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Review Exercise Ch-7

Identify as True/ False, and choose correct option for the MCQ:

1) There is nothing that can be done to interview confidently if you really don't feel that way. F
2) The interview is not the place to challenge societal norms. T
3) It is best to go into an interview without practice, so you don't get too nervous. F
4) A control statement is a statement that you make during an interview that changes the direction of the
interview. T
5) "To what political organizations or groups do you belong?" is an example of an illegal question. T
6) When asked what your salary requirements are, it is best to give a range rather than a specific number. T
7) It is never a good idea to ask for the job. You will appear to be desperate. F
8) "Why do you want to work for us?" is not an illegal question. T
9) So that you don't upset the interviewer, you should always answer illegal questions. F
10) When asked a question during the interview, you should keep to the point and try to keep your answers to no
longer than one to two minutes. T
11) It is presumptuous of you to tell the interviewer that you are the best person for the job. F
12) Some people feel that any face-to-face meeting with someone who could hire you should be considered an
interview. T
13) If you have never visited a company before, they will probably understand if you are late for the interview. F
14) The phone interview is the most efficient type of interview because you can be doing other things and also be
walking around while you're answering questions on the phone. F
15) The solution to prevent nervousness when interviewing is practice. T
16) The stress interview is an interview during which the applicant is asked a variety of questions. It is a very
standard interview style. F
17) The group interview is one in which candidates are interviewed together and receive the same questions. F
(structured interview)
18) When the interview seems to be taking a difficult turn for you, and you feel that you are being grilled,
interrupted, and given the silent treatment, you are probably undergoing a traditional interview. F (stress
19) During a technical interview, questions are asked in order for you to demonstrate that you have specific
knowledge or skills. Questions will be specific to a particular program area. T
20) The nondirective or work sample interview is used in fields where the candidate needs to demonstrate his or
her skills, sometimes through the display of a portfolio. T

21) All of the following are topics to investigate before an interview except
A) their mission.
B) how the company attempts to portray itself.
C) their personality as represented through social media.
D) their cafeteria facilities.

22) Why might employers be hesitant to hire people with children?

A) children are not worthwhile
B) children drain a person of creativity
C) they assume it will require you to need more time off
D) the employer assumes you must not be serious about your career

23) If you are interviewing by using technology, what should you verify beforehand?
A) that there is at least some signal for your phone
B) that the area has few disruptions
C) that you have downloaded the necessary software in advance and have tested it
D) that you are in comfortable clothes

24) What essentials might you need at an on-site interview?

A) gum
B) your phone
C) any size handbag
D) a copy of your resume in a padded portfolio along with a pen

25) Which is not true about an interview?

A) It begins before the face-to-face discussion.
B) You can be casual in front of other staff members because their opinions will not be solicited later by the
C) The boss will sum you up in the first 15–30 seconds of meeting you.
D) It is important to meet the interviewer with a solid handshake and make clear eye contact.

26) All of the following are helpful statements to make in an interview except
A) how you have improved processes.
B) how you have solved sticky problems.
C) back up your attributes with specific examples.
D) those that are exaggerated or untrue.

27) Which is an acceptable question to ask during the interview?

A) How much vacation time is allotted?
B) What is the salary for this position?
C) What are the highest priorities for this position that need immediate attention?
D) How often can a new hire expect a raise?

28) Which is an example of an unacceptable question to ask during the interview?

A) Why is the position open?
B) Do you run background or drug checks? How often?
C) How would I be evaluated in this position?
D) What other departments might I have to connect with in this role?

29) All of the following are suggested follow-up strategies except

A) once the interview is over, put it out of your mind.
B) send a thank you e-mail that day.
C) send a written thank you by standard mail to anyone you interviewed with onsite.
D) inquire about the status of the job at the one-week mark.

30) Which style is becoming the industry standard in interviewing?

A) traditional
B) behavioral
C) sample work
D) stress

31) Which should you avoid during a phone interview?

A) keeping your answers to two minutes or less
B) standing up
C) dressing professionally and being prepared with supporting documents
D) taking incoming calls on call waiting

32) Which is not an aspect of a stress interview?

A) You might be grilled.
B) You may be treated somewhat like an enemy.
C) You will be complemented and made to feel comfortable.
D) You may be manipulated through use of the silent treatment.

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