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Drug Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reaction Interaction Nursing Consideration

>Fine skeletal >Monitor

*Salbutamol >Syntheti c >To prevent and relieve >Eclampsia and
muscle tremor therapeutic
sympathomimeti c bronchospasm in severe pre-
(Albuterol, Proventil, amine and patients with reversible especially hands, effectiveness
eclampsia; intra-
Repetabs) moderately obstructive airway which is
uterine infection,
selecti ve beta2- disease >tachycardia, indicated by
adrenergic agonist palpitations, intra-uterine significant
with comparati vely
foetal death, subjective
long acti on. Acts
>muscle cramps, improvement in
more prominently antepartum
on pulmonary
beta2 receptors >headache, haemorrhage, function within
(parti cularly placenta praevia 60±90 min after
smooth muscles of >paradoxical drug
bronchi, uterus, and cord
bronchospasm, administration.
and vascular supply compression,
to skeletal threatened
muscles) than on >angioedema, miscarriage,
beta1 (heart) urticaria, > Monitor for: S&S
hypotension cardiac disease. of fine tremor in
receptors. Minimal
or no eff ect on and collapse. fingers, which
alpha-adrenergic may interfere
receptors. Inhibits with precision
histamine release
Potentially handwork; CNS
by mast cells.
Fatal: stimulation,
Potentially particularly in
serious children 2±6 y,
hypokalaemia (hyperactivity,
after large excitement,
tachycardia, GI
symptoms. Report
promptly to

>Lab tests:
Periodic ABGs,
functions, and
pulse oximetry.

>Consult physician
about giving last
albuterol dose
several hours
before bedtime,
if drug-induced
insomnia is a
Drug Name Action Indication Adverse Effects Contraindication Nursing responsibility
Aspirin >Analgesic and  Mild to moderate  Acute aspirin  Contraindicated  WARNING: Do not
antirheumatic effects pain toxicity: with allergy to use in children and
Apo-ASA (CAN),
are attributable to Respiratory salicylates or teenagers to treat
Aspergum, Bayer,
aspirin's ability to  Fever
alkalosis, NSAIDs (more chickenpox or flu
Easprin, Ecotrin,
inhibit the synthesis of hyperpnea, common with nasal symptoms without
Empirin, Entrophen  Inflammatory
prostaglandins, tachypnea, polyps, asthma, review for Reye’s
(CAN), Genprin, conditions—
important mediators of hemorrhage, chronic urticaria); syndrome, a rare
Halfprin 81, 1/2 rheumatic fever,
inflammation. excitement, allergy to tartrazine but fatal disorder.
Halfprin, Heartline, rheumatoid
Antipyretic effects are confusion, asterixis, (cross-sensitivity to
Norwich, Novasen
not fully understood,  Give drug with food
pulmonary edema, aspirin is common);
(CAN), PMS-ASA (CAN), osteoarthritis
or after meals if GI
but aspirin probably seizures, tetany, hemophilia,
ZORprin upset occurs.
acts in the  Reduction of risk of metabolic acidosis, bleeding ulcers,
thermoregulatory recurrent TIAs or fever, coma, CV hemorrhagic states,
Classification:  Give drug with full
center of the stroke in males collapse, renal and blood coagulation
glass of water to
 Antipyretic hypothalamus to block with history of TIA respiratory failure defects,
reduce risk of
effects of endogenous due to fibrin (dose related, 20– hypoprothrombine
tablet or capsule
 Analgesic pyrogen by inhibiting 25 g in adults, 4 g in mia, vitamin K
platelet emboli
lodging in the
(nonopioid) synthesis of the children) deficiency
prostaglandin  Reduction of risk of (increased risk of
 Anti-inflammatory  Aspirin
intermediary. Inhibition death or nonfatal bleeding)  Do not crush, and
MI in patients with intolerance:
 Antirheumatic of platelet aggregation ensure that patient
history of infarction Exacerbation of  Use cautiously with
is attributable to the
 Antiplatelet or unstable angina bronchospasm, impaired renal does not chew SR
inhibition of platelet
pectoris rhinitis (with nasal function; preparations.
synthesis of
 Salicylate polyps, asthma, chickenpox,
thromboxane A2, a
 MI prophylaxis  Do not use aspirin
rhinitis) influenza (risk of
potent vasoconstrictor
that has a strong
Reye's syndrome in
and inducer of platelet  Unlabeled use:
 GI: Nausea, vinegar-like odor.
children and
aggregation. This effect Prophylaxis against
occurs at low doses and cataract formation  WARNING:
children with fever
lasts for the life of the with long-term use Institute
accompanied by
platelet (8 days). Higher emergency
doses inhibit the procedures if
surgery scheduled
synthesis of overdose occurs:
within 1 wk;
prostacyclin, a potent Gastric lavage,
vasodilator and  Hematologic: induction of
(maternal anemia,
inhibitor of platelet Occult blood loss, emesis, activated
antepartal and
aggregation. hemostatic defects charcoal,
supportive therapy.
 Hypersensitivity: hemorrhage,

Anaphylactoid prolonged  Take extra

reactions to gestation, and precautions to keep
anaphylactic shock prolonged labor this drug out of the
have been reach of children;
 Salicylism:
Dizziness, tinnitus, reported; readily this drug can be
difficulty hearing, crosses the very dangerous for
nausea, vomiting, placenta; possibly children.
diarrhea, mental teratogenic;
 Use the drug only
confusion, lassitude maternal ingestion
as suggested; avoid
(dose related) of aspirin during
overdose. Avoid
late pregnancy has
the use of other
been associated
with the following
drugs while taking
adverse fetal
this drug. Many of
effects: low birth
these drugs contain
weight, increased
aspirin, and serious
overdose can
stillbirths, neonatal
death); lactation.
 Take the drug with
food or after meals
if GI upset occurs.

 Do not cut, crush,

or chew sustained-
release products.

 Over-the-counter
aspirins are
equivalent. Price
does not reflect

 You may
experience these
side effects:
Nausea, GI upset,
heartburn (take
drug with food);
easy bruising, gum
bleeding (related to
aspirin's effects on
blood clotting).

 Report ringing in
the ears; dizziness,
abdominal pain;
rapid or difficult
breathing; nausea,
vomiting, bloody

Drug Name Action Indication Adverse Effects Contraindication Nursing responsibility

Generic name:  Third-  Uncomplicated CNS: fever, headache,  Contraindicated in  Monitor PT
generation gonococcal dizziness patints and INR in
Ceftriaxone sodium cephalosporin vulvovaginitis CV: phlebitis, hypersensitive to patients with
that inhibits GI: diarrhea, drug or other impaired vit. K
Brand name: cell-wall  UTI; lower pseudomembranous cephalosporins synthesis or
synthesis, respiratory tract, colitis  Probenecid low vit. K
Rocephine promoting gynecologic, bone GU: genital pruritus, stores. Vit. K
osmotic or joint, intra- candidiasis may be
instability; abdominal, skin, or Hema: needed
usually skin structure thrombocytosis,  Obtain
bactericidal. infection; eosinophilia, specimen for
septicemia leukopenia culture and
Skin: pain, induration, sensitivity
 Meningitis tenderness at injection tests before
site, rash, pruritus first dose.
 Perioperative Other: hypersensitivity Therapy may
prevention reactions, serum begin pending
sickness, anaphylaxis, test results.
 Acute bacterial chills  With large
otitis media doses or
Neurologic complications, therapy
carditis, and arthritis from monitor
penicillin G-refractory superinfection
Lyme disease , especially in
high risk

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