desert
What exactly is changing in
The textbook ecosystem environment flood (n) jungle
Pupils will be able to our attitude towards the
Newspaper oasis ocean paradise plant (n) polar ice cap
Audio READ Have Ss read the texts quickly and Why are scientists worried
match them with the pictures 1-4. Ask about the Amazon basin?
Talking about the Ss to underline where they found the answer
Learning Strategy
future in the text• Have Ss do the activity. • Why are the Bahamas
Making predictions Check the answers with the class and ask Ss considered to be a tropical
to provide justification. GRAMMAR D : Ask paradise?
LEXICAL SET Discussion Ss to read through the words 1-6 and
(GEOGRAPHICAL their meanings. Have Ss do the activity. What does volunteering for
FEATURES) familiarise Ss with geographical features. Habitat for Humanity
Brainstorm involve?
C• Have Ss do the activity.
Deductive • Read out and explain the Note. PRACTICE
• Encourage Ss to provide their own T gives Ss practice in
Role Play examples using Future Tenses in

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate4a listening & readingSection-----Class - Shareprepare Ss for the listening / reading task.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Target Vocabulary Ask Ss a few extra

Pupils will be able to climate cool off energy flooding fossil comprehension
The textbook
study: fuels global warming heat melt oil petrol questions, such as:
listen : give Ss practice in listening in
Refer to conditions and Audio
order to identify main ideas • Have Ss
their results read the question in the rubric.
Learning Strategy • Who hates cold
• Play the CD and have Ss do the weather?
Talk about imaginary activity. Check Ss’ answers with the
class. D: Have Ss read the highlighted • Where does Ben say
expressions and ask them to guess their Josh will swim if sea
Express opinion
meanings. • Elicit answers and then tell levels rise?
Brainstorm Ss to match them with the situations 1- .
5. • Check the answers with the class. E.
Reading for
specific Discuss (Post-reading) T gives Ss the
information opportunity to expand on the topic of the
reading activity by drawing on their own

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor:
. The Leader:
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate4a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard traditional architecture artefact fountain - Pupils will be
The textbook guided tour Houses of Parliament landmark evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: 1-
WORDS EASILY Presentations
Vocabulary:T gives Ss practice in using Does the sentence refer
CONFUSED to the past or the future?
Audio topic-related vocabulary in context and
Does he think that this is
distinguishing between words easily likely to happen?
Learning Strategy confused 2.
• Have Ss do the activity. According to Josh, is Ben
• Check Ss’ answers in class. negative? Does he see the
( T YPES 1 & 2 ) advantages of global
Discussion Ask Ss to read through the sentences
and answer the Questions
PRACTICE Does the sentence refer
T gives Ss practice in using Conditional to the present or the
Sentences types 1 and 2 in context past?

Role Play
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Own pa
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate4a listening & speaking& writingSection-----Class - Shareintroduce the topic of the listening
activityWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Vocabulary:
Blackboard coastline conservation project crystal clear - Pupils will be
The textbook endangered environmental awareness evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: listen –
Talk about advantages and Explain to Ss that they will hear people What are the
talking in four different situations.• Play
disadvantages Audio advantages of
the CD and have Ss do the activity• Check
the answers with the class.
Express preference and Learning Strategy
justifying Speaking:
Divide Ss into pairs• Explain that Ss should
Do you think that you
look at the two advertisements and discuss do enough to protect
Express opinion, agreement
Discussion the relative pros and cons of each holiday the environment?
and disagreement
and then say which they would prefer. Ask Why?/Why not?
Make suggestions them to make an effort to use them in the
Brainstorm activity. Go round the class helping Ss when
WRITE AN E-MAIL BASED What can individuals do
ON PROMPTS reading for to protect the
gist Writing:Tell Ss that they should write an
e-mail to their friend
Role Play
including the prompts, the notes from
activity C and the
outline from activity D.
Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate4b reading &vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share what is the meaning of " creature"
?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard Answer the questions:
ant breed butterfly cobra creature
Pupils will be able to The textbook crocodile deer eagle exotic fly goose
What are the main reasons
Talk about animal wildlife Ask Ss to read the question and the choices a- for which certain species
c and check understanding. Point out to Ss that are endangered?
Talk about size and quantity first they should read the statements and then
find the corresponding part of the text. Ask What did the local
LEXICAL SET (ANIMALS) Learning Strategy
Ss to read through statements 1-8 and check authorities do to protect
understanding. Vocabulary: Explain to them the Komodo dragon from
MEASUREMENT that they should find these words in the text extinction?

Discussion and guess their meaning from the context. Go

NOUNS - ARTICLES - What does the Monteverde
through the tables with the Ss and provide
basic examples. e.g. metres vs feet. GRAMMAR toad look like?
We use a(n) before a singular countable noun
when we refer to it in a general sense or when Where did it use to live?
Role Play it is mentioned for the first time• We use the When was the Monteverde
before a noun which is something unique,is used in a toad seen for the last time
Deductive and why?
specific sense or has been mentioned before

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate 4b listening & speakingSection-----Class - Share Ss describe the picturesWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
acid rain drought exhaust fumes landfill
The textbook site rainfall rubbish solar-powered waste evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Listen for gist Presentations Listen : give Ss practice in listening for
CD gist• Play the CD and have Ss do the Students are asked to
Audio activity• Check the answers with the class.
Talk about the
T gives Ss practice in listening for specific talk about pictures A1 ,
Learning Strategy Information • Play the CD again and have Ss
do the activity• Check the answers with the A2 , B 1, and B2 under
class-Speaking: Divide Ss into pairs.• Read
Compare situations out and explain the TIP.• Ask Ss to look at
Discussion T1s supervision. T
the photos A1and A2 and speculate about
the place and the situation(A1: the olluted
Brainstorm corrects mistakes and
Express opinion and atmosphere in a city centre-smog and A2: a
justifying listening for landfill site). Have Ss read the two
specific gives immediate
information questions given. Have Ss go through the
words and expressions in the boxes
Role Play
. . e feedback.
• Go round the class helping students if
Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day4 Planet EarthUnitDate4b writingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the writing taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard A: help Ss identify the appropriate style and

content of an article by analysing the rubric. Students should underline
The textbook
Pupils will be able to: the following:
Presentations Have Ss do the activity.
C : Explain to Ss that each phrase Write an article!
Audio corresponds to a paragraph in the article. We are looking for
• Have Ss read the article again and do the articles for the next issue
activity. of Earth Matters.
Learning Strategy
• Check the answers with the class. Write about a
Have Ss read the article again, answer the
predicament that your
questions and underline the relevant
country or another
Discussion examples in the text.
• Check Ss’ answers in class. part of the world is
E : help Ss brainstorm relevant ideas and suffering from. Think
Brainstorm vocabulary using word webs. give Ss practice about the effects of
in writing an article referring to a topic this situation on human,
from a personal point of view• Tell Ss to animal and plant life and
Role Play refer to the article, the outline and the TIP
describe them.
before writing their article.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5a readingSection-----Class - Share introduce the topic of the reading activityWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard apologise beg deny promise order remind-
The textbook account approximately archaeologist belong
Pupils will be able to
Newspaper carve decrease discovery disease enormous
CD explorer extinct harbour initially islander
Audio READ
Talk about past time Ask Ss to read through the text quickly to
Learning Strategy
choose the most appropriate title. Point out
that they should not pay attention to any
unknown words that they may have. • Have
Ss do the activity.
• Check the answer with the class.
C: Ask Ss to read through the questions 1-4
Brainstorm and the options. Ask Ss to underline where
they found the answer in thetext• Have Ss
Deductive do the activity• Check the answers with the
class and ask Ss to provide justification
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareAsk Ss to read through the words/phrases 1-6
and their
choices.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Pupils will be able to D: Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1- PRACTICE
The textbook
study: 8 and match the give Ss practice in using
underlined words with the highlighted words
CD the past perfect Simple
in the text.
and the past Progressive
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check Ss’ answers in class. in context
PAST PERFECT Learning Strategy
. familiarise Ss with reporting verbs and How long had the
SIMPLE - their Meanings.
inhabitants been living on
B: Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1-
Discussion the remote island?.
6 and the meanings a-f and match the verbs
PAST PERFECT to the meanings.,give Ss practice in using
PROGRESSIVE Brainstorm the Past Perfect Simple and the Past
Which tense is used?
Perfect Progressive in context • Have Ss do
method the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5a listening & readingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard bring up call up go up grow up
- Pupils will be
The textbook hold up (bank) make up pick sb up put up evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to
CD Have Ss read the question in the rubric. Some questions to
Audio • Play the CD and have Ss answer the
question. make sure ss have
Report statements
Learning Strategy • Check the answer with the class.
Point out to Ss that first they should mastered the listening
read the questions and then find the
Discussion part of the text where they are material.
answered. Ask Ss to read through
Talk about strange events
questions 1-7 and check
Understanding .Have Ss do the
activity. Check the answers with the
Role Play
class and ask Ss to provide

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Own pa
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareWhat`s the meaning of "turn up hold up"
?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard D - Give the actual

The textbook give Ss practice in identifying word meaning words of the
Pupils will be able to
Presentations from context. Check the answers with the speakers:
class. 1. Brad told Tom that he
study: - introduce phrasal verbs with up. was thinking of taking a
-Ask Ss to read sentences 1-8 and guess foreign language course.
PHRASAL VERBS the meaning of the phrasal verbs in context. 2. Adam told me that he
Learning Strategy -help Ss revise the use of Reported Speech didn’t know what time Jack
(Statements). would arrive.
-help Ss revise introductory verbs and the
changes in tenses when using Reported 3. Philip told me that he
Speech (statements). was going to buy a holiday
PRACTICE home in Spain.
REPORTED SPEECH Brainstorm Aim: to give Ss practice in using Reported
(STATEMENTS) Speech in context 4. Paul said that it might
Deductive • Have Ss do the activity. rain at the weekend.
• Check the answers with the class
Role Play
5. Peter told me that he
had bought a new car for
the race.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5a listening & speakingSection-----Class - Share prepare Ss for the listening taskWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard traditional architecture artefact fountain
The textbook guided tour Houses of Parliament landmark T gives Ss practice in
Pupils will be able to
Presentations destination queue ruins tomb tour guide listening for details
CD Listen : • Have Ss read
Have Ss read statements 1-7 and check statements 1- 6 and
Talk about landmarks understanding.
check understanding.
• Have Ss guess the answers to the
Discuss pros and cons Learning Strategy questions
• Explain to them that
Express preference .Speaking: Divide Ss into pairs.• • Go they should decide if
round the class helping Ss when necessary. the statements
give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and are true or false.
expand on the topic of the speaking activity. • Play the CD again
Writing: give Ss practice in writing a
Brainstorm and have Ss do the
OF A PLACE/BUILDING description of a landmark/building Tell Ss to
refer to the article and the outline when
Role Play writing their description • Check the answers
with the class.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5b readingSection-----Class - Share Ask Ss the questions and discussWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
break into burglar burglary charge with
The textbook commit confess crime criminal evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations fingerprints identification kidnap
CD Answer :
Audio Discuss (Pre-reading) How was the burglar
Talk about crimes and
Ask Ss to read the question and the choices caught during his last
Learning Strategy given• Have Ss read through the text burglary?
quickly and do the activity.Ask Ss to provide
Report questions,
justification for their answer. and then find • What kind of food
commands and requests
Discussion the corresponding part of the text• Ask Ss was he eating when he
to read through statements 1-10 and check was arrested?
Brainstorm understanding. Tell Ss that they do not need
reading for
to understand everything in the texts in • Why did the burglar
order to do the activity• Ask Ss to break into houses??

Role Play underline where they found the answer in

the passage.
• Have Ss do the activity.
Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day5 That’s incredible!UnitDate5b vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share What is a criminal?Warm

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard steal theft thief rob robbery robber murder Give the real
The textbook murder murderer break in/into burglary questions:
Pupils will be able to
Explain to them that they should find these
Presentations Andy wanted to know if
words in the text and guess their meaning from
the context. Elicit answers and explain to Ss Tony was going
Audio that even if they do not to the beach on
know the meaning of a word, the context can Thursday.
CRIME help them infer it.
Learning Strategy 2. Peter asked the waiter
EXPRESSIONS WITH THE • Have Ss do the activity.
. raise Ss’ awareness of verbs and nouns (both to bring if he could bring)
abstract and as an agent) related to crime. him some ketchup.
Discussion -give Ss practice in using crime-related words in
‘BE’ + PREPOSITIONS context. give Ss practice in identifying the
3. Becky wondered if the
meaning of expressions with the word time•
Have Ss do the activity. weather would be nice
• Check the answers with the class. introduce that weekend.
Deductive the meaning and use of expressions with ‘be’ + 4. My father wanted to
method prepositions
know why I was taking
Role Play part in that competition.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

Unit That’s3incredible!UnitDate Day&writingSection-----Class
Work & Leisure 5b listening & speaking SUN. MON. - ShareSs describe the
TUE. picturesWarm
Section 5b writing Date
Warm Up prepare Ss for the writing task Class - Share - - - - -

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard after all alarm system ambulance citizen
dream (n) elegant flood lights hardly Who was responsible for
The textbook
Pupils will be able to: immediately incident mysterious shape (n) the mess in Andy’s house?
Talk about strange events . Listening: Ask Ss to read through the
questions 1- 4 and the options given. Make Where exactly were you
sure they have no unknown words.
and what were you doing
• Play the CD and have Ss do the activity.
Ask about events at the time of the
Learning Strategy • Check Ss’ answers in class.
• Check the answers with the class. incident?
Speaking give Ss practice in asking and
Provide information providing How would you describe
information about past events• to give Ss the sight?
practice in recounting events . Ask them to
WRITING A STORY make an effort to use them in the activity.
Brainstorm What did you think when
• Go round the class helping students if
you first saw the lights?
listening for necessary
gist Writing : give Ss practice in writing an e-
Role Play
mail based on prompts

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day6 On the moveUnitDate6a readingSection-----Class - ShareAsk Ss the two questions and discuss.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard accommodation area arrive attraction
- Pupils will be
The textbook barge (n) board (v) border canal exploration evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Talk about travel Newspaper Have Ss read the sentences A-F and
CD check understanding. • Have Ss do the How much time do you
activity. • Check Ss’ answers in class and need to complete the
have them justify their answers .EX D tour and how much does
Learning Strategy give Ss practice in identifying word it cost?
Emphasis actions
rather than agents meaning from context. Explain to Ss
that they should locate the highlighted What can the cyclists
Discussion words in the text and guess their do in Brussels?
meaning from the context. Tell them to
match the words 1-6 with their Where is Castle de
definitions. • Have Ss do the activity. • Check Haar?
the answers with the class. Explain any
unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day6 On the moveUnitDate6b vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareDraw Ss’ attention to the title of the lesson.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Target Vocabulary
Blackboard tour. journey trips fare ticket area. location.
- Pupils will be
Pupils will be able to evaluated through:
The textbook site arrive. get reach
study :
Make passive:
Audio give Ss practice in using topic-related 1-We `ll clean the
WORDS EASILY vocabulary in context and distinguishing room.
CONFUSED Learning Strategy between words easily confused • Have Ss 2- Ali wrote the
do the activity. Check the answers with letter.
the class. Grammar : present Ss with a
concise but comprehensive table of verb 3-Soha has made the
PASSIVE VOICE I changes from the Active into the Passive tea.
Voice to help Ss locate examples of the
Brainstorm Passive Voice in Context Have Ss read 4- The doctor
through the table and the Note and ask examined me.
them to do the activity. Refer Ss to the
Grammar Reference (p. 130).

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day6 On the moveUnitDate6a listening & readingSection-----Class - Shareintroduce the topic of the lesson.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard - Pupils will be
air conditioning beauty salon business
The textbook evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: centre conference room credit card
Presentations double room
CD • Why are there no
Audio rooms at the
Carry out hotel Ask Ss the first question and elicit
Belvedere Hotel for
answers• Go through the vocabulary
transactions Learning Strategy the Week end of the
box, check understanding, ask the
30th and 31st?
second question and initiate a brief
discussion. B. Give Ss practice in
Express reason, How would Jim rather
Discussion identifying the main idea of the texts
pay for his room?
concession and purpose and the time sequence of the texts
Brainstorm Have Ss do the activity. Ask Ss to
• What does the
read through the questions 1-5 and receptionist ask Jim to do
Talk about hotel check understanding. when he gives him
Role Play • Ask Ss to underline where they his receipt?
found the answer in the text.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor:
. The Leader:
Own pa
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day 6 On the moveUnitDate6a vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - ShareAsk Ss to read through the meanings 1-6Warm

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Vocabulary:
Blackboard around down into out pass- - Pupils will be
The textbook through towards up Go straight on/ahead evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to
Divide Ss into pairs and explain to them Make sentences using
study: that SA is a guest whereas SB is the
Audio the following:
COMPOUND NOUNS receptionist.• Point out that they should be
using the vocabulary and expressions from
Learning Strategy the dialogue on page 88. Have Ss do the 1.Although
CLAUSES OF PURPOSE activity. Read out and explain the Note• 2. because
Have Ss answer the question. give Ss 3. Even though
practice in forming compound nouns and using 4. due to
them in context. give Ss practice in using
CLAUSES OF REASON 5. in order to
clauses of reason, concession and purpose in
6. In order to
Brainstorm context • Have Ss do the activity.• Check
the answers with the class. present clauses 7. as
of purpose. Have Ss underline the phrases.
Role Play
Ss underline so that and in order to. 9. Even though

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day6 On the moveUnitDate6a listening & speakingSection-----Class - Sharewould you rather have a window seat or an aisle seat?
Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard - Pupils will be
aisle seat boarding card check-in desk
The textbook flight number frequent flyer card evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations frequent flyer program gate luggage
What do you think a
CD LISTENING ; Have Ss go through the
Talk about air travel frequent flyer
Audio vocabulary boxes, ask the questions and
programme is?
discuss them. Explain to Ss that they are
Discuss means of
Learning Strategy going to hear 6 people talking in six
transport different situations. Play the CD and have What kind of person
Ss do the activity. Check the answers with would have a frequent
Discuss advantages and the class SPEAKING: Divide Ss into groups flyer card?
disadvantages of four. Ask them to look at the pictures and
identify the different means of transport. What information does
Express preference Brainstorm Explain to Ss that they should take turns to a boarding pass
ask and answer the questions. Go round the include?
WRITING A PARAGRAPH class helping Ss if necessary. writing : ss write
EXPRESSING AN OPINION Role Play a paragraph expressing their opinion

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day6 On the moveUnitDate6bSection-----Class - Share What size are you?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
at last at least at once at the age of
The textbook at the latest at the moment in a good/bad evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations mood in a hurry in a mess in
Discuss science fiction CD What kind of
Emphasis actions rather Audio Read: Have Ss read the text quickly and do technological gadgets
the activity. • Explain to them that they did the Star Trek crew
than agents
Learning Strategy should not worry about unknown words at use in order to
this stage. Check the answers with the communicate?
NOUNS DESCRIBING class and ask Ss to provide justification
OCCUPATIONS give Ss practice in identifying word meaning What is warp speed?
from context. -present nouns describing
occupations. -give Ss practice in forming
PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES How is the technology
WITH Brainstorm nouns describing occupations. -give Ss
used by the TV news
‘AT ’ AND ‘ IN practice in using nouns describing
Occupations • Have Ss do the activity. station similar to
Role Play -present adjective suffixes. -present Ss beaming on Star Trek?.
ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES with certain uses of the Passive Voice

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.Day6 On the moveUnitDate6bSection-----Class - Share Give the meaning of "restriction sit back"?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard B.• Ask Ss to look at
firstly from my point of view in the first
The textbook place moreover such as to begin with what is the photos and
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations more without a doubt. speculate about the
Discuss holiday destinations
CD place and the situation
and types of holidays Audio Listening: Ask Ss to look through the (A: package tour B:
question and the options given. Make independent travelling.)
Transfer from spoken to visual Learning Strategy sure they understand what each picture Then, have Ss go
information shows. Play the CD and have Ss do the through the words and
Express preference activity• Check the answers with the expressions in the
Discussion class. SPEAKING: Tell Ss to take turns boxes and explain any
Express opinion in order to compare the photographs new vocabulary.
and talk about the benefits and the • Tell Ss to take turns
EXPRESSING AN OPINION drawbacks of going to each place and to in order to compare the
express their preference. WRITING: photographs and talk
Role Play
activate Ss’ background knowledge • to about the differences
prepare Ss for the writing task and express their

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.DayUp-to-dateUnitDate7areading and grammarSection-----Class - Sharetell me what the module is about.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Vocabulary:
Blackboard entirely gradually increasingly unlikely
- Fill in with a
The textbook interactive log on media site virtual no longer preposition
Pupils will be able to
Newspaper partner rather relevant replace resource
CD similar ………….
Audio READ Tell Ss to read through the titles Curious…………..
a-c and the text quickly in order to harmful …………..
Talk about language choose which title is most appropriate for
Learning Strategy serious……………
learning the text.Ask Ss the question and relevant ……………
discuss. give Ss practice in reading for nervous……………
adjectives + details GRAMMAR Have Ss do the
Discussion famous ……………
prepositions activity. Check the answers with the
class. Present the basic uses of the full
suitable ……………
infinitives and –ing Brainstorm infinitive , present the differences in
meaning of remember and forget when full……………
followed by the full infinitive and the responsible……………
Role Play -ing forms. Have Ss do the activity. jealous……………
Check the answers with the class.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.DayUp-to-dateUnitDate7a listening & readingSection-----Class - ShareDraw Ss’ attention to the title of the lesson.Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

- Target Vocabulary Correct verbs:

Pupils will be able to abaya anorak blouse bracelet cardigan
1.Andy will have a suit
The textbook chain earrings fitness programme hairstyle high
study: "make"(by a tailor).
Presentations heels in shape jewellery jumper
CD listen : Ask Ss to go through the questions. 2. Mrs Adams is
Talk about appearance Audio • Play the CD and have Ss do the activity.. having her hair" dye".
Read: Play the CD and have Ss follow in their 3. Linda had all the
books and check their predictions Ask Ss to food" prepare"(by a
Express interest and Learning Strategy
read through the questions 1-8 and check
surprise catering company).
understanding. Have Ss do the activity and
check the answers in class
4. Didn’t you have your
lexical set Discussion .Vocabulary :Read out and explain the Note car "service"
(appearance) and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference (p. yesterday?
131).arise Ss with vocabulary related to 5. Mr Wilson had all the
Brainstorm appearance. present Ss with the rules of letters "type" and
causative form formation and use of the causative form. Read
out and explain the Note and refer Ss to the
Grammar Reference (p. 131).
6. I am going to have
the house "clean"

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:
THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.DayUp-to-dateUnitDate7a listening & speakingSection-----Class - ShareAsk Ss the two questions and discussWarm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard canteen chicken nugget hunger junk food - Pupils will be
The textbook nutritious overweight evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to: Talk about the
Play the CD and have the Ss do the activity.C. Advantages/Disadvantages
Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1-5 and of the pictures
Talk about aspects of check understanding.
• Play the CD again and have Ss do the activity.
modern life Learning Strategy Check the answers with the class. What is the meaning of :
Divide Ss into pairs. Ask Ss to look at the A .concerned
Express feelings and b. obesity
Discussion photos and speculate about the place and the
situation(A: fast food, B: a boy playing c. provide
opinion computer/ online games C: a shopping mall D: a d. nutritious
laptop). e. recommend
write a letter ( to the f. take action on this issue
editor) expressing an Give Ss practice in writing a letter to
Role Play the editor expressing an opinion

Homework: Do exercises on page .

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

pa Up-to-dateUnitDate7b readingSection-----Class - Sharewhat places are worth visiting in their country..?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Vocabulary:
Blackboard hold a meeting hold hands hold one’s - Pupils will be
The textbook breath hold the line keep a secret keep evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Presentations an eye on
Talk about high-tech CD How do the customers
Audio READ – use the chip card in the
restaurants Tell Ss to read the question and the Italian restaurant?
Express regret, Learning Strategy options and then read through the
text quickly in order to answer the What was the thing the
certainty and question .Have Ss do the activity. C. writer didn’t like in the
possibility with Discussion
Have Ss read the sentences A-G and Italian restaurant?
check understanding. Have Ss do the
reference to past activity. Check the answers with the How did the writer
events Brainstorm class and have Ss provide select his meal in the
justification. Check the answers with second high-tech
the class restaurant?
Role Play

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.DayUp-to-dateUnitDate7b vocabulary & grammarSection-----Class - Share what days do you consider to be special for you ?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard T introduces the meaning of collocations/ - What is the meaning

The textbook expressions with keep and hold in context. of :
Pupils will be able to
Presentations Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text keep an eye on
CD if necessary. Ask Ss to read through
study :
Audio sentences 1-8 and check understanding. make my way to
-introduce the meaning of collocations with
collocations/ expressions
Learning Strategy
lose and miss in context. Have Ss read the miss the plane
with ‘keep’ and ‘hold sentence and ask them to guess the
meaning of the expression based on
Use must have +pp
expressions with the word context. B. Ask Ss to read through
Discussion sentences 1-10 and check understanding.
I can`t find my pen. I
‘way’ Have Ss do the activity. give Ss practice in
(lose) it in the class.
identifying the meaning of expressions with
collocations with ‘lose’ and the word way in context. give Ss practice in
using modal verbs + have + past participle in He was absent .He (be)
‘mimodal verbs + have + context. Have Ss do the activity. Check the ill
Role Play
answers with the class.
past participless’

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.DayUp-to-dateUnitDate 7 b listening & speakingSection-----Class - Share What can you see in the pictures?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Target Language
Blackboard - Pupils will be
amusement announcement collage
The textbook contribute entertainment event in black evaluated through:
Pupils will be able to:
Compare and make a Presentations and white
CD Ask Ss to look at the
Audio Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1- photos and make sure
6 and check understanding. Play the CD they can
Learning Strategy and have Ss do the activity. Check the identify each object.
Respond to an answers with the class. Divide Ss into
pairs. • Then, have Ss go
announcement and ask • Ask Ss to look at the photos and make
Discussion through the words and
sure they can identify each object. Have
for information Ss go through the words and
phrases in the boxes
Brainstorm expressions/ phrases in the boxes and
and explain any new
explain any new vocabulary, discuss how
useful each item is and which ones they vocabulary
Role Play would choose to take along on a trip. •
Read out and explain the TIP.

Homework: Do exercises on page

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

THUS.WED.TUE.MON.SUN.DayUp-to-dateUnitDate7b writingSection-----Class - Share What is a semi -formal letter ?Warm Up

OBJECTIVES Teaching Aids Presentation EVALUATION

Blackboard Have Ss do the activity.

Ask Ss to read the announcement as
• Check Ss’ outlines and
Pupils will be able to:
The textbook well as Faisal’s notes and answer the comment on them if
Presentations question in the rubric. necessary.
CD -help Ss relate the notes to the Suggested outline
Write a semi -formal let
required response. Greeting: Dear...
Opening paragraph: state
ter/ e-mail based on -D. Have Ss read the letter again and
your interest in art
Learning Strategy
answer the questions. Check answers
prompts Main Part
in class .E Have Ss read the questions Para 1: ask about the
1-6 and check understanding. cost
Discussion • Have Ss do the activity. Para 2: ask about the
• Check the answers with the class. duration of the course
practice in transforming and on which
Brainstorm G. Check Ss’ outlines and comment on
direct into indirect days it will be held
them if necessary. give Ss practice in
Closing paragraph: Looking
questions writing a semi-formal letter forward to your reply
Role Play based on prompts • Read out and Signing off: Best wishes?
explain the TIP.
• Tell Ss that they should write a
letter to the teacher in
Homework: Do exercises on page activity F including all the notes.

Teacher: Supervisor: The Leader:

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